to end 2024 on a positive note, here is a list of some of my blessings:
My family, who love me despite my flaws.
My friends, who are always quick to give me support when I need it, and cheer my successes when they happen
My home - it's not perfect, but with about 3,000 people on the streets, I am grateful for it.
Big Closet: Having a place to share my stories and my blog has been a lifesaver for me.
You silly people who read this, especially those who take the time to leave a comment or a reaction.
Huggles for everyone!
Now you have an inkling ...
... of how it is that I collect so many Huggles.
Just in one day, so many come in that I have to dump them into the Æther before they run out of my eyes ...
Just one example: My local Aldi's USA rents shopping carts/trolleys for a quarter. They claim less car damage from misplaced/runaway carts - and they don't have to pay someone to 'run' carts back into the store.
So, I'm ready to rent and the Lady next to me can't dig out a quarter. "Here, have one on me." So, I'm happy to help, and we both get on with shopping. As I return my cart - so was she, recognized me, and returned my quarter!
So she and I collect at least two Huggles each. And number 5 as I share this story.
For me, this is =all day long=. It's a matter of watching for them. Even at home: I turn this lever to get clean drinking water, and I turn that lever to make the water go away when I'm done with it ...
I'm in the Developed(?) World, but look here:
Off-topic ... buu-uut ... (Re: Aldi's)
A lot of stores have a discount shelf of dented, out dated, or item isn't moving.
Sometimes I get a deal (two bags of brown sugar pretending to be rocks - I can deal), mostly nothing I want.
But it's amusing (?) to see a discounted price at 'the other' store that is =higher= than full price at Aldi's!
I win!
I like your list, Dot!
If I made such a list, you would definitely be on it. Thanks for being you, Dot. ;-)
— Emma