
Webs Chapter 6


Audience Rating: 



The sudden drop in the cave’s path was finally cleared of rock. All parts of the floor that had fallen down into the room underneath were now stored in a pile above it. It had taken ten minutes to do in all, which, considering the tech they were using, was actually pretty quick. Still, Geisinger’s group was incredibly frustrated that the better tech hadn’t been released yet, even after all this time.

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This story is 75 words long.

Webs Chapter 5


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With all the members assigned to the mission together, it was finally time for the obligatory list of safety protocols. The whole S.I.D. had long since memorized them all, but regardless Geisinger insisted on going through them every time. Some found it annoying, but others saw it as necessary.

“Okay.” Geisinger announced in a loud voice. “We will go through the proper safety protocols and then head in there and hopefully get this done as soon as possible. I hate this cave and I’m sure most of you do as well.”

There were many nods at his statement.

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This story is 101 words long.

Webs Chapter 4


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One hand in front of the other. Each movement upwards is like a step, one at a time.

Ben made sure to keep his breathing stable and consistent. A mandatory technique for exercises such as this, and one that he had long since mastered.

The rope was thick, and long, sixty feet in fact. This specific exercise was straight out of “American Ninja Warrior”, one had to climb the rope to the top, attached to a belay. The rope may have been fifteen feet short, but the extra length was made up for by a short ladder at the end.

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This story is 100 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 48


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Finals are over so I finally have time to continue my stories. Feels great to be back.

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This story is 17 words long.

Webs Chapter 3


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Okay, important announcement here. Due to finals coming up for me this will be the last chapter of any of my stories that I post until at least after Christmas. I'm sorry, studying and finishing up some homework takes a lot of time and I need to cut this from my schedule. Hope you understand.

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This story is 55 words long.

Parallel Lives Chapter 6



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The moon was high in the sky as Natalie took slow, tedious steps toward the cabinet in her apartment’s unused guest bedroom. The bedroom she now knew as the one Astian slept in before the… event.

There was only one way to end all her pain for good.

She took a shaky hand and grabbed one of the door handles, opening it to reveal a pistol on the top shelf.

It needed to stop.

She grabbed the pistol and examined it in her hands.

By any means necessary, it needed to stop.

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This story is 93 words long.

Parallel Lives Chapter 5


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Another slow, boring day at work. The corporate drone in the meeting Natalie just left had been going on for hours about a bunch of stuff she didn’t remotely care for. What was the meeting even about anyway? It had just ended and already she couldn’t recall.

At least her lunch break had arrived so she could openly drown in her sorrows in the worker’s lounge. She hadn’t actually brought a lunch, eating would require a level of effort and commitment that she, at the moment, wasn’t able to uphold. She hadn’t eaten breakfast either, she simply couldn’t eat at all.

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This story is 108 words long.

Webs Chapter 2


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The Woods of Sin were usually a quiet place when the sun rose. Most people were too afraid to travel through them at all, and the few thrill seekers that did always left before morning. After all, what was the point in exploring such a cursed place, filled to the brim with the supernatural, during the daytime?

Today was different.

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This story is 60 words long.




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TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The soul of a thousand year old spider has just been unleashed onto the world, looking for a suitable human to bond with.

tw // Death, Violence, Attempted Suicide, Body Horror, Gore, Torture, Disturbing Scenes

This is probably not going to be an easy story to read. I can guarantee that. It was largely inspired by “The Fly”, particular the 1986 version of the film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Jeff Goldblum. There will be deaths, and some disturbing scenes, which could pop up in any chapter. Keep this warning in mind while reading.

Also my new goal is at least one chapter per week for all of these stories. This year I want to become more serious about writing.

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This story is 119 words long.

Parallel Lives Chapter 4


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Nathan collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion after unpacking the last of his belongings.

“I fucking hate moving.” He said aloud.

Astian laughed from outside the doorway. “Well at least you’re all set here. Unless I’m so bad you want to move out.”

“Man, I’ve got no god damned money right now. You know I can’t do that.” Nathan replied, a bit annoyed.

“Right, right, I’m sorry.” Astian said. “I know you’ve had a pretty rough time these past few weeks.”

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This story is 87 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 47


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Elise awoke to the obnoxious beeping of an alarm on her phone. She quietly groaned as she reached over to her nightstand to turn it off.

Slightly begrudgingly, she sat up in her bed and checked the time, 6:03 AM. At least she hadn’t overslept. That would’ve been awful. She had a big day today, going to Hershey Park. She couldn’t be late.

Sierra had a big day today.

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This story is 71 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 46


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Note: This announcement was originally written for TG Storytime, as this story was originally written for TG Storytime. What is said in it may not apply to this site.

Well, we're coming up at the 1 year anniversary of this story. My god, I never expected it to be this long, and we still have a long way to go until the end! Anyway, 100K words! Wow! That's insane. I never thought I'd write anything longer than 100K words in my life but here we are. I want to thank you all so much for sticking around and reading this story. Every new review, each time I see this story get another favorite, it means a lot to me, and motivates me to continue writing. Anyway, here's Chapter 46 and oh, I achieved my main goal! 100K words before the story's 1 year anniversary. Another reason to celebrate!

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This story is 145 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 45


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Okay, so before getting into this chapter I want to leave these notes here. First and foremost, I have received criticism regarding the politics in this story, and honestly I completely agree with most of the criticism. Including politics in this story was a horrible mistake. If I had the time and energy to rewrite this story, I would take this specific subplot with Elise's grandparents out, as well as most of the political stuff. I fully understand any criticism I get for this chapter and this story's use of politics. "Shame and Desire" is not a perfect story, and I am very much aware of that. I don't think anyone here reads these stories for lectures on capitalism, imperialism, and fascism.

If I will say anything to defend myself, it's that when I started writing this story, I wasn't exactly very serious about it and often times included certain elements for the sake of it. Quite a big chunk of this story was just used as a vessel to spout left wing political views. This is my first really big story, it has just hit 98K words and we still have quite a ways to go until the end. I am bound to make some mistakes. And now I have to live with them. This doesn't mean you're not allowed to criticize me or this chapter, but I thought it was just worth pointing out.

If you don't like the politics in this story, then you can be glad that there will be no major political subplots or commentary in this story from now on. I want to take writing this story more seriously and start only including elements that will add to the plot. They might still be thrown around here and there, as I've come to like Sierra's characterization as someone who cares a lot about left wing politics. And I also like the dynamic between Sierra and Elise in regards to this, with Elise being more of a liberal socdem and Sierra being far left (I'm not sure if she'd be more of a communist or an anarchist). But it won't be big, and it definitely will not take up a major part of the story.

If there's anything positive I can say here, it's that if you do like political debates, you'll probably enjoy this chapter. But other than that, go into this chapter and come out with whatever opinion you want.

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This story is 407 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 44


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Elise rang the doorbell to her house and saw that Devin’s face was red and his body was shaking.

“Don’t die of a heat stroke out here.” She said to him.

“Sorry. I’m just nervous.”

“Yeah, I can see.” Elise said. “I think we should let your body breathe a bit when we go inside. We’ll head to my room and take that sweatshirt off.”

“Do you think they’ll let us close the door?”

“If they don’t I’ll make sure to cover you.”

“Thanks.” Devin replied.

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This story is 93 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 43


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When Devin first went to his electrolysis session, he was told that his facial hair would take about a week to start growing back. He had already known that it would take far more than one session to remove all his facial hair, but he was still pretty stoked to have a whole week clear of it.

Looking at his face in the mirror, it was apparent that that week was over.

It was subtle, but he could see and feel some fuzz on his chin. He tried to shave all that he could off, but his attempts still left a light shadow marking the bottom half of his face.

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This story is 110 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 42


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1 Year, 8 Months Earlier

Elise could not believe what she was hearing.

“What!?” She exclaimed. “Are you serious?”

“Could you try to keep it down?” Corey said, slightly annoyed. “I don’t want to attract any attention.”

Elise looked around the cafeteria and saw that quite a few people had turned their heads to see what the commotion was.

“Okay.” Elise said. “But only because I don’t want to attract any attention either. I don’t give a damn what you think.”

“Yeah.” Corey said quickly, not believing her.

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This story is 89 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 41


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The first chapter of Minikisa’s “Of Heroes And Villains” starts with a heist. The plant based supervillain, Dionaea, goes to a vault on a train to steal the goods, before being stopped by the teleporting martial artist, Shade. A fight ensues, a classic clashing of good and evil, completely normal, until Dionaea tears off a part of Shade’s uniform, revealing the vigilante’s dark secret to the world.

The superhero, Shade, wore panties.

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This story is 75 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 40


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At the end of Sierra’s neighborhood lay a large, long field. It was flat, full of crops and extended for as far as the eye could see. It almost looked like a farmer’s field, and maybe it was. Sierra couldn’t exactly tell.

Sierra had seen the field many times throughout her life and had oddly fond memories of it. She had never actually been in the field, but it seemed the simple sight of it was enough to remind her of familiarity, comfort, and home.

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This story is 88 words long.

Parallel Lives Chapter 2


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“No.” Natalie stated firmly.

“No?” The woman asked. “Why not?”

Natalie forced out a laugh. “Why not?” She repeated mockingly. “Because no program will ever help me get over the fact that my entire life was a lie that didn’t happen.”

“I know this can all be very hard to accept.” The woman said back. “But what you said is hardly the full picture-”

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This story is 65 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 39


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At just over a thousand words, there wasn’t really all that much to the epilogue. In fact, if they wanted to, the reader could just stop at Chapter 13 and they wouldn’t miss much. Like most epilogues, it served mainly to round out the story rather than continue it.

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This story is 50 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 38


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Author’s Note:

Okay, so I have a few things to say here. First off, I am deeply sorry for the very long hiatus. It’s been kind of a tough time for me and writing just isn’t coming as easily anymore. If you’re wondering, no, I have no plans to cancel this story. It will still go on. My goal is, by the end of October, I want to have at least 100,000 words written. That just feels right, 100K words in 1 year. Anyway, what I wanted to state is that I want to get more serious with my writing, and will hopefully come up with a schedule to do so. Will try to go back to 10K words per month, maybe more. Hope you all understand.

Oh, by the way, “Parallel Lives” is on hiatus. I probably won’t be posting any of that story until it is completely finished.

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This story is 153 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 37


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The twelfth chapter of “For a Girl” started off with a bang. Really. O2bxx wasn’t fucking around here.

Immediately in the first paragraph, Stephanie gets grabbed, punched, and then forced into a room where her hands get tied to a pipe. It all happens just as quickly for Stephanie in universe as it does for the reader out of universe.

And then, of course, in the midst of her torment, Stephanie raises her head to see her captor, Andy Marks.

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This story is 82 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 36


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Home, sweet home.

After spending hours in a loud and crowded shopping mall, it was nice to finally be somewhere more private and quiet. With the thrill of her few accomplishments mostly gone, Sierra was able to relish in the calmness.

Once Sierra came in through the front door, she collapsed onto her living room couch almost immediately, just like she did every day after work. Elise, not wanting to pester her in any way, simply let her lay there as she left for the bathroom.

And lay there Sierra did, until, eventually, she had to get up to put her clothes away.

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This story is 103 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 35


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It was a long process of trying on bra after bra, finding the ones that fit and the ones that didn’t. To her surprise, Sierra wasn’t really bothered by being topless in front of the fitter anymore. She didn’t even close her eyes. The fitter had proven that she was a trustworthy person, and that she was only trying to help. There was no reason to be embarrassed or afraid around her.

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This story is 75 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 34


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After using the women’s bathroom, entering the women’s clothing section felt like a leisure walk. Of course, it wasn’t like this was the first time that Sierra had been in the women’s section, but it was the fact that she hardly felt any stress at all that surprised her. It really seemed like she was just walking in the mall, shopping for female clothing, and spending time with her girlfriend. It didn’t feel like anything was at stake.

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This story is 83 words long.

Parallel Lives


Audience Rating: 


Character Age: 


What would you do if you learned that your entire life, all your memories and experiences, may have been false?

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This story is 20 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 33


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“How much money do you have?”

“Well… enough for some food and a few other things.” Elise answered. “That’s about it.”

“Okay.” Sierra got out her wallet. “I think I have about the same amount you do. Together we could probably buy three or four small clothing items, depending upon whether my guesses on prices are correct.”

Sierra put her wallet back in her pocket. Elise giggled at her action.


“When the time comes, you’re gonna miss that little convenience.”

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This story is 83 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 32


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“Wait, you wanna go… now?”

“Yep.” Elise smiled. “Thought it would be better to go to the mall first since it’s kind of a long drive.”

“I don’t know.” Sierra replied. “Forty minutes isn’t too long a drive.”

“Well, whatever. The point is, we’re going to the mall now so… are you ready?”

“I, uh… hang on, I need to go to the bathroom.”

Sierra ran over to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Truthfully, she didn’t really need to go. She just needed a few minutes to… collect herself.

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This story is 96 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 31


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It was a pretty lucky night for Devin. He didn’t have any nightmares that night. There was no dream to taunt or tease him about wanting to be a girl. Nothing to bother him. He couldn’t possibly be happier.

Devin sat down on his living room couch as he contemplated what he was going to do that day. Today was going to be a pretty big day, by the looks of it. A mall trip and they were probably going to finish “For a Girl”. It had been a week of reading it, but it felt good to finally get it done.

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This story is 104 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 30


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8 Months Earlier

This was it. Today was the day.

Devin could hardly contain his excitement as he ran to the mailbox to collect his well awaited prize.

It was right there waiting for him.

The hormones. Spironolactone and estradiol to be exact. He had been waiting for this day for a long time and it had finally come.

He stowed the pill bottles safely in his sweatshirt before walking inside. He hadn’t yet told his parents or anyone else about these hormones, and he planned to keep it that way.


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This story is 91 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 29


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“Did you see that new bridge at the end of town?” Julie asked. “It looks really high class. Doesn’t fit this town very well.”

Ronald looked up from his laptop at the sound of his wife’s voice. “Yeah, it’s, uh, it’s weird.”

The married couple’s conversation was interrupted by Elise coming in through the front door.

“You stayed a bit late.” Ronald said to his daughter. “That makes me kind of upset.”

“Oh shut up Ronald, our daughter is very responsible.” Julie said. “Just ignore him, sweetie.”

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This story is 92 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 28


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Rule of thumb, never believe a couple when they say “only one kiss”, even if those exact words are not actually spoken. Any situation which calls for a single kiss will most likely result in more.

Case in point, just seconds after Elise kissed Sierra on the lips to make her feel better, the young couple was full on making out on the grassy ground.

It was not nearly as pleasant as the romance movies would lead you to believe.

Elise raised her head from Sierra’s lips. “This is kind of rough.”

Sierra frowned and made a whining noise.

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This story is 100 words long.

Suhara of Curses: Fanfiction Epilogue - Chapter 49


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


This took two months for me to finish. Imagine being me constantly saying she’s worried about copyright and then going out and doing this. If anyone objects to me posting this please say so in the reviews. Either way, this is my fanfiction Epilogue for “Suhara of Curses”. I hope you will find my interpretation of the ending to this story entertaining but it’s fine if you don’t. I have no idea what Ruexin’s original intentions would be.

UPDATE AUGUST 2024: I split the epilogue into 5 chapters, added 2 new scenes, and switched the placement of two scenes. I also want to mention that most of this epilogue was written when I was a new and inexperienced writer, and that I acknowledge it has a lot of problems, mainly relating to tone. It's too bright and happy compared to the dark ending of the story. But, as of now, with these two new scenes I am satisfied with how the story turned out. And no, nothing from the original version has been cut.

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This story is 175 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 26


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Under the tree, Sierra laid down on the grass, relishing the shade and the fresh summer air. Her breasts were blatantly visible through her T-shirt, one of her bra straps was exposed, and she was wearing a silver necklace with a heart shaped pendant at the bottom. But she couldn’t be bothered to care about any of that.

At that moment, she felt alive. More alive than she had been in a long time. No one, not even herself, could ruin it.

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This story is 83 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 25


Audience Rating: 



It took hours of deep concentration for Devin to finally finish the drawing. In the end, he was quite satisfied with what he came up with. He briefly considered showing the drawing to the TF discord he was in, but he decided against it. This was a picture he thought he should keep to himself.

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This story is 55 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 24



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It was with quick and uncaring steps that Devin walked into his Journalism class. He had taken the class mainly because most of the other electives were either full, or just looked plain uninteresting. Art? Devin didn’t particularly enjoy drawing and often found it tedious. Creative Writing? He steered clear of that one. He was sure his classmates wouldn’t want to read his gender bending fiction, which seemed to be the only thing he was even partially capable of writing. Culinary? He hated cooking under pressure.

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This story is 88 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 23


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It was another frustrating and tedious day at Sheetz. Devin never voiced any of his disdain for his job. If he did then he’d be complaining all day. He assumed all of his coworkers felt the same way. Working in retail was just miserable.

It was apparent that not every one of his coworkers followed his “no speech” line of thinking.

“Listen, my shift starts at 12, so I come in at 12.” Liam stated firmly.

“I wanted you in early.” Morgan said to him.

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This story is 84 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 22


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"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Devin once again found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror. He'd been doing that a lot recently. Perhaps it was because he was obsessing over every little bodily change the hormones brought him. Perhaps it was because he was inspecting himself to see if he really looked like a girl. Perhaps it was because he simply liked looking at himself. Devin silently laughed at that last thought, as if.

Or perhaps it was because it was an easy way to force himself to do some mental introspection.

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This story is 97 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 21


Audience Rating: 



“Anything new happen with Devin?”

Elise was sitting down on one of the couches in her living room when Amanda sent her that text. She internally groaned once she saw it. As expected, Amanda was going to pester her with more questions about Devin after their chat the previous day.

Annoyed, she simply replied back with “no”.

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This story is 57 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 20


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The inherent beauty in a nice summer day is really quite amazing. How the light breeze and the bright blue sky come together to create such a calming and alluring effect. It’s as if the entire world is at peace, and taking you with it.

That peace is exactly what Devin and Elise felt once they returned to the bench swing. The tension from Devin realizing he had forgotten his sweatshirt had all but disappeared. It’s funny really, so quickly it was like he was never even upset about it. As if it was completely wiped from history.

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This story is 100 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 19


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Devin and Elise felt the cool summer breeze blow through them as they both sat on a bench swing, reading “For a Girl” on Devin’s phone. The bench swing itself was covered by a few trees in a shady area, a blessing for them, as they were approaching the time of year when the sun could get exceptionally brutal.

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This story is 60 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 18


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It was only seconds after Elise withdrew her lips that Sierra nearly threw herself onto Elise. It was then Elise’s turn to give out a surprised look before joining in on another make out session.

Sierra wasn’t sure what was happening but she loved it. She wanted more. She didn’t know how much but she wanted more.

Every other time that she and Elise had made out in the past, there had always been some kind of underlying discomfort. She had definitely liked kissing her before, but there was always something that held her back from truly loving it.

That was gone now.

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This story is 106 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 17


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2 Year Earlier

After years of reading through TG stories on the internet, Devin decides to try writing one himself. He had already taken to drawing some TF comics, so this seemed like the next logical step.

What he quickly learns is that writing, just like drawing, is not nearly as simple as it seems.

It takes a lot of time, and editing, and constant rereadings of the same sections of text to make sure everything flows naturally.

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This story is 77 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 16


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Elise sat there for minutes on end, waiting for a response. She couldn't even imagine what Amanda was thinking right now. It had to be a lot to process the message just sent to her.

Though at the same time, Elise also thought she may have been making too big a deal out of this. Perhaps Amanda wouldn't see this as that big of a revelation. Only time would tell.

Of course, there was a lot of context and information that Amanda wasn't getting.

Elise heard her phone vibrate. She had finally gotten a response.


“Are you planning on leaving Devin?”

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This story is 102 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 15


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Devin groaned.

It wasn’t as if working at Sheetz was exceedingly difficult, but it could be tough, and it was definitely unpleasant. Devin quickly found out that working in retail was very stressful, especially when the customers were being massive dicks, which could happen a lot.

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This story is 47 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 14


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Devin collapsed onto his bed as soon as he got to his room. It was a long, uneventful day. He planned on falling asleep right then but he eventually decided to waste some time on his computer instead.

Once Devin turned on his computer, something caught his eye. He had been hit with a pop up ad. It was a very odd looking ad. It said that he had been sent some kind of link by an unknown source, and that it was a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to click on it.

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This story is 93 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 13


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“Well, look at that.” Ronald said, looking at his computer screen. “Your father is on facebook, talking about how Trump won the election.”

Julie sighed. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Are you really just gonna ignore this until it’s too late?”

“Why are you so pressed about this? They’re not your parents.”

“No.” Ronald answered. “But a friend of mine said his parents went insane after they bought into that QAnon stuff. And I don’t want that to happen to your parents.”

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This story is 86 words long.

Shame and Desire Chapter 12


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Smut. One of the best ways to start a chapter. And a staple of all good TG stories. Well, not quite all of them, but it did seem to be a common feature. It was a good way to get engagement, at least.

So it was actually a bit surprising that it took until the halfway point for “For a Girl” to have any full on erotic scenes.

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This story is 68 words long.


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