Bronwen Welsh

'About a Girl' on Australian Story

This is for Australian readers because sadly I don't think the programs are available in other countries. If anyone missed 'Australian Story' on ABC television on Monday evening 15th August, it was about a 16 year old and remarkably mature transgender girl called Georgie and her attempts to make life easier for other transgender teens in their battles with the law and prejudice. She has a twin brother, but from a very early age she was absolutely sure that she was a girl. Lately she has 'come out' at her very supportive Melbourne school.

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Lea T leads in the Brazilian team at the Olympics

I'm probably the last one catching up on this, but I read that Brazilian transgender super model, full name Leandra Medeiros Cerezo who goes by the name of Lea T was riding the decorated bike that led in the Brazillian team during the opening ceremony. There are plenty of pictures on-line.

Lea T.jpg

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Using real names andorganisations in stories

I'm seeking other writers' opinions on this topic. In my current story, and the previous one which both involve a fictional character Harriet who is making a name for herself on the British stage, I have added some characters who just might be based on real people but with names changed. Recently, Harriet obtained a role in one of the most famous companies in England who are based in Stratford, the home of Shakespeare. Maybe I am over-reacting, but after using their real name in a few chapters, I've decided to be cautious and changed it to the Imperial Shakespeare Company.

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Hatch, Match and Dispatch

For Australian readers who missed it, there is a new program 'Hatch, Match and Dispatch' on ABC1 television, on Thursdays at 8pm. It comprises stories from the New South Wales registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and in Episode 2 broadcast on Thursday 18th February, it features a ballet dancer called Julia who is transgender and comes to change her name. It is joyful but painfully sad since her parents won't recognise her any more. Thank goodness she has a dog, and as we know they give unconditional love. If you missed it you can catch it on iview.


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Cate McGregor named Queensland "Australian of the Year"

Something I never anticipated would happen in my lifetime. Each year on Australia Day, January 26th, an 'Australian of the Year' is chosen from the eight State and Territory nominees. This year, Group Captain Cate McGregor, the highest ranking trans military officer in the world has been named the Queensland State "Australian of the Year".



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