This is for Australian readers because sadly I don't think the programs are available in other countries. If anyone missed 'Australian Story' on ABC television on Monday evening 15th August, it was about a 16 year old and remarkably mature transgender girl called Georgie and her attempts to make life easier for other transgender teens in their battles with the law and prejudice. She has a twin brother, but from a very early age she was absolutely sure that she was a girl. Lately she has 'come out' at her very supportive Melbourne school.
Well worth watching, it approaches the problems of being transgender in a serious and non-sensational way. You can see it on iView now but I'm not sure for how long.
not available outside Australia
If one wants to read more or see a short clip of the documentary try this page
Sadly, those who know by age four or five something went horribly wrong and their body doesn't match their mind. There is no professional help. Parents who understand MUST work outside the system. To all those who do not believe anyone that young really understands. You aren't in their body. These kids are human just like everyone else. Some figure it out early, others late in life, and some never get a handle on it.
Don't judge others by your own experiences.
PS: there is a program to spoof from where you're located. I don't remember where to download it. Maybe Youtube will pick up the Australian documentary so we can all watch it?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Here it is if you wish to watch it
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Thanks Barbielee, that link can be watched in the UK - meaning that I can (potentially) also download the prog to watch at a later time.
Amazing young woman
I just watched it in California. Thank you for the link. She is an amazing young woman.
Things like this are generally available on Youtube.
The most authentic
She is the most authentic T person I have ever seen. It would not surprise me to find out that she has genetic issues that actually make her Intersex. For me, the voice is the most critical and most convincing. Not being an expert voice coach, though I am convinced that most of us can get sufficient voice training to come off as authentic.
Amazing Person and Story
Thank you, Bronwen and Barbie Lee.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
Amazing and Uplifting
Seeing a story like this helps keep my hope alive that mankind still has a chance to keep from destroying itself.
- Leona
The Story Wasn't JUST About The Girl
It also showed the associated problems endured by her family. Her parents have now split up (although both were supportive when they understood the situation) and her brother had severe depression because he felt "unwanted" while she got all the attention. It was the best programme about trans-genderism and its social and legal (in Australia) ramifications that I have seen.
There is a vocal anti-Australian Broadcasting Commission cheer squad in Australia (egged-on daily by the Murdoch Press) but no one else could or would produce a programme of this quality. As an aside, the programme aired immediately after this one was an in-depth look at the plight of Australia's dairy farmers which, in its own way, was equally moving.
Gwen, she didn't need voice-coaching as she was on blockers pre-puberty so her voice didn't break.
Same here
There is a vocal anti-British Broadcasting Company cheer squad in the UK (egged-on daily by the Murdoch Press)
There, just a few simple edits and you have a picture of the situation here.
on PBS?
Check your local PBS schedule; it is showing on some PBS stations. I don't know what the delay is.
Which PBS show is it airing
Which PBS show is it airing under the name of? I tried to find it but it isn't showing up in the search...
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime