Caught in the Act -1-
By Samantha p
Oh no, there I was looking at the mirror and who should be there, my sister Dawn looking back at me with the classic goldfish look.
First, let me explain, my name is Nicolas and I have been dressing in my moms and sisters clothes for the last seven years. I do not know why I do it I just do, I cannot seem to stop myself and the way I feel when I put the silky garments on. I’m only a smallish kid, being only 5’5 and weigh slightly over 100 lbs. Fine you might say but when you consider I was fifteen last month, believe me it is a problem. The amount of ribbing and name-calling I get at school is a nightmare.
So, there I was staring into the mirror, looking at the reflection of my sister over my shoulder, what came next totally threw me. I mean I always knew one of these days I would be caught but I was not expecting this.
“Want help Nic?”
“Want help?”
“Whaa whaa.”
“I said do you want help? I knew someone was going through my clothes, mom said it was not her, so it left you or dad and dad is a bit too big to fit in mine and moms clothes.”
“You knew?”
“Course we did.”
“Yep me and mom. As I said, we knew someone was. And we were waiting for the right time to either catch you at it or talk to you without you denying it.”
“I was just trying it this time, I just wanted to see what it was like, and I’ve never done it before.”
“Course you haven’t, we suspected something was going on. It always happened when we went shopping at the mall. Or we went out anywhere, plus the fact you have virtually no friends and spend all your spare time on that computer of yours.”
With that, the front door opens then shuts and mom shouts upstairs to ask who is home.
“Up here mom. It looks like we finally need to have that talk we were discussing before.”
“Oh no; I’m done for.”
“Hold on dear; I’ll be upstairs in a minute, let me put the groceries away. Oh and Nicolas, I want to see you the way you are right now, so DON’T change!”
Oh no here it is. My sister caught me dressed. Now mom is coming upstairs in a minute to see me also, I am dead meat if anyone at school finds out, I am an outcast as it is, never mind them finding out about this. God help me.
“Oh; don’t you look precious Nic, or should I say Nicola.”
“Its not what it looks like mom.”
“Of course not, Dawn do you want to get the other things we bought the other week.”
“Sure mom. Be back in a minute.”
“What other things mom?”
“Don’t worry Nicola. We knew we would catch you before long, so we bought a few things the other week for you, they’ll help you look more like a girl of your age.”
“What did you buy mom?”
“Here are the things we got mom. Where do you want me to put the breast forms?”
“Breast forms? Oh god no, your not thinking what I think your thinking do I.”
“Yes Nicola. Take the clothes off and lay down on the bed. If your going to do this, we’re going to make you do it right, Dawn where is the glue?”
“Glue? Oh shit.”
Right then. I do not know what happened; I think I fainted cos the next thing I know is I was coming around.
I was laid on the bed with no clothes on and a pair of very realistic breasts glued to my chest. I moved my hands up to them and tried to remove them, they was stuck on well and truly. With that, I must have passed out again.
When I woke up; there was mom and sis standing over me. Something was strange though, I could feel as if I was dressed. I could feel the clothes, but I wondered how they could have got me dressed while I was on the bed.
“Nicola, are you ok?”
“Huh, I think so. How is it I’m dressed?”
“While you were sort of unconscious, we decided to get you dressed. Why don’t you get up if you can and look into the mirror?”
“Give me a minute mom. I’m just trying to get my head around a few things first, why did you glue tits to my chest?”
“Because it makes you look more like a girl your age. If you’ll just look in the mirror you will see for yourself.”
Oh no, what am I going to look like after mom and sis has had a go at me? I can just imagine it. I get up to swing my legs over the end of the bed go to stand up and immediately realise I am wearing high heels.
“Need help honey?”
“No mom I’ll be ok. Where did the dress and heels come from? I don’t remember seeing this in Dawn’s closet before.”
“We got it for you the other week with the rest of the items you’re wearing. Come on take a look in the mirror.”
I walk over to the large full-length mirror in my sister’s bedroom, and immediately jump away and hide.
“Mom, how could you let one of Dawn’s friends into the house with me dressed like this?”
“Hun it’s only you me and Dawn here.”
“Nope; I definitely saw another girl Dawn’s age when I looked in the mirror.”
“Don’t be daft, here come with me.”
Well my mom and Dawn grab a hand each and walk me over steadily to the mirror. I am having a hard time, as I have never worn heels before just the clothes. Well they both manage to get me in front of the mirror and it is my turn at the goldfish impression.
Standing there in the reflection is mom Dawn and ME?
Same thing as earlier I wake up on the bed again. I do not know if my poor brain can handle this. First I am caught. Then Dawn says she and mom know. Then I faint. Then they dress me up while I am out of it. Then I see mom, Dawn and what could only have been me in the reflection, and what do I do. I faint again charming just charming.
Well at least one thing, I look like a fox the way they have dressed me up. I groggily come around again and Dawn is there with a glass of water. I slowly wake up and take a sip. I put the glass down and notice the lipstick around the edge.
“Are you ok Nicky?”
“Bit stunned actually sis. I look gorgeous. How did you both manage it?”
“We’ve been planning this for weeks. We purposely left some clothing out today before we went out, to entice you to dress up.”
“You tricked me?”
“Yes honey we did. Dawn and I knew something was going on. And we had to find out.”
“So sis, are you ready?”
“Ready? For what?”
“Our mall trip.”
“No way; I’m not leaving the house like this. You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Look in the mirror again Hun. Do you see a fifteen year old boy there?”
“No, but that’s not the point.”
“That’s exactly the point; we are going out as a mother and her two daughters. I have seen what's on your computer; you have been doing this for a while and I’m going to find out exactly how far this dressing of yours has gone.”
“You, you found the files?”
“Yes, we all did.”
“Yes, me, Dawn and your father.”
“Oh no, don’t tell me dad knows about this as well?”
“Yes. Of course he does, whose credit card do you think paid for the breast forms?”
“Oh no, I’m done for now.”
“No you are not. We all wanted to find out what was going on and this is the only way. Now we will give you a few minutes. then we are off to the mall for a shopping trip.”
With that, we all got ready and headed downstairs. It took a few minutes and just before we went out of the door, Dawn slips a purse in my hand.
“You’ll need that sis.”
“Oh god, can it get any worse?”
“Don’t see how, no one will recognise you.”
With that, we all pile out of the house and walk towards mom’s car. Then I heard a noise behind me. I practically jump out of my skin.
“Whoahh, who’s the babe Dawn?”
“Oh shit, oh shit, don’t panic.”
“It’s my cousin from Bessemer city, her names Nicola.”
“Didn’t know you had cousins so close, I thought they lived out west somewhere?”
“Yeah well they are in the middle of moving to Bessemer, and were looking after Nicola here for a few weeks; we’ve sent Nic there to help unload.”
“That weakling. He’ll never be able to lift anything at all; you’ve got more strength than he has.”
“Excuse me young man. What are you saying about my son?”
“Oh shit, sorry Mrs Edding, I didn’t realise It was you.”
“So. You think that just because I may or may not be here, it gives you the right to slander one of my children?”
“No it doesn’t, I’m sorry, I’ll tell Nic that when I see him next.”
“Make sure you do. Well that is if he comes back here to Charlotte, at least there he has his cousin John for company. seen as though he has not got any friends around here, apparently they make fun of him. Do you know anything about that?”
“Its just games Mrs Edding. Nothing more.”
“Yes; well your games may have driven my only son off, we will have to see.”
With that, we all get in the car. Mom starts it and starts to head to the mall. As we are on the way, I ask the question that was bugging me while I was outside.
“What was with this couple of weeks at a cousin’s house?”
“Well, we want to keep you like that to see if you prefer it that way. Or as plain old Nic. oh and by the way that glue stays on for two weeks at a time.”
“Oh god no, that means dad will see me when he gets home from work.”
“No he will not Nicola, he is going to meet us at the mall. I called him during one of your blackouts; he wants to meet his new daughter.”
“Mom, I’m not feeling well, can we go home?” I said grabbing my stomach and leaning over.
“If you’ve forgotten Nicola. You have tried that excuse before, and it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work now.”
“That’s not the way a young girl speaks Nicola. Try and copy how I speak, your voice is high enough to get by. For now at least.”
“But sis. I can’t do all this within the ten minute drive to the mall.”
“Then keep your mouth shut then. Unless you are asked a question. Right mom?”
“That’s right Nicola, do as your sister does and you’ll be fine. You at least look the part.”
The rest of the trip to the mall was spent in silence. How could I be so dumb to fall for their trap? They set it up and I fall straight into it. God how am I going to get out of this? And I am stuck with these for two weeks now.
As we enter the mall mom drags us to one of them teenage girl’s shops. Straight to the lingerie department. I try to blend in by not acting suspicious, and trying not to speak.
“Hello miss. Can I help you?”
“Oh sh…ure, have you got this in blue?” I say in my best girly voice
“Yes; it’s on this other rack over here, I must say you have great tastes there. Is it for you, or your sister?”
“It’s for my sister. She is over there with our mom.”
With that, Dawn comes over while the clerk is still stood near me.
“Great choice Nicola. You’ll look great in that, oh hi Cindy, I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yes I started a week ago. I help after school and on weekends. My mom seemed to think if I didn’t start working, then I’d end up getting in trouble with my friends.”
“Don’t mention anything to my mom. She’d ask you to find out if there are any more jobs.”
“Hold on, Nicola? Sister? You only have a broth…. Oh my god!”
“Shhhh. don’t say anything, I’ll tell you later. Wanna come to my house about nine?”
“Yeah no probs. I finish at eight so I can be there, and don’t worry Nic…Ola I wont say a thing.”
“Now then Nicky. Didn’t we agree no language like that?”
“Yeah, I guess we did.”
“Well I must say. He looks great dressed like that. If I didn’t hear hir, hmm, how do you want me to call him by?”
“Nicola will be fine. And use the feminine of course.”
“Well she does look great. You wouldn’t be able to tell unless he makes little mistakes; like SHE did earlier by saying you’re her sister.”
“I know she does look cute. Oh and by the way, I think Jamie next door fancies her. You should have heard him when we got out of the house.”
“You mean Jamie off the football team? The hunk every one of us wants to go out with?”
“Yep that’s the one. Seems he has taken a shine to my little sister here. I think we should arrange a date.”
“Hey no fair. We have been after him for ages, NICOLA here has been a girl all of what? And she has already caught his eye. This isn’t fair, but well talk later ok, by the way MISS are you going to buy that?”
“I think you should Nicola. It will suit you very well. Only the best for my youngest daughter.”
“Your mom knows about this Dawn?”
“Who do you think gave us a hand earlier?”
“This I’ve got to hear. I’ll definitely be over later, mind if I bring a few friends?”
“That would be great. But don’t tell them anything; wait till we are all together.”
“Ok then, I’ll ring the purchase through then well talk later.”
“MOM, I can’t have a bunch of girls over at the house while I’m dressed like this.”
“Nonsense Nicola, with all the girls at the house, you’ll learn quicker, plain and simple.”
“Oh shit what have I got into here?”
“Nicola language. No daughter of mine is going to speak like that.”
With that, I hear two 16-year-old girls shout one word simultaneously.
With that, we walk over to the pizza place with our purchases in teen girl’s bags. Who should I see sat awaiting us?
“OH crap its dad.”
“Hello girls. Hi Hun.”
“Hi John. I’m surprised you could get time off work.”
“Well I had a word with the boss and he said I could have an early lunch, seen as it was a family problem. You know how he prides himself on family matters with employees. Hi Dawn hi NICOLA”
“I take it you mean, how do I know your name?”
“Why shouldn’t I know the name of my youngest daughter, I may be oldish but I am not senile.”
“But but.”
“No buts Nicola, we need to find out what has gotton into you these last few years.”
“It was only this time; I’ve never done it before.”
“OH look, there goes a flying pig.”
“OH, I see what you mean, you were being facetious.”
“Yes I was, we all know someone has been trying on your sisters and mothers clothes for quite a while now. It was just a matter of time before we caught you at it.”
“No buts, we will talk about this properly when I get home tonight young lady, agreed?”
“Yes sir.”
“Right, first things first, one you look very nice, a younger version of your sister but very nice indeed, and two lets eat and Nicola?”
“Yes dad?”
“YOU are placing the order.”
“Ok then, what does everyone want?”
“Cheer up Nicola it may never happen.”
“It already has.”
With that comment, dad sprayed his drink all over the table with the classic goldfish look on his face.
“No dad sorry, not that kind of happen, I was referring to being caught.”
“OH thank god, for a minute there I thought.”
“Now john, how in the world would that happen, he hasn’t any friends.”
I crouched down in my seat at that comment, sure I didn’t have any friends, I was a loner at school but why did mom have to rub it in.
“Sorry Nicola but you don’t, maybe you will get some friends like this. I’m sure Dawn will help.”
“Oh no, I forgot about school, I can’t go to school with these things stuck to my chest.”
“Stuck? Helen, I thought we were going to talk first before a major decision like that was going to be made?”
“I'm sorry John Dawn and I got carried away.”
“Don’t bring me into this, I only brought them to my room for you mom.”
“I guess that is another thing to talk about when I get home from work then. Come on lets eat, I have got to be back at work in thirty minutes, and it’s a good job school is out for spring break.”
With that, they made their selections and I had to place the order, god was I scared. I noticed a few of the bigger kids from school in the pizza joint and I did NOT want to be recognised by them at all. The order came and we all tucked in just as we were finishing one of the older kids looked over to our table and shouted at Dawn.
“Hey Dawn, who’s the cutie?”
“That’s my cousin; she’s staying with us for two weeks while her family move to Bessemer, Nic has gone there to help them.”
“Wouldn’t mind getting a date? Is she shy as she is gradually sliding under the table?”
“Yes she is a bit shy, anyway Jamie from the football team is first in line, he has already seen her and seems very interested.”
“Damn, trust Jamie to get the lookers.”
The look on dads face after that little chat was great, talk about eyes popping out of his head. probably wondering how he goes to work in the morning, gets a phone call about his son dressing and can they meet at the mall. Then he finds out he is being setup for dates by his sister while dressed as Nicola. I tell you it was the best thing to happen all day.
“Well Hun and kids I’m off back to work before I have a heart attack. We WILL talk about this when I get home and Dawn?”
“Yes daddy?”
“No more setting your sister up for dates, is that clear?”
“As day daddy. Oh by the way, some of my girlfriends are coming over tonight about nine, mom said it was ok.”
The look mom got from dad was a classic also; I thought it was my day for being looked at in a very angry way. I tell you this day was getting better and better, well apart from being caught that is.
“Ok Hun, we’ll talk later, you better go back to work.”
“Ok then Helen, bye kids, see you all later.”
With that, he was gone, and then mom turned around to me and said one more word. You guessed it, shopping.
Well if they made me go out while dressed, which I never had the nerve to do before, I was going to make the most of it and get right into it. Maybe after some of my fears have gone I may enjoy it. Anyway, two boys have already nearly chatted me up. the school football captain and now the school bully. so maybe I don’t look that bad and they did not recognise me.
End of part 1
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Cought in the act
This is an excellent story and can't wait to see what is in-store for him next
Girls rule
Hi love want to tell you this is grand. Like this one a lot, keep them comeing love.
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Cought in the act
I know that i have read this story already but it is so good it Draws you right into the story even for a second time
Girls rule
cought in the act part 1
Looks like he/she is in for some girl time
Caught in the Act part 1
Great Story. Please keep it going. Can't wait to see what happens..