Caught in the Act -2-


part 2 of caught in the act. following the adventures of Nic as he goes shopping with his mom and Dawn. then saying something he shouldnt have


Caught In The Act Part 2

So, there we were, heading for the first shop mom had on her list. It would have to be Victoria’s secret, wouldn’t it? Another place I always wanted to visit but never had the nerve.

As we went inside, and the first place mom dragged me over to was the panties and bra section. Well I had to act as if I knew what I was doing there, didn’t I?

Just as I was starting to look at all the different styles that were there mom called over to me.

“Nicola, can you come over here a minute?”

“Yes mom.”

I’d already decided that I was going to throw myself into this, like she wanted. So I decided to do just that.

“What do you think of this waist clincher, Nicola?”

“It looks great mom, are you going to get me one?”

“I was going to get you two of them. What color would you prefer?”

“Hmmm, I thought the lilac one and also the black one.”

“Lilac? Why not a white one, it would go with more outfits?”

“It would but I have already seen a dress that it would go with”

Well the look on moms face when she heard that come out of my mouth. I would not trade anything for it.

“A… A… dress you have already seen, where was that?”

“A few shops down, I saw it in the window as we passed.”

“Can you quickly show me which one it was in. I’ll have to check on something.”

So I took mom a few shops down to see the dress I had seen.

“Well I never, it seems that you choose color matches quite well Nicola. We will come back after getting your underwear to match, ok?”

“Ok mom.”

“This may go deeper than we originally thought.” Thought mom. “First, we catch him and decide to see how far this thing of his goes. Then he chooses a waist clincher to go with a dress his sister and me did not even see. And with only a quick glance he remembers the color and immediately matches underwear to suit. Also he seems to be getting into this. We were hoping he would try and hide while shopping, then at least we would know it only went so far.”

“Mom, We are back at Victoria’s, are you with us?”

“Yes dear, just thinking about something.”

“That’s ok mom, are we getting full underwear to match or just the clincher, panties and bra?”

“No, I think stockings and garter to match also Nicola. Would that be ok with you?”

“Yes mom, lets get them, we have loads more shopping to do this afternoon.”

“Ok dear.”

“Oh my.” Thought Mom. “What have we gotton ourselves into? We were hoping this was just a fad of some sort but I am beginning to wonder. Even his sister is getting into the sisterly thing of shopping with him. This is going to cost John and me a fortune if this keeps up. I will have to ring John when the kids are not around and see what he has to say on this.”

“Is that everything then Nicola?”

“I think so mom. I guess a few more skirts and tops would not go amiss though.”

“Are you sure honey? I mean what if this is just a fad or something. You will be stuck with these clothes in your wardrobe.”

“Oh. I can assure you mom it isn’t a fad.”

Oh shit. Why did I have to say that now? I’m sure she picked that up. Damn damn damn. I’m gonna get grief over this now.

“What did you say, Nicola?”

“Errrrrr. Nothing mom.”

“No, I am sure I heard you say something then. What was it?”

“Errrrrr. It’s not a fad.”

“That’s what I thought you said. How can you be so sure this is not a fad? I mean you change your mind about things left right and centre. I’m sure sometimes you’re just like a woman. Oh my, I have just realised that. Do me a favour and go look in a few more shops to see what you like. I will be about ten minutes. There is something I have to sort out.”

With that. My sister and I decide to do a bit more looking around. I mean apart from the dresses skirts and blouses I would sure like some casual stuff like jeans and what not.

Meanwhile down the mall sat on a bench, Helen decided to ring her husband.

“Hello. Is John Edding there please?”

“I’ll just put you through. Who may I say is calling please?”

“His wife, Helen.”

“One moment.”

“Hello John Edding.”

“Hello. Mr Edding. I have your wife on line five.”

“Thanks Gloria.”

“Hi Helen. How are things there?”

“Well. They were going fine up until about ten minutes ago.”

“Nothings happened has it?”

“No. It’s just that Nicola said that this is not a fad she is going through.”

“Ahhh right. We did say that we would let her do this to see how far it went, didn’t we?”

“Yes we did John. Any ideas?”

“Well, I could ring my cousin. You remember the one?”

“You mean Erin?”

“Yep. That’s the one. I will try to get in touch this afternoon before I come home. In the mean time just keep an eye on her. Don’t go over the top with the spending please. Oh by the way how much damage to my credit card have you done already?”

“We’ll work it out when we get home honey, ok?”

“Hell. That means a lot. Just curb the spending a bit will you. It still may turn out to be a fad. I will see you all when I get home then. Bye Helen.”

John puts the phone on its cradle then gets out the little address book he had in his jacket pocket. Spends a few minutes looking through and eventually finds what he is looking for. Picks up the phone and dials out.

“Hello. Edding residence.”

“That you Erin?”

“Yes it is. Who is this?”

“It’s John. Your cousin.”

“Hi John, long time no speak. How are you and your family?”

“That’s why I’m ringing Erin. It seems my son has something in common with you.”

“What? Short, skinny gets picked on a lot at school. Always seems to be a loner, no friends. That common?”

“No, the other thing.”

“What other thing John?”

“You know what I mean Erin. You know the dressing up thing.”

“Oh that thing. So tell me about young Nic. What symptoms has he got?”

“Well, we found out about him the other day. We had a chat; but we do not really know that much really. He just told Helen, while out shopping though, that this is not a fad.”

“You let him go out shopping? What is he dressed like?”

“Well at the moment. There's Helen, Dawn and Nicola all raiding my credit card balance in the local mall.”

“Who’s Nicola?”

“That’s the name he said he uses. Well the one Helen said she called him anyway.”

“This is too much. You know nothing about teenage girls, do you John?”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“Well as you know you have one daughter. Multiply that by two. Then add a mother in the mix. Do I need to say more?”

“Oh shit! There goes my balance.”

“Got it in one John. I would love to be there with them. Anyway, why the phone call? Obviously you did not ring just to tell me your son is like me?”

“No Erin. I was hoping this was a fad, but he is my son and I love him. What I was hoping was if you could come here to have a talk, to see how deep this feeling of his goes.”

“Sorry John, I’m too busy to jump on a plane to North Carolina at the moment, Even if he is my sort of nephew. The only thing I can suggest is for you to send him to me for a week or so.”

“What if we do send him and he doesn’t want to change back to being my son?”

“You said it before John. He is your child and you love him. If you truly love him then you will know this is the best thing for him. Look at me, you accepted me when the majority of the so-called relatives and friends abandoned me. You were one of the few that accepted me for who I am. And if Nic is truly like me, then I only hope you will be as accepting as you were to me. Look, have a chat with Helen later and call me back. Let me know how this turns out one way or the other. You know I will look after him or her, depending which it is. The last thing you want to do is alienate him. It will do more damage than good. Look, I am in all day. As I work from home nowadays on my computer so I will be here.”

“Ok Erin, I will have a chat with Helen later on and we will call one way or the other. So, what you are saying is send Nic to stay with you for a while. Mainly to see if what he says is right.”

“Tell me John. Have you seen him dressed up?”

“Yep, today at the mall.”

“Ok, did he seem to be uncomfortable at all?”

“Well no, actually he seemed to be into the spirit of things. I did tell him to do his best though, if he does this to do it right.”

“Well then John. You gave him permission to be herself. From what you say, he is definitely some sort of she. How far it goes though I will not be able to tell until I meet him or her. Anyway, I have to get off. I hope that we will talk later on. Bye for now John. Say hi to Helen and the kids for me.”

“Ok then Erin. I will ring you later when we have decided. Bye for now.”

As John put the phone down. He sat back and remembered the problems Erin had when people found out about him. The majority of his friends barring me and a couple of the girls that knew him deserted him. He got beat up a few times also. Just for being different. I do not want that to happen to Nic. He is my child and I love him. But, I do not want him to go through what Erin had to go through. Maybe sending him to San Francisco for a week or so will be good for him.

Back at the mall

“Nicola. You just have to try this set on.”

“Why Dawn?”


“Because why?”

“Look. With this set. It will go nice with a pair of heels I saw in another shop.”

“Ok then. I’ll try it on. Give it here.”

Five minutes later

“You were right Dawn.”

“Told you.”

“Have you seen the price on this?”

“Well, dads paying though.”

“Excuse me Dawn. I have just spoken to your father and he has asked that we curb the spending.”

“But Nicola just has to have this set mom.”

“Ok then. But this is the last thing.”

“We need shoes also mom.”

“God. One daughter is bad enough. Now I have two of them. Ok then, the shoes are the last thing we buy. Got it?”

“Yes mom.”

After we got the outfit and the shoes. We headed back to the car. As we were putting the clothes in the trunk, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I must have jumped about five feet in the air.”

“Sorry Nicola.”

“Bloody hell Jamie. Do not do that again. You scared me to death.”


“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I am here with a few friends. I saw you putting the stuff away and just walked over to say hi.”

“Hi back. We are just finished shopping and we are on our way home.”

“Cool. Well I will see you later then. Can I call round?”

“I will be a bit busy putting my clothes away Jamie.”

“Ok then. That means not tonight then. How about tomorrow?”

“She’d love to have you round Jamie.”

“Great. It’s a date then. I will pop around in the morning. Bye Nicola, Bye Dawn. Bye Mrs Edding.”

After he had got out of earshot and gone in the mall. I turned around to my sister.

“What the hell are you playing at Dawn?”

“What do you mean; Nicola?”

“You know what I mean. Inviting Jamie around tomorrow morning.”

“Well he’s cute. And you must admit that if he is seen going after you, it will solidify the fact you’re a girl.”

“I do not want to meet up with boys. Can’t you get that into your head, its girls I like.”

“We’ll see.”

“Yeah right.”

“GIRLS. Stop arguing and get into the car. And DAWN. You should have known better to invite Jamie around. If Nicola wanted to invite him, she would have asked. But, you are right on one thing, he is cute and Nicola could benefit from dating him. Oh god what am I saying. Come on lets get home before I get any more strange ideas.”

When we got home. Dawn and I unloaded the car and started to trudge it upstairs to my bedroom and put it away. I do not know how long we were upstairs for but then next thing we knew mom was calling us for dinner.

As we got downstairs, dad was already seated at the table.

“You two girls can serve while your mother takes a break.”

Great we both thought at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled. Then got to the task. While we were serving, the phone went.

“Edding residence. Hold on a second. Dawn?”

“Yes dad?”

“Phone for you.”

“Ok dad. Hello. Oh hi Cindy.”

“Hi Dawn. Have you thought any more on what I said earlier?”

“What about?”

“Jees girl. Nic’s makeover.”

“Oh that.”

“Yes that.”

“Well dad sort of found out and isn’t happy about it.”

“Any chance you can change his mind?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll try.”

“Ok then I’ll call later bye for now.”

“Oh before you go. Jamie is coming around in morning.”

“You finally snagged him. You go girl.”

“No, I didn’t snag him.”

“Why is he coming around then?”

“Nicola snagged him.”

Unknown to Dawn. She was facing away from the table as she said that. Dad practically coughed his dinner back on the table. Then gave me an almighty stare.

“You what?”

“Yep. It seems he has a thing for Nicky.”

“You’re joking?”

“Nope. Look we’ll talk later on ok?”

“Definitely. I want to hear this.”

“Bye for now Cindy.”

“Bye Dawn.”

Dawn put the phone down, as she walked back to the table. Dad looking at her all the time.

“Something wrong dad?”

“Did I hear right?”

“What was that dad?”

“Hmm let me see. Jamie, Nicola, and something about Nic has snagged him and Jamie is coming over in the morning.”

“Oh that.”

“Yes that. Let’s finish, or in your case, start eating your dinner. We will talk about this after we finish. And you two are washing up while I talk to your mother in private.”

“Yes dad.” Both Dawn and I replied.

After we finished we went to wash up while mom and dad disappeared into the family room.

“What do you reckon that’s about Dawn?”

“I have no idea. But it doesn’t look too good.”

“What did Cindy want?”

“Remember what she said at the mall.”

“Oh yeah, And I remember what dad said when he found out. Personally, I would love one. But you know what dads like. I think he wants to keep this.” I said pointing at myself. “Quiet.”

“We will see if we can both work on him later.

“Ok sis.”

Meanwhile in the family room.

“I called Erin this afternoon honey.”

“What did he, well she, say?”

“Well from what we talked about. Nic definitely has a feminine side. He would like us to send him to San Francisco for a week or so. He said that he would be able to tell how deep down Nic feels about this and how far he is willing to go.”

“But I don’t want to send Nic to a strange city.”

“I know honey. I remember how Erin was treated when everyone found out. I would like to send Nic there to see how deep his feelings go on this. I would prefer him to be away from here during that. By the way, what’s this about Jamie?”

“Well, it seems he has a crush on Nicola. He saw her when we were just going out to the car to go to the mall.”

“Then I think it is best to get Nic away as quick as possible. The last thing we need is Jamie poking about all the time. He is bound to figure it out. I mean look at Dawn’s friend Cindy. She figured it out apparently. Now she wants to give him a makeover with her friends. I mean how many are going to find out Nicola is Nic.”

“I can see your point John. I remember what happened to Erin also. Nic is our child and I do not want him to go through all of that like Erin did.”

“So, what do you say to the suggestion that Nic goes to San Fran for a week or two?”

“I agree John. I think it will do him good also. Apparently there is a wide diversity of cultures there.”

“Ok then it’s settled. Any idea when?”

“Well it is Thursday now. How about Saturday? At least Erin will be in.”

“He will be in any day. Apparently, he works from home. Does computer stuff from his home.”

“Ok honey. You want to bring the kids in here?”

“I’ll just ring Erin first. Tell him what we have decided. Then we will ring him back to confirm the day.”

Dawn and I were just sitting at the table when mom came out of the family room. She came over to the table and said both her and dad needed to talk to both of us. Me especially. Talk about feeling nervous. It was an understatement.

After about ten minutes, dad popped his head out of the family room and asked us all to come in. We all went in and got settled. Mom and dad on one side, me and Dawn on the other sofa opposite them.

“Right, first things first Nic. Tell us how you feel about dressing up in girls clothes.”

Well after about half an hour, I finished. Mom turned around to dad and nodded.

“Right then Nic, Do you remember someone in our family called Erin?”

“Nothing much dad. Only that this Erin person left years ago and not many people know what happened.”

“Well we cannot say too much about it. But, I have been in touch with Erin and both your mother and I have decided it best for you to spend a week or so with Erin in San Francisco. All I will say is Erin has similar interests as you. I will say nothing more. Erin has agreed to let you stay and will ask a few question about yourself, nothing else. Do you fancy a trip to San Francisco?”

“I’ll go dad, if Nic doesn’t want to.”

“Sorry Dawn. This trip is for Nic and Nic alone. What do you say Nic?”

“Why do I have to, or want to go to San Francisco to meet someone I hardly know?”

“Look Nic. This people around here would not understand this dressing up of yours. and the reason for Erin and San Francisco is to see how you get on dressed up. They apparently, according to your mother, have a wide variety of cultures there. Yours included. In addition, this trip will allow you to see what it is like to live that side of the fence so to speak, without interference from others, such as Jamie. Plus Dawn’s friend Cindy. I know Cindy knows you are Nic dressed up, but imagine if this got around and you got beat or, or worse. this way you will be fairly safe as no one will know you there. Come on son, what do you say?”

“Can I think about it dad?”

“Yes, that’s fine Nic.”

“If I said yes, When would I go?”


“Saturday? That quick?”

“Your mother and I believe that it’s best to do it quickly. That is if you decide to go.”

“I will think about it dad and let you know, Ok? Mom, what do you think?”

“I have to agree with your father. We both love you very much, but we wonder what would happen if people found out. We both believe this will be a great adventure for you to fully find out who you are. We are not happy with you going across the country to do this. But it’s the best thing for you honey.”

“Ok then mom. Dad, I’ll give it a go, as I said I like to dress this way and I do agree, I have to find out how much of a girl I want to be. if it is safer for me to do so in San Fran, then ok, I’ll go.”

“Ok then son. You go and pack some clothes and anything else you will need for a maximum of two weeks, no more. I will ring and tell Erin that you will be there late Saturday or early Sunday. We both love you son and want what is best for you. Come here.”

With that, we all had a big family hug. Dawn wanted to go with me but dad told her I had to do this by myself, no outside interference, apart from Erin’s help. I went upstairs with Dawn for her to help me to pack both male and female clothes for two weeks. Well one suitcase was not big enough. Actually two was not big enough so we had to borrow one of mom’s spares. We packed a lot of clothes that night and we were both pooped by about seven thirty.

In the family room.


“Yes John.”

“Well we have talked to Nic. He has agreed to come and stay with you for a week or so, depending on what you think. We will make the bookings tomorrow and let you know what time on either Saturday or Sunday he will arrive. Just do me one favor Erin. Look after him please. He is our only son and we all do not want anything to happen to him.”

“I know John. He is my sort of nephew, in a way. I will tell all of my friends I have a relative staying for a week or so. I will not say if it is either male or female, I will introduce him or her to them within a few days of arrival, that way all of my friends can keep an eye on him, or her depending on the outcome.”

“That’s all I can ask Erin.”

“Can I talk to Helen, John?”


“Hello Erin.”

“Hello Helen. I know you are parting with your son to someone you hardly know. But trust John, he has known me for years; apart from the fact he is my cousin, he and I go way back. Even before I changed.”

“If you don’t mind me asking Erin. How do you portray yourself nowadays?”

“I portray and live as female Helen But I still have the bits, if that’s what you mean.”

“I didn’t mean that Erin. I was wondering how Nic would identify you when you both meet.”

“That’s easy Helen. Tell him to wear a carnation with Brown leaves. I will wear the same. You do not readily get them but if you go a shop on fifth and reading, it’s on the corner, ask for Pete and ask him for the flower. I will call ahead and let him know you are coming. I do not want you to tell Nic too much about me. The less he knows at first the better. And Helen?”


“I will look after Nic like he is my own child. You do not need to worry about him while he is here.”

“Thank you Erin. I’ll ring off now, either John or myself will ring with transport details. One last thing Erin?”

“Yes Helen?”

“Look after him.”

“I will Helen. Goodbye for now. One day you will all have to come out here for a visit. We have some beautiful sights out here and the weather is gorgeous, well most of the time. Bye for now Helen.”

“Bye Erin.”

“Well that went well Helen.”

“Yes it did. I hope he will be alright out there.”

“He will Helen, trust me. Even though Erin got beat up a few times over his own dressing he can’t half fight back. If he said he will look after Nic he will.”

“By the way John, Erin portrays herself as female nowadays.”

“Oh right. I had better use the right pronouns then. Also I want to go out to dinner tomorrow night, and I want Nic to be Nic. I am not too sure but I think this is the last time I will ever see my son, I would like to take this last moment to remember him as he was before he changes over. If he does that is. I at least want this memory.”

“Ok John. I will speak to him.”

“By the way honey, I have tomorrow off. I spoke to my boss and he agreed. I just have to ring him at home to tell him if I am definitely off. You want to go check on the kids?”

“Ok Hun, Back in a bit.”

Mom came upstairs and found me and Dawn crashed out on my bed. It was a bit uncomfortable as I only had a small bed. Mom left us there and went back downstairs. I found this out about an hour later after I awoke needing the toilet and had to drag my arm and half my body from underneath Dawn. My arm was dead. I can understand that, as Dawn is about 25lbs heavier than me, and all her weight was on my arm.

As I came back into my room, Dawn was just waking up. When she had gone to freshen up, I went downstairs. Dawn followed about fifteen minutes later.

We found mom and dad curled together on the sofa in the family room. They asked me about the meal the following night and I agreed.

The following day was basically a hanging about day. Jamie turned up but Dawn said I “Nicola” had forgot and gone out with friends as she was leaving for San Francisco on Saturday morning. Dad had telephoned Erin and told them my travel details. Mom had gone for the carnation. And we had a wonderful meal. We all had a hug fest back at the house, mom dad and dawn all said even though I was only going for a maximum of two weeks, they would all miss me.

I managed to get a reasonably nights sleep, I could not get over the fact that they had not told me much about Erin. We were to meet at San Francisco bus terminal and that Erin would have a similar carnation to me.

The Saturday we got up early as my bus was leaving at nine am. We managed to get there and have something to eat at the diner. It would be a long trip.

They called for my bus and said it would be leaving in twenty minutes. After a fifteen minute hug. I eventually boarded the bus. I sat near the back and as the bus started, I looked out of the window. As the bus pulled away I saw tears in their eyes, and I must admit I had tears in my eyes also. I kept looking back at them through the back window until they could not be seen anymore.

At the bus terminal.

“So John, Who will return Nic or Nicola?”

“What's that mom?”

“Well the whole reason for this trip. We did not want to tell you until Nic was on his way. This trip has been setup so Nic can find himself or herself. You see Erin is like Nic. Only he lives fulltime as a she, and after your father telephoned her, they decided it would be best for Erin to evaluate Nic. You see Erin has a minor in psychology, mainly in gender identity. And we have sent Nic the so he can find himself.”

“Oh, right.”

“Well John?”

“I seriously think Nicola will return, but he is my child and whichever way I will still love him. As we all will.”

“Well, I think Nic will return, but it would be cool to have a little sister.”

“I agree with your father Dawn. Like your father said we will love him or her no matter what.”

“I know mom. I love him to.”

Back on the bus

“Oh well, here goes. A mighty adventure I am about to take here. Mom and dad have packed me off to see someone called Erin. No information about this person but it is a relative. In a city I have never seen before. Oh well, Let’s see where it takes me. Apparently, I can dress as either Nic or Nicola. I guess I will find out, which I prefer. The last few days have been great. My parents and sister find out about me and accept me. That was my biggest fear. Now I know. They love me unconditionally. How this Erin person will accept me is another thing. Oh well I guess I will find out tomorrow afternoon when I arrive. Let’s see what games I packed on my bag. This is going to be one hell of a boring trip. Why couldn’t dad put me on a plane? Oh well, better get comfortable for the long haul. Oh well life, let’s see what's waiting for me.

Nic’s journey is just beginning, find out in series two called no longer caught. This follows Nic’s journey to San Francisco. He finally meets Erin and is surprised by what he sees.

By Samantha P

With help and guidance from Karen Page. Thanks Karen.


i have started the follow on to this story please let me know if i should it may be a month or so before i get it out if i do thanks all

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