Shortcuts 3


A paranormal superhero story with a supernatural twist

Building a superhero foundation

Comments have been blocked for this story but kudos and private messages are always welcome. Even highly critical private messages are welcome. I don't mind criticism when it's private.

by Terry Volkirch

Chapter 3

Erin did very well playing soccer in her coed Physical Education class. Her new sports bra made all the difference. She thanked the girl who suggested it and the two girls even gave each other a high-five after they worked together to score a goal. The goalie of their opposing team didn't stand a chance. They mesmerized him with their beautiful teamwork.

Lester stood on the sidelines and chuckled to himself, thinking he'd be just as easy to score on if he played goalie and the two girls ran towards him with the same looks of mad glee on their faces. He wouldn't be able to stop the daydreams.

Just as he thought about daydreaming, a vision of the infinite library hit him hard. He lost himself in it, absorbing information without really trying. He couldn't help himself.

The boy recalled that the library wasn't actually a library. According to some information that he already absorbed, it was some sort of psychic impression of mystical knowledge that was embedded in the astral plane. The mystical knowledge made up what was called the Akashic records and they contained virtually limitless amounts of information, information that he could effortlessly tap into.

The info dumps started to get annoying, especially since he couldn't control what he learned. The subjects varied from how to perform menial labor to descriptions of all forms of coccus bacteria. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to how the Akashic records were organized. Without some sort of index, he didn't see much use for them. He made a mental note to ask the Dark Librarian about an index.

His vision ended and class ended soon thereafter. He walked with Erin for their one block together, until they went their separate ways. They said their goodbyes and Lester's thoughts alternated between Erin and the Akashic records. He saw so much potential in his future. He couldn't wait.

* * *

Lester had a little trouble falling asleep, but not because he was too anxious to contact the Dark Librarian. He had trouble because he couldn't stop thinking about levitation. He'd float up without really trying, startle himself when he realized he was floating and drop back down.

Levitation resulted from the nullification of gravity. It should've been somewhat difficult to achieve but it had become too easy for him, and it prompted him to try a conscious visit back to the area of the Akashic records since he couldn't sleep.

His attempt led to the desired result, with an altered state of consciousness that allowed him access to the Akashic records and hopefully, the faux librarian. The dark man proved himself to be at least somewhat helpful and might still have a few more tricks to teach the boy.

"Librarian!" he shouted, his voice echoing. Lester briefly wondered what might reflect his voice to create the echo but his musings were soon interrupted by a familiar face.

"Welcome back, Lester," the Dark Librarian said. "I'm glad you could make it. I couldn't help notice that you were having some trouble with levitation."

"Yes, well, I wish I had better control over it. I couldn't stop thinking about levitation and I kept levitating in my bed. It's kind of hard to sleep when you keep dropping back down onto your bed."

"Hm. Control. That is a good point. I suppose I could take you to an area of the Akashic records that could help you with your control, otherwise you might develop health problems from lack of sleep."

There were no dreamscape tremors to warn against the idea and Lester soon had the key to control his levitation. It also didn't hurt that his control would help with all paranormal abilities. The groundwork had been laid to start adding abilities with reckless abandon. Ash seemed to be pulling ahead of Aaron in the race for Lester's soul.

* * *

Lester sat in a middle seat of the bus on the way to school, feeling a little empty in spite of his newfound control over levitation. He couldn't bring himself to give up on Erin but he didn't see much hope of dating her anytime soon. He also missed his old friend, and he felt a little guilty about the way he'd been neglecting him lately.

Brian sat in the back of the bus looking forlorn. When he saw Lester looking back at him, he sighed. So far, he'd been leaving his friend alone. He didn't want to talk about Erin, which was the only subject that he imagined would come up, and Lester didn't seem like he wanted to talk to anyone but her anyway.

Both boys were attracted to Erin. Both would love to date her, but Brian waited his turn to ask her out. He had a little more success than Lester when it came to girls, having had two girlfriends while Lester had none, and he liked to be fair about such things. Still, it was difficult not to try. Erin had a strong effect on him, on nearly all of the boys in the school.

As Brian sat and watched the trees pass by the nearest window, he wondered about how his friend was doing. So far, the rumors had Lester and Erin as firm friends. No one had seen them kiss. There was no handholding, not even a hug. He knew Lester was a little shy but there should've been more progress considering how much time they spent together.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard his name being shouted at the next bus stop. He saw Lester gesturing for him to come to him, and he went. It looked like it was time for a little support and maybe some advice.

The two boys sat together the rest of the way, talking and laughing like nothing had happened to separate them over the past two days. Good friendships were like that.

The subject of Erin came up soon enough and Lester started the conversation with a sigh. "She doesn't want to date anyone," he said, moping. "But she sticks to me like glue, like I'm her only friend. Her mixed signals are driving me crazy. I just don't understand her."

Brian laughed. "No guys understand girls," he said. "It's impossible."


Both boys paused a minute to wonder about the fairer sex. Like virtually all heterosexual boys, they concluded that it didn't matter if they understood them. They'd still continue to pursue them. They couldn't help themselves.

Brian gave his friend a wry grin. "So. Still want more time to chase after the fair Erin?"

Lester smiled. "Yeah. Thanks, man."

"No problem, dude. Good luck."

* * *

In Lester's first class, Mister Guile droned on and on about the some of the minor functions of government. Only four of the students paid close attention, two of whom were just concerned about maintaining their high grade point average, one because she had political aspirations, and Erin. There was one thing about the lecture that eventually caught Lester's attention though. The teacher kept emphasizing the same word. The word didn't exactly match up well with the workings of government so it stood out. The word was "healing."

Lester couldn't help thinking about healing as a paranormal ability, and it also reinforced his suspicion that Mister Guile and the Dark Librarian were one in the same.

'So, Dark Librarian. You want me to learn healing. Is that it?'

Mister Guile smiled as soon as the boy formed his thoughts, and the man stopped speaking and went to the white board to draw an odd map consisting of several circles connected by lines. The circles were each identified by a single letter inside the circle. There was one on the far left side of the white board had an "A" and two close circles that he added to the far right side. The second circle had an "L" and the third circle had a "C." He added a fourth between the close pair, connected it to them and gave the new circle an "H." The circles were slightly different sizes along with their letters, giving the diagram a vaguely three-dimensional look. It didn't seem to relate to the lecture and all of the students looked at it with some curiosity.

Lester turned to see Erin staring at it intently with the cutest little frown on her face.

Mister Guile walked over to the windows and leaned back against one of the window sills, watching both Lester and Erin to see their reaction. He saw suspicion on Erin's face and complete confusion on Lester's so he continued speaking.

"This diagram means nothing," he said. "I only drew it to show how easy it is to use deception and tricks to get people's attention. Did it work?"

Most of the students groaned. Lester just kept staring at the letters. There was something about them but he couldn't quite get it.

The teacher went up to erase the first circle with the "A" and right after he did, he sneezed, making it sound very much like he said the word, "Akashic." He continued erasing the board, getting the second and third circles in one smooth, curved stroke of the eraser. After erasing the last circle with the "H," the lecture continued, starting with the word "healing."

"Healing a community after a natural disaster might seem to be the purview of government. It takes a lot of money and resources to get things moving, repairing damage, tending to the injured, learning from what went wrong to reduce the impact of the next natural disaster. Government does help keep communities in good working order. I'll say that much for it. But I question whether government actually heals anything or anyone. People have long memories and what many of them remember is the failing of government to predict and prevent a lot of the devastation in the first place. The money that pours in through government is considered to be more like blood money, paid out of guilt for incompetence."

Both Lester and Erin quickly raised their hands to ask a question, causing Mister Guile to raise an eyebrow. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear Erin's question but he thought he should see if she figured out what he was up to. "Yes, Miss MacCloud?" he said.

"I don't think you're being fair. If the government is of the people, by the people and for the people, isn't it every citizen's responsibility to prepare for and try to minimize the destruction caused by natural disasters?"

"Very good." Mister Guile raised a fist in his imagination to celebrate success. He hadn't gone too far or she would've said something about the diagram. As it was, she only called him on the more obvious content of his lecture. She defended the good citizens, however few there may be. "But what about all of the criticism that normally appears after a natural disaster? Incompetence and corruption always seems to lie at the root of the problem, does it not?"

"No one is perfect, Mister Guile," she said, mentally adding, 'That includes you.'

"I stand by what I said, Miss MacCloud. You're talking about an unrealistic ideal but history speaks for itself."

Lester slowly lowered his hand as teacher and student debated in front of the class. He forgot his question. It wasn't important after he finally realized there was a secret message that was contained in the diagram on the white board. He was sure it was a crude mapping of the Akashic records, and if he was right, the records for paranormal healing should lie roughly between where he learned levitation and control. He couldn't wait to look for the record on healing, and he couldn't wait to confront the Dark Librarian. Mister Guile's latest lecture made it clear that both he and the Dark Librarian were one in the same. The boy looked over to see his substitute teacher looking at him and slowly nodding with a smirk on his face as if to confirm it.

* * *

"Hello Lester." Erin gently set her tray down on the lunch table and slid in next to her friend. The eyes of several jealous boys watched her every move, all of them imagining taking the place of the boy sitting next to her. Brian felt a little jealousy himself, but he still sat at a nearby table to give his friend some space.

"Hi Erin. I still can't get over your little debate with Mister Guile this morning."

"That... man really bothers me. I hope you don't let him disillusion you. Mankind has great potential for good."

"I am a little surprised at how determined he is to show us our dark side. He sees corruption everywhere."

"He's cynical and biased. I don't think he's had a good life."

Lester shrugged and took a bite of his lunch, wanting to change the subject. As he chewed, he looked up right into the eyes of big Jim Boone and shuddered.

Jim mouthed the word, "Die," and Lester shook his head no. That got a reaction out of the large brute. Jim shot up out of his seat and pushed his tray onto the floor. The sudden loud clatter caught everyone's attention and all eyes followed the large boy as he strutted over to confront Lester and separate him from Erin, something he felt should've been done long ago.

The tall, brawny boy soon stood on the opposite side of the table from Lester and Erin. He looked down at them with a sneer, his greasy, messy mop of black hair glistened with gel in the florescent light. His black jeans had a hole in one knee from natural wear and tear and the dark brown color of his rugby jersey concealed several food stains. When he spoke, everyone listened and thanked their lucky stars that they weren't in range of the large boy's breath.

"Lester," he said, making the name sound like a vile insult. "Why don't you get lost?"

"You mean I get a choice?" Lester said, suddenly feeling brave. He wasn't about to show weakness or fear in front of Erin.

"What?" Jim said, not quite understanding the sarcasm. "I said, get lost."

"No, you didn't. You asked why I don't get lost and I'm telling you. I'm not leaving Erin. We like each other."

"Smart ass. Would you like a little lesson in pain?"

"No, thanks."

"Then leave!"

Brian sat up straight, ready to help his friend if necessary, but no one actually moved to help. No one made a sound. That made it easy to hear the main doors open and footsteps click-clack across the linoleum floor, followed by a harsh, familiar voice. "Jim? Do we have a problem?"

"No, Mister Guile. Lester was just leaving and I was going to keep Erin company for the rest of the lunch hour."

"Nice try, Jim. Why don't you get lost instead? Now!"

The large boy scrambled to leave the lunch room, even though he towered over the much shorter teacher. Something about the short man's presence demanded respect and the boy couldn't resist.

"There you go, you two. Try to keep out of trouble. I can't be everywhere at once." The man winked at Erin and slowly walked back the way he came. After the doors shut behind him, the noise levels quickly returned to their normal levels.

Erin and Lester slowly looked at each other, surprise on both of their faces. They shrugged at each other and went back to eating their meals.

* * *

Lester fell asleep easily that night. He drifted into the midst of the Akashic records without any visions and it gave him better control, just as he learned the previous night. Visions equated to limited preconceived notions instead of the pure truth about the ethereal records.

The Dark Librarian was nowhere to be found at first. That left the boy to stumble over a very interesting record. It wasn't about healing but it related to the body. He knew he was close to finding healing, and he'd continue looking after he fully absorbed the information that he found having to do with enhanced strength.

He found a way to increase the efficiency of muscle contractions and could make himself many times stronger, but the ability had one very important caveat. Enhanced strength put a lot of extra strain on tendons and muscles, making them much more likely to tear. He needed to find a way to reinforce his body. He needed a healing ability, and he found it right after he mastered enhanced strength.

The healing he found only dealt with basic physical repairs of the body. Cuts, bruises, sprains, broken bones, torn tendons and muscles were all covered. That meant he could use enhanced strength. He could continuously heal himself as he used enhanced strength. It also meant that he could heal serious physical injuries. It wasn't a cure for diseases but it was a crucial addition to his growing collection of paranormal abilities.

As soon as the boy finished learning his new healing ability, the Dark Librarian made an appearance, gliding towards the boy like an apparition. Lester didn't let the eerie movement unsettle him. He meant to have answers, all answers, and that included why Mister Guile spent his nights skulking about on the astral plane. But before the boy could speak, the Dark Librarian put a finger to his own lips.

The faux librarian looked up at the boy with a wry grin. He pointed first to his right ear and then to Lester as if to say, "Listen to what I say." His next gesture had him cupping his right ear and pointing all around with his left hand as if to say, "Someone might be listening." He finished by shushing the boy with another finger to the lips and slowly faded from sight.

Lester slowly shook his head.

'Mister Guile is a lunatic. But I do want to learn this stuff.'

The boy thought that having enhanced strength would be especially useful in his coming battle with Big Jim. He knew Mister Guile wouldn't always be around to save him and he was determined to be ready and capable of holding his own. No one would separate him from Erin. No one.

* * *

The next morning came late. Lester's radio alarm clock had been unplugged, leaving the boy with little time to get ready for school. He hit the bathroom running, dressed, grabbed a banana to eat on the way and ran to the bus stop just in time.

'I need a better alarm clock.'

He sat in his usual seat on the bus and waved Brian over to him as soon as his friend got on at the next bus stop.

Brian didn't waste any time bringing up the latest big news item at school. "Dude! Are you crazy?! Big Jim is gonna destroy you!"

"Whatever. I think I'll be okay."

Brian stared back at him like he was crazy.

"Seriously. I've been working out."

Brian barked out a cynical laugh.

"I'll be fine." Then he mentally added, 'I think.' He hadn't had time to test his new strength and healing abilities, and he had to be careful. Showing off great strength could bring him some unwanted attention.

"Well, I'll help. I'm not just gonna stand by while he beats you to a pulp."

"No! Please. I don't want any help."

Brian studied his friend for awhile and finally spoke when he realized Lester was serious. "Okay," he said, shrugging. "But if Jim starts doing some heavy damage, I'm going to do something."

"Yeah. That's fair. Thanks, man."

The conversation paused as the bus hit a pot hole. The old bus creaked and bounced but kept moving. It only sounded bad, and it kept Brian thinking about what might happen to his friend.

"I still say it'd be a miracle if Jim doesn't crush you."

"But just think how much it would impress Erin."

"Is that your plan?! You want to win her over by going up against Big Jim?!"

"How else?! I'm stuck in the friend zone. If standing up to Jim doesn't show her I'm boyfriend material than nothing will."

An awkward silence followed until Brian finally said, "You've got it bad, dude."


Girls had a way of driving boys crazy. Erin did it to Big Jim and she did it to Lester. The smitten boy would try his best to avoid a conflict with Big Jim, and if or when they did butt heads, Lester would try his best not to hurt the poor brute. He didn't know what else to do because there was no way he'd leave Erin alone and unprotected.

* * *

Government class passed by in a blur for Lester. There wasn't enough room in his brain for a lecture that morning. The boy couldn't stop thinking about Erin, Big Jim and his new abilities, wondering how to test them at school without giving himself away. He unknowingly activated his enhanced strength and healing while he picked at his desk, slowly breaking it apart without realizing it.

Mister Guile noticed that Lester was distracted. He flashed the class a dark smile and changed his lecture to leave the boy alone. It wouldn't do to waste clues for finding another ability if those clues wouldn't be noticed.

"Today, class, we're having a special lecture. I want to talk about how the government can stimulate a sluggish economy."

The lecture of the day took nearly everyone by surprise. Lester remained lost in his own little world so it couldn't surprise him. Erin wasn't exactly surprised either. She watched Mister Guile closely, waiting for some hint as to how he'd try to corrupt the class. She no longer thought of just protecting Lester. The whole class seemed to need her protection.

It did seem odd that Mister Guile painted the government in a good light for once. No one knew that he did it because Lester wasn't paying attention, and because he also wanted to confuse Erin. He knew that the class' self-appointed guardian angel would be waiting to see if he'd eventually try to make the government look bad.

The bell rang, startling everyone, even the teacher.

Lester moved to get up and felt bits of something under his shoes. He looked down to see both top corners and part of the leading edge of his desk missing and blushed when he realized that he was responsible. He stayed seated and waited for everyone to leave before slowly shuffling up to the substitute teacher.

"Sorry about the desk, Mister Guile," the boy said. "I'll pay for the damage, of course."

The teacher looked up at the boy's face and smiled. "No need, my boy. No one noticed and no one would believe you did it anyway. Would they?"

"No, I guess not. Still, I'd like to pay for the damage."

That bothered the short man. Lester's decency shone through. "Fine. I'll see that you're billed," he said brusquely. "Now off to your next class."

The boy slowly made his way to the door and briefly stopped as Mister Guile asked, "Should I interfere with Big Jim today?"

"No," he said, still facing away from his teacher. "That's okay. I got it."

The boy continued into the hallway, just able to make out his teacher's last words. "Try not to hurt him... too much."

* * *

© 2014 by Terry Volkirch. This work may not be replicated in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the Author (copyright holder). All Rights Reserved. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental.

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