Medical Personel

Recovering From Trauma Chapter 5

Kitchen Area:
Shelly and Clair were busy making pumpkin muffins and banana nut muffins for the buffet line. They had already made over forty muffins and were glad they were selling like hotcakes. Shelly looks at the Clair standing next to her.

“You're really good at cooking, Clair. Do you have formal training as a cook?” Shelly was curious because it was like Clair knew how to do everything without a lot of explanation. It took her several tries under Pamela’s tutelage to learn the proper way to read a measuring cup and such.

Recovering From Trauma Chapter 4

Pool Area:
Kassie paces herself as she counts mentally how many strokes it takes her to reach the other end of the pool. When she reaches the other end, she turns around pushes off the wall, and starts swimming towards the other end. She makes sure to take into account how far she glides before counting her strokes again. She knew the wall of the pool was on her right-hand side this time and that the rope that separated her from the other lane in the pool was on her left-hand side.

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