Female Agents

Project Wolf Den Part 7



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Downtown Middleburg, Va.:
Ada, Clair, and Ayla pull into a parking spot at Bebe’s Clothing. Clair figures Alya would be able to find what she was looking for here.

“I’ve never heard about this place, Clair.” Ada was curious about it.

“It’s local. They carry a lot of designer clothes and off-the-wall clothing from unknown designers.” Clair has found a lot of good deals inside the place.

Clair leads the way inside the old-style store. It was bigger inside than it was outside.

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This story is 86 words long.

Project Wolf Den Part 4



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Morning Time At Clair’s Farm House:
Clair and Jasmine wake up first. Clair was the first one up and put her robe and slippers on, before walking downstairs. She peeks in on the young lady who ended up at her front door last night. The young woman was still asleep.

Clair starts making a pot of fresh coffee, instead of a single cup of coffee. As she brews the coffee, she wonders if the other girls enjoy freshly brewed coffee.

“Morning Grandma.” Jasmine waves to Clair as she comes walking into the kitchen.

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This story is 94 words long.
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