Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 11B

Paula Dillon's Mind, Body and Spirit

Continued by Paula Dillon and Tigger

Part 11B - Tad Schemes Bad Dreams

Christie was already warmed up and loose when she saw Valerie come out of the ladies' dressing room dressed in her dobok and carrying her sparring gear over her shoulder. She dropped her bag next to Christie's and began her own warmup routine. At last Saturday's class, the Kims had announced that both girls would be testing for their 5th Geup Blue Stripe Belt today.

As Val finished her warmup, she gave Christie a questioning look. "You know, I didn't say anything then, but when they announced who could test this week? You looked almost surprised. Why? You work more and harder than anyone else in the school. If I'm ready, and I really believe I am, you must be over-prepared for this test. Why the surprise, girlfriend?"

Christie snorted out a laugh. "Would you believe that until that very moment, I'd forgotten all about the planned test day this month? With school starting back up after winter break and all those new classes? Add on going back to ballet school so I can keep an eye out for Cindy and then this McKellar Family Legacy my Mom's got me working on?0 I hadn't given my next belt a thought. I actually check if f I had enough training hours recorded to qualify for the test because I'm right on the bare minimum of time as a 6th Green by the Federation standards."

"That's right, isn't it? You got your last belt back in October. Still, there shouldn't be any doubt you're ready. Are the Federation people coming down that hard on the Time in Rank numbers now?"

"I think Young-Soo had to do some mighty fast-talking back in August when Grandfather had me jumping up three ranks to 7th Green with barely two months total time in the dojang. I'm glad to be testing today, but I wasn't too sure the last time I thought about it, sometime over winter break. I forgot to ask about it when training started back up."

"How's the Mad-woman of Ballet watch thing going, anyway?" Valerie teased as she went to get her water bottle.

"Actually, she's been pretty good. Oh, she still has her little episodes, but not nearly as often and so far? I've managed to do something silly to bring her up short. Then she's stuck trying to figure out how to chew me out without appearing to that she sorta forgets to yell at the other dancers. The girls have figured that out, and they're watching for it now. Rene almost cracked a smile yesterday. Of course, I'd just flopped inelegantly on my face 'trying,'" and here Christie made the 'air quote' finger movements, "To do an arabesque, but it was darned close to smiling. I'll get her yet!"

"Why do I believe you will? Oh, I know! Because you're insane, that's why! Oops, here come the judges. Guess we're almost ready to get started. Oh, look, there's your Mom and Gran." Val pointed them out as they entered the studio heading for the audience area.

Christie spun to look, smiled and waved. Then her hand abruptly dropped, and her whole body went tense. "Christie, what . . .?" Val asked before she also saw Tad Green strutting into the dojang as if he owned the place. However, instead of heading for the seating, Tad stopped just inside the doorway and scanned the dojang until he found Christie. Grinning broadly, he pointed his index finger at her as if aiming a pistol and then blew on the tip as if he was clearing away the gun smoke. Then he winked and meandered over to the edge of the crowd. "Oh, shit," Val breathed.

"Ignore him," Christie growled. "What's he going to do? Jump me during the sparring? He can't come after me here. There are too many people here who remember him and would also happily kick his ass sideways for him."

"I don't like it!" Valerie said. "Wait here while I make sure Young-Soo knows he's here. He has no freaking business here."

"Val? Just don't, okay? The Kims have always made Test Days an open exhibition as a recruiting thing. As long as he behaves, I don't think there's anything they can do."

"There's behaving, and then there's Tad. You can't use 'behave' and 'Tad Green' in the same sentence without a negative."

"Just let it go, Val. Take care of business, pass your test, and that will have to be enough for now, okay."

"You're sure?" She asked quietly. At Christie's emphatic nod, Valerie sighed. "Okay, we'll do it your way, but the first time he steps out of line, I'm throwing his ass out of here. It'll help develop that killer instinct you keep saying I need."

Christie smiled and turned her back on Tad. She had work to do today, and he had no place in her world.


As Valerie had observed before the testing had begun, there was 'behaving,' and then there was Tad. While the Kims did not expect their spectators to be silent, a certain air of respect was the norm. Parents cheered and applauded their kids' performances but were always careful not to distract other students involved in other testing activities.

Valerie didn't know who Tad thought he was cheering for - well, make that 'screeching for .'However, it seemed that any performance he decided was cheer-worthy happened just as Christie was centering herself, or beginning a technique demonstration. Tad's 'cheers' had distracted Christie enough, no fewer than three times of which Valerie was confident. Every time, Christie needed to step back from what she was doing, reset herself, and then start the required move from scratch. Each such hesitation or stop/restart should have been a scoring deduction counted, unfairly in Val's mind, against Christie's final demonstrations grade.

The individual demonstrations weren't that big a deal at this level. Christie was just too good at them in general that a few stupid deductions would make any significant difference in her grade for that test element. However, that might not be the case for the formal Poomsae part of the test. As for the sparring? If that asshole managed to distract her, then? Someone would very likely get hurt.

Valerie had finished her individual demonstrations well before Christie had finished hers. Tad-hole couldn't go after them both as that would have been too obvious, but she decided she had to clue at least one of the black belts in on what she thought was happening. Taking a quick scan, she saw Donnie standing off the side of the mat, evidently finished with his assigned students. Perfect. She scurried over to the muscular MMA candidate to have a few quick words to the wise.


Donnie wasn't one of the assigned judges for the Formal Poomsae Test, but he made sure he had a good perspective on the mat and on the audience as it began. There were six students in the Green and Blue Belt test categories, and they were performing as a group. To the casual spectator, they looked like they were doing all right. However, to the experts judging them, all of the candidates were missing their moves. Moreover, they couldn't seem to stay in sync with one another. These were all skilled young karatekas who had repeatedly performed these required forms to a high standard just to be invited to test today.

Knowing what Valerie had told him, he kept looking back at the audience, looking for.... .something.

And then he saw it. That little turd, Tad Green, had gotten a bunch of little kids together, and they were stamping their feet rhythmically. One small problem, though. Their cadence had almost precisely the wrong rhythm for the ordered Poomsae. Green had been a student here long enough to know the standard beat and count the Kims taught their students to use when performing various Poomsae. Hell, if you asked the guys and gals out there on the mat if they heard that sound, they probably would tell you that they hadn't heard a thing out of the norm. But they sure as hell were aware of Tad disrupting their cadence; Donnie was sure now. Most of the missteps were due to the counterbeat Tad was orchestrating. For the students, it was like trying to march in step with the drummer's cadence when the drummer was freestyling.

Donnie had seen and heard enough. Grandfather wasn't doing anything right now, and this was serious. You just didn't mess with someone like this. Not when they were performing high-level Taekwondo kicks and strikes.


"You are indeed correct, Jeja Donnie," the old man said as he stood just off the mat where the Greens and Blues were finishing their Poomsae element. I can indeed sense the irregular vibrations you described. Unfortunately, it is too late to do anything for the students who just completed their forms."

"But, Grandfather. According to Valerie Stevens, he was pulling crap like that while Christie was trying to do her technique demonstrations! Christie had to stop and restart her demos several times. I'm worried that he has something like that planned for the sparring bouts. There's not a lot of room for error when you're sparring. One slip or misstep and a scoring tap can become a hammer blow. Remember what happened to Greg when Christie was sparring with him a few weeks ago? That punk's got a grudge against Christie because she wouldn't date him and because he embarrassed himself during that bout against her last summer. He's been messing with her all morning, Sa Bum Nim, and I'm afraid she might get hurt or hurt her opponent if we don't stop his crap right now!"


Valerie, Donnie and Grandfather were not the only ones who had observed Tad's little ploys. There were two very irate sorceresses in the audience. Amanda, in particular, had eight years of experience watching first Charlie and then Christie taking these tests. Those hesitations and start/stops in the demonstrations? She'd never seen that from her child! And now? Her graceful, ballet-trained daughter couldn't keep in step with the other students? It hadn't taken her long to figure out the problem, and Momma Bear had her hackles up and her claws and fangs ready!

Rebekah wasn't pleased either, and they were currently embroiled in their own private battles with long-held ethical standards. "Mother, I am this damned close to making that little bastard testosterone intolerant. I'm so angry; they'd have to cut his balls off to save his worthless life!"

"I know, Amanda. I've had a few fiery fantasies of my own since I figured out what he's up to, but you know we can't do either."

"I know, I know, it violates the blasted code. Wait here and keep an eye on the son of a bitch. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"AMANDA!" Rebekah said sternly, worried she might try something while her Mother wasn't looking. Rebekah knew she would have thought hard about it had this been her child being messed with.

"I'm just going to make a phone call or two, Mother. By this time next week, I'm going to know all there is to know about one Mr. Tad Green, his immediate family, his un-immediate family and any miscellaneous hangers-on in their vicinity. That little bastard just declared war on my family, and I'm going to get all the ammunition I need to destroy him! But if he does anything that results in Christie getting hurt out there? He'd better give his soul to God because I will have his ass!"


Tad was quietly gloating over the success of his scheme. Ever since he'd heard McKellar was testing for the same belt he'd EARNED in this damn dojang, he'd been planning for this. It was going even better than he'd hoped. Those little hops and skips she'd had in the demos were one thing. Losing sync and moving like a pregnant hippo on ice during the Poomsae was a whole other level of bad! Now, if things went as he'd planned for the sparring, maybe he'd get really lucky, and she'd lose a few teeth. Mess up that pretty face a bit. That would be cool. Well, a guy could only hope.

Tad listened for the announcement calling the participants for the first round of sparring. Christie and Valerie Stevens. Wow, a twofer! Maybe both of them would come to school Monday with black eyes and missing teeth. Man, was he on a roll, or what?!

Tad began to move to the portion of the spectator area closest to where Christie's bout would be held when a hand came down on the side of his neck and shoulder from behind.


Tad tried to turn to see who was behind him, but the hand gripping his neck muscle blocked him. Straining to turn his head, he was surprised to see Grandfather Kim alongside Donnie Colt. God, that guy was even scarier than Tad remembered.

"Why, hello, former Jeja Tad," Grandfather said amiably. "If we'd known you planned to attend our exhibition today, we would have made special arrangements."

"Yeah, just to make sure you couldn't interfere with the proceedings. Oh, well." Donnie sounded almost sad.

Tad tried to squirm from under the grip Grandfather now had on his trapezius muscle and its associated nerve bundle, but that hurt, so he stopped. "I haven't done anything," he offered, trying to gain time to think of what the heck to do next.

"Ah, but former Jeja Tad, Donnie, you and I all know that is simply not true, don't we. Your SO enthusiastic cheering and you're. . .minding of the children - that little marching exercise was quite well done. I am sure that most parents appreciated you diverting their little ones."

"See? Told you I didn't do anything. Just helping out, you know?"

"Yeah, you've been real helpful," Donnie growled. "Now, what say we take a little walk outside where we can discuss just how much we appreciate your efforts?"

"No, Donnie, I'd just as soon stay here. Free exhibition and all that. Want to watch the sparring, ya know?"

Grandfather shook his head sadly and sighed. "Did you know, former Jeja Tad, that I have spent many years perfecting my version of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch? Ever since I first saw it on the original Star Trek show. Now, I haven't gotten it down quite yet. People only pass out about half the time I try it. On the other hand, I am assured that the pain can be so intense that my subject can hardly breathe, let alone speak." Suddenly, the grip on his neck tightened, nearly causing Tad's knees to buckle before easing up again. "You will accompany us outside, former Jeja Tadd. The easy way or the hard way. Your choice. Choose! NOW!"

Moments later, they were through the lobby and out the front door of the dojang's storefront. Grandfather gave Tad's neck another 'little squeeze' before roughly shoving the husky boy away. "The next time, Tad Green, you come to my family's place of business and try to harm or even inconvenience my students, it will not go well for you. Now leave."
"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Tad shouted as he tried to recover some of his tattered dignity.

"Bull, punk," and Donnie stepped directly between Tad and Grandfather, his hands fisted at his hips. "Now, let me take this one step further, asshole. If I EVER see your sorry butt around here again? You and me? We're going to go out back and have words. I SAW what you did to Christie in there, okay? I KNOW what you were pulling in there. I DID NOT LIKE IT! And I like you even less. You should leave -NOW - before Christie finishes her sparring and decides to deal with your stupid crap herself."

It was just too much, Tad thought. This . . .this THUG was threatening HIM? He was a freaking GREEN, for God's sake. Impulse became action before Tad's mind engaged, and he did something idiotic. He threw an open hand palm strike into Donnie's chest with all his strength.

Donnie didn't move or flinch. He laughed. "That all you got, punk? It's no freakin' wonder Christie wiped the mat with your sorry ass when she was just a white belt! You really need to be gone. NOW!" Donnie took one menacing step as if to close the distance between them, and Tad was off, sprinting down the street.

"Are you all right, Jeja Donnie?" Grandfather asked as Donnie turned to head back into the dojang.

"Ahhh, it was nothing. I'd have said the little prick hits like a girl, but Christie hits lots harder than that. Grandfather? Are we going to have trouble when the black belts meet for deliberations on advancement?"

"I don't think so, but it will come down to how well Christie spars. I have something special in mind for her."

"God, Grandfather! Not me! Please!"

"Oh, my no, Jeja. However, I suspect Jeja Christie might prefer to see you as her opponent. Come along. We don't want to miss this."


Christie's bout with Val was coming to its formal end when they got back in the main studio in time for them to bow to the judges.

There were several other bouts before Christie would be called for her second, so Grandfather went to speak to the fighter he'd chosen for her next opponent. She would need to make sure she was adequately warmed up to face his Jeja Christie, especially today.


Valerie and Christie were cooling out and hydrating after the bout. Christie was satisfied with her performance, and she was confident that she'd helped show her friend to her best advantage. "Good bout, Val," she said as she bounced gently on her toes to stay loose.

"You, too, girl. Looks like Donnie and Grandfather did something about Tad, thank heaven. I don't know what he had planned for when you sparred, but I was really scared you or your opponent would get hurt."

"Huh? What are you talking about? What could he possibly do?"

"Don't know! But after the stunts he pulled during your demos and the Poomsae? I don't think I want to know."

"What?" Christie thought her friend was having delusions. Until Val explained about Tad's little cheering ploy. "Really? I don't know that I heard him, but I seemed to get off on the wrong foot or something. I guess I see how he could have, but during the Poomsae?"

"Again, I'm not sure what happened, but be honest here. When was the last time you couldn't keep step and time on a Poomsae demonstration? C'mon, Christie, it's like dancing!"

"Well, something was sure messing me up. I felt like I was trying to dance the Waltz of the Flowers while someone played heavy metal rap in the background instead of Tchaikovsky. God, I felt so . . .awkward out there."

"That's what I mean! I did, too, but not quite as much as you. At least we aced that sparring bout, partner. I think I've got a match with the other green belt in our test group. You know who you've got?"

"Not yet. The bout sheet said 'TBD .'I'm hoping it will be someone who will really stretch me because I really think I need a good grade if I want to advance this time."

"Attention, please!" Grandfather's voice came over the studio announcing system. Second-round test bouts will start in five minutes. Participants should ensure they are adequately warmed up and loose."

"And, I still don't know who I'm fighting. Guess Grandfather is playing his games again."

"Better you than me, Chris. Oh, wait, he's got the mike again."

"Attention, please. Our first second-round bout will be a standard five-minute, three-point competition match. I will be the assigned Joo Sim. Master Kim, Young-Soo and Donnie Colt will be the scoring judges. Christie McKellar and Kim Eun Ae to the center mat, please."

"Oh, crap! I've got to fight Eunice again?" Christie sighed. "Darn it, I haven't finished making up with her for beating up Greg when he wouldn't try hard against me."

"Well, good luck. Good thing this isn't theatre. As I understand, they tell each other to break a leg. I'm not sure Eunice isn't more than ready to help you with that. So, try to come out in one piece, okay."

"Thanks, loads, Stevens. Well, see you when I wake up."


Tad stopped running when he realized Donnie hadn't meant to chase him. Is that all he had?! Damned street rat! Well, Tad Green wasn't going to take it. If he hadn't already had enough reasons to concentrate on his fighting arts, that thug had just given him a ton more motivation. He was going to bust his ass and get REALLY good! BETTER than good, and then he'd take Donnie freaking Colt 'outback and have words.' Only it would be Tad freaking Green doing the talking and Donnie asshole doing the listening - as long as he stayed conscious!

Yeah, that was a plan he could get behind. It was too bad he hadn't gotten to spring his last little surprise on the McKellar bitch while she was sparring. That would have been epic. Now that he wasn't there to show them all just how inept that skank really was, the Kims would just cave and give her the damned belt regardless of how awful she'd been in the two earlier elements. The bitch just wasn't a fighter, and that was it. It was just another bit of proof of how rigged that damned bout had been last August.

So, now he had two, no, three people on his hit list. McKellar, her lezzie pal Stevens, and that street dealer punk Donnie Colt. All it would take is time, sweat and planning. Tad Green was gonna be ready, and they were gonna pay for what they'd done to him.


Christie thought they had to be getting close to the time limit, even as she countered another spinning back fist from Eunice. Dang, but that girl was fast and strong. They'd been at it hot and heavy since Grandfather's first 'Si Jak,' and surprisingly, Christie had held her own against Young-Soo's scary daughter. In fact, she'd just managed a clean point with a sidekick that came on the end of a three-move combination similar to what Greg had shown her. With however long they had left in the match, they were tied 2 - 2. The next point would win the match, or the bout would end in a time-limit draw.

The ending was sudden. Eunice feinted a bull rush attack as if she were trying to get in close for some body punches. For Christie, it was deja vu all over again. Christie countered with the same maneuver she'd used against Tad back in August. Just as she had then, she started a jump and rotation at the exact moment, ready to launch the jump 360 hook kick. Only Eunice was prepared for that technique and, in fact, had baited Christie into committing to the high flying, high-risk maneuver.

Eunice ducked beneath Christie's kick, grabbed her leg, and spun her flailing to the mat. Eunice used the throw's momentum to come up over Christie and unleashed a potentially devastating strike to her chest.

"GOMAN!" Grandfather ordered. The two fighters took their place at his side as he poled the judges. It was a mere formality as it had been well delivered, clean and hadn't been countered. All three judges scored the move a point for Eunice, so she won by a score of 3 - 2 just before time ran out in the match.

After the end of match formalities, the two girls walked off to get their gear and their water bottles.

"Wow, Christie," Eunice breathed, "You remember to eat your Wheaties today or what? That was a whole lot closer than that first bout."

Christie took a long drink of water before answering. "I think it's more that you aren't nearly as mad at me as you were back then."

Eunice giggled. "Hey, you'd just stomped all over my guy, McKellar. Had to take you down, ya know?"

"He wouldn't fight, darn it! I was trying to prove to Grandfather and Master Kim that I was good to go for the October belt test, and he was being all nice and sweet to the poor girl who had to fight him. I'd do it again, too! I felt dissed!"

"I hear you, Christie, and I'll talk to him about that. Still, you were a whole lot more focused this time yourself. Especially after fluffing your Poomsae like you did."

"That was Tad Green's doing," Val's voice came from behind him. "He was doing something to upset the rhythm we all use to keep together for those. I think Donnie and Grandfather had a little talk with him about it, too."

"Well, helluva performance out there sparring today, girl," Eunice told her. "I haven't had that tough a bout since the last time I took on Wilma. Oops, Dad's waving to me. Later you two." And Eunice ran off to see Young-Soo.


The Kims, their instructors, and the outside black belts invited to assist in the testing adjourned to the small studios to deliberate. As usual, Grandfather assumed the role of de facto jury foreman for the proceedings.

"Very well, then, we all agree that all the students testing for yellow and green belts will advance. Master Lee, you indicated you had some issues to discuss regarding the students testing for the blue and blue stripe belts.

Master Lee, a long-time friend of Master Kim, ran a school on the other side of the state. He routinely helped with the test days at Young-Soo's school and reciprocated when Master Lee needed additional senior judges. "Thank you, Grand Master. I conducted the demonstration test for Christie McKellar. She performed adequately, with only a few minor deductions, but that was followed by that less than fully satisfactory group Poomsae exhibition. I must say that having seen that, I was rather surprised at how well she sparred, especially against Master Young-Soo's daughter, who I know to be excellent."

"Master Lee," Donnie put in, "I must tell you that there were extenuating circumstances around those two performances. One of the reasons Miss McKellar sparred so well was that action was taken to remove those circumstances."

"Extenuating circumstances? How so? I saw nothing that would interfere with our normal process."

Grandfather sighed, and a pained look flashed across his face. "A former student of our school has a grudge against Jeja McKellar. The deductions in her skills demonstration came when that individual screamed instead of cheering, breaking Jeja's concentration. This is very outside the normal experience for such tests. As to the Poomsae, that was even more insidious. Jeja Christie came to us from the local ballet school. Until a growth spurt derailed her, she had spent more than 8 years training intensively to be a ballerina. My family saw her perform and she was very skilled, very elegant. Unfortunately, that worked to her disadvantage today."

"How so? I do not understand. I would think such training would shine in the standard forms element."

"The guy Grandfather told you about got a group of kids together from the audience and had them stamping their feet to the wrong cadence," Donnie growled. "Christie is sensitive to beats and rhythms, which threw her timing off. A couple of the other kids got messed up, too. There were more slip-ups in that performance than there have been in the last three months combined."

Master Lee looked from Donnie to Master Kim and then to Grandfather. "And this is true?" Grandfather nodded slowly. "Then, based on her performance in the sparring, I withdraw my issue about her advancement."

"Thank you, Master Lee," Young-Soo said. "And I also was surprised by her sparring performance as the first time she sparred with my daughter, Eun Ae defeated her fairly handily."

"Eunice cleaned her clock for her," Wilma Davis said, smiling.

"In any case," Young-Soo said sternly to regain control, "I asked my daughter, and she assured me that she in no way took it easy with Jeja Christie. In fact, she was getting a little concerned before she managed to decoy her into that last move. Christie has used that move before quite effectively."

"For all that, the kick was well executed. Eun Ae was just prepared, and her counter was effective. I vote for Miss McKellar to advance."

Everyone agreed, and the meeting broke up shortly after that.


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