The Voyage of the Visund -40-

The travelers remain in Ferenis for several days exchanging the usual information about styles, ideas and inventions from downstream. Eriana also has a look at a Yodan war galley. As they make ready to leave for the next leg of the voyage, an incident happens that threatens their departure.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

40 - Suits, Skirts and Galleys

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2021 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

«There. The bandage is secure, you can go now. Take it easy for the next two days.»

«Of course, Mistress. Thank you again.»

Ursula watched the bandaged Torvald limp out of the door and was surprised when Adin replaced him.

«I thought Torvald was the last one. Surely you didn't get involved in that melee?»

The little cook's smile was apologetic. «Not me, Mistress! I know better than to tangle with a lot of very big men waving swords and worse about! I am sorry to trouble you, I have managed to pick up a burn in the palace kitchen. I wondered if you would take a look at it as you are here with all your materials.»

Adin turned over his left arm and showed her the reddening skin.

Ursula winced. «How did you do that?»

«Mistress, the palace cook was showing me a different way of preparing gavakhan steaks when the fat in his pan caught fire. Unfortunately when it happened I was reaching over for a spoon to hand to him, to reduce the fat.» He looked embarrassed. «That shall not happen again!»

«I would be surprised if it did. You are too good a cook to make that mistake more than once.»

«Agreed, but it was a strange kitchen and...» He shrugged. «Can you do anything for me?»

Ursula smiled. «Of course! I am, I suppose, the ship's physician and surgeon, though I don't remember anyone asking me if I wanted the job! Sit down and let me find some salve for that. Will you object to a bandage on it?»

«Of course not, Mistress. If you say I must have one then I'll have one. It will help to protect the arm as it heals, right?»

«Yes, but you may find that it will be uncomfortable in the hot weather. A bandage will stop the salve coming off onto your clothes as well.»

«...And bed-sheets, and towels, and everywhere I sit down.» Adin grinned. «That is another lesson I have learned before.»

Ursula was just fixing the end of the neat bandage when Tyra entered the small room.

"Mistress... Oh! I beg your pardon. I thought that you had finished the men."

"It is fine, Tyra. Adin came by his wound in a different battle, a fierce fight against a fire monster in the palace kitchen."

Tyra giggled. "Mistress! You must not think that we spend all our time fighting."

"Fortunately I do not, Tyra. You are washed and refreshed, I take it?"

"Aye, Mistress, and thank you for the time. I will have a small bruise just -" The maid was just about to point at a delicate spot when she remembered Adin was still there. "Ah, maybe later. It is of little concern."

"I missed part of the melee, as you know, when that armsman was knocked cold. I assume that you had no trouble?"

"Mistress, the men would not face me at first! I do not know what they thought might happen, but I wonder if they were afraid of injuring me." She grinned. "Then I rushed at the man I was supposed to be fighting and he had no choice! I am certain that he could wield a sword better than me but I got two hits on his chest and he surrendered. The next man took note and fought properly, which was how I got the bruise."

Ursula finished with Adin and stood. «There. Leave the bandage on overnight and I'll have another look tomorrow morning,» she rolled her eyes, «along with all the other crew! Fortunately there weren't too many this time.»

Adin rose and bowed. «Thank you, Mistress. Now I must return to the scene of battle,» he grinned, «and help prepare our lunch.»

Ursula frowned. «You don't have to do that, surely? You are a guest here just like the rest of us.»

«And you are a guest here, Mistress, but I don't see you letting the palace healers do your job. Just as you are, I am broadening my experience of local methods and ingredients.»

She smiled. «That told me! Be off with you!»

Adin disappeared and Tyra helped Ursula to pack bandages and bottles away before both left the room to return to their suite. Eriana encountered them at the top of the stairs to the guest quarters.

"You have finished, yes? How many this time?"

"Six, Highness, but none would be serious enough to delay our departure, if that is your concern. Two have heavy bruises, another had dislocated a finger, one has a cut to his thigh that required stitches and the last a small puncture wound to his upper left arm. All have been treated."

Eriana's eyes narrowed. "You have described five, I deem, yet you spoke of six."

"The last was Adin, Highness. There was an accident in the kitchen and he has slightly burned his lower left arm."

"Ah, I see. Is it bad? How did it happen?"

"Not that bad. I have applied salve and a protective bandage. It should not affect his cooking abilities but I do not think we will have great need of those for a few days."

The Princess nodded. "As you say."

"It was a mistake by one of the palace cooks, I believe. A pan caught fire as Adin was reaching for a spoon. He will not do that again."

A wry smile. "Indeed. Sometimes the only way to learn is to be burned. So, are you ready to come to lunch?"

Ursula looked down at the basket in her hands. "I have to put my things away and wash up, Highness, then we'll be right down. Is there some problem?"

"Not at all, Ursula. I merely thought to walk down with you. I expect lunch to be served shortly."

"Then I had better get on, Highness. If you would excuse us."

"Of course."

When Ursula and Tyra entered the dining chamber they found Eriana there talking with Gathol and Karinet. They walked over and curtseyed to the Duke.

"You have ministered to your wounded, Mistress?"

"I have, Your Grace. Fortunately there was not too much to do this time."

"Indeed. A most impressive display, I was just telling Eriana how interested we were in seeing her men fight. They are well trained, are they not? And fearsome looking! And the unarmed combat, that was most instructive. I did not realize that armsmen," he noticed Tyra standing respectfully behind Ursula, "or, by your leave, armswomen, could do so much with no weapons at all."

"Hah!" Eriana chuckled. "Your Grace, I doubt that any of your men have faced women at all, not such trained as we are. The look on their faces when we attacked them was comical."

"Aye." But Gathol's expression was sober. "A secret weapon, I deem. Few men among our present ranks would know what to do when faced by a woman intent on killing or injuring him. Part of me, having seen the display, believes it unseemly that women should be present at a battle at all, while another part is determined to produce our own ranks of deadly females as soon as I can afford them. I am certain that many in the city will disapprove, many already do."

"That is one of the prices of progress, Gathol, as we spoke of yester eve. You already know why, and you know why it must needs be done."

"Aye," the Duke said again with a sigh, "I know it, Eriana. Now, to turn to a subject more fitting for mixed company, I understand from Karinet that you are all going to meet our resident seamstresses this afternoon after your naps?"

"Aye, Your Grace. There have already been requests for our designs from several in the palace, including your Marshal Zetan. This afternoon I believe we will be mainly considering female attire, but he may consult us another day."

Ursula remembered a conversation. "Highness, remember that you offered to provide Master Hashim with warm-weather outfits."

"So I did! Thank you, Ursula, for reminding me, the last two days have been very busy. Gathol, if we may ask our pilot to join us for the meeting. He has only the normal attire and looked with envy at the uniforms my men were wearing during our voyage here."

Gathol's eyebrows rose. "You have a pilot on your staff? Is this usual?"

"Not at all, Gathol. He is no retainer, he works his passage with us. He is someone we met in Forguland, a bargeman captured by those of Yod, set adrift by the war and anxious to return to his home. For his attire we can use the same pattern as for the men but a different material and color, whatever is to hand in the city. If he is to travel with us to Faralmark he must needs be comfortable on the river."

The Duke nodded. "As you wish. I can send someone after lunch to inform the man, will that suffice?"

"Of course, Gathol, and thanks."

"You mentioned Zetan. What does he want with seamstresses?"

"The attire my men wear is almost a summer military uniform, Gathol. Wallesan and Sildenar are already considering like attire for their own troops and Zetan is interested."

The Duke's face fell. "More coin, I deem."

"Not so much this time. The cloth is thin, the items are easy to make and they fit loosely. They are made to standard sizes so can be made in bulk and issued as required." Eriana smiled. "Of course you could just ask those of Joth to make them for you. I understand that Joth's seamstresses have a reputation along this stretch of the Sirrel."

"Indeed they do. I will consider it, Eriana. Ah, here are Saram and Bartra, let us sit to table."

* * *

The five women, knowing exactly what would happen when they met the seamstresses of Forguland, turned up with armfuls of clothing. There was a buzz of excitement as those ladies saw the materials, a buzz which increased when the clothes were carefully laid on the table and the women could see what the bearers were wearing.

"Ooh! I do like that!" The apparent leader of the women realized her mistake and curtseyed, to be immediately imitated by her companions. "I would ask your pardon, Your Highness, I have let my excitement overcome me. If I may introduce myself and my friends. I am Sharna, considered one of the senior seamstresses by those of the city. We were delighted to be invited to the palace to view the latest fashions from Palarand! You should understand that many in the city have already glimpsed you and there is a clamor for like garments."

Eriana nodded graciously. "Be welcome here today, ladies."

"If I may introduce my friends and fellow seamstresses." Sharna gestured at each as she spoke. All five were wearing what appeared to be the national dress of Forguland, a plain, short-sleeved blouse over a patterned skirt with a short apron. "This is Tisinet, here is Faminy, Doriset and over here is Peony. We come as representatives of our craft, Highness, and will convey anything that we learn to others in the city. Assuming that we are permitted, of course."

Eriana considered. "Welcome again, ladies. I must needs tell you that some of our attire is not of Palarand but provided by those of Joth. Some will be freely given, for all to copy, but a few of our garments carry a design license in Palarand or Joth."

"Those of Joth? Interesting."

Eriana smiled. "Aye. Still, some agreement may be possible. Have any of you by chance heard of or met Maralin of Joth?"

Tisinet curtseyed. "Aye, Your Highness, I have met him some weeks since. I did not know that he had an interest in attire."

The Princess shrugged. "Again, by chance, it seems. Though he has other interests he comes from a family of tailors, so he explained to us. It was he who designed the ship dress which Ursula here wears, patterned after a similar design from the lands of his birth."

"Really? How interesting! By your leave, Highness?"

Eriana gestured and the women zeroed in on Ursula. Her ship dress today was one with a front 'pouch' pocket which interested the ladies greatly, saying how useful it would be, and why had not any of them thought of the idea?


Eriana jumped in. "My own apologies, ladies, for not naming my own party. You are looking at Healer Ursula, a recent addition to the ship's company. Beside her is her maid Tyra, originally of Joth. My own companions are Bennet and Semma, who are women-at-arms. Tyra also is learning the arts of war."

"Women-at-arms?" The seamstresses did not know which way to turn.

Eriana smiled. "If I may suggest that you inspect Ursula first. There will be plenty of time for you to see all that we have brought."

"As you say, Highness!" breathed Sharna. "To see so much novelty, all in one room and at the same time, we will be speaking of this day for weeks!"

Sharna turned to Ursula. "Mistress, if I may ask, you wear a simple yet cooling garment. Did I hear it named a ship dress?"

Ursula had now become familiar with these sessions so replied, "Mistress, you did, though we are not sure exactly how that name came about. Tenant Maralin thought to design something which a woman would find cool in the heat of summer, that is all. The use of these on board ship is a bonus. The skirt is wide enough to permit movement without getting in the way but narrow enough to avoid being blown up by the wind."

"Ah! I see!" Sharna looked the garment over carefully. "There is no lacing, I deem."

"No, these just pull on or off over the head. They are deliberately made for ease of movement and with room for cooling air to flow around."

Faminy asked, "Mistress, if I may ask, you are a healer, are these designed for special use by those of your craft?"

"Not at all, Mistress, although there are such garments which I had to leave in Joth. We all have ship dresses and wear them in the places we visit as well as on board. In fact, we were all wearing them when we arrived."

Sharna said, "You were not there, Faminy! These dresses were the first thing I noticed when the women of the ship came into view." She looked at the hem, considering. "These would be too short for Forguland, I deem. Not in the city, certainly, too much would be visible beneath."

The five visitors all smiled.

"Not... necessarily," Eriana explained. "Ladies, beneath our clothes are other new designs you will be interested in. Ursula, if I may ask you to remove your dress for them to see."

Ursula crossed her arms and pulled the dress over her head, handing it to Tyra to straighten out. There were gasps from the five seamstresses.

Peony asked, "Highness, what is it we are looking at? I have never seen the like before!"

"These, ladies, are called bras. Now bras were brought to Palarand by Princess Garia from her homeland and all Palarand thanks her for it! Scraps of cloth, really, but as you may imagine the sewing must needs be accurate or you could present a strange shape to the world. These are made according to special patterns which are being produced and distributed by those of Palarand to all who ask. It is possible that some will arrive with the caravan which is bringing some of the new devices from that far land."

Sharna frowned. "Patterns? How is it possible to make a pattern for something which, as all know, is different for every woman?"

Eriana grinned. "You will see. There are a large number of shapes cut out of a thick paper-like material - ah, have you yet seen paper?"

"Paper? I have heard the word mentioned somewhere, Highness, but that is all."

Eriana waved a hand. "No matter. A new material for writing on, much easier to make than parchment. The shapes are cut out of a thick parchment-like substance, then, which should withstand much use. The woman who is to be fitted is measured and the numbers applied to a special chart which informs the seamstress which shapes to use to cut the material. It seems," she added, "that despite the fact we all look different, we do not need so many patterns, not when it is done this way."

"Ah. Interesting. We look forward to the arrival of this caravan, then, don't we, ladies? What of the lower garment, then?"

"These offer a looser and cooler alternative to our normal tie-side panties, ladies. As you may see, they provide comfort and cooling without displaying anything at all. I would caution you, they will not be adequate when Kalikan calls, but for all other days they are much more comfortable, and they are so easy to make. We stitched up many of those we possess while on our voyage here."

The women looked at one another. "Indeed? Then we will gladly adopt this custom, won't we, ladies?"

Doriset asked, "Highness, am I right in thinking that you are all wearing these new underwear designs?"

Eriana grinned again. "We are all wearing bras, it is true, none of us have worn any other support since we left Palarand." She glossed over the later joining by Ursula and Tyra. "However, while three are wearing what are named undershorts, Bennet and I wear a different garment beneath our skirts, especially for this demonstration."

Eriana leaned down, grabbed the hem of her riding skirt and lifted. Five jaws dropped.

"This is my riding attire," she said, letting the skirt fall. "Of course, the weather is becoming too warm for such an outfit as this but we all rode when we were in Joth, did we not, ladies?"

The seamstresses stepped back and studied the visitors. Sharna asked, disbelieving, "Highness, you all rode? I assume that you mean as a man does, not by use of a chair?"

The Princess grinned. "Aye, we did, and I can guarantee that when but a single woman dressed in like style is once seen riding in Forguland, there will be a clamour for garments like these. It happened in Palarand, I watched it happen in Joth and it will happen here. Women may ride as a man does, I can assure you of that, and many will desire to, just as soon as their husband may provide them with a frayen."

Doriset said quietly, "We know that women in the west, upriver, are known to ride but many customs are different beyond Yod. Few would care to ride in our city. I believe that some few may do so, on remote farms, perhaps, to help with the work but that is not what you imply, it seems to me."

"Indeed not, Mistress. When we ride we do so for pleasure, mostly. Women also may now ride as travelers, you should know. Princess Garia rode some hundreds of marks as she traveled to and from her holdings in Palarand."

"Hundreds of marks?" Faminy asked. "Highness, is Palarand so big, then? We know it is larger than Forguland but..."

"I could not say, Mistress. Hundreds of marks would cover the round trip, as Blackstone is at the extreme north of Palarand's lands. I do not believe that she rode the whole way. I have not been there, I do not know the route, but she rode much of the way back, at least."


"How do you manage your beasts?" Sharna asked. "I thought that they required a man's firm hand to do what is needful."

Eriana was smug. "It is not so! Princess Garia taught us that a frayen will respond better to a woman's touch than to the stick of a man. If you can but treat it as a friend instead of an awkward thrall - uh, a slave I believe you might say - then you may gain the trust of your beast and he of you. Soft words and the spare application of vegetable treats will win you a companion who will do anything for you."

"Do you tell me? Remarkable!"

Faminy asked, "Highness, does this then mean that we women should ride instead of our menfolk? All would find that strange, I deem."

"Fortunately for the sanity of our peoples, Mistress, it would appear that men may use this method to better handle their beasts as well. It is harder for them, since they do not naturally have the soft voice and gentle touch we do. Think you of the difference of a mother's touch upon her children and that of their father. Both may produce like results but their touch is not the same."

"Ah, I see. If I may ask, how may we learn such methods ourselves?"

Eriana grimaced. "That is not so simple, unfortunately. While the steps are easy enough it does take time and patience. Just as people vary in temperament, so do your frayen, so the results may also vary according to rider and beast." She added, "In Joth, outside their walls, they have established a Riding School where all may learn both to befriend their beasts and to ride them in safety and comfort. I suggest that someone write to Duchess Fanis asking for information."

Bennet said, "Highness, do not forget the saddles."

"As you say! I am reminded that Garia - Princess Garia brought another boon to Anmar with her, an improved design of saddle. They are more comfortable and, being differently shaped, will help to keep you upon your beast. The saddle sits further forward on the animal and, to all appearances, is more comfortable to them as well."

"As you say, Highness," Sharna agreed with a nod. "But we are sewers of cloth, not leather. How may we then obtain such saddles, if they are required for women to ride?"

"I will speak with your Duke this evening. They have begun making those in Joth as well and I have no doubt will appear here soon enough."

"Highness," Bennet said, "some of our own saddles are on the ship, if we may show them to the Duke's saddler."

Eriana turned. "You are right, Bennet, of course. I will bespeak the Duke, then."

The door opened and Karinet came in. All the women curtseyed.

"I am sorry I was delayed, it was unavoidable," she greeted them. "Did I hear you mention the Duke? If I may know what the matter is, I may be able to help... what amazing attire you are all wearing!"

Eriana smiled. "Indeed, Karinet! Your seamstresses are fair entranced by the new designs from the east. We had begun to discuss my own attire, designed for riding, and became diverted into a discussion of the new methods of frayen husbandry practised in the east."

"Riding attire? How wonderful! Do tell me more."

"Well, it was like this, Karinet..."

- - -

There was a knock at the door and Karinet went to answer it herself. Waiting outside were Lars and Hashim. Lars had clothing over one arm.

"Gentlemen, if you would enter, we are all decent." A small giggle. "Though it would not have been so a short while ago, I deem!"

Lars eyed the group of seamstresses and then came over to Eriana. "Captain, I have come with pilot and samples of clothes for him."

"Thank you, Lars. If you would hand those to me."

Lars passed over the items and stood to one side. The ladies looked on, some eyeing Lars' impressive physique with interest.

"Ladies," Eriana began. "If I may request of you a quick commission. You will now know that we all wear certain attire aboard ship, for reasons of ease and comfort. Ursula and Tyra wear what we ladies normally wear and Lars wears what all the men wear. That is, all the men except Master Hashim here, since he only joined us in Forguland. What the men wear is simple enough to make and I wondered if there would be time to provide for him, since he will become uncomfortable as the weather warms, attired as he is. These are the items."

She held out the garments and Sharna took them from her, passing them to different members of her team. They held them up and inspected them, even turning them inside-out to examine the stitching.

"These were made by those of Joth," Eriana explained. "They are of standard sizes but what you provide for Master Hashim need not be of that kind. If you would measure him and make accordingly, that will suffice. I would like a cloth of similar thickness and weave, to keep him cool, but the color need not match that of the crew."

"Interesting," Sharna remarked. "Are there names for these garments?"

"Indeed. That which you hold is named a tee shirt, I understand that it is named so because the shape resembles a certain letter in a foriegn script. Faminy holds cargo shorts, named so since the pockets at the sides may carry any items that the wearer may need, instead of using a pouch. Doriset has undershorts which are worn beneath the cargo shorts and are designed to preserve modesty."

Eyebrows rose. Sharna asked, "No tights, Highness?"

"Indeed not, Sharna! I have seen the thin tights that the men wear here and I doubt many will be comfortable in them once the summer arrives. Bare legs are no problem aboard ship and, indeed, I have seen many crews along the river wearing nothing but short skirts - kilts, I believe they are named."

Sharna giggled. "Highness, I beg you, do not tell the men that they wear skirts! They will think you call them unmanly."

Eriana smiled. "Fear not, I would never do such a thing! I desire those at places along our journey to be of assistance, not offended. Though I am, as you may know, plain spoken, I have learned to think carefully before I address anyone - including seamstresses, I deem. To business, then. will it be possible to make, shall we say, two sets of attire for our pilot? How many days might it take you?"

"Highness," Doriset asked after turning over the undershorts she held, "if I may suggest, he will need more than two sets to wear, since I doubt not these garments will be soaked in sweat by the end of each day. This item seems easy enough to cut, as you said yourself, and if I may suggest four or five of these and three of the outer garments, against any accident or lack of laundry facilities."

Sharna nodded. "I agree, two will not be sufficient. This tee shirt is as simple as the undershorts, I deem. I could manage two in one day, the undershorts will be even quicker. The shorts - well, we must needs investigate those very interesting side pockets which may require some more thought to provide. Say two days, then, and mayhap another if we have to go to the market for suitable cloth."

"Done, ladies. You shall be handsomely compensated for your efforts and, if I may, I will sign a document describing the right of the seamstresses of Ferenis to make more of these items for your own people. I will include our ship dress in that right. I must needs speak with Karinet about our other items, I regret that they are not ours to dispense."

The seamstresses all curtseyed. "Highness, you are too kind," Sharna said for all of them.

Karinet stated, "Eriana, if you depart Ferenis without leaving the secret of your riding attire with us, I fear there will be war within our lands. Is there no remedy?"

"My apology, Karinet! But, surely, none have seen them outside this chamber." Eriana wrinkled her nose. "Well. I will have words with Lord Kalmenar. Doubtless we will come to some arrangement acceptable to all. Karinet, if you are set on bringing the riding of frayen by women to your lands, then you have my word that we shall find a way."

"Thank you, Eriana. Ever since I saw your attire I have wondered how I would look thus astride a beast. This is no idle fancy, being able to ride may be of use to many in our lands, including myself. Forget not that while the main part of Ferenis is but low-lying river soil we have extensive uplands of fine timber where wagons and carriages cannot easily go. There are many in those parts who will find your ideas and attire a great boon."

"I did not know that, Karinet. We shall find a way, depend on it."


Four days later, Hashim joined Eriana, Lars and Tor at the harbour. His attire was made of very similar cloth to that of the rest of the crew but darker in color and there was a brownish tint to it. He felt self-conscious climbing the ladder, in front of curious bystanders, into the moored galley behind the Einnlanders.

"I do not know if those of Yod made their galleys to different designs," the Princess said when he joined them on deck. "Does any of this look familiar to you?"

"Indeed, Highness, it looks to be the same, though it is not the one I was on."

"How do you know that?"

He pointed to the far end. "There, Highness, would have been where the grenade was thrown. It caused much damage to one side of the hull, which I do not see there."

"As you say." She gestured at the deck. " How is this then arranged? Fighting men up here and oarsmen down below?"

"As you say, Highness. The men could hide behind the walls of the hull and pop up to fire crossbows or throw spears. For boarding, certain sections," he pointed, "like that part there, can be hinged down to allow those of Yod to jump upon their prey, who would of course usually be lower in the water."

"Aye." Eriana looked around, thinking. "I do not think any of us have ever seen a ship like this, with decks arranged so."

"Captain, it is not so," Tor disagreed. "In Dekarran there were several ocean-going ships which were of like arrangement, though much wider than this, of course."

"You are right, Tor, I did not think. Those ships are so different than this one that my mind could not compare them. This one must needs be narrow, I deem, to slice through the water quickly. It would not carry any cargo except death."

"Highness," Hashim spoke timidly. "There is some room under our feet reserved for booty and space at the stern for supplies."

Eriana grinned at Tor. "See? Something else I did not know."

Tor shrugged. "Strange lands, strange ships, Captain."

Hashim asked, "Highness, if I may ask, what is your interest in these vessels? They are so unlike your own I would have thought you had no use for them or their design."

Eriana considered. "That may be true, pilot, but as all of Yod's galleys have been deemed war booty, they have been given to the Navy of the Federation to see if we may make use of them."

Lars grunted. "Burn well, Princess."

"Hah! Maybe when winter comes again! But we may make use of them for now, since we have no other, and building craft we may consider more suitable for the tasks given us will take time and coin. Does that answer you, pilot?"

"Highness... Captain, it does."

Eriana smiled with approval as she noted the change of address.

"Pilot... Hashim, if I may ask you to show us around. Though your interest in these vessels was unwanted and dire, at least you know what we look at and why it is so."

"Of course, Captain. This is the bow, of course, and behind us is a shelter for archers when they may face another galley." He pointed. "Lookouts either side, as on your ship, and just there the companionway to the lower deck."

Eriana frowned. "Companionway?"

Hashim shrugged. "Captain, many words are used in different ways aboard ship, as you must already know. A companionway is usually an enclosed stairway."

"Ah, I understand." She made a face. "Like... foaksul, I recall. Are we standing on a... foaksul now?"

Hashim smiled. "No indeed, Captain. That would be a separate structure above the main deck, which is where we are now. Those are usually found on much larger vessels, those that ply the ocean. I assume that you must have seen such somewhere before?"

"Aye, at Dekarran, where I learned those odd words. If you would continue."

"Of course, Captain. Under us, as I mentioned, there is a strong room for any valuable booty found. Normally the captive craft, if not too damaged, would be towed back to base with its crew and cargo." He paused. "Just as mine was when we were captured."

"We understand the business of war, Hashim," she said slowly, studying him. "You seem uncomfortable to my eyes. Is this too painful for you? Do you want to leave this place?"

He shook his head. "I will manage, Captain. If I did not, I would be of no use to you as pilot. Maybe, in the future, I might ask to leave, but not today."

"I understand. Tell me, what are these structures along the center here? They cannot be for cargo." Eriana pointed to a double row of largish wooden chests along the centerline of the deck.

"Seats where the men would rest without exposing themselves to arrows from beyond, Captain. They are lockers where weapons are normally kept, and I believe that some slept on them at night, the rest simply using the deck."

"As you say." Eriana grinned at Tor and Lars. «Much more comfortable than on the Visund, hey? Suppose we shift to one of these instead?»

Tor gestured around him. «Captain, look at all this wood. This ship must weigh four times what the Visund weighs, maybe more, and it is nowhere as long as the Visund. I wager it will not go places the Visund can, it draws too much water.»

Her gaze narrowed. "Aye. Draft will be an issue with these."

"Captain," Hashim disagreed. He had not understood Tor's comment but he knew about drafts. "This galley will go places that almost every other vessel on the Sirrel can go, I can assure you of that. There are very few ships as large as yours and yet with such shallow draft."

"As you say. Let us go to the other end... aft."

She led the way along the deck. Almost everything had been cleared from the galley when it had been captured, so there were no ropes, no tackle, nothing to impede their progress. Halfway along Lars stopped and turned, puzzled.

"Captain, where is mast?"

Eriana turned. "Indeed! I do not think these people bothered with masts."

"Captain," Hashim said, "normally I would agree, the one I was on had no mast, but I believe that under a pair of those chests is a hatch where a mast could be placed. The hatch and socket are plainly visible from the lower deck."

Her surprise was evident. "Do you tell me? So, it is possible to sail such a vessel."

Tor said, «Captain, I would advise caution, they may not be very stable under sail. There may be reasons why there is no mast. It could be too top-heavy, or there is some fault with the design. Also, you would not want a sail in the way when you are fighting.»

Eriana considered. «True. It will be something to explore when we are building our fleet.»

To Hashim she translated, "Tor tells me that they may have tried a mast but found it did not work as it should. And of course a sail could be a liability when they were fighting another galley."

"As you say, Captain."

The four continued to the rear of the galley, where the stern rose up to provide a partial shelter for anyone stationed there. At the rear a long horizontal timber at waist height was attached to a substantial axle that went through the deck.

"This is the tiller, Captain, which we customarily use instead of the steering oar that you do."

Eriana stared at the tiller. "How is it used, then?"

"That part is the top of the rudder, which projects through the hull behind the vessel. By moving the tiller from side to side you can steer the ship easily. Sometimes there are lines from the tiller to a wheel which makes steering even easier."

"A wheel?"

"Aye, Captain, like a wagon wheel, perhaps placed about there." He pointed.

"Tor, tell me what you think."

Tor moved to the tiller and pushed it from one side to the other.

"Master Tor," Hashim cautioned, "it is easy to move now because we are docked. It may need more strength out on the river, but more than one man can push at the same time."

Tor nodded. "Yah. I understand."

Eriana asked him, «You could use this?»

«Yes, Captain. It would take time to learn, but it looks simple enough.»

«Very well. Lars, your opinion, please. If this galley were ours, could we fight it? If we faced one could we overcome it?»

Lars flicked his gaze up and down the deck then walked over to the side and peered over before returning.

«Captain, as Tor said it will take time and training to learn how to use this ship. As for facing one, it is higher than the Visund, that gives them advantage.» He smiled unpleasantly. «Then we throw grenade.»

«Aye. With rifles it would be different, but we have none. Let us hope we do not meet one on the river.»

She turned. "Let us go downstairs."

Hashim corrected her once more. "Captain, we would not say downstairs, we would say go below. And to come up, we would say, go on deck."

She turned back impassively. "Hashim, normally I would resent that you keep correcting my words. I am Captain and you are not." Her gaze softened. "However, this is a new circumstance for all of us. As you may realize, all ships made in Einnland have no deck at all but only the hull which we all sit, stand or walk in. To create our Navy we must needs learn the words which are used in these lands for the parts of water vessels we are likely to use or encounter. Your words are wise and necessary, we must needs learn them all if we are to succeed."

Hashim bowed. "Captain, thank you. I will be careful what I say and how."

She favored him with a brief smile and a nod. "Then let us go... below."

Below it was dark, the only light coming from the companionways at each end and the holes where the oars entered, but there was enough to see what was there. Benches, wide enough for a man to sleep on at need. Footrests below, but no deck, the curved lower hull being plainly visible. A narrow walkway between the benches went from end to end. In the walkway, just in front of each bench, an iron ringbolt was set. At each end of the walkway, behind the companionway, was a bulkhead with a door in it.

The place stank.

"Ugh. Hashim, you have my sympathy."

"It was not so bad when we were moving, Captain. The breeze came down the front companionway and up the rear one." Hashim paused. "When we were docked, or hiding up along the banks, then it was not so good."

"These iron rings in the floor. I assume that a chain was attached to them and you?"

"Yes, Captain. A manacle around an ankle. Each bench can hold two rowers, though sometimes there was only one."

"And you stayed there all the time? To eat? To sleep? To piss or shit?"

"Yes, Captain, whenever the galley was on the move. When we were at the base we were taken off and held in barracks - prisons, really. We were allowed to exercise when we were there because they knew that we would be no good if we just sat in one place all the time."

"Gods! We do not treat even our thralls that way!" Her gaze sharpened. "But the rowers need not be captives or convicts, I deem? Could sailors or even warriors man these oars?"

"Of course, Captain. With a little cleaning up anyone could pull those oars, even your men."

"What, then, did they feed you? Scraps? Offal?"

"The same food that those of Yod ate, Captain." Eriana looked surprised so Hashim explained, "They wanted fit men to row to make sure that they could catch their quarry, Captain. It was only at the end, when everything fell apart, that we went hungry."

Tor pointed to the hull beside an oar port, where a hook was visible. "What hangs there?"

Hashim's response was short. "Soil bucket. Could not be used while we were rowing but at any other time."

"Oh?" Eriana asked. "I am almost afraid to ask how or how often they might be emptied."

"Two prisoners from each end were made to take the buckets up on deck and empty them over the side from time to time, Captain." Hashim's tone was dry as he added, "The buckets were not rinsed."

Eriana screwed up her face. "Let us get out of this place back to the fresh air. Come."

"One moment, Captain." Hashim pushed past the others and walked to the center of the walkway, which widened slightly there. "Here is where the mast would have been put. See the hatch? And above, the collar which would have held it in the deck."

"As you say." Eriana came and scrutinized the indicated locations. "Still, if masts may not be usable then these are of no importance. Let us go above to continue this conversation."

"As you command, Captain."

On deck and at the bow again, Eriana addressed Hashim, "You had some idea about that mast hole."

"Aye, Captain. If opened up, a skylight - a window, perhaps, could be set there to permit more light to enter below." He shrugged. "I am no designer, but there are like structures on other vessels which would admit air as well as light."

Eriana gazed at Hashim with speculation. "You have a keen eye, Master Hashim. When we come to design our river craft, it may be that your knowledge and experience would be of use to us. What say you?"

A surprised Hashim could only respond, "Captain, I am but a poor Second Mate trying to return to my homeland. I have not thought what I would do when I get there but only to return to my previous duties. If you would give me leave to think about what you ask of me."

"Of course, Master Hashim." She turned to include the others. "Have we seen enough here? Then let us go. There is much we must needs do before we may depart tomorrow."


There were many onlookers the following morning as the Visund prepared to depart. A carefully-monitored crowd had gathered along the pontoons either side of the Visund, although the local Watch had kept the area around the ship itself clear of anyone other than crew or Ducal household.

Several carriages had brought those who had stayed at the palace down to the river's edge and all had climbed the ramps from the beach to the pontoons to reach the ship, along with Gathol and Saram. The rest of the crew had already boarded and made ready for departure.

"I regret that you could not stay longer, Eriana. There is much that Ferenis has to learn from you and your people."

"And we from you, Gathol. It has been interesting to see how much one country may differ from another and we have enjoyed ourselves here, but the way is long and if we stayed as long in each country as we did in Joth or Forguland, we will not return here before this time next year!"

"As you say. The Sirrel flows a very long way and you must needs depart before your ship becomes trapped by the rains on your return."

"Indeed, but this time we do not intend to venture so far. Faralmark at least, since they are Federation members and Simbran awaits our arrival there."

"Aye! At least we are all now part of the same Federation and may converse one with another as friends. Yod is another matter but they have been tamed for a while."

"As you say. I am not certain how much use may be made of the five galleys but I thank you, on behalf of the Federation, for the gift. I will consider a plan of action as we travel and write you when I may."

"Indeed, but it is not a pressing matter. Now, perhaps you had better go else we must needs order lunch to be brought!"

Eriana grinned. "As you command, Your Grace."

She clasped arms with the Duke and with Saram before turning to board the Visund.

"Hey! You come back here this moment!"

Heads turned as the onlookers heard the cry. A small figure darted through the crowd, twisting and ducking to keep out of the reach of those who tried to grab him. He sped past Eriana and Gathol, leaping blindly into the ship and falling into the laps of two of the crew. Before they could react he was up, heading for the stern, which faced the river.

"No! I'll never go back! You can't make me! I'll kill myself first!"

The figure tried to slip past Lars but he stuck out a giant hand and grabbed a thin arm firmly.

"Ow! Let me go!"

He wriggled and Lars was forced to grab the youth around his middle, whereupon he recoiled and relaxed his grip, though not letting the runaway escape.

«This is not a boy but a maid!»

Eriana was startled but realized that this unwanted interruption could delay their departure.

«Bring her to me, Lars. We need answers, and quickly.»

Gathol asked, "What is happening, Eriana? Where did he come from?"

"It is a girl, Gathol. We must needs ask her."

The response from the fugitive was immediate and vehement. "I am not a girl! I am a boy!"

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