Emma and Sam Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up next to Sam was amazing. I was toasty warm beneath the quilts whilst the coolness of the room played upon my face. Spooning up against her warm body felt like heaven. The scent of the coconut oil had worn off somewhat and her body’s natural aroma was titillating to my senses. Sam put her arm over me let me know she was awake.

“Good morning sweetness…” She crooned softly.

“Mmmm…” Was all I could manage to…say?

“Sleep well?”

“Mmmm…” I grinned.

“Well…” Sam giggled. “I can see this is going to be a constructive day. You ready to get up?”

“No…! Never…!” I snickered. “I want to stay like this forever!”

But Sam would have none of that. She viciously attacked me by tickling my sides and tummy. I jumped out of bed with nothing on but my panty. Sam quickly followed.

“I’ve been waiting for you to get out of bed.” Sam chuckled. “Now go and put up the coffee whilst I shower. I’m quick so you’d better be as well.”

Putting on my tee shirt, robe and sandals, I went to do my mistress’s bidding…with a smile. Visions of her nudity danced in my mind and did her kisses and hugs. Last night was the best night I’d ever had. And all we really did was eat, watch a movie, massage, talk, and...cuddle?

Sam was good to her word. In less than ten minutes, she came out dressed in only her panty and her sleeping tee.

“Okay baby girl… Your turn…” She grinned. “I’ll get breakfast going. How does eggs over easy on toast grab you?”

“Great…” I hugged and quickly kissed her on my way to the bathroom.

Thoughts of us continued to fill my mind as the shower water streamed over and down my body. Using her body soap and shampoo, I came out with exuding the same scent I so loved on Sam. After redressing in a fresh panty and my tee shirt, I walked out of her bedroom to the wonderful smell of breakfast and the strong coffee.

We sat opposite of one another. Between bites of food and sips of coffee, we giggled and snickered each time we glanced at each other. I felt at home…and at home with my Sam. When we finished eating, I got up and began to clear the table and wash the dishes and utensils. I felt satiated, both physically and emotionally. As Sam watched me do my thing at the kitchen basin, she smiled.

“You know…?” She chuckled. “I feel like I got laid last night.”

“What do you mean?” I giggled.

“I don’t know. I just feel…” Sam sighed and smiled. “I just feel…amazing. Even though we didn’t do anything sexual…I feel alive. I feel like my entire being is…vibrating?”

“Yeah…” I snickered. “Me too… Is this what it really feels like?”

“What…? You mean having sex? Fucking...? Girl on girl style...?” She chuckled.

“Yeah…” I blushed.

“Almost baby girl… Only the feeling is way more intense…” Sam came over and hugged me. “Give it time. You need to give me some time.” She whispered. “I’m just not quite ready. You know?”

“I’ll give you all the time you need.” I said softly. “I want to know that feeling…but only with you. And I promise not to make it easy on you.” I giggled and pulled on her ear lobe gently with my lips.

“Ohhh… That is so intense.” Sam moaned softly. “You bitch…” She snickered. “You did that purposely!”

“Who…? Me…?” I lilted and playfully nipped at her nipple as it poked out the tee. “I would never…” I giggled a gently nipped the other one. “…ever...be a tease.” Said snickering madly...!

In spite of me wanting to play with Sam, we did spend the morning in study. Actually, Sam was teaching and I was learning. She was far more able to communicate what the G.A. simply couldn’t. By the time noon approached, I understood more than I needed to learn...though we did banter a bit during the process which made the learning much lighter and easier.

Sam and I both were getting hungry and she needed to do some grocery shopping. As we began to change into something suitable for the street, Sam observed me doing my little perfume routine.

“I love that scent. Can I do some of that?” Sam pleaded.


Misting the air again, I pulled her threw the droplets.

“That feels so amazing!” Sam snickered. "Those tiny droplets feel so amazing on my face."

But when she saw me do a single drop on my finger and reach inside my panty, Sam gawked in wonder.

“Now what are you doing?”

“It’s something I learned from the slut. In fact…” I giggled. “It’s the only thing I learned from her. She does clubbing and the bar scene a lot?”

“Yeah…? So…?” Sam anxiously waited to hear this one.

“So…” I snickered. “She obviously needs to pee after all the free drinks and stuff?”

“Yeah…?” Sam smiled tentatively. “So what…?”

“So… When guys go down on her they don’t smell…” I snickered and blushed. “You know. She puts a drop just above her vagina.”

Sam burst out laughing.

“I’ve met one or two women who could have used that without having a drink. Female hygiene does vary even amongst those who should know better.” She chuckled. “Give me that crap.”

I giggled as Sam took the bottle and did as I did.

“You know?” I lilted and grinned. “I could have done that for you.”

“Well…? Let’s see. You may get your chance.” Sam blushed and giggled. “And now at least I know why your panties smell so amazing.”

“Oh my God Sam…!” I was shocked. “You didn’t!”

“Now you can sniff mine.” Sam just grinned lewdly and giggled.

“Who says I haven’t?” I smiled wryly. “You know the ones you wore after your workout?”

“Ewww…! Really…?” She grimaced.

Now Sam was the one who looked shocked. Of course I didn’t. But now she planted a seed…sort of. I did always wonder what it smelled like down there…with someone who has the right…ummm...plumbing?

We finished dressing and I grabbed my purse. Sam had only a wallet of course. She tucked it into her blue jean’s pocket and grabbed her car keys. Just when we got to the door, Lei came staggering in with her heels in her hands.

“Honey child…!” She smiled. “Sam darling…! Where are you going?”

“Shopping Lei...” Sam simply stared at her. “It must have been a good party.”

“Twas indeed…” Lei chuckled. “The white boy took from the wrong cup. Then some witch woman grab him and take him around the world!” She laughed hysterically. “That boy will never be the same again. And those two white girls…” Lei shook her head and grinned. “They party just like us. The lady girl hooked up with this rude boy I brought to her.”

“What about Pat?” I asked frantically. 'Rude boy'...?

“Oh… She drink from the same as the white boy only she knows what was in the cup. And she hook up with the other white girl and the rude boy.” Now tears rolled down Lei’s plump cheeks as she laughed. “When I give them a rude boy…I know what he can do!”

“Are they back in the dorm?” My concern was not masked.

“Yes darling child… They are back safe and in good order.” Lei smiled. “I cannot say what happened to the white boy though.” She scratched her head. “He disappeared with that witch woman.”

“Poor Chase…” I giggled. “I think Jeanie may have lost her ‘special’ friend zone friend.”

“Hmmm…” Sam grinned at me. “I have a feeling that Pat might have might have lost more than just her gold star.” She snickered. “Do not…” Sam admonished. “I repeat…do not ever go to a party with this one...” She pointed at Lei. “…unless I go with you!”

We left the apartment as Lei, giggling incessantly, went to her room. She had yet another party that night which meant Sam and I could be alone again. The Gods were being all too kind. Sam’s car was a really nice little Honda Civic. She unlocked the doors with her key fob but still opened the door for me. And we were off to the store.

One thing I never understood is why most cars I saw had black interiors. This is South Florida! It gets really hot. Our summers last nearly eight months. So why have a black interior which only traps the heat? At least the car was white.

Sam put on some jazz when she connected her phone to the stereo system. It was a pleasant change from the hard rock, metal, and industrial music the roomies played. And a really pleasant change from the pop divas the slut couldn’t seem to hear enough of.

We drove down to Trader Joe’s across from Dadeland. I loved shopping there but rarely was able to find the time. It required a train ride and several walks and I couldn’t imagine that with tons of food. They were also a little more costly than the local market. So my meal plan had to do for the most part.

My problem is that I wanted to buy everything I saw when I entered any market so I let Sam lead the way. Though Sam tended to eat reasonably healthy foods, she was no expert on picking the veggies that were the best. That’s where I proved to be helpful. And she did load up on the cheeses. But when we were in the fresh fish area I had an inspiration.

“I want to cook you dinner.” I said excitedly. “The cod fish looks amazing and I can make it kind of Greek style?”

“Oh no…! Oh no you don’t...!” Sam chided with a smile. “You’re not getting out of buying me dinner tonight.”

“Well…? What about for lunch tomorrow?”

“There’ll be left overs for sure.” Sam grinned.

This was something I really wanted to do for Sam…for us. Kind of like…a romantic candle lit dinner for the two of us…dare I say it…at home? But when Sam…sweet dear Sam…saw the look of utter disappointment in my eyes. She relented.

“Okay…” She smiled and placed her hands on my cheeks. “I suppose we could do an out on Sunday evening.”

Not being able to help myself, I hugged and kissed her all over her face as I repeated ‘thank you’ like it was a mantra. Sam simply hugged me and chuckled.

“You’d move in if you could. Wouldn’t you?” She snickered.

What could I do? I blushed, looked down at my nails, and smiled.

“Now that’s what a U-Haul is…moving in on the second date.” Sam chuckled. “So… Go and get what you’ll need for your Greek style culinary masterpiece.”

Giggling like a fool, now I understood. And I understood why some women felt that way. You sort of connect with the other person and you want to do everything for, with, and to them. I quickly got the veggies, some feta and blue cheese, fresh garlic, and the cod fish. I wanted this to be as special as I envisioned it.

Of course Sam was amused, and bemused, by me and my actions. She simply watched as I scurried away and returned each time to the cart to dump the fixings in the child’s seat part of our cart. I wanted to keep this special culinary treat in its components together.

When we got to the checkout line, I even bagged them separately. As we loaded our purchases into the car, Sam gazed at me and smiled.

“I’m kind of glad you were with me.” She grinned. “You’re really much pickier than I am when it comes to the fresh veggies. And even with the cheeses and meats… Where did you learn all that stuff?”

“Well…” I sighed. “I couldn’t live with my dad; him being gone for periods of time. So I lived with his parents. And my grandmother was the worst. She’d actually make the store people go in back to check for fresher lemons. How do you know a lemon’s not fresh?” I snickered.
“I mean really…? So I picked it up from her I guess.”

On the way back to Sam’s apartment, she continued to ask about living with my grandparents.

“And they were okay with you being trans?” Sam queried.

Placing my hand on hers, I had to make one correction.

“Please Sam…” I begged. “I hate the word trans. It implies passing through or moving…you know? I was born a female. But simply in the wrong body... I think being ‘reborn’ is a much better way of describing it.”

“Okay…” Sam quickly glanced at me. “I’m good with that.”

“I was already living in my ‘reborn’ form. And since I didn’t have much to show otherwise…”

“Yeah…” Sam said softly. “I never would have guessed. I mean even when you were in just your panty, I simply thought you had…well…some women have very pronounced vaginas; huge labia and such. So I just thought that was you. You know?”

“And when something serious had to be done medically…like a hormone adjustment or something… it would need to wait for my dad to be back in port. Then he’d help me deal with it. So my grands never really knew much other than I was little strange and that was just ducky with me.”

“You know…I’ve never really been a part of the ‘community’ down here. But I do know that even amongst the LGBTQs and whatever...there’s a lot of resentment toward the BTQ and whatever end of the spectrum. That’s part of the reason I avoid the community as a whole.” Sam frowned.

“I avoid anything that tends to put labels on people anyway.” I paused for a moment. “I mean I sign petitions and do the marching things occasionally but…to be honest…I never really had the time. I remember this one time in school when this girl just came up to me and told me she was gay.

“I suppose it was because I didn’t go whacko over guys. And because I didn’t seem to be into girls…she thought I was gay but in the closet? It would have been much more interesting if she came up to me and said she was a techie or a musician of something. Then she might have been fun to hang with.”

“Yeah…” Sam groaned. “In a way it’s like coming up to somebody and saying that you’re a girl when it’s so very obvious.” She suddenly giggled. “It’s like with baby dykes or hundred footers.”

“Huh…?” Clueless…again…!

“Well…” Sam grinned. “Like with Pat. Even though she’s been out forever, she seems to always wear something…earrings, or a bracelet, or something…with the rainbow theme. You usually see that with newbees…or…in the vernacular…baby dykes. Or…” She lilted. “You can spot them from a hundred feet away.”

We both giggled at that.

“I honestly had my doubts about being who I am” Sam said soberly.

“Why…?” I exclaimed. “You seem so…together?”

“Well…? I never looked or felt right in a dress or a skirt. And heels made my feet hurt. Then, whenever I, or anybody else, put makeup on me, I always looked like a clown? It just never felt right.” Sam exhaled loudly. “And…on top of it all…finding other girls to be attractive seemed a little weird to me?”

“What about now?”

“I’ve been over all that for a long time now. It just got to the point where I just didn’t give a crap.” She snickered. “And when I discovered that I could get hotter women than any of the guys could…it was all over.”

Thinking about what Sam just said, I had to ask.

“How did you know what to do? You know…the sex thing?”

Of course she laughed.

“Oh baby doll… I’ve been popping the bean since I was eight.”

“Huh…?” Derp…!

“Playing with myself? And we all have basically the same equipment.” Sam giggled. “It’s all a matter of how you get there. It’s like the old joke? How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice…! Practice…! Practice…!”

We both laughed.

“So…” I snickered. “Now you’re a virtuoso?”

Sam glanced quickly at me and grinned lewdly.

“I never kiss and tell.” Sam snickered. “And what about you…? Any doubts…ever…?”

“No…” I lilted. “I guess because I started so young…no puberty or nothing…passing was never an issue? I guess the only time I ever think about it is when I wish I had somebody I could be close to.” I sighed sadly. “I mean I wouldn’t even let a guy kiss me.”

I sighed wistfully.

“I mean…how could I…? I sort of knew what would come next. Sooner or later I would need to tell them. And I was never willing to do that…certainly not ever when I was in school. I would become freak of the week or something. Plus which…aside from the physicality…guys were just not all that interesting?”

My emotions were rising and Sam could tell from my suddenly wavering voice.

“Look…” Sam was firm. “We really don’t need to discuss this.”

“No…” I wiped away a single tear with my hand. “I want to.”

“Okay Emmie… But if you ever don’t want to talk about something…it’s okay.”

“That day at our spot…when I told you? The look in your eyes…? And on your face…? That look really shattered me.”

“I’m sorry baby. Honestly I am.” Sam sounded truly sad and regretful.

“No…” I insisted. “It’s okay. Really…! I should have told you sooner. I never wanted to evoke such…such sadness and such anger in you. I really never wanted to upset you like that. You mean too much to me. Waiting that long was totally unfair of me. I just wanted our moments together to last. It was…selfish.” I reached into my purse for a tissue.

Sam placed her hand upon mine. She gently squeezed and then she rubbed my fingers.

“Look baby girl…” She took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to but I’m sure I hurt you. I mean seriously hurt you. But just think for a minute. If you did tell me sooner…let’s say at the dance or shortly thereafter…we might not be here together right now.

“I honestly don’t know where this is going to go. But I do know that I feel.” Sam smiled. “And I feel so fucking good when we’re together. Kind of complete... You know? And what’s just as important than simply feeling good around you, we’re truly getting to know one another. I really do like what I’m discovering…about you…and me…and us.”

“Me too…” I sniffled and wiped my nose as our fingers intertwined. “And I guess I’m kind of a U-Haul after all.” I giggled.

Sam chuckled.

“You are definitely not a U-Haul. Let me tell you what happens with a U-Haul.” She laughed. “They show up for the second date with a small van full of their shit. They move in. You have a few weeks of wild, random, and amazing sex. Then you discover they’re either dopers, drinkers, clingers, or plain old brainless. So…” Sam lilted with a grin. “I think that disqualifies you on all counts.” She chuckled.

Before I knew it we were back at the village. Thankfully we only had to make one trip with all the bags of food. I was amazed at just how strong Sam really was as she took three in each of her large hands. Then came the task of stowing away all the things we bought. Lei’s door was closed and we both assumed she was asleep; recharging for the next party that night.

We were both too ravenous too even think about making lunch. And Sam was very insistent upon not ruining our appetites for dinner. So we went to the Rat for a snack. Walking with our arms around each other’s waists made me realize just how very much I had missed Sam. And as we sat and nibbled…well…I nibbled and Sam inhaled…our snack, we simply sat in comfortable silence and grinned stupidly at one another.

As we walked back to the Village, once again with arms around one another, Sam discussed where I was taking her for dinner. I’d heard about Havana Harry’s but had never eaten there. Only knowing that the food was supposedly amazing and the portions enormous, I knew little else.

“How should I dress?”

Sam chuckled.

“Dress ‘chica’ style.” She replied.

“Chica style…?”

“Yeah… A chica doesn’t take a dump without first getting dressed, styling her hair, and doing her makeup.” Sam snickered. “That includes the false eyelashes and dagger nails with assorted inlays.”

“Oh my God…! I have nothing to wear!” Sheer and honest panic…! I wanted to look good for Sam.

“God you’re so femme!” Sam laughed. “How about that dress you brought? You looked amazing in that.”

“Yeah…” I whined. “But I would have brought something a little more suitable for a fancy restaurant?”

“Oh baby girl… Havana Harry’s is kind of a family place?” Sam came and hugged me. “And you look amazing in anything you wear. Just dress comfortably and forget I ever mentioned that chica stuff.”

“I’d like to shower first. I do want to change.” I grinned. “And then I’ll make myself look hot for you.”

“Now that sounds like a plan.” Sam said and kissed me gently on the lips.

So I quickly showered and washed the day’s toil…the studying and shopping…off of me. Standing before the bathroom mirror with a towel wrapped around me, I took my curling iron and began to put some shape and volume into my otherwise limp straight hair. Sam walked in to pee. She watched me very closely.

“Can you explain why women with straight hair curl theirs and those with curly hair straighten theirs…?”

Sam spoke as she finished her business. I simply stared at her, smiled, and continued the process.

“I guess just to have a different look?”

“But what happens if their hair is somewhere in between?” Sam smiled smugly.

“They get a buzz cut?” I giggled.

Sam laughed as she passed her hand through her short spiked hair.

“Yeah…” She admitted. “That’s true…I guess.”

Sam shed her clothing and ducked into the shower. As she washed…and yes…I did more than steal a peek…I gathered her things and brought them into the bedroom with me. I neatly folded her jeans, placed them on her bed, and, as I was about to put her other things into the laundry basket, I sniffed her panty.

The scent of my perfume was still there. But so was something else; something exotic and almost musky? Inhaling that new scent off the gusset several times, I found the aroma to be…heady? I could have stood there stupidly for more than several moments but I heard Sam exit the shower. I quickly discarded her panty and top into the laundry basket just as she entered the bedroom wearing only a towel.

“Wow you’re fast!” Sam said as she towel dried her hair. “You even put my stuff in the basket! So did you whiff them?” She giggled.


“You did!” Sam’s face lit up and she snickered. “Didn’t you?”

My entire body must have blushed as I smiled coyly. I couldn’t look her in the eyes. No need to answer that one.

“That's okay baby girl…” Sam lilted and hugged me. “It’s only natural. Especially since I planted the idea in your head…” She ran her fingers through my hair.

“Don’t Sam.” I whined. “You’ll mess it up.”

Sam backed away but still held me by my shoulders.

“So…?” She grinned wickedly. “What did you think? How do I smell?”

Sam pulled me over to the bed and sat me down. Taking her place beside me she held my hands.

“Look…” She said seriously. “We’re both sort of feeling our way long. Right…?”

“Yeah…” I responded sheepishly.

“There was a reason I whiffed yours and there was a reason you whiffed mine. Right…?”

“I was just curious.” I glazed at Sam.

“Exactly…!” She said excitedly. “So was I. I wanted to…” Sam paused for a moment. “I wanted to see if I could tolerate what it smelled like. You know?” I nodded. “And…in truth…it was kind of…nice? I mean it was a little strong and the perfume scent was still faint but…well…it was kind of nice...almost...heady? And that was not what I expected. So…I simply want to know what your reaction was. That’s all.”

“Well…?” I giggled and glanced down at our fingers interlocked. “It was kind of nice too.”

“That’s all? Just…kind of nice…?”

“It was…” I giggled. “It was amazing actually… I mean I could really smell you. You know…?”

“Did it excite you?” Sam asked seriously.

“Well…? I think so. It was kind of musky…but in a really sweet spicy way? Does that make sense?”

“Yeah…? Kind of…?”

“I really liked it.” I grinned proudly. “But you know what I really like?”

“What’s that?"

“I really like that I can talk about stuff like this with you.” I hugged Sam.

“Yeah… Me too…” She smiled warmly. “Now we better get dressed before the seven o’clock crowd wanders into the restaurant. They’ll be there till nine…at least.” Sam snickered.

Sam watched with a mixed expression of amusement and curiosity as I did my makeup. She wholehearted approved once I finished and turned to face her. Sam’s huge grin said it all. But there was one thing I had to do before dressing.

“Come here Sam. You’ve been a very naughty girl.” I frowned and crossed my arms.

“What…?” Sam stood and came to me.

“You forgot to put on the lotion for your face.” I grinned.

“How often do I need to do this?” She was slightly annoyed.

“Well that depends.”

“On what…?” Sam grinned.

“On how often you want me to kiss that gorgeous face of yours.” I snickered. “I want it nice and soft for my lips. You should really do this every time you wash it with soap.”

Sam smiled as I applied the lotion on her face thoroughly.

“What about the rest of me?” She grinned. “I forgot to do it after the shower.”

“Well…?” I lilted with an equally wide grin. “Maybe…if you’re a really good girl at dinner…that’ll be your desert.” I kissed the tip of her nose and giggled.

Fortunately Sam was a bit more focused than me. We managed to get dressed, perfumed, and otherwise together within a half an hour. Sam thought I looked amazing. I wore a below the knee sleeveless cotton dress patterned with all the colors of the ocean from indigo to pastel green. And Sam wore a Navy blue blazer with brass buttons…you know the kind…with charcoal gray cotton trousers. I thought she looked amazing.

Driving to Havana Harry’s was fast in spite of the Saturday late afternoon traffic. Sam’s jazz played softly on the radio and the scent of my perfume…now ours…filled the air. Sam could do nothing but talk about how amazing the place was.

Parking proved to be interesting. But fortunately the adjacent businesses were closed and we could take advantage of their lot. There were people milling about outside the restaurant; not a good omen…not at all!

We were immediately assaulted by the aromas of Cuban cuisine the very moment we walked through the door. The air was thick with the aroma of roasted garlic, onions, cilantro, and amazing sauces.

And the place was packed with diners and servers scurried about; their trays piled high with food. Surprisingly enough, we were immediately seated by a window in the back. Evidently, being a family kind of place, everyone out front was waiting for larger tables.

Sam wasted no time at all. She was starving…as usual. The server had a time keeping up with Sam’s rapid firing dishes. Mariquitas, fish chicharrones, grilled pulpo, and seafood Varadero were only the appetizers! For the main course she ordered Palomilla steak and garlic snapper with shrimp!

“Did I miss anything?” She gazed at my stunned face. “Oh yeah…!”

Sam then ordered extra maduros and moro rice…and an imported beer; an iced tea for me.

“Yeah…” She face was glowing with delight. “That should do it. So…” Sam smiled at me. “What would you like?”

“Sam…!” I couldn’t believe she just me asked that.

“Just kidding baby girl…” Sam laughed. “I wanted you to sample a little bit of everything. And I warned you there’d be leftovers.” She giggled. “You should have seen the expression on your face.”

A basket of Cuban toast and whipped garlic butter arrived almost immediately after our server left with the order. Then the mariquitas came with an amazing dipping sauce loaded with herbs and garlic. Everything was toasty hot and I just couldn’t resist. Sam was one step ahead of me as she moaned her pleasure with each of the treats.

But when the fish chicharrones were served, my mouth dropped! This was like a main course for a family of four! And the aroma of anything freshly deep fried always felt like home. The fish was super fresh and dish was garnished with red onions and parsley. Then the pulpa came along with the seafood Varadero!

Now I must admit I’m not a fan of octopus. It always seemed to be slimy and just plain weird. I loved the expression on Sam’s face as I tried to…clean it? But it was actually soft and tastily spiced. And the grilling added just the right amount of crispness to the surface. Of course the seafood dish was amazing and after eating Sam’s usual diet of carbs, meat, and more carbs, seafood was an epic delight.

By the time the two main courses arrived, I was stuffed! Never being a big eater, a salad and one of the appetizers would have been enough. But I could see that Sam was definitely pacing herself with the appetizers. But her mouth literary watered as the two huge platters were put down followed by the extra sides she wanted.

Sam had the server pack up the remaining appetizers with extra dipping sauce as I inhaled the wonderful aromas coming from the two mains. Both were placed in the center of the table and we received fresh dinner plates and flatware. Sam dissected a piece of the snapper and placed it upon my plate. She did the same with the steak.

“I am so stuffed!” I patted my tummy. “I really can’t eat any more sweet heart.”

“Oh… My… God…!” Sam sat back and grinned at me.

“What…?” I giggled.

“Did that really happen?” She snickered.

“What…?” I grinned.

“You…! You actually called me ‘sweet heart’.” She snickered.

“So…?” I wasn’t getting it.

“You’ve never called me anything other than Sam. It’s a new term of endearment?” Sam snickered.

“It’s okay…right? I mean you don’t mind…do you?”

“No baby doll…” Sam lilted and took my hand. “That’s what being with someone is all about. It’s the little moments…the little things…the sweet things said that makes it all worthwhile.”

“Yeah… But I don’t know.” I whined. “This…all this is all new to me. And it’s a little scary for me…you know?”

Sam took my other hand in hers and leaned in toward me.

“It’s always this way…the first time.” Sam choked slightly on her words. “And as far as I’m concerned…? You’re my first time.” Sam kissed my fingers. “And…to be honest…I’m a little scared too.”

“Yeah…?” I whimpered.

“Listen babe… Have just one bite of the fish and the steak. Then, if you’d like, we can book it. We can talk more later if you’d like. Okay…?”

“Yeah…” I smiled. “I like it when we talk.”

We left Havana Harry’s after having Cuban coffees. Sam carried two bags with the remaining food. On the short ride back to her room, she held my hand. We rode in comfortable silence. There was much for me to digest; both physically and emotionally.

Later that evening, after the food was put away, I was washing the cosmetics off my face when Sam entered the bathroom. She calmly sat on the toilet set cover and watched me do my thing. As I was applying my nighttime cream to my face she spoke softly.

“God… You’re so femme.”

Turning to gaze at her, I took three steps and grasped her hands. As she looked up at me with a soft smile, I kissed her forehead.

“Sammie…” My emotions were rising. “I can’t tell you how important you are to me. You’re the only one in my life that really means something to me.”

She gazed up at me and I could see a tear beginning to form as she stared intensely into my eyes. And where did ‘Sammie’ come from?

“But please…please…please…! Stop saying how femme I am.” She looked surprised. “I can’t help the way I am. This is who I am. And when you say I’m so femme…it makes me think I’m femme compared to what…a ciswoman…a random gay woman…maybe compared to you? That’s what they called me before my rebirth. Femme…femmie boy…amongst other things…”

Sam simply gawked at me for the longest moment. Then I could see from her change of expression she knew what I meant. She got up after finishing her business.

“I’m really sorry baby girl.” She said very softly. “I had no idea. It’s just that…well…I’ve never met anyone like you.” Sam stood up and embraced me. “You are so totally unlike any other woman I’ve ever known. It’s like… I feel like you’re more like a wife than just a girlfriend. You know…kind of like a part of me?”

Sniffling into her shoulder, I nodded my head.

“And…I guess I feel more like a husband?” Sam whispered in my ear. “I want to protect you and shelter you and…”

She couldn’t finish her thought. But I knew what she meant.

“And when I see you do certain things…like hanging up my clothes and cleaning up after we eat and putting such effort into looking good for me…for me…!” Sam emphasized. “…and not just to be seen by other women…or men…it’s something new for me.” Sam suddenly held me off and grasped my shoulders. “You make me feel special…very special.”

“I understand sweet heart.” I smiled weakly. “This is kind of new for both of us. Like you said at dinner…”

“Oh… By the way…since you’re my baby girl…calling me mama bear is quite appropriate.” Sam giggled. “Come baby girl…let’s go to the bedroom.”

“Has anybody else called you that?”

“Nope… It’s exclusively ours. Nobody else was ever worthy of calling me that.”

“Okay…mama bear…” I giggled.

Walking into the bedroom I was pleasantly surprised. Sam went to great lengths to set a very romantic ambience. Several scented candles were placed around the room. They emitted a very pleasantly spicy scent which I loved. She had even hung up my dress and put away my shoes. Two large beach towels were spread across the bed and Chopin was playing on speakers Sam had hidden behind the night stands.

“The oil is warmed?” I asked with a huge smile.

“Of course…” Sam snickered.

“I get to do you again!” I insisted and giggled. “I love the way your body feels.”

“Okay… But there’s one condition…sort of.”

“Let me have it.” I sighed.

“That dinner tonight…? I purposely went a little over the top with the ordering.” Sam again took me by my shoulders. “So…? We’re even for quite a while baby girl.”

“Listen mama bear…!” I giggled. “I would let everything slide to do you again.”

Sam giggled as we removed our tee shirts. As I began to follow her lead, she stopped me when I began to remove my panty.

“Wait please baby girl… I’m not quite ready yet?” She said softly.

“Okay… Anyway...I’m not sure I’m ready either.” I giggled.

Sam stretched out on her bed, tummy down. The container of coconut oil sat atop the night chest on my side of the bed. Getting atop of Sam, I couldn’t help but put my nose against her back as I sat upon her butt.

“What are you doing?” She muttered into her bedding.

“I’m sniffing you.” I giggled. “I love the way your body smells.”

Sam chuckled as I ran my nose around her shoulders. I would have glued my nose to her but we both had other plans. Reaching for the oil, I planned what I was going to do. I dribbled the oil across Sam’s shoulder blades and then down her spine.

“Oh God…!” She moaned softly. “That feels so…amazing.”

Snickering, I began to spread the heated oil over Sam’s shoulders and back. Using the heels of my hands, I started to massage with a bit of pressure. I used my fingers on her neck and the cord like muscles in her shoulders. Sam’s almost constant moans and groans of pleasure assured me I was serving her properly.

After manipulating her neck and back for at least fifteen minutes…maybe more…I began to work my way slowly down Sam’s spine. Words fail to express how wonderful the sensation of touching Sam’s body felt. I simply had to close my eyes and let my hands do their job in an almost instinctual manner. I spending an inordinate amount of time on her lower back. I knew that this was where I often felt the wages of tension and stress.

Sam was totally in a place other than her bedroom. She remained still and only the sound of her occasional moans let me know she was still awake. Spreading her legs enough for me to sit between them, I decided to become a wee bit mischievous. I dribbled oil not only over her butt cheeks and thighs, but down the valley between them.

“Oh fuck…” Sam whispered as her butt cheeks suddenly tightened.

“I guess you liked that.” I snickered.

“Fuck yeah…” She whispered softly.

In spite of the little bit of extra fat we tend to have, Sam’s butt muscles were as thick and hard as her shoulders were. I was now reversed atop her and able to put my weight into my manipulations. Simply following the cords of muscle, I could actually feel where there were tiny knots.

Dribbling more oil on her body, I worked my way down Sam’s massive thighs. I was entranced by their bulk and large muscle groups. I bend down low enough to actually embrace them with my body. And as I did so, I could then easily reach below Sam’s knees. I simply closed my eyes…again…and let my fingers wander down along her calves.

I’d gone down her legs as far as I could comfortably reach. And, as much as I resisted, I had to get up and do her front. By this time the front of my body was glistening with oil.

“Sammie…? Mama bear…” I cooed but getting no reaction. “Time to roll over...”

“Mmmm…” Was her feeble response.

What else could I do? Sam was in Lala Land. So I dribbled more oil down between her butt cheeks. That opened her eyes!

“Shit…” Sam grumbled. “I think I just peed.”

“No mama bear…” I chuckled. “It’s just the oil.”

“Well…” She chuckled and began to roll over slowly onto her back. “You'll have to clean up that mess. And…” Sam pulled me down to kiss me softly. “…you have amazingly magically hands…for an amateur.” She snickered.

“Well…” I smiled slyly. “You need to give me more practice time.”

Sam just smiled and giggled. As I looked at her body, I realized that I really needed to check out massaging viddies. Doing her back was one thing. But doing her front…? Where to begin? So, being in an impish mode, I put a few drops of the still warm oil directly on her nipples.

“Oh fuck…!” She hissed. “Now you’re really not playing fair.” Her body quivered.

In spite of my snickering, I decided to begin with Sam’s face and scalp. I knew how totally amazing I felt when I rubbed my own in a certain way. I also knew that if I followed the cranial jointing, and the sutures, she would love it. Not wanting to get her hair oilier than what was on my hands, I simply went in with my fingertips. It took but moments to get the desired effect.

“Oh God…” Sam moaned softly. “That really feels really great.”

The effort I put into learning basic human anatomy began to make sense as I moved on to Sammie’s face. I was so enrapture with the sensation of her skin beneath my hands when I did her back that I totally derped on the basics. But her face was a different story. Beginning with Sam’s forehead, and a healthy dribbling of the oil on my hands, I worked my way down to her temples and then her cheeks and chin.

Giving my special attention to Sammie’s sinuses, I could actually hear her breathing more evenly. And in the position she rested, I could really go to work on her neck and each vertebrae. By the time I got to Sam’s shoulders again, my reward was to hear her gently snoring. The sound was that of a very big kitten purring.

When I dribbled the oil down between Sam’s boobs and onto her tummy she moaned her delight. The sudden sensation awaken her just enough to enjoy my spreading it with my hands. Of course I had to change my position so I slowly parted her legs again and squatted down between them again.

The first thing I noticed was her vagina…of course. I’d never seen one close up and personal like this and I was totally fascinated. But my hands never left her tummy and her eyes didn’t open to see me gawking at our one difference in anatomy.

Sam’s only real place of oil accumulation was her tummy. And rubbing her tummy with the oil made her entire midsection jiggle just a wee bit. I did one long stroke with both hands up from her groin. Then I went over her tummy, pushing upward to her boobs. And as I slowly pushed her boobs upward toward her face, I managed to gently pinch her nipples between my fingers.

“God…!” Sam moaned and grinned. “You are such a fucking tease.”

Giggling, I began to massage her hips and the small of her back. And from my present position I could really exert some pressure which Sammie greatly appreciated with her soft moans of delight. Once again I closed my eyes and savored the feeling of Sam’s body as my fingers went over and over her back and the sides of her butt. But…pardon the pun…it was time to move on.

After lifting her knees slightly, I dribbled some oil one her thighs. Working it in as I followed her muscle structure, I found the tops of her thighs to be as densely muscled as the underside. I worked each one at the same time and then concentrated on each one individually. My only hope was that Sam enjoyed this as much as I did.

Once again repositioning myself to do Sam’s ankles and feet, I could audibly hear her approval. I’ve often heard that this particular part of the body is the gateway to one’s desires and emotions. This is especially true of one’s heels.

Well…it’s true! I know this because by the time I was finished and turned to face her once again, two things became apparent. Sam’s vagina had swollen and blossomed like an orchid and she was desperately in need of a major league pedicure.

Never taking my hands off Sam’s body, I sat down between her legs and observed this wonder called the vagina. A strand of creamy looking fluid was seeping out of her slowly. Bringing my face as close as I could, I blew a stream of air over the puffed out lips.

“Oh fuck…” Sam uttered breathlessly as her entire body quaked. “That…was nasty.”

Controlling my urge to snicker, I dribbled a wee bit of oil down the sides of Sam’s groin. Then I ran my fingertips firmly down the path of the oil. Sam’s vagina seemed to feel warmer than the rest of her. I felt this heat in my fingers even though they were only tracing the curves of her pelvis.

“You’re not playing fair.” Sam whispered and giggled. “You’re going to turn me into a pillow princess.”

‘A pillow princess…’? Hmmm… There it is again. Well at least her giggling indicated she was enjoying what I was doing. Becoming a little bolder, I ran my fingertips down alongside of her outer lips. The result was almost instantaneous. Sam drew her knees up and arched her pelvis toward my fingers. When I spread the outer lips, her reaction was even more…forceful?

“Yes…!” Sam hissed. “Come here.” Sam reached up for me. “Don’t stop! Keep doing what you’re doing!”

Sam’s embrace was nearly crushing. Her lips went straight to mine and her kiss was hard, heated, and needy. As I moved my fingers up and down between her swollen vaginal lips, I could feel Sam’s ‘bean’…as she says. On one slow pass I squeezed her bean between my fingertips. The result was epic!

Sam screamed into my mouth and her thighs tightened around my hand like a vise. Not being able to move my fingers, I continued to pulse her bean. Sam’s embrace became painful and I had to let her know.

“Sam…” I begged as our lips parted. “You’re hurting me.”

Sam’s face looked like a mask of pain. Her grimace tightened and distorted what was a beautiful face…at least to me.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” She kept hissing.

Wave after wave of convulsion-like quakes seemed to travel through Sam’s body. I thought she was in pain! But I continued as Sam asked until finally she fell back completely limp upon the bed. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were fixed on the ceiling. My hand felt wet.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I hugged her.

Sam suddenly began to laugh…hysterically. She embraced me again and truly hugged me. Sam was still trying to catch her breath.

“Yeah…” She said. “I’m okay. That…was fucking amazing!” Sam laughed and kissed me. “You’re amazing!”

“I thought you were in pain or something.” I lifted my head and gazed at her. “The way you screamed and held me so tightly...? I felt like you would crush me.”

“That baby girl…was an orgasm…mama bear style.” Sam chuckled. “In fact…that was several big 'O's'… It’s been a while.”

“Well it looked like it hurt.”

“Oh baby girl…” Sam lilted, smiled and sighed. “You can hurt me like that all you want.”

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