Black Canary in 'The House Always Wins'

Black Canary in 'The House Always Wins'

A story set in the DCAU.

“Can you just shut up for one goddamn second, Teddy? You know I’m good at this.”
The safe dial begins to spin again. Click.

“You good, so we good?” Teddy playfully jabs his partner, Bloke. “Maybe even invite us over to that ancient mother of yours for that killer lasagna after we ace this.”

“Heh, yeah yeah. Just keep yer mouth shut for a few. And point yer light here now.”


It all came right back to Bloke. Where he was, what bad luck followed.
Deep under the cover of night in a seemingly normal shipping container out on the docks. He and his boys, all in ski masks, did there part in and around the container.

Bloke, Teddy, and Robbins were hired on to get whatever came ashore in Blüdhaven. An easy snatch-and-grab, as so described. Tanker in the maze, single safe, basic digital. Fifteen-minute job. What a hoot.
This tanker was already something fierce. Slotted dead center in the ships load of cargo, it was already an annoyance to get to quietly. Top of that, it has some modern digital encryption on the exterior that took twice as long to crack and who-friggin-knows-how-old safe sitting right inside, strong as hell and with a bolt lock after three failed attempts never to open again.


Robbins knows his way around a computer, thank god. Boy’s been practicing since his daddy bailed out on him. Found his way to the crew. Little rigid from the books, but he fit right in damn near overnight. Essentially, the crew’s very own Steve Urkel, even bears a slight resemblance.



Teddy was a bit of asspain that decided to walk upright. Smart kid. Maybe thirty, it’s annoying that he looks like some bullshit soap opera version of what a charming bad boy should be. He’s good at the work. And worst off he knew it.
“What is that, two now big man?” Teddy pressed.

“I know the number.” Bloke’s sweat beading on his upper lip cast in the single light from Teddy’s flashlight.

“Get it together, you smelly old shit. Cops are starting to get curious. I see two coming in now.”

“Fine. FINE. Ted. You do it. Fuck it up fer all of us why don’tcha? And fuck her up right.” Bloke barely had a chance to hit the ‘t’ on right and Teddy opened the safe, even did a little bow.
They quickly bag up the several jars in the safe, all housing what looks to be light brown putty coated in a green oil slick sheen.

“Goin’ on forty five, maybe an hour.” Teddy removes his ski mask slicking back his tussled brown hair.

“Already pressing way passed our luck.” Robbins interjects.
Teddy approvingly points at him.
“We gotta bounce B.” Mask back on, Teddy wasn’t playing.
They grab the goods and go.

Click. Click.
“Come out with your hands up.” The outside of the tanker was swarming with police. Guns drawn, locked and loaded.

“Blüdhaven cops actually work?” Robbins squeaked. He was filing his jumpsuit in sweat.
“Goddamnit. Knew this job was too go—“
“Hey, Bloke. Robbie. You guys wanna see something cool I snagged in Gotham? Got a whole story about it. S’friggin hilarious. ” Even with his back against the wall, Teddy’s bravado is incredible. Just as fast, his charming smile drops.
“We…uh… parked to the…left?”

Bloke nods as confused as ever.

It was quick. Teddy grabbed a small oily black pellet from his leather jacket pocket and slammed it to the ground. KSHHH Impenetrable smoke everywhere, pouring out of the shipping container, into the sightline of the officers. The three scramble to the car, hugging aimlessly to the left wall and out to the maze-like dockyard they find themselves in.
Bloke, at the wheel, whips out his phone to make a call. The side door opens.

A cop tags Robbins in the shoulder. Blood sprays on the trunk.
“Looks like police here are eager fucking beavers. Trig-ger hap-py.” Teddy was nearly in as copilot but he leans over helping Robbins funnel into the car.

Bloke is steel-eyed. Just revving the engine “Get me your boss. We gotta talk.”
“B, he’s in. Hit i—“

Gunfire rings through the glass. Teddy takes a slug to the neck and stomach, slumping hard to his right. Still breathing. The car peels out of the dockyard. Police slamming into other officers still lost in the fading smoke, unable to get to their cars fast enough to pursuit.
“You put me in a goddamn blender, Rou.” Bloke screams into the phone. “Both my guys, good and shot… … …yeah. Yeah we got it.”

Robbins opens the duffel and stares at the jars. The clay inside.

Bloke takes an aggressive turn at the wheel, barely avoiding slow driving cars.
His lumpy face would make for a wonderful cab driver.
“No. Hell no. It’s bullshit that you got us slumming for art supplies.”

In the passengers seat, Teddy breathing like a piston. None of the gasps deep enough to count.

“Hey, ah, boss, I think I know what this is.” Robbins small voice came from the backseat. “Made a turn around the Gotham underbelly a few years back. I actually was there for a handoff.”

Bloke holds the phone to his chest, looking at Robbins in the rearview mirror intently. “Spit it the fuck out, kid.”

“Some special face and body cream. Err..ah…Renuyu?”
“ ’Renew you?’ Oh wonderful. Not art supplies. Beauty products. We are still doing Roulette’s grocery list for her. Great.” He moves the phone back to his ear “We are pulling in now. Get a doctor. Get a cleaner. And I want my regular room with Candice by the end of this.”

Click. The call ends.

The car turns into a lot and drives into the lower level of casino parking. And then lower still, as Bloke drives to a dead end that folds open to reveal elegant and exotic vehicles all lined down the row.

Robbins is still eyeing the Renuyu. “Pretty sure Batman got to this stuff. Last I heard was a rumor it got tampered with… by ninjas. Some assassin cult.”

Peering back through the mirror. “Uh huh. Looks fine to me, Robbie.”
He pauses, letting out a small chuckle. “God. I want to see her face if this garbage is dirty. It’ll be a nightmare. Haha.”

Teddy wheezes for the first time in forever.
His breathing slows.
*pant* *wheeze* “w-wouldn’t bite.”
“Found the…alley….”
He presses into the slug wound on his neck, holding it for dear life.
All his words are hard and bloody. They slosh out from the lips.
“Jesus, Ted.” Bloke looks longingly at him. “We’ll getcha fixed up. You stay with us, boyo. Gonna be fine.”

- - - - -

Inside Roulette’s club. Her headline event ‘Meta-Brawl’, the no-holds-barred cage fights, lacks the spark of its better self. Known quantity villains and occasional heroes would duke it out in the ring, pitting powers against powers for high dollar stakes. These days after numerous run ins with Justice League members, from all accounts the brand’s touch is sour, the fighting crowd is scarce and the fighters subpar metahuman nobodies.

Alas the casino is the current draw for the high rollers, meaning a lukewarm to good bit of business. But in a world where competing with the Penguin’s decadent Iceberg Lounge is the reality, having ‘good’ casino traffic is simply not enough. What Meta-Brawl needs is to roll out its most popular asset: Glamour Slam, ladies only combat. In days of old, female superheroes repeatedly found themselves inside the caged walls for a variety of reasons. Some for money, some from loss of will, and some just liked the fight. It’s high time for a come back.

At the edge of the casino floor near the ring Roulette stands elegant and annoyed, dressed in her signature red formfitting dress; it shows her serpent tattoo peaking through the cold shoulder and high cut thigh portions of the gown. Her raven hair is tied back with twin hairpins. Through her sunglasses, she looks out at her rebounding establishment fervently tapping her heel. “Everything in the medbay ready? Can’t be long now.”

Her ring doctors look to Roulette in anticipation.
Bloke kicks open the door, Teddy in his ailing old arms and bleeding all over the place. Roulette lets out a simple “Ah.” Without missing a beat Robbins politely walks in afterward, favoring his one side, but holding the duffel bags of jars. He shuts the door with mousy attentiveness.

“Alright lady. Get to work.”

“Our deal was—“
Is done.” Bloke uses his head and nod-points to Robbins opening the bags, displaying the Renuyu.

Roulette snaps her fingers twice and a waitress walking to the back rooms takes the Renuyu without breaking stride.

“Teddy, you’ve been awfully chatty lately, I need you to tone it down while I get our payday.” Bloke jokes, trying to get his friend to smile through the agony. No luck. He hands Teddy over to Roulette’s two ring doctors and they shuffle the critically wounded man to the back room. One of the doctors walks back out and stands watch directly blocking the doorway.

Robbins stands and takes the entire setting in. “You remember what Roulette said? Her club is the shit. Ladies for days. She said we’d be front row for that action. Think we could talk her into doing up a catfight for us?” Bloke looks at Robbins, even with the hole in his shoulder and waiting second in line for doctors, he was smiling. “Ladies for days…Where’s the lie?”

- - - - -

Gloved hands smear the brown oily putty over Teddy’s fit naked body, working it inside the gut shot back up directly into the neck wound. It’s a horridly intrusive process, something out of the 1900s. The dying man tries to move, but his hands and feet are stretched out and shackled to the ends of the cold metal slab overlaying an old, off-the-floor craps table. Quite the operating table at the center of this soundproof storage room. It’s the single place in this entire casino that looks grimy and unkempt.

“” Teddy fights out the word as he fades.
This back room doctor is a rough looking Irishman named Higgs.
Roulette watches intensely, shuffling a small metal ball through her fingers. Her eyes never leave the worn operating slab, specifically locked to the green oily sheen from the black market Renuyu. A single almost inaudible sigh escapes her. The metal marble stops, balancing between her ring and pinky fingers.
“There better be Lazarus effects in this batch. I need one-shot miracles, not one-hit wonders! Special sauce, hold ‘em together.” Roulette looks down to her hand and blows on the high tech chrome ball.
“Ya know…for luck.” She muses to Higgs.
“This won’t be like the others,” he says.

With the simultaneous pinch from each side, the marble activates with a hissing fiery core now exposed. The ‘doctor’ starts the massage process, working the material further and further into the skin. There comes newfound elasticity to Teddy’s features, and Higgs always does his patented ‘pinch and pull’ motion to confirm. “Looks primed. Time to get nasty?”

“I want my champion back in the ring as of yesterday.”

“Ma’am? I could work in another layer of the coating. To be safe.”

She sizes up her odds. “Ah, hell. Waiting’s overrated. Let’s roll the dice!”

“Remember the last time, ma’am.” Higgs points his eyes to her designer boots. “Don’t let a mess have its day.” With a gentle pat, he slides a fresh towel rag to the edge of his empty stool.

“Losing another pair to these clayed up failures would spoil my entire month.” She pouts at the thought. And as overly dramatic as possible, Roulette places the flaming metal marble on Teddy’s gut shot, and watches as it sink deep into the his flesh.

Activation starts with successive body pulses. Teddy recoils forward as if given repeat hits from a defibrillator. His frame arches far off the slab, held on by the stubbornness of the cuffs. Around him is his figure outlined in steam and condensation, the marble drenching his full body in a glistening sheen of Renuyu and sweat. His skin has become so warm, so elegantly soft.

With a hearty snap, Teddy’s back arches violently and thrusts inward. The ratcheting noises click and creak, his body shrinking as his spine compacts, leaving Teddy a decent foot shorter. THUNG. His spine hits back on the operating slab sending smaller fractures splinter out throughout his core. The cracking sound is like chewing gum meets a broken bundle of sticks, as his entire midsection falls into itself. One side of his waist crashes inward as a heightened feminine curve. Teddy bucks on the table again, body yearning for that tight, slim symmetry. A decisive twist pops his remaining side into balance.

Roulette smiles. Her wounded little bad boy now has a perfect hourglass shape. Shame this batch doesn’t ease the skeletal change like in the less painful morphing clay. Oh well. Each pulsing hit from the marble heats her guinea pig up more. “Soon its time for the show. Come on, big money.”

Muscles gurgle and liquefy into the beautifully toned washboard abs, all the while filling in the bullet would with seamless puttylike spread. Cutting down the abdomen is a notably deep muscular V. As it reaches the pelvis, the force of the changes crack his hips into a wider feminine alignment. It sounds unnerving like a gunshot, but the results look hypnotic.
The chains ring taught. Teddy brutally kicks off the slab, at last regaining consciousness. By now, he’s only able to muster a faint wheeze. THUNG. His thighs explode outward, rippling with added fat and muscle from his already athletic physique into the feminine gymnast ideal. His legs stretch out; the body melt sculpting each down to the calves, reforming every aspect in shapely thickened curves.
Tension continues to mount as each of Teddy’s feet clench in restrictive pain. A rapid machine gun barrage of popping shrinks them to petite form, and then they too are slimmed and softened by the relieving cool of Renuyu.

- - - - -

Out in the greater complex, the crew sits up on the ringside bleachers. Bloke is as craggy as ever, and Robbins is covered in lipstick residue from earlier escapades, and a temp wrap on his bum shoulder.

“Been in there heck offa while.” Bloke says to Robbins.

“They have to do their work, I’m sure it is going well.” He replies, still watching the next fight on the Meta-Brawl rotation. “Bullet’s a bullet.”

In the ring stands two fairly identical men, one in red shorts and one in yellow.
A snap punch rocks the jaw of Yellow.
“Pretty sure these two are brothers. Weird.” Robbins continues.

“Being brothers a crime now?”

Red follows up by igniting his right hand on fire and aiming for body blows. A few in the audience cheer as the combatants finally break out their meta-abilities, it can’t help but attract wandering eyes back on the ring.

“In a ring, maybe. Really, it’s the powers that get me.” Robbins mutters, holding his arm.

Yellow counters with morphing his forearms to living steel, tanking all that the fiery barrage brings.

“One gets to be the attacker, allowed to be mad his whole life. And the other? Hm. Who’d wanna just stand there and just take it? The abuse.”

Bloke snorts. “S’not for yer whole life. He gets to be the hammer in the end. You’ll see.”

- - - - -

Teddy rocks back and forth on the operating table, fighting the oncoming globes that gestate around his nipples. However, the surrounding area bubbles with tremendous activity. Both arms tremble, tightening as they thin down to that of a slender female boxer. He moans, that one actually felt good.

Roulette double snaps her fingers. Higgs stands up from his corner room stool and gives her a surprised, yet curious look. “Grab The Look, would you?” She purrs.

Her henchman is relieved; things are looking up.
“Right away, ma’am.”

The automatic dead bolt clangs shut after he leaves.
Roulette is alone with her golden ticket.
She removes her sunglasses, a viper looking into Teddy’s eyes.

- - - - -

“Hah! Told ye, Robby.” Bloke sits amused at himself. The multi-round fight stirred up a fair amount of folks to the seats. It’s almost the audience of a children’s baseball game.

“Ok, now…” Robbins is wilting into his injury, “now I’m getting annoyed.” He looks across the complex at the door that took away brother in arms. “There is more than one guy for this. We saw him. And—“

Higgs swiftly veers out from the door and weaves between the patrons. He’s heading up to Roulette’s luxury skybox, but tapping folks now and then through his journey and sharing a quick whisper.
“What the…” Robbins huffs. “The hell’s he going?”

Two of the waitresses that escorted the crew in are mingled back in with the surprising fervor wafting from the back room. Gossip’s in the air and its Glamour Slam, and the particular return of its prodigal daughter.

“Hold the seat, best ya can Robbie. Tonight’s got some surprises yet to deliver.”
Up above the masses, Higgs arrives in the stylist skybox, and heads directly to the back wall of the office. Behind her desk, Roulette has a false wall to store certain memorabilia and black market acquisitions. He pulls at the clothing storage, different variants of sets. One BC labeled bundle headed off by a black leather corset, another marked HNT with a bright purple and black bodysuit, and the final HWG by a bold yellow set of fitness wear with black piping down the sides.

“Ok…” his eyes zag for the correct bundle. “Which one was it? Which one. I always mix their damn names up.” He grumbles.

- - - - -

THUNG. The most potent jolt so far. Teddy’s womanly body convulses, this time with an erotic moan. Gone is the roguish chest hair and thick masculine neck. His shoulders squish together, as he is painfully aware from the ever-more-difficult shackles. As it thins, the mass from his neck drips downward, healing his broken voice and sealing the fatal bullet wound. A coughing fit erupts. Little clips of sonic waves escape with irregularity, the sound like bird chirps peaking on a microphone. Trying his damnedest, Teddy sputters out words. “Ahh hahhhhh urninnng htttt” he gasps through choking down his Adam’s Apple, ”Mmm hottttt. TTToo hhot I’mtoohot.” His voice isn’t the same, now a lovely female soprano with a natural singsong quality.

“Oh. Yes. Yes you are, girl.” Roulette seductively whispers in his ear. None of the other test subjects survived this long. Couldn’t take the heat. She teases her lip in anticipation.

The cough grows more labored. Teddy’s heaving chest expands his puffy sensitive nipples. It all reaches its climax as his female core discharges two perfect breasts, inflating in a matter of seconds. All the remains of the labored hack is a whimpered coo. Below, a still present member has spattered considerable volume across his swollen womanly thighs.

“Easy. Easy.” Roulette continues. Her delicate manicured hand wraps around the drenched quivering rod. “Let it take you there. You’re doing great, sweetheart.” She slides up and down the shaft in slow sensitive moves, gradually picking up pace. She then put another hand on her captive’s boob and begins working the reddened nipple. Teddy whimpers is a delightfully unintended arpeggio.

All other feeling is secondary now. Life becomes ecstasy, the new sensitivity of Teddy’s cleavage coupled with the methodical stroking of his cock; the combination of it all building, and building, making his head feel an immense pressure.
“Embrace it.” Roulette edges.

The debonair thief with his floppy brown hair and chiseled good looks vanishes.

Each pop of the jawbone or squelch of the cheeks doesn’t register on Teddy’s orgasmic expression. Her facial structure eases into an attractive heart shape. Soft lips swell with a lustful plump and eyes reform as large beautiful maneaters sporting sky blue irises. Inside a single weighty moan, her nose shrinks down to an adorable button.

Brunette hair gives way to blonde as it tumbles out onto the surface of the operating slab. Teddy smiles from a full body afterglow, still radiating her original devilish charisma through it all. It’s awe-inspiring. Her beauty is awe-inspiring.
The body at the table is entirely unrecognizable, except one stick-straight trooper that keeps coming back to gamble for more. Rather impressive in size, no less.
Roulette relaxes. She cleans her hands with the spare towel suggested by Higgs and turns her back on the captive. “Hey, wait!” the new woman shouts.

A metal cuff drops to the floor. Then another.
Roulette finishes unshackling Teddy and waves her to stand up.
“Come on.” She says, innocently.

Teddy sits up as her back lightly peels up from its placement.
The metal slab has two body outlines still steamed into it. Male and female Teddy at considerably different sizes, the female one locked inside its masculine alternative.

“Let’s talk for a bit.”
Uh…huh…” Teddy responds skeptically, still seated. “Ok. First, why? Second, the hand stuff was nice…like the best I’ve ever… but again why? And third, WHY?”

The door opens as the hurried ring doctor rushes back in.
“Oh!” Higgs catches sight of the angel among them, but averts his gaze seeing her penis. Teddy instinctually throws her arm across her chest, and in an attempt to hide her throbbing tagalong awkwardly obscures with the other forearm. Her face is beat red from embarrassment. Something about the ring doctor’s reaction got to her.

“Manners. This might be as close as we get, Higgs. But something tells me a little patience is in order.” Roulette advises.

“Uh. Here.” He offers Teddy the bundle of clothes: a slick black corset onesie, black choker, black panties, dark blue leather jacket, matching blue booties, and grey satin leggings. Teddy sits, hiding her face in her hair, “God I wish I were dead.”

“Go on. I’d like to see you in this.” Her eyes never leave Teddy's body.

“I’m doing this for me, you know. It sucks being the only naked one in the room.” Teddy says defiantly. She stands and snatches up the pile, quickly shuffling on the panties. “You still got some explaining …”
“…these are really soft…” Teddy says, continuing to the leggings. Never one to shave his legs, this cool tickle the tights bring every time she moves is intoxicating new. “I’ve ya know, dated girls who dress like this but…god this stuff is so smooth,” she rubs her palms up and down her legs like a goof.

Roulette is amused by her flighty attitude. What a lucky gamble indeed.
“It is surprisingly expensive for looking so simple, I must say.”

Still getting used to the tights, Teddy takes her first steps as a woman onto the tiled floor and is hit by a new feeling. “Urrp”. Gravity tugs each feature to fully solidify her changes into place. She tries for the corset onesie but barely gets it around her ankles as the shifting hits.

“I made sure it is a perfect duplicate of the real deal. Just like you.” Roulette looks again, saying goodbye to that impressive bit of manhood nagging at the plan.

Under the fabric, Teddy could feel her body tense with the final bit of trickle down to shrink her waist and grow her thighs, as each testicle is devoured back into her body.
The shrinking bulge is enough for Roulette to smirk at her uncomfortable-in-his-emotions henchman. She delicately pulls up the bodice on Teddy’s form, getting it in place as the stupor of the final momentous change. “Mmhmmm” her hips begin gyrating involuntarily. Her ass balloons out to in response to the new vagina, the swelling cheeks fitting her perfectly inside the sleek outfit. It all felt like a second skin now.

“Hold this” Roulette hands the tail end of Teddy’s blonde hair back to her. She helps put on the choker, and moves down to see the corset back. A few tugs at the laces set the rigid hold in place. “Ahhh-ulp” Teddy exhales the trapped gas. Her body has become permanent.

“Whoa. I feel...good. Like, run a marathon no issue good.” She flexes, and goes to feel up her boobs. ”Shit, am I hot?” She shakes her head to straighten up back on topic. “Wait, wait. Answer my questions.”

The criminal businesswoman stares at her prize with dangerous intent, letting out a silky “Hello, at last, my Black Canary.”

Excuse me your what? The babe from Star City?”

“My whales out there, those huge wallets, they have a type. Glamour Slam is the draw of the underworld when it’s active, especially with Black Canary as my shining star. But, she and her Justice League wrecking balls have ended this place twice over.” Roulette furiously recounts her story. “Only so many times you can rise from the ashes. I gave you a second chance, turnabout’s fair play. Consider this your hiring package for the best job you could imagine.”

Teddy sits in thought for a sizable chunk of time. “Can I go back to…me? After?”

“Ah. What I’ve given you…What you got is like the diamonds of diamonds, doll. Clayface, minus the mud. It’s a single change Renuyu, that if you believe the overseas hype, is infused with a water that restores your youth. “Pretty sure gave you…” she pretends to run the numbers on her hand “an extra 50 years of flawless beauty before the any crows feet show. You’re welcome.”

“So that’s a no.” The Black Canary twin says.

“This is you now. We’ve moved passed the messy part and now we can help each other. The job is fairly simple. You fight when I say you fight, outside that you live like a queen.”
Teddy is wary at the offer, trying to fold her arms as her male self always had but can’t seem to find a comfortable way to do it.

“Fold under. “ Roulette says. “You have to push up now.”

Ahhh I don’t need your help, I don’t want your job.”

“My business needs this. You want to put all these strangely large men out of work? Again, this is easier than you think. That knock-off Terrific Tech ball inside you is more than just a wonderful sculptor. It’s loaded with all the fighting styles Black Canary used under my roof, all for you at the press of a button.” She shrugs. “It seems the sonic scream just came already unwrapped for you.”

Roulette’s sales pitch seems to be going well.
The skeptical look is cracking little by little.

“You stay you.” She gives her new Black Canary a full body scan “errrr, well outside of the obvious… I’m not going to brainwash you or any of that nonsense.”

Teddy’s relieved.
Roulette quickly jokes “It never works out when I do.”
Uh. …Hah…?” Immediate distrust.

“Ok. Simple. Best part of all this? I pay well, that queen lifestyle talk wasn't a joke. On top of that, let's compare: No more cops. No more catching bullets in the neck. Very limited leash, so to speak.” She finishes with a smile. “When it works, Glamour Slam works. Get ready to be a superstar.”
She gets in close to Teddy’s face, pressing their bodies into one another.
“You won’t regret being this way.” Roulette leans in and whispers “I promise.” directly into her prey's lips before pulling away to steal the tension of a kiss.

The new Black Canary smiles, a little flushed. All this is speaking her language. “Oh. Won’t I? Maybe we could talk more about it over a few drinks and some handcuffs? Sort of pick up on that discussion from earlier.”

“Finish getting dressed, you degenerate,” Roulette laughs “I need you to do one more thing for me.”

- - - - -

“Who let you two charity cases into this place?” Black Canary’s sultry voice livens up the disheveled thugs she calls as friends; meanwhile the entire casino has crowded the bombshell on her entire path to these two knuckleheads.

“H-Holy…” Bloke has never actually seen her in person before. His old heart might just stop.

“I’m sure I did something, Ms. Canary, ma’am. Feel free to just step on me.” Robbins blurts it all out without a moment’s hesitation. He's already sweating.

“Uh. Ok. I’m done with the goof.” Black Canary says. She turns to the leering horde and lightly sonic blasts them a few feet back for breathing room.
“Oh no.” Bloke’s still stuck on small words.

“Hey, B, you good?”
Bloke’s ears prick up.
“Cause we good.” She finishes, smiling that roguish smile. “I’m okay.”

“No…It isn’t you in there is it Ted?” It’s as if Bloke’s witnessed a miracle. He’s stunned.

“Teddy?” Robbins talks to her tits.

“Hm.” She half-smirks. “I still never got to tell you two my Batman story. It’s even better now that…” Teddy adjusts the top of her corset, caressing her boobs with a wink. “So. That outta town job I pulled for the Two-Face guys, obviously goes south. Smoked us into an alley. Everyone scared shitless from Batman, right? Well while he was beating me senseless, I fuckin’ got him, B. I pick pocketed the Bat!” She’s crossed her arms so smug and confident that Bloke has to do a second take, make sure he is seeing what he’s seeing.

“Holy shit. This really is you, ya asshole.” For man passed his prime, he moves pretty quick to the hug. It’s like being hit by a landslide. Despite it all, Bloke’s rocky face cracks a smile. "Surprises indeed."

“Roulette. Hear her out, this is a good deal. No more of the shit life. Completely out from the line of fire. And like, I’m just killer kinds of hot, plus gonna be young for like ever, learned kung fu in five minutes, and can do the whole superhero thing. You saw. The scream.”

“What? How?” Robbins chirps. “This is a lot.”
“Magic science mumbo whatever.” She waves her hands around aimlessly. “She’s got two little things ready for ya both.”

“No more being shot at sounds nice.” Robbins speaks up. “But.”
Teddy reads his face “Gotta be a girl, part of the deal. Strong girls.”
“Hawkgirl. Huntress.” Black Canary finger-guns at her friends. “Get you amped enough to start hammering away with delicate fists of justice, Robbie, learn the crossbow. Show some midriff. I know you got it in ya.”

“So what do you say, B? Wanna start going by Blake, trim off a hundred years and gajillion pounds? Maybe grow a pair of lady bird wings?” She barely waits for the answer. “You two think it over but not for too long, I’m going to knock some heads in the ring. Chao.”

Teddy sashays into the cage, making sure to let every one get a good look. The 'champion' returns, to uproarious applause. "Hell yeah."

- - - - -


Roulette stands peering down at the thriving business below her. Black Canary just rocking the hell out of the competition with crowds of onlookers transfixed on her many talents.
Hovering behind his shapely boss in red is Higgs, a bodyguard as ever.

“Strong work today,” She says. “Brilliant suggestion on tapping our in-house dirty cops. They botched the tanker job perfectly."

Just like that, the fight is over. The arena explodes with passion at their victorious warrior queen.

"Ah, back where the world makes sense. Where the house always wins.”

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