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Arctic Fox
Chapter 7
January 7, 2021
“Hi, Darryl,” the girl said when she let him in. “You must be freezing. You want something warm to drink?”
“Sure, Michelle.”
“Why don’t you go on into the living room? There’s a fire going, and I’ll get some coffee for you.”
“Sounds great!” Darryl agreed enthusiastically.
“Mom!” Michelle shouted as she went into the kitchen. “Darryl’s here!”
“Okay!” came a woman’s voice from down the hall. “Be right there!”
Darryl had divested himself of his coat and boots, and was seated by the fire when Michelle entered the living room with two mugs of steaming coffee. “I couldn't believe Foxy beat me for first chair,” Michelle said as she handed Darryl one of the mugs.
“You know I’m the only one who gets to call her that,” Darryl told her grinning.
Michelle giggled. “Well, it’s a fitting name. She’s cute. I’m not going to challenge you for her, but be warned, if you ever let go of her...” She left the warning hanging.
“I’m not at all worried about that,” Darryl told her laughing.
Michelle laughed too. “She’s a real nice girl, but I suppose she’s not into girls at all, is she?”
“Nope. Not your type. Sorry.”
Michelle playfully hit him on the shoulder. “No you’re not!”
Darryl took a sip of coffee, then simply said, “True.”
“So the car will be great for taking her out, won’t it?”
“I think so. I’m impressed that your dad took such great care of it! 1973 was a long time ago.”
“His dad bought it new,” Laura Campbell, Michelle’s mom, said as she walked into the room. “We went on our first date in it, but he just doesn’t have the time, and honestly, parts are getting a bit harder to come by anymore.”
“It’s a good thing it’s grandfathered in for emissions,” Darryl commented.
“Yes, but then again, Vince keeps it running nice. Did he tell you he’d help you if you need to work on it?”
“I think Dad just wants to be near it,” Michelle laughed.
“I can’t blame him,” Darryl said.
“He should be here any moment,” Laura told Darryl. He drove the car to work today, just to make sure everything’s running right. He doesn’t want you to have any problems right off the bat. Have you ever driven a rear wheel drive in the winter?”
Darryl shook his head. “Dad tells me it'sits really different than a front wheel drive.”
“Just keep in mind it doesn’t have traction control, or even anti-lock brakesbreaks.”
Again, Darryl nodded. “I’ll stop by and show it to Marcia...”
“Foxy,” Michelle interrupted.
Darryl went on as if he hadn’t heard her, “but I’m not gonna drive her anywhere in it ‘til I get used to it.”
“That’s a good idea,” Laura told him. The patio window lit up from headlights. “That’s probably Vince now.”
A couple of minutes later, Vince Campbell walked into the living room. “Hey everyone! Hi, Darryl.”
“Lt. Campbell,” Darryl said, standing and holding out his hand.
Vince shook it warmly. “Here to pick up Daisy Mae, huh?”
“Daisy Mae?”
Vince laughed. “That’s what I’ve called her since the late ‘80s. I had a Kawasaki motorcycle back then. Everyone called Kawasakis ‘Cows’, for the Kaw in their name. I figured what better name for a cow, than Daisy. Somehow, my car became Daisy Mae.”
Darryl laughed. “That makes sense.”
“We’re on Daisy Mae V now,” Laura said, but the Mustang is Daisy Mae I.”
Darryl handed Vince the money, and Vince went over to an old china cabinet in the dining area and pulled a couple of papers from a drawer. “Here’s a bill of sale, Darryl, and this is the title. I just need you to sign them here, and here.” He indicated the spots. “You got insurance for her?”
“Yes, Sir,” Darryl told him. “My insurance covers me whatever I’m driving. I’ll add Daisy Mae tomorrow first thing.”
“You’re not gonna drive that girl of yours in it till you get used to the power and a rear wheel drive, are ya’? She’s got the four barrel 351 Cleveland. 266Hp. Well, I think she’s putting out a bit more. Everything’s stock, but I think they were a bit conservative on their power estimates with that Cleveland engine.”
Both were now putting on their boots and coats.
As they went out to the car, Vince asked, “You want to take a spin with me along?”
“Probably be a good idea, Sir.”
As they walked up to the dark green car, Vince tossed a keyring to Darryl. “These are yours now, Darryl.” The keyring had a thick nylon piece with a Mustang insignia on it.
As Darryl looked the car, then the keys, he had a sense of pride for his first car. Especially what it was. It wasn’t one of the real expensive Mustangs. In fact, the DOT had mandated that all sports cars in the ‘70s not have as many horsepower as the ones in the ‘60s, which was a shame, but if someone wanted to, they could really beef up this particular engine. Darryl had no intention of doing that. He liked the idea that Daisy Mae was stock, and intended to keep her that way.
They went a few blocks, then into a vacant parking lot, and Darryl got the feel of how it handled on ice. Certainly not as well as his mom’s Lexus, but there was a sense of freedom to have everything the car did under his control. He liked it.
He took Vince home, then sent Marcia a message. “I want to show you something.”
He carefully drove over to the Chatham house and parked on the street where the car could be seen, then he rang the bell.
It took a minute, but Marcia opened the door. Darryl didn’t say hello. Instead, he gathered her in a powerful embrace and kissed her. Then, he stepped aside so she could see the street.
It was hard to tell the color in the illumination from the streetlight, but the shape was unmistakable.
“You got the car!” Marcia squealed, all disappointment from the day suddenly gone as she understood.
She hurriedly put on her boots and coat, and hurried out to look at it. Darryl proudly got in the driver’s seat but told her. “I don’t want to drive you anywhere until I get used to this. It’s a whole lot different than a modern car.”
“Thank you,” she told him. She leaned toward him and got as close as she could, no simple thing with the bucket seats. “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.
“I love you too,” he returned.
January 14, 2021
A week later, Darryl and his dad felt he was competent enough to drive Marcia in his new car.
He proudly pulled up in front of her home early in the morning.
Chet was also there in his pickup, since he had brought Gloria over. He normally left earlier, so he could pick up Trish, but he wanted to see the Mustang. He pulled up alongside Darryl and rolled down his passenger window as Marcia got in. “Wanna race?” he asked as he revved his engine up and down.
Darryl laughed. “I don’t think so, Chet,”
“Good choice,” Chet laughed. “Looks good, Darryl. Congratulations!”
They both pulled away, careful of the icy street. It wasn’t really ice, but compact snow that had been pushed down so much that you could ice skate on it if you wanted.
When Darryl steered the car into the high school parking lot, people stared. There were the usual jabs and put downs, mainly about Fords in general, but a few of the rowdier kids challenged Darryl to a race, which he politely declined.
School let out, and the sun was almost below the horizon. Darryl and Marcia walked out to the car, holding hands. Several kids were clustered around Daisy Mae, and they parted as the young couple walked up. Along the driver’s side, scratched into the paint was, “Homo” in big letters. On the passenger side, it said, “Tranny.”
Marcia felt tears welling up in her eyes. This was Darryl’s car, and he was so happy with it, and now someone had vandalized it because of her! She felt awful. She wanted a hug from Darryl, but was afraid that it would just make things worse for him.
Suddenly, she felt someone touch her back. It was Darryl. She pulled away, and tried to run, but she was engulfed in a hug. “Hey, little sister. Don’t turn away from Darryl. He’s not mad at you. Far from it. He wants to protect you.”
“But it’s my fault, Chet. His car was destroyed because of me.”
“No. It’s not. You're being you. That’s it. As far as the car being destroyed, it’s not. It can be repaired. It’s just a thing. You’re not. You’re a beautiful girl, that he loves. I’ve seen how he looks at you. Never doubt that, little Sis.”
“Thanks, Chet.”
“Hey, That’s what a big brother’s for. I’m always here for you.”
She turned, and found Darryl right beside her. Once again, she was enveloped in someone’s arms, only this time it was Darryl’s. “It’s not your fault, Foxy. Someone is just being stupid. If it hadn’t been this, it would have been something else. Never blame yourself. I won’t.”
“I feel conspicuous. Not everyone knew about me before. Now they all do.”
“So what,” Chet said. “Anyone screws with you, they’ve got both Darryl and me to contend with.”
“And my backpack,” Darryl said, grinning at her.
“Oh man! They are gonna be hurting,” Chet said as he rubbed his jaw.
Marcia giggled at that.
Chuck Grayson, the principal, came out of the school, and wanted to speak to the owner of the car.
“That’s me,” Darryl spoke up.
He looked at the damage, and then asked Darryl, “Any idea who would do this?”
“No, Sir.”
“Marcia? Any ideas?”
She shook her head no, and they discussed the damage. While the school wasn’t inside the base gates, it was on government property, so Darryl’s dad would be informed.
Once pictures were taken, and the crowd dispersed, Chet offered to give Marcia a ride home, but she declined. “No offense, Chet, but I’d rather ride with Darryl.”
“None taken, Sis. My only concern is if you want to ride in the car… Well.”
“With ‘Tranny’ scratched in it? I’m not hiding who I am. Some people obviously know, and those that don’t can figure it out.”
“Okay. I’ll see ya later.”
“Thanks, Chet. Marcia gave him a hug, then got into the car.”
Darryl drove away slowly, then took her home. When he arrived at the Chatham house, the Johnson Lexus was there as well as Mike’s car. Chet parked on the street behind Darryl a moment later.
The three walked into the house. In the living room, they found Darryl’s parents sitting along with Mike and Gloria. Amber was sitting on the floor right by the coffee table, industriously playing with a Shap-O® toy. Every so often, she would giggle and jabber about what she was doing.
Mike motioned for them to come in. Darryl sat in the recliner, and Marcia lowered herself down right in front of him, which put her easily able to help Amber if need be.
Chet grabbed a dining room table and took it to where he was sitting by his mom.
“Principal Grayson called me,” Colonel Johnson said. “He told me about the vandalism on the Mustang.”
Marcia was holding her breath. Even though Darryl and Chet had both told her that it wasn’t her fault, she hoped the Colonel saw it that way.
“Marcia?” Mike asked. “Do you have any idea who would be do something like this?”
“They asked us at school. I don’t have any idea. I’m not friends with everyone at school, but I didn’t think I had any real enemies either.”
Chet shook his head. “Marcia is one of the most loved people there. When she got there, I don’t think anyone but the teachers knew about her transgender status. The ninth grade kinda adopted her as their little sister, and the rest of the school just accepted her as cute.”
“I never heard of this,” Mike said.
“I figured it was better than being slammed because of being trans,” Marcia explained to her dad. “I wasn’t going to complain being a little sister. Everyone kinda protects me. When my status started leaking out, I was already friends with so many people, anyone who didn’t like me didn’t have much support.”
“But someone must not like you,” Mike pointed out.
“Obviously not,” Marcia agreed.
She looked at Colonel Johnson and asked in a very small voice, “Should Darryl and I separate?”
He looked aghast as he answered. “For crying out loud. No! We’ve already gone through this stuff with Margot. We know what to expect.”
“If they said we should,” Darryl pointed out, “I wouldn’t pay attention.” He looked at his parents. “Sorry, guys.”
“That’s okay, Darryl. I wouldn’t expect you to. I can give orders, and within limits, I can forbid people developing relationships, but it’s not my choice who people develop friendships.” Darryl started to protest. “I’m not saying your relationship with Marcia is just a friendship, Son. I know it’s more than that. You wouldn’t give a promise ring to someone who is simply a friend, nor they one to you. Even if I insisted that you give up your girlfriend / boyfriend status, I could never bring myself to demand that you not be friends. That’s not my way at all.”
It was decided that, until the situation was better understood, Darryl would be with Marcia at all times on school property, and on the way to and from school, and either with him or a family member (including Chet and Gloria), or close friend – one of the Johnsons, if she was out of the house at other times.
“Not that I’m complaining – being with Darryl all the time at school, but it feels somewhat like house arrest. I have to have a guard all the time.”
“We’ve got to get a handle on this,” her dad explained. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you. That would hurt way too much.” He looked like he wanted to say something more, but didn’t
“Especially so soon after your mother,” Gloria quietly said what Mike didn’t.
“I’m somewhat limited in this,” Robert Johnson said, “but I’m going to put out as many feelers as I can. I want to know who did this. Not only do we not need this kind of behavior around here, but I have a personal investment in this situation.” He smiled at both Marcia and Darryl. Marcia leaned back and gazed up into Darryl’s eyes. She considered herself very lucky indeed.
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"She considered herself very lucky indeed."
As well she should
I'm getting the feeling that
I'm getting the feeling that Darryl's somewhat sweet on her.
do ya think?
I have always loved the dark green of the 73 Mustangs. I hope that the school grape vine reveals who did this. Can't hide too much in a high school especially something done on school property.
I usually write what I know,
I usually write what I know, and we had a 1973 dark green Mustang when I was a kid. It had the 351 Cleveland. Definitely not the fastest of the Mustangs, as it was a very large, heavy sports car, but one heck of a fun car to ride in. Unfortunately, I wasn't old enough to drive it while we had it.
I have a 2016 Fusion now, and it's about the same color. I love it!
I can only imagine.........
What it would’ve been like to have had that kind of support from family and friends.
Those of us who have transitioned have to deal with the assholes all the time. I have been lucky enough to never have had to deal with anything physical or any vandalism, but even having said that, there is still the verbal abuse, the purposeful mis-gendering, the stares and whispers, the glances and giggling, And the dirty looks you get from some people.
Yes, I have been lucky. I have not had it nearly as bad as some.
Yes, I have a good job with an employer who values me. Yes, I still have family and friends.
But I lost three jobs over six years after I came out before I ended up where I am now. Yes, I still make good money - but less than I was six years ago, less than I would be had I not transitioned. I lost a lot of friends, and much of my family wants nothing to do with me.
And I’m lucky.
How the fuck is that right?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
No. It's not right. I haven
No. It's not right. I haven't come out to everyone yet. My parents know, as does my wife and some of my kids. Surprisingly, my Pastor knows, as do a couple of close friends.
I haven't told many other people. I have a hard time with trust after things that have happened in the past with people who I did tell.
I am only out to my wife and
I am only out to my wife and 3 son. plus one other former good friend. How ever only my middle son and his wife are supportive of my transition. MY wife doesn't understand. as does my youngest. My oldest and his wife haven't said anything about it. But it was over three months after I came out to my oldest that I heard much from him.
OH, My wife will let me transition but we won't be married anymore. after almost 35 yrs of marriage and friendship with her since we were 5 and she treats me like this. I just wish I had friends to talk to. but alas I don't.
I feel very similar.
I understand. My wife, while supportive, would never understand me transitioning, and I'm afraid it would ruin our marriage. We're going on 30 years married now, and I love her to death. I would never want to ruin that.
My sister transitioned several years ago, and while I can talk to her about things, there is an air of superiority that I get from her anytime I do, and honestly, I don't need that. I don't really think that she means it, and maybe it's just something that I think I hear, but somehow, it comes across as, I'm better than you, because I've transitioned and you haven't.
I don't think she means this either, but there's an idea that my feelings aren't as strong because I haven't had to transition as she did, therefore, I can't possibly understand what she went through.
I love her very much, and it hurts very much when she makes these assumptions about my condition. It takes away the one family member that I could talk to.
Some people
Why is it that there are those who think it is their business to interfere with others? Selfishness I think.
Good story, sad to hear about the car, but he was right it is just a thing. "Things are to be used, people are to be loved."
>>> Kay
usually it seems to come down
usually it seems to come down to jealousy. If someone has it better, people just can't stand that.
Is that what's going on here? time will tell.
What about dusting the car for prints??
That's definitely a
That's definitely a possibilty, but it's COLD. The culprit was undoubtedly wearing gloves.
Oops! Read this wednesday + somehow neglected to comment
What a cowardly thing to do to someone, not to mention desecrating a beautiful car. I knew a girl that had some anonymous craven !@#$%! scrawl DYKE on her highschool locker with a marking pen. Beneath it she wrote (in much better calligraphy) AND PROUD and left it there until the janitor repainted it, much in the spirit of Marcia's unbowed reaction. I love what a good big brother Chet's become in such a short time.
~hugs, Veronica
Who's there?
Ikea who?
(At'sa some joke, eh?!)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I suppose Chet could be seen
I suppose Chet could be seen as maybe having nepharious reasons for his good behaviour, but I tend to doubt it. I think he's actually changed. Depending on the Muse. She can be a pill. I honestly had no plans for the damage to the Mustang. We had that car when I was a kid, and the car was only 7 years old. I was only 11, and I would have killed anyone who did that to it. A beautiful car! The Muse had other ideas when I got there.
That was such an awful, mean thing to do to Darryl's car! Not so much the vandalism, which can be fixed, but the nasty words that were used. I really hope maybe there was some sorta video surveillance int the parking lot, so they can track down the bloody bugger who did that.
*taking in a deep breath, then letting it out slowly*
Okay, I realize this is fiction, but I still care about the people in this story, so it's hard to not get emotional when bad stuff happens to them. Even with that said, I'm still enjoying this story. Thank you for another wonderful chapter, Rose! :)
Thank you! I'm enjoying
Thank you! I'm enjoying writing it. I'm debating letting out #8 now. Sigh. What to do, what to do...
Maybe later tonight...
Who in their right mind...
So getting that Mustang was why Darryl was clock watching. He was excited to finally get it and wanted to surprise Marcia.
But who in their right mind would deface a Mustang like that? Obviously someone who doesn't car about ventage cars, only their disgust with Marcia be TG and Darryl dating her.
What they don't understand is the real position they put themselves in by defacing that Mustang. While the who isn't known, they've shown what lengths they'll go to to express their disgust. And when it's learned who defaced the Mustang, others will shy away from them because of it being a Mustang they harmed, and because of the hate they displayed. Life in school for that person isn't going to be pleasant once their name is discovered. And there may be a few ticked off enough for what was done to the Mustang to express their hate in a physical way.
Darryl and Chet are right, it isn't Marcia's fault some moron can't control themselves. Their actions are theirs and theirs alone.
Others have feelings too.
We had that exact car when I
We had that exact car when I was a kid (I always write what I know. LOL) and I can't understand why someone would want to deface it (Well, I do, but IRL, I couldn't)