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26 The New Amazon Empire
In London the English Prime minister call nothern Ireland minster over for discussion on their future now Wales is part of the Amazon empire the queen of England has made plans to leave England and head for New Zealand and she will stay there until the threat subsides but these Amazon women have one thing on their minds to conquour the whole planet.
Prime mister walks in and says “ I have spoke to Amazon Scottish Prime minster via a spokeswoman on our side as they will not speak to men”. Queen asks “ what are they planning now?”. Prime minster says “ if we enter any troops in their territories including Wales and Isle of Mann it will be consider war”.
Queen said “ you need to tell all my forces to stay way from the border and becareful”. Prime minster says “ the daughter of the British global justice head has headed back to Scotland where her father is acting as teacher”. The foreign secretary walked in and said “ soon he will be in Amazon Custody”.
Prime minster says “ you seem not pleased with this”. Foreign misnter replies “ quiet frankly I am glad he is Amazon Custody”. Prime minster looked at his foreign Secretay and says “ your secretary of the queen of England and your happy that the Brittish global justice head is custody of Amazon empire”.
Foreign secretary replies “ that why I'm here I am resigning as your secretary of the foreign minstary and will be heading back home to Scotland and becoming the new Amazon Scotland deputy Prime minster under her majesty queen of the Amazons and her expanding Amazon empire”.
The prime minster was shocked and says “ we could arrest you and use you as bargianing chip against the Amazon for the release of the globsl justice head and his daughter”. Former secretary replies “ the daughter will become a Amazon woman any way and he will be sent the royal capital of the Amazon empire in Amazon states of America”.
Queen orders “ let her go we need to keep calm about this with Wales now part of the Amazon Empire I have decided the royal family will be moving to New Zealand to live now and we will cordinate things from there”. Prime minster asks “ your scared England will fall next to the Amazons?”.
The queen nodded and left to prepare for her flight to New Zealand and the English prime minster let his former foreign minster leave as she walked out the door the Irish secretary arrived and the Republic of Ireland President for talks about new Amazon Empire they will be join by French President soon who is a woman in negoations with the Amazons.
Amazon Scotland
Kim was still in Scotland with her lover and sister. Kim has dediced she will not go into Amazon Wales then she heard a call from secret Police agent Charlene informing her that head of the out lawed global justice was living in Glagscow and appartment where her agent Charlene and sister Emily lived since becoming Amazon females.
Kim called lady Gaianna who was in Wales after the offical surrender of Wales. Kim will meet her secretary of Amazon Wales soon as shew as making her way from Cardiff and will meet Prime Minster Helena Clarke in next few days Lady Gaianna was on the the phone to her queen.
Lady Gaianna says “ Pheobe that new Agent you left at the camp it seem her former sister friend now a Amazon girl that her father is head leader of the outlawed global justice of the former great Britain”. Phoebe said “ your meaning our latest agent Charlene my lady”. Gaianna replies“ yes Pheobe I mean here ok”.
Pheobe says “I will head for Glasgow now if you want my lady with the some secret police and have him aressted and sent to the camp where former minster of Wales is being kept with other prisoners”. Gianna replies “ no he will be transferred to the royal capital of the Amazon empire and will held the special area of our prison area”.
Pheobe replies “ yes my lady and is Sianna to accoumpany me on the misssion or not”. Gaianna says “ no she will staying here to set up the secret police area for here in Cardiff Amazon Wales”. Pheobe says “ I under stand my lady I know Charlene will be there and she will be helping me as well her sister Emily”.
Gaianna says “ you will meet up with her and her sister Emily and her friend Rachel and she will show where her father is and when the sister returns you are to make her a Amazon sceret police agent”. Phoebe replies “ yes my lady”. Phoebe went over and kissed her girlfriend Sianna goodbye and left for Amazon Scotland”.
Phoebe took a hovercraft and head to where Charlene and the girls gave her the cordinates and she had some secret police agents. Phoebe soon arrived in Glasgow and saw Charlene . Emily and Rachel and asks “ Rachel is your father home at the moment?”. Rachel replies “ yes major and so is my sister Selena she is with him right now.”.
Pheobe says “we will begin our raids in a few minutes”. The Amazon secret police were getting ready Emily and Rachel saw their friend Robert walking home from school he was not arrested by the Amazon Secret police which Emily and Rachel are happy they were arrested cause now they are now Amazon girls.
Rachel says “ oh my god, Emily look whose over there it is Robert he such a fucking stupid male we could make him a girl like us”. Emily replies “ nah we will be after the big fish out our school like popular girls and some of the bullies maybe Paul or Greg”.
Rachel says “ It their fucking masculinity that make them bullies and like being stupid boys too”. Emily replies “ we will go after Sabrina and her friends at school”. Rachel says “ I already know that Chloe and Oliva are one of us now”. Emily says “ yeah I wa told by my sister they were now like us Amazon sercurity girls”.
The Amazon secret police had the building surrounded as they were about too raid the building Rachel sawone of her brothers waking up the street Rachel thought they would not reconise her now since she is a girl now and not a stupid boy. The Amazon secret police headed into the building a went straight for Rachel's family appartment.
Rachel saw her brother getting closer and walked over to them and said “ you can not go any further your building has Amazon opperation happening”. The 2 boys saw the Amazon police turn up and saw their appartment building surrounded by the new Amazon Scottish police the boys were now in custoy now. Emily walked over to her friend .
The 2 boys saw their father and sister Selena in custody the boys walked over and asks “ dad why have you been arrested you work for global justice?”. The father replies “ it seems that global justice is outlawed now here in Scotland ever since we became a nation of the Amazon empire”.
The boys says “ we went to the school get Harry but we were told he was arrested by Amazons police which were all women Harry was sent to a prison camp not far from here”. Selena says “ Justin and Billy that is a Amazon Secret police camp so if Harry was sent there he was arrested by the secret police of the Amazon empire”.
Selena was taken away from her father who was now being held in a special campervan and the 2 boys were now arrested and put in the same campervan. The officer took them all down to the local police station the 2 Amazon girls went with them as well.
Selena was taken into a room and told to sit then Pheobe walked in and says “ hello MI6 agent or should I say a trainer for the global justice angency”. Selena asks “ how did you find out what I was doing in England?”. Pheobe said “ we have our ways why would you support a male control agency and your a woman”.
Selena replies “ before I answer any of your questions I would like know why is my little brother in your custody at your prison camp”. Pheobe says “ she has been released she is waiting outside”. Selena asks “ did you call my brother a she?”. Pheobe said “ yes he was transformed into a girl at the camp Rachel can you come in here”.
Selena saw a this Amazon girl walk in and say “ hello sis”. Selena looked at the girl and said “ Harry”. Rachel replies “ oh my god I am not him anymore I am now called Rachel all you have to tell major Pheobe if England are planning a offensive against us”.
Selena said “ no not at this stage they are very scared how quick you conquoured Wales so quickly the Brittish government is now concern that England could be next so English and the Irish are having a special meeting about the fall of the United Kindom and Wales and Scotland under Amaon control”.
Pheobe asks “what are global justice plans now? “. Selena replies “we are in total ruins I was ordered to get my father out and find a plan to find our special agents Kim Possible and Ron Stopable we have been told American director Drew is your prisoner and we sent MI6 Shaun in to get Tim Raikes out of Scotalnd”.
Pheobe replies “well Shaun is now a Amazon secret police agent like your sister a Amazon woman and soon you will be and you will Scotland new Amazon intelligence secretary” Selena asks “what is going to happen to my father and other brothers?”. Rachel replies “our brothers will become Amazon girls and will help us in Iowa secret police camp”.
Selena asks “my father what happen to him”. Rachel said “ why care about him like he is a male soon you wont care as you will be one of us a Amazon”. Rachel walked over and gave her sister the freedom needle as the women were now calling it Selena fell to the groud and felt her body change and then she look at her sister.
Selena said “ thank you sis and major for freeing me of my male influnce I understand the ways of being a Amazon woman and will help my queen and her royal family as the intelligence secretary for Amazon Scotalnd”. Pheobe says “ Rachel can you help your sister to get her new black leather Amazon uniform and black leather thigh high boots”.
Rachel took her sister to the the area and Selena got changed into her black leather Amazon uniform with her black leather thigh boots and soon Selena and Rachel return as they were coming back their brother were being brought into the same room as she was interrogated and they their father was being transported too.
Selena and Rachel walked into the interrogation room and the 2 boys saw their sister walk in with another girl Charlene and Emily had gone home for the night Pheobe was staying at Charlene hosue tonight and will head back to where her queen is as the former foreign secretary of Britain was due there.
Billy asks “ Selena where is dad being taken?”. Selena replies “ it is none of your businesss male”. Justin looks at his sister and see she is wearing the Amazon's black leather uniform and the Justin asks “ why are we here ?”. Rachel says “ you are going to become girls like Selena and I ”.
Billy asks “Harry is that you?”. Rachel laughes and says “ that was my male name when I was that stupid boy but now I am a Amazon girl and I love it you were born the wrong gender”. The 2 boys saw that Selena had 2 needles in her hand she gave one to Rachel and Selena had the other one as they injected the needles in the boys neck
Rachel and Selena watched as the boys started to change into a girls they asaw their hips get wider and saw their hair grew and the saw boobs starting grow on their chest and they saw Billy fall to the ground then get up and say “ thank you my sisters for freeing me of masculinity and my male influence”.
Selena and Rachel watched as the other sister was nearly completed and the she looked ta her sister and said “ thank you for freeing me from my masculinity , my male shell and my male influence I love being a girl instead of being a stupid boy and will love being under Amazon rule”.
Both girls were taken down to have their P.T.A and then they wll be allowed to go home their mother was done at her work at club Banna and she is now a franchsie owner cause she is a woman and men are banned from owning any business in the Amazon Empire men are just worker or house husbands now.
Rachel, Kelly , Jane and Selena arrived home their mother saw her 4 daughter and said “ I see 3 of you have been turned into girls and one has been freed”. Selena said “ yes mum Harry is now Rachel, Justin is now Jane and Billy is now Kelly all Amazon girls”.
Katrina says “ Jane and Kelly you were in community college what are you girls doing now”. Kelly said “we are leaving for the Amazon States of America and will be haeding to Iowa in Clarion to become member of the Amazon secret police for her majesty”. Katrina asks “ what about you Selena?”.
Selena replies “ I am heading to Endinburgh and will becoming the Amazon Scotland intelligence secretary for the prime mister and our father is on his way to the Amazon States of America to the royal capital there”. Katrina said “ ok and I suppose Rachel you will be going to school still”.
Rachel said “ oh my god yes mum Emily and I have a job to like do at our school”. Katrina asks “ who is Emily?”. Rachel replies “Emily was Peter oh my god we at the football game today and we were arrested by the secret police and sent to a camp and I though I was going to be there for a while oh my god I was so happy I am a girl now”.
Rachel says “ Peter's Brother Shaun was arrested too like then we saw a woman and 2 agents come with them which we found out the woman was head of secret police Lady Gaianna and her agents like were deputy Sianna and l major Pheobe who is staying next door”.
Katrina asks “ Lady Gaianna higher than you Selena?”. Selena said “ yes mum she can arrest me or any one she is on the queen Kim personal staff of agents and her mother is Lady Gaia our number one sciencetist and founder of male free influence and freeing of boys to girls”.
Katrina asks “ Lady Gaia has another daughter too?”. Selena replies “ yes mum her name is Eliza she is best friend of her highness princess Misha sister of our Queen Kim”. Katrina says “ ok continue Rachel”.
Rachel replies “ ok Mum after a while Peter saw police agents leave with a new woman like we found out it was Shaun now called Charlene and then they decided that Peter and I would become girls so when we go to school we are set up a Amazon group of girls which will include stupid boys as well”.
Katrina was happy that all her daughters had thing to do so after they all had their diner and watch television which was still broadcasting from male control England they will sonn get ther information from Amazon America soon they all went to bed .
The next morning all the girls got up and did what girls do in the morning showerd and their make up and put their jewelery on like earings and stuff and Rachel thought after school she might go and gether nails and hair done properly with her girlfriend and best friend Emily.
Katrina said goodbye to Kelly and Jane as they boarded a hovercraft to Iowa to become Amazon Secret Police,instead of going to college. Selena was having her breakfast and said “ mum I will be leaving soon with major Pheobe and will be heading to see my boss the Prime minster and maybe her majesty the queen and princess”.
Katrina said “ ok I am getting ready for my job”. Katrina came out in a white Amazon dress and her knee high gold sandals on her feet she was begining her first day as the franchise owner of club banna in Glasgow . Rachel came out of her room dressed in her black leather Amazon uniform and thigh high black leather boots.
There was a knock at the door and it was Charlene and Emily, Katrina asks “hello may I help you?”. Charlene replies “oh sorry I am Charlene and this my baby sister Emily and nice to meet you”. Katrina looked at Emily and said “you were once Peter”.
Emily Sheiverd and said “yuck gross to ever think I was that stupid boy make me feel sick I am a Amazon teen girl and where is Rachel”. Rachel walked over to her friend and said “ oh my god I'm sorry Em mum still getting use to us all being Amazon girls now instead of being stupid boys and that now”. Emily says“ that ok babe”.
Rachel gave Emily a kiss on the lips and said “ thanks babe we get going to school”. Katrina replies “ excuse me miss what was that I saw you did”. Rachel looked at her mum and said “ mum Emily is my girlfriend it not against law our queen is bisexual and boys are disgusting creature and I love her because she is like me bisexual get use to it”.
Emily says “ I love you to babe and I am so glad that your my girlfriend too”. Both girls kissd on the lips again. Rachel said “ after school you want get our nails and hair done”.
Emily said “ babe that would be great and we have get some of popular girls to become like us Amazon girls”.
Rachel says “ oh my god we could go for main bitch at the school Sabrina and her other bitch friends at our school”. Emily gigles and says “ babe I know who mean she was a bitch to us like when we were those gross boys”.
Katrina asks “ you girls are heading to mall after school Rachel?”. Rachel replies “ yes mum Em and I will be going to get our nails and our hair done after school at Amazon beautt school cause we are going to be the popular girls at school”. Katrina says “ you are both now beautiful girls and you have boys after you now”.
Emily and Rachel both said “ yew gross boys”. That got Charlene thinkig and she asks “ Katrina what time are you due to work”. Katrina said “ around a hour I have my staff opening up the store”. Charlene says “ I'll take you to work and we will take you see my work so you know where your daughter will work when they get back”.
The teen Amazon girls left and headed to school they walked up to the bus stop and waited for the bus a boy name Greg walked up to them and says “ hello Cutie you and me as your boyfriend and you as my girlfriend “. Emily looked at him and said “ oh my god male fuck off”. Greg tried get close to her and Rachel hit him.
Greg landed on the ground and Rachel replies “ you heard her fuck off male”. Greg had never been hit by anyone and put the ground and this time it was a girl dressed in black leather and black leather thigh boots. Greg was about get up to hit her and his mate says “ don't do it mate they are Amazon girls they are stronger than us and get arrested”.
Emily walked up and grab Greg from the ground and says “ your friends is right we are stronger than your pathetic gender”. Then Emily grab him by one arm in the air and then Emily says “ you are to understand now we Amazon girls are now stronger you now”. Greg says “ yes”. Emily threw him on the ground and says “ you will call us mistress male”.
Greg looked at his mate and asks “ what they are going to our school now”. His mate replies “ yeah mate we are rule by them now and expect Amazon girls to be going to our school more often now”. The bus arrived and they all boarded Emily and Rachel were not only girls from their school dressed in black leather.
The 2 other girls were Chloe and Oliva they were normal Scottish girl not popular but their mum were high up in Amazon military, Chloe asks “were you both girls before we became a Amazon nation?”. Emily replies“ no we were both gross boys name Peter and Harry”. Rachel says “ we are beter now as girls instead stupid boys like him. (pointng to greg)
Oliva said “ oh my god, fuck you deserve to be Amazon girls”.Rachel says “thanks we are here to make more Amazon girls and we will be now the popular girls at this school”. Oliva asks “ what about Sabrina the bitch of our school she should be a Amazon girl?”.
Emily replies “we have decided she will be one of us”. Rachel asks “that male that stop that other male trying to hit Emily he might like being a Amazon girl too”. Chole says “. I think his name is Paul he is Greg's best friend he would be a good choice to make a Amazon girl”. Oliva asks “ oh my god are we going to be like the cheerleaders of the school?”.
Emily answers “her majesty does not like us being called the cheerleaders of the school we will be like the police force, we are called Amazon secutrity girls now and make sure the Amazon school cirriculum is taught not the like stupid male one”. Chole asks “ how many girls do we need help us?”.
Rachel replies “ around 8 girls will be helping us and slowly every girl will be Amazon and we will start on the boys and make them like us Amazon Gils”. Rachel, Emily, Oliva and Chole heaed for their first class the teacher saw the Amazon girls walk in and sit.
The teacher says “ as from now on we will be teaching the new education cirriculum handed dowm by prime minster of Amazon Scotland”. Kyle says “ we should be learning same as this last term”. Then a girl name June said “ that was before we became independent from United Kingdom and become a Amazon Nation”.
Kyle says “ this is fucking bullshit I still think we are still a part of Briatin and we will find away for this stupidity to end”. Rachel and Emily saw him and got up and walkd over to him and says “ come with us for a walk and we will tell our government your problem about what is going on now”. Kyle replies “ ok”.
Kyle left with Rachel and Emily and class continued .The teacher was teaching about new Amazon history when Rachel. Emily and a new Amazon girl returned Gemma sat down where Kyle was sitting she was now very enthusastic girl as talked about Amazon history . Greg asks “ hey Paul where did Kyle go?”.
Paul replies “ the new Amazon girl is Kyle they transformed him into a girl”. Greg says “ I notice Harry and Peter are not at school too I have no one to do my home work”. Paul says “ they are new Amazon girls Emily and Rachel”. Greg says “ one of the fucking dorks deck me as a girl now and Kyle is one them now”.
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