Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 24

24 Amazon Scotland

Kelly asks “ what about the big crimes did like murder , robery and other crimes?”. Kim replies“ they will get sentences from 12yrs to life as a slave and they try to rape, kill or bash Amazon women they will get death or maybe they will become a woman but any teen boys will become girls for any crime”.

Kelly says “ we should talk to Lori Barkin the Amazon education secretary about establishing Amazon girls junior and high schools for girls and special boys we have converted to girl hood and so we can make them warriors and police and Secret police for the Amazon Empire”.

Kim says “ that has a lot of merrit Kelly I will speak to the new secret police comissoner Gaianna and I will need a Police comissoner for my empire as well so we need to select one”. Shego says “ Jessica or Lara from Middleton Cheerleaders we have holding in the special prison Area babe”.

Kim says “ we will decide on that later but I think we will use one of them I will ask commader Tara when she returns from Scotland”. Dr Betty walks in and says “your majesty we will be ready soon to leave for Scotland”. Kim says “ good you and Kelly will interrogate the prisoner the prime minster is holding”.

Dr Betty replies “ yes your majesty it will fun interoating him I have not seen him in years I think the last time I saw him you were there with Ron Stoppable and you were foiling Duff Klingan bomb plot he want control of United Kingdom”. Kim say “well if I was who I am now I wouldn't give a fuck now as I am queen of the Amazon empire”.

Kelly says“ if we capture him your majesty you could offer him as a her new role like Prime minster of Amazon England or Wales or maybe Ireland”. Kim that would be nice when we ruling United Kingdom”. Monique walks in and says “ your majesty Alexis has got amessage from Sianna”.

Kim asks “ what is the message Monique?”. Monique said “ the Welsh head minster wife wants talks with when you arrive in Scotland about joining the the Empire like Scotland has”. Kim says “ very intresting if we have Wales under our control England is very vunerable for invasion by my forces”.

Monique says “ theses are only preliminary talks at the moment your majesty the head Welsh wife was talking to Prime Minster Helena and told her she was was shock how quick Scotland pulled out of Great Britain and became a member of the Amazon Empire and how quick Scotland has adapted being ruled by Amazon women”.

Kim says “ I will have talks with her once I have arrived in Scotland and I will be very sure it is not British government plot”. Monique ssays “ I will increase sercurity when you arrive there I will inform major Pheobe and she will get the nessary sercurity ready for you your majesty and your highness as well”.

Kim says “ good Monique I will go and get ready for my tour I will be in my royal quarters with my girlfriend as she will be helping decide some stuff”. Kim and Shego left and headed towards her royal quarters and once there Kim looked at Shego and says “ fuck me now lover”. Kim and Shego fucked for hours.

Amazon Scotland

Sergant Major Jessie arrived in Scotland she waas greeted by Liz who has not seen her since their time in Amazon City formerly Go- City. Liz says “ Sergant mjaor Jessie it nice to see you again since your becoming a member Amazon women”.

Sergant Major replies “ yes I have been very busy since her majesty gave me this job here as her majesty made me her enforceer of her Amazon military”. Liz says “ well I am so glad we decide to make you a member of the Amazon women”. Sergant Major Jessie walked up to Prime minster Helena.

Sergant Major Jessie says “ Madam Prime minster I am here to check the borders with England now that Scotland is now part of her majesty empire now”. Helena said “ ok I will be happy for you to help but I have not a general or a military advisor yet for my country”. Jessie replies “ we will find one even if it is a male”.

A woman walks in and says “ excuse me madam prime minster we do have a military person he is a captain in the British Amry we could ask for him to be sent back home to Amazon Scotland”. Jessie says “ if this captian is such good man I will arrange with Major Pheobe of the seret Police to send secret police agents into Engalnd and get him”.

Sianna walks in and says “ we have been told he is Wales at the monent we can use the ocean and sneak into Wales and get him for us”. Helena said “ we could ask the head secretary of Wales wife and ask her as she will be here to talk to her majesty our queen once she has arrived here in Endibrough”.

Sianna says “ we could insist that she brings the captain here ad once he has arrived we will change in to the new Amazon Scottish general”. Sergant major Jessie says “ I will head down to the order with Enland and secure her majesty border with Scotland”.

Helena said “ the English are letting man pass but are checking women because of us now ruling Scotland instead if the stupid men”. Sergant Major Jessie says “ what ever agreement you had with that stupid male will continue but I want see some men will be better as Amazon women”.

Helena says “ you think new English border control will allow us holding men”. Sergant Major said “ they will have to put up with all men that are in Amazon Scotland and other countries of the Amazon empire are Amazon men and are now classed as second class citerzens of the Amazon Empire men have no says here”.

Helena asks “ does that apply in any Amazon Country?”. Sergeant Major Jessie replies “ yes it apply to any country in the Amazon Empire we amazon women are better stronger and more beautiful then men or an ordinary women”. Helena asks“ what about girls here will there be girls elementary school here?”.

Sergeant Major says “ that will be up to her majesty Education secretary Lori Barkin and if she is coming with her majesty on the voyage here to Amazon Scotland I will be leaving you now I have some Amazon soliders from Amazon States of America to help but we will make an Army here”.

Helena saw major Sergant Jessie leave and head to her job. Helena was getting very scared with the fact the queen of Amazon Empire but she knew it will be a honour to see the woman that conquoured America as the princess before the recent death of her mother and she has a announcement for her.

Sianna saw her the commissioner of the Amazon secret police arrive she saw it was Pheobe former father and Sianna said “ welcome to Amazon Scotland I was about to head out on look around to see how the counties here are now coping our control now here”. Kate says “ you have to stay here until the queen arrives here”.

Sianna asks “ why am I staying here in Endinburgh for?”. Kate replies “ I was told by your mother you are to stay here as her majesty the queen has something to tell you and I am here to stay as well I have sent Bonnie , Hope and Marcella off to do your job instead if they see Sergant Majot Jessie”.

Sianna replies “and if they see her Sergant Major Jessie near the border towns of Amazon Scotland and England”. Kate says “ they are to stay away from the her and her forces in that area”. Sianna says “ok then”.

The two Amazons were talking when lieutenant colonel and Defence Minster Dr Betty Director arrive”. Kate walks up and says “ lieutenant colonel welcome to Amazon Scotland”. Veronica says “ thank you Kate I am here to see if sergant major Jessie is here to her job properly and that”.

Sianna asks “ when is her majesty is arriving here?”. Veronica replies “ her majesty and her highness princess Shego will be very soon I am here to make sure the secrurity here is up to date when her majesty and her highness arrive soon and defence minster Dr Betty is here to do intelligence and defence”.

Sianna says “I see her now she is talking to new Amazon Scottish prime minster”. Veronica says “ I see your mother has not arrived she is here to interrogate the prisoner from global justice”. Sianna says “ I was going to be a global justice member or CIA agent”.

Veronica says “ I was an agent until I was freed of male shell and influence”. Sianna said “ I knew you were before you became a better person as a woman and a Amazon like I was freed of my male shell and became a Amazon secret police agent instead I love my new persona as a woman now”.

Shego walks in a says “ hello Major Sianna and lieutenant colonel Veronia it nice to be Scotland again I have only been here once before with Drakken before when she was that stupid idiot try conquour the world with his stupid masculinity I am so glad my lover freed me and now she is so fucking evil”.

Veronica says “ I think we love our queen the way she is now compare to the old version of our queen she is very evil woman now and she loves you a lot your highness”. Shego replies “ very true Veronica I lover her so much if was for Dr Drakken intercepting a message I would have not got her”.

Helena walks back in where Veronica , Shego and Sianna was and then Sianna says “ your highness I would like you to meet the Amazon Scotland Prime Minster Helena Clarke”. Shego says “ hello Madam Prime minster”. Helena replies “ your highness it finally meet you and our queen is she here”.

Shego replies “ yes her majesty is here but she resting on the royal hovercraft and she will be down soon to tour your country and tell you some things and other stuff”. Helena says “ your highness the prisoner is in cell he is very close here so he doesn't escape custody from us”.

Shego replies “ good we believe there is global justice agents from England here”. Helena said “ we also have the head secretary from Wales arriveing soon to have talks with her majesty”. Shego says “ her majesty know about that from our intelligence area”.

Gaia walks in and says “ your highness I need to find some Scienctists here in Amazon Scotland so we have a section for transformation of the boys and men and the freeing of the women and girls at school like we have in Idaho in the Amazon states of America”.

Shego says “ lady Gaia I would like you to meet the Prime minster of Amazon Scotland”. Gaia walked over to Helena and said “ hello madam prime minster I am the head scienctist of the Amazon Empire and if you need anything you will need go by your scienctists here in Amazon Scotland”.

Helena says “ we have scienctists here and they been transformed into Amazon women like our queen requested by if you want my lady I will get a one of my assistants to take you to the scienctists here”. Gaia replies“ thank you madam Prime minster”.

The assistants to the prime minster took Gaia to the scienctist area in Edinbrough as they were leave Helena saw Gaia bow as Kim walked in with her sister Misha and Elisa then Elizs saw her mother and left with her Helena walked up and kneeled to Kim and says “ your majesty welcome to Amazon Scotland “.

Kim says “thank you madam prime misnter you may rise and walk with me to my seat”. Helena says “ we are honour to have you here your majesty”. Kim replies “ my sister and my girlfriend are honour that you willing became a Amazon nation and under my empire”. Kim sat on her throne and so did Misha and Shego.

Kim says “ I have been so impress by what you have done here Helen I am offering that you will rule Cyprus as well like Prime minster Lilli rules Amazon Hong Kong for me”. Helena replies “ thank you your majesty”. Kim said “ you will have a secretary for Amazon Cyprus”. Helena asks “ who you majesty?”.

Kim answers “ fomer seret police comissoner Kate she will be doing her job as the Amazon Cyrus secretary for Amazon Scotland”. Lady Gainna walked in and said “ your majesty it will take a few weeks for us to establish a full Amazon secret police here in Amazon Scotland “.

Kim says “ I would like you to meet Lady Gianna she is the secret police new comissoner and her deputy is to be captian Sianna and they will be helping set up the Amazon secret police here in Amazon Scotalnd “ Helena says “ your majesty will I have any say in the secret police”.

Kim says “ no they run for my benefit and my lover and my sister I would warn you that my sister best friend is a lady Gianna sister”. Sianna and Pheobe were walking through Endibrough in Scotland since they got control they were happy a lot things have been implemented under her majesty rule now as they were walking they saw old friend of theirs.

He wouldn't reconise them as they are both Amazon girls now and Pheobe says “ hey Sianna doesn' that look like our old friend Shaun”. Sianna replies“ yeah I think it but he would not reconise us now as we are Amazon girls”. Phoebe says “ true we are now Amazon girls and part of the the Amazon secret police now”.

Sianna says “ I heard a male call us like old days of war”. Phoebe laughed and said “ they think like that because we are more superior race any way and we are Amazons not stupid fucking pathetic men”. Sianna said “ oh my god true we are fucking better than men any day”.

Pheobe laughed they continued their walk along the street and walked passed a stadium and saw a soccer ( football) game on they walked and notice 2 soccer teams playing a game and saw it was men playing the game the Amazon girls were watching at saw some women and girls there and they saw a few others then they got on their radio and order.

The secret police warriors arrived there to arrest main men that were ordering the game at the stadium with in a few miniutes there were Amazon secret police warriors here Sianna orders “sergeant I want every male that looks like a threat arrested and that male over there I want him arrested too”.

Sergeant answers “ yes Captian and you and major Pheobe are to return the Prime minster house her majesty is there with Lady Gianna there is a hover craft ready for you “. Sianna replies “ thank you sergeant”.

The secret police began rounding up men they thought would be a threat to her majesty rule over Scotland and the also arrested Shaun they were all taken to a camp and they will be interrogated by the secret police one by one . Pheobe and Sianna arrived back and Sianna saw Pheobe holding her hand .

Sianna was liking a lot then Pheobe says “ I am sorry I was holding your hand “. Sianna replies“ why what wrong with that your a girl and I am a girl and we not breaking any laws our queen is open bisexual girl her lover is woman which fought against before being freed of male influence”.

Pheobe looked at Sianna and then Sianna Kissed her and says “ I want be more that friends with you Pheobe”. Pheoble replies “ ok then”. The girls arrived at the main room of the prime misnter house and walked in and said “ you wanted to see me your majesty and my lady and madam prime minster “.

Lady Gianna says “ yes I am now your secret police comissoner and Sianna is my deputy”. Sianna said “ thank you my lady”. Pheobe asks “what about my mother?”. Kim said “ she is now the Cyprus secretary for Amazon Scotland”. Phoebe said “ hmm ok congrats babe”. Pheobe kissed Sianna on the lips.

Kelly asks “ your not upset at Pheobe”. Pheobe replies “why should be upset madam secretary my girlfriend is the new deputy comissoner of the Amazon secret police and I am quite happy that lady Gaianna is the secret police comissoner both will do outstanding jobs”.

Sianna says “ as my girlfriend was not consider is there another job for her “. Lady Gaianna said “ no not really Commander Tara keep her job as she been here since the begining of our conquests”. Pheobe said “ I am quite happy to stay as the secret police major”.

Then a police officer walked and said “excuse me but madam minster we have been told there has been major arrests at the football stadium in Endibrough”. Kim asks “ do you why there was arrest there?”. The police officer replies “ no we have no idea”.

Helena asks “ how long have you been a police officer for?”. The officer said “ I have been a police officer for a while this my first day back and I have been told we are no longer appart of Britain”. Helena says “ yes we are now member of the Amazon empire under her majesty queen Kim”.

The officer looked at the other women and saw all them in black leather and thigh high boots and male police officer said “ I will leave now”. Gainna said “ I think we have found the new police comissoner for Amazon Scotland major Pheobe can you go and grab that male”.

The police officer was about to leave when Pheobe grab him and brought him back to Kim and other Amazon women. The police officer ask “ what are you going to do with me?”. Lady Gianna replies“ you will be come a woman and new Amazon Scotland police commissioner”. He was injected by Sianna.

He began to feel pain as his body started to change his arms became more feminine and his legs did to his hips began to widen and and he felt his penis disappearing and he felt through his pants that he now had Vagina now and she started grow boobs she look as her chest grew perfect amazon boobs.

Her face became more feminine she loved her new femininity she look up from having all he pain and says “ thank you my lady for freeing me of male shell and male influence”. Lady Gianna said “ your welcome police comissoner”. Leanne asks “ your majesty why was there arrests at the stadium”.

Sianna said “ they were order by me and major Pheobe”. Leanne said “ oh ok and why would the secret police order these arrests”. Pheobe said “ thats is our decision and nothing to with local Amazon police here comissoner”. Leanne asks “are all my police force are all Amazons women now?”.

Helena replies “ most of them are now you will set police headquarters here in Amazon Scotland and the secret police will have their office as well”. Leanne said “ I will go and get it done now and tell my officers the stadium arrests were done by the secret police and not to worry about it”. Lady Gianna says “ good comissoner”.

Leanne left and her PTA and went to start setting up the new Amazon Scotland Police force . Lady Gianna asks “ Sianna your arrests at the stadium were for a good reason?”. Sianna replies “ yes my lady we are clamping down on any male events including matches at footbal stadium cause men could setting up resistance”.

Kim says “ you have done good on that?”. Phoebe says “ your majesty we have also capture a male he was member of MI5 for British intelligence here”. Lady Gianna asks “ are you sure on that major Pheobe?”. Pheobe replies “ yes my lady he was part of global justice for a while and Kate knew hin he was at old CIA Base”.

Kim says“ just wait for a minute major Pheobe prime minster Helena I need you leave as we discuss this and my sister Misha will go with you and you can show her around you new Amazon Scotland parliament and when we are finished I will let you meet your new Amazn Cyprus secretary”.

Helena replies “ yes your majesty”. Then Helena left with Misha and showed the young princess around the area and ask “ your highness you enjoy your life as the sister to her majesty?”. Misha looked at Helena and replies “ yes I was a disgusting boy before I was freed”. Helena showed Misha around.

Kim asks“ ok where did you find this male?”. Sianna replies “ he was in a park not far from the football stadiun that why we became very unsure and order the arrests of the males at the stadium”. Lady Gianna asks “ the males where are they now”. Sianna said “ they have been sent to a prison camp are being held there”.

Lady Gianna asks“ you know that male there as well?”. Sianna replies “ yes my lady we have him the isolation area of the camp under 24/7 guard by secret police guards and we want interrogate the male soon”. Lady Gianna says “ I will accompany them to the prsion camp if that is alright by you your majesty”.

Kim replies “ yes lady Gianna once you have the male information I want you to make him a woman”. Lady Gianna says “ it will be done your majesty”. Lady Gianna and her 2 agents left and headed for male secret police prison camp. Shego said “ we need to prepare for a British invasion”.

Kim says “ get our warriors ready we might invade Wales very soon and stuff up this fucking British goverment”. Shego says “ what about isle of man your majesty we could invade that on our way to Wales”. Kim replies “ good idea get our forces ready for the invasion”. Helena and Misha return as Veronica left .

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