My summer on a truck part 2

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Chapter 4;

I felt a lot better about wearing diapers now that I knew I wasn't
alone in wearing them. I've known Jake for about 2 years as he was in
some of my classes but we won't play friend. Maybe now we could be
better friends as he was well liked at school and a great athlete as I
was just average.

The next day we made it to Florida and dropped that trailer that night.
I started to use the diaper all the time, I asked to use the restroom
once and I was changed in it. I didn't want to be changed in front of
anyone, even if we were in a stall in the men's room. Dad didn't say a
word about me wetting the diaper and acted like it was not big deal
when he changed me.

Over the next few weeks, we drove up and down the east coast and I got
bored to death. Dad noticed I was getting perturbed so we went to the
movies one day, it didn't help. Dad told me that I wasn't getting
enough sleep so I had a choice, go to bed earlier or take a nap after
lunch. The only fun I had was after dinner so I started to take a nap.
That and getting a load to the west help a lot to get me into a better

A week later, the truck had to get some work done on it so we got
ourselves a motel room in Phoenix for three days. It was so hot outside
that we stayed indoors most of the time. I wanted to go swimming but
with my diapers dad told me I couldn't go. The second day we went out,
I thought we were going to the movies again but we ended up at a
medical supply place. I was almost out of diapers so I thought dad
would just go in as I waited in the rented car. I was so embarrassed
when he made me go in and asked for diapers for me. The saleslady
showed us to the diaper aisle. I was shocked to see so many different
types of diapers, blue, green, peach and others.

The saleslady asked, "So what kind do wear now?"

Dad said, "Paul, I can handle this if you want, or do want something

I wanted the floor to open up and to swallow me right there on the
spot. So I shook my head "NO".

Dad said, "He wants to go swimming and he needs some Attends small".

She said, "That's no problem, we have cloth diapers with a very good
selection of plastic pants and we do have a diaper just for the pool."

I just wanted to get out of there so when dad asked me if I wanted more
then one swim diaper, I told him I didn't care. I wish I did pay better
attention to what was said and agreed to, but after she said something
about, I need a change I blocked out everything. I was glad dad didn't
decide to change me there. We stop for lunch at KFC but dad saw how
upset I was so we took it back to the motel. After we ate dad put a
cloth diaper on me and then had me take my nap. It was hard to sleep
with the thick cloth diaper on so he gave me a tape to try. It was
something to relax you and make you sleep. It worked as I was out in
just a few minutes.

We went swimming after my nap; dad even got swim trunks and went in the
pool. We played polo in the pool with the other guests; it was kids vs.
adults. We made a bet that if the kids won we could all have pizza and
stay up late but if the adults won then it would be early bedtime. The
pizza was great and we ate it at the pool. Everything was going great
until I pooped my diaper and everyone could smell it a mile away. I
turned red then started to cry. Dad just took me back to the room and
changed me into a cloth diaper. I didn't want to go back out there but
dad told me that I could go with shorts on or just my diaper. I got a
pair of shorts on, they didn't hide the diaper above the waist and the
plastic pants stuck out the legs holes. I told dad that everyone would
see my diapers. He told me that I would never see any of them again. I
never walked in a cloth diaper before so I wobbled back to the pool.
The only ones that would even talk to me were the little kids as the
big kids played a volleyball game. I played with the little kids until
it got dark and they had to go in to bed. Dad embarrassed me when he
also said it was my bedtime. Dad had to rock me to sleep that night; it
was a very bad day for me.

I was never so glad to get back in the truck and put the other night
behind me. I started to rebel about the diapers. A few days later when
we went in to take a shower, I begged dad not to put a diaper on me
until we got back in the truck. We made a deal that if I could go
though dinner without pooping or wetting myself then I only need to
wear them in the truck. If I wet or poop my pants then I can only wear
cloth diapers until we got home. I only wore the disposable diapers if
I was getting out of the truck for a while. Halfway though dinner I got
up and ran to the restroom as I needed to poop badly. I got in the
stall but it came out as I started to pull down my pants. I didn't know
dad was right there until he locked the door.

He said, "Did my baby have an accident, let's get baby cleaned up then
we can finish dinner."

I wanted to tell him I wasn't a baby but it's hard to do when you just
pooped your pants. I had no clean clothes but dad did have a t-shirt
that I could wear. I wanted to go to the truck but dad made me finish
eating. I was glad that his shirt hides my diaper, until I spilled milk
down the front. He then did the very worst then he could do, he took
the shirt off of me and made me walk back to the truck in just a

Chapter 5;

I cried as I wondering why he did that. Thinking about it helped as I
now saw that he been slowly changing the words I used. I stopped using
words that most teenagers use to ones that little kids use. I started
to get angry about that and the other things he had done. He had left
me in the truck as he went back inside the truck stop. I went over what
I wanted to say to him in my mind to be ready when he got back in the

"Dad I ..." I started when I felt myself going peepee in my diaper; I
couldn't help it as I bawled like a baby.

Dad saw what I did so without a word he changed me then held me like a
baby. When I try to talk, he put a pacifier in my mouth. I try to spit
it out but he kept his hand on it and with the other, he patted my butt
as he rocked me. I just cried harder but I started to suck the dummy. I
felt better as I sucked on it and dad rocking me as he whisper,
"Everything will be okay, baby".

I awoke with the dummy still in my mouth. I don't know why but I liked
it so I kept sucking on it when I went to the front of the truck. We
were parked on the side of the road and dad was typing a message in the
Qualcomm. Dad told me that the Qualcomm is a satellite system so his
trucking company and him can type messages back and forth. He looked at
me and smile when he saw that I was still sucking on the dummy.

He said, "I drop that trailer last night after you fell asleep. They
now want me to pick up a load that doesn't load till tomorrow morning.
I'm asking them to find me one for today but it looks like we may have
to sit all day. So how are you feeling now?"

I said, "Otay" without taking out the dummy.

Just then, the Qualcomm went beep, which meant that we got a message.
Dad read the message then told me that we need to be across town in 15
minutes. We made it in 10. He checked in with the shipper and we backed
up to a dock. As we waited dad changed my diaper then dressed me. I was
glad that a roach coach came by every few hours, as we didn't leave
till almost bedtime. Dad told me that waiting that long happens a lot
and a few time he had to wait days. I asked him if he was going to be
paid for waiting all day. He told me that the pick up time was set for
8am to midnight, so no pay.

The next day as I watch the cars go by I said, "Daddy, I don't you want
to be a baby?"

He said, "You don't have to be a baby but I do know you do love your

I turn red as I said, "I don't want to wear diapers. It's so
embarrassing going out in my cloth diapers and everyone knows what I'm

He said, "Okay, I'll get you some new clothes to wear over your cloth
diapers. I'll stop off at a dress shop and get you some really nice
dresses to wear, a lot of pink ones."

The dummy fell out of my mouth and I said, "Please daddy, no girl's

I knew as soon as I said it that he was making a joke. I was not happy
about it and he said he was sorry that he said it but he was laughing
as he told me. He still had to stop the truck so I could find my dummy
and that got him mad. He didn't get me new clothes, he just went back
to putting disposables on me. When we stop for lunch, he got me one
more dummy so I would have a spare one in case I lose the first one.

He said, "It took your mom and me years to get you to stop sucking your
thumb after we took your dummies away. I should have known that you
would love to get them back."

He was wrong; I learned to hide my thumb sucking from them after they
thought I didn't do it anymore. He even had to tell me to put it away
when I got out of the truck, as I would walk in to the truck stop with
it still in my mouth. It didn't really matter to me, as dad was right
when he told me that none of the people would ever see me again. It
didn't even shock me that much when dad started to give me a bottle
when I slept. Since I took to the bottle so fast, he started to feed me
baby food in the truck for breakfast and lunch, dinner we still ate in
the truck stop.

We started to get loads that delivered the next day. It was so boring;
we picked up then drove for 7 to 10 hours then had to wait until we
unload. Dad told me that it was very normal to get loads like that but
it usually only last a few weeks then you get a long load. We even
picked up at a deliver then took it back to the same place were we
picked up the first one. Even when we did get a long load it was down
the same roads that we been down before. I kept asking dad when we were
going home and he just tells me soon. Dad had me read to him as he
drove to keep me busy. He got me baby books that I read and storybooks
that he read to me at bedtime. I had loss all track of time till one
night when I saw a commercial for the Labor Day Telethon, it was just a
week away. I asked dad when we were going to get home and he just said
Chapter 6;

I awoke to find myself in jail, as there were bars all a round me. It
took me a little bit of time to see that I was in a hospital type crib.
I looked outside the crib to see where I was, it looked like an
oversized nursery. I wasn't in my bedroom but in my grandparent's
house. Just then the door opened and in walked dad and mom.

I yelled, "Mommy!"

She asked, "So how's my baby this morning?" as dad let down the side of
the crib.

I said, "I missed you so much, I love you" as I hugged her.

Mom is only 5 foot but very strong. Therefore, she carried me to a
changing table and laid me down. She put a bottle in my mouth; I was
surprised that it filled my whole mouth. I sucked on it as mom started
to change my dirty diaper. She gave me a raspberry on my tummy and I
laughed so hard that I pooped.

Mom said, "My baby went stinking, didn't he?" as she gave me another

I blushed as I nodded my head. She was much better changing my diaper
then dad was. Once in a clean diaper, she dressed me in a t-shirt then
a pair of pant with snaps down the legs. By the time she put my socks
and shoes on I was done with the bottle. She let me down and I gave the
bottle to her and asked for another one. She took my hand and led me
out to the front room. There was a big playpen there and I went right
to it. I looked inside it; it had a bunch of baby toys and stuff
animals. Dad picked me up and put in it with another bottle then pinned
a dummy to the front of my shirt. Mom and dad ate breakfast in the
kitchen and started too talked in low voices. I could hear them; they
were talking about me and how I was on the truck. When they reach the
present, I got quiet so I could hear every word.

Dad said, "I can drop him off at school on my way to the terminal."

Mom said, "That's a good idea, I hope he likes his new school."

I didn't want to go to school dressed like I was but before I could
stop myself I said, "NO!"

Mom came out to me but didn't say a word as she put the TV on and
change the channel until she found a show for me. She then put the
bottle back in my mouth before she went back to the kitchen. With the
TV on, I could only hear parts of their conversation. The harder that I
try to eavesdrop on them the more I started to watch the kid show on
TV. I was so involved in the TV that I didn't see Frank come up to me
and mess my hair.

He said, "I see my baby brother is enjoying himself."

I blushed as I nodded my head but before I could say a word, dad called
Frank to go.

Frank said, "See you after school."

Mom came in then and took me out of the playpen as she said, "Time to
go, baby."

I whined, "I don't want to go to school in a diaper!"

Mom just smiled and said, "Silly boy, we're going to the doctors to
have you checked out."

I wasn't thrilled about that too much; I hated doctors since I was 10.
That is when I spent over a week in the hospital for test.

I said, "I would rather go to school then the doctor's."

Mom said, "I know but you still have to go and I asked if they could
not have many people in the waiting room for you."

I told her thanks as we got in the car and mom drove me to the
doctor's. I knew this doctor, as he was the one that put me in the
hospital. That thought got me thinking why Frank went to school here.
That just didn't make sense to me so I asked mom why.

She said, "Grandma and grandpa got a new house a few miles away from
here and your dad decided to move here so he could be home more."

We had wanted to move here to Dallas, TX from Madison, WI for a long
time now. The doctor was only a few blocks away and we got there in no
time. I was glad that there was no one else in the waiting room when we
walked in and didn't even have to wait to go in the back. The nurse
told us that I had to get undressed for the doctor. Mom helped me get
undressed that is when I notice that I had my dummy in my mouth the
whole time. Mom just unpinned it so I could still suck on it as we
waited for the doctor. The doctor came in a few minutes later and the
look on his face told me that he wasn't surprise to see me sitting in a
diaper or sucking on a dummy, mom must have told him before, I still
bushed despite that. The exam went fine until he took off my diaper to
check me down there. I turned red from my toes to my head when I
started to pee. I started to cry with embarrassment, all I wanted now
was a hole to open up in the floor and I would have jumped in to it.
Mom gave me back my dummy, the doctor took it away so he could check my
throat, and told me that it was okay. The doctor started to laugh and I
started to cry harder.

He said, "That's pay back for putting you in the hospital, okay we're
even now. I'll be back after I change, Mrs. Dorool you can dress him
then come back to my office."

Mom changed me then helped me get dressed. We were both laughing
because mom told me I got him good. I felt a lot better now. I waited
in the outer office for mom; it took a very long time for her to come
out of his office. When she did the nurse at the front asked when we
wanted to come back.

Mom said, "It's up to Paul."

Since I didn't like the doctor I said, "Never".

Mom shocked me when she agreed with me. Today was starting to be a very
good day for me it got better when mom told me that I didn't have to go
to school until I wanted to. She would home school me if I want, as I
going to have to wear diapers for a long time still.

Once home she put me back in the playpen and gave me a bottle. I asked
her if I had to be a baby if I stayed home.

She said, "No, I can treat you like any other 14 years old boy but you
will have to stay in diapers and the crib is your bed now."

I thought about it as I sucked the bottle and decided that being a baby
wasn't all bad and I did love my dummy too much to give it up now.
After lunch of hot dogs, my favorite, I had to take my nap in my crib.
I didn't know why I now had to sleep in the crib but I could choose the
other baby stuff I want or not want. I awoke to a loud crash and mom
telling Frank to go to his room. Mom came in about a half of an hour
later to get me up and changed. Once back in the playpen I saw, the
lamp that was by the front door was now in little bits all over the
floor. Frank must have been very mad to do that. I sucked on a bottle
as I watched TV for about an hour before I heard Frank call for mom. I
was shocked a few minutes later mom walked Frank out wearing only a
diaper sucking a dummy.

Mom said, "Frank was a bad boy today so he will be treated like a baby
the rest of the day. He cannot take his dummy out of his mouth or he
will spend a week in diapers. You to can play together till dinner time
then he has to go to bed then."

I could tell he been crying as there was still marks on his cheeks that
he didn't wipe away yet. I know most brothers fight a lot but we never
did and we did like each other like friends more then like brothers. I
really wanted to talk to him but I gave him a hug that he gave back to
me with love. I whispered to him that I wish he could talk to me. He
took my hand and had me take out his dummy.

He said, "Thanks Paul. Now I can talk."

Mom came in when he said that, but when she saw me with the dummy in my
hand she said, "Paul, you can put it back anytime you want," then left
us alone.

I told him all about my summer on dad's truck and he told me about his
summer and his time on the truck. One of the reasons for moving was
that he had to wear a diaper, too, on the truck and for a few weeks
after he got home because of accidents. All his friends found out that
he wore diapers and made fun of him so much that he didn't have any
friend anymore. I asked what happen with the lamp and he told me that
he was mad that a kid from school saw me today and told everyone about
me. Then every one made fun of Frank because his brother wears diapers.
I told him I would stop wearing them then.

He said, "That won't help as they all know already and you have to wear
them for the rest of your li... for a very long time," he finished up.

He looked almost ready to start to cry again. I told him that I already
surmised that, as I could not feel the need to go pee or poop anymore.
It was now dinnertime so we couldn't talk any more that night. He was
in a much better mood the rest of the week as he told that he told
everyone that I got shot in a bank holdup.

Dad shocked us all when he was home that weekend and took us to Six-
Flags. He later told us that he would be home almost every day now. He
was now working in the office 8 to 4 so he was home for dinner. I
didn't mind being a baby too much at first but a week or so later, I
wanted to do more but ended up with less. I was now taking 2 naps a
day. Sometimes I would fall asleep at dinner as mom fed me my meal, as
I was too exhausted from play to feed myself. I did start to notice
that almost every night I would hear crying but could not tell who it
was. Most of the time it sounded like mom but not all the time as
others nights it sounded like Frank or dad. Or all three of them. It
was just after Halloween when I asked Frank about the crying at night.
I was now sleeping most of the day and stop playing, as I got too

Frank said, "I think you need to know. You remember when you went in to
the hospital. Mom and dad didn't want you to know but they identify why
you had that convulsion. You have a very rare disorder that causes your
nerves to destroy themselves." he was almost ready to cry then.

"So it's time for me to die," I said. "I've known since the hospital
that I would die from this and it's almost time. I know you love
diapers as you get in trouble at lest once a week to get in them so
when I'm gone take all the baby stuff and tell mom and dad that the
last few months have been the best of my life and I love you all."

He gave me a hug then as his eye let out a flow of tears that would
have flooded the state. I heard him say that he loved me as I stopped

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