Enchantment Chapter 2 “Somewhere”

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The plane was warm and inviting, even though I felt scared and cried for who knows how long. The tall man, my father called Raphael, sat across from me with a calm expression on his face, at least his mouth looked calm. I couldn’t see his eyes through his sunglasses. He was asleep for all I knew and I was too frightened to get up from my seat.
As I said, the plane was comforting. It was not unlike my father’s private jet with carpeting, a couch or two and what looked like a television mounted on the wall. It was too dark to see much of anything beyond my seat. I opened the window and looked out into the night sky. There was no moon or stars that I could see. There wasn’t even the red strobe light that my father’s plane had.
If I was brave like Wednesday or strong like Mike I could find a parachute and a way to open the the door to escape. The days of playing as a secret agent with Benny ran through my mind but my my body froze up—because even if I made the jump, where would I end up?
I swallowed hard because I didn’t know where I was going at that moment.
“Where are we going?” I whispered to myself.
“Ty’rain,” Raphael replied in a loud whisper.
“What’s Ty’rain?”
“Your home country.”
“My home country is the United States. In Florida.”
Raphael took off his sunglasses and placed them in his suit pocket.
“Do you like stories?”
“Sometimes,” I replied as I sat back in my seat.
“Well, what’s the best way to tell this? Perhaps the direct approach is the best. The years ago, I lost you.”
“You lost me?”
“I was a part of your security detail when the family visited America. One of our, dare I say, trusted, guards was negligent when you were taken.”
“By who?”
“We didn’t know at the time but I promised your parents—your true parents—I would find you once again.”
“I’m not a princess,” I replied, “I’m just me.”
“Ah, but you are.”
“I don’t want to. I want to go back home.”
He didn’t sigh or change his expression but instead took out a cellphone and made a call.
“This is Raphael. Estimated time two hours. We will be at Code Dali. Hwyl fawr.”
“You talk weird,” I said as he hung up the phone.
“Diolch,” he replied with a slight grin.
I fought the battle to stay awake, much like I had on Christmas Eve and New Years, and just like omg those nights, I lost to sleep. A part of me thought that if I fell asleep then the nightmare that started earlier with the house alarm went off would end and I would wake up in my bed, ready to start a new day with my friends—and to see if the bounce house was actually going to be a permanent part of our estate.
However, if the nightmare continued, maybe I could use it to my advantage. If I was a princess then I could use that power, stand tall and order someone to fly me back to Florida. I could tell my friends that I had travelled to a strange land, fought the villains and made my way back to them. They wouldn’t believe me until I showed them the plane and maybe a sword that was to be mind one day. I’d give it to Mike for weapons training and we would all sit together at my house and laugh about the situation.
Oh, and Dad would have a new plane.
I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Something felt wrong so I slammed my hands dow—hopping to feel the soft down of my comforter—but instead I felt a harder seat. It was kind of comfortable and I noticed that I was surrounded by a lot of pillows and blankets—but even in m sleepy state of mind, I knew something was amiss.
The nightmare had carried over into the day.
Raphael sat across from me, his sunglasses were back on. “We’ve about to land at the citadel.”
“Citadel. Your grandfather’s castle. Well, airport. He loved to fly.”
“Why did he stop?”
“Because I allowed his heart to break, your highness.”
“I’m not a highness,” I replied. “My name is Kristina Locke.”
“Your true name is Akrista Miathia Aylesea Nycholys Llewellyn. The crown princess of Tyrain.”
“That name is too long.”
He nodded.
“And you’re name is Raphael?”
“That’s correct.”
“Like the turtle?”
“Yes,” he replied. “Like the turtle. We’re about to land now.”
I looked out the window to see what looked like miles and miles of stone walls around a central castle—it was almost like one from a Disney movie but it also had the look of one of my father’s work sites: towers of steel, stone and glass. The the old and new came together in a natural way as we approached and as soon as the plane touched down we went immediately into an enclosed spaces and it got dark again.
“Security precaution. Don’t be afraid.”
I still gripped onto the arm rests and closed my eyes.
The plane eventually came to a stop and the cabin lights came up.
“This is Raphael. Mona Lisa on approach.” He now had a radio in his hand and it cracked back.
“Elysium, Croeso nol.”
“Are the crown alerted?” Rapheal asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt, looked at me and then to the external door.
“No one but Schiele.”
“Renaissance out,” he replied and placed the radio in another pocket. I kind of wondered how many pockets he had and if they were like Mary Poppin’s bag.
“We have arrived, my princess.”
“Where is it at?”
“Ty’rain is located off the coast of Europe. We are independent of war and poverty.”
“Do you have chocolate cake?”
“All kinds.”
“What about tea?”
“More than I can ever try in a lifetime.”
“What about cartoons?”
“I will see what we can do for you.”
“Can I ever see my parents?”
“You are about to meet your family.”
“No,” I replied and shook my head. “My family, back home.”
Raphael’s expression turned serious as he took his phone out once again. “Code Edvard.”

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