Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 5

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Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 5.
By Pentatonic

Saturday, November 22, 2014:

I woke up at 7:00. Today was my first day at the store. I had used hair remover and taken a shower the night before. I could smell the lotion I had used. It was flowery, and I liked it. A few minutes later my Mother knocked on my door. “Are you up?” she asked. “If you need any help, just call.”

“Okay, Mom,” I replied.

I took off my nightgown and put on my favorite bra with inserts and panties. While the corset was uncomfortable, it was a necessity, and I pulled the straps under my panties. Since I was wearing the corset, I could use nylon stockings, as opposed to pantyhose. I put on a full slip, and started with my makeup. I had found a nice sleeveless blue dress with a flared skirt, which I thought was just right for my first day of work. It was then that I asked my mother for help with my hair.

My Mother looked me over. “It might get cold, so you might want a sweater,” she suggested. She then handed me a brand new purse. “A new job deserves a new purse.” she said.

Today was also Becky’s first day, so we arranged that I would drive.

Although the store didn’t open until 10:00, I arrived at 8:45. Ms. Shay greeted me at the door, and she showed me around the store and the merchandise. “I’ll have you follow me around today, and you can see how things are done.” Some of the other clerks started later and worked until closing.

It was about 5:30 when Ms. Shay said to me, “That’s one of my sepcial customers.”

The special customer related that she was going clubbing that night and needed to wear something to “Knock them dead,” as she put it. Mrs. Shay introduced me as a new seasonal employee.

The customer began to browse the racks and I carried clothes back and forth to the changing room. It was about 6:15 when Mrs. Shay turned to me and said, “It’s after your quitting time, so if you want to leave, you may.”

“No, I’d rather stay for this sale,” I said.

“Good girl, that’s the spirit I want.”

At last the customer picked out an outfirt with a very tight short skirt. Personally, I thought it looked awful, because it emphasized her narrow hips and lack of behind. I must have frowned, because the customer looked at me and asked, “You don’t like it, do you honey?”

I looked over to Ms. Shay who smiled and nodded at me. She must have had the same idea.

“It looks okay, but I think that we could find something that would go better with your figure,” I said cautiously.

“Okay, honey, find something for me that works with my figure,”

“The top is great,” I said as I pulled out a differents skirt. “Why don’t you try this on. This skirt is fuller, and with it you can swirl and the skirt will flare out a bit. It’ll drive them wild.”

She changed into the skirt I had selected and did a swirl in front of the mirror. “You’re right,” she said, “I’ll take it,” Ms. Shay looked happy.

As her parcels were being wrapped, the customer turned to me and said, “Any other ideas?”

“No, not right now.” I answered.

The customer was now examining me very closely. “Are you . . .” she started, and then said, “No,” to herself.

“Am I what?” I asked.

“I don’t want to embarrass you, but I thought that you might be transgendered or a transvestite, but I see that I was wrong. Please let me apologize.”

“No need to apologize,” I said, “I am.”

Ms. Shay, the customer and I were very happy. It appeared that on my first day I had my own client customer.

Thursday, November 27, 2014:

While the Christmas season officially started on Thanksgiving Day, I had spent several days and evenings before then working at the store with Mrs.Shaw, so I would be prepared for the Thanksgiving weekend. Mrs. Shaw scheduled me for 5:00 to closing, but said that if I could get there earlier it would be great.

My family was having Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Lou’s house, and to accommodate my job, dinner would be at 1:00. I figured that I could drive back home after dinner and change into my ‘work clothes,’ meaning a pretty dark green dress. I had purchased the dress at the store and couldn’t wait to wear it. It was a classic A-line design, sleeveless and with a scoop neck. The hem was about two inches above my knees. I also bought a cheap imitation pearl necklace which went with the scoop neck,

I decided to wear my panties, corset and hose under my Roy clothes, supposedly to save time, but in truth because I liked wearing them. While so attired, my mother knocked at my door, and came in. “I know that you plan on coming back here to get dressed for work, but maybe you should bring your clothes with you in the event that you can get dressed at your aunt’s house.” she said.

I was putting my work clothes out on the bed, with my mother providing commentary on what would go with what. I then packed all of my clothes in my Renee suitcase, with the exception of my new dress, which I left on a hanger. “Get finished dressing, and we’ll put your clothes in your car, and we can head off,” she said.

We arrived at my Aunt’s house at about ten, and my mother joined the ladies in the kitchen, while my uncles and male cousins were sprawled in front of the television, watching football. I am not a big fan of football, so I followed my mother and sister into the kitchen. “Why don’t you kids go down to the rec room, and leave us some space in the kitchen,” suggested Aunt Brenda. So all of my female cousins, my sister and I went downstairs.

When we had all sat down, my sister said, “Roy, here has a job for the Christmas season. Why don’t you tell all your cousins about it?”

“Well, I’m a sales clerk at a clothing store in the mall,” I said.

“Oh, come on, they want details,” my sister said.

“I don’t think they do; it’s all rather boring,” I responded.

“Okay, then, tell them what clothes you have to wear to work. Girls always find that interesting,” my sister said.

I made some vague noises.

“Do you have trouble remembering? Can I help you? Does the word ‘A-line’ help you?’ my sister said.

The word ‘A-line’ caught everyones’ attention. “You mean A-line as is a dress or skirt?” a cousin asked.

“Precisely!” exclaimed my sister, as I began to turn shades of red from embarrassment. After that nothing would do but to relate the whole story from the time the essay was assigned. “So, after dinner, I’m going back home to put on my dress and go to work,” I concluded.

“Too bad you couldn’t dress here. We’d love to see how you do it.” another cousin said.

“But we can,” my sister said, “she brought all of her clothes with her in case she could do her transformation here. Renee, get your things out of your car.”

When I came back in I hung my dress and slip on a hook on the closet door, and put my suitcase on the bed. My cousins all felt the fabric of the dress and admired its style. I opened the suitcase and removed my battery operated makeup mirror, my makeup kit, my wig, my bra, breast forms, and shoes.

I decided that my parents aunts and uncles might not want to see me dressed, so I kept on my Roy clothes over my corset, panties and hose for dinner.

The food was delicious, and I was looking forward to overeating. As I was about to take an additional piece of turkey, I caught my mother’s eye. She was frowning and shook her head. I withdrew my hand and my mother smiled. My cousin Judy caught this exchange and looked questioningly at my mother.

“He’s got to watch his figure,” my mother volunteered.

Judy, knowing what was going on, just snickered.

Under my mother’s watchful eye I did get a piece of pumpkin pie, but it was tiny. No whipped cream.

After dinner the men retired to the television and their wives repaired to the kitchen. As my mother went with them, she said, “You better get ready for work.” Naturally, my cousins made it plain that they wanted to help me.

Not withstanding my cousins’ ‘help’ I managed to get dressed and put on my wig and makeup. Sneaking out of the house without my aunts and uncles seeing me was a bit of a task but with my cousins’ help, I was successful.

Thursday, December 4, 2014:

When I arrived at the store on Thursday evening, Mrs. Shay was pushing a wheeled rack around the store and filling it with dresses.

“I’m putting these on sale. Forty percent off,” she said, “they’re last year’s stock or older, and I need to make room for new clothes.”

I noticed that one of the dresses was a sleeveless sweet fit-and-flare dress which had illusion mesh detailing at the hem of the skirt with a jewel neckline and an A-line silhouette. It appeared to hit at knee. Most interesting was that it was my size.

Ms. Shay noted my interest. “That’s a good dress for dancing,” she said, “do you want to try it on?”

I nodded my head. “Go ahead.” she said.

I took it back to the changing rooms, and found it fit me perfectly. I came out of the changing room and gave it a twirl.

“It looks darling on you,” exclaimed Ms. Shay. I smiled in return.

“If you wear it to work a few times over the next weeks, you can have it free.”

“Thank you,” I responded, “I will.”

“Keep it on today,” she suggested.

It caught the attention of quite a few customers which resulted in the sale of more dance dresses.

“Now all you have to do is get invited to a fancy dance, to wear it to,” Mrs. Shay commented.

Not likely, I thought.

Sunday, December 7, 2014:

The next Sunday afternoon Becky, Joe and Sue were meeting at my house for a study session. Becky mentioned that the youth group at her church was having a Christmas party on Saturday, and we were all invited.

“What time” I asked.

“7:00," she said.

“I scheduled to work until 7:00, so I don’t think I can make it. By the time I close out my shift, go home and change, I’ll be late.”

“Why don’t you just come directly from work?” Sue asked.

I gave Sue a funny look, and said, “You know where I work and the clothes I wear to work, that’s why.”

“It’s not like we haven’t seen you in a dress before,” Sue rejoined, “Remember Halloween?”

“That’s different. It was a costume, and I wore a wig for disguise,” I answered.

“But you have to admit it was a dress,” Joe blurted out. I gave him a dirty look in return.

“Are you going to give us that old excuse that you have nothing to wear?” asked Becky.

“No,” I answered, “Ms. Shay gave me this darling dance dress.” I instantly regretted what I had said.

“Can we see it?” Sue asked.

“Put it on,” added Becky.

“Yeah,” added Joe, “we all want to see it.”

I should have just refused, but my Renee side wouldn’t let me. I really liked wearing that dress.

“Okay, you win,” I said and went upstairs to put on the dress. It wasn’t all that difficult. I was already wearing nylons, panties and my corset under my boy clothes, so I just had to put on a bra and breast forms, a slip and the dress. I also put on some low heels.

My Renee side then took over. I looked in the mirror and gave my hair a brush. At the last moment I applied some likstick and a little mascara and headed back downstairs.

“Gorgeous!” exclaimed Sue.

“Sue’s right,” added Becky, “Give us a twirl,” Which I did.

“Definitely kissable,” was Joe’s comment. I just gave him a dirty look.

“You have to wear it to the party,” said Becky.

“I agree,” said Sue.

“Me too,” Joe added. “I can’t wait to dance with you.”

“I’m not sure,” I said, “Maybe I just won’t go to the party. Some of the kids there may not be as enthusiastic as you all are about me wearing a dress.”

“Come over to my house before work on Saturday, and I’ll get you all dolled up, and maybe add the wig,” Becky said.

Saturday, December 13, 2014:

After Becky’s careful ministrations, I arrived at work.

“Wow,” said Mrs. Shay, “You look great. What’s the occasion?”

“I’m going to a Christmas party at Becky’s Church, and I won’t have time to go home and change after I’m finished with my shift here.”

“Now there’s dedication to the job, if I ever saw it,” she said with a big smile.

The party was going at full swing when I arrived. “I was afraid you’d chicken out,” Becky said.

“I feel badly that I can’t dance with you,” I said to Becky, “you know, they might frown on two girls dancing,”

“Hardly,” Becky said. “Most boys are too shy to ask a girl to dance, so a lot of the time girls have to dance with other girls. Just look around.” I did and there were a lot of girls dancing with other girls.

“But you won’t have that problem,” Joe said, “because I’m going to dance with you.”

Joe then took my hand and we started dancing. The first dance was a fast one, and Joe took the opprtunity to twirl me so fast that my skirt flared out giving everyone a good view of my hose tops and garter straps. This caught a lot of peoples’ attention.

Most of the boys were congregated around the refreshments. Finally one separated from the pack, walked over to me and asked me to dance. I hesitated.

“Go on,” urged Becky, and he and I went to dance.

“I don’t want to seem forward,” he said to me while we were dancing, “but you are the prettiest girl here, and the best dressed. Howcome the other girls aren’t dressed as well?”

“Well, I have a part time job at a women’s dress store, so I have to dress like this for work, and I came here directly from work. Oh, and I get a discount for all the clothes I buy there.”

The next song the DJ played was a slow dance. Joe grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. It was a waltz, but it was clear that Joe was not experienced with waltzes, and his lead was non-existent. Finally, in frustration, I said, “Let me lead.”

“Okay,” he challenged, “but what makes you the super dancer?”

“When I was younger, my sister wanted to take dance classes. Most of the students were girls, so they were strongly encouraged to bring a boy,” I said, “and therefore, I learned to dance. However, I only learned to boy steps.”

By the end of the evening I was tired and my feet hurt. Therefore I took the girls home and headed home myself.

Thursday, December 25, 2014:

After opening gifts at home in the morning, the whole family headed over to one of my cousin’s house for Christmas dinner. After a month of wearing the blasted corset, I was dressed all male. Not one stitch of female attire anywhere.

“You still working at that women’s clothes store?” one of my cousins asked.

“Yeah, until the first of the year,” I answered.

“Then how come you’re not wearing a skirt or dress?”

“I’m taking a break from it. Anyway, I don’t think my aunts or uncles would approve.”

“Well, maybe,” another cousin added, “but they all know.”

“Knowing is one thing,” I answered, “having it displayed is another.”

“We were hoping to play dress up” a third one said.

“Go ahead, don’t let stop you, just count me out.”

“But dressing you up is most of the fun.”

“Sorry to spoil your day,” I said.

“But are you wearing panties?”

“No,” I repoled with emphasis. My cousins and even my sister looked crestfallen.

“Look, its bad enough that I have to dress up for work,” I said in explaination,

“But you let us dress you up on Thanksgiving,” Cousin Natalie said.

“That was different,” I said, “Remember, I went directly to work after the dinner and I really didn’t need your help getting dressed.”

“But you wore dresses and skirts other than for work,” my Sister chimed in, “remember Halloween?”

“But that was a costume,” I rejoined.

“Some costume,” she said, “Wait, I have pictures on my phone,” and with that she pulled them up for all of my cousins to see.

“Nice dress.” my Cousin Sandy commented, “you’re showing a lot of leg.” She looked more. “You’re wearing stockings and garters. In my opinion that’s more than a mere costume.”

“That was Becky’s idea,” I said.

“So you let your girlfrient dress you up, but not us?” Cousin Rachael added.

“It was all part of a bet,” I said, and with that I went downstairs to be with my Uncles and male cousins.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014:

Joe stopped by the house to tell me that the park district was holding ballroom dancing classes on Mondays, starting on January 5th. “I thought about what you said about learning how to dance. I’d like to sign up for the classes, and maybe you would like to also?”

“Sounds like fun,” I replied, “Why not?”

“Well, they only want couples. The slots for singles have already been filled.”

“We can ask Becky and Sue, they might be interested.”

“That’s not what I had in mind,” he responded, “I was thinking about just you and me.”

“I don’t think that the park district wants two boys dancing with each other,” I replied.

“I think that you’re right,” he answered, “I was thinking of Renee.”

“No way!” I asserted, “when my job at the store is over, it’s back to good old Roy, 24/7.”

“What about all the clothes you have for Renee?”

“I haven’t thought about that,” I said, “maybe I’ll give them to you and you can be Josephine.”

“Look,” Joe said, “at the Christmas Party you said that you didn’t know the girl’s steps. This is a chance for you to learn.”

“It’s a skill that I’ll never need,” I responded, “so the answer is no.”

Wednesday, December 31, 2014:

I was working in the back room of the store helping a ‘special customer’ find an evening gown when I heard Ms. Shay call me. “There are some girls to see you.”

I walked out of the back room to see my cousins standing there with foolish looking grins on their faces. It being New Year’s Eve, the store had a special on evening clothes and Ms. Shay had asked me to model an evening gown. I had put my hair up in a french twist, and was wearing nighttime makeup. The gown itself had a scoop neck, three-quarter flutter sleeves, high/low scalloped cuffs, Sheer yokes and sleeves, straight illusion neckline, darted bust, a left side slit, column silhouette, and allover floral guipure lace. It also had a concealed back zip with hook-and-eye closure, and was partially lined. The night before, Ms. Shay had asked me to wear white or ivory underclothes and shoes or sandals. Ms. Shay also provided me with a half slip. I knew that I looked good.

I knew why they were there, to see me wearing a dress.

“Aren’t you a little short for what we sell in the store?” I asked them, a little unkindly.

“We’re here to see you and maybe share a snack during your break,” Rachael said.

“We’re really busy today, and I’m hardly dressed for a visit to the food court. I look like I never made it home last night, dressed as I am,” I retorted

“But you do look gorgeous,” Cousin Natalie said.

Ms. Shay was watching this exchange with a bemused expression on her face. “She’s right, you do look gorgeous, and you’ve been working hard. Why don’t you go with your cousins. Oh, by the way, I have some signs advertising our evening gown sale, so you could sit by one of the signs and attract business?”

“I’m helping a customer find a gown, so you girls will have to wait until I’m done.”

“That’s okay,” Natalie said.

My customer bought two gowns, and Ms. Shay smiled broadly when I rang up the sale. “I only wish there were more clerks like you,” the customer said with a smile, “I wish I could look as good as you.”

I smiled back.

After the customer left, my Cousins and I headed for the food court. Quite a few shoppers stared at me.

“Was that customer really a man wearing women’s clothes?” Sandy asked.

“A ‘special customer’ is what we call them,” I said.

“Do they know about you?” Natalie enquired,

“Yes, we don’t deny it. That’s one of the reasons they like the store.”

“Do they ever hit on you?”

“Yeah, but I tell them that I’m only sixteen and that puts an end to it.”

We found a table next to one of the signs advertising the evening gown sale. Quite a few women noticed and asked me to stand and turn around to get a better look. It obviously impressed them, because when we returned to the store it was crowded with a lot of those same women looking at the gowns.

“You caused a sensation,” Ms. Shay said, “Maybe I should send you back to the food court to drum up some more business.” which she did. She even gave me money for food for my cousins and me.

It was a very busy day, and Ms. Shay was obviously delighted with the money taken in. After we closed the doors, I headed to the back room to change out of the gown. Ms. Shay came in the back room and said, “I want you to keep the gown and slip. You earned them.”

“But it’s an expensive gown,” I said.

“Well, maybe, but a customer ripped open a seam while trying it on. I had it repaired, but I didn’t put it back on the racks. I thought of you and decided to ask you to wear it today. The interest and sales you brought in by wearing it paid for the gown many times over.”

I decided to not change out of the gown for the drive home, but before I left the store I called Becky to wish her a happy new year.

“Why don’t you stop over on your way home. My folks are hosting a New Year Eve party, and I’d like to have you with me.”

“Well, I’m still Renee, if that’s okay with you.”

“It’s okay with me.”

“And I’m wearing an evening gown.”

“Even the better. You’ll fit right in. The party is supposed to be formal.”

“Let me call my Parents and tell them where I will be and not to expect me home until after midnight.”

Shortly thereafter I arrived at Becky’s house. Mr. Jones answered the door when I rang. The look on his face was priceless. “Renee?” he stammered. “Come on in.”

“Good evening, Mr. Jones,” I said with a smile.

He helped me with my coat, and then called out, “Betty, you’ve got to come downstairs and see this.”

When Becky’s Mother saw me, she said, “You are absolutely stunning. How did you do it? You only called a short time ago.”

“Mrs. Shay had me model this gown today at the store, and when we closed, she gave me this as a present. I decided to wear it home, and then Becky invited me over.”

“Well, you’ll fit right in, and you are a very welcome addition to the party. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish getting beautiful. I don’t want my daughter’s boyfriend outdoing me,” she said with a smile.

I turned to Becky. She was wearing a lime green party dress, with chiffon over the top and skirt. Her hair and makeup were beautiful, and she seemed to glow, “Becky,” I said, “you are gorgeous.”

She smiled and said, “Thank you, and so are you.”

Mr. Jones turned to me, and said, “I hope you’re still keeping up your journal.”

“I am.”


Mr. Jones looked at his watch. “The other guests should be arriving in about fourty-five minutes. Maybe you two can help with getting the food ready.”

Becky and I went into the kitchen. No one else was there. Becky turned to me and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. I responded by putting my arms around her and kissed here. We stood there a few moments looking into each other’s eyes, and kissed again. I could feel her breast against my arm, and moved my hand to cup it. She didn’t move away or move my hand, but rather made a soft moaning sound as I gently massaged her breast.

We reluctantly broke off the embrace and looked at each other with fondness. She smiled and said, “You need to fix your lipstick.”

“Look who’s talking,” I responded, “so do you.” We both began to giggle and she took my hand and led me to the powder room. She closed and locked the door, and we kissed again. Finally we repaired our lipsticks, and proceeded to the front door where our assignment was to greet the guests and take their coats.

Most of the men were wearing tuxedos and the women were wearing party dresses or formal gowns.

I opened the door when the bell rang. Outside were two men, both wearing tuxedos. To my surprise, they were holding hands as they walked in. To my further surprise, I recognized one of them as a ‘special customer’ from the store.

One of the men, a Mr. Thompson, was a co-worker of Mr. Jones, and he introduced his friend, a Mr. Stevens. Becky’s Father introduced us as “My Daughter Becky and her friend Renee.”

It was then that I noted a flicker of recognition in Mr. Stevens’ eyes, which went as quickly as it had came.

It was later that Mr. Stevens came over to me. “When I first saw you, you looked familar, but I couldn’t place you. Just now it came to me. By any chance do you work in a tall girls shop in the mall?”

“Yes,” I answered, “I am a seasonal employee, until this Friday.”

“Ms. Shay told me that she had a cross-dressing employee for the holidays. Might that be you?”

“Yes,” I softly confessed.

“And Becky’s Parents know?”

“Yes, they do,” I answered,

“And are you Becky’s boyfriend?”


“And they don’t mind?”


He smiled and said, “If I knew there would be another cross dresser here, I might have been tempted to wear a gown like yours, except that I could never look anywhere as good as you do,”

“Thank you,” I responded.

“If you don’t mind, I’d love to hear your story how you came to be here tonight.”

“It’s a long story, and it all started with Becky and I working together on an essay on gender issues.”

“Before we go further, I think that both of us should agree to keep our conversation confidential, for both of our sakes,” he said.

“I wholeheartedly agree,” I said, and I related the story, after which he rejoined Mr. Thompson.

Shortly after midnight, I excused myself and headed home. My parents were waiting up for me, and as can be exptected, they wanted all of the details of why I was wearing an evening gown. After relating tbe events of the day and evening, my sister arrived home. She was dumbstruck when she saw me. I realized that I should have changed into my pajamas when I first arrived home, but I hadn’t.

My sister finally regained her compouser and voice. “My brother in an evening gown! I’ve got to hear all about this. Were you at a formal New Years Eve party, or is this how you like to lounge around the house?”

“How about tomorrow? I’m tired and want to go to bed.”

“On one condition,” she said, “If you let me borrow that gown. It had to cost at least $250.”

“Okay,” I answered, “but it didn’t cost me anything.” With that I went upstairs to bed.

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