The Waitress : Chapter 12 : Friends


The Waitress


Copyright© 2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


Synopsis: Jen gets to know Alex a little better.

Authors note:
So, this is a much more light-hearted chapter! This is how Alex is when she's happy, which is kind of something I haven't gotten to show too much outside of the first few chapters.
Thankyou for reading! Comments and kudos are appreciated, as always!
(It took so long to get this chapter out despite how short it was because I had no idea what to call it >.< I'm very...naked)


Chapter 12: Friends


I just stood next to Sophia and watched as Jen and the older girl held each other, not really sure what to do. In my head I’d expected her to be taking her books out of her locker or something, not locked in the embrace of a beautiful older girl. I noticed absently that she was dressed in the normal school uniform today, a short-sleeved white shirt and black stockings underneath a grey mid-thigh length skirt. Her shirt was untucked too, and it looked far better on her than it did on Anya.

The blonde-haired girl noticed us first, slowly extracting her long fingers from Jen’s silky hair and turning to look at us with a curious smile. She was quite pale and very petite facial features with mismatched eyes. One of them was deep amber and the other was a pale grey, and had quite a large pupil. Her dark blonde hair was neatly parted in the middle and reached down to her collarbone, where it curved slightly inwards and rested just above her generous cleavage. She had undone the first couple of buttons on her shirt to show them off and uh…uhm…

It was distracting me! I’d never seen that much of a girls breasts before! They were gently squashed together and I could see the pink lace of the bra she was wearing. I was feeling a strange mixture of jealous and…something else.

‘Hello there,’ she said in a soft voice when she saw me, and a smiled alighted her red lips. ‘Who might you be?’

‘Alex?’ Jen let go of the girl and came over, looking happy to see me. ‘What are you doing here sweetie?’

‘Uh…’ I swallowed and just stared at her, realising that I had no idea what to say. I’d totally failed at focusing! ‘Hi!’

‘Hi,’ she laughed and then looked at my injured arm. ‘How are you feeling after yesterday? Ashley told me that you were staying home to recover.’

‘I was-’ I stopped as the blonde-haired girl stepped forward and put her hands on the sides of my face, her eyes staring deep into mine. ‘U-uhm…’

‘Who is this, Jen?’ she breathed and pushed my hair behind my ears. The scent of peaches and flowers washed over me and I blushed even harder. ‘She’s gorgeous.’

I just stared at her, completely at a loss as to what to do. Nobody had ever just come up to me and touched my face before, but her fingers were so soft and warm that it wasn’t unpleasant. Just…odd.

‘Oh. Alex, this is Ellie. Ellie, Alex.’ Jen beamed.

‘I’m here too, you know.’ Sophie muttered from next to me and Jen grinned at her.

‘Is this the girl you told me about last night?’ Ellie asked.

‘Yes! She’s our final waitress.’ Jen beamed at me.

‘Do you are?’ I asked Ellie and then blinked, releasing that made no sense. I swallowed and tried again. ‘A-are you working there too?’

She flicked her hair behind her head and stared wide-eyed at Jen. ‘I like this one, Jen! You should keep her.’

Jen turned bright red and looked away, scratching her cheek. ‘D-don’t say that, Ellie.’

‘Say w-’

‘We all really need to get to class.’ Sophia said over me and I looked around to see that practically everyone else in the hallway had gone.
‘Yes, I need to go,’ Ellie sighed and then quickly kissed Jen on the cheek. ‘I’ll see you later, babe.’

‘Bye!’ Jen blushed and kissed her on the cheek as well.

The two girls stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Ellie turned around with a pleased smile and slowly walked off, seemingly unconcerned about how late it was.

‘Umm…Jen,’ I was feeling slightly more confident now that Ellie had gone. ‘Can I talk to you for a moment?’

‘Sure,’ she tore her eyes away from Ellie and smiled at me. ‘What’s up?’

‘I’ll meet you at class.’ Sophia said as she knelt down in front of the locker next to Jen’s and unlocked it. ‘Want me to tell Mr Barnes anything?’

Jen looked thoughtfully at me and then shook her head. ‘Nah, I’ll talk to him later.’

She grabbed some books from her locker then closed it. ‘Alright then. I’ll see you…whenever, I guess.’

‘Yep.’ Jen smirked at her. ‘Have fun at class!’

Sophia gave her a dark look and then smiled at me. ‘Bye Alex! Let me know what you think of the café.’

‘I will!’ I beamed at her. ‘Thanks for leading me here.’

‘No problem.’ she waved at us and then began to quickly walk back towards the staircase, the only other student here besides Jen and I.

‘So!’ Jen put her hands behind her back and leaned down slightly. ‘What do you want to talk about?’

I focused on her and tried to think of a way to somehow explain everything that had happened yesterday. I couldn’t just blurt out that I needed hormones, and telling her what had happened last night with mum wasn’t going to be easy. How was I even supposed to start a conversation like that? Crap! I needed more time to think. I shouldn’t have come here so soon, dammit! This was a dumb idea. I needed more time to think...

‘Umm, well we can talk at recess if you want!’ I said, hoping she’d decided to go off to class. ‘I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.’

‘It’s fine,’ Jen waved away my concern and looked around at the empty hallway. ‘I don’t really feel like school today anyway, to be honest. You wanna go someplace else?’

I frowned slightly, not sure what she meant. ‘What?’

‘You’re not supposed to be at school today, right?’ her eyes shone excitedly. ‘So your mum’s probably called up reception and told them that you’re going to be absent, which means that you can do whatever you want today!’

‘I-I guess it does.’ I scratched the back of my head, wondering where we could go to talk. I wasn’t too fussed about missing first period, as Jen was probably right about mum having called up and told them I wasn’t coming in today. ‘Oh! Did you want to go to the library? It’ll be really warm in there, and not many people will be around this early.’

‘The…library?’ Jen stared stupidly at me and then exploded into a loud, delighted laughter. ‘Oh god, Alex! You’re so innocent!’

‘Huh?’ I started at her in bewilderment, but when she didn’t stop I started to get annoyed. ‘What’s so funny?’

‘Oh, sweetie,’ she got control of myself and looked at me in fascination. ‘I don’t want to go to the library! I’m asking you whether or not you want to skip school.’

I blinked a few times. ‘Oh.’

‘Yeah,’ she smiled crookedly at me, her eyes still shining with laughter. ‘Let’s spend the day in town. We can talk over a coffee and then go shopping before I show you the café. Come on!’

‘W-wait!’ I cried as she began to walk down the hallway. ‘What about you? Won’t you get in trouble?’

‘I’ll get my sister to take care of it,’ she shrugged. ‘She’ll call up the school and tell them I came home sick or something.’

I hesitantly walked after her, my pace still slightly impacted by my leg. I’d never skipped school before! I’d pretend to be sick to a teacher sometimes so I could stay in the nurse’s office, or sometimes I’d skip a particular class I just wasn’t in the mood for (usually maths), but that was it. Skipping an entire day was…weird. I wasn’t going to get in trouble for it today but it still didn’t feel right.

‘Umm!’ I reached up to her just as she neared the stairs. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah!’ she beamed and brushed her hands down her shirt.

‘I don’t k-’ I gasped as she grabbed her hands and pulled me closer to her.

‘I like you, Alex. A lot,’ she leant forward and some stray strands of her hair brushed against my cheeks. Her cheeks were slightly red and her eyes smouldered. ‘I want to spend more time with you. You’re not doing anything right now, and neither am I, so let’s go get to know each other a little better.’

I swallowed, my chest tightening. Her hands were so warm and strong…, ‘O-okay.’

She squeezed my hands and then released them. ‘Then let’s go! Before a teacher sees us and asks why we’re not at class.’

I nodded slightly and then followed her down the stairs, my head floaty and hot. She’d…she’d said she liked me. A lot! Was she going to try and kiss me again? Were we going on a date right now? What was going on!

Excitement ran through me and for the first time since mum had found out about my hormones I found myself completely distracted from my problems. All I could think about was Jen, of the warmth of her body when she’d hugged me yesterday and how beautiful she was. She was so kind and pretty and strong…

I…I really liked her…


We managed to reach the school gates without drawing the attention of any teachers. The sun was free from the clouds that’d been harassing it yesterday and a pleasant breeze was rolling through the streets, bringing with it the scent of fresh coffee and dead leaves.

‘Phew!’ Jen stretched luxuriously outside the schools gate, and then looked at me as I walked up. I’d been trailing behind her for a bit now, unable to put as much weight on my leg as before. ‘How’s your knee doing?’

‘It’s okay.’ I lied, stopping next to her and tentatively rubbing it. I could feel bruises around the kneecap and winced when I touched one.

‘Why aren’t you home resting?’ she brushed her hair to the side and grinned at me. ‘You seemed pretty happy yesterday about being able to miss school.’

‘I was.’ I grimaced slightly and looked out at the street where Tom had attacked me. Things had changed so much since then, and it’d only been a day. What would my life be like in a week? Or a month? I couldn’t even imagine it a year from now.

‘Why did you come here today?’ Jen stepped in front of me, smiling slightly. ‘Because you needed to talk to me?’

I blushed and looked away. ‘Y-yeah…’

‘Really?’ she sounded delighted and stepped sideways so she was in front of me again. ‘What’s so important?’

I spun away and rubbed my cheeks, feeling like an idiot. ‘I-It’s hard to talk about!’

‘Why?’ she bounced in front of me and put her hands behind her back, leaning down and staring intently into my eyes. ‘What is it?’

I swallowed as stared into her eyes, unable to think clearly with her looking at me like that. Her eyes were so striking, dark blue gems ringed by long, thick eyelashes accented by perfectly applied mascara. I was simultaneously jealous of how pretty they were and attracted to them.

‘Tell me!’ she continued, grinning widely. ‘Or I’ll start to think that you’re trying to ask me out on a date or something.’

‘I’m not!’ my heart squished slightly but I ignored it. ‘B-besides, aren’t you and Ellie dating?’

Jen laughed and then straightened, flicking her hair behind her shoulders. ‘No. We’re just friends.’

‘What? Really?’ I hadn’t expected her to say that and looked at her in surprise.

‘Yeah, I know. It looks like we are, but we’re not. It’s…,’ her eyes grew distant and she smiled slightly, ‘complicated.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘I don’t know, to be honest.’ Jen laughed. ‘I really like her though. She has this…I don’t know, presence about her that just flows over you and makes you feel special.’

I remembered how I’d felt around her and nodded vigorously. ‘She does!’

‘Plus, she’s got great boobs.’ Jen grinned and I gasped, embarrassment flooding through me. Had she noticed how distracted by them I’d been? Oh god!

‘I-I didn’t-not that-I-WAGH!’ I squealed as Jen squeezed my sides and burst out laughing.

‘You’re so cute!’ she giggled as I frantically escaped her hands. ‘You were like this yesterday too. Talking about boobs really upsets you, huh?’

‘No!’ I huffed, although I could feel the sides of my lips twitching into a smile. I really liked it when she grabbed my sides! It was like what mum did sometimes when she was in a playful mood and I was being slightly bratty. ‘I can talk about b-b-breast fine! It’s just not what I want to talk about right now.’

‘Really?’ Jen’s eyes were wide with amusement. ‘What do you want to talk about then?’

I bit my bottom lip, thinking fast. I still wasn’t ready to talk about hormones, especially when I was in an actually good mood. But I needed to say something otherwise she might think that I really had come here today just to ask her out on a date! Agh!

‘I’m hungry!’ I blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say. Jen blinked and raised an eyebrow, then shrugged.

‘Alright…we ca-’

‘I’m not hungry! That was a lie,’ I gasped, abruptly remembering that there was actually something that I really needed to do. ‘I have to get a really tight shirt to hide my chest.’

‘O-okay.’ Jen scratched her hair and looked around the street, ‘Well, we can go to the mall if you want. I know some good places in there.’

‘Okay!’ I beamed at her. We could go shopping and I could figure out a way to bring up needing hormones along the way. Perfect!

‘The mall’s pretty far away though.’ Jen looked doubtfully at my leg. ‘Are you going to be okay walking there?’

‘Yep! It’s only ten minutes away.’ I could probably manage that.

‘With how slow you’ve been walking it’s probably more like forty minutes away.’ she said and then smiled widely. ‘Want another piggyback?’

‘No!’ I turned scarlet. ‘My leg’s not that sore!’

‘It’ll get worse the more you use it,’ she put a hand on my head and her cheeks turned slightly pink. ‘And besides, I really liked how you felt up there yesterday. Let me give you a piggyback.’

‘Uhm.’ I swallowed, my quite sure how to take that. ‘Won’t you get tired though?’

‘Nah. I’ve carried cats that’ve weight more than you.’ she smirked and my eyes widened with delight.

‘Mew!’ I pawed happily at her stomach and she giggled, rubbing my head. I meowed a few more times and started giggling too.

‘Alright! Hop on, kitten!’ Jen said after patting me on the head. She turned around and leant down like she had yesterday.

‘Meow!’ I leapt onto her back, full of excitement. Perhaps a bit too excitedly, as my momentum shoved her forward and she splatted face-first onto the ground. ‘Oh god! Are you okay?’

I slipped off of her as she got to her feet, and she turned around to stare at me with wide, anger-filled eyes. And then she burst out laughing so hard that she started to tear up, and it infected me. We were son both laughing uncontrollably for a good couple of minutes, something that felt amazing.

‘You idiot!’ Jen gasped when she finally got control of herself. ‘Don’t jump on me!’

‘I’m sorry. I got too enthusiastic.’ I beamed at her.

‘Yeah, you did!’ she laughed and then turned around. ‘Okay. Let’s try that again. Hop on, kitten!’

I jumped onto her back again.

‘What the!’ she yelped as she was squashed onto the ground again. ‘Alex! What the hell!’

I erupted into giggles that quickly turned into squeals as she grabbed my sides and started squeezing them. I tried to escape but she squashed me into a tight hug.

‘Right!’ she said through her laughter and leant her head on my shoulder. ‘Are you going to let me give you a proper piggyback this time?’

‘Yes. I promise!’ I nodded solemnly, which was ruined slightly by my maniacal giggling.

‘Good!’ she released me and then turned around. ‘Last time! Let’s go, kitten!’

I jumped on her back.

‘Oh for god’s sake!’

To be continued

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