Erika's next Chapter

Once released, Jorge again looked Erika up and down. “Can’t believe you were Eric Martin.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Did you get breast implants?”
Samantha and Tricia laughed.
“They are falsies.” Erika smirked. “They are glued on until I can grow my own.”
“Wow, they sure look real.”
“Stop staring at her breasts and start staring at mine.” Krystal slapped his arm.
“Yours are much prettier and real.” Jorge assured her.
Samantha picked her up at the hotel before heading to Tricia’s.
“So…” Samantha prompted. “You didn’t tell us about the photoshoot. How did it go?”
“It went good.” Erika shrugged. “I met some interesting people. You should see what they did with my makeup and hair.”
Erika nodded. “I guess you’ll see when the advertisements are put out.” She teased. “Oh, and I got to keep a few of the outfits. I’m wearing one today.” She beamed.
“I can’t see it through your coat.” Samantha pouted.
“Wait until we get to school. It’s not mind blowing or anything. Just a cute outfit.”
“Well, I can’t wait.” Samantha threw Erika a smile. “By the way, I spoke to Melinda last night.”
“You did?”
“Yes. She said that Taylor wanted to have a meeting with her alone, but I told her that I had information that needed to be considered as well. We will meet after school at the beginning of Cheer practice.”
“Should I be there?” Erika asked.
“In the meeting, no.” Samantha thought. “But be available in case we need you.”
Erika nodded.
Tricia greeted Erika with a long lingering kiss. “Between Dive practice, Rally practice, homework and Christmas, I barely get to see you.” She complained. “We need to have a sleep over.”
“It’ll have to wait until after Christmas.” Erika frowned. “My grandmother is coming into town, and I have a ton of stuff to do with moving into the condo.”
“After Christmas.” Tricia sighed.
“We have to deal with one thing at a time.” Erika stated. “First things first is Taylor, Melinda and Rally.”
The threesome entered the school. Leaving the bone chilling cold outside was a great relief as the School’s furnace pumped out plenty of warm air.
“How did the photoshoot go?” Krystal asked.
“It was very cool.” Erika grinned. “I was able to keep this as a bonus.” She opened her coat to reveal the cute outfit.
“I need a job like that.” Samantha looked Erika up and down with appreciation and a bit of wistfulness.
“Hey hold on.” Erika ran a few steps down the hall. “Hold up Stephanie.” She called.
Stephanie looked around as if stunned that someone might call her name. “Erika?”
“Turn around.” Erika ordered.
Confused, Stephanie did as instructed.
Erika pulled a note taped to her back off. “Sorry, Stephanie, I didn’t see who did it.”
Stephanie’s lips trembled.
“Hey, Where’s your first class?” Erika smiled.
“Chem.” Stephanie wadded up the mean note and tossed it in a nearby trash can.
Erika looked back to her friends and waved them over. “We’re going to walk you to your class.” Erika told Stephanie as well as her friends.
“Seriously, you don’t have to do that.” Stephanie started to walk away.
“I told you we would have your back.” Erika fell instep beside her. She changed the subject. “How was your weekend?”
“Uneventful. Played with my cats. Read some.” The strange girl shrugged.
“Sounds relaxing.” Tricia made an effort.
“What are you reading.” Krystal inquired.
“Just a stupid sci-fi series.” Stephanie shrugged.
“Which one.” Krystal asked
“One of the best Sci-fi books ever.” Krystal’s face lit up. “Don’t you just Love Channi?”
Stephanie looked at Krystal with an unbelieving look.
“She is the biggest bookworm I have met.” Samantha affirmed that Krystal wasn’t just joking with Stephanie.
“Yes. I like her a lot.”
“We should start a book club.” Krystal offered.
“Uh, sure.” Stephanie wasn’t quite believing what she was hearing.
“There you are, beautiful.” Jorge caught up with the group. H wrapped Krystal up in his arms and gave her a huge kiss.
Krystal pulled away. “Stephanie and I are going to start a book club.” She smiled at Jorge.
Jorge rolled his eyes.
“He doesn’t understand books.” Krystal shook her head at Stephanie.
“Why read them when you can just wait a year or two and watch the movie.” Jorge shrugged.
Stephanie and Krystal both rolled their eyes.
Stephanie stopped in front of her class. She looked at all of Erika’s group. “Thanks for this.” She stated.
“It’s like Erika said,” Samantha smiled. “We’ve got your back.”
“What was that all about?” Jorge asked as they walked away.
Samantha explained about Stephanie getting bullied and that She and Erika had planned to put a stop to the bullying at school.
“There she is.” Samantha leaned closer to Erika. “Just be nice.”
Erika spotted coming down the hall. “I plan to.” she protested.
“Good morning, Taylor.” Samantha greeted.
“Samantha, Eri-ka.” Taylor stressed the last syllable of Erika’s name. She looked to Samantha. “Melinda told me that you wanted to be in the meeting too.”
“I think it’s only fair, that she hears both sides of the issue.” Samantha stated.
Taylor looked at Erika. “Look, it has nothing personal to do with you. I just don’t think it’s right that the others don’t know and well, I’m kind of creeped out.”
Erika closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them she smiled at Taylor. “I totally understand where you are coming from. I just would rather that the whole school didn’t know about it.”
Taylor nodded. “I won’t say anything to anyone but Melinda …. for now,”
“Thank you.” Samantha and Erika said together.
The group moved on down the hall.
“What am I missing.” Jorge asked. “What does Taylor know that you all don’t want found out?”
Erika blanched. She had totally forgotten that Jorge was with her small posse.
Krystal looked to Erika.
“You haven’t told him?” Samantha asked. “I just assumed that he knew.”
“Knew what?” Jorge looked from one face to another.
“He’ll find out soon enough,” Erika shrugged. “We may as well tell him.”
“I’d kind of like to know what is going on.” Jorge agreed.
“It wasn’t as if I was keeping anything from you.” Krystal asserted.
“Let’s go in here.” Tricia ushered them into the library. They moved to an empty aisle in the back.
“Go ahead.” Erika told Krystal as she studied Jorge’s face.
“How do you say it?” Krystal looked to Erika.
Jorge looked from Krystal to Erika and then back to Krystal.
“Erika is …… someone special.” Krystal blew out the rest of her breath.
Erika watched as Jorge just nodded. “Yes?”
“Seriously?” She flicked a look to Erika again. “I feel like I’m betraying you.”
Erika nodded a smile.
Krystal took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Erika is actually a guy.”
Jorge just stared blankly at his girlfriend.
Krystal opened her eyes and saw that he hadn’t understood. “Erika was born a boy. She transitioned to a girl this summer.”
Jorge’s brow creased. He turned to Erika. “I thought there was something off about you.” He looked her up and down. “You’re a boy?”
Erika nodded. “I was Eric Martin last year.”
Jorge’s jaw dropped. “No.” he shook his head. “You? You were the Plague?”
Erika sighed. “Was as in past tense.” God, she hated that name.
“Holy shit!” He kept looking her up and down. He shook his head. “I…. really?”
Erika smiled even though her heart was pounding in her chest.
He looked to Krystal. Erika followed his gaze. Krystal was in tears.
“I’m sorry.” Krystal wiped tears away while looking at Erika. She looked to Jorge. “I’m sorry. It really isn’t my secret to tell.”
“Wow, that is a big one.” He wrapped her in a hug. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He soothed. He released Krystal but held her hand and faced.
“Look, I don’t care how you want to dress, or be addressed. You are one of Krystal’s closest friends who has helped her in ways you can never understand. Eric or Erika, we are good.”
“Really?” Erika asked.
Jorge nodded. Then found himself wrapped up in a hug.
Once released, Jorge again looked Erika up and down. “Can’t believe you were Eric Martin.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Did you get breast implants?”
Samantha and Tricia laughed.
“They are falsies.” Erika smirked. “They are glued on until I can grow my own.”
“Wow, they sure look real.”
“Stop staring at her breasts and start staring at mine.” Krystal slapped his arm.
“Yours are much prettier and real.” Jorge assured her. “So, this is the big thing going on in Cheer and Rally?”
“Yes.” Samantha answered. “Taylor found out Friday and is going to Melinda today about it.”
“Does it make a difference?” Jorge asked. “I’m a guy on the cheer squad.”
“I think it’s more about Erika’s birth gender being kept a secret.” Krystal explained.
“It’s not like she is a pervert.” He looked at Erika and winked. “Are you?”
It was Erika’s turn to slap his arm, and was almost beat by three other sets of hands doing the same thing.
Jorge laughed at the abuse.
Samantha and Taylor stood in the back part of the locker room eyeing each other while waiting for Melinda.
The dark-haired beauty showed up soon enough. “Okay, what is going on between you two and why is it messing up my squads?” she demanded.
Samantha looked to Taylor to start. She wanted to see how far Taylor was willing to go.
“Well?” Melinda commanded.
“It’s Erika Summers.” Taylor began. “She’s been hiding things about her that I feel that the squad should know.”
“I don’t think it is any of their business.” Samantha butt in.
“Does this have anything to do with her being on squad?” Melinda looked between the two.
“Yes.” Taylor stated at the same time as Samantha said “No.”
Taylor glared at Samantha, “It does too.”
Melinda put up a hand to keep Samantha from speaking. “Taylor is my second and in charge of Rally. If she thinks this is an issue, I should hear it.”
Samantha ground her teeth.
“So out with it, Taylor. We are wasting practice time.”
“Erika is a Tranny.” Taylor spit out.
“She’s a what?” Melinda couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“That’s a derogatory name.” Samantha objected. “You just don’t like her.”
“I did until I found out she’s been lying to us.” Taylor rounded on Samantha.
“Hold on!” Melinda felt like she needed to physically step between the two. “Erika is a Transgender?”
Both girls just looked at one another. Samantha nodded. “Erika is Transgendered, yes.”
“So, she was born a boy, but is living as a girl.” Melinda wanted to clarify.
“Yes.” Samantha stated. “You’ve seen how sweet she has been even though she’s been through hell.”
Melinda looked to Taylor. “Do we not have lesbians on the squad?”
“Yes.” Taylor looked down, then back up, “But this is different.”
“Because she is sporting a dick?” Melinda looked to Samantha. “Sorry.”
Samantha just shook her head.
“Has Erika made unwanted advances towards you?” Melinda asked. “Has she stared at you in the locker room? Wait, I don’t think I have ever seen her in the locker room until Friday.”
“She changes in the bathroom or closet.” Samantha charged to get that in.
“But She used to be…”
“Shut it, Taylor.” Melinda glared at her. “I don’t care who she used to be. I wouldn’t care if she used to be ‘the plague’ himself.”
Samantha suppressed a chuckle.
“She has shown hard work, caring and dedication. Sure, she has had medical issues, but a brain tumor is, in my opinion, an acceptable excuse to miss practice. She has more than made up for that by making all of our posters and signs and doing a damn good job.”
“But she has lied to us?” Taylor was reaching.
“And you haven’t lied to the squad before?” Melinda held Taylor’s gaze.
Samantha saw that Taylor looked away first. She now wanted to know what Taylor had lied about.
“If you have an issue over Erika’s gender, then you can leave the squad.”
Taylor looked like a deer in headlights.
“Is that all?” Melinda looked between the two.
Taylor turned and stormed out of the locker room.
Samantha watched her leave then looked to Melinda. “Thank you.”
“Don’t Thank me yet.” Melinda growled. “I don’t like being lied to either, and you have been just as guilty. Being Transgender is not a reason to be kicked off the squad. I wouldn’t be able to kick off a Muslim for their religion, or a gay person for their sexual preference.”
Samantha stayed quiet. This was going better than she had planned, she didn’t want to jinx it now.
“Who else on squad knows about Erika?”
“Taylor, me, Krystal and Jorge found out today.”
“Can you send Erika in?” Melinda dismissed her.
Samantha exited the locker room. The girls on Rally were confused and gossiping. Apparently, Taylor had stormed out of the building.
“Erika.” Samantha looked to her friend. “Melinda wants to talk to you.”
Erika looked to Samantha in askance. Samantha smiled in response.
Taking a deep breath, Erika pushed into the locker room.
“So.” Melinda greeted. “You have been exposed. Taylor is a great person. I hope she doesn’t quit.”
“Neither do I.” Erika agreed. “I like Taylor a lot.”
“So this isn’t personal?”
“Not on my part.” Erika stated. “I don’t even blame her for being upset. I just don’t want the Squad knowing let alone the whole school.”
Melinda nodded. “That would be uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? Look, just like I told Samantha. Being Transgender isn’t a reason for kicking you off the squad.”
Erika sighed heavily despite Samantha’s reassurance.
“However, I’d like you to continue changing separately, and if anyone complains of pervy stuff, I will kick you off the squad.”
“I’m not a pervert.” Erika protested. “You can check with Krystal, Victoria and Tricia.”
“Victoria knows too?”
Erika nodded.
“How many know?” Melinda was bewildered.”
“Too many.” Erika shrugged.
“So, you like girls and you want to be a girl?” Melinda questioned.
Erika smiled. “Yeah, that sums it up.”
Melinda shook her head. “Just trying to wrap my head around it.”
“So am I.” Erika agreed.
“Okay. I won’t say anything until you give me reason enough to.”
“Thank you.” Erika gushed.
“Wait, does the principal know?”
Melinda led Erika back out into the gym. “Okay girls, we have a lot to work on. Let’s go! Jordon, you’re in charge of Rally until further notice.”
Jordon looked stunned but nodded.
“I heard that you had another event.” Dr. Barts closed the door behind them and ushered Erika to her usual place.
“Yes.” Erika sighed.
“What happened?”
Erika told her about the seizure.
Dr. Barts asked questions about events leading up to the seizure. How she felt about those events, when the symptoms started. The same questions that she answered at the Emergency room.
“Doc.” Erika broke off the twenty questions. “I had another vison or hallucination or whatever again.
“During your seizure?”
Erika nodded and shared everything about the strange vision.
“I wasn’t even upset.” She stated. “I was even happy.”
“And you were seeing everything through your own eyes?” Dr. Barts asked.
“Hmm.” She wrote vigorously.
“On one hand, I’m scared of how I feel and what I experience, but on the other, I feel curious and a longing.”
“Hmm. Have you told anyone else about these visions? Your friends, your parents?”
“No, just you.”
Dr. Barts gave her a tight-lipped smile but kept scratching down notes.
“Why haven’t you shared with your friends?”
“They’ll think I’m crazy.” Erika shrugged. “They are kind of personal.”
“The visions or the feelings with the visions?”
“Both?” Erika looked out at the bare tree branches.
“Do you keep a journal or diary?” Dr. Barts asked.
Erika shook her head.
“Maybe you should start.” She advised. “Start simple with what happened to you during the day and document your dreams and these visions. Not just what happened, but how you felt at different parts of them.”
“I wouldn’t want my mom to read it.”
“You have a laptop or a tablet, right? You could put a password lock on it.”
“Not yet. The fire destroyed everything.”
“Oh, yes. Your mother mentioned that your house burned down. You want to talk about that?”
Erika continued staring out the window. Her imagination was using the branches and the voids to create pictures; animals, faces, state and country outlines. “There isn’t much to say. I’m sure mom told you the important parts.”
“What are the important parts to you?”
“It was scary.” Erika stated. “I woke up to a firefighter breaking in through my window.”
“You didn’t know about the fire until then?”
“I was dreaming that I was doing a photoshoot and someone was using fire as a back drop.”
“Vivid imagination.”
“Mom has been accepting of me since the fire.” Erika smiled. “That is a break through.”
“Yes, it is. You should give your mom credit for a step forward.”
“I have. We talked about it the other day.”
“How does it make you feel?”
“Great of course.” Erika’s voice lifted. “It has relieved a lot of the stress and fighting around the hotel and now condo.”
“Where are you right now?” Dr. Barts asked.
“In your office talking to you.”
“I mean where is your mind?”
Erika was silent. “It’s stupid. She sat up and looked at her Doctor.
“It’s never stupid.”
“I …. “ Erika looked away then at the rug. “I was making pictures with the tree branches.”
Dr. Barts smiled. “I do too sometimes.” She admitted. “Especially with a particularly boring patient.”
“Dr. Barts!” Erika exclaimed with mock surprise.
“How has school been?”
“Interesting.” Erika again shrugged.
Dr. Barts raised an eyebrow.
Erika told her all that had happened with Taylor, Melinda and Jorge.
“Wow, that must have been stressful.”
Erika nodded.
“It sounds like you handled it well. Did you have an event after such a tough day?”
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"I wouldn't care......"
"If she used to be 'the plague' himself."
Now isn't that ironic!
Too bad there aren't more people like Jorge and Melinda.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Poor Erika,
' another bridge for Erika to cross . There is always one ,someone who cannot come to terms with the realities of life .
My grand daughters accept me but their mother says she "does not understand and doesn't want to" ,a closed mind .
Dr. Farts
After this chapter, I think I like Dr. Barts even more!
Very glad that Ericka finally
Very glad that Ericka finally has several people "having her back", just as she and her friends have Stephanie's back. Just called "paying it forward".
Dr. Barts seems like the therapist that most people would love to have. Hope Ericka follows the treatments recommended, and gets her life totally to where it should be before she was constantly bullied being "The plague".
Good Chapter
I like seeing Erica coping well. I'm a little uneasy when each new chapter is posted over the challenges that Erica might face this time, but I've enjoyed the series so far. I'm happy that you are back and posting again. Thank you for sharing.
Taylor's not so Swift (ha ha ha)
The part with Stephanie was really sweet; sad how she was so grateful and almost unbelieving that anyone would want to be her friend. This chapter moved a lot of elements forward and a lot of individual outings went well, but the way Taylor had her concerns dismissed by Melinda and basically implying she was a bigot might be making her feel like "everyone is on that freak's side" and to decide to go farther afield to find allies, someone to validate her resentments, the way she sees Erika just being Erika as a deception by a male impostor who's probably hiding pervy motives and just has all her friends fooled. Or so goes the logic of transphobia, I hope she's not that far gone but things are going so well for Erika in this series I'm afraid she's about due for another shitstorm...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Pot calling the kettle black
Erika knew how Stephanie was feeling after the way Eric was treated by some students. Taking that note off Stephanie's back help insure no other idiot got any ideas.
Jorge was very mature upon hearing about Erika. Seeing the changes in Krystal because of Erika went a long way in helping him accept what he heard.
Taylor is a bit of a two face. Taylor feels Erika lied to the squad by not divulging she is a boy. But she was reminded about her lying to the squad as well. Taylor isn't really mad because Erika didn't divulge her condition, Taylor has other personal reasons. Reasons which just might get Erika hurt.
Others have feelings too.
I hope she doesn’t decide to quit and blab to get even.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
well, she isn't off the Rally team
that's good, but Taylor is going to be a problem