It's Complicated - Part 19 "Shotgun Diplomacy"

 It's Complicated  



"Shotgun Diplomacy"


This is the seventh book in the Tamara's Tales (formerly Tommy & Tamara) series. For the whole saga visit Tamara's Tales

Wednesday 6th January 2016 (Continued)

The waiting was awful, Tammy had kept the phone line open to Kevin but there had been no news for ages. She'd missed lunch but food was not important right now.

"Is Aunt Andrea going to be okay?"

"I hope so Daisy."

"I think it's my fault."

Tammy was still expecting to take responsibility, she was supposed to protect this family, so what was Daisy saying?

"How come?"

"I took loads of photos of Aunt Andrea, and Aunt Alison, I put them on Instagram."

"Oh, did you add descriptions?"

"Didn't really need to, when they were in their uniforms."

"Did you post photos of anyone, or anything else?"

"They went on Facebook too but that's restricted to my friends only. I didn't post any of me or Florence, but I have a few of Grandma Elsie and one or two of you."

"Did you post all of these?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Daisy was now crying, Alison had crept back into the room and took Daisy's hand. "Let's go and have a talk, we need to let Grandma Elsie know about this."

"No! No! I can't, she'll send me away."

"Daisy, she'll do no such thing, but we need to know what we're dealing with. Bring your phone."

Tammy needed to call Ben Franklin but she was still using her phone. DI Kevin Edmunds was near his phone, but had clearly walked away from it as Tammy could faintly hear him.

Damn, she'd concentrated on Finlay and Florence and had ignored what Daisy was up to.

"I've left her with Elsie, Tammy, she's really upset."

"Our security's compromised, Alison, I don't know where to begin or how to fix it."

"She'll delete all the photos, but I didn't realise what she was doing when she took the photos of us."

"I never thought to warn her, she just did what thirteen year old girls would do."

"Is there anything I can do, Tammy?"

"Can you get hold of my father and warn him, he should have Ben Franklin's number."


"We need to make sure the estate is locked down too."

Tammy reached for her bag and retrieved her weapon, she was returning it when Helen arrived.

"Sorry, Tammy, it's my fault."


"I'm on Instagram and showed it to Daisy, she created her account just before New Year."

"Look, I took my eye off the ball, it's my fault."

"Tammy, what did you say?" Her phone burst back into life.

"Sorry, Kevin, we've had a security breach."

"That can wait, the train's stopped, at Scotscalder."

"That's the next station after Georgemas Junction, the line goes under a road there, the station's right by the bridge."

"The driver stopped the train, there was an incident on board, one person needed medical treatment."

"When did this all happen?"

"About half an hour ago."

"So what happened?"

"You know as much as I do now."

"Great, I don't know if Andrea is hurt, or not."

"No, so don't speculate. Now, what's the new problem?"

Tammy brought him up to date, asking him to park at Dunbankin' upon his return.


"Exactly, we're supposed to be taking Daisy to the doctor's in an hour, leaving Finlay here."

"I suppose Andrea knew about the appointment?"


"So that could be compromised, is it important?"

"No, a check up."

"Okay, don't leave the place. Where's Ben?"

"He went home, he's due back here just before three. The appointments at quarter past three."

"That doesn't leave much time. Leave it with me."

"What about the train, Andrea?"

"I really don't have any more information yet, I'll ring off so you can speak to Ben."

Tammy's phone rang almost immediately.

"What's going on, Tammy?"

"Major cock-up Dad, Daisy's been posting photos of everyone on Instagram."

"Bloody hell. What's going to happen?"

"Daisy will be losing her phone."

"The stable door is well and truly open, so what do we do?"

"Kevin Edmunds is on the case, did you get hold of Ben?"

"Yes, he's on his way. Any news about Andrea?"

"Sort of, the train's stopped at Scotscalder and someone was hurt."

"I'm at Wick Airport, I'll take a chopper to have a look."

"Is it foggy?" Tammy's phone pinged but she ignored it, for now.

"No, some low cloud cleared about ten this morning, why?"

"It's irrelevant now. I'm not sure taking a chopper there is going to do any good, but could we have one here? In case we have to leave in a hurry?"

"Sure, give me fifteen as we'll need to refuel first."

There was a text message from Ben, simply saying he would be on his way shortly.

Tammy's room was empty, her phone was disconnected and she felt helpless. She checked the local media outlets but the story hadn't hit, not yet, social media was also quiet. Tammy remembered that Scotscalder station was in the middle of nowhere so there probably wasn't a signal there. She laid on her bed, trying to rationalise the mess that had just transpired.

Tammy had clearly been crying, her eyes were wet as she was being shaken awake.

"Come on, there's news."


"Ben's just brought us up to date."

"Ok, Alison."

Tammy quickly washed her face and rushed downstairs. Ben was in the lounge, accompanied by a female officer.

"Tammy, firstly Andrea is safe."

"Oh! I'm ...... What happened?"

"Paula Lavoska grabbed her on the train as it left Georgemas Junction and told her to keep quiet, but she was seen by another passenger. When the train was approaching the next station, they pulled the emergency alarm. Paula was disarmed and restrained by an off-duty British Transport Police Officer who was on the train. The train's a short distance from the platform so that's made things a challenge."

"Was Andrea hurt?"

"No, but she's been taken to Inverness Police Station to be interviewed."

"She'll need to have a solicitor."

"She's done nothing wrong!"

"No Ben, she knows more than she should, Andrea needs guidance. Does she have to give her statement there and now?"

"It helps them, they can probably charge Paula Lavoska straight away on the basis of Andrea's statement."

"Well, she might say certain things that wouldn't help our battered security here, we need to advise her and possibly arrange for the interview to be done in a better environment?"

"She's a couple of hours away."

Outside a helicopter came into land. "That's not a problem, Ben."

"Okay, I realise that this is not an ordinary family, but the concerns can't be waved out of the way with money."

"Ben, we own a helicopter company, it's a means of transport and would cut a car ride to Inverness from hours to tens of minutes. I'll also have a solicitor meet us, we need to let Andrea know we're on the way."

"Us? Who's going?"

"Well, I'll go with Dad."

"And that leaves me where?"

"Looking after things here."

"No Tammy, no."

Richard had walked in and heard most of the conversation. "I take it Andrea's safe, and judging by the conversation is she in Inverness?"

"Yes, Dad. I don't want her to reveal any details about the security here, even accidentally."

"Okay, I'll call the solicitor and he can call the police, I'll take Alison with me to Inverness."

Richard quickly left, his phone to his ear. Alison grabbed a coat and followed him.

"I could have gone!"

"Don't get in a strop, Tammy. In case you haven't realised, even though Paula is in custody, we still don't know where Penny is."

"Well, does it need both of us?"

"Yes, Daisy has an appointment, doesn't she?"


"Yes, Penny Lavoska is around here somewhere."

"So we risk Daisy?"

"No, did you see WPC Harris?" Ben waved for Gilly Harris to join them.

"Oh, hello."

"I hope Gilly won't mind but she's the shortest officer based at Thurso. I've borrowed her for the next few hours, but we need to dress her as Daisy."

Tammy looked at the officer. "She's a bit taller than Daisy."

"But one of Florence's dresses would fit?"

"Yes, he's about the same build, and they do have several matching frocks."

"Right, so how about I take Daisy to her appointment?"

"Sorry Ben, I'll have to go, whilst you stay here with the kids."

"In that case, take one of the groundsmen as a driver."

"Right, how long do we have?"

"About half an hour."

Tammy found Finlay in his room, explaining that they needed to borrow one of his dresses.

"Okay, auntie, I did hear what you are planning."

"Why did you change your clothes?"

"I spilt some soup on the skirt of my dress, so I decided to put jeans on."

"Grandma Elsie doesn't like jeans."


Gilly had found a dress. "It's rather girly girly though."

"That's the style Daisy wears."

"Where can I change?"

"My room, it's next door. Did you bring any make-up?"

"Only what I'm wearing today, and that's next to nothing."

"We'll just need to give you a freshen up."

"Are there any white tights?"

Finlay reached into a drawer and threw a pair over.

Tammy wondered if Gilly had been briefed, perhaps she had the time to type up a non-disclosure agreement?

Tammy took Gilly into her room, and pointed at the door to the en suite. Tammy, meanwhile, phoned Pru.

"Can you go into the safe and retrieve the spare magazine for my pistol, it should be filled?"

"Sure, when do you need it?"

"Straight away. Make sure the place is locked tight, Dad's flying to Inverness to retrieve Andrea but there's still at least one villain around."

Tammy ejected the magazine in her weapon and checked it was full before reloading, fully expecting the next question as the bathroom door was open.

"You're armed?"

"Yes. It's legal and I'm authorised."

"Handguns aren't legal in this country for the public."

"There are exceptions, I'm one of them."

"Who do you work for?"

"Sorry, but for your own health and security you'd best not ask those questions. Right now we're going to run interference to flush out a dangerous woman."

"No-one said anything about guns, why not call in the armed support unit?"

"They would scare our target away, she's out there because her sister was the distraction. If you don't want to do this, say so now."

"What if you have to shoot?"

"Then I'll do so to protect us. We'll be in a Landrover Discovery, probably, so we'll have pretty good vision. It's a drive down to the surgery, we wait and return here, that's all."

If Gilly was worried, she was hiding it. She finished getting herself ready, Helen lent a hand with Gilly's makeup whilst Tammy went down to meet with Pru. Finally, just after three, Tammy and Gilly made their way out to the Landrover, Jonathon was their driver. There was a shotgun in the passenger side footwell.

The gates were closed as they exited the estate, the girls were in the rear, Tammy scanned the area but saw no-one who shouldn't have been there. The ride to the surgery was incident free, Jonathon pulled into the small carpark and waited for ten minutes before leaving. She sent Ben a text to confirm they were returning.

They'd almost made it back to the McPherson estate when a small car attempted to cut them up. Jonathon accelerated out of trouble and went past the main entrance. Tammy looked back at the driver but couldn't get a clear view.

Ben pulled into a single track lane, engaging four wheel drive. The car overshot the junction and took a few seconds to correct, allowing the Landrover to increase the distance. The lane was icy, very icy, with a ditch either side. The four wheel drive kept them safe as they approached the Northern estate entrance, normally only used by industrial traffic onto the estate. Jonathon made the turn without signalling or slowing, one gate was open, William was there waiting.

By the time their tail had recovered, nearly spinning into a ditch, they were safely inside the estate and the gate was closed. Tammy had Jonathon pull up just out of site.

"You are not going back there, Miss."

"I need to see."

There was a loud bang, Gilly jumped. Tammy retrieved her handgun from her open bag.

"That was William, Miss, just a warning shot probably."

"Even so?"

"Let him handle it, if she manages to get past him then we'll need you protecting the house, those are Mrs McPherson's instructions. Her other instruction is that you're not to kill anyone on the estate."

He put the vehicle into gear and pulled away before Tammy could argue. Behind them there were two more bangs in quick succession, Gilly had ducked down.

She called Ben, "we're almost at the house, someone tried to follow us through the gate."

"I saw on the CCTV, Thomas knew what was going on."

"Where are the kids?"

"In the basement, the games room. Helen's with them."

The Landrover pulled up behind the house, Tammy and Gilly went inside while Jonathon went back in the direction they'd just come from. Ben was in the lounge, along with Elsie. They were intercepted at the door.

"Would Miss like a drink?"

"Tea please, Thomas. Gilly?"

"Just a squash please."

Once Thomas left them Gilly whispered, "a butler?"

"Yes, a butler." Elsie heard her remark. "Now, Tammy, was it her?"

"I can't be certain, I didn't get a close enough look."

"So it might be Penny, but equally it could be someone else."


"Did you at least get the registration number?"

Gilly had that, Ben phoned Kevin with an update, Tammy went to see the children.

"I'm really sorry, Aunt Tammy."

Daisy had clearly been crying. Florence was back out of jeans and the pair were in matching tartan dresses, Florence was holding Daisy. Helen took the opportunity to head up to the bathroom.

"I guess we forgot to give you the security talk, Daisy, so all of us have to share responsibility."

"I won't do it again."

"Once we've dealt with the nasty folks, you can probably post some photos again, but Grandma Elsie values her privacy so be sensible."

Tammy's phone pinged.

On way back with Andrea

Tammy didn't want to leave the kids on their own but now needed the loo herself. Suddenly, from elsewhere in the house there was a scream.

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