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"The Christmas Eve Frock"
This is the seventh book in the Tamara's Tales (formerly Tommy & Tamara) series. For the whole saga visit Tamara's Tales
Christmas Eve 2015
Tammy and Suzie drove over to the school shortly after eight. It was bitterly cold with an icy wind blowing straight from the Arctic Circle. They were surprised to see the school secretary there.
"Janet, have you met my sister?"
"You must be Suzie, welcome."
With the pleasantries over, Tammy needed an answer, why was Janet Adams there?
"Now, Tammy,you don't think that the Headmaster knows how to sign out a student?"
"Let me put it another way, would you know how?"
"I've been through the procedure a few times, but I bet it's more complex than that?"
"It is, all connected to safekeeping and Ofsted's bloody statistics!"
A sudden noise caused them to look towards the Head's office door, it was now open.
"Good morning ladies, I trust we're able to conduct school business without further profanities?"
"Of course, Dr McIntosh."
"Good, the students are being brought here, could I borrow the two Miss Smarts for a moment?"
Stephen McIntosh closed the door, after they had entered, Dave Brown was already in the room.
"Hello Dave."
"Hi Tammy, I've just briefed the Headmaster."
The Head was clearly not happy. "And I'm a little alarmed! That Jenny woman didn't tell me half of what you have just informed me!"
"With respect, Headmaster, you don't have a secure phone and we are not taking chances. These students are at risk from persons unknown."
"How long will they remain at risk?"
"Right now, we don't know, but I'm hoping their education will not be disrupted."
"Indeed. I'll be back here on the thirtieth, we'll receive students back from the fourth and school restarts on the eleventh of January."
Tammy nodded, any hope of being back at work on the fifth was looking unlikely.
The study door swung open and the two O'Shaughnessy children walked in, accompanied by Anne McIntosh. "Their cases are in the hall. I've tried to persuade the young gentleman to wear trousers but he insisted on a kilt."
Both had exposed knees, whilst Finlay had long black socks on under his kilt, Daisy had a tartan dress with long white socks. The Head shook his head.
"Well, we really don't have the time to send you back to to the dorms. I'm sure you're both aware that it is cold out there! Miss Smart, Tammy, could I speak with you for a moment?"
Tammy handed her keys to Suzie and most left the room, just the Head and Dave Brown remained.
"How serious is it Tammy?"
She looked at Dave, who nodded.
"Very, Angela was subjected to an attempted abduction two days ago. The aim was to force our mother to let people into the school to grab the O'Shaughnessys."
"To what aim?"
"I'd rather not say, but it involves international fraud. The belief is that Finlay, or Daisy, could be carrying information of use to criminals as well as global enforcement officers."
"And this is connected to their parents' murder?"
"Is the school at risk?"
"Not directly, but it would be sensible to shut the main and service gates."
"That will be dealt with, but we need to consider if they should remain here?"
"If not here, Headmaster, where?"
"We are not fully equipped to handle a year nine female student, so we can't offer her the best possible education."
"What has the official solicitor said?"
"That they should, if possible, stay until the end of the academic year unless a family member suddenly asks to take them on."
"Finlay is due to do his GCSE exams from Easter, isn't he?"
"Yes, so moving him would be very disruptive."
"My guess is that the official solicitor must consider the welfare of the children first?"
"Indeed, in fact the law makes it clear that all professionals have a duty of care. If you hear anything relevant, could you please let me know?"
"Of course?"
"Now, will they be safe with you?"
Tammy nodded, then looked at Dave Brown. Dave answered for them.
"Both myself and Miss Smart are armed and the local constabulary have been informed. Tammy has been on several courses this year and is much more proficient than your typical nineteen year old."
"I trust that you will protect them?"
"Then, I imagine they are waiting for you!"
Anne was talking to Janet when Dave and Tammy walked out.
"How did you get here, Dave?"
"I borrowed one of the estate vehicles, but I put it out of sight."
"Okay, we'll drop Daisy off first."
Finlay wasn't talkative at all, whereas Daisy was scanning the surroundings. Suzie noticed her behaviour.
"Haven't you seen outside the school grounds?"
"No, I arrived in the evening and I've not left the school at all."
"Not even into town?"
"No point, we don't have any pocket money. I borrow things from the other girls, or they treat me. The school does supply some things, like pads."
"Okay, we'll see if we can find out what's happening."
"Did you go to the school?"
"No, my sisters did, but I was down South."
Tammy pulled through the gates of the McPherson estate and stopped by the stables.
"Right, Daisy, this is your stop."
Thomas was at the door and Alison wasn't far behind.
"Is that a butler?"
"Yes, his name is Thomas, behind him is Nurse Alison. You'll meet everyone in due course."
Suzie had the boot open to retrieve Daisy's case.
Finlay looked dejected. "Where am I going?"
"Our home is next door, you'll be with us. You can borrow the maid's apartment for a few days and maybe move over here when a room becomes free?"
"Oh, okay."
"Suzie had returned to the car and Daisy had disappeared inside. Tammy drove around to the back of the house and picked up the track to the connecting gate. Suzie hopped out to open it.
"Right, you see the barn? There's the pool and the gym equipment, Lily's apartment is accessed from the left hand end. There's a numeric pad on that door and the scullery door. Come inside first, we need to find the spare key for the flat."
That took five minutes, so he was left to his own devices, with a couple of passing pieces of advice. "If you want to speak to Daisy, we have an internal telephone system, just dial 227 and that connects to her room. If you want a swim, let us know first and how about joining us for elevenses?"
He nodded then Tammy left him on his own. She had really wanted Joan to deal with this, but she was content to let the girls handle it.
Tammy gave Dave a call.
"The kids haven't been getting any pocket money, what do you know of the parents' estate?"
"Still going through, but most would go into trust as both are under eighteen."
"What about the child benefit payments?"
"I think that's been agreed and will start next month, paid to the school. There's a few months of arrears so that should be a few hundred pounds for them."
"Good, I would like to speak to the solicitor who's handling it."
"You'll struggle, Tammy, you're not involved in their education and you're not connected to the parents. Jenny really wouldn't be happy with you interfering. Put your concerns in an email and let her know, she'll pass it on."
"Okay, won't you be doing the same?"
"Of course, you also need to write a report for this morning, and a daily report until they leave."
"Is that why you brought my laptop here?"
"I was just asked, I didn't question the request."
"What's Daisy up to?"
"No idea, I'm not an expert on children!"
"None of your own?"
"No, I was married to the job so never found the time to settle down."
The day's plan was simple. Each household would do their own lunch then Elsie would host a Christmas Eve meal. They would be back there for Christmas Day, and Boxing Day after lunch.
By Eleven there was no sign of Finlay so Tammy tried calling the apartment, but there was no answer. She walked across to the barn and checked the pool but that was empty, there was no answer at the apartment door either.
She walk to the far end of the barn and up the stairs to the little recording studio. He was sat at the control desk, listening to something that had been recorded there. The monitor only gave the date but Tammy guessed it was one of Jeri's sessions.
Finlay hadn't realised Tammy was there until her foot caught the chair. He spun around and tried to leave.
"You should have asked before you came up here, but it looked like you could use the desk?"
"But ........"
"Are you familiar with the desk?"
"Mum and Dad had a recording studio, it's similar."
"So, are you comfortable?"
Finlay was now wearing a tartan dress that was very similar to his sister's, Tammy had ignored this at first but finally had to ask. He did look like a boy in a frock, almost flat chested and a few light coloured hairs on his legs.
"I can explain!"
"I only asked if you were comfortable?"
"I guess no-one at the school knows you like to wear comfortable clothes?"
"No, yes, what?"
"Right, are you joining us in the kitchen?"
"I'll change!"
"You don't have to."
"You'll laugh at me!"
"Not me, what do you call yourself?"
"I don't have one."
"What does Daisy call you?"
"She doesn't know!"
"I wouldn't bet on that, how come you have the same dress?"
"Mum bought them for us, but mine was a secret."
"You must have grown a bit?"
"It was loose at first."
"You're still in a shared dorm, so you can't dress up very often?"
"Robert goes away most weekends, his parents live in Aberdeen."
"Well, let's introduce you."
"You'll make fun of me." The sobbing started.
"No we won't, I promise you that. Now, are you a boy or a girl?"
"A boy, obviously."
Tammy held out her hand and walked him across to the house.
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hmmm could be rather amusing to hold a compass next to Tammy. She seems to be a magnet of sorts.*snerk*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Magnet or...
She might be a small black hole... you never know =]
"Now, are you a boy or a girl?"
giggles. another trans person, or just into the clothes?
A little variety is always nice. Sometimes a dress is just a dress.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
So this was enlightening;
So this was enlightening; wonder if Finlay was seen in the dress earlier, with his mum; and he is actually the one with the information the crooks are after and not his sister? Tammy's very interesting Christmas indeed.
Frankly, it is criminal that Males and Females wear different clothes. One day perhaps all this nonsense will disappear and we can just get on with it. Men did not wear proper pants until the early 19th century.
Males and females do have different body types, but
Even if the boys and girls wore the same clothes, the fit is different for a man or woman. These kids seem to wear a lot of dresses, but have you looked around lately? Very few girls ever wear a dress anymore and it seems they will only wear one for a business or formal occasion.
A Thurso Epidemic
Maybe there is something like Radon gas in the buildings that affects gender. If I was sixty years younger I would want to go to school there!
Mind you, the place is also a magnet for criminals so I would have to be careful what I wished for. Is Tammy the catalyst for all of this or is it just coincidence?
Not that it matters, she makes a great story.
Tammy doesn't cause trouble, in spite of what DS Franklin thinks. She's just a carrier. ;-)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
LOL! Another MtF?
There must be something in the water in Thruso ...
Not a river in Egypt
The two kids are now somewhere that's safer than the school. Somewhere they are free from prying dorm eyes.
Finley said his mom bought a dress just like his sister, why? Did she know something about Finley he doesn't want to admit? Or to throw off anyone who might be after the kids. By the way he responding to Tammy about going to lunch, the former sounds more likely.
Others have feelings too.
something in the water
there must be something in the water at that school
One Of Us One Of Us
As if life wasn't complicated enough...
Finlay's a crossdresser (or at least, it currently looks like he's just CD and not TG)...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!