The Beginning - part 4. Emotions

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I woke up at 7 the next morning. Without an alarm. I was very excited about my date with Sammy. Soon she would be here. I went to the bathroom and then back into my room. I sat down in the nice armchair right next to my window. It was still dark and I enjoyed the silence. I usually do this on a Saturday or Sunday morning. I like to be alone with my thoughts. I missed Mary a lot this year. We were never separated this long. When she was still in high school she had a busy social life but she always had time for me. I miss going out to Claire’s Café with her or just sitting in her room and playing a board game or chess. She taught me a lot about chess. I always beat dad but I can never beat her. We text and call quite often but my heart ached right now. Where are you, big sister? Then I thought about Sammy again which lightened my mood. I went down to the kitchen where I tried to find some breakfast.

I opened the fridge. I took out a strawberry yogurt cup, grabbed myself a spoon and started eating. What will happen today? I am probably overthinking it. So, I decided to just let it happen. I went back upstairs and decided to get dressed, read a book and relax for a bit. I lost myself in a book and at 8:30 I heard my parents getting up. My mom is off work and my dad will go on some errands but probably will work from his home office. Mary was probably still asleep. It was only 5:30 in Oregon. A little bit later, I went downstairs again. My mom was eating breakfast.

“Good Morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?” she asked me.

“Yes! Thanks mom. So what will you do today?” I wanted to know.
“Well, I will do some cleaning and probably catching up on my reading. Your dad is out to get salt. They said it might snow later. They were not sure how much, though.” my mom told me.

“Oh, and I will get some snacks and drinks ready for you and your friend, if that is acceptable?” she added.

“Thanks, mom! Can Sammy and I have some privacy today? We wanted to discuss some personal matters and I was hoping we could be, you know, private.” I said cautiously.

My mom nodded slowly and said: “I know I can trust you. That would be fine. Just don’t completely close the door, please.” she requested.

“Of course, mom. Thank you. It means a lot.” I said thankfully.

“Well, why don’t you read or watch some TV until your guest arrives. I will work on the house a bit.” my mom declared in a determined manner.

I nodded and went back to my room. I lost myself in a book again. Finally it was getting close to two o’clock. My phones texting noise beeped. It was from Sammy.

It read: We will be there in five minutes. See you soon.

My heart jumped a bit. I went downstairs again. My parents were both sitting on the couch reading. The doorbell rang and my mom opened it. Standing outside were Sammy and her mom. Both looked very fashionable. I could see snow flurries outside.

“Please, come in. It is so nice to meet you.” my mom said.

“You too, Mrs. Tyler.” Sammy’s mom replied.

“Call me Cathy.” my mom offered.

“Oh, sure. Only if you call me Andrea.” Sammy’s mom offered also.

“Great. Well, Andrea. This is my husband Steve.” my mom said pointing to my dad who was standing in the living room, now walking towards Sammy’s mom and shaking her hand.

“A real pleasure” my dad said to her smiling. “And this must be Sammy!” he said pointing towards her daughter.

“Yes. And over there that must be Randy!” Sammy’s mom said looking at me. I walked over to her and shook her hand smiling.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” my mom offered.

“Oh, thank you so much. But I have to leave again soon. I have to run a few errands. I will pick up Sammy at 6 again if that is okay?” she asked.

“Sounds great.” my mom answered. “I am sure we can sit and talk another time” my mom suggested.

“Absolutely. That would be great. Now Sammy, have a good time with your new friend. I will see you at 6.” Sammy’s mom told her.

For a moment, all the adults were standing in the living room, smiling at us. Sammy and I seemed unsure about what to do. Sammy’s mom then left. I noticed Sammy was wearing a backpack. Her outfit was stunning. She was wearing a light pinkish sweater, a black skirt, black patterned tights and matching shoes. I also noticed her perfume which smelled like roses.

“Can I show you my room?” I asked Sammy and my mom. My mom gave me a quick nod and Sammy replied:

“Of course, that would be great! We both walked up the stairs and entered my room.

“I love your house. Your mom has good taste.” she noticed.

“Thank you! That is very true.” I replied. Sammy took her coat off, sat her backpack down and we settled on the floor next to my bed, sitting right across from one another. The door was mostly closed.

“So, Randy. How long have you known?” she asked me with a gentle look on her face. I felt overwhelmed but not scared. I looked at her kind eyes for a few seconds and then said:

“My whole life. As far back as I can think.” I said thoughtfully. Sammy’s eyes smiled at me and then she started talking again.

“Does anybody else, besides me, know?” she asked.

“Yes, I think my big sister Mary knows but I am not sure. I want to talk to her when she comes home for Thanksgiving. She goes to College in Oregon.”

“Was your sister a senior last year? I think I have heard of her. Wasn’t she the goalie for the girls’ varsity soccer team?” Sammy inquired.

“That’s her.” I said, beaming with pride. “We are both very close.” I added.

“Wow, that’s great. The reason why I wanted to get to know you more was the look you had in your eyes when you were holding the pair of pantyhose. You seemed to have a longing desire and like I said before, you seem kind of girlish. Also, you have kind eyes and I like that.” Sammy told me.

I was not sure what to say. “Thank you. I think we could be good friends.” I expressed to her.
“Agreed. Do you want to look at some girlie magazines and check out some outfits? I love to study things about fashion and I could probably tell you what would look good on you. Would you like to?” she asked me full of anticipation.

This made me feel very excited. I nodded and she opened her backpack and got out a few issues of Cosmopolitan and Glamour. We both lied down on the floor and started giggling. Sammy pointed out different combinations of clothing and accessories and I loved every minute. Her pantyhosed leg settled next to mine and I could feel her warmth. This made me feel funny. In a good way. I did not want this to end. We went through more pages while giggling. Suddenly, Sammy stopped and looked at me intently.

“You know, I have never seen you so open and funny like you are now. You are not cautious anymore. I like that.” Sammy told me. “There is a cute, self-confident girl inside of you.” she added.

I felt stunned. Sammy was right. I looked at her intently. Her warm eyes made me feel so comfortable.

“Thanks, Sammy. I agree. I feel overwhelmed right now.” I told her. Sammy turned towards me and gave me a hug. We embraced, which felt nice. This was, besides my sister, the first girl that ever hugged me.

“What do you want to do now?” Sammy wanted to know.

“We could watch a movie or a show down in the living room.” I suggested.

“Great idea” Sammy said cheerfully.

For a second I thought about watching Gilmore Girls with her but that was mine and Mary’s favorite show. I would feel a little like a traitor if I watch it with Sammy.

“Let’s see what we can find on Netflix or on our DVD shelf” I said. We both went downstairs and went straight to the living room. When I looked out the window I noticed a lot of snow coming down quickly. Sammy noticed it too and we both were taken by surprise. My mom just walked in from the kitchen and gave us a confused look. She probably was wondering what we were staring at. Then she noticed the snow and let out a loud “Oh my goodness!”

“Sammy, we should better call your mom to pick you up. This does not look good.” my mom urged.

Sammy nodded and I started feeling sad. It was only 4 but I understood that if she stayed until 6 she might be stuck here. Sammy took out her cell phone and texted her mom. Her mom replied in an instant and told her that some roads were not passable anymore. Sammy’s mom asked her to ask my mom if she can stay overnight. My heart made a jump and excitement grew again.

“I have nothing to change into” Sammy said rather shocked.

“Oh, that is not a problem. We will give you some of Mary’s old clothes to wear. It might be a little big but should do the job. You can sleep in her bed, too.” my mom said.

“Oh, okay. Thank you! Yeah, I guess that will work.” Sammy said a little hesitantly.

“Then that’s settled. We will eat dinner in about an hour. Why don’t you guys go upstairs and play a game or something until I will call you back down.” my mom asked us.

We both nodded and went back upstairs. I started feeling a little upset. I did not want Sammy to sleep in Mary’s bed. Mary was my sister and not hers. I liked Sammy a lot but I just got to know her. It felt too personal to me.

“Sammy, would you mind sleeping in my bed and I will sleep in my sister’s bed instead?” I asked, realizing that I sounded kind of rude.

“Okay, but why can’t I sleep in your sister’s bed?” Sammy asked me sounding a bit annoyed now.

“Because I just don’t want you to.” I said a little too strong.

“What is with you now?” Sammy asked looking confused.

“Well, I am not sure.” I admitted feeling soft again. “I just get very protective of her and her things.” I added. “I am sorry” I said quietly.

“That is okay. I can tell you two are very close.” Sammy realized.

I nodded. “Let’s go to my room and talk a bit.” I suggested. Sammy nodded. The good spirits between us seemed kind of gone now. We settled in my room again and looked at each other intently. To break the ice, I started talking again.

“Yes, Mary and I are very close. Ever since she has gone to Oregon for College I have been missing her like crazy. I had to think a lot about the things we have been doing together. Playing board games, watching movies and shows, being silly, tickling each other, going to Claire’s Café, seeing plays at the theater, building a snowman, snuggling, hugging, talking and so much more.” I almost whispered.

“But with all those wonderful things, I often picture myself being her baby sister.” I whispered, tears coming down my face.

Sammy moved closer to me and climbed on my lap and hugged me. She held me tight, then looked at me intently and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. It was the most amazing thing I ever experienced. My first kiss from a girl. I felt light headed and warm and fuzzy. I looked at her and kissed her back. We hugged again and feeling her so close to me was wonderful. She sat next to me again and started talking.

“Kissing a girl felt amazing. Oh, I almost forgot. I have a gift for you.” Sammy announced.

I must have looked rather stunned. “What is it?’ I asked impatiently.

Sammy opened her backpack and took out two pairs of pantyhose. One was nude, one was black. I was speechless. I gave her another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you very much!” I said beaming.

“My pleasure. When will you try them on? Omg! You are going to need your first outfit. When you come to my house, you can try some stuff on. We are about the same size.” Sammy decided.

“Really? That is a wonderful idea. Thank you so much. Now, I will put the pantyhose in my closet and bring them back when I come to your house.” I decided.

Sammy nodded in agreement. The next thing I realized was that I started feeling hungry. However, I remembered something else.

“Can we take a selfie of us, so we have a memory of this day?” I asked her. Sammy smiled and nodded.

We both took out our phones and took several selfies. On some of them we were smiling, making silly faces and on one Sammy gave me a kiss on the cheek. That one was my favorite. We decided to go downstairs just in time for supper. My mom made pot roast. The perfect meal for this cold and snowy kind of day. My mom gave Sammy some toiletries, a t-shirt and pajama bottoms from Mary and we settled in for the night. I got over the fact that Sammy will sleep in Mary’s bed. What a great day this was. I can’t wait to tell Mary everything tomorrow. I finally drifted off to sleep, feeling happy.

The next morning the snow stopped. The plows were working overtime to clear the roads. Sammy and I had a nice breakfast downstairs with my parents and then Sammy’s mom picked her up at 9. We hugged, said good-bye and then Sammy left. Her mom thanked my mom more than once. When they were gone, my mom took me aside and started asking me questions.

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Thinking mom has an inkling

Thinking mom has an inkling that her son is more like his sister. This should get more interesting as everything goes on with Mary being home.

Does his parents know??

I think so... I think his dad is not going to be upset. He might fight thge changes in his daughter, but I think he'll accept it.

TGSine --958

Let it snow

laika's picture

Nice that the weather cooperated to let Sammy stay over. I don't want to just keep using the word sweet over and over but it is. A perfect wish fulfillment story for me. Looking forward to learning what Mom's questioning was like.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Sweet Indeed...

...and I'm looking forward to further developments.

But unless I missed something, there didn't seem to be any payoff to the overnight stay, after the author took the trouble to create the snowstorm. All the interaction between Randy and Sammy happened before supper: did we really need a change of circumstances to get them back into Randy's room for the gift and kiss?

The storm got them an extra 15 hours together, but except for supper and breakfast with Randy's parents, they seem to have spent it all separately in the two bedrooms. Anticlimactic.


Thanks for your constructive

Thanks for your constructive criticism. I really appreciate that. I changed a little bit directions with the extra time they had because of the snow storm. This was due to Randy getting cranky at Sammy because she was supposed to sleep in Mary's bed. Even though they made up and kissed, I felt that they needed a little distance there to cool off more.

I can't wait

Randy «can’t wait to tell Mary everything tomorrow» and me I can't wait to read the next chapter tomorrow.
I am curious about this sentence «Wasn’t she the goalie for the girls’ varsity soccer team?” » Maybe we could have a surprise in the next chapters. No?

On his way

Jamie Lee's picture

Once in Randy's room, Sammy asked him a question which he didn't ask her to explain. He knew what she was asking, knew he was safe telling her his desires.

Give most guys a fashion magazine and if they don't drop it for fear of being caught reading one, they'll fall asleep instead. Randy, on the other hand, couldn't wait to peruse the magazines Sammy brought. Couldn't wait to hear what Sammy thought would look good on him.

Sammy is the only one, so far, to see the difference between the Randy in school and the Randy perusing the fashion magazine with her. Could it be he's extremely reserve at school because he fears his secret will be discovered? And how long will it take before his mom finds the pantyhose in his closet? And when Randy visits Sammy at her house, will her mom catch on what they're going to be doing with her clothes?

Sammy may have been put out when Randy became upset that she would be sleeping in his sisters' bed, but it showed Sammy a fierce loyalty Randy has for his big sister. Mary does act like she knows she has a little sister, how much longer will she wait until she has THE talk with Randy?

And now, after Sammy went home, mom wants to talk to Randy. She has to have seen the change in his demeanor being around Sammy, moms are like that. So what does she want to know?

Others have feelings too.