The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 8

The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane - Part 8
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 11 - Mr. Donohue gets a prisoner’s view of jail.

As is the practice of any jail, a prisoner is photographed and fingerprinted. The “mug” shots and fingerprints are then run through the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). Assistant district attorney, Joseph Donohue is no exception. His picture was taken and shown to several victims of crimes. The sheriff’s department was waiting for AFIS.

None of the victims identified Mr. Donohue’s picture. About ten minutes later, AFIS came up with Mr. Donohue’s fingerprints. It seems that Mr. Joseph Donohue has been a very naughty boy. His fingerprints were found at the scene of a crime involving murder, arson, and felony theft. No other fingerprints, except the family’s were found. The theft charge involved the missing of five hundred thousand dollars, taken from the family safe.

The person who died from the arson, was twenty three year old Tiffany Spelling, a model. The report was filed with the district attorney, Kenneth Walsh, who immediately filed charges against Joseph Donohue. A deputy sheriff working in the jail, gave Mr. Donohue the complaint filed against him.

“Murder! Arson! Grand theft! What the hell gives here? I haven’t committed any felonies.” The deputy that gave Mr. Donohue the complaint, just walked away. A little while later, two deputies came and gave Mr. Donohue a pair of jail coveralls.

“Take off your clothes, and put those coveralls on. You are now officially a prisoner of the Wayne County jail. Here is a hanger for you to put your clothes on, so they are ready for court. We will keep your suit in a locker out by the tier desk. Ask for them an hour before you go to court.” The deputies waited for Mr. Donohue to put his clothes on the hanger. When that was done, they took Mr. Donohue to tier three. That is the tier where they kept high profile suspects.

While Mr. Donohue was contemplating his fate, Jonah Wilson Carruthers and David Adams were in their cell block, still hatching plan after plan. It seems all of the plans coincided with one another. The first plan was to get their friends to give them an alibi. They figured that if their friends testified for them, they would be found not guilty. It is amazing how criminals always make one mistake after another. Jonah Wilson Carruthers and David Adams were certainly no exception.

Attorney Jack Polanski filed a motion for the state to show cause as to why Jonah Wilson Carruthers could not be released on his own recognizance. That night, Jonah was told he had court in the morning. Jonah looked at David Adams, and smiled. When the deputy left the tier, Jonah was elated. But, he wondered just why he is going back in to court so soon.

Jonah Carruthers and David Adams, sat in Jonah’s cell and talked about the court hearing in the morning. They came up with a myriad of possibilities. One possible reason, was Jonah’s attorney filed a motion to dismiss. Another reason was to file a motion to show cause as to why Jonah was arrested in the first place.

All possible reasons went through Jonah’s mind. All possible reasons, that is, except for the right one. David told Jonah that maybe it was a discovery motion. That was also not the right reason they came up with. Whatever the reason Jonah was going to court in the morning for, Jonah told David that he was sure it had something to do with him getting out.

The next morning, Jonah shaved, took a shower, and dressed in the clothes he was arrested in. The tier deputy came and got him, and took him down to the booking room. It was here that the court deputies would pick up the priosners that were going to court.

“Please rise, the 36th District court is now in session, the honorable Patricia M. Jackson, presiding. Silence is commanded, gentlemen, please take off your hats.” The judge came out and sat down. “Please be seated.”

“John, I will have the first case, please.”

“State versus Carruthers, here on a motion to show cause.”

“Well, Mr. Carruthers, you seem to be a fixture in this courtroom. I will hear arguments from counsel as to why this motion should or should not be granted. Mr. Polanski, this is your motion. I will hear your argument, then I will hear from the assistant district attorney.”

“Yes, your honor, thank you. I filed this motion, because Jonah Wilson Carruthers has never been convicted of any crime in the state of MIchigan, or anywhere else. Defense thereby requests that Jonah Wilson Carruthers be released on his own recognizance.”

“Thank you, Mr. Polanski. Mr. Carson, will give us the state’s argument?”

“Yes, your honor. Jonah Wilson Carruthers is charged with first degree intentional homicide. He was arrested in another jurisdiction, outside of the reach of the court. This arrest, your honor, was actually in another state. The state maintains that anyone charged with first degree murder is held in custody without bail, pending the defendant’s trial. The state asks that the court to deny the motion.”

“Thank you, Mr. Carson. Mr. Polamski, do you have anything else?”

“Just this, your honor. This charge of first degree intentional homicide is just that; an allegation that Mr. Carruthers committed a the alleged crime. The state has no witnesses, and no tangible physical evidence even linking Mr. Carruthers to the alleged crime.”

“Is this true, Mr. Carson?”

“Sadly, yes, your honor.”

“Mr. Carson, do you have anything further?”

“Just that there are witnesses linking Mr. Carruthers to the scene of the crime. These witnesses even picked Mr. Carruthers out of a photo lineup.”

“Has there been a physical line up?”

“Not yet, your honor. We are rounding up the witnesses now.”

“Your honor,” Jack Polanski stood up. “I object to this argument. Mr. Carruthers has been in the Wayne County jail since Sunday. The state has had more than ample opportunity for a physical lineup.”

“Is this true, Mr. Carson?” Judge Jackson asked the assistant district attorney.

“Yes, your honor. But, some of the witnesses were not at home on Sunday. We were trying to get in touch with them now.”

“Your honor, the state has not shown one iota of credible evidence to keep Mr. Carruthers in the county jail. I now ask the court to grant defendant’s motion to be released on his own recognizance.”

“Mr. Carson, I am afraid that I will have to agree with defense counsel. Without any evidence linking the defendant to the alleged crime, this court hereby grants the defendant’s motion to be released on his own recognizance. Mr. Carruthers, I am trusting you to show up for your trial.”

“Yes, your honor, I will be here for my trial.”

“Very well, defendant is released on his own recognizance. This court is in recess until two o’clock this afternoon.”

One of the court deputies took Jonah back to the county jail to collect his things. As he entered the cell block, David Adams wanted to know what happened.

“Judge Jackson released me on my own recognizance,” Then Jonah whispered to David. “Plan A is now in motion.” He took his things, and was escorted out of the jail. The deputy said good luck, see you back in here in a week.

Jonah called for a cab, and told the driver to take him to his fiancé’s house. The driver took him to Janice Fieldings place, and when he knocked on the door, she answered. When she saw Jonah standing there, she said in an icy tone.

“Yes, Mr. Carruthers; what is it you want?”

“I need a place to stay until my trial comes up. The judge let me go on my own recognizance, making me promise to show up for my trial.”

“Are you, Jonah? Are you going to show up for your trial?”

“Yes, I haven’t done anything wrong. Maybe tried to get out of a speeding ticket or two, but nothing like they are charging me with, now.”

“Well, I will let you stay here, then. But, you have to promise that you will show up for your trial. You have to promise not to commit any crimes, not even getting a speeding or parking ticket. You must promise not to do anything that will bring the police around here. I’m serious, Jonah. If you want to marry me, you have to walk the straight and narrow.”

“I promise, Jan. I know what their game is. I have been arrested and charged with everything from rape to murder. The murder case is what I am being charged with now. The assistant district attorney even told the judge that they don’t have any physical evidence linking me to the crime. He even told the judge that they had no witnesses, but they were ‘rounding them up now’. I smell a frame. But it is a loose one, and my attorney is very good. Jan, I swear on my mother’s good nature, and my grandmother’s soul, that I have done no wrong.

“The assistant district attorney that filed these charges against me, is himself in jail. He was placed in jail by judge Jackson for contempt of court. Now he is officially charged with three felonies. Arson, murder and grand theft. This will go in my favor, too, because that assistant district attorney, Joseph Donohue, prosecuted all the other cases I was found not guilty on. This will be brought up in my trial, too.”

“Well, alright, but make sure that you do nothing that someone can call the cops for. Like, loud parties, loud music, and definitely no arguing. Can you promise me you won’t do any of those things?”

“Yes, Jan, I will promise not to do any of those things.”

“Then follow me, and I will show you your room. I would appreciate it very much, if you don’t put a lock on your door for fire safety reasons.”

“That sounds good to me. Even if this were my house, I still wouldn’t place a lock on the bedroom doors.”

Jonah and Janice embraced each other, as they kissed until they came up for air. Then an evil thought crossed his mind. Jonah remembered all the plans he and David Adams had laid out in the jail. His thought was that he wanted so much to marry Janice, that David Adams could go to hell.

“Anyway, Jonah, I have got to get to work. I will phone you during my break. I will be home by eleven o’clock. Make yourself at home. There is a package of summer sausage and a roll of hard salami in the refrigerator. Or, maybe you would like a piece of chicken. There are a few pieces left over from my KFC order from yesterday.” She kissed him, and told him that she loved him. He said he loved her, and she left for work.

Being left to his own devices, Jonah called Jack Polanski and gave his receptionist his current address and phone number. He said that Mr. Polanski could reach him at this number. Then Jonah’s thoughts turned to his son, David.

He thought that if David had kept to himself, he wouldn’t be in the trouble he is in. He thought about what that cop, Steve Hastings, said about his son being tried as an adult. He thought that being tried as an adult would serve the little shit just right.

He stopped an thought to himself; why all of a sudden was he thinking this way? Could it be that seeing Janice made him wake up a little more? He thought about the scrapes he had been in in the past. He remembered each not guilty verdict. Between him and David Adams, he was the only one freed. He would keep his promise though. He would see Dave’s attorney, and ask him if he would file a motion on Dave’s behalf, releasing David from custody on his own recognizance. He would call Mr. Arnold Spencer in the morning.

David’s circumstances, though, were a lot different than Jonah’s. David was actually picked out of a photo lineup, and was scheduled for a phsyical lineup tomorrow morning. Jonah thought that if David were identified by the vicitms and witnesses, David would not be released on his own recognizance.

So, erasing these thoughts from his mind, David settled down to see if there were any good movies on the cable. Janice had full cable service. Surfing the channels, he found a movie that sounded good, but ten minutes in to the movie, he turned it off. He saw Janice’s computer, and decided to see who was on Facebook.

He “fired” up the computer, and waited for the screen to prompt for the password. He entered Janice’s password, hoping she had the same one. She did. He then brought up Facebook, and began to look at all the different postings. He saw some that were funny, some that were prayers, and even some that were personal accounts of the person making the post.

Jonah identified himself and began posting. His first post went like this:

“THOUGHT OF THE DAY: If you don’t want your child to get in to legal trouble, show him/her the right path to follow.” Then he posted the thought. Then he went down through the posts clicking on the “like” button on several that he agreed with and leaving a comment on a few he had sonething to say about.

After being on Facebook for the last hour, he turned off the computer. He no sooner done that, than the doorbell rang. Jonah went to answer it. Two police officers were standing there.

“Yes, may I help you, officers?”

“Yes, is Janice Fielding at home?”

“No, she is working. She works down at George’s diner three blocks from here."

"I see. Are you Jonah Wilson Carruthers?”

“Yes, officer, I am.”

“Alright, we were just checking to make sure you were here. There has been another murder, and the man who saw the murder, said it was you that he saw. When we asked him how he knew it was you, he said he has known you for quite some time.”

“Would this witnesses name be David Adams by any chance, officer?”

“Why, yes.”

“Then you have your murderer. Before I was released on my own recognizance. David Adams intimated to me, that as soon as he got out, he was going to rob somebody he saw with a lot of money. Apparently, he kept his word.”

“We will look in to this. By the way where were you at nine o’clock this morning?

“I was in the 36th District court, before judge Patricia M. Jackson, on a motion to release me on my own recognizance.”

“Alright, Mr. Carruthers, that is easy enough to check. If what you say is true, we will look at David Adams a little closer.”

“One other thing, officer. David’s attorney’s name is Arnold W. Spencer. Apparently, he got David out on some kind of writ.”

“Thank you, Mr. Carruthers. We have had Mr. Spencer under investigation for the past eight months.”

“Thank you, officer. If I hear from David Adams I will certainly let you know.”

“That sounds good, Mr. Carruthers. Have a nice day.”

“You, too, officers.”

The officers left, and Jonah was left with his own thoughts.

Chapter 12 - The Shephard Family on the Road Again.

John Shepard and his family were talking about the brook to have their picnic at. Officer Steve Hastings had said that this brook didn’t have a name yet, but will be decided at the next town meeting. John Shepard wanted to be at that meeting. So, they loaded a picnic basket, took a table cloth with them to set the food on, and for them to sit on. John remembered being told that the brook was inside the city limits of Pine Forest.

John told his wife, Eileen, about this, and she wanted to know if the whole family could go, too.

“That is something I will have to ask Steve, when I see him. Right now, though, let’s have a nice picnic by a nice brook.”

When they got to the brook, John Shepard noticed it was actually a river, as it was over a half of a mile wide. John thought that a good name for this “brook” would be “The River Brook.” He would bring that suggestion up at the next town meeting.

Eileen Shepard and Kathy, laid out the table cloth. They began setting out the food, the Kool-Aid decanter, a decanter of tea, and then they watched as the river flowed. They could see the fish swimming because the water was very clear, as though the river was being fed by an artesian well. There were different kinds of fish. The most recognizable were the trout and the fresh water perch.

As they nibbled on their picnic lunch, John Shepard was talking about going fishing on Saturday, and asked Jimmy if he wanted to go with. Jimmy Shepard jumped at the invitation.

“Oh boy, dad, I would love to go. Do you think we could come here?”

“I don’t see why not, son. But first, I have to get a fishing license. They don’t cost a whole lot, but you need one to legally fish. I believe you don’t need one, at least not until you are twelve. I will ask when I go and get one.”

“But, dad, won’t it be bad for fishing, if there is snow and ice on the ground and water?” Jimmy asked his dad.

“No, Jimmy, because then I can teach you how to ice fish. That is really challenging. While you are in school tomorrow, I will go to the hardware store and get one. Then I will ask about you.”

“Okay, dad.”

They finished their picnic lunch, and Eileen Shepard put the left overs in the basket. Kathy Shepard folded the table cloth and would put it in the hamper when they got home.

The Shepard family was in no hurry to leave the peace and quiet of the “brook”. The sound of the water flowing and the small little waves it created, hitting the shore, was very relaxing. Jimmy saw a hermit crab, and went to chase it. Kathy just sat there and shook her head. John and Eileen thought that this town was just the place for the children to have fun.

Kathy saw a Monarch butterfly, and went to watch it. The butterfly didn’t seem threatened by Kathy’s presence, because it didn’t fly away. John and Eileen sat there watching their children having fun. John knew that if Jimmy was having this much fun chasing a hermit crab, he would have even more fun going fishing.

Like the saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun”. Today was no exception. The children had school in the morning; their first day in a new school. John and Eileen got everything together, called for Jimmy and Kathy that it was time to get going home. They both groaned, but they listened and got in the car.
Next chapter: David Adams in court.

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