The Amazons : I became a Amazon Cheerleader ( part 6)

I saw my friend Lyle arguing with a cheerleader the Year is 2228.the Earth now ruled by Amazon Women I am 14yr old boy living in the western suburbs of Sydney Australia that argument was going to change my life for ever.

6 Our New Family and Friends

Mum walked in and looked her she said “Mummy” mum came over and kissed her and cuddled her and mum said “ my beautiful daughter Eloise”. She said “ mummy I cant wait to go home with you Sabrina and Leah.

I saw Callie. Her mum and little sister Elyssa she was in her version of Amazon Military uniform I said “mum just going out see Callie, her mum and baby sister” she said “ ok Sabrina” . Leah and I went out to see Elyssa

Callie said “ I'll come by later to get my cheerleader uniform”. Elyssa said “ your cheerleader sis” Callie said “ yes this my captain Sabrina”. Elyssa said “ hello cheer Captain Sabrina have you got a sister?” I said “ yes she is at her PTA now”
Elyssa said “ cool we might become friends at school and we might introduce cheerleaders there at State school” I was told by captain Carla she was friends with Emanuel when they were boys at state school But Eloise is not Doug's little brother any more.

She is my baby sister now mum told us that Eloise will have her own room Leah asked “ is Eloise having the room Callie as in” Mum said “No we are moving houses Cause of Sabrina new status at school and my new Job”.

Leah said “ we are moving to mum's new house ” she said “ not far from your school and only few minutes walk from Callie and Iona house” Leah said “ Eloise and Elyssa will close to each other”. Mum said “ yes that what government want” she said “ ok mum”.

I returned from Seeing Iona , Callie and Elyssa Mom said “ when we get home tonight we will be in our new house our slaves would have help with the move”. I said “ you slave has return from re-education”. Mum said “ yes Sabrina”.

Leah said “ not far from Callie and Elyssa House so the girls can have fun playing together”. I said “ that would be good for us not far from school”. Leah said “ and not far from mum work and Eloise school as well”

Eloise was finished from her PTA she took long as she had the Nanotechnology help change her brain patterns to make her think like she was my sister now and never a boy and Doug's Little brother.

Mum suggested we go home and us girls can change and get ready to go the mall Eloise said “ Sabrina mummy was saying I could go and get my nails done and my hair fixed up”. I said “ sure Leah and I will come after we get change we might see Callie and Elyssa there.

Eloise said “ Callie is your senior cheerleader right” I said “ yes and she has a sister who went through what you went trough today” Eloise said “ you mean h was changed from a icky gross boy to a beautiful Amazon girl like me”.

I said “ that is right little sis like you , Leah and I we all were one icky pathetic boys but now we are beautiful Amazon girls” we left the transformation area in Sydney and headed home I said “ mum when we get home my ex father will be there your slave”.

Mum said “ yes Sabrina your ex father will be there as well as your slave Mathew”. I was not looking forward to seeing my Ex father we have not got on since mum became a Amazon woman men are such agro pieces of shits.

We were early home we drove past our old house to this new Mansion it was big mum said “ this house has a pool in it girls you all know how to swim”. I said “ good we can swim here later”. Leah said “ we need more cheerleader too babe”

I said “ I have Linda application and we will need to turn another 2 boys into girls” Leah said “ Callie suggested that Vince”. I said “ yeah maybe and I was thinking the nerd Mark and Kane best friend Cody”

Leah said “ I like the Idea of Cody and Vince becoming girls and a cheerleader” I said “Maybe we will convert Mark as well he can just be a girl” Eloise said “ Mark has baby brother at my school I was his friend his name was Adam”.

Leah said “ what you think of Adam now little sis?”. Eloise said “ he not my friend he is a boy I hate boys they a disgusting things I would be friends with a girl like Elyssa”.

Mum said “ baby girl how old was that boy named Adam?”. Eloise said “ he is same age as me mummy”. Mum said “ he should be reported to Amazon Police so he can become a girl like you” Eloise said “ do it mummy one less boy at my school”.

Eloise knew if she could get mark family in trouble she would have another girl at her school besides Elyssa and her . We arrived home at our new home I saw our slave Mathew he said “ welcome to your new home Mistress Sabrina and Mistress Leah.

I said “ slave this is my sister Eloise you will treat her with same respect as you do me” he said “ yes my mistress”. I saw my ex father Barry he said “ hello Mistress Sabrina how are you and Mistress Leah.

I said “ I am ok slave you now can meet your new Mistress Eloise” he said “ hello Mistress Eloise” she said “ hello slave is my new room finished” he said “ yes mistress Eloise” she said “ good slave”.

Eloise headed to her room she was very happy with her new room she saw Leah and I walk into our room followed by our slave Mathew he said “ I hope it the way my mistress like her room”.

I said “ the room has been done well the way we should like it slave” he said “ yes my mistress and you mistress Leah”

Leah said “the room is very good slave you have done very well” he said “ thank you my mistress”. He was happy we were happy with our room we got changed and headed down stairs”.

My phone rang it was Callie she said “ that she was taking her new sister shopping including a beautician saloon call in and wonder if Leah and I wanted come with Eloise as well so they could meet now as girls”.

I said “ sure we will met you there and how did you slave take your new sister?”. Callie said “ he was a bit shocked and that but he is a male and our property to Amazon empire”.

I said “ Callie I need to do things for school today so I can get new cheerleaders for the rest of this school tern and for when we are in our Year 9 f schooling” she said “ you want me to come over?”. I said “ if you want you bring over Elyssa and she can hang around with Eloise”.

Callie said “ ok Sabrina I will be there this afternoon I will tell mum I'm going over to you new house she is of to work anyway” I said “ good I will see you soon with your sister”.

I told mum we will be going shopping tomorrow because I need to arrange the paperwork for the new Cheerleaders I will be looking at Linda application and I will be looking at Cody Mark and Vince records on becoming cheerleaders.

I decide that I will have 4 new cheerleaders I girl and 3 boys who will become girls like Callie. Leah and Myself. I saw Callie mom arrive with Elyssa an Callie I said “ Eli your friend is here” Eloise said “ yay “ and she ran down stairs to see her.

Callie said “ you think we will get some new cheerleaders”. I said “ Leah is looking at Linda Application she has met all the standards of the Amazonia Earth Police and Military for one she is a girl”.

Leah said “ she was transformed like us into girl from being a pathetic nerdy boy”. Callie said “ I think she would make a great cheerleader “ I said “ I have her cheerleader uniform here in our new office mum works here occasionally”.

Callie said “ why don't you send for her now get you slave to her mum ask her to come over to here and we can swear her in as a cheerleader” Leah yelled out “ slave get your fucking male butt up her now”.

Mathew came running up and he said “ yes mistress Leah”. he bowed at her. Leah said “ I want you to contact mistress Linda and ask her come and see cheerleader captain Sabrina at her new house”. He said “ yes my mistress”.

He left our office and headed down to make call to get Linda over here I want her to change her name to Lindsay and ask her about Cody and Mark on them becoming cheerleaders Vince will become one I have made that decision.

I told Leah and Callie my decision Callie said “ you not using that as revenge for the way he treated you when you who you were?”. I said “ no I want him as a cheerleader and a girl and he became isolated with me when I became your friend.”.

Callie said “ our friendship gas become better now since we are both girls and cheerleaders and our sisters are good friends too”. I said “ I know I am happy we are BFF now and our sisters are BFF”.

Casey arrive she said “ I like your new home Captain” I said “ thank you while we are waiting on Linda to come we need to discuss Doug security at school he is on Amazon probation”.

Casey said “ I don't know what you mean captain”. Callie said “ it means if he fucks up he will be back in Goal (jail) and heading to a slave camp” I said “ I would have prefer he went to a slave camp cause one he find out his brother is a girl and my sister”.

Casey said “ he will play up and he will end up at Camp and why are you scared of him Captain your stronger than him your a Amazon girl”. Casey was right I am stronger than the boys at school all amazon girls are.

Casey said “ I have put in application to Amazonia Earth representative Supreme Commander Katelynn that I want my name changed to Cassidy instead of Casey.

I said “ I have your Application here and you have been approved to called Cassidy as from Monday morning or even now since your here with us”.

Cassidy squealed the fact now she will be called Cassidy now Leah said “ is it because of Kylie?”. Cassidy said “ no it was my choice before we broke up maybe I'll get new girlfriend soon”

Callie said “ your like me no girlfriend”. Cassidy said “your fucking beautiful and you have no girlfriend” Callie said “ you fucking hot your self”. Leah said “ if you two want get acquainted then go into our room then”

They both giggled and head towards Leah and Mine bedroom I was happy if they got together I said “ Leah we will convert Corey and Vince so far to cheerleaders and a girl” she said “ you still undecided on Mark”. I said “ yes babe”.

Leah said “ wait until Linda gets here and you can ask her about Mark”. Leah was right I will wait until Linda gets here I was with Leah getting Cody and Vince application put through to transformation area it jut take some time.

I saw Callie and Cassidy return they were holding hands I said “ I believe you both are no longer single?”. Callie said “ true Sabrina I am now dating Cassidy”. Cassidy said “ I am such a lucky girl to have Callie as my girlfriend”.

I said “ Cassidy d you want be a senior cheerleader like your girlfriend”. Cassidy said “ ok I will”. Callie squealed that her girlfriend was now senior cheerleader like her .

I hear a knock at the door it was Eloise I said “ what the problem Baby sis” Eloise said “ mummy said are all your friends her for the afternoon and if so she will get the main slave make some refreshments”

I said “ tell mum that I will be having another girl turn up and then we will be going down to the pool area with you and Elyssa once this new girl is sworn in as a cheerleader and we have decision on a male to be a cheerleader”.

Eloise said “ yay good more boys to become like us pretty amazon girls and cheerleaders” she left to go and tell mum I saw Mathew walk up with Linda I said “ you go and help the main slave now” he said “ yes my mistress”.

Linda walked into our office she said “ you house is better than your other one captain Sabrina” I said “ than you I think your wonder why your here”. Linda said “ yes I am bit concern with all the cheerleaders in your office”.

Cassidy said “ you put in a application to become a cheerleader correct since your not a Pathetic male any more that loser Lyle” Linda said “ yes I was transformed the same time as Callie”

Cassidy said “ at least you one common thing with my girlfriend” Linda said ' we both corrected to right gender are now not Pathetic males”. Cassidy said “ true I saw you put your Application in same day as Hailee and Kylie left.

Linda said “ yes I saw you were upset I am sorry to see you that way”. Cassidy said “ it is the past I am no longer Casey I am Cassidy now”. Linda said “ I like that name it suits you”. She said “ thank you”

Cassidy said “ the reason you are here is”. Callie said “ you are the new member of Jamison high cheerleaders”. She squealed and said “ thank you thank you”. Then Cassidy said “ but if accept it your new name is Lindsay”.
Linda said “ ok I accept being a cheerleader” I said “ ok Lindsay you want and go see if your cheerleader uniform fits my room is over there” Lindsay said “ok” Lindsay took her uniform and headed to mine and Leah room.

Lindsay came back in her uniform and said “ it fits me properly Captain”. I said “ good sign here please “ she signed the documents make her a cheerleader then Leah said “ welcome the cheerleaders Lindsay”. She said “ thank you vice Captain”.

Lindsay went back to our room and change back into her normal clothes she said “ are you recruiting anyone else captain” I said “ yes Kane best friend Cody and the nerd Vince we were thing of Mark”.

Lindsay said “ I wouldn't go with Mark he is better to become a slave”. I said “ than you Lindsay I am glad your a cheerleader now”. Lindsay said “ what about George the nerds main computer geek”

Callie said “ she is right Sabrina he would make a good cheerleader he is a gymnast and geek too” I said “ ok we will use him as our new recruit”. All of us girls left the office and headed down to the pool area my sister and her friend were in the pool.

Lindsay says “who are the little girls?”. I said “that is my baby sister and her friend Callie sister” Cassidy said “ I never remember you and Callie having sisters” Callie said “ Babe mine was my Baby brother”

I said “ my sister was Doug old little brother she has no memory of being his brother” Cassidy said “ I under stand now from the raid yesterday captain” I said “ yes from that raid”.

Lindsay says “ if he try anything against you any way captain we will make sure goes to slave camp early” Callie said “ all boys should be banned from school any way they are going to become slaves or girls”.

I said “ that is up to our empress to pass that law she guides us with wisdom from our goddess Hera”. Leah said “ we will have all the paper work ready for new cheerleaders”. I said “ yes it already been sent to me”

Callie said “ Cassidy and I looking forward to taking away Kane's Friend Cody he has been such an arse with Kane but now he is just male student at school no longer a Jock”

Lindsay said “ I am looking forward to getting George or Vince they were both pains in the arse and making them girls will change Vince view” I said “ I think she will better once she loose her Masculinity”.

We spent the afternoon in our Bikinis in the pool with mine and Callie sister as the night approached Cassidy and Lindsay went home Iona Callie mom was working back on a project with government and so Eloise and Elyssa stayed in her room and I had Callie

the next morning we got up as we were heading for the shopping Centre the girls needed new clothes and needed their nails done I saw Cassidy in there she met up with Callie we also saw Lindsay. Sunday was very quiet day.

Monday approached I was in the shower and Mom had told me I had to drop my little sister off to school Eloise had told the Amazon police about Mark little brother she was now a girl like Eloise and Elyssa

Leah was already dressed we both weren't that tired as we fuck all night fuck I love being a girl so much I never think of me as a boy now I consider myself a girl and I was born girl on Amazonia Prime and mom was sent here.

I got dressed in my cheerleader uniform. Leah said Babe we wont be at school much today as we get our new cheerleaders ready”. I said “ yeah I know but it will be good when we are back at full strength of cheerleaders”.

Leah and I left for school as we have moved house now it was a shorter walk to school Mum was taking Eloise to her school I saw Callie at Eloise school she was in her Cheer uniform and coming out of her mum's car was Cassidy.

The four of us entered the school and we were walking up to cheerleader area I saw Lindsay there she was reading a the latest Amazon technology she said “ it look like we are going have cure up to 13yrs for boys now”.

I said “ that will be good no more boys at Primary school for Eloise and Elyssa”. Mark walked in and said “ you fucking bitches you my brother turned into a girl”. Lindsay “ that is no way to talk to girl Male” he said “ fuck off bitch”.

Lindsay hit him hard and he fell and said “ you just got yourself detention male”. He tried to get up she put her boot on his chest and said “ you are suspended from school you will go to local Police station for Slave duties”

He was laying down on his back and he said “ yes mistress” as mark got up we saw the Amazon police bring in Doug he looked at me and said “ mistress I will be good at school I am sorry for my past actions.

I said “ ok Doug you are normal student here like Kane”. He said “ yes mistress” Doug left and headed over to where the boys hang around. I said “ officer can you take this male Mark for slave duties”. She said “ yes cheer captain Sabrina”
Mark left with the police office I said “ that was very good work Lindsay” I was very impressed by her Lindsay said thank you Sabrina I never knew how strong we were” Cassidy said “ it is the Nanotechnology”.

We headed out to get our first 2 boys George and Cody. We headed towards the area we saw Cody he was with Kane and Doug as we walked over to them Kane looked scared and Doug look like he had fear in his face.

Callie said “ Cody “ he said “yes mistress” Callie said “ you will follow us now” he said “ yes mistress what have I done wrong” I said “ we don't have explain your the property of the Amazons”.

Cody said “ yes mistress” he followed us away from his friends Kane was about to say something but he didn't want his 3rd strike and Doug knew not argue with the Amazon Cheerleaders.

Cassidy and Lindsay had George we headed out of the school area to the transformation area Cody and George walked slowly behind us they knew each but didn't talk.

We arrived there and the woman said “ their paper work has been done Sabrina just take them down to the draining area”. Leah and Cassidy went back to school to find Vince.

Callie, Lindsay and I took the boys down to the area they were told to strip the school uniform off which did. Cody said “ what is Happening to us?”. George said “ it quiet obvious we are going to be girls like them and Cheerleaders”.

Cody says “ I don't want to be a girl I want stay as a boy”. They hooked up the machine to penis and it began draining their sperm they didn't take long because they were only 14yrs old.

Once they were finished they were taken to a room and told a nurse will be there soon to give them as I saw them go into the transformation room I saw Vince being brought in by Cassidy and Leah he knew what was happening to him.

He was told like the other boys and he strip he was connected to the machine it started draining him he screamed as the pain from his penis one he was done he was marched into transformation room naked.

The nurse came in to Cody room and the nurse gave him the needle he looked at me and said “what happens now?”. I said “ it depends how long for Nanotechnology to take affect”. then he scream as he began to change I heard the other boys scream too.
I said “ welcome to womanhood Cody”. I walked out of the room he began screaming again Callie said “George has started his journey to woman hood and so has Vince . I said “let see whose body want be a girl first” Callie giggled.

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