The Amazons : I became a Amazon Cheerleader ( part 5 )

I saw my friend Lyle arguing with a cheerleader the Year is 2228.the Earth now ruled by Amazon Women I am 14yr old boy living in the western suburbs of Sydney Australia that argument was going to change my life for ever.

5 Baby Sister and Callie New Sister.

Leah said “ hey Callie would you rather be a jock or a cheerleader”. Callie said “ I would rather be a Cheerleader and a girl and Sabrina I under stand what you meant last night now this planet is not our home world we are Amazon girls.

I said “ I know Callie we were born here but remember we were that awful gender”. Callie said “ we were born the wrong gender but now we have been corrected we are girls”. As the girls and I walked back to my place I saw Linda she said “ hello Captain and Miss Callie and Miss Leah”

I said “ hello Linda how are you?”. she said “ I am fine now I saw an old friend of mine”. I said “ who was it”. She said “ you remember Vince he was back hanging around with Mark again”. Callie said “ he left after you became friends with us”.

I said “ yea I remember him now he didn't like the fact I had become friend with you and Nathan”. Callie said “that would be the male arrogance in him as part of his masculinity which us 4 have been freed of”.

Linda said “ he is a male the quicker our scientists find away to increase the cure them then we get rid of the foul gender known as men and boys”.

Callie said “ I am just glad now I am a girl no longer one of them awful males”. Linda said “ same I am glad I am girl too”

she looked at me and said “ captain can apply to become a cheerleader”. I said “ sure if you want to Linda come and see me on Monday” she said “ yes Captain”.

The girls and I left Linda and headed home to my house when Leah said “ I think Linda might make a good cheerleader now she is a girl”. Callie said “ who makes the decision Sabrina?”.

Leah said “ the captain and the vice captain and a senior cheerleader which has to be chosen by our captain here”.

I found out the reason I have to do this cause Hailee and Kylie have left for National Service on Amazonia Prime and Casey does not want be senior cheerleader as she is still in year 8 of high school her and Kylie have broken up .

I need 2 more cheerleaders beside having Casey . Callie and Leah one will be a boy and the other a girl like Linda. I was think of making Callie senior cheerleader and maybe I'll get 3 new cheerleaders so Casey can be happy with a new girlfriend.

We arrived home our slave was out the front helping my mum with something she saw us and said “ hello girls”. Callie said “hello miss Traci” and Leah said “ hello mum” and I said the same. Mathew walked up and said “ hello Mistress Sabrina and Mistress Leah”.

I said “ slave this mistress Callie” he said “hello mistress Callie”. Callie said “ hello slave”. He walks up near Callie and says “ you look familiar Mistress”. Callie said “ how do I look familiar slave?”. He said “ you look like my Brother Jason Mistress”.

Callie says “ I might have been that pathetic male slave but I am not now I am a Amazon girl”. He said “ I though you like being a boy and a jock mistress”.

She laughed and said “ why would I want to be a boy and jock like you and end being a slave like you when I can be strong beautiful smart and be the domineering gender male have lost their right when you were so warring planet”.

He said “ this not your home world mistress?” she said “ yes I am Amazonia Earth Girl slave”.

He said “ men can change mistress” she giggled and said “ yeah you can change slave when either your a female or dead fuck I hate males”. He said “ you have been brainwashed Mistress”. She said “ no your the wrong gender and get back to work slave”.

Mathew said “ yes mistress” he walked away and headed to do his work I looked at her and said “ are you ok Cal?”. She said “ yea Sabrina” I said “ sorry you had to see your brother there as our Slave”.

Callie said “ why are you sorry Sabrina he was my brother sure he was my idol when I was young but he is a male I hate them my mum was right women are better then men any day” mum said “ are you the youngest Callie?”.

Callie said “ no ma'am I have a amazon mum and sister then there was him your slave then there was me and my baby brother Hank”. Mum said “ maybe you should get your baby brother cured” she said “ I'll ask mum when I get home”.

Mum said “ Sabrina did you do that thing with Amazon Police today” I said” yes mum we are expecting a call soon he had to go to Amazon Processing centre for males”. Mum said “ ok so we will get a call”. I said “ yes mum”.

The girls and I headed up to Leah and my Bedroom Callie said “ it going be weird when I get home and my ex father call me mistress and I call my mother mum now”. Leah said “ your a girl and our senior Cheerleader” she squealed and said “ thank you thank you”.

Our slave came up to our room and said “ mistresses dinner is ready and mistress Callie. I have called your mother she knows you are with Mistress Sabrina and Leah she said if you want she will send some clothes over if you are going to be staying tonight with mistress Sabrina and Leah”.

Callie said “ I don't know has mistress Traci said this ok for me to stay the night” he said “ mistress Traci has said is ok you just have call your mum” she said “ ok I will call her”.

Callie called her mum at she told her if it was alright for have sleep over with her new BFF her mum said it was alright for she would come around with clothes later and she wanted to see her new daughter.

We came downs stairs we had our boots off and Mum said “ oh god I will have 3 teen girls giggling and laughing to all hours tonight” I said “maybe mum but we won't be talking boys they are so awful I shiver to think I was one of them”.

Both Callie and Leah shivered also and said “ we will good girls tonight” and Callie said “ it better have girls here than stupid boys who want to rumble and cause fights all the time boys are so predictable”.

Mum said “ I am glad you 3 are girls now” there was a knock at the door it was Callie mum a with her clothes she saw her son Mathew and said “ this is your new home now Mathew” he said “ yes mother I am Mistress Sabrina and Mistress Leah slave.

Callie walked up and said “ hi mum”. She said “ hello baby girl how are you?' she said “ I am fine now I am a girl”.she said “ I am happy you are now our slave wont like it he had hopes you would stay a jock and a boy” she said “ I hated being a jock but I am more happy as a cheerleader and a girl”.

Her Mum said” I am glad that you love being a girl and a cheerleader” Callie said “mum I would never want to be a pathetic boy again I love my femininity I am glad I lost my masculinity”.

She said “ I am happy for you now My daughter”. Her mum hander over her clothing for tomorrow and said “ I'll see you tomorrow at home Callie” Callie said “ mum can we get Hank cured over the weekend I would love a baby sister”.

Her mother said “ sure I was thinking about getting Hank done but now your a girl sure we will get him done on the weekend”. Callie said “ cool we will only have your slave then”.

Mathew heard and came over and said “ no he should stay a boy.”

Callie stopped him by grabbing his grey dress and holding him in the air by the throat and saying “ you have no say in it male your the property of Amazonia empire and my captain's slave do you understand me?”. He said “ yes mistress Callie”.

Callie dropped him and said “ males are so weak” Mathew was still looking at his mother and former brother. Callie hit him hard he fell down she said “ maybe you need punishment I'll ask my captain and see what she can give you”.

He regain his footing and said “ no mistress it not my place to interfere with Amazon policy I will now leave and see what my mistress wants”. He left her and her mum.

Her mum said “ I will see you tomorrow my beautiful Amazon daughter” she kissed her mother and cuddled and said “ I'll see you too mum” she grab her clothing and her mum left she said “ slave take my clothing up to your mistresses room”.

Mathew said “ yes mistress Callie”. He took her clothing up to mine and Leah room' Callie came over and said “ sorry about that outburst by your slave Captain”.

I said “ it natural when males here that their brother is becoming a girl especially when thy 6yrs old cause the cure is working so well soon there will no boys under 6yrs old it will take a generation or so but man will be gone forever”

she said “ I understand now why our empress is doing it the quicker men are gone the better we will be in female utopia”. I said “ true Callie”. Leah said "Men are disgusting creatures I know we might have been boys but I am so glad I am a girl”.

Mom said “ you know girls before we took over the world women were second class citizens in some countries we were forced to wear the Habib that made women only be seen by her eyes”.

Mum Continues “some countries use have pageants to show off women beauty and like in bikini formal gown and Talent cheerleaders like you were there be part in main rugby league to entice men to look them in there tight shorts and show their cleavage to men”.

Mum continues “they could see their boobs and there was restaurants use to show women of in tight singlet and tight orange shorts but after we invaded that has all changed”

I said “ mum now it offence for a male to look at women and girls boobs” she said “ I know that Sabrina men are elusive sex pigs” I said “true” Callie said “ I heard up on the gold Coast in Queensland they use meter maids in tight Bikini help over time Parked Cars”.

Mum said “ true Callie another stupid Male idea” Callie said “ men are stupid full stop” I said “ not all of them there are some who are smart but we convert them to women”.

The house phone rings our slave answer it and says “ hello I will get my mistress for you” he come over and says “ mistress Sabrina you wanted on the Phone Captain Carla”.

I headed to the phone I said “ hello this is Sabrina”. The Phone said “ Hi Sabrina this is Captain Carla from Amazon Police and Military” I said “ yes” the phone said “ we would like you come to transformation area before we Emanuel the cure and she becomes your mum daughter and your new sister”

I said “when would you like us there?”. Phone said “ around 11am” I said sure we will be down there my mother and my girlfriend and myself” phone said ok we will see you there”. I said “ thank you” I hang up the phone and went and saw mum.

Mum said “ what did they say Sabrina” I said “we have to be at the transformation area at 11am to meet him before he becomes a girl” Callie said “ I might get mum to get my little brother there as well so he can become a girl” too.

I said “ cool then our new sisters can go to primary school together” she said “ I call mum and have her arrange with transformation bureau for tomorrow” Callie called her mom n her mobile (cell) phone she ask her mom if they could her little brother tomorrow her mum agreed she was happy.

Callie said she will be coming with us in the morning that her mum will meet us at the transformation building . Mum said “ girls you will have to wear your amazon military uniform like mine” I said “ ok mum”.

I called Mathew over he said “ yes my mistress” I said “ slave I want you get mine , mistress Leah and Mistress Callie Military uniform ready and boots”. He said “ yes my mistress” he left and headed to his job.

Mum phone rang she was on it for around 20 mins then she said “ Leah and Sabrina my slave will be ready tomorrow but I have decided that you and Leah need a slave this you are lovers now so I am giving you Mathew as your slave”.

We both came over and hugged her and said “ thank you mum” Leah consider my mum her mother she is my lover and girlfriend even though Callie is quite cute if I was single I would have Callie as my girlfriend any day I hope she finds the right girl to fall in love with cause boys are so fucking awful.

The next day arrived we were in still in bed Leah and I Callie walks in her nightie she said “ good morning” we said it back then I said “ how was your sleep” she said “ it was nice but I am still getting us to my boobs” I said “ don’t worry it still taking me time too”.

Then Mathew knocked on our door I said “ yes” he came in and said “ mistress your breakfast will be ready soon your uniforms are hanging in your wardrobe (closet) and mistress Callie in her wardrobe”. I said “ thank you Slave we will down after our shower and we are dressed”.

Callie said “ I cant believe how much he has changed from being such an arse hole to mum and being dad favourite son to a submissive slave”. Leah said” all men are arse holes” Callie said “ true our technology must be so advance now”.

Leah said “ we have converted the smartest men to women and our founding scientist is was a man he stumbled upon our village in Amazon Jungle he like our style and when nanotechnology was invented by him he became a woman”.

Callie said “ he was a smart man becoming a woman” Leah said “ yeah he was “ while they have a conversation I was in the shower washing my body I am still getting use too it now but I am glad I am a girl not a awful boy.

We al had our showers and were in Amazon military uniform I know we are teen girls and mum now working in Amazon Intelligence here at the Sydney base for the southern hemisphere of Amazonia Earth.

All amazon female must wear their Amazon uniforms to Amazon facilities here on Amazonia Earth sure if we are like hang at home or the local shopping are we can be in normal clothes boys must always be in special design clothes like skirt , blouse , knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes.

Some boys can wear Girls fashion and stuff in Australia a school uniform has been compulsory to wear for Boys and Girls we have redesigned the boys uniform to Grey skirt and white blouse and knee high socks white and Mary Jane shoes with bit of a heel.

Amazon cheerleader wear same type of uniform as a Amazon police woman I was told the if you become a cheerleader captain you might go well in National service I will find that our when I am 16yrs old.

We all arrived at transformation building in our uniforms mum said “ there is Callie mom and Hank”. Callie and I walked over to her mum and Leah stayed with mum. Callie mum saw us and walked over with hank .

Callie said “ hi mum” she said “ hello Callie and Sabrina”. Hank said “ mother who are these girls?”. She said “ hank this is your sister and her cheer Captain Sabrina” he said “ I have no sister only brothers Jason and Mathew”.

Callie said “ sorry Hank but you do your brother Jason is no more and soon you will be like me a girl” Hank was called up to the desk we followed Callie mom and her brother .the Lady said “ this is Hank” he said “ yes mistress”

the lady said “ good will you and your mom and your sisters follow me”. Callie said “ I am only his sister Ma'am the other girl is my cheer Captain”. She said “ you both can come”. We followed her down the hall. She said “ just wait her a nurse will be here soon”.

The nurse called his name he said “Yes mistress” she said “ follow me” he was taken to a room and told please remove your dress and shoes. He removed his dress and shoes . The nurse said “ ok Hank please drink this”.

He drank like a chocolatey substance he said “ wow that was nice” the nurse said “ok Hank you are going to suffer some pain as you become a girl”. He said “ yes Mistress” then the pain starting hit him as he began to transform into a girl.

Callie said “ mum we are going to leave and we will see you soon with my new sister”. She said “ok Callie” we headed back over to mum . Leah said “ what happen?”. Callie said “ I am getting a new sister”.

We sat next to mum and then captain Carla arrived with Emanuel she said “ all his paper work is finished he will become a girl and your new daughter madam Traci” mum said “thank you”. Emanuel was crying I walked over to him and said “ hello little fellow”

he said in a sad voice “ hello mistress I miss my mummy and daddy”. I said “ everything going to all right I'll look after you I will like your sister and so will Leah here my girlfriend”.

He said “ promise me please” I said “ I promise but only if you drink a chocolate drink a nurse gives you” he said “ yes I will” I said “ good”. The nurse called him up and we followed him down to the transformation room for 6yrs and under.

He got undress as the nurse told him and she said “ now Emanuel here is your drink” it was the same as Hanks he took off the the nurse and drank it he said “that was yummy”.

he came up to me and said “remember you promise me to be my sister” I said “ yes I will and you will be mine” as I said that he got the pain as began to transform into a girl.

The nurse said “ this one will take a bit longer as it has a nano-bot in the drink to reprogram her brain so she will only think of you as her family now”. I said “ mum since your going to be here Callie and I will go and see her new sister”

mum said “ ok take Leah as well” I said “ why shouldn't I she is my girlfriend”.

The 3 of us walked over to Hanks transformation room we saw Callie mum there with a 6yr old girl we walked and the little girl ran over to her sister and said “ hello Callie I am Elyssa your new sister”.

Callie said “ Elyssa is very nice name for a little girl” she said “ thank you and so is Callie” Callie mum told us that Elyssa has to wait for her PTA she should be finished soon I said “ Leah and I might head back to mum and you can get familiar with your new sister Callie” she said “ ok I'll see you before you leave here”

I said “ you will need to come home and get your cheer uniform too “ she said “ I will be there Captain”. Leah and I headed back to mum on the way Leah said “ babe do you like Callie more than me as a girl”. I said “ no I love you and sure she is cute but your fucking hot babe”.

Leah said “ I love you too I was just worried you been spending some time with her”. I said “ babe your my lover we have a slave and Callie is my new BFF I am glad Callie is a girl now our sisters are going to friends like Callie and I”.

Leah and I arrived back where mum was she was outside I said “ what the problem mum?” she said “ she has now changed into a girl and now she is going through the mental change”.

Leah came up and cuddled mum she said “ it will be ok mum we will have our baby sister” I said “it is alright if I go in there and see how she is going in there?”. Mum said “ ok Sabrina you can go and see”

I entered the room and saw her laying on the bed she was a perfect Amazon girl I saw her move she woke up and said “ hello Sabrina ' I said “ hello how are you feeling” she said “ I am fine where is mummy and Leah” I said “ out side”

mum walked in and looked her she said “Mummy” mum came over and kissed her and cuddled her and mum said “ my beautiful daughter ….......................”.

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