The Tale of Two Girls Part 7

The Tale of Two Girls Part 7

Dear readers,

I have included a list of the characters which will help you keep track of
all the people in my story. It's basically in order of appearance.

New readers please read the preceding chapters of this story and the two
preceding stories, Chrissy's new life and Chris's surprise prize.

Please enjoy my writings; it gives me such great pleasure to write about a
subject that is so close to my heart

List of Characters

Chrissy's new life
Chris Reilly Chrissy Reilly almost 13 years

Aunt Mary Susan, Aunt Mary's daughter

Carolyn Aunt Mary's maid Bernice, Carolyn's daughter

Edwina Aunt Mary's maid
Karen Aunt Mary's maid

Brenda Reilly Chrissy's mother

James Reilly Chrissy's brother

Mr. Mark Kennedy and Mr. Peter Foster: Aunt Mary's pilots.

Mandy Penelope

Chris's surprise prize

Christopher James Christine James 22 years’ old
Patricia and Kathy girls living in same apartment block as Christine

Beverly Guthrie owner of Cinderella's bridal boutique
Susan James: Christine's Mom

The tale of two girls

Priscilla Turnquist: Aunt Mary's mother and Chrissy's Grandmamma

Sylvia: Priscilla's maid.


This morning I woke to feel a kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes to see it
was my darling Mommy.

She said excitedly, "Come darling let’s get you dressed in warm clothes, it's
been snowing in the night."

Mommy helped me out of my nightgown and leaving my diaper on but removed
my plastic pants. Mommy dressed me and a camisole, panty and thick white
stockings. She asked if I would like to wear a dress or pantsuit.

I loved dresses so much I decided on the dress even though it would be very
cold. Mommy had a long dress for me to wear so it was some protection
against the cold. Mommy had a pink cardigan for me to wear and warm fur
lined boots were put on my feet.

Karen came into the room and put a warm faux fur coat on me as well as a
scarf, knitted woollen hat and gloves. Karen was also dressed in warm
clothes and we went outdoors.

The snow was a foot deep, it had stopped snowing, and there was no wind and
the clouds were starting to break. We began to roll a ball of snow to make
the body. Mommy said she was going indoors to fetch our video camera.

Karen said, "Ooh this so much fun, I haven't seen snow in ages the last time
was when I was a young teenager not much older than you Chrissy, I'm now

We continued to roll the snow ball till was about 3 feet in diameter. We
started a second one and while we were busy some boys I knew from school the
previous school year passed our house, they stopped when they saw what we
were doing. One of them was called Kenny and he was my best friend in
grammar school. He called out to us saying, "Is Chris here, I wanted to
express my condolences about his father and brother to him."

Karen quickly took the situation in hand. Chris is not here, I'm Karen a
family friend and this is Sarah my sister's child, who shall I say called in
to express condolences."

"I'm Kenny, this is Harry and John."

Kenny said, "Can you please pass on my condolences"

Harry and John echoed the same sentiments.

Kenny said, "You are a pretty girl Sarah but you remind me of someone,
where do you go to school?"

Now it was my turn to think fast, I said, "Well currently I'm at school in
Palm Beach but I used to go to Saint Anne's."

It seemed they accepted what we said until Harry said, "Chris also went away
to school, and it's quite a coincidence that you are also at school out of

Just then our removal truck pulled up just as Mommy came out the house. She
greeted the boys and Kenny said, "Hi Mrs. Reilly, I see you are moving,
where are you moving to?"

Mommy replied, "To Palm beach"

Kenny said, "Oh the same place where Sarah goes to school"

Mommy asked, "Sarah?"

Mommy told the removal men they could go into the house; they had folded
down boxes with them.

"This pretty girl here.", he replied, "Hey what's going on here?"

Kenny was always clever and he had figured it out and he stated, "This is
Chris but I can't figure why he is dressed like a girl; it is you Chris
isn't it? And why are you dressed like a girl?"

I had no choice but to admit I was indeed Chris and that I was dressed this
way because I was actually a girl too, I decided to be open and honest with

Mommy said, "Let's go inside boys"

We all went inside and I explained to them, what the doctors had said, I
would be not able to father children. I had female organs inside me, I had
no testicles and we were moving to Palm Beach. Mommy asked them to keep it
quite and not tell people about me.

Kenny wanted to know what all the deception was in the beginning and Karen
said she was just trying to protect me.

I said, "I apologize for the lies too, Kenny will you forgive us."

Kenny said, "I do but just because you are still my best friend."

Kenny and the others promised to keep quiet about me. Mommy offered
my old school friends some hot chocolate. After drinking their hot chocolate
Harry and John excused themselves saying that they had to go home.

Kenny stayed behind and we chatted as enjoyed some breakfast which was
made by Karen. He wanted to know when I had started wearing girl's clothes.

Kenny had been to my home and I to his. We were amongst the top students in
our class when we left St. Stephen's.

He had been to the house on some days when my Father and brothers were away on a fishing trip. I recalled him asking why I was not with, and I told him I did not care much for fishing. Kenny had said it was not his most favourite pastime either.

Kenny was a bit taller than me and we shared common interests, non-contact
sports opposed to rough contact sports. Kenny was a good gymnast and outside
of school he did cycling. He preferred intellectual activities like chess and
debating. Kenny also loved his computer which he used for games amongst
other things but not the normal shoot-em up and mayhem games most boys
normally liked, he played chess and board games.

We had phoned and emailed occasionally while I had been away, but not for
the last two weeks or so, Kenny and I loved the gentle things in life. I had not told
Kenny about Mommy teaching me to sew and knit.

Kenny said, "So what do I call you now Chris?"

"Aunt Mary the lady who introduced me to this wonderful feminine
life calls me Chrissy."

"Chrissy, that's a lovely name."

"Thank you Kenny."

"Shall we go outdoors and finish that snowman you started?"

"That's a great idea?"

We went outside, I was out in front and suddenly something hit me on the
back. I jumped and squealed and turned round to see Kenny making
another snow ball.

He laughed and said, "You squealed just like a girl."

I gathered snow to make my own snowball and threw towards Kenny. My
aim was way off and I got the expected remark I threw like a girl.

The removal men left boxes for us to begin packing personal items. They
were going to be back on Monday. Mommy had told the school where she
taught that she was leaving town and she was tendering her resignation. Also
she had told James's teacher who was the funeral we were leaving town. James
was to be transported by air ambulance to our new town and go to hospital there
as it was still too early for him to be discharged from hospital. Aunt Mary had
arranged it.

We continued to make our snowman and Mommy videoed it. Back indoors
after we had finished Karen served us more hot chocolate. Kenny said he
had to go and said he had enjoyed being with me again.

It was time for lunch. Karen, Mommy and I made lunch. I was tasked to
make the sauce for the macaroni cheese we were to have for lunch.

After lunch, we started on sorting personal items that needed to be packed.
Daddy's contents of the garage were to be packed by the removal firm. It
was so nice to have Karen assisting mommy and me. We packed most of
my boy clothes and all of my boy underwear. All of James and Marks clothes
were packed.

Mommy said we should go visit James. So it was back into boy mode but
fortunately, it was not for much longer I would have to be wearing boy
clothes. We arrived at the hospital and I assisted Karen with giving James
his bed bath. I suggested to Karen I should do the soaping and she went
along with that.

I had the bar of soap in my hand and I rubbed it up and down on James's
body after Karen dampened his skin with water.

I told James I would be helping give him his baths a lot more as I wanted
him to feel as clean as I did. He said he longed to be immersed in a warm
bath. I told him I so glad he felt that way. After we finished bathing him
thoroughly I helped with the brushing of his teeth. Visiting hours came to
an end and we had to leave and we promised to be back the next day.

Back home we relaxed in the den and we talked about the visit by the boys
from my former school. Mommy said that she liked my friend Kenny and
hoped he would continue to keep in touch with me. She and Karen were
saying things like Kenny liked me as a girl and that he was so cute.

Mommy suggested I continue with the sweater I had started for James, I told
her I could so that but I would love to start one for myself. Mommy said that I
could do that and helped me find a pattern. We found a pattern for lovely cardigan
which I was going to do in pink and white. Karen was very impressed that I was
able to knit. She said not even many girls my age were knitting jerseys for
themselves. She and Mommy were saying that I was a real girly girl and that
with giggles said I would make a fine wife for Kenny. I replied and said, "Ooh
Mother, Kenny would never think of taking me as a wife."

Mommy said with a giggle in her voice, "Ooh you never know maybe he likes
special girls like you."

Karen said, "I saw the way he was looking you, before he found out you were Chris,
he like you and even after he was looking at you with admiration.

Karen said she would make supper. Mommy said that she so appreciated Karen's
willingness to help around at our house. We all went to the kitchen and I was happy
to be included in preparation of food. Mommy said jokingly said I should bake
some cookies and invite Kenny to come round for tea. Karen joked and said,
"Ooohh I think Chrissy has a boyfriend and she broke into giggles. Her giggles
were quite infectious and mommy and I giggled too.

Karen laughingly said, "I think Chrissy is going be a perfect little
housewife someday don't you think so Brenda?"

I chipped in and said, "Oh don't I get a say in the matter?" and broke into
a giggle myself.

Mommy said, "Yes I think so but I wouldn't have thought it two months ago."
Then laughingly she said, "And then Chris went away to school and came
back a sweet precious girl and I just love her so much", and with that Mommy
scooped me to herself and gave me a hug and kiss which I so enjoyed feeling
the love of my Mommy.

Karen said, "It's so precious to see the love you have for your daughter

As we busied ourselves in the kitchen, Mommy asked Karen about her own
family. She told us that her mother had immigrated to South Africa a year
ago after her parent's divorce. Her father lived in Seattle following the
divorce. She had not seen her parents since the divorce; she had a
brother who lived with their mother. Karen said she hoped to see her
mother and brother in the New Year.

After our lovely supper of broiled fish and green salads we retired to the
den. We watched some TV a fashion show. Karen said, "Chrissy dear
what do you think of the dress that model is wearing, would you like to wear
something like it?"

The dress in question was a frilly pink and white dress. I replied, "What a
question of course I like it, I think I like all feminine dress, the only
thing I don't like is pants for women, the only pants I would maybe wear are
very wide leg pants."

I just enjoyed watching a TV show about something so dear to me, pretty
female clothes. Often as we watched I would snuggle up to Mommy and Karen
and give them kisses.

Soon it was time for little girls to go to bed and that meant me, I did not
mind as I came to expected it would mean a lovely bubble bath and then into a
nice pretty nightgown.

Karen and Mommy took my hands and we walked hand in hand to Mommy's room
and to her bathroom.

Along the way Mommy and Karen chatted and giggled and said they were going
to make me so pretty and clean for bed. Mommy said she was going to bath too
and we could bath together.

I just squealed with delight when I heard that. Mommy just giggled and
said, “OH my darling daughter you are just so precious when you squeal like that."

Karen helped Mommy undress while I sat on a stool; Karen was full of praise
for Mommy's trim figure. Mommy began to giggle and said that Karen was a
flatterer. I knew we were going to have a wonderful life together and wished
that we could be in Palm Beach already. Once Mommy was undressed and in
the delightful bubble bath Karen turned her attention to me.

As item by item of my clothing was taken off, Karen began to kiss the
exposed part. Mommy looked on and said, "Ooh Karen you are such a tonic for us."

Karen said, "I'm so glad Brenda, I'm here to serve, I see you have some
champagne in the fridge, can I get you a glass?"

Mommy said, "That's a wonderful idea, I'm sure Chrissy could have a small
glass too."

"Let me just get Chrissy undressed and in the bath and then I will get
glasses for all of us."

Karen removed the rest of my clothes and Mommy began to giggle and said,
"You are going to make us feel like royalty serving us champagne in a bubble bath."

I stepped into the bath and sat on Mommy's lap and rested my back against
her lovely breasts.

Mommy said, "Happy my darling?"

"Ooh yes Mommy so happy." I turned round and kissed Mommy full on the lips
it was a nice girly kiss.

Just then Karen returned. "Ooh my darlings what a lovely sight to see, A
darling daughter kissing her Mommy."

As I lay against Mommy Karen passed our glasses to us. Mommy warned me to
sip my champagne slowly. "You don't want to get tipsy," she said with a slur in her
voice and she packed up in a bout of giggles.

"Ooh Mommy you sound like you already have had too much, Bad Mommy." I joked.

It was nice just to joke around and giggle just like silly girls. I slowly
sipped my champagne. Karen began to wash my back using perfumed soap.
Mommy and Karen were joking and giggling saying I was their sweet baby doll
and princess. I just loved it of course. Karen got me to lean back for a
while she soaped up my chest and then lie against Mommy again, I was to
move my body so mommy's breasts also got soaped. It was a nice intimate way for
Mommy and daughter to bathe together. Karen invited me to take a bar of soap
and soap up other areas of mommy's body as Karen did mine. I just loved to wash
mommy as I just adored touching her and getting her clean.

We washed and scrubbed each other's bodies with Karen's help till we were
ooh sooo clean. Mommy used a wash cloth to wash even up my rear opening.
Karen washed my face thoroughly, the inside of my ears, up my nose,
everywhere. Mommy brushed my teeth for me and at the end it was so nice to
have a nice clean fresh mouth.

After our lovely bath Karen helped us moisturize each other. I loved to feel
Mommy's nice soft smooth skin. Indeed, I was a lucky girl. Mommy so loved me
to apply the moisturizer lotion to her.

Mommy told me to select her nightgown. Mommy did have some lovely
nightgowns. I eventually chose a lovely purple satin and lace nightgown and
Karen helped her into it. Karen selected my nightgown. It was a pale yellow
baby doll and its matching panty. The panty was so festooned with lace it
was almost completely covered with lace. It was extremely girly, just what I
loved to wear. The baby doll was had broad bands of lace at the hem and
bust line. I felt like princess while wearing it.

Mommy and I got into bed and Karen said she was going to change into
her own nightgown and then bring us some warm milk. Mommy and I cuddled
together and kissed. Mommy suggested she invite Karen to spend the night
with us in bed.

"I bags being in the middle, I'll be the sandwich." I giggled.

"And a very cute sandwich you will be.", Said Mommy.

Karen returned, she wearing a pink almost see-through long gown and she
carried 3 glasses of milk and cookies on a tray.

I said, "Karen we would love for you to spend the night with us but I bags
the middle."

"Oh I would so love that, thank you Brenda and Chrissy, I will be so
honoured to spend the night with you two lovely ladies."

In bed Karen passed us our glasses of milk and we all just relaxed and
chatted about the day. Karen said it was snowing again. I was warm as toast
in bed thanks to the electric blanket and being sandwiched between Mommy
and Karen.

The main topic of conversation was Kenny visiting that morning. I spoke of
Kenny and how Mommy and Karen perceived his reaction to me. I told them
I could not get my mind around being liked by a boy as I was one.

Karen said, "Well then you are the prettiest boy I have ever seen you are no
more a boy than I am."

Mommy said, "Once those girl hormones start coursing through your veins
and mind I think you will change, I know it's hard for you to imagine loving
someone of your own now perceived sex but you are really are girl."

"Yes Mommy you are so right, and Kenny is a nice boy, we have so much in
common too, we are both gentle, you know he also doesn't like fishing."

Karen said, "You too will make a perfect couple and as he is as sensitive as
you are maybe he also likes soft sensual clothing too." I thought about it
and recalled an incident at school where Kenny was being picked on by bigger
kids, and I could see Kenny was close to tears. When I had consoled him their
attention was turned to me too. I had told mommy of the incident at the time and
she recalled the incident when I told her. I had told only
mommy about it.

We had finished our milk and I settled down to sleep. It was nice to be
sandwiched between two lovely ladies who so loved me. Mommy and Karen settle
down to read magazines and both of them were caressing me with their free hands.
I dozed off to the sound of Mommy singing me a lullaby.



Mommy, Beverly and I were at the boutique this morning. Patricia had
things to attend to and could not be with us. It was near closing time when
I noticed the young guy that had walked slowly past the shop the other day
was lingering a bit more than usual. Beverly, Mommy and I had decided on
a course of action. He was about 17 and Beverly said we should offer him a
job, it so happened Beverly was expecting a truck load of new stock and we
had to get the store room ready. We were going to offer him a job and
arrange it so that he would be in store alone and see what he got up to. As
Beverly said sometimes a guy just needed a push in the right direction. In
my case it was winning the wedding outfit.

I was elected to approach him. I exited the store just as he got to the

I said, "Hi there, my boss was wondering if you would like to earn a bit of
money. We need someone to sort out our storeroom as we are getting a big
shipment tonight and also to unload the truck." "

"What does it pay?"

I could sense he liked the idea but not only because the money but also of
the idea of having the chance to see the feminine wear at closer quarters.
He was so like me in fact. I told him the figure Beverly had offered to pay
him and also enquired what his name was. The money Beverly offered was
very generous. He said he was called Josh and that the money was ok.

We entered the boutique. Beverly was at the door and she smiled sweetly at

"Mrs. Guthrie, this is Josh, Josh this is Mrs. Guthrie my boss, and I am

"Mrs. Guthrie, Josh has agreed to help us for the stipulated fee."

"Welcome Josh, we really need this to be done and we are just ladies here."
Did Christine tell you what we require you to do?"

Josh opened his mouth to speak and he began to stutter which was odd because
he spoke ok when he spoke to me, "Y... y... yes, Chris...Chris...Christine t.. told"

Beverly extended her hand and said, "Welcome to Cinderella's Boutique" and
she shook his extended hand.

I said, "Come through to the office, Josh and Mrs. James can get your

We noted he was getting a bit anxious and Beverly spoke, "Are you ok Josh
you seem very anxious."

" I'm f... fine Mrs."

We began to walk into the boutique and Josh followed Beverly with me walking
next to him to see his reactions as we got deeper into the boutique. I could see
he delighted to be close to all the feminine finery. In the office
Mommy took his details down and we put him to work. He had to tidy up the shelves
in the store room and throw away empty boxes. We left him to it. We were expecting
the truck to arrive round about 6 p.m.

We kept the doors open in case there were customers. And it was indeed for
fortunate as we did have a whole stream of customers who were glad we were open.

Josh had finished his tasks and Beverly asked him to stay on till the truck
arrived. We ordered pizza while we waited. While we waited for the pizza to
arrive we chatted with Josh, finding out where he went to school, he was in
his final year of high school and he liked Sci-fi movies, he wanted to
become a nuclear physicist. He stayed with his dad.

The truck arrived and Josh helped the driver unload the truck. Once they
were done I asked Josh if he was available the next day as the boxes needed
to be unpacked ready for business on Monday seeing it was so late we would like
him to come and do that for us, he would be paid double what he was going to get today.

"Sure", He said, "I can do that, what time must I start?"

"Oh, around 10 or so, Mrs. Guthrie wants it done by 2 in the afternoon. We
will give you the keys to the boutique as we will be away in the morning."

He gasped, "You are giving me the keys to the boutique?"

I said, "Sure you look like an honest guy, we will have to give you the
alarm code too."

We went to the office where Mommy paid him and gave him a set of keys and
the alarm code. We got him to key in the alarm code so he was familiar with the
system. We offered him a ride to where he was living. He was so thankful for the
ride and the work. It was quite a distance he had walked.

Back at Beverly's place we made supper, Patricia joined us. I kissed and
hugged her when she walked through into the house. We watched a movie on
TV and then got ready for bed. I used cold cream to remove my makeup; it was
a regular part of my bedtime routine.

I wore a long white satin night gown while Patricia wore a light blue night
gown. I told Patricia of What happened with the young guy. She said we were
very devious. After a cup of coffee, we settled down to sleep.

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