Young Love, Chapter 13

Lizzie Jane slowly walked to toward the house. Aunt Maudie was standing on the porch with loving tears in her eyes. "Lizzie Jane, don't you know me? I am your Aunt Maudie."

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 13
By Billie Sue Pilgrim



Chapter 13

Carol did not think it best to leave Lizzie Jane alone in her state of mind, so both girls arrived at Sam's home, bringing the receipts of the day and also to discuss the visit of Doc Brown. Sam listened carefully as Lizzie Jane told of her suspicions and Carol recounted her conversation with the gentleman.

Upon finishing, the girls waited for Sam to think the matter over and give his response.

"Well, from what you two girls have said, this man knows Lizzie Jane. Carol, you wrote down where he is from, so it would not be too difficult to pay this place a visit. So, here is what I think we ought to do. We will drive up there and check all this out. I will carry my camper trailer for Lizzie Jane to hide in while Carol and I do some snooping. That way, if there is any danger to Lizzie Jane, she will be out of sight. Lizzie Jane needs to get this settled once for all."

"But, who will operate the restaurant?" asked Carol.

"We will put up a sign that it is closed due to an emergency and will reopen shortly," said Sam. "That would not be a lie. This is an emergency. In fact, I think we ought to visit Carter's Bend tomorrow. I will get my map out tonight and find the location and we can leave early tomorrow morning -- say about 3:30 -- the same time you start working at the restaurant getting ready for the day's rush. Go back and put the Emergency sign up tonight so we will be ready to go."

Carol and Sam looked at Lizzie Jane. From the look on her face, they realized that she was not crazy about the plan, but reluctantly she finally said "Well --- Okay."

"Okay, 3:30 in the morning, it is," said Sam.

At the appointed time the next morning, the girls were at Sam's residence, ready to go. Sam had hooked his camper trailer to his pickup and had the cab warm and toasty.

"Thought you girls might be cold," smiled Sam. "Also, I have some egg sandwiches and coffee and more food back in the trailer."

The girls had eaten a quick breakfast, but they welcomed the coffee. With all three in the cab of the truck, Sam started down the road.

"It is a good piece to Carter's Bend. Girl, you traveled a long way," Sam mentioned to Lizzie Jane.

"Well, I remember traveling in the woods before -- day and night. Last time I remember thinking I might freeze because it was so cold, but when I woke up, there was a deer next to me, keeping me warm."

"A deer?" Carol and Sam spoke together.

"Yes, you see I may friends with a little deer years ago and when he got big and saw me cold, he remembered me." Lizzie Jane smiled. "And he had his family with him, too."

The road was rough and unpaved, but Sam maneuvered very well. Just before they entered Carter's Bend, Sam stopped the truck and told Lizzie Jane that it would be best for her to get in the camper trailer. There was a gas heater back there if she got cold and some quilts to wrap up in.

Arriving in Carter's Bend, Sam found a good place to park. Carol and he got out of the truck and walked around the very small village. Walking into the general store, Sam asked, "Where is the orphanage around here?"

"Ain't got no orphanage," replied the store clerk.

"Well, some time ago, we got a letter from a girl name Lizzie Jane. We thought she was an orphan, so we came by to see if we could adopt her," lied Sam. It wasn't the first time Sam had told a lie to get to the truth.

"Lizzie Jane -- now there was a girl here by that name, but she disappeared a short time back. Her mother was dead, but her Uncle Jed and Aunt Maudie took her in. They are good folks and I don't think she could have asked for any better."

"Well, okay -- we had heard her mother had passed, but didn't know about her aunt and uncle. Where does Uncle Jed live?"

The store keeper gave instructions, a little complicated, but Same was a smart man and he believed he could follow them. Bidding the store keeper a good day, Carol and Sam went back to the truck.

"Well, one good thing," said Sam. "We know she is not from an orphan's home. Now to see what kind of people Maudie and Jed are."

After giving Lizzie Jane the good news that she was not from an orphan's home, Sam told her to stay in the camper while they checked out things further, hiding the fact that they were going to Aunt Maudie's house.

Upon arriving at Jed and Maudie's place, Carol and Sam got out of the truck, walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. Aunt Maudie answered.

Sam decided to come straight to the point. "Madam, we heard that you are worried about your missing niece, so we bring some good news."

"Lizzie Jane! Do you know where she is?"

"Well, yes. But we also know that she is a scared girl. Do you mind telling us why she left?"

"Scared? Why we love that child to pieces. We have been praying for some word about her. I understand that Doc Brown wants to come and talk to us about her. Now, you are here. Please tell me where she is and that she is okay."

"Listen, I know the girl and we love her, too. She is scared and I would like to relieve that fear. Now, please tell me what happened."

"Well, she fell on a concrete floor and somehow lost her memory. When she came to, she did not recognize any of us and, while we were not looking, she ran away. Now, please tell me where she is. I love her and I believe that God sent her to us after her mother died."

Sam preceived that Maudie was caring and loving, so he replied very softly, "She is out there in my camper trailer."

"Oh, let me see her," pleaded Aunt Maudie.

"Okay, but let me talk to her first and let her know that there is nothing to fear."

"Okay, I do want to see my niece! Please help her undertand that."

Sam and Carol walked back to the trailer, opened the door and Lizzie Jane stared at them. "What happened?" she asked.

"I think you ought to talk to the lady who lives here," said Sam. "If you don't want to stay, I am not going to make you. But, please talk to her."

Lizzie Jane slowly walked to toward the house. Aunt Maudie was standing on the porch with loving tears in her eyes. "Lizzie Jane, don't you know me? I am your Aunt Maudie."

Lizzie Jane stopped in the yard. She looked at Aunt Maudie, trying to find something in the far reaches of her mind to help her remember more about her aunt.

"I am your Aunt Maudie. Remember? I taught you how to sew, do housework, farm chores, and cook."

Out of that sentence, there was one thing that stood out in Lizzie Jane's mind -- "I taught you how to...cook."

They stood in their respective spots. Lizzie Jane began to rethink the woman's words, 'Aunt Maudie taught me how to cool. I remember that. That is how I knew how to cook at the restaurant that brought in so many customers'. Over and over, the thought went through her mind, 'she taught me how to cook'.

"Remember how you sat out in the yard and a little deer came to you -- and brought its friend?"

Yes, Lizzie Jane remembered the deer. She had just mentioned the ocassion to Sam and Carol just a few hours ago. It had evidently been the same deer that kept her from freezing by lying close to her the night she ran away. She also remembered the little deer of years ago coming into the yard --- and yes -- it brought a friend. She had patted both on the nose.

"Remember how when you were swept away by the flood waters, you were worried about me and set out to find me when you heard that I lost my mind because I thought you were dead? I loved you. In return, you loved me so much that you just had to find me."

Yes, she remembered the flood waters -- and she began to remember how she worried about Aunt Maudie and in trying to reach her, Lizzie Jane had experienced the greatest adventure of her life, although the details of the adventure were fuzzy and not clear in her mind.

As Lizzie Jane looked on the face of Aunt Maudie, a spark of recognition seemed to come out of nowhere and light up her mind. She studied the face.

Yes, it was coming to her.

This was her Aunt Maudie.

Lizzie Jane began crying a flood of tears and ran toward Aunt Maudie. Aunt Maudie leaped off the porch and they met halfway with outstretched arms, grabbed each other and went around and around, each hugging and kissing the other.

Carol could not hold back her tears. Neither could Sam.

"Oh, I love you, Aunt Maudie," cried Lizzie Jane.

Oh, child -- I love you, too."

"Aunt Maudie, I remember you, but I don't remember anyone else. Do you think I ever will?" asked Lizzie Jane.

"I don't know, child. Come on in the house and I will fix you a snack."

"Oh, I am not hungry," replied Lizzie Jane. She looked around at Sam and Carol. "I love you guys, too."

Turning to Aunt Maudie, Lizzie Jane motioned for Carol to come forward. "This is my new sister. I want to be with her, too. And Sam has been like a daddy to me and I can't leave them. Oh, Aunt Maudie, I cannot leave you either. What do I do?"

"Child, I don't know, but we have a spare room if they want to spend some time with us until we get all this straighten out." Looking toward Sam and Carol, she stated "You are welcome to stay a spell."

Sam walked up to Maudie. "Lizzie Jane seems like part of our family, too. We love her so very much. What Lizzie Jane does is going to be a hard on any of us. Speaking for myself, and I am sure for Carol -- yes, we accept your hospitality. We will stay for a little while. I will sleep in the trailer and let Carol have the spare room.

"No need for that," answered Aunt Maudie. "Lizzie Jane can share her room with her new sister."

"Ma'am. I would feel more at home in the trailer. It has a nice little bed, food, a radio, and a heater, so I will be okay out there."

"Okay, as you wish, but I insist that you eat with us."

"Very well," smile Sam. He was sure he would enjoy Maudie's cooking.

Lizzie Jane replied, "I will pray. My momma will know what to do. She is in Heaven with God. She will come to me in a dream and let me know."

The group smiled. Lizzie Jane was showing her faith in a higher power.

Carol thought to herself, 'How wonderful it must be to have the faith of Lizzie Jane -- sort of a child-like faith.' She had to accept the fact that Lizzie Jane was not 16 years old, but about thirteen as Doc Brown had said -- just barely in her teens -- but a sweet child --- and a loving little sister.

Lizzie Jane had acted more like an adult before, but maybe the reunion with Aunt Maudie brought back something of a childish nature. But, that was okay. No girl should be denied her years of youth. Carol was in her late 30's and remembered how she was pushed into an adult life at 16 -- going to work and taking care of her mother as death from cancer kept pushing closer.

She had gone to work for Sam and had been with him ever since. Sam had watched over her over the years and made sure that she was cared for. He was going to do the same for Lizzie Jane until the possiblity of a family came up. As much as he loved Lizzie Jane as his own daughter, he had thought it best for her to be reconciled to her uncle and aunt if possible.

To leave her here with her family was going to be almost more than Sam could stand and Carol wasn't sure how she could take it, either. Strange how, that in a very short time, a young lady could steal their hearts like Lizzie Jane did. However, Lizzie Jane could steal the heart of almost anybody. She was that sweet and lovable.
To be Continued
Copyright 2008 by Starla Anne Lowry
Under the pen name of Billie Sue Pilgrim

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