Peter's Girl

Set in the near future Timmy and Lucy are a normal couple like so many other couples of their generation. However, with the new Rejuve drug reversing the ageing process and also reversing masculine and feminine characteristics Women are gaining power! Men are now seen as cute little feminine things and much to Timmy's dismay men's and women roles are now completely reversed. This story follows poor Timmy's descent into femininity along with his fellow men.

Authors note.

This story replaces the original Peter's Girl. It has been extended and rewritten in some parts. It is written in English as spoken in Britain. If you wish to take some of the themes and write a version that is more specific to your country then feel free. Just mention your source of inspiration. I apologies if there are any plagiarisms. I particularly enjoy gender role reversal themes and I would encourage anyone who enjoys this story to have a go at writing one your self. I, for one, would probably enjoy it.


I looked at the wrapped box with the pink bow.

Lucy my wife beamed mischievously at me.

“Timmy aren't you going to open it?” She asked.

“Of course, darling” I said, pulling on the ribboned end of the bow.

Lucy was my wife. We had been married for less than three years and I was still desperately in love with her. She had beautiful blue eyes that when they looked at you pierced you to your soul, and a cute little button nose. Her mannishly short haircut didn’t disguise the soft feminine mouth, a little on the small side, but generous all the same.

“But what's the occasion?”

“Just felt like it.” She said, “it seemed about time I gave you something.”

I looked at her with an intense pleasure, she still obviously loved me dearly, and I was so lucky to have such a beautiful and loving wife.

I took the lid off the box, and then moved the two or three layers of white tissue paper.


I stared at the pastel yellow nylonette in the box.

“But? But, I don't understand. This is a girls nightie.” I stuttered.

My stomach seemed to drop down into my feet. Was this the beginning of what I had been dreading?

“What's not to understand? I thought you'd look pretty in it?”

“But it's a girl’s nightie…” I persisted. Lucy smiled at me quizzically, a smile playing about her lips.

"Surely it must be for you!"

“Don’t be silly, since when have you seen me wearing something like that?”

I licked my dry lips. It was true Lucy had never worn anything as sickly sweet as this.

“Lucy? I'm not sure I understand.”

“Timmy?” She said gently, “you're not going to be cross at me giving you a present, are you? Surely not?”

“No. Of course not!” I responded, “but it's such a girlish nightie.”

“You keep on saying that! How can it be girlish, I’ve told women don’t wear things like that now !” She interrupted.

"Anyway…I see no reason why I shouldn’t give you a nice pretty present! And besides, what's wrong with me wanting you to look nice and desirable?”

I took a deep breath, my face red with indignation but I my heart I knew that this was inevitable.

“I'm not the type to wear this sort of thing.”

“I don't know what you're getting so incensed about. There are lots husbands who wear pretty things for their wives!”

She smiled convincingly. I could only stare at her in a sort of stupefied horror. She hammered some more nails into my masculinity.

“Besides you enjoy it when I make…” She smiled coyly ,“love to you? Why shouldn't I expect you to want to look pretty for me? Why don't you go try it on and see how it looks?”

“Oh Lucy!” I said, humiliated down to my toes but a the back of my brain I new what was happening.

She smiled gently.

“Darling, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, my lambkin. But at least think about it?”

“I can't wear something like this. Surely you can see that?… You wouldn’t want to, hurt my feelings” I said, half pleading now.

“Of course I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings,” she in a concerned way, “but wearing the nightie for me isn't going to hurt your feelings.

If anything it will hurt my feelings, especially as I bought it for you as a present! At least say just say that you'll think about it… Please?” she placed her hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Well I'm not going to change my mind. But I will think about it.” I said, inwardly capitulating. I couldn’t resist her pleadings and I knew that I although she was asking me to think about it, but I knew that she would have her way in the end.

“Promise?” I nodded.


Chapter 1
In the beginning

Vanity turned out to be the downfall of mankind.

But I don’t mean mankind in the general sense, I mean actual men.

There are two elements to blame for the situation men found themselves in. One was on the government and it’s equality policy known as the "great levelling’.

The other a drug called Rejuve that was discovered in the 2010s.

The great levelling was when the government decided that it was appropriate that only one income per family and had taxed dual income out of existence.

However, when this had taken place it happened to be the women who were earning more than their husbands. As the tax benefits for a single income had become huge and a dual income family actually lost more money than the second income, it wasn’t surprising that most women became the breadwinners.

At first this was accepted and most men simply adapted to their new situation. To them it was all a bit of a joke. For countless centuries men had been the dominant ones, now equality was all right and men were quite happy to buy into it.

The problem was that it was not equality. Pretty soon it was an actual true reversal of traditional roles.

If anything the equality that men had slowly conceded to in the latter part of the 20th century had been totally reversed. Equality was no more. This time it was the women who owned the economic power. There were more women in all aspects of life until it became very rare indeed to see a man in paid employment.

At first there was some concession to equality but there soon sprang up rather macho women’s magazines that were politicised and advocated that monetary control should go to the breadwinner. The New Man would be eternally grateful for this condescension on the part of the new breadwinner, the NEW women. No longer would there be any violence and aggression but just firm and gentle governance by women who alone had the qualities necessary for true leadership.

The new drug Rejuve made matters worse.

Rejuve reversed the ageing process. It genetically rebuilt the cells so that they became as if they were on a young person. Initially this had been only available for the very rich, but after it came out of copyright it turned out to be very cheap to make.

Rejuve became freely available. Soon everybody started to look the same age. Women liked to settle at about twenty-eight and men settled at about twenty.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, Rejuve had a side effect of reducing your weight, which was ideal for some but it also had the effect of reducing a person’s size. This effect seemed to affect men more so than women. It also had an effect of reducing men’s musculature so that if a man wished to stay young he was, indeed, the weaker sex. This didn't worry men too much. They were far too busy spending their time enjoying their new found freedom from the drudgery of paid employment.

This had fitted in well with the new roles of men and women. Now, women were indeed mostly stronger and more able than the men and, due to the Rejuve drug, they were mostly taller than their men. Women found the new natural inequality with men suited them just fine. Now they were the responsible ones and it suited the women's make up perfectly. For years women had been advocating women rights, but as soon as they had true power they naturally took over. Whether deliberately or not they soon set about removing their old antagonists powers, in other words, take away men’s rights. The men were either too lazy or content to resist and just went to prove those, that were advocating the removal of men's rights, were right. Men did not now take responsibility. They were now like a multitude of Peter Pan's.

Men were now not allowed to drive, couldn’t vote, and could not drink in public. But worst of all they could not own a bank account. Just as in the 1950’s the law turned a blind eye to some of the sexual harassment of women, now it turned a similar blind eye to the sexual harassment of men. It was seen as fair game if a man was foolhardy enough to go on a bus or tram on his own, his bottom was likely to become black and blue with the amount of pinches it would receive. It became rather risky for a man to venture too far away from his wife. Men were now totally dependent on women.

Just recently things had taken a turn for the worst.

Despite losing so many rights there was still a rebellious spirit in most men. They enjoyed themselves generally kidding themselves that they had chosen to allow "the wife’ to do all the hard work.

However, something strange and rather unsettling was happening. At first it may have seemed that there was to be a refreshing turnaround.

Women had started to become more and more masculine in their clothing, outlook and general confidence. They strode about as if they owned the world. Which generally they did, but slowly there started appearing some really cute little girls. They looked mostly about fourteen or so and some looked even younger.

It was soon discovered that the sweet little "girls’ were in fact men!

These new "girls’ had somehow seemed content to give up their masculinity and appear in this ultra feminine fashion. Probably their wives had persuaded them to adopt this girlish state.

Lucy and I had had some heated discussions about these girlish boys. Lucy thought it lovely especially as the boys didn’t appear to be forced but seem to accept their role with relish.

In one of the women’s magazines that Lucy bought on occasion there was a regular section on the phenomena. The articles consisted mainly of how the boys loved their new role and there were several pictures of simpering little girlish boys in utterly feminine and sometimes childish clothes. A favourite pose was sitting on their "husbands’ knee gazing up at her with an adoring expression. A fashion for these girlish boys seemed to favour a sailor suit with short tartan skirts and knee length white socks.

On the other hand the fashion for the women had gone the other way, indeed one such fashion for the women was wearing a codpiece! It was like a cover in a distinctive colour over their crotch! It was worn much looser than the trousers it was fitted to and it gave the impression that the women were now sporting a man’s crotch.

Needless to say I was horrified and told Lucy in no uncertain terms that I thought that the cod-piece fashion was horrible. Luckily she had not succumbed to this fashion

I was determined to resist this slide into dismal femininity as much as I could. However, I like so many others had taken Rejuve and now I was barely 5’2” tall and weighed about seven and a half stone. Lucy, on the other hand, was about five eight and was quite well built. The drug reduced her body fat and made her appear tall and slim. Her breast reduced drastically in size and she became almost flat-chested.

Lucy was actually in her mid thirties as indeed so was I, but she had insisted that I Rejuved to about eighteen or so. She kept her Rejuve state to being about the late twenties.

Chapter 2:
Every journey starts with a single step

Despite my resistance I found I had to keep the promise I had made to Lucy. In actuality I couldn't do much else as I'd find the nightie stretched out invitingly across my side of the bed every night. Smiling condescendingly at my reactions, Lucy treated the whole thing as if I were just being stupidly stubborn, and would see the light sooner or later. Finally, I thought I could negotiate a compromise.

“You know Lucy? One thing I don't think you have thought of? “ I started one night.

“Suppose I didn't like it? Suppose it didn't suit me?”

“Well, I guess you shouldn't wear it then, should you?” She replied softly, then continued.

“It's not that I'm trying to force you into doing something you don't want or like. Honest. I just think that you'll enjoy wearing it... after all there are plenty of men that do”

“Well… if I don't? Can I take it off right away?”

She laughed. “Am I supposed to trust you? I can just see it. You put it on over your head. Then 'ooh no Lucy'! I don't like it.' Off over the head again ten seconds later.”

“You don't trust me!” I pretended amazement”.

“Course I do, lambkin!” She laughed.

“Tell you what. Try it for, say, ten nights?”

“Ten nights! You've got to be kidding!”

“No, I think ten nights, no less. Starting tonight.” I tried to haggle with her, but she wouldn't budge. Our arguments lately had started to become frustratingly one-sided. In other words what she said went.

Finally, I released a big sigh.

“Ten days then, starting tonight. And if I don't like it.…”

“If you honestly don't like it., or, if it doesn't suit you…You don't have to wear it ever again!”

“Promise?” I persisted.

“Promise!” She said gravely.

“Go into the bathroom then, while I put it on.” I said, all of a sudden feeling extremely shy. She looked as if she was going to refuse, but then nodded understandingly and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I'd decided to get the experience over as quickly as possible so, closing my mind as well as I could, I stripped off all of my clothes then picked the nightie off the bed and basically 'dived' into it. I pushed my arms through the sleeves, then my head, then standing erect to let it fall around me. I wasn't truly surprised at the delightful sensation of the soft nylonette material cascading down my body nor at the luxurious feeling of pure comfort that now surrounded me. I could not resist the desire to run my hands over the material surrounding my 'breasts' and flowing down my arms.

Nylonette was a derivative of nylon except it was much silkier and without the static problems of old nylon.

I took a quick peek in the mirror, feeling decidedly silly. I giggled as I realised that I had forgotten the briefs. They were a baby doll type that I had once seen in a museum of family life in London. Now I was wearing some for myself. I hastily pulled on the frilly matching knickers. At least it didn’t show off my crotch now.

At the same time, I had to admit that I didn't look totally ridiculous. The pastel yellow did suit me – at least it matched my blonde hair if nothing else. Then I shook my head and jumped into bed.

“Ok Lucy.” I called out. “It's okay now!”

I pulled the bedclothes up around my neck. She came in smiling then saw me in bed.

“What are you doing in there?” She teased.

“Out! And let me have a look see!”

“Oh come on Lucy! I’m embarrassed!”

“Embarrassed, my word!” She laughed coming over to the bed and taking a hold of the covers.

“Out, and quick about it, or I'll pull these off then you'll have to make the bed all over again.”

I knew she meant it. Red faced I nodded my surrender, then slid my legs out from under the bed clothes, got my feet onto the floor, then stood up, feeling too silly to look Lucy in the eye.

“Turn petlamb – there's a good girl!” she exulted. “Told you! It's lovely on!”

“For goodness sake I'm not a girl Lucy! Please stop calling me a girl!”

She was too absorbed in inspecting my appearance and conveniently didn’t notice my appeal.

“Very nice! Very nice! It really suits you, lambkin. Walk over to the far wall dear. See if you can get it to flow around you. Yes! That's it! As pretty as a picture! Now come back here to Lucy and get a big kiss for being such a good girl!”

“Don’t call me a girl” I said again but blushing, and obedient, I floated back to Lucy. Somehow the physiological effect of wearing this dainty nightie was taking all resolve out of me.

She took me in her arms and gave me a long, lingering kiss, her hands dropping down to caress my silky bottom. I couldn't help myself as I rubbed my tummy against her tightly muscled tummy seductively. She felt my unfortunately rather small bulge underneath.

“Now let’s see how much you really hate your new nightie, eh?” She grinned and her hand slid down the front of the frilly knickers.

“Oh my!” she grinned as her strong hand easily encompassed my crotch. I caught my breath as she gently caressed me with the palm of her hand.

“Really hate it, huh?”

I sighed softly, her fondling was having it’s effect on me.

“Ow!!…” I squealed as her insistent hand squeezed a little too hard for comfort.

She reluctantly withdrew her hand then gave my backside a playful spank.

“You like me doing that, you naughty little thing!” she chortled knowingly.

“Into bed there, you little saucy minx!” She demanded. “We have business to attend to, my fair maiden!”

I just didn't know how to react to her. Once again she had completely ignored me and called me a girl again. It was obvious she was not going to even acknowledge my protests and was determined that I was to be treated as some piece of fragile property.

I realised that calling me a girl obviously turned her on and she wasn’t going to even acknowledge my protests.

I had had absolutely no idea of this side to her and I was somewhat disturbed.

"Serves me right’ I thought, climbing hurriedly into bed. 'I’ll let her have her fun for a while but it's only for a week'.

The feel of the material and her aggressive behaviour was sexually arousing me, there wasn't much sense in protesting any longer as I sat up in bed and held my arms out to her.

“OK I’m ready for business” I giggled, “get those clothes off?” She didn't fool around. She leapt into her pyjamas that were rather mannish plain cotton.

“First things first my darling! Time for your Rejuve pill”

"Blast… I had forgotten that.’ In order to stay young you had to take a course of Rejuve every year or so. Lucy had got me a new course of pills. It was strange, as I had already taken a course of pills only 3 months ago. I didn’t question it, as I trusted Lucy. I dutifully took the big blue pill with some water. This was the second night I had taken it.

Seconds later, I was in her arms. She always tended to take the lead but this time there was no mistaking who was in charge. Again the palm of her strong hand purposefully explored me in between my legs. This time I didn’t complain.

As I slipped off to sleep I dreamily reflected on our session. I must have been tired because I couldn’t seem to get a full erection despite feeling very horny. Lucy had been kind about it but she had still managed to orgasm. She must have been very excited cause she had soaked my new nightie with her love juice.

I drifted off to sleep.

I was lying on my back I heard Lucy talking to her friend.

“It’s all right she said they don’t feel a thing” My eyes were open but I couldn’t move. I was lying on some kind of bed and Lucy was at the end of the bed looking down on me. I suddenly realised that my legs were indecently spread apart and were secured so that I couldn’t move them. I tried to yell out but I couldn’t speak. To my horror I saw that Lucy was holding a pair of large garden shears. She snapped them a couple of times.

“Off with the silly little bit of useless flesh!!” she said and with one snap of the shears chopped of my genitals. I screamed out but to no avail. Lucy was holding up a tiny little penis and testicles.

Thankfully I woke up.

Lucy was leaning over me. I looked at her fearfully until I came to my senses.

“Was it a bad dream” she said soothingly. It took a little time but I explained the dream to her.

“Oh my poor baby!” She crooned as she stroked my temple and comforted me. I was so horrified by the nightmare I cuddled up to her like a little baby.

I didn't notice the odd little smirk she had on her face.

Chapter 3
No turning back

The following morning was Saturday, so we both slept late. Yet again she reached for me and aggressively made love to me. Still no erection and my lacklustre penis was actually getting quite sore as she orgasmed by rubbing her pubis against my crotch. I was relieved to get out of her clutches and go and make her a cup of tea and breakfast. She protested as I took the nightie off.

“Oh come on lambkin! Don't take it off! You look so pretty in it.”

“Lucy! I've got to get dressed. The nightie may be nice, but I'm cold. I need to warm up a little. OK?” I said it firmly. She just sighed theatrically.

“OK, miss. If that's the way you want it? I'll have my coffee in bed then juice, bacon, eggs over easy, and some toast and marmalade to finish, and if the paper's here, you can bring that up as well.”

I started to protest. She had never been so blatant in her dominance and she had called me a girl again. But after last night I felt at a distinct disadvantage if I was to argue with her. It seemed that it was me that was to be the recipient of her dominance and I just could not, in any way, shape, or form, come up with a 'no' that meant anything to her. She, in common parlance, rode over me like a train. The dream I had had affected me too. It was so vivid that I was almost frightened of her.

That night was a replay of the first. I wasn't so shy in front of her as I had been, actually kind of enjoyed seeing her getting turned on, I had even to some extent flaunted myself before her, actually enjoying her lust for me. It seemed to me that it was the only power I had over her.

I mentioned to her my erection problem and that I was getting a bit sore with her lovemaking method but she put my mind at rest. She didn’t mind my lack of performance at all and she declared she actually liked it better that way. Her assurances went in some way to placate me but I still felt inadequate especially has I had not made proper love to her for what seemed ages.

To prevent the soreness she suggested that we could use some clear jelly to make her vagina more slippery so it wouldn’t rub so hard against my sensitive area.

The following morning was Sunday and I was given something else to consider. Again, I started to take the nightie off. Again, she protested.

“But Lucy?” I explained.

“It's just the same as it was yesterday. I'm cold! The nightie is nice, but it's not the warmest thing in the world to wear, you know?”

She grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“Lambkin? Why don't you have a look in my wardrobe there? See what Lucy has bought her girl.”

I had the feeling that I had been had. I was now getting used to her calling me a girl. I opened up her wardrobe door and found a large department store bag.

I opened it up and there inside was a nice cosy terry dressing gown in a dull pink – didn't look as if it was too long, with rounded lapels, and heavily cuffed sleeves. A warm, feminine dressing gown! She must have bought it when she went out yesterday. No wonder she had been so mysterious when she had come in from shopping

“Think that one's warm enough for you?” She asked from the bed.

“Put it on. Let's see how it fits.”

“But ... But.. The ten days aren't up yet.” I stammered.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Well? If I don't like the nightie…”

“You have to be kidding!” She laughed.

“You're not going to tell me you don't like your nightie! How you act in bed? The way you've been wafting about? Don't be so silly and try on your dressing gown!”

I opened my mouth in shock. I had been of the illusion that all I had to say was I didn’t like it and I would be back to my normal clothes. But, it slowly dawned on me that she had assumed that I actually liked wearing the nightie because of my actions.

“Hurry up you’ll get cold” she demanded.

Her words forced me into action, I hadn’t realised how I had obviously liked the attention I got when wearing the nightie. Somehow knew that this was the start of a truly slippery slope and there was no way off. I knew I should be resisting

But I didn’t!

I slowly slipped the dressing gown on for her, there was no question, it was lovely and warm. As I tied the sash around my waist, I saw some things I'd missed still in the bag. Gingerly, I picked out two items of clothing. One was a pair of lacy feminine knickers in a powder blue. The other was a pair of blue cotton Y-fronts picked out in white piping. I didn’t need to be a genius to know which was intended for me.

“What's this?” I asked weakly.

“It’s a his and hers set. The knickers are for "her’, and the other is for "him’ to show you the contrast between you and I.” She said rather matter-of-factly.

Once again there was little sense in complaining about her use of feminine when talking to me.

“Let’s try them on shall we?”

Err… all right then.” I handed the knickers to her and made out as if to put on the Y-fronts. I knew that these were intended for her but I wanted to make my point.

I expected her to protest straight away, but she didn’t. She watched me in silent amusement as I pulled them on. I then realised what a silly mistake I had made. They were miles too big for me. They just about clung to my hips making me look ridiculous.

Lucy gave a peal of laughter.

“Oh you look adorable trying to wear men’s underwear” she emphasised the "men’s!

“Now don’t be ridiculous you look very silly in my underwear. Now them off and get into those knickers on or I’ll put you in them!” She said in a mock stern voice.

Not knowing what to say at her implied threat and feeling rather foolish I sheepishly slipped off the Y-fronts and gave them to her.

“Naughty little girl, how could you not want to wear your new knickers?” she smiled and gave my bared bottom a playful swat as she handed me the frilly knickers.

I knew better than to protest any more, but at the same time, I really did not want to wear them. I knew, that if I did, it would not stop there. In fact I knew that I should have stopped this nonsense when she had made me wear the silly nighty.

I hesitated for a second or so. My stomach churning as I contemplated the obviously feminine lacy knickers, Part of me wanted to rage and rip the stupid things to shreds, The other part of me was almost overawed by their femininity. What if I made a fuss and refused. Would she 'put me in them' as she had said she would. She was certainly strong enough and I was sure she would beat me in a physical struggle.

I had seen several of the feminine boys just the other day and I couldn't help fantasising about what underwear they may have been wearing. I knew that the full waist high knickers with the lacy panels and 'cotton lined' gusset' was probably the sort of thing that they were wearing. Now I was expected to wear them myself.


I had been concentrating on the delicate lace and hadn’t seen her put her Y-fronts on.

I was astounded as she stood in them. She had always had an athletic figure but now as she stood in the bedroom she looked distinctly mannish. Her breasts seemed to be much flatter than usual and her prominent mons seemed to be much more discernible despite the thick cotton of the underpants. It was almost as if she had mannish bulge.

“Put them on darling,” she requested as if I was a recalcitrant child.

I gave in!

Almost without hesitation I slid the knickers on.

Whereas she looked quite masculine with a bulge to her crotch I on the other hand didn’t show much at all. The knickers were made of a stretchy material that had the affect of hugging me close.

After much mutual admiration I was allowed to pull my trousers on over the top. There was no question of finding my more normal underwear.

Lucy smiled nicely at me when we sat down for breakfast.

“Now? Don't you feel better? All nice and sexy and cuddly?”

I blushed in response. It was true! I did feel sexy. But I wasn’t going to tell her that. All the same I couldn’t help responding to the hugs and kisses she showered on me.

I did still love her very much, after all.

Later that afternoon while I was preparing dinner, Lucy went out. I didn't hear her leave, but was sure she'd be back in time for dinner. I contemplated taking the knickers off, but after a while I couldn’t really feel them and I had felt much sexier in them. Also I secretly liked the way Lucy kept on patting and squeezing my bottom, although I protested when she did it, I couldn’t help liking it.

I had just finished setting the table when she arrived back home.

She had gone to an out-of-town store that was open on a Sunday, she had bought back with her several huge bags. The first thing she did was to grab me and hug me. I was a bit surprised at this display of affection but I soon found out why. Her hand slid down and unbuttoned my trousers and she quickly jerked them down despite my protests.

“Good girl” she cooed. “You’ve still got them on… you must like wearing them!”

“Get off” I squeaked as I tried to pull my trousers up. She grinned at my ineffectual struggles but, after giving me an affectionate squeeze, she laughingly she let me go.

She was mysterious about what she had bought all through dinner. She promised to show what was in them after I had cleared away from dinner.

My stomach churned as I cleared up; I had a good idea that she had probably bought some more humiliating feminine undies for me. My mouth was dry in anticipation at the thought of yet more frillies. If truth be known I knew that I hadn't resisted as much as I should when she had made me wear my knickers. I also knew I should have taken them off the minute she was out of the house, But I hadn't. In reality I had swanned around all day feeling sexy.

I went into the drawing room when I had finished the dishes and she had laid out everything on the sofa.

My suspicions were correct but I was still aghast when I saw everything laid out.

She had bought us both a complete new set of underwear. The underwear which she had bought for me was of course all frills and lace and hers was all masculine white Y-fronts or cotton boxer shorts.

She also had bought a couple of new nighties. One was a classic cotton and the other was a like a child’s romper set with short puffy bloomer type bottoms all in one piece with the top.

“Oh Lucy!” I said helplessly, “You said ten days! I was supposed to get ten days to try the yellow ones.”

“Have I got to repeat myself?” She said.

“You're not even going to try and pretend that you don't like your new clothes, surely? I mean, I've seen your reaction. All pink and flushed and girlish and you can't wear just one set of jammies now, can you? So take all of these and put them in your knickers drawer. Also you’re still wearing the knickers I gave you, even when you had an opportunity to take them off. So please stop with the 'ten day' silliness when it is obvious to me that you love them!”

I bit my lip, as it dawned on me she had set me a kind of test. I had passed or failed from whichever point of view you take. I had passed the test from her point of view as I had worn them all day, failed for me because if I truly had hated them I would have taken them off.

She smiled at me in that condescending way with a glint of triumph in her eyes.

Within a week or two, all of my masculine underwear and pyjamas were gone and I had become totally used to my new dainty knickers and nighties and now she had nothing but mannish underwear in her drawer.

Lucy had subtly been changing her nightwear as well. She had never worn anything as dainty as she had been buying for me but now there was no mistaking her man’s underwear and pyjamas.

She had gone masculine in other ways too. She had always worn very masculine cut trousers and she had never worn a skirt or dress. But now she had had her haircut spikily short and she didn’t wear a bra at all. She had always had an athletic figure and her wide chest absorbed the flat breasts. Sometimes in the low light of the bedroom she looked almost as if she was a man. Like a lot of dark girls her body hair was dark and now she did nothing in the way of shaving or waxing. her arms and legs were now hairier than mine.

Chapter 4
Establishing the ground rules

Every couple of weeks or so we always go out to a nice pub with our friends, Bobby and Julie. There are a couple very much like us. She was a bank manager of the local bank and he was like me a house-husband. We both seem to hit it off but I found Julie a bit overpowering. But Lucy and her got on fine and I liked Bobby.

That night we all met up in the 'Shepherd and Dog’ which was a country pub much favoured by the urban set like we were.

I of course had to wear a pair of knickers, as that was the only underwear I had!

However, it was true to say I had got quite used to wearing them although it presented difficulties going to the toilet as they were rather tight and, of course, had no fly hole. It meant I had to actually pull them down to allow me to pee. By now I had got used to going in a stall and shutting the door where I could pull down my trousers and knickers without anyone seeing.

I wore a tough pair of tough denim jeans and although I hated them the most of all I wore a slinky little thong so as to avoid the possibility of anyone seeing a tell tale pantie line through my jeans.

When the women had got us our soft drinks. –Men had been banned from drinking alcohol in public. – Bobby and I sat down to discuss the latest soccer game. I still enjoyed the skill and aggressions of the game, but it had been many years since there were men plying football. Now it had become quite acceptable to follow women’s soccer which Bobby and I did avidly.

Julie and Lucy were deep in their own conversation. They of course were drinking pints of beer. An occasional peal of laughter came from them as Bobby and I discussed the merits of our respective teams that we supported.

A lull came in our discussion and I looked around at our fellow drinkers. There was the usual amount of single women drinkers and a few more husband and wives couples.

Suddenly as I was looking around a couple walked in.

“Hey! Bobby, look!!” I whispered fiercely.

He too stared in amazement.

The women was fairly normal as most women were these days a bit masculine with an easy confident stride in a tee-shirt and a tight pair of grey trousers.

But what was amazing was him! Or should I say her. The husband was obviously one of these new boys I had been reading about.

He was dressed in a pale blue sailor suit with a blue pastel pleated skirt. He had long knee length socks and his hair was done in two bunches with bright red ribbons.

Bobby and I nearly fell out of our chairs when the women turned around and we could see her crotch.

Women’s fashions had got more masculine and the trousers were a figure hugging high waisters, but what had amazed Bobby and I was that she was wearing what could only be described as a "cod piece’. It was made of a dark purple and shiny material and contrasted with the grey of her trousers. It covered her pubic area and what was even more amazing was that it actually bulged out as if she had a masculine genitals!

The boy or should I say girl was very nervous and stayed close to his wife who was I must admit was lavishing care and affection on him. There was a good deal of hand holding and little kisses between them like a newly wed couple. The settled in the corner of the pub and earnestly talked with each other. She possessively put her arm around him.

“He’s got boobs!” Bobby whispered to me.

Sure enough he clearly had a couple of pert little breasts and you could just about see the silhouette of a lacy bra outlined through the material of his blouse.

“Must of stuffed a sock or something down there” Bobby whispered conspiratorially , he and I were both thinking about the same thing. Certainly the obvious bulge could not be explained by a prominent mons it was just too distinct.

My first reaction was a jolt in my knickers. The girl-boy looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous. He seemed like a beautiful innocent little twelve-year-old girl. I also felt pangs of jealousy, a feeling which I hastily suppressed, it was just that he was so totally dependent on her and she looked after him so well. The wife was like most women only more so. As well as the grey trousers she wore a waistcoat with a shirt and tie. She looked supremely confident and condescending to him especially in her short mannish style of hair.

“Are you sitting comfortably, girls” Julie called over to us in a taunting manner. And both her and Lucy collapsed in peals of laughter.

I flushed to the root of my hair. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that Lucy must have told her that I was wearing knickers and it was her way of teasing me. I looked over at Bobbie. To my surprise, instead of looking at me he was blushing as well.

“Ignore them!” he stammered. “they’re being typical women” he sniffed.

It seemed that Bobby had no idea that they were getting at me. Or at least I thought they were. Perhaps they weren’t. Perhaps they were just being silly, and thinking we fancied the new-boy that had just walked in.

On the way home in the car I questioned Lucy about it and what Julie had meant.

“Oh… nothing really. Just being a bit silly” she said light-heartedly.

“But why did she say it” I insisted.

“I explained to her that I had put you in knickers and she just thought she would make a joke”

“What…” I yelled. “You told her I was wearing a pair of knickers… how could you?”

“I didn’t think it mattered besides she had put Bobby in knickers as well”

“What!” I gasped.

That would explain why Bobby had been so sheepish. While I was worrying about him and Julie know I was wearing knickers he was wearing a pair of knickers too!

“When that couple walked in we started talking about our husbands and how nice that women’s husband looked and wouldn’t it absolutely wonderful if our wives was like that.”

“You must be kidding!!” I retorted still extremely annoyed at her telling Julie I was wearing knickers.

“We just got talking about some of the things we had been up to and it turned out that she was doing the same sort of thing with Bobby.” She said simply, “ it was no big deal. I can’t see what you’re fussed about”

“Well I am!” I said furiously, “Besides” I shouted “You had no business telling her about me, – it was none of her business”

“Stop shouting at me” she said her irritation showing in her voice “I’m trying to drive safely!”

“I don’t care, and I’m not your wife I’m your husband,” I yelled at her, it had only just sunk in that she had referred to me as a wife. I was really angry. My anger had built up in me to such an extent that without thinking I dug my elbow into her ribs whilst she was driving. I instantly regretted it.

But it was too late, she jammed on the brakes and drew the car to skidding halt into a lay-by. And with a furious glare she leapt out of the car and marched around to my side.

“I’m sorry darling” I called out to her fearfully as I don’t think I had ever seen her like this before. It was too late by the look of her face, which was black as thunder.

She wrenched open my door and hauled me out of the car. I struggled to get away from her but her grip was too strong.

“Stop it!!” I wailed starting to cry

“I’ll give you something to cry about” she growled and she wrenched down my jeans which, unfortunately for me, had an elasticated waist which meant they came down easily.

“No!!” I screamed. Luckily it was dusk on a deserted road. So there was no one about to see my humiliating predicament. As my frilly thong had come down with the jeans my bottom was now bare.

She hauled me around still with my jeans around my ankles and thrust me in face down on across my passenger seat. My bare bottom was stuck up in the air.

I shrieked and wailed as I could guess what was coming next and but she gave me a sound walloping with her bare hand on my backside. With her holding my hands behind me and my trousers effectively tying my legs together, I was utterly helpless.

I was amazed at how hard she could spank. When she had finished she sat me down in the seat still with my trousers down.

“Now you sit there and don’t you DARE move or you’ll get another one.”

I was openly crying in a boo-hoo girlish sort of way. I hadn't cried like that since I was a kid! I considered trying to pull my trousers up but decided against it. She had certainly not been joking. She got into the driving seat and drove home. I was still weeping helplessly. Firstly my bottom was stinging where she had walloped me and secondly I was utterly humiliated. It was lucky no one saw us but I don’t believe she looked around to check. If someone had gone past during my spanking they would have seen the whole thing.

The fight had gone out of me and I was reduced to the a quite sobbing. I reflected on the incident and I reluctantly realised that my mindset was changing. She had now shown a different side to her which I had not really foreseen. I realised that the respect she had shown me was just politeness. I had seen the quiet dominance that she had over me and she had obviously known who was boss before even I had. Up until then I thought I still had a choice, but now I realised that she was in total control. She may politely ask me what I wanted but if she didn’t agree I would be overruled and no matter what my desires were she would get her way.

I shivered miserably as I realised where we had come to. My tears were not just of humiliation but were more of a sense of loss. I was now hers in every sense and I was going to be just how she wanted me.

When we got home she just went straight into the house and left me still sobbing in the car obviously expecting me not to move.

I considered pulling my trousers up again but I was too tired and humiliated.

Eventually she came out after ten minutes or so.

“What do you say young lady?” she said quietly.

My face burned. It was as if she was talking to a pre-teen girl." Normally I would have retorted something about her calling me a young lady but this time I was very subdued.


“I’m sorry” I muttered.

“Sorry for what” her gentle but very serious expression showed her resolve.

I had to capitulate. The emotional turmoil that was going on inside was too much. I couldn’t seem to help it as I dissolved in tears again and in between sobs I profusely apologised for my behaviour.

I was actually genuinely sorry. I didn’t think that physical violence was the answer. After much cuddling and kisses she helped me pull my trousers up we went back into the house.

I was trapped in this new world with no way back.

Chapter 5

That evening I lay silent in the bath reflecting on the day and especially last nights episode. There were no doubts that Lucy was asserting her new authority and at the same time demonstrating her manliness.

I sighed, the world had gone mad. I wished I had lived in the last century where men where the breadwinners and women were the submissive adoring and dutiful wives. It had been in the latter part of the 20th and the early part of the 21st century that men had allowed women to become their equals. And now women were proving their superiority and removing every equality with men in a almighty rush of what seemed like retribution.

There was a noise outside the door. It must be Lucy. I frowned. Lucy had removed the lock to the bathroom door the other week. She had muttered something about safety in the case of one of us collapsing or slipping in the bath. It now meant my reveries in the bath could at any time be interrupted by her coming in.

The door opened Lucy came in. She was in her mannish dressing gown and striped pyjamas. "Not very sexy’ I thought to myself

“Hiya pet lamb!” she said gaily. She had a rather smug expression on her face. During the day she had not even mentioned what had happened last night.

"Now what was she up to’ I wondered.

I turned over in the bath. I was mildly embarrassed at her seeing me in the bath and particularly at her seeing me in between my legs in the bright bathroom light.

I was really getting worried about my prowess. I don't remember the last time I had an erection and my penis when relaxed seemed to have somehow atrophied. I certainly don’t remember it being that small. I didn’t feel like Lucy seeing me in this state.

Lucy took the large pink fluffy towel from the towel rail. It wasn’t my usual stripy towel that I used. She held it out.

“Come on my pet-lambkin I got something nice in store for you… and besides it’s time you got out.”

“I was enjoying myself!” I said in mock annoyance.

“Come on” she said roguishly and leaned over and gave my upturned bottom a little smack.

“Get that sexy little bum out of there!”

There was nothing for it. I sheepishly stood up in the bath. She smiled as she wrapped the towel around me. She had included my arms and the next thing I knew was that she had bodily lifted me out of the bath.

'Wow’ I hadn’t known she was that strong.

“Careful” I squeaked but I needn’t of worried. She easily lifted me and instead of putting me down she held me like a baby.

“Put me down” I protested, I was powerless as my arms were still wrapped in the towel.

“This is part of the surprise,” she said salaciously. I was carried into our bedroom. I gasped in amazement. She had transformed the bedroom by lighting lots of candles with several incense burners giving off a powerful spicy smell.

“Oh wow” I shuddered. I knew what I was in store for. It was obviously going to be another love making session. I hoped I could perform and stand up to the occasion so to speak.

She lay me on the bed still wet from the bath. I noticed on the bedside table she had put several bottles with various substances in.

She started to pat me dry with a big smile on her face. She still didn’t allow my arms out and she leant forward and kissed me. It was a full and long kiss. Her lips covered mine and her tongue asserted itself into my mouth.

It was not fair. As she kissed me I couldn’t help feeling extremely sexy but to no avail. No matter how I felt, it seem didn’t translate to my groin.

She at last came up for air.

“Oh you are so sexy, – all sweet, helpless and girly” she gurgled as she hugged me tightly. I smiled back at her. Despite her reference to being "girly’ and my consternation at the turn of events I still loved her dearly.

She unwrapped the towel at last and allowed my arms out, I automatically covered my groin area mindful of how small I had become down there.

“Now I want you to lie back and enjoy. Any interference and you’ll have a smacked bottom again! Now put your hands by your side” she ordered.

I knew she was only joking but it still rankled when she teased me like that. Especially as I now knew that If she wanted to she could actually give me a spanking!

“Darling” I appealed “ I seem to be getting smaller down there and I can't get an erection any more so I'm kind embarrassed,” I said lamely.

“Awwwww, my little pet lambkin, I like you just as you are, and you mustn't worry about things like that. I sure every thing is OK”, she said gently as she beamed at me in a condescending motherly way.

She drew my hands aside and put them down by my side.

“There, so scrumptious and sexy”

My independence was being slowly sapped away by her resolute control. She had me where she wanted me. Besides I might actually enjoy what she had had planned.

I was quite dry now as the towel was very fluffy and absorbent.

She reached for the bottle that was on the beside table, and poured some lotion into the palm of her hand. She was going to give me a massage!

She turned me over and she started on my back. It was gorgeous. She was gentle and yet strong. Soon she had covered all of my body. Strangely she paid particular attention to under my arms and also my face. Eventually she got to a place I didn’t really feel comfortable about.

“Err… careful” I said. She was now massaging my bottom and her fingers were getting closer to an area, I didn’t want her to go. She ignored me entirely even changing the bottle to a different type of oil. This time, the oil was much thicker than the oil she had used previously.

As I lay there I felt her pull apart the cheeks of my bottom and she dabbed a blob of the stuff right on my very intimate area.

“Yowp” I squeaked and tried to stop her by clenching my cheeks. It was very embarrassing.

“I think you need to be a good little girl and stop being silly, – don’t you?”

She spoke nonchalantly and at the same time slid her other hand under my body and her strong hand clamped onto my crotch.

“Grnnff” I stifled what I was going to say. She was gently applying pressure to my testicles.

When someone has you by that sensitive area prudence dictates you do what they want I swiftly 'relaxed’ my buttocks so she could have access.

She continued to gently squeeze me between the legs whilst her other hand stretched my bottom cheeks apart.

It was very difficult to remain 'relaxed’ for very long, her long cool finger very slowly and almost imperceptibly pushed and applied pressure. With a tiny jolt I felt my portal succumbing to the intrusion and she slowly pushed her finger well and truly inside me. I had my eyes tight shut and I couldn’t help my involuntary muscles try to expel the intruding finger, but to no avail.

She pulled out and in and I found she was easing more of the thick oily stuff actually into my bottom. I could feel it cool inside me. Thankfully her other hand left my testicles alone and was now fingering the tip of my lacklustre penis. Nevertheless the appropriate nerve ending were working fine and I should have the largest erection I had ever had, judging by my sensations I was feeling.

Her finger had started a rhythmic plunge deep into me and at the same time she was fondling my soft penis. I found I couldn’t resist the double onslaught.

Almost without warning an absolutely monstrous orgasm racked my body. It seemed to go on forever and Lucy held her finger deep inside me as the spasms continued to shake me.

After that I was absolutely exhausted. Lucy turned me over and I lay on my back in Lucy’s arms as she continued to stroke me. It felt fantastic. This time I made no attempt to cover my self in fact my legs lolled open as she purposefully rubbed the thick lotion into my soft groin area.

I sleepily allowed her to dress me in my nightie. I could hardly keep awake, I was so expended.

She carefully slipped me under the covers and got in beside me after blowing out all of the scented candles. As I was drifting off to sleep I could vaguely hear a soft rhythmic sound beside me. I could have sworn I heard a little cry just as I was going off to sleep.

The next morning I got up early. I felt all sticky and strangely tingly from the massage oil Lucy had used the night before. I felt slightly uncomfortable so I ran myself a bath in order to wash the oil off.

I lay back in the bath reflecting on the previous night. My cheeks burned as I thought about the very intimate intrusion and also my reaction to her ministrations.

In one way I felt humiliated, she had violated a part of me that I thought was sacrosanct. But at the same time I remembered totally succumbing to her intrusion. It was if by my actions I had conveyed my permission to her trespass.

"Well I didn’t like it’ I said to myself, but deep down I knew. I knew that this was only the beginning of a battle.

I didn’t realise quite how soon the next phase was going to hit. I had been lying in a reverie for ten minutes or so before I realised what was happening.

Every vestige of body hair that I had on my body was slipping off of me. I sat up in horror.

I tentatively wiped my arm with the palm of my hand. I had never been very hairy but my body hair just peeled off!

My eyes jumped to my crotch. I swooshed the water against my crotch and my rather sparse pubic hair just came away with just the force of the water.

I was aghast. My hairless crotch looked like a child’s. In fact the whole of my body looked as If I was back to eleven years old.

My mind was racing. That was why Lucy had been so meticulous in covering my body with that oil the previous night. It was hair remover. I shuddered. Some of the depilatory oils that were available were permanent. I was pretty sure that the permanent type would have been the one that Lucy would have used. I was now completely hairless all over including my face. I would probably never have to shave again.

When I had dried off I inspected myself closely. I was right, not a hair was left on my body. Except my head and eyebrows.

I was so absorbed with my self-inspection I didn’t hear Lucy come in.

“How’s my little shorn pet-lambkin” she said sweetly.

I stared at her miserably, I was too absorbed to notice that I was completely naked in front of her.

“Aren’t you pleased now all that nasty hair has permanently gone?”

I looked back into the mirror again. She stood behind me and encircled her arms around me.

“You look absolutely gorgeous and so dainty like that” her hands smoothed down my tummy, “…Lovely and smooth, especially here” and her hands gently lovingly clasped me in between the legs.

“Lucy did you use the permanent stuff?” I asked almost in desperation.

She smiled her condescending smile.

“Of course, darling you're now permanently smooth and scrummy,” she whispered breathily as her strong hands slid smoothly over my bottom.

“Just how I like it” she whispered.

Chapter 6
A discovery

Later on that morning I realised just how bad things had got.

I was making the bed as usual and generally tidying up after Lucy had left for work.

It felt strange in my new hairless state, somehow my skin seemed more sensitive in its new smooth form.

I had made her breakfast in bed as usual and I was just having a general clear up in our bedroom. Lucy had a habit of just chucking her clothes on the bedroom floor for me to pick up next morning.

I frowned, she had left a pair of Y-fronts resting on top of her bedside cabinet drawer. I picked them up.

"I do wish she could be a bit more tidy, she could have easily put these in the laundry basket.’ I muttered to myself. I sighed, despite everything I still loved her.

I gently smelt the Y-fronts. I could smell her odour on the pants. It smelt vaguely of her sex and the masculine powder she used to dust her self. I couldn’t help putting my lips to the fly front.

I reflected on my situation. I still loved her dearly, and if the truth were known I still found her attractive despite her masculine clothes. She couldn’t disguise her svelte neat figure actually shown off to best advantage in her mannish clothes.

I sighed as I shut the draw. I noticed a pamphlet inside. It was a government pamphlet as I could tell by the stylised feminine logo on the front. The title was "A New-Woman for A New-Man’

"What on earth was this’ I puzzled. I flicked open the pages.

I read inside the front cover, "The official publication for "new men’ on how to turn your husband into a "new woman’ wife’.

It didn’t take me long to grasp that this pamphlet was for a "new-man’ – Lucy – to create a "new-woman’ – me!

The importance of this find wasn’t lost on me. Firstly it meant that this new-women thing was official government policy and secondly Lucy was obviously planning to go the whole hog and turning me into one.

With trepidation I flicked through the pages to see if I could find out what may be in store for me. After all to be forewarned is forearmed.

The pamphlet opened on a section on clothes.

"Clothes are the most important tool in your journey of subjugation. For centuries "old-men’ have forced women into silly impractical clothes for pure ornament. There is no reason why we, the new-men should not use the same method. The more unnecessary the ornament the more obvious it is the clothes are there for new-men’s delight. New-women must learn that their new role in life is to service the new-man totally and utterly’… aghast I turned over.

"Overview of steps to take’ was the title of this chapter. I read on both horrified and fascinated.

"Firstly as a candidate new-men you have to make up your mind that this is to be you and you are happy and determined to go ahead. Once you have settled this in your mind you and put into action the following plan. It is assumed that you are already wearing your hair cut short and wearing appropriate masculine clothes. The old-women are now the new-men and are masculine and the old-men are the new-woman who are now feminine. It is important that you look and feel masculine.

Obtain the especially developed new-woman re-juve pills from your local new-men advisory centre and make sure she takes them. This newly developed re-juve will make her lighter and more dainty. It will soften her skin and also should constrict the throat of the new-woman so her voice will start to sound distinctly feminine. She will take on the physical appearance of a child of about twelve or so. Her penis will no longer be capable of an erection. Care should be taken in explaining this. She will also get very much weaker in strength and her muscle will turn to puppy fat. This has the advantage of you being much stronger physically and if necessary you can easily put her across your knee for a light spanking if she gets out of hand. (see the section on discipline.)

Get your wife to start wearing feminine underwear. Perhaps you could buy your new-woman wife a set of feminine briefs for her birthday or some such occasion. Once she has accepted them – and you may need to pretend it is for a trial period– make sure that you get rid of all her underwear that could be considered to be masculine.’

I read through with fascination. I flicked on to the chapter on discipline.

“It is imperative at an early stage you establish the new order. YOU are the responsible one, and as such what YOU say will have to go. Your new wife has been used to, at least, having a say in matters and perhaps discussing the matter with you. This must be stamped out. At first she will not be very happy with this and may start to disobey you.

At the first sign of this disobedience it is imperative that you physically chastise her in a preferable humiliating way, perhaps standing in a corner with her underwear pulled down and having to ask you to spank her or some other sort of punishment. Do not hurt or harm her. It is the humiliation of the punishment that will cause the disobedience to stop…”

It was awful. it went on to show illustrations on the best way of holding a new wife so that he couldn’t struggle.

I couldn’t read it any longer. I pushed the pamphlet back into the drawer and slammed it shut.

How could she do such a thing. It wasn’t fair.

I got on with my work my mind was racing.

But in my heart I knew that all this was probably in store for me.

Chapter 7
Happening all around

We were talking together after making love one night.

“You really like being Lucy's girl don’t you?” She asked me.

“All soft and silky?”

“Mmmm.” I moaned, pressing into her not really paying attention.

“Oh yes Lucy.” She laughed as she answered for me, “I'll say this lambkin, you're certainly enjoying things.” She chucked me gently under the chin.

“But? I think it's really silly that you don't have a proper name.”

“A proper name” I repeated mystified as to what she meant, “I like being Timmy or even your pet-lambkin” I said giving her a kiss.

“I know… but haven’t heard the new government decree?”

“What’s that then,” I said rather annoyed that she should be talking about some silly government decree when we had just made love.

“Don’t you listen to the government channel ever?!” she asked with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

The government channel was a radio channel that I had stopped listening to, it was basically full of this new man new woman nonsense, and it was just pure propaganda.

“Errr… not really” I said guardedly.

“Well you should” she said in a voice that I knew from now on I had better or else!

“If you had you would have heard the new-woman names decree. I must have a old mans name and your name is the same but with a "kin on the end!”

I looked at her not comprehending.

“Look it’s quite simple… I must have a masculine name – and I have chosen Peter, and you must have a "kin on the end of my name so from now on your name will be Peterkin.

“Peterkin…?” I sat up. I was rather partial to my name.

“Yes, that’s right.”

I was non-plussed; what new humiliation was this?

She sat up pensive for a moment.

“Oh Lucy! Please don't!… I like my name and don’t want to change it.”

“You didn't listen Peterkin!” She said warningly, “it’s a decree.”

“B-b-ut...” I looked at her in frustration but I knew I had no choice. If I objected I would just get a wallop until I conceded. I might as well accept it now and be done with it.

“Err… Ok I like it” I grumbled miserably.

“I think it's a lovely name, you'll get to just love it!”

And so she became Peter and I became Peterkin.

In the weeks that followed I slowly came to terms that I was now nothing but the totally submissive partner, completely ruled by Lucy or Peter as I should now call her. She wasn't cruel or even physically abusive apart from one rebellion on my part where I got a sound spanking for not calling her Peter, but it was me that wore the pretty clothes and acted out the female role.

She seemed to naturally enforce her superior status, even when she walked she strutted with a confident stride. She had the habit of sitting in the sofa wither her log cocked up on the arm, blatantly displaying her trouser covered crotch in a most un-lady like way.

She would cunningly reinforce the submissive message by forcing me to ask whether Peter loved Peterkin.

“Does Peter love his Peterkin” I would have to ask. Then she'd give me a comforting hug and answer.

“Oh yes. Pretty Peterkin is Peter’s favourite girl.” It got to be a very boring ritual saying the same thing night after night, but any time I forgot or tried to say it in a different way I'd be sharply reprimanded and threatened with a spank.

My constant identification of myself as both 'Peterkin' and 'her girl' put me in a brainwashed state where I accepted that this is what I had to be.

Lucy was now constantly on at me to be more feminine not only in what I wore but also in my demeanour.

She could have easily given me a good walloping and insisted on me wearing a dress and that would have been that, but she seemed to not want to take that approach. She seemed to want to wear me down by her constant badgering.

However, as I seemed to be given a choice, much to her dismay, I didn’t choose what she wanted!

By now I was used to my wearing girlish knickers and I was used to her wearing masculine clothes, but I drew the line at wearing a dress or skirt.

Every week or so Lucy and I would go for a shop at the local supermarket. As new-women were no longer allowed bank accounts I could only buy anything with cash, so Lucy would always come so that she could pay for the provisions by bankers card.

Every week more and more boys were appearing in the girlish outfits. At first it was very rare to see a man in a skirt but it is was now getting quite unremarkable to see a new-man with a cute little girl in tow, which of course was her husband. I reckoned that perhaps 1 in 10 men shopping with their wives were in a skirt.

I was appalled. I was hoping this new-man thing would be just a fad but as fads go it was getting fairly permanent.

My thoughts turned to tonight. Lucy had arranged another night out at the pub with Julie and Bobbie. I looked forward to these nights out. I was appalled that she would be calling me Peterkin all night but I was sure that Bobbie was going through the same thing as I was.

Chapter 8
Physical Changes

We were early at the pub and I sipped my drink that Lucy had bought me.

“Hi people, it’s us”

I looked up it was Julie and Bobbie. I stared in amazement. I had to look again It was definitely Bobbie all right but he was in a dress!

He came and sat next to me as the others went to the bar for more drinks.

“Oh, Bobbie” I said brokenly, feeling desperately sorry for him but at the same time I realised that he was rather pretty.

“Terrible isn’t it?” he said gloomily, “Besides I am now officially called Sammykin,”

“Sammykin!” I exclaimed, “That must mean that Julie is calling herself Sam”

“You’ve got it” he squirmed uncomfortably, “but aren’t you called something different”

“Peterkin” I said sheepishly.

He grinned slightly, I suppose he had, like me felt that he was the only one to put up with the humiliation, but now he realised that I had suffered the same fate he felt better.

“Nice dress… and legs” I giggled. “Shame about the bosoms”

He grinned broadly “… and a pair of frilly knicks!”

“Ooooh I must see them” I chortled.

We both laughed out loud and Bobby quickly put up one leg on the low table and gave me a flash. There was no doubt he WAS wearing frilly knickers.

It was silly I suppose but it was the only way we could deal with our humiliation. I noticed that at least he wasn’t wearing a bra and didn’t appear to have any bosoms, making him look even younger like a pre-pubescent girl.

“Lucy has said nothing but I expect it won’t be long before I have to wear a dress.” I said nervously.

“It’s nothing really, quite comfortable, except she makes me wear a much shorter one at home and I’m forever showing off my draws” he said rather plaintively, “she takes it as an invite and the next thing I know I’m on my back across the kitchen table.”

“Well that can’t be bad,” I said suggestively trying to demonstrate my old masculinity, but I knew that in my heart it was bad. It truly showed how submissive men in our age had become.

“At least I don’t have to wear tights or stockings” he said.

I nodded, in fact he looked no older than a flat chested thirteen year old. Knowing his wife Sammy I suspected this was deliberate to make him look much younger and girlish, if he wore stockings or tights he may in some perverse way look more mature, and I bet Sammy didn’t want that!

“Are you looking forward to next week Sammykin.”

We both turned around with surprise, The women had obviously been talking about us. Usually we were totally ignored by them. Probably deliberately to reinforce our new station in life.

“Er… Y-yes Sammy” Bobbie stammered in reply to Lucy’s question.

Julie looked at Bobby with a mock frown on her face.

“I beg your pardon…”

Sammy suddenly looked apprehensive. I wondered what he had said wrong. He had called her Sammy, what was wrong with that?

“I think you have forgotten some to show respect for some one, don’t you?” She said in her best patronising voice.

I looked at Bobby his lower lip trembled, it looked like he was going to burst into tears.

“…errr, yes Mummy” he mumbled.

I stared at him in horror! Julie must have made him call her mummy!

I glanced at Lucy, a little smug smile was playing around her lips.

“That’s better, young lady,” she smiled sweetly at poor Bobby, “Mummy is short for Madam, I don’t insist on him calling me Madam but some form of respect is appropriate and mummy is somehow a bit sweeter, don’t you think?” she said to Lucy.

Lucy nodded in smug agreement.

“It took a while to train him but a few puppy spanks did the trick!”

“I should think that focused Sammykins mind,” Lucy smiled with a slight giggle.

“Oh, and of course, we stroked his 'puppy' afterwards, didn't we Sammykins” she said gleefully to Bobby.

Bobby had gone bright red, and he didn't answer.

“Now, now, darling we are amongst friends here, I'm sure they don't mind if you tell us”

My mind was frozen, Lucy had never humiliated me like this!

“Yes, my puppy was spanked and stroked” Bobbie said like an automaton.

They both turned away as if satisfied by Bobbies response. I didn't dare ask him what his puppy was, but I could guess!

Unfortunately I could tell that not only did Lucy agree with Julie, she actually thoroughly agreed. My insides curled up at the thought of having to call my wife 'Mummy’ as if I was some kid in public, especially in public, but I could tell by the look on Lucy’s face that it would only be a matter of time.

“Sammykin and Sammy are going to the augmentation clinic, Peterkin” Lucy said commandingly to me as if expecting some comment., “We’ll have to think about that too”

“Err yeah, maybe” I said non-committally.

“No maybe, about it we will,” she said glaring at me. “Say "Yes Peter’”

“Yes Peter” I said resignedly.

“Now!” she said suddenly as a thoughtful look crossed her face.

“I rather like the idea that Sammykins call Sam Mummy” She smiled in a superior way, “I think perhaps you could call me "Mummy’ in public too from now on.”

I stared at her my mouth dropped open. But, I knew better than to argue in public.

“Yes mummy” I muttered in a silly defiant voice.

Luckily she went back to talking with Julie. My mind was brimming with questions as well as the humiliation of having just called my wife 'mummy'.

"What on earth was an augmentation clinic and why did both Bobbie and Julie want to go?’ I thought to myself.

I asked Bobby what this was all about. He seemed to have recovered from his humiliation.

“Well it’s where you get fitted with breasts. It somehow augments your chest in such a way as to give you your own tits.”

I stared at Bobbie in horror. I hadn’t realised. I had always thought that the wives that I had seen had got falsies on, and not that they had got actual breasts.

“When are you going” I asked.

“Next week on Monday” he said with a look of resignation on his face. “we’ve already chosen what type and everything.”

“What… !” I gasped helplessly, “you’ve chosen?”

“Yeah… you get a book with loads of boobs in it and you choose the shape.”

“Oh wow!” I gasped

The rest of the evening was spent with Bobbie and I commiserating with each other, we gloomily pondered running away or something but we both knew that such a childish act would only aggravate matters.

On the way home I questioned Lucy about poor Bobbie’s proposed visit to the augmentation clinic. To my horror my worst fears were well founded. Not only was it going to happen to me, she had already made an appointment!

That night when we got home Lucy started to get all mysterious. After meeting Bobbie and seeing how he had changed I immediately realised that she was going to spring some new humiliating horror on me.

“Peterkin” she called from upstairs, as I was making our night time hot chocolate. “I’ve got something to show you!”

I inwardly shuddered, "what was it going to be this time’

As I entered the bedroom she leapt on me and wrestled me to the ground, before I could react she had loosened my jeans and whipped them off.

“Hey” I spluttered, I had no chance to resist as she was now much stronger than me. “What’s going on?”

My knickers had pulled down slightly and I hastily pulled them up. She said nothing but proceeded to get a large pair of scissors and started to cut my jeans up. She grinned broadly at me when I made a tentative grab for them and didn’t even stop, they were totally ruined.

“There, no more horrid manly clothes for you my girl!”

I realised now what was happening. I forlornly tottered over to my wardrobe. It was as I expected there was not one piece of masculine clothing left. It was replaced by little skirts and blouses. My hopes raised when I saw what looked like a pair of dungarees but were soon dashed when I realised it was actually more like a pair of child’s rompers than dungarees, it even had a bib front shaped like a heart with lots of frills.

Once again I resigned my self to my inevitable fate. Lucy had me try on several of the new skirts and after initial reluctance I started to take an interest and eventually we had a fine old time trying them all on.

One rather skimpy little sundress took Lucy’s fancy and after I had given her a twirl it proved to be very skimpy indeed, It was gossamer light and to my shame made me feel quite sexy.

It was all too much for Lucy and she leapt at me and despite my squealed protests I found myself in my customary position across the bed with my knickers around my ankles.

Our lovemaking that night was only marred by Lucy insisting I cleared up the mess before we went to sleep.

From then on I was like a lot of my fellow men, in skirts!

Chapter 9

During the next week I got used to wearing skirts and dresses.

It was a peculiar feeling wearing a skirt at first but I soon got used to it. I had one accident when going to the toilet when I let go of the skirt by accident in mid pee. Unfortunately I soaked everything. Luckily it was when Lucy was at work so she didn’t know about it but from then on it was easier to sit down to pee.

Lucy made a habit of grabbing my crotch every time she caught sight of my knickers which owing to my inexperience at sitting or bending down elegantly meant that I was constantly being grabbed! It pretty soon taught me to sit and stand up properly smoothing my skirt as I sat down.

It got even more difficult when Lucy brought home a new little pleated skirt that was for "Home fun’ as she called it. It was ridiculously short and was almost impossible to not show your knickers.

It almost became a ritual when I was washing the dishes (She wouldn't buy a dishwasher as I was the one that would be doing the dishes). She would sidle up to me and stand behind me. She would pretend to admire my washing up technique and thank me profusely for washing up but at the time she would be lifting my skirt and softly stroking my bottom. I would enter into the fun and ignore what she was doing and say how much I loved doing the work for her. My voice would tremor as her fingers would slip underneath my crotch and she would cup my smooth genitals through the material of my knickers. Pretty soon her fingers would be inside and be gently feeling about. It was rather nice until inevitably her fingers would delicately probe in the crease of my bottom. I would try to clench but a warning tap on my backside showed who was boss and I would reluctantly unclench my cheeks. I couldn’t do anything as her finger would purposefully press against my very private area. I was helpless as I would wince slightly as her finger would push up inside my bottom. By this time I would abandon the washing up and we would be kissing and caressing each other. Mostly we would end up lovemaking on the kitchen floor. Needless to say I kept myself thoroughly clean in that area.

One night Lucy came home from work with a smug smile on her face. I recognised the smile. It probably meant some new humiliation.

I was right, it was the boob book that Bobbie had talked about. We sat down around the kitchen table and pored over it. I was curious about it more than anything. I still had masculine feelings and the sight of a pair of nice boobs was rather pleasant. The book just showed a chest view of all sorts of shapes and sizes.

“Now!” said Lucy, “time for you to choose.”

I looked at her horrified. I couldn’t choose a pair of boobs. It was very different from being turned on by a luscious pair of breasts, to having to choose a pair for yourself!

“But, I can’t” I wailed, and then I saw that little smirk on her face. She had just been teasing. She was of course going to choose how I looked.

After a while she thankfully settled on a rather perky little pair of breasts. At least she hadn’t gone for the huge melons that she could have chosen.

Later on that week I rang Bobbie to see how he had got on at the augmentation clinic.

He certainly didn’t seem his usual self. He explained what he had had to go through it had taken a couple of hours of lying on a special machine but at the end of it he had two rather lovely breasts that he and Julie had chosen.

I was aghast! Just like that. I wanted to pump Bobbie on how he felt but he seemed very reticent to talk about anything over the phone.

I realised that I would soon have the same treatment.

Chapter 10

That evening after Lucy came home from work I heard her on the phone in her study to Julie.

I know I shouldn’t have and I would probably get a wallop if Lucy had known, but I listened at the door.

What she said didn’t make sense to me. Apparently not only had Bobbie got some boobs but Julie had received some augmentation too. "Why would she need augmenting?’ I wondered. I listened further and Lucy started talking about a P and D. "What on earth was that?’

Later on that evening I had opportunity to ring Bobbie and question him about a P and D.

He was silent for a little while and then I heard him give a huge sob.

“What’s the matter” I asked anxiously, wondering how I could have possibly upset him, after all he was normally such a cheerful person.

However it slowly came out.

I was thunder struck!

P and D apparently stood for "Popped and Docked.’

It was new-man slang for the final giving up of a new-woman’s masculinity, It was where they "popped’ out your testicles and "docked’ your penis.

I was aghast, I couldn’t believe it. Poor Bobbie had had it done to him!. No wonder he was sobbing. He was now too upset to talk and we rang off.

I turned around and Lucy had been standing in the hall listening to me.

So… you were discussing poor little Sammykins demise were you” she said.

“I-I-Is it where they cut men’s…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

She laughed lightly.

“Well for a start we don’t do it to men” she said emphasising the men. “They only do it little girlies where there is no more use for the superfluous bits of flesh between their legs. So they pop the balls out and chop em off and they tweak your little penis to make it even smaller and not spoil the line of your lovely tight knickers.” She said with a wicked twinkle in her eye.

I looked at her and I realised that she wasn’t joking.

“B-b-but I thought you liked me down there” I said plaintively, “Surely new-men like their… you know “ I could bring myself to refer to myself as a new woman, “…down there”

“Of course I like you down there!” She said condescendingly , “but I don’t like it when you get all stiff and cocky, I much prefer you with a sweet little kissable morsel unencumbered by horrible dangly bits.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“But if I can’t get hard how can I…” I left the rest unsaid.

“We’ll see” She looked away with the secret smile on her face and started to walk away as if the conversation was closed.

“Mummy… wait” I said and trotted after her, “d-d-does it hurt” I stammered “and what if I don’t want to?”

“Well, firstly, I’ve already booked you in for augmentation and a P and D and I don’t want any nonsense” she said warningly, “Secondly, I think they do it very quickly and it doesn’t hurt a bit.”

Her expression softened and she looked at me in that motherly condescending way that infuriated me.

“You see my lambkin, I’m afraid what you want doesn’t really matter any more, it’s actually what I want that counts now.” She brushed my hair away from my forehead.

“So I am afraid that if you object you’re likely to get a rather sound spanking and it will happen tomorrow anyway.”

I was aghast, it was tomorrow, I hadn’t realised that the appointment was so close.

“But there is one other thing” she said triumphantly, “As a special treat I have booked up a little holiday in Cumbria, and we leave straight after the clinic!”

I stared at her uncomprehendingly for a second or so.

“What…! Do you mean…? Oh Wow?”

My joy must have been obvious as I rushed at her and gave her a big hug.

“Oh thank you darling Mummy,” I cried. Not noticing I had used Mummy without prompting. She beamed in response to and hugged me back.

That evening we spent the evening packing for the holiday. Needless to say I wryly noticed a new set of bra’s and other assorted clothing going into the suitcases. I noticed Lucy also put some other packages in as well.

I went to bed early. I heard Lucy come up but thankfully apart from a quick hug she left me alone.

Chapter 11
P and D

Next day I found myself sitting in the clinic waiting room along with some other boys and their new men "husbands’.

This was the P and D clinic I would apparently have the augmentation afterwards.

The boys were all dressed like me in the ubiquitous uniform of a pleated short skirt usually of a very thin material. A crisp white blouse usually just showing the outline of the bra underneath which meant that they had had their augmentations already.

One very soppy boy had a pair of baby blue rompers on and a silly little elasticated cutesy bow tie. As he was opposite me I could see he had a pop studded crotch like an infant. He had obviously been crying and I saw the outline of a slap mark on the back of his legs when he had sat down. His "husband’ was comforting him as best she could, he was flat chested so would be due for having some augmentation just like me.

I viewed him with disdain, how could he be so soppy? Until I realised that I could have easily been made to dress like him by my "husband’ Lucy.

His so called husband was wearing the new cod-piece fashion and was confidently sitting in a most un-feminine way with her legs splayed apart showing of a bright mauve Cod-piece.

I couldn’t help but drop my eyes to it as it was so obvious up against her beige casual trousers.

"At least she hadn’t stuffed something down there,’ I thought to myself as the mauve material was a little creased with the lack of stuffing.

Just that morning Lucy had succumbed to the fashion as well and this was the first time she had worn trousers with a cod-piece. It had annoyed me that she had decided to wear them but she hadn’t stuffed them up as was the fashion with other women. I think she expected me to say something, but I ignored her totally. It was inevitable I suppose.

One by one the boys were called and were lead away by a new-man nurse, some of them sobbing, until it was our turn.

“This way please” the nurse said.

With fear and trepidation, and a whole butterfly farm in my stomach; I followed Lucy and the nurse.

We were lead into a room where there was another new-man doctor getting things ready. There was a large padded table with various straps attached. I eyed it anxiously. My mouth was dry and I could hardly speak.

The doctor smiled at us and asked Lucy to undress me from the waist down.

I dully complied as Lucy helped me to remove my skirt and knickers.

“No need to take her blouse off just roll it up from her waist” the doctor said to Lucy as she and the nurse busied themselves with various instruments.

“She will need to go to the toilet first and it’s just through there” the nurse pointed out a door at the back of the surgery. I went to the toilet feeling rather silly in just a rolled up blouse and with nothing covering my groin.

I was annoyed, as the doctor hadn’t even acknowledged me. Everything she had said had been addressed to Lucy. I stood uncomfortably and very embarrassed as I watched them get ready. I nervously held my hands together in front of my groin in the classic girls way.

“Right, we’re ready for her now, can you pop her up on the table?”

Lucy helped me up onto the strange table and I had to lay face down.

“Don’t worry my pet-lamb” Lucy soothed me and stroked my hair as the other two new-men pulled my arms apart and clamped them down.

I swallowed nervously as I felt my legs being pulled wide apart and similarly clamped. Lucy was at my head stoking my hair and brow to try and calm me and I couldn’t see what was going on.

My body suddenly sagged as a large centre section was folded done.

“What’s happening” I whimpered fearfully as the table was tilted upwards so that my lower body was now higher than my head raising my exposed crotch.

“Don’t worry darling every thing's fine.”

I turned away as I couldn't bare to look.

I felt a hand on my crotch tugging at my penis. The hand was none too gentle and I stiffened expecting the worse. There came the sound of a spray hissing and I gave a jolt as something was sprayed over my crotch. It was very cold and within a minute nearly all feeling had gone.

I could just about feel my penis being touched and I could feel my testicles being manipulated but there was no pain at all. It was as if they were gently touching me down there. Amazingly it was quite nice.

Lucy stayed at my head but she peered down to see what was happening.

Suddenly she grinned broadly.

She stroked my sweating forehead and I knew the deed was done.

A few minutes later the two new women finished and pulled up the flap.

“There… We’re all done now!” one them called out merrily. I felt them put a strap around my waist and some kind of thick padding material was pulled up in between my legs and attached to the waist strap.

Lucy helped me get down of the table.

“Just keep the pad on until tonight, and she should be fully recovered.” Said the nurse as she helped me off the table.

As I swung my legs round I couldn’t see what had happened to me due to the pad. Lucy helped me get dressed again with the knickers only just fitting over the pad.

“Now… time for your boobs!” Lucy said as we walked down the clinic corridors to the part where the obviously did the augmentation.

I was stunned. I had just been castrated and she was treating it as if I had had a haircut.

“Hold on…” I called. I struggled to keep up with her confident stride as I waddled along with the pad pushing my legs apart and making it difficult to walk properly..

She stopped and looked back at me with a slightly irritated air.

I am finding it difficult to walk with this big lump of padding in my knickers” I protested.

“Aren’t you going to ask me how I feel?!!” I said rather irritatedly. How could she be so insensitive to my feelings.

“It’s only a P&D” she said, putting her arm around me. “Everyone’s having it done to their new wives, there’s nothing to it, so stop making a fuss” she smiled at me all the same.

I protested further but she promptly ignored my protests, but she did walk a bit slower. I noticed some other boys or girls walking rather stiffly. I reckoned that had probably had the same treatment.

“Now I am going to settle you in and I’m going to leave you, I’ll come and pick you up when you’ve finished. Is that all right?”

I nodded silently; some feeling was already starting to come back into my crotch, and it was a strange tickly feeling that was rather unnerving.

When we got to the augmentation clinic it was much the same thing. I was strapped face down onto a table and the section by my chest folded away and two large metal cup shapes were raised to my chest. Once the machine came on I felt a vague sucking motion on my chest but otherwise it wasn’t bad at all.

I was going to take an hour at least and I settled down to wait whilst Julie left me.

It was rather boring after a while. The nurses occasionally checked on me to see that I was all right

I was still getting tickly feelings in my groin which relived the boredom a little but otherwise the time was rather uneventful.

Suddenly I was aware of the cups that were locked onto my chest were releasing themselves and one of the nurses came in.

It was over!

She un-strapped me and the padded table was folded up. I sat up anxiously and looked down at my new acquisitions.

It was amazing. They were perfect in every way! They had a slight heft to them and I noticed them sway as I moved my chest. I had succeeded in getting Lucy to choose them as small as possible but they still seemed quite large. The aureoles were larger than before and the nipples were quite prominent, but otherwise I reckoned the were a very normal pair of young girls breasts.

The only trouble was that they were on me!!

As I was sitting there feeling the breasts Lucy came back. She looked rather flushed and excited.

“Oh darling Peterkin, you look adorable!” She gushed as she hugged me, my new breasts pressing into her jacket. She let me go and inspected me gently cupping and squeezing them.

“Aren’t they lovely” she almost squealed.

“Errrr… I’m afraid there is no time for that” said the Nurse apologetically to Lucy, “but there’ll be plenty of time to enjoy your new wife later,” she smiled and winked at Lucy.

“Yes, of course I’m sorry,” said Lucy and she reached into a carrier-bag that she had been carrying.

“Here…” she said, “my wife’s first bra!” and she held out to me a white lacy bra.

I paused for a moment, although I had been wearing lacy knickers and what I considered feminine clothes, this was the first piece of truly female clothing that I would have to wear. It wouldn’t be pretending either. The bra would actually hold my new breasts in, what I presumed, to a be more comfort than letting them hang free.

I slowly took the bra and stared at it rather puzzled. How did you put it on?

“You put your arms through the straps and then reach around to hook it up” Lucy said affectionately, obviously amused at my incompetence.

I was like an automaton as I allowed her to help me put it on me, After I had struggled to do it up, it actually felt quite comfortable, despite my trying to persuade Lucy to have them as small as possible the bra still gave me a nice little cleavage.

We got home and by now I had a dull ache in my groin. I also wanted to go to the toilet. Julie was busying her self packing for the holiday, so I went up stairs to the bathroom to take a look at what they had done to me.

I shut the door to the bathroom and unbuttoned my skirt I quickly shimmied out of my knickers and removed the padding.

I peered in between my legs.

All that was left was a tiny little thin penis. It looked ridiculous, like half a limp chipolata sausage. They had some how joined it to the flesh so that it was permanently pointing downwards. Only just the marble sized glans was free. I realised that I would now have to sit down to pee. It was virtually impossible to direct it. There was no hope of ever making love again. It was far too small!

They had tightened the scrotum so it looked like normal flesh, this made it look as if my testicles had never been there!

I touched it tenderly. It felt just like my old penis, but was just a lot smaller.

I sat down on the toilet. Usually like all men I would have guided my penis downward into the bowl, but, now there was no need. I simply let go my muscles and the pee tinkled into the bowl. I stood up and tried to shake myself. I found that the remnant of my penis was too small to shake. Nonplussed I pulled my knickers up and bent down to retrieve my skirt on the bathroom floor.

"Yeuch’ Some pee had dribbled out of my little penis and wet my knickers.

"Blast’ I thought to myself. There was not much but enough to make the knickers uncomfortable to wear. I grabbed a pad of toilet paper and dabbed the remnant of my penis. I realised that I would have to get used to my new plumbing and that included patting myself dry after going to the toilet.

Chapter 12
Final Moments

At last the bath was ready; I gingerly stepped into the warm soapy bubbles. I heard a noise at the door and Lucy came in.

“Hiya pet, is that nice?” she smiled at me, “I’m going to join you! There"s plenty of room.”

I stared at her, I was amazed at her assured manner. There was no "can I join?’ it was a simply statement of fact

She was right, there was plenty of room in the double bath. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and rather wanted to be alone.

We had travelled down to the little hotel in Keswick (pronounced "kezik’) and we had got there about six o’clock in the evening. Lucy had mysteriously disappeared to get something from the late night chemist and had left me to sort out the hotel room and have a bath.

I had lazed on the bed after the long journey down and had watched television and I had only just run my bath. Now I wasn’t going to get the peace and quiet I wanted.

Lucy had stripped out of her tee-shirt (the man’s way), she was of course not wearing a bra and her breasts were now no more than well developed pectorals. She put her foot on the chair to unlace her shoe and I was subjected to a full view of her cod-piece.

To my dismay I saw the cod-piece had a sizeable bulge.

"What has she got down there?’ I wondered. I could plainly see the outline of what I had though was some kind of stuffing she had used.

She smiled a condescending smile as she stripped down to her underpants.

“Why have you stuffed something down your underpants? Is it to make your cod piece more noticeable?” I started in all innocence.

She gave a peal of laughter.

“Oh pet… how could you be so…” she looked at the pained expression on my face. I honestly didn’t know what she found so funny.

“Darling…” she almost whispered “Surely you understand what’s happened…Darling, you see, not only have you got some lovely boobs I have had some augmentation too.”

She reached for the waistband of her Y-fronts and slowly pushed them down. I expected to see the sock or whatever it was stuffed down her underpants to pop out. But something very different was tucked in her underpants.

“What’s that!!” I almost screamed.

Hanging from between her legs was a long, pink penis. It must have been about five or six inches long and perfectly smooth hanging down from her pubic hair.


I stared at in absolute amazement, as I looked closer, it seemed to originate from between her vagina lips that now seemed to be so large that it looked as if she had a pair of testicles.

She gently took it between her thumb and forefinger and gently massaged it. Almost instantly it seemed to stiffen and grow. I was astounded at how quickly the penis had erected itself. It had grown virtually instantly and got thicker so it protruded a good seven inches out of her vagina.

“Darling, it’s called a pudendis and whilst you were getting your lovely boobs I was having this done. It means I can stand up to pee!” she said smugly. She could see the expression on my face, “Come on … you must of wondered what all those new men had tucked in their cod-pieces.”

“B-b-but I though they had just stuffed a sock or something… “ I ended lamely.

She gave a peal of laughter.

“Well I can see it now why it must be a shock to you,” she confidently stepped over the rim of the bath to join me.

As she did so she seemed to deliberately lean over so that her erect pudendis was virtually in my face! I instinctively pulled back. She smiled at my obvious discomfort and she knelt up in the bath.

“You can touch it” she said gently, I was so overwhelmed I was near to fainting,. She smiled at me as she gingerly took my dainty hand and placed it on the swollen glans like swelling. It was surprisingly soft with a velvety texture.

“Mmmm, that’s nice when you touch it” she said, her voice thick with lust.

Amazingly she seemed to have had control over the pudendis and it deflated just as quickly as it got erect. She lay back in the bath.

“Come over here, my darling” she purred and knelt up and turned around in the bath so that my head was on her chest as I lay in between her legs.

Her arms encircled me and she clasped me to her. I could feel her "pudendis’ erect itself and push against my back. One hand smoothly slid over my tummy down to my crotch whist the other hand gently cupped my new breasts. As she gently manipulated them her thumb delicately massaged the nipple. It was a sensation I had never felt before. My nipples seemed to be connected directly to my crotch. I would have had a raging hard-on if it hadn’t been the pathetic little deformed penis.

Her other hand had reached in between my legs and clasped me there, then her long fingers reached underneath and touched my intimate opening. I flinched slightly as I still didn’t like her probing me there.

“Mmm… nice and smooth” she said.

I lay back in her arms as she continued to caress me down there. The sensation was amazing and by now all of my masculine outrage had appeared to dissolve.

She reached for the soap and gently soaped me all over, of course, paying particular attention to my crotch and bottom.

“There, nice and clean!” she smiled down at me brightly, “now it’s your turn to wash me.”

I drew in a quick breath; she wanted me to touch her penis or pudendis as she called it.

My mind screamed to me but I took the soap from her hand.

Her caressing had made me feel very sexy indeed, but this was the limit. No way was I homosexual, but this was somehow different. It was my wife with a penis! I was torn between my love for her and this 'thing' she had in between her legs.

My curiosity got the better of me and I reached out to touch it. It had been sometime since I had an erection so it was strange to be touching someone else's penis.

I gently soaped the erect shaft and ran my little hand up and down the appendage deftly caressing her swollen vagina lips. I was startled as I could feel some testicle like objects where her labia should be! She started to breathe heavily as my thumb sensitively manipulated the penis like opening.

“That’s enough,” she said with a little giggle, “it’s time for something else.” She stood up and got out of the bath, she rapidly towelled her self down and went out.

I lay back and relaxed my mind was spinning. It wasn’t long before she was back. She had something in her hand.

“Specially for me” she grinned roguishly. She had dropped something very frilly on the chair in the bathroom. It was obviously something sexy to wear.

After I dried myself off I curiously picked up the frilly nightie. It was in pure virginal white with a little camisole top and some full knickers to match. I slipped the camisole top on and tied the little bows to hold it over my pert little breasts. I noticed the nipples were sticking out and aureoles had shrunk slightly. The shiny material was diaphanous enough so that my pointy little nipples showed through clearly. I twirled in front of the mirror. I had to admit I looked really gorgeous in the little top.

I reached for the knickers. I was puzzled at first. It looked like it had three leg openings, and then I realised, they had a opening at the crotch! I gingerly pulled them on. There were tie sided and I had to do up yet more little bows. They seemed to be really uncomfortable and bagged out at the front. I must have got something wrong. I looked down at the waist band.

"Aha’ I thought to myself, the label was at the front. I had got them on back to front, "but wait a minute’ I thought "surely that makes the split crotch at the back! Now why would there be a split at the back?

It slowly dawned on me as I put two and two together.

With her new pudendis; her fascination with my bottom; and now rear opening in the crotch knickers, it was obvious as to how she was going to put that "thing’ to use.

That’s why she hadn’t worried that I could no longer get an erection, because she had known all along that she would be making love to me in a "masculine’ way!

My mind went back to the little exciting session in the bath. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad, I shuddered slightly but all the same I still dabbed some perfume on, after all, I still loved her.

“Oh, wow,” Lucy said softly as I came into the bedroom.

She was obviously looking at my new girlish breasts and aroused nipples.

My soft little breasts! It was just too much! It was bad enough I had the things! Now they were being admired by my so called husband!

She was already in bed and I slid in beside her.

Her hands glided up from my waist and were soon cupping the dainty mounds on my chest. It made me flush with excitement! When her fingers slowly slid across my nipples the useless remnant of my docked penis tingled with passion!

She could hear me breathing, almost panting, with the arousal my body felt. My mind was still utterly confused as I endured the sexual advances of my darling Lucy but a Lucy with an addition!! I now knew it was only going to get worse! – or maybe even better – This was just the preliminary!

I was so confused as I wondered at the back of my mind how I was going to cope with her new appendage. Perhaps my fear had been unfounded perhaps all she would do is just press it against me has she had been doing before she had been augmented?

Seeing that I was already so excited Lucy didn’t linger long at my breasts. Her hands slid back down my back to my waist and continued on to the split opening in my rear of my knickers. Her hand slipped in cupped me in between the legs.

“Ah!” I moaned as the emasculated remains of my genitals were manipulated by her cool fingers.

She then gently and carefully undid the bows over my breasts so she could bring her lips to my nipples. She licked the pert protuberance and I thought I was going to go through the ceiling! The pleasure was intense and overpoweringly sexual! When she captured the nipple between her lips it was twice as arousing!

Totally powerless, I just lay there and let it happen! I couldn’t deny that my body was going haywire with excitement! My little hairless genitals were throbbing and my skin was ultra sensitive to every lick and caress!

I grabbed Lucy’s neck and pulled her down on top of me she took me in her arms, her wet lips pressing against mine and our tongues mingling, first in her mouth and then in mine as we passionately kissed.

Our lips were twisting against each other her tongue probed my mouth, slipping between my lips. I felt the tongue, a confident masculine tongue, and felt us lock in a passionate kiss!

She shifted her hips as we kissed, and moved one leg on top of mine! Her erect pudendis pressed against my thigh and as it did a little drop of clear liquid glistened like a little jewel at the penis opening

Her hand moved slowly across my belly and slid under the waistband of my knickers and, oh, so gently, cupped my hairless remnant. A finger slid down between my empty scrotum and found my intimate entrance.

"Why did she have to go there again?’ I thought as I much preferred her to fondle the tiny remains my penis.

She massaged the intimate opening and despite my feeling of embarrassment I couldn’t help writhing with the sensations her intruding finger produced.

Suddenly she stopped. I was relieved, as the sensations I had been experiencing were unnerving— but just a little disappointed until I realised why!

She reached over to the bedside table for a little paper bag with the chemists name on that she had just been to.

She reached in and produced a little box. It was labelled "Femivass’

“What on earth is that?” I said puzzled.

“Let’s look together shall we” she said in her condescending way as if teaching a child. We both rolled on to our fronts and she showed me the box. It had a photo of a couple kissing on it, Underneath it said "For hygiene and comfort -- lavender flavoured’

Lucy opened the box and with drew some foil wrapped things with some instructions. The stylised drawings made it pretty obvious. It was a kind of pessary that you inserted up into yourself, obviously to lubricate and possibly to somehow make it more hygienic.

“Is that for me?” I said lamely, somehow hoping it wasn’t.

“Well it’s not for me my darling” she said with a little chuckle, “Come on my darling I’ll help you out!”

She carefully removed the soft pessary from it’s silver foil. Her eyes gleamed with suppressed lust. 'Oh no’ I inwardly moaned.

She sat up and I remained lying down on my front. She reached down and gently squeezed apart the cheeks of my bottom through the opening in my knickers. I couldn’t help but tense up.

“Come on darling relax. it makes thing nicer for both of us.”

I allowed my self to slacken down there and she tenderly pushed the pessary into me. I shivered as the cold object was gently pushed up inside me. I drew a deep breath as she fully inserted her finger right up into me.

I gave a little mewing sound. She had never put her finger up so far before.

I didn’t think it needed pushing up quite as far as she inserted it but I could feel it thoroughly lubricating up inside my intimate entrance.

When she had withdrawn her finger she rolled me on my back.

“There, All sweet and lovely and waiting for me” she said with a lustful smirk. She knelt in between my legs.

I found myself spreading my legs for her. All the mental toughness dissolved as I opened my shapely thighs smoothly and without hesitation!

She buried her head in between my legs and once again I almost shrieked out with the sensation of her tongue exploring the remnant of my manhood. Now she gently lifted one of my knees so that it pushed back a little forcing me raise my bottom. By this time I could feel the pessary oozing inside of me. With a faint whimper I felt her tongue shift from my useless penis to my intimate entrance and actually exploring inside of me. I couldn't help but wriggle my hips as her tongue generated yet more new delightful sensations within me.

She raised her head from between my legs and looked at me and smiled at my obvious ecstasy.

My eyes were glazed over, and my legs were shamelessly and lewdly stretched wide apart.

“I am going to make love the man’s way” she murmured almost conversationally.

By now, I was under no illusion. I knew what was coming next. I was going to know what being penetrated by penis 'the man's way' was like!

She leant forward and lay on top of me. She was quite heavy and I could feel her hard muscle caress my sensitive skin. She kissed me on the lips and I could taste the sweet lavender flavour of the pessary.

“I’ll be gentle. Tell me if I’m hurting you,” she whispered, and she slowly drew her hips forward so that the glans of her thickening penis just barely touched my soft empty scrotum, I inwardly tensed but realised my body was just yearning for what was to come next. She slowly but purposefully put the glans to my intimate opening and gently thrust her hips forward to increase the pressure.

I couldn't help but try to clench my muscle but it seemed to make no difference as my intimate opening yielded to her thrusting as she delicately prised apart the tight aperture.

Slowly her appendage pushed up my much lubricated bottom. The fleshy tube felt very strange and I was tempted to expel it, but I knew better than that.

The physical pleasure was so powerful that I suddenly couldn’t even think of mentally protesting any more! I moaned loudly.

Lucy froze.

“Did I hurt you?” she asked attentively.

“Oh don’t stop, darling!” I couldn't help moaning back.

She continued pushing into me and I felt alarmed as it seemed to go on and on pushing up further and further.

“Ohhh...” I gasped, “ it's so big!” as I echoed countless assailed virgin girls before me.

At last she stopped and lay inside of me for a moment or two savouring the moment. I couldn’t believe the sensation I was getting. Although her penis had initially seemed a normal size, it certainly stretched and filled me up, and it seemed to go so far in!

She very gently, slowly at first, and firmly began to slide back and forth kissing me deeply as she did so.

I closed my eyes and she kissed my closed eye lids as she started to breathe heavily and lunge faster and faster. Up until now she had been rather gentle but now her 'penis' was plunging in me further and deeper with firm long powerful strokes. The sensation of total penetration was awesome. It felt as if it was reaching deep into my bowels.

My mind was shrieking at me to resist but my body seemed to respond like a bitch on heat being transfixed by a rampant dog.

I felt her body tense as she built up to a crescendo. It was almost as if I was an observer as I could hear and feel her testicle like vaginal lips slap into me.

With a low hoarse cry and a final massive thrust she penetrated me deeper than ever before and held there. At the same moment I felt a hot liquid burst forth deep inside of me, I gave a girlish cry as I felt the depth of her penetration and then, as though by a switch, I was sent into an orgasm too.

I had never felt an orgasm like it, my muscles went into spasms and I would have probably lifted her off me if I hadn’t been so thoroughly impaled.

We lay still for at least a minute revelling in the aftershocks of such a massive orgasm..

“That was wonderful, my darling” she whispered breathlessly. I felt the penis slowly subside in me

We continued to kiss and I gave another shudder as my muscles involuntarily slipped the penis out of me.

"Uuugh’ I groaned. I didn't much like that bit. It felt like passing a huge motion! I then faced the age old problem that women had suffered for years. Her ejaculation was so prolific it was slowly oozing out of my bottom!

I slipped out from under her as she turned over exhausted. I hastily found the pair of knickers I had been wearing that day and pulled them on so that I didn’t drip everywhere.

“Oh darling there’s something else for you in the bag” she said sleepily from the bed. I walked awkwardly over to her bedside table, I could feel the liquid inside of me making it feel as if I needed the toilet.

I looked in the paper bag and fished out another box. It was similar to the "Femivass’ box but this was called "Femidry’. Once again The pictures told me what it was. I realised it was like a sanitary towel that you pushed up you bottom after making love.

I went to the toilet and tried to expel some of her copious fluid but she had penetrated so deeply I knew there was still loads left.

I realised that I was going to need this femidry if I wasn’t going to leak Lucy’s juice all night. I reluctantly followed the instructions. I had to put one leg up on a chair and press it up. It slid up remarkably easily especially as it was so slippery with her juices. A little soft pink ribbon was left hanging out of my bottom, but a least I wasn’t going to drip everywhere

Lucy was already asleep when I slipped back beside her.

Chapter 13
The morning after

Last night I had lain awake thinking what seemed to be all night. Up until now the full horror of my situation had not really dawned on me, as horror indeed it was.

I suppose I shouldn’t just think of me, it was in fact the whole of mankind. We, mankind, had allowed this madness without, it seems, a whimper.

I suppose I realised that I had made a transition. Before I had been a man but now I was some silly parody of a man, I was more female than male proven by the penetration of me by my wife.

But how could I have allowed it to happen. The females were now the obvious superior sex but only because us men had been too idle to stop it!

I was conscious of the "thing’ up my bottom. It’s presence seemed to signify my new status I was a receptacle. No longer the giver but the passive receiver. I could never truly initiate making love. I could only respond to my wife’s whims.

I finally got off to what seemed to be a fitful sleep. It didn’t seem to be long before the morning came.

I must have actually been in quite a deep sleep. The sun was streaming in through the curtains an I could hear the birds cheerfully singing outside; totally disregarding the state I felt in.

I lay still with my eyes closed and listened for a minute or so.

Lucy was spooned into me and her arm was over me. I felt her stir and realised she was awake. I continued to pretend I was asleep.

“I know your awake” she whispered. I ignored her and pretended to stir in my sleep. She said nothing but her hand gently reached over me and began to feel for my breast.

The nipple immediately stood to attention as her inquisitive fingers gently caressed through the nylon of the nightie. How did it do that? I was amazed at how my new breasts worked so realistically. I suddenly felt Lucy pushing her arm under me and enfolding me into her arms. Her hand began to caress me in between my legs.

I realised that I was probably going to be made love to again!

I must confess I didn't much feel like it, I have never been a morning person and the thought of her shoving her penis up my bum again didn't thrill me at all.

Slowly her possessive caressing started to make me feel as if I was out of control. I realised that even if I said 'no,' she would still go ahead and make love to me. Technically that would have been rape but I got the feeling that was not going to worry her in the slightest. Besides, if she was capable of spanking me if I didn't meet her wishes; it was not going to stop her making love to me.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the acknowledgement that I was no more than a mere chattel to her.

Oh she was kind and gentle to me and she obviously loved me dearly as indeed I loved her, but it didn't alter the fact that I was in her total control, it was almost as if I was now her child and she was my mother, I was certainly expected to call her mummy. I shuddered as I recalled last night. What she did last night wasn't very motherly!

As a man I did not like that one bit. However, on the other hand, as a new women, I could live and accept it.

Suddenly it came to me. There was no could about it, I HAD to accept it, I had no choice. I was her mere chattel and I would have to grow to like it.

She gently began to kiss me in the nape of my neck whilst her the tips of her fingers delicately pushed into my crotch. Instinctively I opened my legs slightly and emboldened by my submissive action she slid her whole hand in between my legs and palmed the little bulge in my split crotch knickers which was the remnants of my manhood.

I pretended to wake up and turned over in her arms to face her.

She had obviously slept well and she had one of her sweet cheeky smile that I knew so well and loved.

She hugged me to her and her lips found mine. We lay kissing for a moment or two and her hand was now gently caressing my bottom inside the split in my knickers I squirmed slightly as she gently fingered my intimate entrance still with the little pink ribbon hanging out.

She had only a pair of Boxer shorts on but I could feel her erection poking out of the fly opening pushing against my tummy.

I was perplexed; here was me, angst ridden and trying to come to terms with my new role and it was obvious that I was to be made love to again.

“Err… I’ve still got that thing in” I said lamely. What I actually wanted to say was that I although I loved her dearly and wanted to express that love I still needed time to come to terms with what had transpired last night; but of course, I didn’t.

“That’s no problem” she said softly a superior smile on her face.

She sat up and and purposefully but gently pulled me onto her lap with my bottom lewdly in the air.

“Yipe” I squealed but to no avail. She was remarkably strong and I had already given up trying to resist her physically.

She held me still while she stretched aside the frills of the rear opening in my knickers. and pulled on the ribbon attached to the device that was up my bottom. It popped out easily as I was still very lubricated from the previous nights session. I did not have time to be embarrassed as the next thing I knew she had swung me around onto the bed and I was on my back with my legs in the air.

Holding me down with one hand she pushed down her shorts with the other.

“Now my little kitten” she smiled purposefully. “Your Mummy wants to make love to you.”

It didn’t take very long this time, I was surprised that I had another orgasm. I certainly didn’t feel like it. Somehow the intrusion in it's self had pushed me into an orgasm that seemed to last for ages. It was different from the previous night. Last night I had felt sexy and excited, but this morning I just felt a little tired and not very passionate at all. Despite this I had dutifully responded to her lovemaking quite naturally.

Of course afterwards I felt totally subservient and in love with her. It was almost as if my orgasm had somehow evaporated my resistance and I could only feel grateful and deferential love for her. It had not been a romantic loving type of lovemaking but she had simply taken me purposefully; almost in the same way as she brushed her hair or cleaned her teeth. I had simply been a receptacle for her release.

I slipped in a fresh femidry and even that simply act seemed to be somehow part of my submission to her. I could, of course, forgive her for her rape.

Whilst she was dressing I was pretending to doze after our lovemaking and I idly watched her get dressed though half lidded eyes.

Her body although much more masculine was still feminine enough for me to find her very attractive. I had never liked large breasts so her vestigial breasts didn’t bother me. Although she was by no means muscle bound she still had nicely defined musculature rippling under her hairless skin. It was only under her arms and in her pubic area did she have soft silky hair. She no longer had the the girlish coyness that she had had when I first met her and now she strode around proudly brandishing her new attachment. I noticed she obviously like to touch it, as she nonchalantly scratched and pulled on it. I watched her as she adjusted it into the cod-piece. As she turned around her pert lean bottom was almost masculine, but she still managed to look tom-boyish rather than manly.

When she was dressed she fished out some clothes for me. And put them on the bed.

“Come on darling, we need to go down to breakfast” she shook me.

I sat up pretending that I had been dozing off.

“See you downstairs at breakfast in 10 minutes sharp” she said a little irritated at my laziness.

“I can’t get ready in 10 minutes” I wailed, “I’ve got to have a shower.

All right 15 minutes and no longer” she said commandingly and without warning she dragged the bedclothes off me.

“Oooooh it’s cold “ I squealed.

“Up! Up! Up!” she teased and at the same time her large hand dived in between my legs and tickled me.

“Ooooh. Stop it” I gasped as I writhed to get away from her pestering fingers. It is one thing to be gently caressed down there it is another thing to have some one grab you.

“All right I’ll get up.” I cried and thankfully she left me alone.

After she had gone down to breakfast I got up and went to the shower. I luxuriated in the warm stream for a minute or so, I had slipped another femidry up into my bottom and it was like a constant reminder of my recent penetration by my wife. And it felt as if I constantly needed to go to the toilet.

I quickly finished my shower and dressed, I slid out the femidry, and flushed it down the toilet. It seemed to have absorbed all of her fluids anyway.

I got dressed in the clothes she had put out for me. I glumly realised she had put out the dungaree shorts for me, You would think it was nice to wear something that could be regarded as masculine but these were more like kids rompers, there were a powder blue colour with a big heart logo on the bib front.

I had got used to the stupid clothing but these were something else, I gingerly stepped into them and pulled up the elasticated shorts. They were quite tight but were made of some stretchy material which I realised showed a rather obvious VPL.

I did up the straps that crossed over at the back and they were elasticated too and had the effect of pulling the bottoms even tighter into my crotch.

There was nothing for it but to go and find Lucy down at breakfast.

I gingerly opened the bedroom door and looked out. For some reason I didn’t want anybody to see me. Rather ridiculous especially as I was going to a crowded breakfast room.

There was a delicate smell of polish and old apples permeated the air as I walked along to the stairs and slowly went down. The wide plush carpet masking the noise of my tiny steps.

I had to walk across the hotel lobby which was filled with mostly "New men’. I blushed a delicate shade of pink as there was several heads turned to look me over. I had my eyes looking so downwards that I nearly bumped into one of them.

“Steady on sweetie” she smiled.

I muttered an apology and she casually patted my bottom as I walked by.

When I walked into the breakfast room it was quite crowded and at first I couldn’t see Lucy.

It was mostly "new men’ all looking the same in darkish business suits. I couldn’t remember what Lucy was wearing and peered around for her.

"There she was!’ She was sitting at a table chatting to another husband and wife, They had obviously asked her to share a table.

After introductions I naturally started chatting with him. I soon realised that Jamie and Jamiekin had, obviously, both got totally used to their new status. Jamie was typical tall svelte and supremely confident and Jamiekin was totally feminine and had a soft seductive little girl voice with lots of eyelash fluttering and delighted little squeals every time anyone said anything remotely funny.

Lucy couldn’t keep her eyes off him she seemed to visibly take on a maternal air. I felt a little pang of jealousy and to my shame I started to act in a rather girlish manner, if only to get Lucy’s attention back again.

It only had the effect of the tall masculine Jamie to pay me more attention. I was sitting next to her and every time she spoke to me in her patronising manner she put her hand firmly on my thigh. Lucy couldn’t see but I had the impression that Jamie wouldn’t have cared anyway, it was just her manner.

I was a voracious tea drinker and although Lucy had ordered my breakfast the waiter or waitress, It was a "new man’ – hadn’t bought me any tea.

“Never mind’ said Lucy brightly, “Why don’t you pop over and ask the man for your tea”

I could see she couldn’t be bothered to get the waiters attention in the busy breakfast room.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind”

"Blast' I thought to myself, I was going to have to walk across the crowded room and have to timidly ask the 'waiter’ for some tea. I just knew I would be ogled at and I had already seen the waiter put her arm around one poor boy who had asked her something.

“Go on don’t be frightened,” said Jamie condescendingly smiling at me.

“They are such timid little flowers” she said to Lucy, over my head. Goaded by her comments I slipped off my chair and walked determinedly over to the area where the teas were being prepared.

I must have been had been sitting awkwardly because my rompers seemed to be right up my bottom. I hastily stuck my finger in the elasticated legs and pulled them down. A gesture I had seen on many young girls at the seaside as the flicked there bikini bottoms down from riding up their bottom cheeks.

The rompers pulled up tightly in my crotch area and the seam forced the remnants of my penis to one side. It felt like it was all lumped up. I looked down and the little bulge was plain to see.

I hated this stupid pair of rompers, I felt a complete idiot in them. As if thing couldn’t get worse they suddenly did

At the same time I felt some movement deep in my bowls and then I found myself clenching my buttock cheeks for all I was worth!

Somehow a gobbet of Lucy’s fluids had decided to descend from deep in my bowels.

I needed to find a toilet fast...

I stood dumbstruck for a moment at the awfulness of what was happening to me. It felt as if I was going to poo my pants. I fiercely clenched my bum as hard as I could but the effort and the insistence of the fluid in me was overwhelming me. I suddenly found my clenched cheeks start to vibrate like a weight lifter not quite making the lift; it was no good, I couldn’t hold it in.

I let it go.

To my amazement nobody seemed to notice. It felt as if it was a huge amount but it was in fact not very much. I could feel it slopping in my knickers. It felt exactly as if I had pooed myself.

There was nothing for it but to walk over to the waiter hoping no one could see.

Thankfully she was busy and just handed me the tea with out a word.

When I got back the two women were guffawing and little Jamikin was tittering embarrassedly into her hand.

“Take her up to our room to sort her out” said Jamie with a wry smile on her face

Jamiekin stood up and held his hand out.

“Come with me” she tittered delicately. As we walked over to the entrance she walked close behind me.

I realised that they had seen what was going on.

When we got outside of the breakfast room took my hand and furtively whispered to me.

“You must have had a good session this morning” she whispered “You’ve leaked and it’s showing.” She gave a little giggle.

“I know I felt it come out” I whispered back miserably, I could feel another one starting to stir in my bowels.

“Don’t worry about we’ll go back to our bedroom and sort you out” as she lead me upstairs.

“Didn’t you put a "femidry’” in she said as she unlocked the door to their room.

“I did, but I took it out when I had a shower and didn’t put another one in”

“Ohh! … no wonder” she covered her mouth discreetly as she gave a deliciously feminine laugh.

“You need to keep it in longer than that; it’s bound to leak.”

“Err… I left my handbag back in the bedroom and my femidry’s are in there” I said apologetically.

She tutted exasperatedly

“A new women can’t leave her handbag at home” she said almost piously, “you never know when you will need it.”

“But you can have one of mine” she smiled at me.

Oh and I don’t actually use femidry’s I use a "femipon’ , they’re much more comfortable and have a special inserter applicator”

“I don’t mind, I’ll try anything” I said rather desperately.

She fumbled in her large hand bag and brought out a little U shaped device with a triggered handle. She pulled out a packet of femipons and pulled one out. I was a little pink cardboard tube with the ribbon coiled up and attached to one end

She attached the little pink tube to the U shaped inserter.

“There” she said all you do is put the femipon up against your bottom and pull the trigger.”

She gave me the inserter device.

“I’m not sure how to do it…” I said rather lamely

“It’s easier to lie down on the bed and raise you bottom off the bed. Like this ”

She or he lay down on the bed with her knees up in the air and raised her bottom off the bed.

She nonchalantly tugged flipped up her skirt and I could could see her frilly white knickers, for a moment I thought she was going to pull aside the knickers crotch as well. She showed me how the inserter was used pressing the tip against her knickers clad bottom.

“Ok…Ok…,” I said quickly, “I think I’ve got the idea.”

She smiled sweetly and handed it to me.

“It’s easier if you do it on the bed,” and I could see she expected me to do it in front of her. I was a little embarrassed, even in front of the fellow new-girl it seemed a little too intimate an act.

However, her kindness goaded me on and I gingerly climbed on the bed. I lifted my bottom in the way she had showed me and pulled aside my rompers and knickers. It was a bit tight and I found I had to obscenely splay apart my legs before I could get the femipon to my intimate entrance.

"That’s it,” she said,"pull the trigger”

I pulled the trigger in the inserter and the femipon shot up inside me. I gasped a bit. It was a weird sensation.

“There that wasn’t too bad was it?” she said, and gave me a sisterly hug.

I profusely thanked her, I had to admit to her it had been easier and I made up my mind to ask that Lucy get me femipons and an inserter for the future.

She fished in her wardrobe and produced a pair of girlish frilly knickers; a short skirt and a crisp white blouse.

“You'd better freshen up and you can put these on” she said kindly. I gratefully went into the bathroom and shimmied out of my soaked knickers and shorts. She was a bit larger than me but her clothes fitted quite well.

When I came out of the bath room she motioned me to sit down at the dresser, I wondered what for.

“I think you look lovely but I think you could look prettier” she said matter of factly. At first I didn't know what she was talking about until I noticed a collection of make-up on the dresser.

“Now” she said cheerily “This won't take long!”

She then proceeded to apply the make-up on to me. I wanted to resist but I couldn't especially as she had been so kind to me.

As she put the eye make-up on I was very concious of her proximity. I still had some manly feelings left, and to all intents an purposes she was a girl. She was wearing quite a heady perfume and was quite attractive as a girl.

I would have been stirring quite distinctly 'down below' had I anything left to stir and allowed her to manipulate my face as she applied the make-up. I had to purse my lips for her and she carefully applied the lipstick.

“Tadaa!” she squealed triumphantly as she finished, I was obviously expected to similarly squeal my delight as I looked in the mirror. I was amazed, I looked somehow more sexier and doll like.

I thanked her profusely and we got to have another girlish hug. I noticed that she lingered a little longer this time and I think she may have had the same feelings for me as well.

“Oh and one more thing” she said, with a slightly embarrassed air.

“This really turns new-men on!” she whispered and produced what looked like a lipstick.

“Its for putting on your nipples, like this” she said and she then proceeded to unbutton her blouse and open her bra at the centre clasp.

“See!” she said huskily. If I was had wondered if I was getting 'feelings' before I was in no doubt now. I was confronted by a delightful pair of breasts with sweet little puffy nipples that had obviously had rouging applied.

“Errr... very nice” I swallowed nervously.

“Come on let's put some on you for your Peter shall we?”

Before I could react She had undone the buttons of my blouse and started to undo my bra.

“Here let me” I said like an automaton, as I undid the clasp at the back. My boobs popped free and after complimenting me on what lovely breasts I had she carefully applied the rouge to my nipples.

“It tastes nice for your husband when he kisses you there” she said breathily, “ and I like the taste too” and she suddenly bent down and kissed my nipples. I gasped as the familiar direct connection to the remnants of my penis kicked in

“But you husband can't do this can she” she said as she came up for air and she gently hugged me to her pressing her soft perky breasts against mine.

This was so unexpected I couldn't seem to react, my mouth fell open in a seeming stupor. I was being seduced by a lesbian boy/girl and I couldn't react.

“We had better go back down to breakfast hadn't we” she said huskily. She had chickened out. But I was still in my stupor and I simply allowed her to lead me. I suppose we could have had a full lesbian session but I don't think I was quite ready for that. Yet!

“I suppose so” I muttered and she grinned cheerily. She knew she had made a conquest.

There was a few guffaws from the women when I got back down and some ribald comments on Lucy’s prowess, but nothing more than I suppose men used to do, although usually not in front of their women.

Lucy loved my make-up and asked how Jamiekin had got so good at it. Apparently she had gone to a seminar to learn how to make up at her local town. I resigned myself, by the look on Peters face, that I too would be going on a similar course probably when we got home.

I had noticed that Jamie had been wearing rather a prominent belt, I thought no more of it, until she stood up to leave.

She suddenly produced what looked like a thin leather belt. It was about four foot long had a plastic catch at each end.

"Have you heard about the new Keswick bye-laws,” she enquired of Lucy. As Lucy and I looked rather puzzled she went on to explain.

The thin leather belt was apparently called a 'curb' and it had now become local law due to health and safety reasons that whenever a husband and wife were outside in the street the wives had to be attached to their husbands by a 'curb’.

She had Jamiekin stand up and she demonstrated it.

Jamiekin stood impassively whilst she purposefully attached one end of the curb to Jamiekins wrist and the other end to her belt at the small of her back.

“There! Quite simple!” she exclaimed. “I can go out now secure in the knowledge that Jamiekin is safe and can't wander off and hurt herself. She can walk quite normally but she can't roam off”

I was incredulous, I looked at Lucy. She caught my eye and smiled almost pityingly.

“If it’s the law we'll have to get one” she smiled at me gently as my outrage was rather obvious.

When we got back to our room I expressed my incredulity.

“It's offensive” I ranted, but to no avail, Lucy insisted that it was quite a sensible idea, especially for health and safety reason she would have to pop out of the hotel to get one at the local shops.

She left me fuming in the hotel room.

I churned things over in my mind. I had started to accept my new subservient feminine role, but this was more like a child's role.

I cleared up the hotel room to occupy me until Lucy came back. My heart sank as she was carrying a big bag.

“I got one” she smiled brightly, as if I was going to be in some way pleased, I got a deluxe one that was the same price as the normal one.

She withdrew the cellophane wrapped 'curb'

“No wonder it was cheap! Who would want that colour” I said aghast. It was an almost fluorescent pink plastic. Nothing like the discreet leather one that Jamiekin had.

“Well it was good value especially as it's got a retraction facility as well.” she said almost defensively.

“Come on lets try it on”

I forlornly helped her get the belt on and attached the wrist band to my wrist. Unlike Jamikins the lead attached itself either to the left or right of the Peters waist belt.

It turned out that the retraction facility was even worse. It apparently allowed the 'Husband' to shorten the curb so the 'wife's' wrist was almost clamped against the belt she was wearing.

It also had a Wives belt that had like a loop on the back of the belt so that she could hold him by the back of the belt.

Lucy wanted to go shopping as Keswick was full of walking and outdoor pursuits shops and she wanted us to do some walking and we needed to get some walking outfits for both of us.

“After all you can't come to Keswick and not do some walking in the hills” she said with a smile.

So after lunch found us walking into town to get some walking clothes. I had changed out of the the clothes Jamiekins had lent me and she allowed me wear a more sensible short skirt and top.

It was only a short walk to the main centre of the town and it was market day. At first the 'curb' didn't make any difference. I had grumbled about it but there was no question of me not having the curb.

“The law is the law” Lucy said firmly and that was that. I tended to walk closely to Lucy and it made no difference at all. After all, we normally walked side by side and it was quite loose. Nevertheless I was concious of it especially when we walked around the market. It was busy and all of the other Husbands and wives had curb's as well.

As it was so busy Lucy decided to shorten the 'curb' to keep me close. I complained, of course, but she said it was for the best as they were likely to get tangled. I really did notice it now. If she stopped to look at something and wasn't looking at her I got jerked backwards. Instead of apologising I got moaned at to look where I was going. It was really annoying until I realised it was best to follow her slightly behind in order to walk normally.

We strolled around the market that was selling the usual mix of foods and clothes. One stall had a bit of a crowd around and we jostled through to see what the interest was. Amongst other things they were selling huge fluffy baskets called corner nests. They were obviously for new-wives as the stall holder had a boy lying down in it. He was dressed very sexily with the skimpiest of tops on and a minuscule pair of shorts.

With a cringe I noticed that he had a thick collar around his neck that was attached to a post of the market stall. He looked none to happy, but it turned out the fluffy 'dog basket' was especially for 'corner time'. Apparently If your 'wife' had been naughty you could put him in this dog basket like thing until he behaved himself.

I was aghast especially as the baskets were selling like hotcakes!

I looked up a Lucy, she was ignoring me and peering intently. She was actually licking her lips. It was obvious she was quite taken with the idea.

“Come on!” I said rather desperately to her, giving a tug on the curb. “We are supposed to be getting walking outfits.”

She looked at me in annoyance.

“Don't pull at me!” she said sharply, “ If I want to see or go somewhere you follow me; and don't start tugging me or I'll give you a wallop here on the street.”

She seemed so annoyed that I quickly looked humble and muttered sorry to her.

“I've a good mind to get one of those corner nests when we get home, that'll stop you tugging at me!”

I kept very quiet and luckily she didn't take it further. I was aghast at her threat and I took it very seriously. We had just seen an incident where a husband, presumable exasperated with her wife, had openly swatted him across the back of the legs. It had made quite a large crack and everybody had looked around at this poor 'new' wife. To my embarrassment he had burst into tears. I had been outraged!

Lucy hadn't said anything and treated it as natural but that was the first time I had seen such an open display of 'husband discipline'. By her lack of comment and apparent acceptance, she had obviously approved of the incident and was prepared to do the same thing to me!

I shuddered a little as we continued mooching around the market stalls. I couldn't face the possibility of such humiliation.

Lucy bought herself some mannish underwear off one of the stalls and some new knickers for me. She thought them amusing as they had silly logo's on them like 'I'm free' and 'I'm Hot for love' written across the back. One of them even had an arrow pointing with the words 'Fill your baby'

I hadn't been impressed by the underwear they seemed to be cheap and slutty but it amused her.

We eventually left the market stalls and went to the main shopping area to look in the shops. I was glad as it wasn't so busy and might get a few less few 'bottom pinches'.

During our wandering around I had realised that my bum seemed to be an open target!

When I had first felt a little nip on my bum I looked around angrily but apart from a few amused grins from the New-men that were jostling past it was impossible to tell who it was!

Later on when we were at the market stall selling the nests, it got worst. When I had bent forward a little to see what was going on I nearly jumped out of my skin as an inquisitive hand had thrust right up my little skirt and gabbed me in my most sensitive of places. I had given out a little yelp and Lucy had asked my sharply what the matter was. When I told her she gave a wry grin and said it couldn't be helped.

I had been very irritated with her lack of interest. It meant that I would have to put up with constantly watching my backside in a crowd as she certainly wasn't going to be bothered to protect me.

She allowed the curb to be a bit looser and we went into several of the shops.

Lucy kitted herself in a full walking outfit. The style was to have large baggy shorts that were knee length and instead of the ubiquitous cod-piece, she had what looked like bikini underpants over the top of the shorts. The shorts were a dark Khaki but the underpants were made of a beige shiny material. They had some sort of a flap that she could undo when she needed to relive herself.

A mannish shirt and kagul completed her outfit with some stout boots and thick ankle socks.

The only thing in common that she and I in our outfits were the boots! Otherwise I wore knee length thick white socks, and a pair of very short shorts that did up at the back and a sport bra, that held my breasts almost rigid with a blouse and a girlish pink kagul. I also got a rather tight Tee-shirt that my sport bra showed through.

What I objected to the most though was the large brimmed flowery straw sun hat she got for me. I had seen one or to men wearing them, they had a ribbon to tie them under your chin and they looked perfectly ridiculous.

She also insisted that I wore special sport panties, which were thick cotton full cut knickers that had a terry towelling section in the crotch and bum area. I objected to the undies especially as they were quite thick and showed a very obvious visible panties line under my shorts. Lucy pooh-poohed the objections saying that nobody but her was going to see them on up in the hills and she didn't mind.

When we got back to the hotel Lucy had me try on the various new knickers she had bought me. Needless to say I was made love to in a pair that said 'screw me gently'

Up in the hills

The gentle thud of our footsteps on the hill path path was the only noise. Occasionally there was the isolated 'Keeeee...' of a bird of prey. It was a beautiful balmy windless day, just right for walking.

The one thing about walking is that it give you the ability to think and muse especially as the breathtakingly beautiful scenery unfolds. I looked up at our destination which was the summit of 'Cat Bells' by the side of the Lake Derwent.

My thoughts focused on the last few days. It was difficult to imagine that just a few days ago. had been a complete man. Now I was this simpering girlish creature that was totally reliant on his wife or should I say his new husband.

I considered more about my feelings. I had assumed that I was just a victim here and everything had been forced upon me.

Recently I had fondly fantasied that given the opportunity I would run off and reverse the changes that had been made and I would get back to being a man again. Lucy would realise the error of her ways and together we would fight the new-men to restore things back to how they were.

Despite that being a fantasy that satisfied my emasculated being, I wasn't so sure. For instance I had ashamedly preened my self in front of the mirror posing with the new knickers with the logos on Lucy had bought me. There was something deliciously naughty about those slutty knickers that made me feel good.

It was nice to be desired.

I had been aghast and it had hurt at first when she had made love to me with her fleshy tube. But now she had made love to me three times and I had started to get used to the penetration and in fact I was now quite comfortable with it up inside me.

With a start I realised that as I was thinking of her lovemaking I was getting the familiar twinge in between my legs.

“Come on dawdler keep up!” Lucy had got a few paces ahead of me and had turned around to wait for me with a tender and loving smile on her face.

I smiled back. and hurried up to her. She opened her arms and I instinctively ran into them. We had a few minutes of kissing and hugging. And for the first time I surreptitiously pushed my tummy against her bulge. It seemed to get immediately erect.

“Hey now ... none of that,” I said cheekily.

Her answer was to reach down and tenderly cup my crotch.

“I can have you any time I want,” she murmured in between kisses.

We had stopped by a style and she lifted me up and placed me on the top bar of the style. She spread my legs apart and stood in between them, slowly caressing my crotch.

“Darling we can't do it out in the open!” I giggled delightedly secure in the knowledge that for now I was free from the threat of her lovemaking. After all we had already met a few other walkers on the way; and if we were going to get to the summit and back within a reasonable time it was going to be a brisk walk. But, all the same, I almost imperceptibly thrust my groin against her groping hand.

“We'll see about that,” she smiled and she allowed me to get down an we continued walking. I didn't notice the gleam in her eye or her jaw jut out in that determined way.

I must confess she looked rather odd in her shorts with the strange outside underpants; but everyone else was wearing the same fashion.

I must look even odder in my wide brimmed straw hat and short shorts.

Thankfully she had let me off the curb and, to be honest, I was thoroughly enjoying the walk. The shorts I was wearing were a little tight on me but I just know I was looking quite sexy, especially as I had got a few glances from other women that we had met on the walk. My pert little breasts were nicely held in the sports bra and I hardly noticed the occasional joggle.

The path wended it's way up a steep part and then opened out over a minor summit and led slightly down into a forested area. I could see that we would be skirting a small tarn, (mountain lake.)

It was absolutely idyllic and I happily almost skipped along side Lucy.

That little episode at the style made me think further. In my mind I still hadn't really accepted my new status. My mind somehow thought it was all still temporary and soon it would all be back to normal. However, every interaction or conversation with Lucy just reinforced my new status and subconsciously I realised I had started to accept it.

For instance, she had openly groped my crotch on the style, and, instead of reacting against it, I had just flirted with her in a coquettish way.

If I had done that to her, say a year ago, I would have had a diatribe on respect from her and she would have probably slapped me.

That should have been my reaction just now! But instead I had responded in a almost inviting way re-enforcing her behaviour. Now she could could grope me any time she wanted and genuinely believe that I liked it.

Which subconsciously I did!

Oh, it was so confusing!

The awful thing about the situation was that I totally knew what Lucy wanted. She wanted this soppy, fluffy, girlish, powerless, doll man to be totally dependant on her for everything. In return she would feel in control and powerful and to demonstrate her power in her sexual and normal behaviour. I realised that although I called her mummy that was the relationship she wanted. I was to be the effete flowery feminine child who adored her mummy.

And I knew that I was ninety per cent of the way there, I just hadn't accepted it in my head.

I wondered whether I would feel happier if I gave her what she wanted. Certainly, just now, when she had grabbed my crotch I had reacted how she would like me to act, except perhaps for reminding her that we were in public and she couldn't 'have' me until we got home tonight.

But had that been a sign of my still existent rebellion? Perhaps she saw my admonishment as a sign of rebellion.

My reverie was interrupted as we came across a side path from the main path through the woods. There was a recently installed fence post stuck in the ground and it had a little chained metal ring on it. The top was painted red and had the letters L.A on it.

Strangely Lucy placed the metal ring over the post and turned off to the side path.

“Mummy,” I called, at once realising that I had involuntarily called her Mummy, yet again; “The main path goes straight on.”

“Just follow me and don't worry,” said Lucy, I felt that she could have added 'your little head'.

I caught her up.

“Peterkin, you seem to question everything I do” she admonished, “First you tell me we can't make love and now you are telling me I don't know where we are going. Please trust me”

“I'm sorry Mummy,” I always said 'Mummy' when I said sorry, I had learnt that it helped.

“It's just that ...”

“Trust me !“ she said firmly.

Suddenly we came into a very small clearing in the woods on the shores of the lake. There was a log cut in half to make a seat. It was like a little fairy glen, with wild flowers bordering the clearing.

It was a dead end and very secluded. I turned to Lucy.

“Why did we...” I stopped, she had that determined and purposeful look when she was annoyed.

Very annoyed!!

What Had I done?

She slowly and leisurely sat down on the log seat and I couldn't but notice that determined set to her jaw. She had a slightly smaller mouth than normal and her jawline seemed to make it smaller when she was annoyed.

“Now then!” she said quietly and evenly.

“Come and stand here... Now!” she demanded, I came and stood in between her open legs with alacrity, with guilt written all over my face. I had no idea what she was so cross about.

She took both my hands in hers and her piercing blue eyes looked me directly in the eye. My eyes dropped, I couldn't stand her glaring at me.

“Look at me,” she thundered; reluctantly my eyes dragged up to look her in the eyes.

“When I choose to fondle you ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME you should accept it as a sign of my loving and be grateful and thankful. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mummy” I whispered.

“And I don't expect to be told by my wife when I can make love or when I can't make love. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mummy” I now barely whispered.

“Right then, I think a lesson needs to be learnt, don't you?” I shuddered I knew what this meant, and sure enough she twisted me around and I was forced across her knee. I was completely docile. When she was like this all thought of resistance had gone.

I felt her undo the back fastening of my shorts and they as well as my underwear were ripped down to my ankles.

“Take them off,” she ordered and I hastily kicked them off.

“Legs apart,” she snapped.

I spread my legs for her as she held me on her knee with her other hand caressing my buttocks.

“I want you to repeat some words after me,” she said, “do you understand.”

“Yes mummy,” I said starting to sob with the sheer humiliation . She had never done this to me before.

“Repeat after me; 'I must never reject Mummy's caresses because it shows that Mummy loves me.'”

I mumbled the words.

“Louder!” she commanded.

I repeated them louder in between my open sobbing.

“And I deserve the smacking Mummy is going to give me for upsetting my Mummy”

I repeated it loud enough for her to be satisfied as I realised I was going to get a spanking.

All the while her hand had been caressing my buttocks but I felt her remove her hand.

I braced myself for what was about to come. Then next thing I felt was a searing wallop up in between my legs over my bared hairless crotch.

“Yow” I squealed. It stung like mad but there were no testicles to do any permanent damage.

By now I was howling openly I couldn't believe the utter humiliation and the stinging pain that she was putting me through.

“Now stop your silly crying; I haven't finished yet I've got some more for you to repeat.”

I couldn't help it; my hands tried to reach around to rub my flaming crotch but she held me tightly.

“Now stop your silly noise and repeat after me.”

I managed to suppress my crying into convulsive sobs.

“I will not tell mummy when and where we can make love, because mummy will tell ME when we will make love.”

I repeated what she said in between sobs.

“I will not question where my mummy leads me as MUMMY knows best, NOT me.”

Once again I repeated her words. and then she gave me another two wallops across each buttock cheek.

I howled again as she stood me up again. I was now stinging on my crotch and each buttock.

She sat me on her knee and let me cry as she gently caressed my burning crotch.

“I'm not angry with you,” she said gently, “but I must be firm and discipline you when you need it” she said an a gentle and patronising voice, as she gently kissed away my tears.

I wanted to pull away and tell her what bitch she was for humiliating me in this way, but I couldn't even conceive me actually saying that to her.

Instead I did what she seemed to have conditioned me to do and I allowed her to calm me down like a mother would a little child.

The stinging didn't last very long but I knew now that she wanted a much greater level of obedience that I had dreamed off. I thought I had responded normally at the style but unbeknownst to me I had somehow challenged her authority over me!

It was so confused, but one thing I knew for sure is that I didn't want to get another spanking.

“It was for your own good” she said softly and tenderly.

I wanted to blurt out that there was no need to wallop me but I knew instinctively what to say.

“Thank you mummy,” I whispered.

She smiled broadly and hugged me to her and for once I knew I had said the right thing.

“I only want the best for you my pet lambkin” she gently stroked me on my stinging crotch.

“And now, my darling, I need to prove to you that when Mummy wants to make love to her pet lambkin She will, if it is appropriate and safe.”

I realised what she meant. I still had no shorts and underwear on and she was going to make love to me here and now. I nervously looked around expecting to see someone walking by, but the little arbour was completely secluded and the lake was wide enough for no one to see from the other side what we were doing.

She slipped me off her knee and she undid the over-pants to her shorts. The over pants was just covering an open fly hole in her shorts. Her fleshy tube was already standing to attention. She turned me around reached into her pocket and produced a femmivass which I obligingly bent over for her to insert. I did my best to assist her even to the extent pulling open my stinging bottom cheeks to allow her easy access to my intimate entrance.

Without further ado she pulled me back onto her knees and swung me around so my legs were now either side of her body lewdly displaying my crotch.

She put her her hands under my arms and gently lifted me up so that her penis could be placed at my intimate entrance.

It wasn't quite there and I reached under to guide the fleshy tube into me.

When it was firmly lodged she let me go and I felt the penis push deep into me as I literally slid down her the erect pole! I gasped. We had never made love like this before and I was amazed at the depth of penetration, I couldn't help uttering a mewing sound as I seriously thought it could do some damage.

“It's so deep” I quavered.

“It shows my deep love for you.” she whispered as she hugged me too her. Her arms had encircled me and one was tucked into my buttocks and the other slid up under my top and was plying with my nipples. Slowly she eased me up again and let me drop. The sensation was different to anything I experienced before. It was frightening as it felt so deep inside me, but at the same time I felt utterly filled to the brim. Lucy increased pace as she lifted me up and let me drop like a pile driver, she was literally using me like a rag doll.

As she approached orgasm she was lifting me up higher and plunging me down faster until, with a cry, she rammed me down on her fleshy tube as hard as she could. Her penis seem to reach further inside me than ever before as the hot spurt of her love juices burst into me. The sensation pushed me over the edge and I orgasmed with her.

I felt her penis subside in me but it was still deep, very deep. I started to involuntarily try to expel it but to no avail. It was like a huge motion stuck in me. I made a move as if to get off her lap so I could expel it out of me as it was now slightly uncomfortable.

She felt me move and pulled me back on to her.

“Don't pull away darling” she whispered, “it's essential that you feel my penetration of you after discipline”

'What!!' I thought to myself; I realised that she was relishing the power over me that she had with her ability to penetrate me. My filled up bottom was some sort of power thing, I was truly the subservient bitch to her rampant dog.

“I think darling you haven't realised what you have become” she started. I sat back still with her 'thing' up my bottom, she was relaxing back onto the seat. Obviously enjoying me still attached to her.

“You see you are no longer a wife in the old sense,” she continued.

I reflected that I never had been. If any man had treated his wife like the way she treated me, in the old days, she would have divorced him long ago.

“You are now a new woman wife, and that new women is more like a sweet child, in need of a strong mother figure to lead, care and protect. In return I expect genuine love and respect with acceptance of the your lowly wifely position.”

“I don't want you to be an equal, but what mummy needs is an acceptance from you that you are my childlike sweet little wife.”

At least my thoughts were confirmed, I was to become her sweet little boy girl that she could pamper and pet and exert her power and authority over me.

I lay in her arms for a couple of minutes recovering.

She gently kissed me and I returned her kisses by opening my mouth to receive her intrusive tongue.

The awful truth started to come home. She would expect me to be this trusting loving child that would eagerly accept her authority; always.

I felt totally trapped, How was I to get out of this. I could accept her taking the lead in things but this pampered pet that she wanted me to be was too awful for words.

“Do you like me inside of you, my darling” she whispered as I felt her slowly subside.

“Mmmm... Ooooh Yes!” I gave her a forced smile as I wanted her to let me go and we could get on with the walk.

She chuckled and lifted me up and her tube slopped out of me. Immediately I felt that I needed to go to the toilet such was the amount of fluid that was up inside of me.

She had thought of everything and she produced a femidry which she helped me to slide into up my ravished bottom.

When we had got back to the main path I noticed that Lucy unhooked the ring that was on the post. It transpired that the post signified a 'Love Arbour' and it was designed for outdoor lovemaking!

Honestly, these women had thought of everything.

Much subdued I followed her on our walk up the mountain. I was concious of the femi-dry up inside of me. Her love juice had been so prolific that despite the femi-dry it had still leaked a little and the cheeks of my bottom were slimy with the leaked love juice.

She seemed to treat me differently after our session in the love arbour. It was almost as if she had planned some kind of showdown with me so she could demonstrate her superiority, Now she had had the showdown she now moved on in her subjugation of me.

Any thought of husband wife partnership was long gone. I was to be her feminine little lapdog; forever a delicate child always relying on her and her slightest whim.

She seemed to be extra specially attentive to me. We didn't get to the top but and turned back quite a long way from the summit. She didn't want to tire me out she assured me.

She was constantly holding my hand and occasionally we would stop for a rest where she would engulf me wither her kissing and caresses. I thought she was guilty for spanking me and pretended to be stand offish

I did not resist her in the slightest in fact I was almost proud of my slutty opening up for her. Especially when her hand slid down the back of my shorts to finger my soaking wet knickers.

The last part of the walk terminated in a 'kissing gate' which opened onto one of the back streets of the town. She gallantly let me through first and she followed after me. I was tired by this time and I slowly plodded on expecting her to catch me up.

I should have know!

I suddenly felt a stinging slap across the back of the legs. I was only a light slap but all the same I gave a little shriek all the same.

“What was that for” I wailed uncomfortably hopping from one foot to the other.

Of course I had forgotten the wretched curb!

“I keep telling you it is for your own good,” she said quietly as she attached it to me, “but you never seem to listen. Perhaps that little tap may have reminded you”

I docilely allowed her to snap the curb on me and was very careful to walk just behind her so I could see when she wanted to stop. I didn't want to have another slap across the back of the legs in public.

As we got closed to the hotel I noticed a husband and wife couple walking towards us.

'Oh no' I thought to myself, it was Jamie and Jamikin. I really didn't feel like socialising with them at all, espacially the state that I was in.

It was too late They had seen us.

“Hi... did you have a nice walk”

Jamie and Peter fell into polite conversation. Jamiekin looked at me. It was obvious that I had been crying and he smiled sympathetically at me.

“Had a bit of a 'showdown' have you?” he asked quietly.

I nodded miserably.

He looked around, Jamie and Peter were deep in conversation and ignoring us.

“It's all part of their strategy” he whispered. “We all have to go through it. Did she wallop you and then make love?”

Again I nodded.

“They're told to do it. Its' all part of the plan to show you whose boss. Did she go on about being a mummy.”

“Yup” I said, as it slowly dawned on me that it had all been some rotten plan that Lucy ad cooked up.

“There's nothing for it. You can't fight it” he said sympathetically. It's up to you but the easiest way is to let them win. Be like me! There's no better sweet little girl who adores her mummy than me”

I blinked back the tears. She was right of course.

Lucy had won. I was now her little girl. I was to adore and worship her and in return I got to be made loved to and provided for.

Some deal I thought!

As I plodded back to the hotel I made up my mind.

I would comply. I would be what she wanted. I gave up, just like Jamiekin had.

I brightened up. At least I now had some resolve. Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. After all I only had to put up with her 'thing' up my bum occasionally. The rest of the time I would be a pampered pet!

That night I was profusely loving. I snuggled up to her and lovingly caressed her bulging cod piece. I even kissed the velvety tip of her penis when we made love that evening. I gasped and shrieked in adoration when she actually penetrated me.

It was all a sham but she bought it. I could see she was overjoyed at having so obviously won her battle for subjugation.

What was so frightening and worrying was that some of it wasn't actually a sham.

Surely I wasn't starting to enjoy it!!


That was it!

I was beaten. She had unequivocally won. She and the rest of New mankind.

Women rule!

There is now no free men. The whole of society had re-geared itself to the convenience and lives of the new-men. We old-men were now no more than little childish and primped little girls. Seemingly just there so we could adore and love our husbands. Our whole being was to be an extension of our new wife's. When weren't just dominated we were pure adjuncts. There as mere receptacles for the new man's desires. The new man desires was actually very much aligned to the old women's needs which was to love nurture and above all be adored.

I finally got it and accepted that I must behave like a sweet gentle adoring little girl, that my wife so desired.

I was determined to keep my mind and just one day I might be able to fight back. But so far I didn't know how. I have been fitted with a device that has been inserted under the flesh of my scrotum, so that they could track me instantly, should I decide to run off.

The police saw any runaway as fair game and any runaway was likely to be handed back to his husband with a very sore and leaky bottom indeed.

We we got back home after Keswick my life turned into a routine of love making and looking after Lucy.

She did get a 'nest' and on quite a few occasions I was banished to the corner nest, until I was humble and sorry again, after which I would be forcibly made love to.

I think she enjoyed these little power sessions especially as there was sometime no real reason for her to punish me.

I did get to have some fun when I got very close to a another boy at my 'make up' classes, but that is another story.

The end.

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