Heir to a Title - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Callum was playing on his computer when she entered their apartment. He turned nervously as he heard the door knob turn.

“Where they shouting Mummy?”

Ellie nodded.

“Yes darling.”

“What about?

“I learned something shocking tonight darling.”

“Is it bad mummy?”

“Well it doesn’t affect you or me but it’s surprised me. Your granddad had a brother, I had an uncle, and you had a great uncle. He was also a brother to Aunties Rosie and Sandie.”

“You mean Nana Charlotte had another son?”

“Yes darling, that’s very clever of you to work it out. Where did you learn about relatives and stuff?”

“Grand ma Molly explained about it. Is it like Auntie Rosie and Sandie? Does he never come to see us?”

Ellie was stuck for an answer so she kept it as simple as she could.

“Well yes darling, sort of. Something happened an awful long time ago even before I was born and that’s what they were arguing about. His name was Uncle Bernard but he will never come to see us. Nobody knows where he lives and Grandpa Bill thinks he might even be dead.”
Callum fell silent as Ellie prepared his night-cap and he asked no more about it that night.

As with every other night, Callum now dressed in his nightie and knickers before skipping upstairs to bed. Ellie followed him up thoughtfully as she considered what she had learned that day.

The following morning Ellie deliberately gave Callum free rein to dress as he pleased in pink leggings and a longish, floral top. That coupled with ruffle socks and sandals ensured he was indistinguishable from a cis-gendered girl. He was dressed thus while eating breakfast when his great aunts appeared at the table. After some surprised looks, the aunts accepted Ellie’s invitation to accompany Ellie to the shops.
Nana Charlotte refused to accompany them. She still disapproved of Callum’s attire but Ellie was determined not to let her grandmother intimidate her son or censure him. She ushered her aunties into the car and sped off before Nana Charlotte had finished breakfast. In the car she explained to Rosie and Sandie.

“Callum prefers to dress as a girl so I let him. We buy his girl clothes together and that’s what we had planned today. You see, I’m not a complete stranger to transvestism or trans-sexualism; because Henry and I had friends at Cambridge who did the same thing as Callum and they were some of the best friends we could have hoped for. What’s more, not all of them were gay. I still see Jackie today. She was Henry’s best friend and sculling team-mate. As a pair they won a blue. His male name was James but he came to Henry’s funeral as Jackie. I thought she was very brave and I loved her for that. Nana Charlotte met Jackie and never even twigged that she was also James. I find transgender people to be some of the most sincere and honest people on earth. You don’t have to lie to anybody if you are cross-dressed and obviously transgendered. What’s that saying in Shakespeare? – Be true to yourself and you don’t have to lie to anybody else.”

Rosie nodded and grinned softly.

“He put it a bit fancier than that Ellie but yes, you’ve got the jist of it.”

Ellie smiled.

“Yeah; well I didn’t do English at Uni', I did Maths and Physics.”

Both aunties smiled then touched on a more sombre note; Auntie Sandie spoke softly, almost apologetically as she replied.

“I hope you realise, we both bitterly regretted over-reacting to Bernard’s cross dressing when he was small. Neither of us remotely thought that Mum would respond the way she did. We thought he would just get a thrashing and that would be the end of it. She should never have done what she did. Both Rosie and I have felt guilty about it all our lives.”

“Yes,” Rosie agreed. “We lost a brother and a sibling thanks to mum’s intransigence. She still hasn’t recanted.”

“She’s a bitch!” Sandie cursed.

“Aye,” Rosie added, “that’s why we don’t come down too often. I mean every time we come together to see mum, we are reminded of it. It’ll be a change coming to see her and having something nice to do. It’s going to be a delight shopping with Callum here.”

“It’s Callista Auntie Rose,” Callum interrupted, “my girl name is Callista; after the Greek goddess.”

Callum’s great aunts grinned and accepted the child’s censure. Rosie answered for both of them.

“And a very nice name too young lady. So what are you looking for today?”

“Tops, leggings and new trainers. Ready for the summer holidays. I’m spending the whole six weeks up in Yorkshire.”

The aunts exchanged amused smiles as Callista explained further.

“My other Grand-pa Harry says when he dies, I’m going to be the Duke of Denton so I’ve got to learn about the job and learn all about the estate. It’s huge Auntie Sandie, much bigger than your farm; so he’s going to show me all around it and tell me everything.”

After chatting at length they arrived in town and Callista beamed happily.

“Ah, here we are, Primani, my favourite shop. Come on Mummy, or those lovely blue leggings I saw last Friday will all be gone.”

Ellie grinned towards her aunts as she parked the car and the four of them stepped eagerly into the mall. Callista skipped excitedly ahead and arrived at the display of leggings and jeggings before the adults had even entered the store. She had already selected a blue pair in the correct size and was thoughtfully comparing some plum leggings with some other black pairs. The Aunt’s turned again and smiled at Ellie. Rosie remarked as she and her sister watched intrigued.

“She’s obviously a hardened shopper already. That’s definitely a girl you’ve got there Ellie, no boy would be comparing prices, colours and sizes like that.”

Ellie sucked her cheeks thoughtfully before replying.

“Tell that to Nana Charlotte. She wants to chaperone Callista up to Yorkshire but I can’t see it happening; especially if she tries to suppress Callista’s femininity.

The aunts looked askance at each other then a puzzled Sandie asked Ellie.

“You allow him to do it when he likes?”

“Yes, though he doesn’t do it in school, well not yet anyway.”

“Is he allowed to express his femininity up there in Yorkshire then?”

Ellie suddenly realised they didn’t know about the Dentons but the cat was out of the bag now. She shrugged somewhat philosophically.


“You mean he’s allowed to cross-dress up there amongst the nobility and all that?” Rosie pressed.

“Yes.” Debbie confirmed flatly. “He or she’s an earl in her own right, son of a duke and all that.”

“Shouldn’t that be a countess then?” Sandie grinned.

“Don’t they mind; I mean his grandfather’s the duke.” Rosie pressed. “Callum’s going to be duke one day isn’t he? How will that be possible if he has a sex change?”

“To your first question, no, they don’t mind,” Ellie replied, “and to your second question, yes, he’ll be Duke of Denton one day; sooner rather than later. The old duke is quite a sick man, well; he’s in remission from prostate cancer.

“Is he actually allowed to stay on the estate dressed as a girl?” Rosie struggled to accept this.

“Yes!” Ellie sighed. “They have no issues and I’ll explain why.”

Both Sandie and Rosie’s eyes widened with somewhat salacious expectation.

“Oh do tell!”

Ellie sighed and wagged her head.

“Sorry to tell you girls but it’s not some awful secret about the nobility. In fact the story is well known up in those parts.”

“Well go on then, don’t keep us in suspense.” Rosie urged.

Ellie shrugged and explained.

“Well, the ninth duke’s younger brother Mortimer was also a transvestite or cross-dresser as you call them, but he turned out to be a war hero both at El Al’amain and during the Normandy landings. He won the George cross in North Africa and the Military cross during the assault on Caen. The man’s a legend up in Yorkshire and many of his old regiment swore that he was refused the Victoria Cross because he was a somewhat effeminate character and Monty may have been a bigoted old curmudgeon.

Uncle Mortimer may have appeared to be a sissy to Monty but he saved his whole platoon and another from certain death by stopping a German counter attack for a whole day with only his sergeant beside him. Mortimer almost died from the wounds to his chest and shoulder and the sergeant had to physically drag him to safety after the company finally managed reorganise then advance again and recover the salient the pair had held. When they found them, the pair were down to the last round of their field gun. Monty had nearly bled to death and the sergeant had wounds in his arm.

The old duke assured me Mortimer was loved by his men and a personal letter from Mortimer’s divisional commander to the eighth duke tells of his feelings that Mortimer was only denied the VC because Monty was such a homophobe. The irony was that Mortimer wasn’t homosexual, he was an effeminate transvestite. He left a widow and two daughters but his effeminate manners convinced Monty he was a ‘bloody queer’.

Anyway, right up until his death only a dozen years ago, Mortimer continued to dress, especially when he went home to the country pile to visit his older brother the duke. Mortimer’s reputation saved it for Callum. The Dentons have absolutely no problems with Callum living as Callista.”

Both aunts nodded remorsefully.

“Pity Nana Charlotte couldn’t have been like that with Bernard.” Sandie finished.

“Aye, well it’s water over the dam now.” Rosie added. “I’m damned sure we’ll never find out what happened to him. That fire that destroyed the borstal records was pretty suspicious business.”

Callista had returned with her chosen leggings and she had been digesting what she had heard about her mysterious great uncle Bernard. As Ellie checked that Callista's choice of leggings didn't have any flaws, she noticed Callista’s thoughtful silence.

“What’s bothering you darling?”

Callista turned with the slightest glint of a tear in her eyes and her voice cracked as she croaked nervously.

“Was Uncle Bernard like me and was he sent away because he liked girl’s clothes as well?”

“Yes,” Aunt Rosie replied thoughtlessly.

Ellie bristled as she snapped at her aunt.

“You stupid woman, can’t you see that Callie thinks the same is going to happen to her!”

Ellie reached out desperately and pulled her child tight to reassure her.

“You are NOT going to be sent away darling. I would rather send Nana Charlotte away.”

Rosie and Sandie realised their blunder and quickly moved to repair the damage.

“Yes darling. We would also send Nana Charlotte away before she harmed you. What she did to our brother was unforgiveable. He was only six. We would love to have him back but sadly we’ll probably never know what became of him.”

“Is he dead?” Callista asked bluntly.

“We don’t know darling,” Ellie replied as both aunts reaffirmed their uncertainty. “Now let’s go and pay for those leggings.”

“I’ve got to choose some tops as well.” Callista reminded them.

To make up for their blunder, the aunts offered to pay for Callista’s tops and indulged her accordingly. They resumed rummaging through the clothes until the young girl found what she liked. After paying they went for coffee.
Calli sat silent as she idly stirred her coffee and chewed slowly on her cake. It was obvious to all the adults that the child was still not convinced. Bad connections were being made in her head. Her next question confirmed this as she looked up nervously.

“I’m seven next birthday.”

Ellie rolled her eyes as she realised what Callum was thinking. The child turned to her.

“Mummy, can you and I go and live with Grandpa Harry and Grandma Molly?”

“Why darling?” Ellie asked but fearing the child’s answer.

“Nana Charlotte might want to send me away to die but Grandma Molly would let Callista live.”

Ellie filled up with unreleased tears. It was obvious that her child was still terrified with doubts. She reached out and pulled Callista tight to her breast as she repeated.

“Now listen for the last time darling; you are NOT going to be sent anywhere! Nana Charlotte has no control over you; I am your mummy and I am keeping you forever. You are NOT going to be sent away to die!!”

Callista squirmed tight into her mother’s embrace and muffled her tears in Ellie’s breast as Ellie glared at her aunts.

“Have you no tact. Look what you’ve done. She’s terrified.”

The aunts finally realised the extent of their blunder and shamefacedly made their excuses. Ellie motioned her head angrily directing them to go to the car as she repaired the damage with hugs and kisses. Despite the previous assurances, Callum asked again as nerves choked his throat.

“Can we mummy? Can we live in the big house? If I live here, Nana Charlotte might send me away to die.”

“Would you really want to live up there all the time darling? I’m not sure that we can. I can’t leave Beverly in the lurch at work. She relies on me for her figures. Besides, I need my wages, I have to work.”

Calli looked disappointed and Ellie reaffirmed her promise.

“I am not sending you away but you can certainly go to stay with Grandma Molly and Grandpa Harry all over the school holidays if you wish.

Nana Charlotte will not be coming either.”

At this news, Callista was eventually convinced. She cheered up appreciably and eventually they returned to the car after Callista had dried her tears. Once they returned to the cottage, Ellie returned to her grandmother’s apartment and laid down the law as far as her child was concerned.

“You will NOT censure him or her when she chooses to wear girl’s cloths and you will NOT criticise him/her for it. If you do, I will be sending Callum to live with his paternal grandparents and you won’t ever see him again. Just let me re-iterate – as far as I am concerned and as far as my child is concerned, transgenderism or transvestism is NOT a crime nor is it some sort of stupid religious blasphemy or curse or whatever.”

Nana Charlotte said nothing. She knew exactly now where the boundaries lay. Ellie’s father also nodded slowly as he took on board the new situation. The legal and social situations regarding gender and sexuality issues had shifted tectonically since he was a little boy. In today’s climate his younger brother Bernard would never have been ‘disposed of’.

With the air cleared and the matter finished as far as Ellie was concerned, she returned to her own ‘apartment’ and put Callista to bed after reassuring once more that she was NOT going to be sent away. After settling her precious child she joined the other adults as the aunts prepared to return home. Finally she curled up on her own settee in her own apartment to watch a programme she had recorded about transgenderism. A couple of times she paused it to check on her child like some anxious animal checking its cubs, making sure her offspring was safe. The day had left her exhausted but relieved.

For the rest of the week she took Callista to school early and collected her from ‘after-school-club’ at the latest possible time. Sometimes even Beverly collected Callista and gave her a ride in the Aston Martin simply to keep her away from the house and its oppressive atmosphere. The appearance of an Aston Martin at the school gates gave Callista extra kudos with her school friends. When Callista mentioned Ellie’s promise to take her to ride the horses at Miss Beverly’s, Ellie seized the chance to give her child a two day break before returning late on Sunday night to resume the last week of the school term. The atmosphere however remained tense around the cottage for Ellie avoided Nana Charlotte like the plague.

She still could not understand how her grandmother could ever have just ‘disposed’ of a child without any feelings or apparent sense of loss. To Ellie, it cast Nana Charlotte in a totally new and unacceptably cruel light.

As the week progressed Ellie also seemed to feel an increasing sense of loss. She could not stop wondering what her lost uncle might have been like had he been around as an adult. She tried to imagine a younger version of her dad and then trying to attach her aunts’ features to the image but all this did was increase her sense of loss. Then she began to feel sorry for the ‘poor little boy’ who must have endured a ghastly sense of rejection and loss. Finally, as her thoughts and fears invaded her every spare moment, she concluded that the kid must have become a seriously disturbed juvenile who in all probability died in his early years either through suicide or some-sort of ghastly sexual murder. Additionally, during the next week, as her thoughts kept returning to the issue of her newly discovered uncle – she started to make some silly errors that compelled Miss Beverly to call her into her office again before closing on Friday.

“Is everything okay Ellie?” Beverly asked as Ellie settled in the chair.

“So so, Miss Beverly, why d’you ask?”

“Well, you’ve made a few uncharacteristic mistakes in your figures this week. One was quite serious and the ship had to shut out a couple of containers. It was seasonal cargo and we had to meet the penalty clause conditions. The containers were re-routed through Southampton and Spain at our expense. Now that’s not like you, and the girls in despatch did not pick up on it because of the spring rush. I was just wondering if you’ve still got something on your mind.”

Ellie hesitated. She did not like bringing her domestic problems to work and she rarely chatted to the other girls about personal affairs. The other girls tended to regard her as something of a ‘cold-fish’ who was pre-occupied with figures and equations. Reluctantly she opened up to Miss Beverly.

“My family are having issues about Callum and his cross-dressing.”

“Who? The Duchess? Surely not! They struck me as admirably kind and tolerant.”

“Oh no, not the in-laws. Molly’s fine with it. It’s my own family, my grandmother mostly. She’s dead set against my son for his activities and I learned something dreadful last weekend.”

“Would it help to talk or would you prefer I didn’t get involved.”

“I don’t know. What I learned shocked me to the core. I suppose I’ll get over it but it’s altered my view about my Nana.”

“Well if you’d prefer to leave it for now then I’m all for that. If it continues to distract you though, then I’ll try and help because it could damage my company and I’m sure neither of us would want that. You’ve been a rare find for me and I would hate to lose you. There was a bonus coming to you at the end of this month because you’ve done wonders for the company. I’d hate to have to refuse it because of some problem you have at home. If there’s anything I can do to help don’t hesitate.”

Ellie nodded but initially stayed silent as she considered her options. She knew that Miss Beverly was an excellent employer and now pretty much a personal friend. The silence hung heavy as Ellie sensed that Miss Beverly wanted to help her and simultaneously help her shipping line. Ellie decided to risk it.

“Miss Beverly, what would you do if you were me and you discovered my Nana had a huge secret that she had never revealed to me?”
Beverly sat silent for long seconds before asking.

“Does it affect you directly; you know, materially, or is it an emotional hurt? A betrayal or something. She’s not your real Nana or something.”

“It’s more emotional than material. She did something long ago – before I was even born even, but it shocked me. I never realised she could have a cruel heartless streak.”

“So it doesn’t affect you directly.”

“No, but it caused problems for Callum. He found out about it. We had a family row about it; you know; lots of shouting and condemnations – well, you understand big ears and little keyholes! Callum overheard part of the row and he became frightened that his great-grandmother would do the same to him.”

“But you of course reassured him that you’re his mum and so on.”

“Oh yes, of course I did but it left me feeling pained and disappointed that my Nana could have done what she did. It’s left me more than a bit angry and, dare I say it; it’s changed my opinion of her quite a bit.”

Beverly tried to pour oil on troubled waters.

“Well, so long as Callum’s allowed to continue and as long as you’re okay with it. There shouldn’t be a problem, should there?”

“Well yes,” Ellie conceded, “I suppose as long as she doesn’t say or do anything cruel to my son, or make him feel uncomfortable then it shouldn’t go any further. The problem is I feel she’ll always be antagonistic about it and even the most innocuous questions or remarks will create guilt problems for Callum. People can be really cunning in their efforts to prevent transvestism or more accurately preventing the events or circumstances surrounding transvestism that bring embarrassment to the family.”

Beverly let out a sharp ironic laugh.

“Huh, ain’t that the truth and don’t I know it? But I suppose you’ll get around to forgiving her if what she did all those years ago doesn’t directly affect you today.”

“I suppose I could but it truly shocked me.”

“Well for now, all I can do is ask you to try and make sure that this business doesn’t affect your work anymore. For now I’ll wait and see. Is that fair?”

“Perfectly, and thanks for listening.”

Beverly smiled and started clearing her desk to go home. Ellie left and did the same. The usual weekend rush was made worse by heavy rain and she was five minutes late picking Callum up from the ‘after-school’ club. He was just beginning to tear up as she pulled up to the school gates.

“You’re late; I thought you were leaving me here.”

She reached across the car and hugged him tight.

“No dear, I’d never do that. I finished late at work then the rain and traffic held me up.”

He held tightly on to her and Ellie silently cursed Nana Charlotte for sowing the seeds of insecurity in her child. Fortunately she hoped to be able to reinforce the bonds between her and Callum at the pony riding sessions on Saturday and Sunday. Eventually Callum released his desperate hug and slowly he started to brighten up as Ellie picked her way through the Friday night rush. When they arrived home he was chatting happily and his mood did not lessen when they entered the cottage.

The next morning he was very chirpy as they prepared to go to the riding school. They said goodbye to Grandpa Bill but Nana Charlotte was still abed when they left and Callum had refused Ellie’s suggestion to pop up and say goodbye in Nana’s bedroom. The weather had improved and they arrived at the riding school just before noon. Ellie noticed several cars and a school minibus from a school somewhere in the midlands. Miss Beverly was standing by her garden gate chatting to an adult and students who appeared to be of college age. She introduced them to Ellie as they met.

“Hello darling, how was the trip?”

“Okay but there’s some big thing going on just outside Poole so I came via the back roads.”

“Oh good, well you didn’t meet them last time but this is Angela, my wife, and these young ladies are Jennifer and Beatrice, they are my adopted daughters. Sian is my friend who runs the riding school. The other children are either gone into town or busy hereabouts. Now is this the young lady wanting riding lessons? Callista isn’t it? That’s a pretty jacket and smart pink jodhpurs I see.”

Callista beamed at Beverly. There had been no inquisitorial stares or any sense of any sort of censure and she answered clearly as she sensed no threat.

“Yes Miss Taff.”

“Very good my girl. Sian here will introduce you to your pony while your mum chats to me in the house, is that okay? When you’re ready we’ll come and watch your first lesson alright.”

“I can already ride,” Callista informed them.

“Well we’ll make it an advanced lesson then; some jumps and a few mobility tests.

Callista beamed as she trotted eagerly after Sian, Beatrice and Jennifer while Angela and Beverly accompanied Ellie inside. Angela made some tea and they settled in the drawing room that overlooked the whole of Poole, Bournemouth and the harbour.
Beverly opened up the questions.

“Is everything sorted at home?”

“Not really,” Ellie wagged her head. “I didn’t speak to my Nana all evening. Things are pretty cool between us.”

“Give it time.” Beverly nodded thoughtfully.

“I’m not sure time will ever sort it.”

“That bad is it?”

Ellie nodded again, still loath to reveal the full horror of what she had learned. She still found the fact abhorrent. ‘Just how could any mother do that to a child – her own child no less!!?’ She asked herself.

Beverly sat silent as she watched Ellie obviously wrestling with what she had discovered. She exchanged glances with Angela who seemed to be getting anxious at the oppressive silence. Finally Angela felt forced to ask.

“Would it help to talk darling?”

Ellie looked up and blinked, partly from embarrassment and partly with uncertainty.

“I don’t know. It makes my Nana look pretty horrible – casts her in a cruel light as it were. I’m not sure I want to talk about it. It makes my family look evil. I’m not sure if I can even trust my dad or my aunts any more. They stayed silent about it all my life, and my cousins’ lives as well.”

“Your cousins?” Beverly wondered aloud.

“Yes. I’ve learned my cousins didn’t know about it either. I’ve always loved my dad, and trusted him. But this, well, I can’t stop thinking about it. I mean the boy was just like Callista. I couldn’t just get rid of her for being what she is. She’s my own flesh and blood!”

Beverly squinted thoughtfully through narrowed eyes as she considered Ellie’s word.

“Are you saying your grandmother got rid of a child?”

Ellie tensed guiltily, in her stress she had revealed too much. She gave a brief nod and cast her eyes to the floor, whether in shame or guilt, she could not decide. Either way, she did not want to take it further. Unfortunately Beverly did and she pressed the younger girl.

“Did she give it up for adoption or what?”

Ellie wanted to close the issue – shut it out, or at least let it lie until she was in a better mood to deal with it.

“Not now Miss Beverly. It’s a bit painful, maybe another time.”

Beverly nodded and shrugged before reaching out to sip her tea.

“Another time then, but not too late my dear. I don’t want you making any more mistakes.”

Ellie grinned gratefully; glad that Beverly had the wit and understanding not to probe to deeply.

“That gives me until Sunday then. I’m back working with you on Monday.”

“Take a few days off if you need them. Better that you’re up to the mark than distracted and liable to more errors.”

“I want to run a few things past my dad before I tell you anymore. He was pretty much an innocent party in the first part. He was only a child then as well.”

Beverly let the subject drop and changed it to the plans for the new continental service. By the end of the afternoon the riding lessons for Callista were ended and she burst into the cottage full of excitement. Later on Beverly’s younger children returned from Bournemouth and were excited to meet another child. After dinner they disappeared to play on their I-pods while the adults sat around talking about Beatrice’s and Jennifer experiences with the pirates and their later adoption by Beverly. This inevitably led to discussions about Beverly's other adopted children and Ellie's learning of their gender issues.

On learning of these, Ellie felt much more at ease she resolved to discuss her own issues whilst the children were out riding on the Sunday morning. She knew she had at least a sympathetic ear in Miss Beverly insofar as the older woman had much experience of firstly being transgendered herself and also having adopted transgendered children. By bedtime Ellie was a much calmer and happier woman as she made her way to bed. In her bedroom, she was amused and pleased to find a little head already asleep on her pillow and she took extra care slipping into bed. There was a slight murmur but nothing more and Ellie slept well that night despite the odd turn or twitch from the little body spooned tight into her. Dawn found them wrapped together with Callista still spooned into Ellie’s embrace.

After breakfast the children accompanied Beatrice and Jennifer into the stables to help Sian prepare the horses for the visiting school. With the school party safely despatched, Callista got to Join Miss Beverly’s children on a long pleasing ride. Not surprisingly she learned lots about their various circumstances and gender issues. She returned at lunch time a much more relaxed and confident child.

Ellie meanwhile spent the morning discussing her family issues with Beverly.

“Have you thought anymore about any resolutions or solutions to the issues surrounding Callista?” Beverly ventured.

“I’m more determined than ever to protect her from Nana.”

“Is there no hope of her changing her mind?”

“I intend speaking to her tonight, once Callista’s in bed. I’ll have my dad there as well and I’ll finally get a firm answer from him.”

“What about; - his feelings about Callista or his feelings towards Nana Charlotte?”

“Maybe a bit of both or neither, as he’s already told me, he was only a boy himself when it happened. He seems to have put it all behind him and that is something I find uncharacteristic for my dad. He was such a lovely guy – well he IS such a lovely guy. He’s my dad and I’ve worshipped the ground he walked on all my life; doubly so since mum died. I’ve got nobody but him if I fall out with my Nan. I hope he takes my Auntie’s sides and not my Nan’s.”

“What’s their take then?”

“Well according to my Auntie Sandra, her younger brother was stealing her clothes and she and he finally had a huge fight over it. She hurt her younger brother quite badly and she expected to be punished for it. Instead her mother and father simply had the boy sent away and that was the last they saw of him. She never expected it to come to such a final conclusion but it did and she never saw the boy again. She feels quite guilty but it was hardly her fault that her parents reacted so cruelly.”

Beverly shrugged and wagged her head.

“There’s no accounting for other people, you’re well out of it; or so it seems to me. Just make sure you and Callista don’t get too involved with your Nan.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. But I’d love to know what happened to him. He might even still be alive. That’d be a turn up for the books wouldn’t it?
I’d love to meet him if he was.”

“I think he’d be a pretty screwed up guy if he was alive. Growing up in care and stuff really sucks. It leaves some deep wounds. He’d probably hate you if he discovered you.”

“He’d hate my Nana more and have every reason to.”

“That and all. Anyway, it’s unlikely to happen so what about Callum growing up to be the Duke of Denton. What happens if he chooses to become a girl, you know the full ten yards, GRS and everything?”

Ellie shrugged.

“Even if he can’t hold the title after a sex change, he still gets to inherit the estate and all that.”

Beverly grinned.

“I suppose he could become the Duchess of Denton. It would sure play havoc with all the heraldic nonsense and Sallic laws.”

“I think grandpa Harry is already looking into that. After the law affecting the Royal succession was changed, it’s got to percolate down through the college of heralds and the nobility. I’ll chat with him about it when we next go north. Do you think Callista is a transsexual? I mean he’s still only six.”

“I don’t know. I pretty much knew when I was his age but I’ve met other tee-girls who didn’t decide until they were much older. You’ll just have to wait and watch. What I do know is that there’s little that can turn us tee-girls from our course. Once we know – we know.”

Ellie sighed.

“Well I suppose I’ll find out one way or another, sooner rather than later. Didn’t you say we were going into Bournemouth later today?”

“I think the children would want to come, we’ll go after an early lunch.”

They chatted at length about several other subjects including the new trade from Humber to Germany. Their discussions only ceased when they heard the sound of many hooves in the yard. Beatrice, Jennifer and the children had joined up with the Birmingham school and over a score of ponies returned clattering noisily through the gate. Ellie watched fascinated as Callista enthusiastically shared in the cleaning and bedding of the horses before scampering off to wash herself. She and Beverly’s children eventually re-appeared scrubbed and tidy ready for an afternoon’s shopping.

Ellie smiled when she noticed the hint of lipstick on Callista’s lips, obviously applied by one of the older girls though probably at Callista’s insistence. Her daughter was growing up – make up and not yet even a teenager.

The trip into Bournemouth proved a resounding success and it was with great reluctance that Ellie had to take Callista home while the others returned to Miss Beverly’s cottage. Ellie noticed Callista’s mood darken as they approached home and she frowned inwardly.
‘No child should be afraid of coming home,’ she told herself.

After a quick supper Callista plodded upstairs and was asleep in moments. After Ellie came down Nana Charlotte met her in the communal hall as Ellie was going to see her dad.

“Can we talk?” Charlotte asked.

“What about?”

“Callum; Callista.”

“There’s nothing to discuss.”

“Are you going to let her go full time as a girl then?”

“If she wants to.” Ellie confirmed.

“What, in school as well?”

“I’ve got that in hand.”


“That’s for me to know – and you’ll have no part in it.”

“So it’s to be like that then?”

“As I said before, as long as you try to make her uncomfortable in her frocks, you’ll have nothing to do with her.”


“Yes. Her! You’ll not poison Callista with your attitude. I would have thought you might have mellowed after all those years. What sort of mother could do what you did to a six-year-old child? I’ll never understand that but there's one thing I do know; you’ll never get your claws into my child.”

“That's not fair! Things were different then.” Nana Charlotte protested.

“You could have still kept in touch. Not once, not once did you go to see him. My dad and both aunties confirm that.”

Nana Charlotte spoke softly as she reluctantly confessed. A tear leaked from her eye.

“Please understand Ellie. I was ashamed . I can’t help it; my generation were brought up differently from yours. It’s hard to change. I’m still ashamed of it. I was ashamed of the problems it brought upon my family then and I still feel uncomfortable now. I can’t help it, I’m trying.

Your dad and I had another argument about it last night while you were away with your boss. She seems to be such a caring and compassionate woman. That’s remarkable in a woman who is little short of a captain of industry. I’d love to meet her. I wonder how she combined the ruthlessness required to make her way in a man’s world and still yet be so kind to you. Perhaps she can explain how she deals with children like Callum; maybe she can give me pointers.”

Ellie softened, deep down she still loved her Nan.

“There’s a lot more to Beverly than meets the eye Nana. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this but it's no secret amongst her friends and business associates. You see, Beverly was once like Callista. Beverly was once a boy and indeed a man. She’s only just recently made the final step. Imagine how hard that must have been.”

Nana Charlotte fell silent as she digested the new information. The fact that Beverly was once a child with Callum’s disabilities, and yet could surmount them and make her own way made Nana Charlotte even keener to meet her. She wondered if Beverly looked like a ‘docker-in-a-frock’ or had managed that all important skill of really looking like a woman. A hundred other questions raced through her mind but she decided to curtail the discussion for the present. Her learning curve was suddenly becoming steeper and more painful.

“Shall we have a cup of tea; my head’s reeling just now?”

Ellie was more than keen to let it drop. The day had been exhausting and she just wanted to unwind by flopping in front of the telly.

“Yes, that would be good, shall I fetch dad?”

Charlotte nodded as she made for the communal kitchen and emerged with cups and saucers as William entered with Ellie. The three sat with Ellie and Charlotte unusually silent while William did what men did most of the time, sip his tea and stare into the fire. Bedtime arrived with little being said except a promise from Ellie that she’d speak to Beverly about arranging a visit from her boss.


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