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I stare out the window at the zombies in the park. It wasn’t a pretty sight. The park was starting to look like a war zone. Not sure where they were coming from, but I sure wish they didn’t stay there. It was creeping me out.
On the street, I could see a dog gnawing on a leg. That grossed me out.
The sun was going down. I wish the light of the city would start. Like that’s going to happen. No electricity is being used anywhere. Well anywhere but this apartment. There are so many buildings and no lights on any of them.
I go to the kitchen and grab another chicken from the fridge. I love chicken, but this could get boring after a while. Cold chicken wasn’t my favorite anyways. My sister enjoyed cold food, and Chicken was one of them. She also loved frozen pizza and cold chow mein.
If only there were a device that we could use to reheat things. I heard from my parents that there used to be something called the microwave. It used to cook lots of food fast. But it got outlawed back in 2084, way before I was born.
I went back in the bedroom with the chicken. Jill was again reading a book. If the book war and peace was here, I bet she would have read that too. I wonder what she was reading. I glance over at her. ‘Nowhere To Go... But Here’ by Natasa Jacobs. Hmm... I wonder what that story is about. I might have to read it sometime.
It was getting late, and I was getting tired. Nothing to do, but watch the emergency station on television. If only we could get the Internet working. We could get streaming to work. Shit! I forgot streaming might not work now that this zombie apocalypse has started. I guess cable wouldn’t work, even at home, if it were still there.
I lay down on the bed and tried to get to sleep. We have a big day ahead.
“Ew! Ew! Do we have to do this?” Jill cried. Mr. Sanders had a bucket of zombie's guts from killing one just this morning and was smearing it all over us.
“If you want to fight the zombies on the top level to get to the pool, you will have to,” he explained while slapping it on.
“But it’s disgusting and smells really bad,” Jill complained.
“You're telling me,” I said while holding my nose. “Don’t forget, I have had it on longer than you. Besides, in episode two of The Walking Dead, Rick, and Glenn smearing themselves with zombie's guts as camouflage. This will work as well.”
“I remember that, but didn’t it start to rain, and it washed away?” Jill asked.
“I doubt it’s going to rain indoors, silly. What’s the worst that’s going to happen?”
“The worst is, I will have to take a bath, before going swimming. What’s the whole point in swimming then.” Jill pouted. She almost barfed. “I definitely know I lost my appetite.”
I giggled. Well I guess that means more chicken for me. She won’t want to eat it. I sat down on the floor and watched Mr. Sanders put it on her. It was funny watching. She looked like she was going to be sick. Yes, it may be stinky, but I think it might work. Well, I hope it works. This may be the hardest challenge we have ever taken.
When I was in the mall, the zombies were farther away; I could kill them from a far distance. Sometimes one would get close to us, but it wasn’t like it would be in a few minutes. That's why the camouflage better works. Talking about weapons, what would we use? We can’t use our hands. This is not like Minecraft, where we can use a sword or our hands to attack. This was real life. We need a weapon.
“What are we going to use as weapons?” I asked Mr. Sanders.”
“Don’t worry about that, I have it all planned out," I said, putting the last touches on Jill. He then went into his apartment and grabbed a few things. He brought out two swords and handed one to me and one to Jill.
“Cool, I can be like Michonne.” I smiled while swinging it around.
“You sure don’t look like her, and don’t smell like her either.” Jill giggled. I stuck out my tongue.
“Don’t swing that Katana like that. You might accidentally cut us.” I stopped swinging and smiled.
“I am actually using a Katana, just like Michonne?” I was so delighted. I wanted to jump for joy, but I couldn’t do that. It would let the zombies below us know that we are up here. I wonder why the Katana was smaller than the one used on the show. Do they make them smaller?
Mr. Sanders returned from his apartment with a hatchet. He gave us his best swords, so all he had left was the hatchet. We were going to the staircase that leads to the pool when I noticed something.
“Mr. Sanders, why are you not wearing any zombie's guts?”
“I’m a professional in zombie hunting. I cleared out this whole level of zombies and a lot more in the hallways of the Skyway.”
I didn’t ask anymore. He was right. While we were walking up the stairs, I felt a little nervous. How many of them were up there? Will the camouflage work? Are we strong enough to defeat the zombies? There were many questions.
The door on the top of the stairs was getting closer. I can hear the zombies on the other side. Mr. Sanders stepped in front of us. He didn’t appear nervous. He had confidence in himself. Would I ever be that way? I am a little girl. Of course, not by choice. I am not as strong as when I was a teenage boy at age sixteen. How can a six-year-old girl like Jill and me take on dozens of zombies?
Mr. Sanders eyes us. He can tell we were scared. “Are you sure you're both ready for this?” He whispered. We both nodded, yes. I had the Katana ready. Jill had her sword ready. It was more of a cutlass. Smaller than my sword, but not by much.
Mr. Sanders slowly opened the door a crack, just in case zombies were right next to the door. It seemed like only a few were there. This was going to be easy. He opened the door all the way and started attacking the zombies. They all started going after him. None of them even bothered going after us. We got into the room and shut the door behind us. Making sure no-one got out the way we came in.
When I shut the door, a few dozen came out of nowhere and started after Mr. Sanders. Jill took her sword and began attacking a few of them. Hitting them on the side of their bodies. She couldn’t reach their heads at her height, which made me think it was the same with me. But I joined in the fun. I attacked one of them by slicing through its disgusting body.
“Die!” I scream, which didn’t do much. It was still alive. All I could do now is decapitate its legs. It sure takes longer to do it this way. I wish I were taller. But no, just because I was stupid and drank that bottle of Isisraxtosa formula, I ended up this way. Thanks, George.
This was getting boring. Slice, chop, dead. Slice, chop dead. Over and over again. Where is the excitement in it now? They didn’t attack us. Only Mr. Sanders.
Talking about Mr. Sanders, he was busy on the other side of the pool. I can see lots of dead zombies on the floor. It looked like he was doing an excellent job at taking care of them. I ran over to him and helped. The best I could at the moment was slice off their legs. Once they couldn’t move around, they fell on the ground, and I sliced off their heads.
Jill’s sword wasn’t doing a great job. All she was doing was chopping them, but not doing anything else. Yes, they might lose a few arms, but she couldn’t do much with it. I needed to help her. Give her a few tips. Mr. Sanders could manage on his own.
“Need some help?” I asked when I got up to her.
“Why not, what else can I do. This sword he gave me, sucks balls.”
I giggle and help her out. There were only nine left on this side. Who knows how many are left on the other side. That’s where most of them went. I just wonder why these didn’t follow.
More zombies start coming out of nowhere. This was getting out of control. There has to be somewhere that is bringing them in. Was there a door open that I didn’t know about? I move toward a walk space and discover the answer. The door of the elevator was open, and they were coming from the elevator shaft.
How can this be? Are they getting smarter and started climbing? How could zombie climb? I presumed they were as dumb as a doorknob. I run over to the elevator door and try to push it shut. It wouldn’t budge.
“Jill!” I scream, hoping the zombies can’t hear me, which they seem to not. She was nowhere in sight. I don’t think she can hear me either. I run back out at the pool and see her on the other side next to Mr. Sanders. No wonder she can’t hear me. I run over to her.
“I need help,” I said, pulling her arm. She stops and follows me. All of a sudden, she accidentally slipped on some zombie blood and fell into the deep end of the pool. All the zombie guts she had on her washed away.
“Help,” she screamed when she got to the surface. The zombies could now tell she was there and started going into the pool after her. I had to do something. I didn’t want to lose my best friend, just like my mom and sister.
Mr. Sanders noticed Jill in the pool and jumped in. The zombies he was attacking came in after him. Jill was still screaming. I knew she couldn’t swim. I ran over to the other side of the pool and grabbed the life preserver off the wall and threw it in, hoping Jill can get it. She kept screaming.
“Grab it!” I hollered at her. She heard me and tried to get at it. Luckily, on the third try, she got it. How come it's always three times the charm. I thought. I tugged on the line of the life preserver and pulled her in. Mr. Sanders was still in the water. I couldn’t do anything for him. He was too busy with the zombies attacking him.
What could we do? I had to get Jill to safety. She had no weapon to protect herself. That was on the bottom of the pool. I ended up putting her in the doorway heading back out of the pool area. I couldn’t save Mr. Sanders. I wish I could. I wish there were a way. The zombies out beat us. There were too many of them.
I don’t understand. I thought we had everything under control. I thought we were going to win. We could have had a fun time swimming. I started to cry. What else could I do?
What could we do?
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oh noooooo!
They are doom. :(