Blood splattered night part one

Blood Splattered Nights

Cold, cold is all I feel, no flash off my life before my eyes just cold, no pain as the warmth flees my body I can't believe this is how it will all end laying in a pool of my own blood on the pavement in a dark alley, alone just alone it just felt so surreal as my eyes and mind fill with darkness, no bright light where my lost friends and family awaits just… nothingness cold and black...

Chapter One
Let's back up little here first off let's start with my name, I'm Alisha Gray, I'm 18, 5 foot 6, 100 pounds soaking wet with a brick in each pocket, slender legs smooth flat stomach, ample bust, flawless complexion, blue, grey eyes almost like steel all framed with beautiful golden locks of blonde hair with back tips, I'm have a gothic emo chick look about me always wearing black, from my combat boots to my studded choker, I'm a senior at Roosevelt High School, I don't use drugs won't no can’t go down that path ill smoke weed from time to time but nothing hard never ive seen what that shit does to a person, my mother is a junkie doing anything she can get her hands on, my father the piece of shit over dosed in front of me on cocaine when I was ten. Sometimes I think mom is not far from it some days. my step-shit dad Richard is an alcoholic meth addict beating me whenever he can and my mother defending him every step of the way, we live in a piece of shit apartment in New York City more of a hovel than a apartment if you ask me… I cut myself once almost died slicing my artery with a razor like it was butter I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for my best friend Andy coming to see me finding me sprawled out on the floor pale telling him in almost a whisper to leave me be just let me die I honestly thought it would have been an improvement that no one would even miss me boy was I wrong. … I still remember it like yesterday although it’s been well over a year…

You can't go like this Andy screamed at me slapping me trying to keep me awake will dialing 911.
Don't let them win don't give your parents the satisfaction of beating you I heard him say knowing he was right I just couldn't give up so I fought with all my strength to stay awake as I hear the ambulance pull up I can see the look of disappointment in Andy’s eyes as he stares at me being hoisted on the gurney I couldn't stand that look he gave me it made me cry for the first time since, since my stupid attempt at ending things then just black as I passed out in the back of the ambulance as they pull off...... Andrew “Andy” McCall was a rack of bones skinny almost looked as if he suffered from malnutrition like me he had shaggy brown hair deep blue eyes you could almost fall into if you looked hard enough he was average, nothing special but he was my closest friend since childhood we were almost inseparable as kids still are he lived next to my grandpa who was a simple man very religious he use to preach at the local church every Sunday until grandma passed, he fell into a hard depression after she passed, but still read the bible every night before bed. I miss her I used to feel like her and grandpa were they only people in this world who truly cared for me I still feel that way sometimes.

Chapter two
Present Day: It all goes down hill

"Alisha" yelled Andy from across the street running up to me bringing me out of my head from all those painful memories bouncing around in my skull.

What's up I answered?
Seeing the look of worry on his face.
"What's wrong Andy something up?"

It…ah it’s your grandfather he had a severe heart attack they took him to Saint Vincent's Andy said stammering

My head started spinning after I heard the news I couldn't breathe I felt light headed it felt like the world just came crashing down on my shoulders as the concrete rushed up to meet my falling body Andy hands wrapped around me to keep me from doing a full face plant into the pavement then nothing but back as I fainted with tears rolling down my face.

Andy frantically reached to catch his best friend before she hit the ground getting to her in the nick of time carrying her to his rusted blue 66 nova around the block, he gently laid her in the passenger seat hoping she would come to before they reached the hospital he studied her face man she is beautiful he thought while brushing the hair from her eyes he climbed into the driver seat wishing he had the guts to tell her how he felt about her but alas he thought better of it thinking she didn’t feel the same way he drove of towards ST. Vincent hospital drifting into his thoughts about Alisha if only she knew she was the love of his life.
But now was not the time for his feelings she was going through enough turmoil in her life without him adding more to her stress, she started to come to as he neared the hospital where her grandfather was admitted to.
“Andy?” She whispered “what happened”
“You fainted to much on your mind girl” he told her as he entered a parking space in the lot across from the hospital entrance
“I guess” she answered absent mindedly not really fully there
“Come on lets go check on your grandpa the nurse at the info desk told me he was in room 214 when I called but wouldn’t tell me anymore” he said while helping her from his car
Andy and Alisha entered the hospital minds thinking of the worst possible outcome.

paging dr martin to room 312 paging dr martin to room 312 andy and Alisha heard through the hospital speakers while waiting for Alisha's grandfather to come out of surgery.

"do you think he will be alright" andy said

Alisha worryingly pacing back and forth through the hospital waiting area.

"i'm sure everything will be alright just let the doctors do what there here for and they will inform us when they move him back to his room."

"but andy people die from open bypass surgery all the time"

"come on Alisha lets go get some fresh air I'm sure he is fine but you need to calm down before you give yourself an ulcer"

Alisha reluctantly let andy lead her by the hand from the deserted waiting room.

as the two entered the parking lot andy pulled his bag of herb from his pocket.

"wanna smoke one to calm the nerves?" andy asked Alisha questionably

"yes GOD i need something i feel like i'm loosing my mind."she said handing Andy some rolling papers while climbing into his nova.

hand me my rolling tray from the glovebox andy said while pulling some buds from the bag.

"have you heard from your mom yet"

Alisha shook her head no saying "she is probably passed out in a ditch somewhere i don't even think she would care considering the last time they spoke to each other.

Chapter 3
memories 2 9 years ago

"MELISSA ANN GRAY!!!!!!!! what have you let that piece of shit do to my granddaughter this time" her father said pointing to the little girls black eye and bruised arm.

"Angela would you please come take Alisha inside while i talk to our daughter" the man said to his wife as she came out the screen door.

Angela lead her grandchild in the old farm house away from the escalating argument between her husband George and their daughter.

"its alright little one your grandpa and mommy just need to discuss some grown up things" Angela said in a reassuringly tone into Alisha's ear.

"Damn it girl didn't i raise you better than that" George yelled at Melissa "your to fucking worried about your next high for you and your piece of shit husband instead of taking care of that sweet little angel in the house there"

George leaned in close to his daughters ear "What in the hell is wrong with you and Richard, you need to pull your life together girl if not for you then for Alisha you...."

Melissa screamed at her old man cutting him off mid sentence "fuck you don't tell me how to raise my daughter I know what's best for her I'm her mother not you" fuming with rage Melissa swung at George catching him off guard sending him to the ground with a hook to the jaw.

"Get out of here you selfish little bitch" George bellowed

"Come on Alisha were not wanted here get your ass in the car"

Alisha frightened came out of the house headed towards the car

George spoke with a tear in his eyes to his granddaughter "I love you Alisha don't you ever forget that baby girl we will see each other soon"

George and Angela looked off the porch watching there daughter speed off down the road.

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