Turning 16 chapter 5

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Turning 16

chapter 5

Decisions (Sorry this is so short)(this is a unedited version so please be kind)

The Queens eyes kept me rooted to the spot. I knew what she wanted it was only I did not want to say it in front of my mother. Those eyes told me to speak now. I drew a deep breath and spoke "I have decided to take you up on your offer." There I said it. "I will follow you on the Throne." I Quipped. My mother gasped at that statement. I guess I made a hit with that one. The Queen beamed and said "Thank you for telling me, You may go." At that I withdrew. My mind was racing I needed Jenny and Rose.

So many decisions need to be made. Where do we live here or back at the house? If I do stay will Rose want to? What of Jenny would it be good for her to grow up here? My head was spinning with all this and more as I headed for the nursery to spend time with Jenny and think. That is where I found Rose. She had given Nancy the afternoon off so was looking after the kids. Another question popped into my head. What of Nancy if we stay here will he ever get back to pants?

Uh, Too many questions! I picked up Jenny the center stone of my life. Holding her calmed my swirling thoughts and for the moment I had peace. Rose let me have my moment then spoke "Well tell me about it?" After some thought, I told her about it all culminating with my words to the Queen. She was not surprised that I took the Queen up on her offer. She pointed out that we needed more information before answering any of my questions. With my mother here that would be difficult. She is sure to try to take over. What I needed to do was to get the Queen alone and learn more about what she expected of me. My mother is one obstacle I hope I will not need to tackle soon. With her in the castle I can’t avoid her for long but maybe long enough to get some answers.

Jenny giggled as I held her. She is such a happy child and I will do anything to keep it that way. I spent some time centering myself then placed Jenny back in the crib. It was time to find information. I nodded to Rose and headed out to find the Queen. What a vacation this is turning out to be. Well eleven days left till all needs to be decided.

The first stop is the Throne room. No joy there she was not there. Wandering the halls would do no good so I headed to the Royal apartments. Hopefully this would not take long I can’t duck my mother forever. The apartments were not that hard to find. I was not up on the customs of visiting a Queen in her rooms so I hope I was not breaking too many rules doing this. I strode up to the door and knocked. After a short pause the door opened to reveal a maid. “Yes may help you?” she said. Well in for a penny… I said “If the Queen is in I would like a private word with her if possible.” “One moment I will see if she is free.” She turned closing the door as she did. I am sure I am breaking so many rules right now so I hope this works.

Quite a wile later the door opened again and the maid gestured me to enter. I walked in to a sitting room of a woman of very good taste. All earth tones and soft colors making a really peaceful feel to the room. The Queen was seated in a overstuffed chair watching my every move with a small smile on her lips. I curtsied and she nodded her head. I took this as permission to talk. “I am sorry to disturb you your majesty I have a few questions only you can answer if you will?” Not a bad way to start I thought. She motioned to a chair and said “Ask”. For the next two hours she and I talked about what both of us wanted. I learned a lot finding till I was needed I was free to do as I pleased. This left me no better off than before with my questions. Well I knew what I could do just not what I would do. I also found out that this kingdom passed down along the female line so it was she that really had the power here not the King. The last thing she did before I left was place a ring upon my finger. I knew what this symbolized so it did not need to be said.

I walked back to the nursery slowly thinking of all I learned. It all came down to what I wanted to do? Life was open for now. I needed a direction to put a point to my life. Well let’s look at things. The first priority is giving Jenny a good life, after that my life then Rose and even Nancy comes into the mix. How many sixteen year old need to make these choices? After reading my Grandmothers book I am sure I know what she would do but I am not her what should I do?

Of course when I was deep in thought is when I ran into my mother. It was at the nursery door we ran into each other. First thing that popped into my mind was that she was going to try to take Jenny from me! Not going to happen! Second thing that popped into my mind was that I was a higher rank here on the Island so if she tried I'll have her escorted off the Island. Game, Set, Match I win! Don't you just love high rank. I decided to stop her right there I did not want Jenny to see us fight and start crying. "Before we go in I want to know your intentions" I stated blocking the door. Out of the corner of my eye I seen two guards coming this way. "I am going to take my granddaughter away from this mad house and there is nothing you can do about it." She snarled. "That's where you are wrong you see this ring with it goes abilities and rights you are not taking into account." I smiled as I said this. I called to the guards. I looked at her "Get my drift? This is a fight you can not win!" Mother backed down at that point and turned to stalk off. "That lady threatened my child please see that she leaves!" I said to the guards. The guards faces turned from friendly to hard when I said that. They saluted then hurried after my mother. Mother was not having a good day!

I opened the door to the nursery and walked into it. Jenny was asleep so I decided to let her sleep and sat in a chair to rest. Rose looked at me "What was going on outside the door?" she said. I grinned and quipped "Mother was having a bad day". She looked at me so I told her everything. She sat back and thought for a bit. "That answers one thing we can't leave the island now. We leave and she will make trouble and try to take Jenny." I had to admit she was right my mother would do that. "I can only think of two problems right off hand. Where would I get my hormones and in one and half years the surgery? I would need to go to the mainland for that." I told her. "We can work something out. How much do you got in the rooms or at home?" she asked. "Three weeks here two months at home I think." I answered. "We get that and we have some breathing room. We can send Nancy for that she does not know him." She planned. We pondered and planed for an hour or so then a massage arrived asking me and Rose to go to the throne room. We did not trust this so took the kids with us.

The throne room was packed with women. The Queen was on the thrown talking to several women. Well that answers one thing she is involved. I noticed even the guards are women at the moment. As I approached the thrown the Queen dismissed the ladies and watched me. When we got before her we curtsied and waited for her to speak. "Belle tell me who is the mother of this child you hold?" The Queen asked. "If you mean who gave birth to Jenny that would be my sister June. She died just after placing Jenny into my arms and telling me that I was her mother now. So to answer your question I am Jenny's mother." A wave of grief for Junes passing rolled over me but I held fast before the Queen. My mother stepped from the crowd saying "LAIR You stole the baby even as your sister grew cold!" I turned to her and replied "I am doing what June wanted me to do. You would not know what was happening you were too wrapped up in yourself! I am surprised they let you out of the hospital the way you were going on. I am her legal mother and you know it! I did not ask for this but it happened and I love Jenny." I guess at this point it was up to the Queen who to believe. The Queen sat motionless watching the show. There was one thing that my mother could say that would turn all these women on me I was just hoping she would not go there! I seen the gleam in mothers eye she was going to go there. There was no way this could come good for me. The Queen spoke "We can't know the mind of a dead woman so we will have to ask the child. We can see that she is quite content in Belles arms. Would she be as content in Janice's arms." The Queen came down and held out her arms for Jenny. I placed Jenny in her arms. She walked over to my mother and the closer to her she got the more Jenny squirmed. Till Jenny started to cry as she was placed in my mothers arms. That for all around said that I was Jenny's true mother. The Queen took Jenny back and placed her in my arms. Jenny quit crying and fell asleep quickly. For the Queen and the ladies here this was all that was needed to prove the point. My mother only had one card left to play. Of course the Queen knew my secret but the ladies here did not. Would she play it or walk away? The Queen stood before the throne and declared that Belle Pride was the mother of this child and a true Duchess of the Island! That ended the subject for all but my mother who sulked off to plan her next shot at me.

Jenny and to some degree James (Rose's child) were the hit of the gathering and charmed ever woman there. After the declaration and my mothers withdraw it turned into quite the party. The party went on for a hour and half then we made our excuses and went to our rooms to put down the kids. Nancy was there cleaning up trying not to burst with the tale he had to tell.

(This next part is told from Nancy's point of view.)

I was almost bursting. I needed to tell my sister what happened today. Rose will just smile and be happy for me I hope. Looking like this I never would have ever thought to find love. I guess when it is time it is time. I am so happy. I wish they would get here.

Their back now I can tell Rose. "Rose, Rose I have to tell you what happened today!" I practically ran her over to get to her. "Calm down, let me put James down then we can talk." Rose said. I heard her mutter "sometime I think I have to kids." I tried to calm down but it was very hard! I straitened my dress, the dress that got me noticed oh happy. It only took Rose a few moments to put James down and say good night to Belle but it seemed soooo much longer.

continued next time Comments always welcome!

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