Change for the better: Part 6

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Change for the better part 6

Candy and I left to go upstairs to go bath and then get dressed. As we
walked up stairs Candy wiggled her rear and her recently drained clitty
was hard again and I just wanted to suck on it there and then. I called
for Candy to stop and turn round. She wanted to know why and tuned
around to see me on my knees.

She said, "Kenny darling what are you doing?"

Her clitty was level with my mouth and just took it into my mouth.

Candy moaned saying, "Oooh, Kenny darling, but you are so naughty, have
we turned you into a juice loving sissy? ,but don't stop that's just
wonderful, mmmmm."

I continued to suck on her clitty and while I was busy Gloria the
redheaded maid came up the stairs and exclaimed, "Ooh that looks like
fun, is our little sissy still hungry?"

Candy giggled saying, "She just loves my juices, and I am so hard."

That was the first time I had been referred to as a she and I liked the
idea and it reinforced them calling me "Sweetie". Gloria said she would
help bathe me just as soon Candy had come. Candy said that Gloria was
welcome to join in. I was just thinking about the fact that two of the
ladies in the household were she-males and one was a genetic girl and
wondered if the rest were also she-males.

Gloria also sank to her knees and I moved back so Gloria could also lick
on Candy's clitty.

Candy moaned and said, "Oooohhh, yes, that's it lick on my clitty, make
me come."

Together we licked on her clitty and had turns to take her into our
mouths. Candy was moaning and groaning in ecstasy as we worked on her
clitty. I took Candy's clitty into my mouth as she was nearing her
climax and sucked one final time and she deposited her load into my

Candy moaned and groaned, "OOH, Aaah, mmm, oooooo, that was incredible,
Kenny darling."

As soon as I had her load I turned and kissed Gloria on the mouth and
shared Candy's load with Gloria.

I said, "Mmmmm, I just love the taste of your juices Candy.

Candy had slumped on to the stairs when she had come. Candy eventually
got up and Gloria and I got to our feet and we all made our way to my

Gloria said, "Oooh, Kenny that was so great helping you suck Candy."

Candy said, "Mmmmm, yes, Kenny you are such a good clitty sucker."

We went straight to the bathroom where I was undressed. Candy merely
slipped off her slippers and we both got into the bath.

I quipped, "Candy has got a head start on me, get it?" I continued, "Get
it? Head?"

Finally the penny dropped and the both began to chuckle with me. And
Gloria laughed, "Oooh I get it, head." Candy also laughed and said,
"That's good".

Gloria helped Candy bath me and Candy also washed herself. I had great
fun soaping up Candy's huge boobs.

Candy said, "Oooh, Kenny, I love it when you wash my boobs, would you
love to have such big boobs?"

I said, "Mmm, yes I would, are yours implants or all natural."

Candy said, "Mine are the result of hormone and also I had implants

The bath came to an end and I was dried off by the two maids. As usual
my lovely feminine underwear was put on me.

Candy said, "How about these to wear today Kenny darling and she showed
me a red satin panty and camisole.

I said, "Those are so pretty, I will feel so girly in that."

Gloria and Candy dressed me in the panty and camisole. I could not resist
having a suck on Candy's nipples as she helped dress me.

Candy said, "Oooooo, Kenny, stop that, you are so naughty."

I retorted, "Oh, Ok, I will stop, but you love it don't you?"

Candy continued, "It is nice but we will never get to do anything else it
you keep doing that."

I quipped, "Spoilsport!"

Next a matching garter belt was put on me and followed by silver
stockings. I felt so feminine in my lingerie and said, "Oooh, Yes those
are so nice, I love the feel of stockings on me and the pull of the
garter straps."

Gloria said, "Us too!"

Candy helped me put my pink bunny slippers on.", and Gloria remarked,
"Those are cute, I never had slippers like that when I was growing up."

I remarked, "Oh, why not, didn't your mommy buy you things like that."

Gloria said, "My mother didn't like to buy me things like that, oh, I
wanted it so much."

I pressed further and said, "Why ever not?"

Gloria finally told me the reason, "Because I was a boy while I was
growing up."

I said, "Oooh, how do you come to be so feminine."

We went over to Candy's room for them to dress me. Gloria continued, "I
dressed secretly and but was found out by my parents and they kicked me
out the house, I had just left school, I had seen an ad in the paper for
a job as a house boy".

I said, "And the ad was for a job here."

Gloria nodded her head and said, "Yes"

Candy was busy going through her wardrobe as Gloria and I chatted and was
also was busy dressing herself in lingerie and then a pink maids dress..

Candy said, "Come, Kenny, let's get you dressed."

Gloria said, "What have you got for our little girl to wear?"

I secretly was thrilled when Gloria called me a little girl."

Candy replied, "I have this old party dress, just as well I kept my
clothes.", and she showed us the dress. The dress was beautiful and oh
so feminine. It was made of bridal satin and was light yellow, it had
puff sleeves of organza, there were two broad pieces of satin attached to
the dress, which I presumed could be tied in a big bow. There were 2
frilly petticoats that went with the dress. As it was for a ten year old
there was no space for a bust. It was just perfect for me.

I asked, "Now what is your story Candy, how did you come to be in Ms.
Alexander's employ? You obviously have been dressing for a long time if
you have a party dress to fit me, you wore it when you were perhaps 10?"

Candy said, "I was adopted by Ms. Alexander as a 5 year old and always
liked dressing in woman's clothes."

I said, "And you never wanted to become a girl?"

Candy said, "Come let us get you in this lovely dress, I remember when I
first wore it, it was to a party for a friend."

Gloria got the petticoats off the hanger and she knelt in front of me and
held it and I stepped leg by leg into the frothy mass of material. I
steadied myself with a hand on Gloria's shoulder. The petticoat was
pulled up and tied with drawstring. Even as it was lifted up I could hear
the rustling sound the petticoat made.

Gloria said, "Isn't that that just divine, my girl, nothing like a
rustling petticoat."

I replied, "Oooh, yes I love it and also that you are calling me your

Candy said, "Soon we will have to think of female name you."

I said, "What about my short hair?"

Gloria said, "Maybe Ms. Alexander's personal hairdresser will have a
solution to that."

I asked, "Ms. Alexander has her own personal hairdresser?"

Gloria said, "Yes, there is a fully equipped hair and beauty salon in
the mansion. Ms. Alexander has a beautician and hairdresser that comes
in when required and we also make use of the hair and beauty salon."

The second petticoat followed suite and it was a job for both Candy and
Gloria to get the petticoat pulled up over the first. Also when I stepped
into the second petticoat the first rustled loudly. Even when the panty
was pulled on me my clitty was getting steadily harder. So when the
petticoats were added, it got harder still. Finally the petticoat was in
place on me. I twisted and swayed my body and caused the petticoats to
move and of course rustle loudly.

I exclaimed, "Ooh that feels fantastic."; and took a few steps forward
and felt the stiff petticoats move and sway and rustle.

Candy took the dress off it hanger and said, "Let's get this lovely dress
on you, my girl, armies up sweetie"

I put my arms up and then Candy and Gloria helped me get my arms into the
sleeves. As my hands and arms came out the sleeves, they pulled the dress
down my body.

Gloria said, "Ahh, that's so pretty on you, sweetie"

The dress was pulled over my petticoats by the two maids. Candy was at my
rear and she zipped up the dress and began to tie the bow at the back. I
felt the constriction of the dress as it was zipped up and when the bow
was tied. I looked in a mirror and saw I looked good, it was just my
short hair that gave me away. I twirled and felt the movement of my dress
and petticoats as they lifted up.

Candy said, "That's just what a girl would do my Sweetie"

I said, "Well I thought it was such an appropriate thing to given the way
I am dressed"

Gloria said, "Candy do you have some nice shoes for our little girl to

Candy said, "I have some Mary Jane's with a two inch heel that will be

Candy went to her wardrobe one more and came back with the shoes. The
Mary Jane's were white. Candy said, "You will have to sit darling Kenny,
let me show you how you need to sit down while wearing a dress and
petticoats, what you need to do is grip your dress firmly on either side
like this."

She demonstrated on her own dress and then I copied her action.

Candy said, "Yes that's right, just like that and then you pull the dress
taught across your rear like this."

Candy demonstrated again on her own dress and I copied her pulling the
dress against my bottom.

Candy said, "Now we can sit down, but still hold your dress tightly
against you."

Candy demonstrated again and sat while still holding her dress and I did
exactly as she did, as I did so there was loud rustling of my skirts and
as I settled onto the chair I became aware of sitting on a mass of

Gloria said, "That was perfect, my darling Kenny.", and Candy agreed.

Gloria kneeled before me and got me to extend my foot towards her and
into her lap and she slipped the shoe onto my foot and then repeated the
action with my other foot and then she fastened the straps.

Candy said, "Ok, now we can stand again." As she began to stand I
mimicked her actions and we both stood up.

Candy said, "Come let's go show Ms. Alexander." and she took my hand
while Gloria took the other.

As we walked along the passage I was so aware of my dress moving and the
pulling of my garter straps. My clitty was also leaking lots pre-cum and
the whole effect was making me hard and with the sensory overload of the
femininity I could not help feeling I was moving closer and closer to a

We reached the top of the stairs and began our downward descent and after
a few steps I began to feel an intense pleasure as I began to climax.
Just as well I was supported by Candy and Gloria as my legs began to
buckle underneath me as the waves of pleasure passed over me.

Candy exclaimed, "Kenny darling, what's happening you look flushed."

I replied with a quivering voice, "Oh Candy, I think I've just climaxed."

Gloria said, "From just wearing your new frillies?"

Candy put arm her around my waist and did Gloria and we slowly continued
down the stairs.

We eventually reached the bottom and made our way the lounge where Ms.
Alexander and Priscilla and the other maids were waiting for us.

Ms. Alexander got and approached as and kissed me on the lips and said,
"Kenny darling you look so pretty, but we are going to have to call you
by a more appropriate name."

Candy said, "And our darling has asked what can be done with her short

Ms. Alexander, "Mmmmm, let's see what can we can call you dear, any
preferences and we will make a plan with your hair."

I said, "I have been thinking about a name and I think I would like to be
called Karen."

Ms. Alexander said, "Karen, that's nice name, pleased to meet you

The others also greeted me by my new name. Ms. Alexander continued and
said, "About your hair Karen, I will call my hairdresser to come today
and see what she can do, we can get her to put in hair extensions, your
hair is nice and thick so I thank it will work well."

Sarah said, "Karen, my sweetie, let me kiss you, you are so pretty and
I'm sure you are so going to enjoy it being a girl just like I am."

Sarah came over to me and Jane also stepped forward and the two planted
kisses on my cheeks. I just loved being kissed by these lovely beautiful
big breasted women. Despite having climaxed a short while ago I felt
myself harden under all the layers of frills I was wearing.

Gloria said, "Yes, I am sure of that Sarah and our dear new girl Karen,
was so excited that she had spurties in her panty."

Ms. Alexander said, "Oh my, Karen we have to make a plan if this is
going to happen again." She continued, "Candy please go get our darling
girlie a clean pair of panties and also a pad."

Candy left to get the requested items and Priscilla said, "Come Karen lie
down here on the couch and let's see the damage."

As I backed to the couch I held my skirts tight against my bottom as I
had been shown and sat down.

Ms. Alexander said, "Oooh, someone has learnt quickly, that is perfect,

Jane and Sarah removed my shoes and help me lift my legs on to the couch
and my dress and petticoats were lifted up.

Gloria left us and returned a moment later with Althea who was carrying a
tea towel. Gloria said, "Karen, darling lift up you little tushie so I
can get those wet panties off you."

I lifted my bottom and Gloria began to pull my panties down. My clitty
was already hard again.

Once the panties were off Althea wiped my clitty dry. The action only
served to make me harder still and leak so pre-cum. This was observed by
everyone and I did not feel embarrassed. The women were all so kind to

Ms. Alexander said, "Karen, sweetie what are we going do with this pesky
clitty of yours."

Sarah said, "Well Mistress, I would like to have a suck and I'm sure
everyone would like to as well, we can each have a turn to suck on this
pretty little clitty till she spurts."

Ms. Alexander said, "What a wonderful idea and as you proposed the idea
you can go first."

Sarah got onto the couch and straddled my legs and began to suck in my
clitty after removing her shoes. Candy returned and said, "Awww, you
girlies started without me, I'm next." The maids and mistresses each
had a turn to suck me. I was getting closer and closer to climaxing until
I could no longer hold back and I squirted my sissy juices into the mouth
of Ms. Alexander. I thought it fitting that I came in her mouth as she
and her ladies had changed my life for the better.

Ms. Alexander moved up and put her mouth to mine and I opened my mouth
to receive my own juices. Ms. Alexander said, "Ooooh, my sweetness, I
just love your sissy juices."

Candy came to me and powdered my drained clitty and then got to lift my
bottom and she pulled up the clean red panties up my body and she slipped
in a pad and got the panty all the way up.

Ms. Alexander said, "Karen darling I'm going to go call my hairdresser
and see if she can do something about your hair, in the meantime Candy
can get give you a few pointers of how to act like a girl so we can take
you out, No point being dressed like a girl and not going out"

Candy said, "Karen, darling come let me show you a few things but I don't
think it will take long, you mastered sitting in skirt very easily, your
walk can do with a bit of work."

We went up to Candy's room and Candy brought out a pair of 4 inch heels
and said, "These will help to achieve that natural feminine sway of the
hips." Candy got me to sit down and she buckled the high heels on to my

She helped me to stand and got me to watch the way she walked, "What you
need to do is take small steps and walk up straight and place on one foot
directly in front of the other."

I watched Candy walk as I took steps with her and put everything she
showed me into practice. I felt great as I walked knowing that this was
I wanted to do. It also felt natural to me. Candy said, "Karen, darling,
you are coming along fine, just keep practicing and you soon will it down

I was chuffed with myself as Candy's praise and kept walking while candy
went to sit down. I walked around the mansion concentrating on how I
walked. Whenever I came across one of the ladies I was complimented and
encouraged on how I was doing. I was thoroughly enjoying myself walking
around the huge mansion but I wanted to go outside as well and asked
Candy if it would be ok. The heels I wore were fortunately not
stilettoes. I wanted to have a look around the garden and felt what it
was like to wear a dress outdoors. Candy said, "Of course my Darling, I
will come with you."

Candy took my hand and we headed for the front door. We exited the
mansion and it was a nice sunshine day with just a few specks of clouds
in the sky.

There was a gentle breeze and could feel the breeze up my skirts. I was
enjoying the sunshine and we walked hand in hand to the flower beds. I
began to tell Candy what types of flowers there were in the garden. I
told her I would love to have a garden picnic sometime. In the garden was
a lovely water feature complete with a small waterfall and ponds with Kio
fish in them.

Candy said she would suggest it to Ms. Alexander. I said I would love to
have the picnic right by the waterfall. I was so in love with the garden
and flowers and of course there were lots of birds too. There was a
constant chirping and calling of the birds.

Later we went back into the mansion and saw Priscilla who told us Ms.
Alexander wanted to see me. Candy and I went up to her room and Ms.
Alexander said, "Good news, Karen sweetie, my hairdresser, Angela can
come this afternoon, I told her about you and she said she can put in
hair extensions. Naturally she will use only the best quality human hair
and then we can have your hair styled in any way you want."

I said, "That would be lovely Ms. Alexander, I would really appreciate
that, I guess I was always meant to be a girl and thank you that you,
Priscilla and your maids are making that possible."

Ms. Alexander said, "Oh, think nothing of it, it's our pleasure."

Candy said, "Our girl says she would like to have a garden picnic."

Ms. Alexander said, "Ooh that's a wonderful idea, Karen, I think
tomorrow afternoon."

Lunch was almost ready to be served and then Angela would be there in the
early afternoon. We went downstairs and were seated at the table and
Althea began to carry in the food, Sarah went to help and fetch more.

It was nice having everyone at the table, Mrs. Bewick also joined us. We
were like one big family. I was so glad I was part of this family whose
members had given me such a lot of pleasure and was helping me onto the
path of femininity.

After lunch Ms. Alexander, Priscilla and Candy accompanied me to the
hair salon and beauty parlour. Angela arrived and Gloria accompanied her
to the salon.

Angela was carrying the hair extensions in a box. She started on the
process of preparing my hair for the extensions. It took some time and
then the extensions were braided into my hair which was also time
consuming. Althea brought us tea and cake. Eventually once all the
extensions were in then Angela could cut the hair to an even length.
She said she would come the next morning and style it for me. I loved my
longer hair which was now onto my shoulders.

I loved to flick my head and feel the hair bushing my shoulders. Candy
said when she observed what I had done, "Karen darling, that's such a
girly action." I loved the compliment.

I asked Candy, "Candy, do you have some more clothes I could wear and I
so want to get rid of all my boy clothes."

Candy replied, "Yes Karen my darling I do, but you will need a lot more,
so some shopping will need to be done and yes we will help you get rid of
all your boy clothes"

I said, "That's great, Candy, I am ready to go shopping for more

Candy said, "I'll arrange with Ms. Alexander that we go shopping. And
now let us go to your room and gather up all your boy clothes."

In my room we gather up all my clothes and put them in to trash bags and
made our way down stairs. By this time it was time for supper. The others
were in the dining room and Candy announced, "Everyone, our darling girl
has decided to get rid of all her old, yucky boy clothes"

We all went outside and to big cheers I threw all the clothes into the
big outside bin. Back inside we were all ready to sit down for supper.

Ms. Alexander called for me to sit between her and Priscilla. During
supper I started asking about the fact that so many of my new family were
she- males.

I had asked Candy and Gloria about their past but had not got the whole

Candy said, "Karen darling let me say that, I have still have my clitty
still because I just love the feelings of my clitty climaxes. And like
you I love the taste of sissy juices still and I have a steady supply."

Gloria said, "Karen sweetie, as I started tell you I got this job here
and our dear Mistress helped so much to get me on the road to femininity.
She helped paid for my lovely breasts and I preferred to keep my clitty."

Ms. Alexander contributed and said, "Karen darling, I just love to help
boys or men who are effeminate and want to be she-males, and I suppose
you are wondering about Sarah, Jane, Althea and Mrs. Bewick."

Sarah and Jane are also she-males while Mrs. Bewick and Althea are mother
and daughter and are genetic girls.

Priscilla said, "I met Constance when I was still at college and found
she was sympathetic to effeminate men. I loved she catered to my every
whim on my path to femininity. And I just love our dear daughter too."

After supper we went into a playroom where there was a huge bed, the
biggest I've ever seen.

I said, "Wow what a huge bed"

Candy said, "It is and this is where we all love to play, how about a
sissy juice bath."

I said, "That sounds like fun."

Priscilla said, "Oooh, yes, let's get to it girls."

I was attacked from all sides and quickly all my clothes were bar my
garter belt and stockings were removed. Sarah and Jane were busy taking
their clothes off and they invited me to remove their panties. They got
me to kneel before them and pull their panties down. I was close to them
as I did so and as I pulled down Sarah's panty her clitty sprung out at
me and hit me in the face and I immediately took it into my mouth as I
pulled down Jane's panties. Around us the others were also removing their

Soon everyone was wearing just garter belts and stockings and then the
fun started. I was lying on the bed with my head propped up on pillows.
I had soon many clitty's one after the other in my mouth. Mrs. Bewick,
Althea and Ms. Alexander were also sucking on the she-males clitties.

All of the maids and Priscilla positioned themselves around me and each
one had someone to stroke them or stroked themselves. Ms. Alexander was
busy stroking Priscilla. Priscilla said, "Mmmm, Karen sweetie here it
comes", and the others also indicated they were nearing climaxes. I
braced myself for expected shower of sissy juices. I was watching as the
maids and Priscilla all were starting to climax and soon I was covered in
sissy juice as they all climaxed spewing their sissy juices all over my
body and face. I had my mouth open and a jet of sissy juice fell into my
mouth. I loved being covered in juice. Afterwards all the sissy juices
were licked off my body.

Ms. Alexander told everyone to go to their rooms and get dressed in
night gowns and then all meet back in the play room.

Candy and first went to my room where Candy dressed me acute pink baby
doll nightgown and then we went to her room and she dressed in a very
revealing nightgown. It consisted of a see through skirt and the top part
consisted of thin lacy straps around her breasts leaving her breasts
totally exposed, an ideal breast feeding garment. We went back to the
playroom and all of us got under the satin sheets.

I was lying between Ms. Alexander and Priscilla, Ms. Alexander was
wearing a nightgown similar to Candy and she invited me to suck on her
breast. Beverly was put in a crib near the bed.

I enjoyed a lovely feed for my generous host and was soon asleep.

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