Call you mommy, are you serious honey part 6

The dad and husband goes home for the first time since he had a chemical accident that turned him into a little girl. the adventure continues I hope you enjoy

Call you mommy; are you serious honey? Part 6
By Princess Panty boy

Miley is smiling at me when I look over at her. For some reason she is swinging her feet back and forth just smiling at me because her feet don’t reach the floor while she sits in the middle row of Penny's minivan.

The big smile on her face gets me thinking what the hell is she smiling about so much until I look down at my feet and see they are swinging the same as Miley's. I immediately stop swinging them and put them together so she can't see my diaper.

What the hell is happening to me? Not only do my little legs look like the legs of a small child or a small girl child but also now, my feet are swinging like a small child.

OMG it’s bad enough my body changed into that of a six year old, or a should say a six year old girl. Now, I'm acting like one.

No fucking way is that going to happen. Hell no, I may still look like a little girl dressed like this but I'm sure as hell not going to be acting like one too. Not if I have anything to say about it.

I look down to make sure my feet are not swinging again, but there not together like before but I am wearing a diaper. I mean let me see you put your knees together sitting in a car wearing a diaper; it is not an easy job.

Looking out the window I try to take my mind off of doing the same thing as my little 4-year-old daughter Miley is doing. That is when I notice this is not the way home. What the hell is happening now?

“Hey Penny this isn’t the way home, what's up?” Mary turns around and gives me that look like why am I asking a question. I look at her mean stare and ask again. “Where are we going Penny?”

The radio is turned down a bit. “Oh sorry sweetie did you say something? It is really hard to hear you back there.”

“Yea Penny I was just saying this isn’t the way home, where are we going?” Mary gives me another mean look. “Turn around Mary I am talking to your mother.”

Wow the look on Mary's face when I told her to do something she didn’t like, wow is she pissed I think I can see smoke coming out of her ears.

“Oh sorry sweetie we have to stop off at the mall really quick, and pick some cheerleading supplies for Mary & Stephanie. I thought I told you that, I am sorry sweetie.”

Miley and Stephanie are sitting next to me, and gives me that funny look when I told Mary to turn around. I guess it shows that Mary has been running things when Penny has been at work.

“Daddy did you see the look on Mary's face when you told her to turn around you were talking to mommy?”

I see Miley and Stephanie leaning over hearing Miley whispering that comment to me. “Yea daddy she looks pissed big time.” Stephanie's says.

“Well she better get over it or she will be getting some serious time outs and spankings if she doesn’t listen.”

Miley and Stephanie look at each other than whisper to me. “You better be careful Mary is a lot bigger than you now, she might be the one putting you over her lap and spanking you hehehehe.” Miley says as her and Stephanie giggles at the thought of her spanking me.

“That’s not funny Miley.” I say still seeing her and Stephanie's smiling faces staring at me. We sit back in the seats as we pull into the mall parking lot.

The minivan pulls into a parking spot and I can see by the amount of cars that the mall is going to be crowded. “Okay girls unfasten your safety belts and let’s get in there it’s over a 100 degrees out today.” Penny says girls looking back at us.

“Um honey if you want I can wait in the car and watch Miley while you three get the cheerleading stuff.”

Mary gets out of her door and slides open the back. “Who would be watching you though little sister hehehe.”

“Leave you father alone Mary it’s not his fault he has the body of a little child now.” I smile hearing Penny correcting her. “Now apologize to your father this second.”

Mary looks me in the eyes. “Sorry, are you happy now mom?” I notice a mean look on Mary's face as she leans in to unfasten my seat belt and I smack her hand.

“I will unfasten my safety belt Mary thank you.” I start pushing the button as I notice Stephanie unfastened hers and Miley's and Miley was climbing past me as I keep trying to unfasten it but I cannot get it.

Mary is smiling from ear to ear seeing I cannot unbuckle my safety belt. “Do you need some help little girl?” Mary says.

“I told you to stop teasing your father now apologize and help her, him unfasten the safety belt so we can get inside its hot out here.”

Mary smiles at me and unfastens the safety belt. “Sorry” looking into Mary's eyes I can tell she is not sorry and hates telling me she is.

“Mary don’t fight me, I don’t like this anymore than you do.” I see a mean look on her face.

I climb down out of the van and Mary kneels down in front of me and looks me in the eyes. “Who says I don’t like you being a six year old little girl hehehe?”

“How long is this going to take Penny?” Miley takes my hand and we walk together towards the mall.

Penny turns around and smiles at me holding Miley's hand as we walk. “You sound like Miley complaining and were not even in the mall yet hehehe.” Penny, Mary, and Stephanie all start giggling.

“Mommy I love to shop I'm not like her I never say that.” Miley says. All the girls giggle hearing Penny and Miley.

Mary smiles and leans down looking me in the eyes again. “Oh and by the way fix your dress we can see your diaper little sister hehehe.” Mary says while giggling.

“Mommy can we get something to drink while we’re here.” Stephanie says.

Penny turns looking at Mary, Miley, and me. “Girls are you thirsty too?” Miley and Mary are smiling nodding their heads also meaning there thirty too.

“What about you sweetie?” Penny kneels down in front of me and I can see up her tight short skirt while Penny stares at me.

I don’t think she even noticed she asked how about you girls meaning me too. “Sure Penny I seem to be thirsty all the time now for some reason.”

“Great than we will stop off at the food court and get a quick drink.”

Mary walks up beside me and whispers in my ear. “I saw you looking up mommy's skirt at her panties. Just so you know your dress is shorter than hers and the boys will be looking up your dress now hehehe.”

“You are so mean Mary.” I say while I hold the edge of my dress down to try to keep it lower, even though this is a very short dress like Mary pointed out.

We all walk over to the food court and I can still feel the dress bouncing back and forth against my legs while we walk. I feel like I am naked from the waist down wearing this dress.

“Okay girls diet Pepsi all the way around?” Great here she goes again using that damn term ‘girls’ again. Maybe she did not mean me too.

I watch as Penny turns around and makes eye contact with Mary pointing to her. Mary nods yes, and then she points to Stephanie and Miley they both nod yes, than she points to me.

“Sure Penny that will be great.” Well I guess you did count me in when she said girls. God I need to have a private talk with her. I bet she does not even know she is treating me like a little girl.

Penny turns around after I respond and talks to the person taking the order at the counter.

“Yes can I have five medium diet Pepsi's for my girls and i.” I guess that is pretty damn simple she is definitely counting me in on the girl count.

The lady hands the drinks to Penny and she hands them to us one at a time. First, she hands it to Mary and she says thank you mom, than to Stephanie, and she says thank you mom.

“Me next mommy.” Miley's says as she gets the next diet Pepsi also her saying thank you mommy. I should mess with Penny to show her she is treating me like a little girl.

Penny hands me the next diet Pepsi, and I take it looking her in the eyes. “Thank you mommy.” I say and I wait for her to say something like stop it, or stop kidding around instead she says.

“Oh your welcome sweetie.” Is all she says, I stand there shaking my head as she gets her drink and we walk over to the table.

The girls are already at the table when Penny and I sit down there with them. I feel and unfortunately hear the plastic sound of the diaper I am wearing as I sit. Looking around no one else must be able to hear it so that is cool.

“Mommy while Mary and Stephanie are getting there cheerleading stuff can we look at some new tights for me? All the ones in my dresser are too small please?”

I stare at Penny while I am finishing my drink and I know she is going to do what Miley wants because she is the baby in the family.

“Please mommy.” I put my empty drink down and see Miley's is still over half way full so I switch drinks with her, I notice Mary shaking her head watching me.

Oh, well I am thirty, what can I say. I take a big sip threw the straw while Mary stares at me. I finish the whole drink and I put it back down than she smiles at me again. I cannot seem to get enough to drink.

“Okay sweetie we can look for some tights for you.” I knew Penny would cave into Miley she has the deep blue eyes that will get her whatever she wants when she is older just like Penny has.

Come to think of it, the twins also have those deep blue eyes. Oh, shit my eyes even look like there is now I guess that is a good thing we are family after all. Everyone gets up from the table and “Mary walks over to me.

“I seen you drank baby Miley's drink after you finisher yours. You can have mine to if you want. I'm done with it.” I smile seeing her handing me her drink as we walk together.

I stare at Mary smiling down at me. “I know I overheard them saying in the hospital that you need all the liquids you can drink.”

“That sure is nice of you Mary. Thank you.” We walk out of the food court and we stand in a small circle.

Miley is holding onto my hand as I continue to drink the Pepsi. “Okay girls Mary and Stephanie I want you two to meet us back here in about an hour okay?”

“That really isn’t very much time mother.” I hear Mary say. Sounds like she is trying to act older for some reason. “We have to go too three store’s plus try on clothes.”

I sip threw the straw listening. “Well okay I guess we can do two hours okay?” I notice Penny looking at me drinking the Pepsi as she talks to Mary.

“Great mom that’s super.” I finish the third drink and, Mary looks at me then smiles. “Maybe you can pick some new clothes for our new little sister.”

I hear Mary and she starts walking away before I can respond. “Penny we really need to have a sit down with that girl. Mary totally does not respect me. I put my hands on my hips seeing Penny start to giggle. “What's so funny?”

“Um nothing sweetie. Okay Miley we have a little more time now so let us go shopping. Does anyone have to go potty before we head over to Macy’s?”

I feel a funny feeling in my tummy. “Yes Penny I can go while were here I guess.” We walk over to the bathrooms and the men’s room is open but the women's room is closed for cleaning.

“Sorry sweetie you would have a hard time going in the men's bathroom dressed like that sweetie. Can you hold it, until there done cleaning it?”

I look at the men's room sign and I guess I didn’t even think about that I have to use the women's bathrooms from now on. “Yea I’m good Penny no worries.” I try to act grown up as I keep my legs together.

“Okay then were off to Macy’s. Hold hands girls it’s getting crowded up here.” What that is crazy how she can say that to hold hands girls, man I really need to talk to Penny about this.

Miley reaches over and smiles at me, and she takes my hand as we walk. I guess I will use the bathroom at Macy's. “Wow is it so crowded up there mommy?”

“Looks like there doing some kind of major overhaul or some kind of construction.” Penny says. We walk closer and we see a big sign that reads ‘Sorry for the construction. This area will be open soon.’

We walk past the construction area and into the girls department. “Look mommy the tights are here look, there are so many different types and colors aren’t they all so pretty.”

“Oh yes they are. Do you see the pretty dresses and skirts that match each color?” Penny and I walk up behind Miley.

My tummy still feels weird so I keep my legs together while Penny talks to Miley showing each other the different colored tights. “Don’t these pink tights look so pretty Miley?” Penny holds them up to Miley's waist.

“Mommy they look so little and childish, they look like more daddy's size.” I hear Miley teasing me but my back is to both of them while I keep my legs together because I have to go pee so badly.

Penny turns me around by taking my shoulder and pulls me to her. “Don’t these look so pretty?” I look down and see Penny holding the light pink tights up against my waist.

“This pretty outfit will go perfect with these tights.” I try not to think about her teasing me as I keep my legs together tightly ignoring Penny as I try to just concentrate on not peeing.

I look again seeing a pink dress that says hello kitty on it and a small picture. Looks more like a style for a toddler.

“Doesn’t this outfit look so pretty sweetie? I bet you would look so cute in it don’t you think?” Penny smiles at me. “Look sweetie the dress even comes with matching diaper cover plastic panties hehehe.”

I see her teasing me but I cannot complain as I feel a couple drops of pee squirt into the diaper before I stop it. “Do you want me to put this back or get it for my new little princess hehehe.” Penny says to me teasing me.

“Miley what size dress is your daddy wearing? I guess I can check, turn around sweetie so I can see the tag because the dress you’re wearing is the perfect size for you.”

I turn slowly trying not to open my legs, while I turn around. “Mom that dress is a size 4 that I gave daddy. I'm wearing a size 5/6 now, because I'm a big girl.” All I can focus on is keeping my legs together. I cannot pee in this diaper in front of my wife she will treat me like a baby forever.

“Penny you see a bathroom anywhere? I drank too much Pepsi.” Penny is still going through the dresses as I wait for a respond, but nothing.

I look around and I see Penny ignoring me as Miley walks up to me. “Daddy the bathrooms are under construction. The nearest one is back by the food court that they were cleaning when we went by.”

“Do you really have to go bad, you can't wait?” I look at Miley's concerned face as she looks me in the eyes.

I stare into her eyes while Penny continues to look through the little dresses. “I can't wait Miley there must be another bathroom in this store please help me. If I open my legs I will pee for sure.”

“Okay I understand daddy but you are wearing a diaper so no one will know if you go pee in it.” Penny walks over to us.

We see the pretty dresses she is holding. “Aren’t these the prettiest dresses you have ever seen sweetie?” Miley and I look at them and all I see is me focus on not peeing.

“Why don’t we go in the dressing room and try these on?” I see Penny staring at me. “Or does this outfit look to girly or to childish for you sweetie?”

I look up at Penny staring at the outfits in her hand, but I do not know how to tell my wife I am going to wet my diaper if I don’t get to a bathroom right this second. How do I tell her if I walk or open my legs at all, I will wet myself? Miley sees me not responding.

“Mommy why don’t me and daddy go in the restroom I mean changing room and she I mean daddy can try them on while you look for some my size?”

I hear Miley but don’t know why she wants me to try on the little flowered dress with matching panties.

“Um, well what do you think Doug I mean sweetie do you want Miley to help you get changed or me? I can fine some cute outfits that aren’t so childish if you don’t want to try these girly girl dresses?”
I feel the pains getting worse as I look up at Penny. I can't have her see me like this ready to wet myself. My face starts to feel like its getting red. Penny leans down in front of me looking in her eyes, as I can't take my eyes off her yellow panties.

“Or do you want to try on these girly girl dresses; you can be honest do you?” I look into her eyes and I want to cry.

I see her hold two little girly dress up to me and she smiles. “Why are you holding your legs together you look all tense. Are you embarrassed me putting this girly girl dress up to you? We can look for some pants if you want.”

“Here now stand normally.” I feel her take both my knees and separate them. I look her in the eyes and I start to feel a little more pee squirt into the diaper. “Oh yes this will look so cute on you. Okay if you don’t mind wearing this I will look for a matching size for little Miley. Or I guess you’re wearing a smaller size sweetie.”

I want to cry. “All right give me a kiss while you try this cute dress on.” I lean in to kiss her on the lips. “No sweetie our girls don’t kiss me on the lips.” Penny turns her head and I kiss her on the cheek.

“Mommy can I take daddy in the dressing room now while you look for a bigger size for me?”

Penny and I look towards Miley who is smiling at Penny kneeing down to look me in the eyes. “Yes sweetie you can take HER.” Penny leans in to whisper in my ear. “Sweetie you need to call me mommy from now on like Miley okay?” I look at her in shock. “Or at least while we are in public okay?”

“Are you serious honey you want me to call you mommy.” I say. The second I see her smiling at me. I start to flood my diaper I cannot stop peeing when she leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek while I am peeing.

Penny stands back up and walks back to the dresses. Miley comes over and takes my hand.

“Are you peeing in your diaper? I mean your knees are bent and your legs are apart.” I look at her describing what I am doing with Penny's back to us I put my legs back together and stand straight up.

OMG this cannot be happening. All I want to do is go home. “Come on daddy you can finish going in the dressing room where no one will see you going potty okay?”

“Okay Miley.” We walk into the dressing room with Miley carrying the clothes I have to try on.

Miley closes the door behind us. “Okay daddy if you still have to go potty more wait until I get your dress off. We don’t want you wetting it okay?”

“Now lift your arms up, after I felt her unbuttoning the dress in the back. I stand naked only wearing the wet diaper that is starting to sag. “Okay yea you sure wet your diaper.”

I watch as Miley stares at my sagging diaper between my legs. “Okay daddy if you have to pee more, just bend your knees a little and spread your legs and finish going in your diaper.”

“Miley you can't tell anyone especially your mommy. You promise Miley please I will do anything if you don’t tell your mommy.”

When I say I will do anything I see a grin on my baby Miley's face. That looks reminds me of Mary's look when she wants something.

“Okay daddy I won't tell mommy if you try on these dresses. I want you to wear dresses like me okay is that a deal?” Holy shit my four year old is bribing me to be more girly. What is my choice if anyone finds out I peed in my diaper life would be over for me.

I start to bend my knees and start to pee in my diaper, as it is so loud I can see Miley must be hearing it. “Okay Miley you promised you won't tell mommy right?”

“Yes I promise I won't tell her. You must really have to go potty so bad I can hear you going hehehe.” She giggles while she watches me squatted down wetting my diaper with her staring at me.

I do not think I have ever been more embarrassed my whole life, as my little four year old daughter watches me wet my diaper.

I stand back up feeling so much better, but with the diaper totally soaked; it keeps my legs apart while I stand. “Okay you look like your done going potty in your diaper right?” I see her smiling at me.

“Yes I am done. Thank you for not telling your mommy okay?”

Miley smiles from ear to ear. “No problem daddy or I should call you my little sister hehehe.” Miley giggles but I do not laugh. “But I used to wet my diaper when I was small, and I know you don’t want to walk around the mall wearing a soaked diaper right little sister?”

“Yes Miley, do you have to call me that?” I say, as Miley smiles at me.

I feel Miley's little hands on my diaper as she untape’s it and the diaper falls between my feet with a thud. “Yea you had to pee; it looks like you peed a whole bunch.” I notice Miley staring between my legs at my little vagina.

“Yea you are my little sister for sure hehehe.” Miley giggles again staring between my legs. I put both my hands covering my new vagina. “Okay here try these panties on that go with this dress.”

I take the flowered panties and start to slide them up my legs. Miley bends down, and folds the diaper in half putting the tape back on it and drops it in the trash next to the bench in the dressing room.

“Okay if this dress and panties fit you, I want you to ask mommy if you can wear this outfit. If you ask her I won't tell her you went potty in your diaper okay sis?”

This is so messed up being bribed by my four-year-old daughter, but what are my choices? I tell Penny I wet my diaper she will think of me as a baby not her husband.

“Okay Miley you have a deal, I mean I already have the body of a small six-year-old girl.” I stare at Miley smiling at me when I answer.

I shake my head my life is so screwed having to do what a four year old tells me to do. “Daddy or I should say little sister I know mommy and us told you that you have the body of a six year old girl.”

“But looking at the clothes that fit you and you have been wearing you are more like a four year old girl almost hehehehe.”

I am listening to Miley and she makes me think even deeper listening to her giggling. I mean if Penny hears, I wet my diaper she will think of me as even smaller than I am.

“Okay sis lift your arms up again.” I stand naked except I am wearing the little child's panties. I feel the flowered dress falling over my shoulders. This dress has no sleeves, and is much more for the summer and styled for a small child.

Miley giggles as she starts buttoning the back of the dress up. How did my life get so screwed up? “Is this dress supposed to be so short it barely covers my underwear?”

“Yes little sister it’s a sundress it’s made to be light and small.” I stare at her smiling. “Oh and you said your new dress barely covers your underwear, you don’t wear underwear you wear panties. I don’t want you calling them underwear again okay?”

I mean I know I was rough on the twins for always bugging me when I was trying to sleep and work the night shift. I guess that explains why Mary is teasing me and now Stephanie too. I gave them reasons to be upset with me but Miley never bothered anyone always staying to herself, now she is teasing me too.

“Okay Miley relax okay.” I try to pull the tiny dress down more. But the little dress slides back up again almost showing my panties.

We both turn when we hear the door start to open and there is Penny standing there smiling staring at me up and down. “Wow you look so pretty in that dress princess come out here so I can see it better.” I feel Penny taking my hand like I am a small child.

“Here ya go Miley I found the same dress in a size larger, try it on while I talk to your daddy, and he shows me how pretty his new dress is.”

Damn I cannot believe Miley's old clothes fit me, and now I'm getting a new dress the same size. My life is so screwed. I look up and see Penny smiling at me.

“Your new dress just looks pretty on you sweetie. I have to admit it makes you appear even smaller though.”

I start to look up at Penny shaking my head ready to cry but I won't do it because I don’t want Penny to treat me like a little kid.

“You must like the new dress since you let Miley change you into it. These types of dresses are in her style. Miley just loves these little sundresses especially in the summer time.”

I look down at the little dress I'm wearing with the pink and yellow flowers all over it. “I don’t like wearing dresses Penny.” Miley comes out wearing the same dress as me just in her larger size.

“I mean this dress is more comfortable in this heat.” I look at Miley so she sees I am doing my part of the deal.

Penny kneels down in front of me having eye-to-eye contact. I smile while she puts her fingers threw my new girly hairstyle. “Mommy what do you think, do we look like twins?” I mean Mary and Stephanie are twins so me and daddy can be twins too okay?”

“Yes sweetie you look very pretty in that dress and you and daddy do look like twins.” I notice Penny's knees move apart showing her yellow panties again.

Penny looks down at me staring at her panties as she puts her knees back together smiling at me. She leans into me and whispers in my ear.

“I can see you’re just a little horny dog staring at my panties. I guess no matter what you are wearing you will just be the same horny guy. But I can see your panties too hehehe.” Penny giggles as I put my knees together too.

Penny stands back up as she straightens her skirt. “Well girls do you want to wear your new outfits home?” I look over at Miley smiling.

“Oh yes mommy can we please?” Miley is smiling at me when Penny looks at me for an answer.

I look down at my naked legs going up to the tiny dress I'm wearing than I look at Miley smiling. I look at Penny and say. “Yes okay.”

“What did you want to say to mommy I didn’t understand you sweetie. Do you want to wear your new dress home or you want to put it back, and maybe get some pants tell mommy?”

Oh, man she is saying she is mommy again. My life sucks so badly. “Yes mommy can I wear the dress home?”

“Yes my little baby girl you can wear your new dress. Speaking of baby girls were is your diaper; I can see your wearing the matching panties for your new dress?”

Miley pulls on Penny's skirt. “Mommy I threw it out daddy wanted to wear the pretty panties more.”

“Oh that is so cute is that true sweetie did you want to wear the pretty flowered panties so they match your new dresses sweetie, tell mommy?”

Miley covered me about the diaper but now Penny thinks I want to wear panties. I look up at Penny waiting for a response. “Well sweeties tell mommy did you want to wear the pretty panties so they match your new dress?”

“Yes” I say and I feel so embarrassed asking to wear panties.

Penny stands up and stares at me. “Yes what?” oh my god I guess this can get worse, she is treating me like Miley.

“Yes mommy.” I say. God I cannot believe how I have degraded myself today.

Penny smiles from ear to ear when she hears my response. “That’s mommy's little baby girl.” Miley hears Penny, and giggles. Miley is also smiling from ear to ear. Man I feel so alone I wonder if I was better off in the hospital in a coma.

“We really do look like twins dressed the same daddy.” I hear Miley saying, and seeing her pointing at the big mirror behind me.

I turn to look at what she is pointing at; I see our reflection in the mirror. “Holy shit is that really us?”

“Mommy she cursed again.” I stare into the mirror and Miley is right it is hard to see which one of us is who until Penny walks over and kneels down next to me and whispers in my ear.

I want to cry seeing I'm the little girl next to Miley. “Sweetie you can't curse especially since you’re a little girl now.” The second I look over at Penny she smacks me on my bottom right on the panties.

“Owe.” I start rubbing my bottom. I cannot believe she just gave me a spank. How did she spank me and hit my panties without the dress getting in the way.

I continue to rub my pantied butt when a beautiful woman comes over holding a little boys hand. “I am so glad there are other parents who will do the right thing, and spank there child when they curse or get out of line.”
“I am sorry to put my two cents in my name is Amy, and this little monster is Thomas.”

The little boy looks up to the pretty woman. “Mommy my name is Tom, I told you to stop calling me Thomas it sounds like a sissy’s name.” We look over at the boy arguing with his mother.

“What did I tell you about arguing with me? This nice lady just gave her little daughter a fast smack on her bottom don’t you think I would pull your pants down and put you over my knee.”

We see the little boy put both his hands behind is bottom knowing his mom would do it. “I am sorry mommy.”

“Again I am sorry to interrupt you but when I seen you give your baby daughter that quick smack for saying ‘shit’ I mean the S-word’ I thought I would introduce myself.”

Wow, she is hot; her skirt is even shorter than Penny’s. “Yes she sure is a cute one.” Amy kneels down in front of me and does not even try to keep her knees together seeing her bright pink panties under her mini skirt.

“Yes she is, and a handful sometimes.” I look up at Penny hearing her. “And thank you, my name is Penny and these are two of my girls Miley and um Cindy.”

I watch the sexy lady stand back up and shake hands with Penny. “Did you say these are two of your daughters how many daughter do you have?”

“Well I have four daughters the twins are in another store and there 16 years old and they have all the answers of the universe except there answers are all wrong hehehe.” Penny starts giggles, and then Amy giggles too.

Miley and I just stand there not getting there joke as we look at Thomas who did not get it either. He looks to be around our age or I should say Miley's age around four.

“Wow Penny you are way too young to have two sets of twins especially to pretty to have 16 year olds.” I watch as Amy is smiling at my Penny. “That is a pretty skirt your wearing I bet you drive the guys crazy?”

What the hell is she talking about, is this hot chick hitting on my wife? No way. “Well thank you Amy that is too kind of you. You look pretty gorgeous in that little mini skirt you’re wearing, I bet your husband can't control himself when you wear that right?”

“You’re just too sweet Penny but there isn’t a husband presently or in the future by the way. I am sick of men ever since little Thomas dad ran off with his 19 year old receptionist from work.”

I stare at the pissed super-hot chick Amy. “I hope his dick falls off from some disease so he has to wear these.” Amy holds up some sexy panties from her basket.

“That would serve him right.” I notice Penny looking down at me knowing that is what happens to me from the accident.

Penny starts to giggle staring at me. “You are too cruel but I can picture it hehehe.” They both share a soft giggle.

“So Penny how old is this set of twins? Let me guess they both do look so grown up but I’m guessing 3 maybe 4, am I close?”

I hear her and see Penny put her hand over her mouth. “Yes we just turned 4, but I am the more grown up one.” I hear Miley say as I look at her while I roll my eyes.

“Yea the other little girl looks younger.” Thomas is pointing at me.

My jaw drops hearing the little brat calling me the younger one. I guess I am wearing the smaller dress. What am I thinking I am wearing a dress man my life just sucks.

“What did I tell you about pointing at people?” WHACK I see Amy smack his finger that is pointing at me than a fast smack on his bottom. “Now apologize to the little girl.”

I watch as the little brat is rubbing his bottom, and I am ignoring her calling me a little girl because I am smiling at Thomas for getting a smack. I mean he did say I was the younger one and I wanted to smack him too.

“I am sorry Cindy for pointing at you.” He looks like he is going to be crying any minute. He should be the one wearing this little girls dress since he is acting like the sissy ready to cry.

I look around seeing the two women staring at me smiling. “It’s okay. I guess Miley does wear larger dresses than me I mean larger clothes size than me.”

“Isn't she the cutesiest thing you ever seen? I wish I had a girl than I know I wouldn’t have to break a nail keeping this little monster in line.”

Miley and I smile at the little boy hearing Amy. “We can look for a pretty dress for him if you want he looks like the same size as me.” We turn hearing Miley talking about dressing up the rude little boy.

“Maybe that would teach you some manners Thomas, would you like to wear a pretty dress like these two cute little girls?”

Miley and I are smiling, but the boy starts to cry. “No mommy please I will be good I promise.” We look at him crying like a baby.

“Well you may have hit a nerve Miley is it?” Miley is smiling so hard she is going to hurt herself. “We will have to keep that in mind Thomas if you act up we might have to buy you a pretty dress to match these twin little girls.”

Thomas just cry's with his face into his moms legs. “Well it looks like someone needs his nap so it was great meeting you Penny and your little twins.” Penny smiles at her.

“Maybe we could get together some night and have a drink and unwind or something. Some adult time, unless your husband would mind?”

I watch Penny and Amy smiling at each other and if I didn’t know, any better Penny was flirting with this hot chick.

“Oh our daddy won't be minding at all he is in heaven with the angles.” I look over at Miley after what she said that I was dead.

Penny looks down at me smiling with that look. “Oh I am so sorry sweetheart I didn’t know I am so sorry for bringing that up.” I watch as Amy leans in to Penny and I watch the two hot women hugging.

“Oh you didn’t know, it’s been tough without a man around the house my older twins have really stepped up to take care of the house while I work full time.”

I notice Amy rubbing Penny arms as she is talking. “Well than you need some adult time for sure then sweetheart. Here is my phone number.” I see Amy take a business card out of her purse and hand it to Penny.

“Just give me a call sometime and we will get together maybe let the kids have a sleep over while we have some adult relax time.”

I watch both of them hug again watching both their breasts rub into each other as they kiss each other on the cheek.

“That sounds great I haven’t really had anytime with any adults since his accident over two months ago. Here is my card also my address is on it too.”

Penny takes her card out of her purse and hands it to Amy. I notice Amy looking at the card. “Wow you live just down the street from me. You live on onyx drive and we live on opal drive. We just moved here two weeks ago.”

“Well welcome to the neighborhood Amy.” Penny leans in and hugs her again as I see both of them smiling staring into each other's eyes. “Well we better go check out. So we can meet up with my 16 year old twins who are on the other-side of the mall.”

Penny reaches down and takes my hand while Miley carry’s both our clothes. “Again it was great meeting you Amy, and you little Thomas. I hope to see you both soon.”

“Same here Penny talk to you soon. Great meeting you Cindy and Miley. See ya soon. Bye for now.” They walk off and we walk towards the checkout counter.

There is no one in line as I am staring at Penny I don’t notice the clothes she put on the counter. “What sweetie what are you staring at me for?” I roll my eyes.

“Oh my little girls here are wanting to wear their new dresses home.” I feel Penny taking the tags off my dress than off of Miley's.

There she said her girls again. Man my life needs to be turned around this is so crazy. “Oh they are so cute how old are your twins 3, 4? Have they started school yet?”

“Yes they just turned four and yes they love school right girls?”

I look at Penny like she is out of her mind. “Yes me and sis love kindergarden.” I just roll my eyes, ignoring them. “Have a great day ladies.” I hear the young girl cashier say as we start to walk away.

We have to hurry girls or your sisters will lose their minds.” RING, RING “Speaking of the devil. That’s your sisters.” Penny puts her cell up to her mouth.

“Yes we are on our way to you. We will be there in less than a minute Mary. Love you too.” By the time Penny puts her iPhone away we see Mary and Stephanie running over to us.

Mary and Stephanie are looking at Miley, and me but Mary is staring at me up and down. “I just love your new dress daddy.” Mary only stares at me not even looking at Miley.

“You better call her Cindy while were in the mall or someone might hear you.” Miley says as me and Penny look at her. Penny just smiles at me.

Mary is just smiling from ear to ear hearing Miley without her mom correcting her. “Well Cindy little sister that dress sure fits you perfectly. You look so pretty.” Oh, I want to smack her so bad. I give her a look.

“Cindy thank your big sister, she gave you a compliment.” Mary stares a hole threw me with her shit eating grin.

I look up at Penny not smiling waiting for me to respond. “Thanks Mary. Can we go home now?”

“Yes sweetie lets go. Did you girls get everything you need for cheerleading?”

We notice the bags there carrying. “Yes mom and it looks like tights aren’t the only thing you guys bought at Macy's. Did you by daddy any other pretty clothes?” Stephanie says.

“Stephanie you heard mom we have to call him, I mean her Cindy from now on.”

Come on Penny say something as we walk towards the parking lot. “Not all the time Mary just when we are in public.” I say while Mary ignores me and starts talking back to Penny.

“We bought some stuff for Cindy too. We know she has to wear diapers for a while so we picked up a package of the same ones from the hospital and some stuff like plastic panties too.”

Holy smoke you have to be kidding me. We stop at the minivan and Mary takes out a pink pair of plastic panties with yellow and white flowers on them. I start rolling my eyes and she lifts my dress up and puts them in front of my panties.

“Mary stop that.” I smack her hand away while she still smiles at me.

Stephanie and Miley get in the car as I watch Miley getting her safety belt fastened as I smack Mary's hand away from me.

“Mom how come Cindy isn’t wearing a diaper? She might pee in the car then the whole car will smell like baby pee?”

I look at Mary giving me that grin again. “Oh I guess she took it off to wear her new outfit.”

“Well maybe we should put her in a diaper and these pretty plastic panties we bought for her before we leave so she doesn’t wet her new outfit?”

Penny stands next to Penny loading the van with the packages. “Are you going to be okay sweetie till we get home?” She looks at me.

“Yes honey I will be fine I don’t need a diaper.” I turn and smile at Mary.

Mary still stares at me while she talks to her mom. “Well maybe we should at least put the plastic panties over little sister’s new panties so she doesn’t have an accident.”

“Okay just slide them up under her dress, but make it quick I want to get home.”

I look up at Penny who is still packing the van. My mouth is just open and I don’t know what to say.

“Okay baby sister step into these like a good little girl.” I want to cry hearing Mary and seeing her smiling from ear to ear, as she pulls them up my legs and over my panties.

I feel Mary pull my super short sundress over the plastic panties. “There that’s much better.” Mary leans into my ear.

“You look so much better in a dress and plastic panties daddy. I will get you back for all the times you got me grounded from staying out late and a 100 other things.”

I look into Mary's eyes and I want to cry so bad I can feel my eyes tearing up. “Don’t cry little sister it will be okay.” She leans into my ear again. “Yes it will be okay but it will get much worse for you little baby girl.”

“Now hop up in the van mommy wants to get us home and now that you’re dressed in case you have an accident.

I start to climb into the van and I feel Mary give me a gentle smack against my butt when I raise it to get in the van. I ignore her because I want to cry as she fastens my safety belt.

“Okay mom the baby is buckled in lets go home. Or I guess you’re dropping us off at Mrs. Candy’s house for cheerleading.”

Good I will finally get Mary out of my face for the night. “Yea mom I have Mary's and mine bags so we can spend the night. Do you remember where they live?”

“Yes sweetie it’s the next turn off we are almost there and I will pick you both up after the game tomorrow okay?”

I notice us pulling into the driveway of this nice house. “Okay girls have a good time give your sisters a kiss good-bye.” I look at Penny and she sees I'm pissed.

I mean give Miley and your dad a kiss good bye. Stephanie climbs past Miley after she kisses her on the cheek. “Bye daddy glad your home.” She gives me a little kiss on the cheek and hugs me good-bye.

“You to Mary give your father and little sister a kiss good-bye.”

Mary leans past me and gives Miley a kiss on the cheek. “Okay I hear you mother. Bye little sister I hope you wet your panties like the baby you are or the baby I’m going to turn you into.” She whispers in my ear than kisses me on the forehead like I am a toddler.

“Bye girls see ya tomorrow be good for Mrs. Candy.” I want to yell at Mary as she smiles when I don’t respond shutting the van door before I can respond.

We back out of the driveway and were back on the road. Ten minutes later, we pull into the driveway. “Wow the yard looks great Penny did you cut the lawn or have someone else?”

“The next door neighbor has been cutting the lawn for us he is really nice. I know you didn’t like him before the accident but he is nice I guess he said he was the captain of the football team in high school and I guess you two always butted head he said.”

I hear a guy who I hated my whole life has been taking care of my lawn and now my wife only says nice things about him.

“No Penny we didn’t always butt heads he was the school bully and always picked on me when I was in school.”

Miley and Penny start getting the bags as I take a couple smaller ones too. “I don’t want him doing our yard work anymore and I don’t want him here at all okay Penny?”

“Well what are you going to do cut the lawn yourself you can't even see over the handles of the lawn mower. Now get inside sweetie now, do you need to go potty?”

Did Penny just treat me like a little child and tell me to get inside? Man my life sucks I need to figure this out.

The end of part 6

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Thanks again Hugs,

Princess Panty boy

Email: [email protected]
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