The Camp Of The Willows - Chapter 4

The Camp of The Willows - Chapter 4
by Barbara Lynn Terry

(Author's Note: The places and events I put in my stories may no longer exist, but let's say for sake of argument, that they still exist today.

Everybody on the south side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was sad to see Goldman's department store close on Polish Grand Avenue (Mitchell Street) and even though White Castle, Inc. (owners of the White Towers) still exists and is in business in Illinois and other states on the east coast, they are no longer in business in Wisconsin. A lot of companies have left Wisconsin because of high taxes, including the machine division of Eaton Corporation. ).

Part I - It is two days away from going to camp.

"Morning, Rachel," Cammie Davies said, with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, mother, thank you. Mom? I only want a slice of jelly toast, milk and orange juice."

"Are you feeling okay?" Cammie Davies asked, feeling Rachel's forehead.

"Yes, mom, I feel fine."

"Then what is with the eating like a bird routine?"

"Mom, I'm a girl, I need to watch my weight."

Cammie Davies understood, and made Rachel her toast, while Rachel poured her milk and juice.

"Are you sure you don't want any eggs, or sausages with your toast?"

"No, mother. Just the toast with jelly on it, please."

Cammie Davies was not used to Rachel being polite. If this was another of Roger's pranks, it was one Cammie Davies couldn't see through. Was Rachel really serious about living as a girl forever? She was going to see, because the day after tomorrow is when Sharon and Rachel left for camp.

"Honey, you will have to pack your suitcase that you are taking with you for the summer. You will be at this camp for seven weeks, and you need a change of lingerie every day, especially your panties. No girl wears her panties two days in a row for hygiene reasons. Sharon is going to be a junior counselor there, and she said she will be working with Betty, who is your cabin counselor. If you are unsure of anything, just ask Sharon or Betty. Maybe even the girls in your cabin will help you, too."

"Mom, what if the girls in my cabin don't like me? What if they make fun of me?"

"Then you will just have to grin and bear it. Adults do that every day of our adult lives. There are things that disappoint us in life and we just have to take it. It is part of life. But, I have a feeling that the girls in your cabin will be asked about you being there. But, if they do as you are worried about, then we can deal with that. Honey, since you told me you wanted to stay a girl, I have noticed a remarkable change in you."

"Thank you, mom. I'd better go and pack my suitcase so it's ready."

"Dear, why don't you wait and I will help you. There is a certain way to fold a skirt without wrinkling it. Plus, there are things I will show you, that you need to put in your suitcase, too. You have the attitude, and this camp will see if you have the discipline. Sharon, Betty, her sister and mother are not going to show you what discipline you need. That is up to you to figure out. Rachel, this camp will be your lessons in girlhood and your admission in to a very exclusive club called womanhood. Not everybody gets to be a member of this exclusive club. So, go in the living room and I will be in when I am finished here."

Rachel went in the living room and sat down. She took one of her mother's Cosmopolitan magazines, and started reading. She saw different ways to do her hair, a nice way to do her nails. She even saw fashions that were being advertised, too. Cammie Davies came in the living room.

"Are you ready to go and pack?"

"Yes, mom. I was reading about how to do my nails, without being messy."

"Did you understand the article?"

"Yes, and they showed a Jacquard dress that looked very pretty."

"Honey, those dresses cost a lot of money. I'm not spending $200 dollars just for a dress. A prom gown, a semi formal, but not an everyday dress. I think we should get you a nice dress to go to camp in. The dresses and skirt outfits you have, we will pack in your suit case. You can wear jeans and cami tomorrow. I know, we can go to Sylvia's, she always has something nice for a decent price. You will see the difference in good quality dresses and skirts even if they aren't a Jacquard."

"I was just reading the articles, and on the page where the story began, there was this model that had on a nice pair of black pumps."

"Did it say how much those shoes were?"

"Yes, they said $125 dollars."

"Honey, you can get at least four pair of decent quality pumps for that price. Those companies that advertise clothes in those magazines, need a lesson in how to get the general public interested in their designs. I have seen purses, too, in those magazines that sell for $200 dollars. That is outrageous. Anyway, you have good quality clothes just like any other girl your age. Now, let's get you packed. Watch how I fold this skirt, then I want you to do one.

"Take the skirt and fold it in half, and then in half again turning the waist down toward the hem. Set it gently in the suitcase. Now you do one."

Rachel folded the skirt like her mother had shown her. "That was good. Now for the shirts. Take the arms of the shirt and hold them, folding the shirt in half, length wise, take the arms like so and place them against one side of the shirt. Fold the shirt in half again, and then in half again, so the collar shows on top. Now you try it." Rachel didn't do quite as good with the shirt as she had done with the skirt. "Try it again."

This time she did it almost perfect. "Here, let me show you." She took the shirt and with deft hands, folded it neatly. "Now, you try again."

Rachel did it perfect on the third try.

"Your dresses we can hang in the suitcase. That is what this zippered compartment is for. Just take your dresses and hang them in here like this." Rachel then packed her clothes. "Now, you need your toothbrush, tooth paste, hair brush, curlers, hair ties and clips, soap, soap dish, and some perfume. Let me see. I am forgetting something, I know I am. Oh! We can't forget stationary and pens. We also should pick you up a couple of disposable cameras while we are out tomorrow. All campers want pictures of their memorable camp experiences."

"Mom, what about the hair on my legs and underarms?"

"Oh, how careless of me. Yes, you will need a ladies razor and I will get you a ladies Gillette complete with blade cartridges. Yes, that should do it, then. Close your suit case, dear. The clothes you have on now, will go in the wash tonight, and you can wear your jeans and a cami tomorrow. Then, tomorrow we will go to Sylvia's and get you a nice summer dress to go to camp in. Maybe even go to Denny's after."

"Who's going to Denny's?" Sharon asked.

"Well, I am going to take Rachel in to Sylvia's for a nice summer dress to go to camp in. Then I thought we could go to Denny's for a little lunch."

"I want to come, too."

"I think that is a good idea. It is too bad your father has to work, or I would ask him to come along, too. So, tomorrow's agenda is full. We know what we want, where to go to get it, and then have a three martini lunch afterwards." The three women giggled. "Rachel, what are your plans for the rest of today?"

"I thought I'd go to the Tower and hang with the crowd."

"May I come with you, Rachel?" Sharon asked.

"Yes, sis, I would like that."

"You said that Andy Prichard tried to 'cool' talk you in to sitting with him?"

"Yeah, and it is funny, too. He kept at me when I kept saying no, so Doug Reynolds told him to leave me alone. Doug looked like he was ready to kill Andy."

"Then I do want to come along."

They gave their parents hugs and kisses and said they would be back by dinner. Cammie Davies just smiled, because she knew Sharon wouldn't let Rachel get in any trouble or even start any.

"Have a nice afternoon, girls." Cammie Davies busied herself with straightening up around the house, and pretending this or that needed to be dusted. After she was finished pretending she was doing housework, Cammie Davies went in Richard Davies den.

"Dear, may we talk for a bit?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"It's about Rachel. You were at work last night when Rachel, I and Sharon had a talk. Rachel told me through genuine tears, that she wants to stay as Rachel forever. I thought this was another of Roger's pranks, but Rachel shows all the signs of femininity without a trace of male anywhere."

"That fits, because the first day we started the punishment, Rachel gave me a hug before she left and then whispered 'you have no idea what you have done'. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now what you just said, that is probably what she meant. By the way, where is she?"

"Her and Sharon went to the White Tower restaurant by South Division High School."

"Cammie, do you think making Rachel as a girl that first day was the catalyst that turned our little caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. Rachel has never dressed like this before we made her, that I know of. Now, we have Rachel forever."

"Well, truth be known, Cammie, I will take Rachel over Roger any day."

"I will, too, Richard. Tomorrow I am taking her to Sylvia's Boutique on Main Street. I want to get her a new dress to wear to camp. I am also going to pick her up a pair of shoes to go with the dress, and a couple of 24 exposure, disposable cameras. Maybe new lingerie to go with the new dress, too."

"Would you like them to tow the store over here and put it in our back yard?"

"Oh, Richard." They both laughed.

As Sharon and Rachel walked in to the White Tower on the southeast corner of South Twelfth and West Mitchells Streets, Marie was already making up their Cokes and fries.

"Do you girls want anything other than a Coke and fries?"

"Yes, Marie," Sharon said, smiling. "I'll have a cheesburger."

"I will have the same, Marie," Rachel said, kind of demurely.

"Well, hey Sharon. Long time, no see. Wanna go out with me this Saturday to a movie?"

"Well, Andy, since you mentioned it, no."

"Awww c'mon baby, it's just a movie."

"Andy do you remember when you were just a stupid freshman?"

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Well," Sharon continued, "you may not be a freshman any more, but you are still stupid."

"Oh, c'mon, baby. Just a movie."

"Well, Andy, you're at it again. Why don't you leave the ladies alone, before you and I go outside for some wall-to-wall head banging.

"Doug, can't I even get a break? I was only asking Sharon if she wanted to go to a movie, this Saturday night."

"Andy, get lost."

"Yes, Doug."

"Hey, Sharon," Doug said, in a friendly manner. "I hear you're going to be a junior counselor this summer at a girls camp. Are you kind of excited?"

"Yes, Doug, I am. I not only get to go to camp, but I get paid for it, too."

"So, what are you going to do with all that loot?"

"I'm putting it away for my college. Mom and daddy said if I make an effort, they will help me get in to college."

"Hey, that's great. Just what we need around here; another brain."

"Oh, Doug," Sharon said, in mock indignation, hitting his arm lightly.

"Hey, if Andy bothers you again, let me know. He has been trying to hit on every girl that has come in here, lately."

Sharon looked over at Andy, who had his back towards her. She thought that if he cleaned up his act, he could be a decent guy. But as it is now, Andrew Prichard is just a jerk.

Louise Stark, Janet Crane and Emily Watson came in.

"Hey, Rach, hi Sharon, it is good to see you. May we sit down."

"Yes, I was saving these seats just for you," Rachel fibbed.

"So, Rachel, we leave for camp day after tomorrow. I can't wait to get there. Seven whole weeks of not being bored."

"For sure. Hey, tomorrow, my mom and Sharon are taking me to Sylvia's to get a new dress to go to camp in. Could you guys meet us there?"

"Hey, sure," Louise Stark answered. "Then we can actually make sure you get our kind of fashions instead of what your mom picks out."

Everybody giggled.

"Hey, my mom is cool. She knows what we girls like today, and she hems and haws a little, but she gets them for me any way."

"That's great, Rach," Janet Crane added. "I have to fight with my mom just to get a skirt at mid thigh."

"You know we are like almost twenty years younger than our parents. I suppose that back in the 80's they wore granny dresses." Everybody giggled, again.

"Emily, that is funny. I keep telling my parents about what I supposed it was like for them in the olden days. My dad says, 'old, hey, I'll show you old'." The girls giggled again.

"Okay, kids, this is not a hang out. If you're not eating or drinking whatever beverage, you have to leave." Irene was the Iron Maiden, when she said leave, and you didn't leave, she stood over you, glaring right through you, until you left.

"It's a good thing we have the fries to nibble on. Marie, two more orders of fries, please."

Marie made the fries and brought them over. Irene came over by their booth.

"Girls, you actually behave yourselves in here. It is mainly the boys that come in and lounge around their girlfriends and don't order anything. Sharon, I haven't seen you in a while. What are your plans for the summer?"

"I'm going to be a junior counselor at the Camp of the Willows. Rachel is going to camp, too."

"If your name is Rachel, why has everybody been calling you Roger? I mean, I always wondered why they would call a girl by a boy's name."

"I don't know, either, but my mom and dad said they will find out. Maybe the teachers are dyslexic."

"Maybe, but, it is good to see you as you instead of that frumpy tomboy that has been coming in here."

"Irene, you never talk to us. You just seem to do work, then leave."

"Well, I just wanted you to know that this group has never been a problem here."

"Thank you, Irene." Irene smiled and went back to her job.

As Manager of this White Tower and the one on North twelfth and West Wells Streets, she was always running between the two. Rachel thought that Irene spends more time at this one, because South Division Senior High School is just two blocks away. The high school kids like to hang out at this White Tower.

As the afternoon wore on, Sharon Davies looked at her wrist watch and told Rachel it was time they started for home. After making sure their friends would meet them at Sylvia's the next day, they left for their house. On the way, Sharon and Rachel talked.

"Sharon, are you angry with me?"

"No, sis, what ever gave you that idea?"

"Because this started out as a punishment, but I want to live this way forever. Are you angry at me because I don't want to be Roger any

more?" Sharon Davies smiled at her sister.

"No, sis, I am not angry at you. I may be a little baffled by this change, but I think it is a nice change."

"Do you really think so, sis?"

"Yes, sis, I do."

"Thank you, sis, I was thinking that because I want to stay as Rachel, everybody was disappointed, especially dad."

"I'm sure that if you ask him, he will say that you are very pretty just the way you are. Men are like that, sis. They give us compliments all the time when they don't know what else to say. Like, I remember the time daddy forgot their anniversary. Mom didn't say anything, but a week later he brought home a box of chocolates and a dozen white roses. So, don't worry, sis, I'm sure daddy will like you for whomever you are."

"I hope so," Rachel said, not believing it.

"Well, well, well, now that Doug ain't around, how about we take up where we left off, Sharon."

"Yes, well, where we left off was me telling you to get lost."

"I may, then again I may not."

"Listen creep, get away from us, or I will blast this horn so loudly, the neighbors will come out to see what is going on. Is that what you want,

Andrew Prichard?"

"Hey, I just wanted to go to a movie with you."

"Well, this Saturday, I am going to be at camp and so will Rachel. One other thing, Andrew Prichard, if you ever come on to my sister again, I will make sure that Doug tries to make you a part of the sidewalk. Leave us alone, creep. Rach, I think when we get home, we will daddy what this creep has been up to."

"Why can't I ask Rachel out to a movie?"

"Because she is only twelve years old. She won't be thirteen until August. You, Andrew Prichard, are seventeen. You lay one hand on my sister, and you will wish you had stayed home that day."

"Oh yeah, and just what are you going to about it?"

"Not her, Andy. Me!" Doug said, as he let is presence be known. "I thought I would tag along when I saw you go out after these ladies left.

You just don't know when to stop. Now I have a challenge for you, Andy, if you think you are 'man' enough to handle such a challenege."

"I'm all man," Andy Prichard said, flexing his non-existent muscles.

Sharon and Rachel began giggling.

"What's the challenge, Doug?"

"See if you can act like a gentleman, at least for one day. Do you think you can do that?"

"That isn't much of challenge. That sounds like a sissy thing to me."

"Andy, come with me, I want to show you something." Doug Reynolds and Andy Prichard went in the alley, and Sharon and Rachel continued toward their house. They could hear shouts of "no, Doug, no". The girls looked at each other and stifled a giggle.

"That will teach that creep. I hope Doug didn't hurt him too much."

Douglas Reynolds was a sophomore at South Division Senior High School. He was on the wrestling team, he was part of the weight lifting club, and he was also doing track during physical education class. He was decent toward the ladies. If he asked a girl to a movie and she said no, Doug Reynolds let it drop.

As they walked in the door of their house, they saw their father sitting in his recliner.

"We're back daddy," Rachel said, giving her father a hug.

"I see and thanks for the hug, punkin. I hope you didn't get filled up at that restaurant, because we are having BBQ ribs for dinner. I'm making them on the grill, and bringing them inside. This way we can enjoy them without the uninvited ants." Rachel giggled.

"Ants have to eat, too, ya know." Sharon and Cammie Davies giggled at what Rachel had said.

"Well, I am going to make the salad, while your father barbecues and maybe even a side of mac and cheese."

"That souds delicious, mom," Rachel added.

"Would you girls like to help cut up the vegetables for the salad and shred the lettuce?"

"Yes, mom," Sharon and Rachel chimed in together.

"Well, Let's get started," Cammie Davies said, with a smile.

As the girls went in the kitchen and got everything out that they would need, Cammie Davies looked at Rachel in the female environment. She was thinking if this was a prank, then it was a prank on Roger, who should have been born Rachel. She shook the thought from her head and smiled inwardly. It didn't matter who she was before, but she is Rachel now, and that is all that counts.

While Cammie cut the onion, black olives, tomatoes, cubed the Colby Jack cheese, Sharon was shredding and rinsing the lettuce. Rachel was making the macaroni and cheese. This was made from scratch as the Davies family didn't believe in packaged meals, when you could make it fresh at home, and have it taste better. Besides, fresh made meals were better for you because they didn't have all those pacgaging ingredients that added to the product. While the water for the elbow macaroni was heating up on the stove, Rachel took the bell shaped shredder and shredded two cups of sharp cheddar cheese to put in with the macaroni when it was done boiling and drained. With the cheese shredded, a half of a stick of margarine, and a one quarter cup of milk, Rachel Davies would have the mac and cheese done by the time her father brought in the BBQ ribs.

With the dinner prepared and placed on the dining room table, They stood around their chairs while Rachel said grace.

"Thank you, Lord, for this food, this family, my friends, and letting me find myself. I will not disappoint you. Amen." They all sat down and passed around the food until each had their servings.

"Rachel, that was the best grace yet, that I have ever heard. It was humble, genuine and from the heart. You're going to be just fine."

"Thank you, daddy. Daddy, would you like to come along with us to Sylvia's tomorrow to my new dress?"

"I wish I could, punkin, but, I have to work. I'm one of the supervisors, and I haven't asked if I could trade days with someone. When you ladies make plans, make them in advance so I can ask one of the other supervisors if they would like to trade days. Women!"

"Men!" All three girls exclaimed.

"All right, I guess I deserved that," Richard Davies said, in mock defeat. There were giggles and laughter. This is what it means to be a family.

"So, are you girls excited about going to camp?"

"Yes, daddy," Sharon and Rachel said together.

"Daddy," Sharon Davies continued. "I talked to Miss Loretta and she said that Cabin Bambi is for girls Rachel's age. Cabin Bambi has another reason, too. It is a cabin that Miss Loretta has reserved for male to female transgnedered males. There will be half transgender, and half genetic girls. Miss Loretta told me that this year, with Rachel being there, that Cabin Bambi was full. I told her I wanted to show Rachel the rock garden that another girl like Rachel had started and then had the whole camp help put it together.

"Miss Loretta said that just so nobody would argue over who did the most work on it, she decided to put it in the administration building's trophy case. When we get there, Rachel, you can read the card in front of the rock garden. When I first saw it, I marveled at how well it was constructed and was awed by the colorful rocks that were found to make it. Miss Loretta said that this rock garden was the best original craft by a, or all of, the campers. Those campers got to go back to camp the next summer for free, because everybody chipped in finding the rocks and gluing them to the board.

"So, Rach, you are going to have fun. There is hiking, or what Miss Loretta calls nature walks. On these hikes, we will learn about ferns,

mushrooms versus toadstools, we will learn about poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac, we will learn about reeds, grasses, insects, animals, we will even have a class on the different types of clouds. There is a sewing cabin, where if you're lucky enough, you can get in to make a dress, skirt, blouse, or whatever. The girls all use the sewing machines in the sewing cabin. So, if you can't get in the first time, keep trying. There is a commissary where you can buy snacks. Now, you won't be able to carry money with you, but when you go to the commissary, you give them your name and birth date, and they look it up and deduct the cost of the snacks you are buying, from your account. This is going to be a wonderful experience for you, Rach. I am glad that you are my sister." Rachel and Sharon hugged for what seemed like an eternity.

"Girls, it seems that everybody is done with dinner. Come and let's get this dining room and the kitchen cleaned up, while your father takes care of the grill."

The three went in the kitchen where they put aprons on over their clothes. Rachel took a serving tray and went to clear the dining room table of the left overs, and other things. After shaking the table crumbs in to a waste basket, Rachel took the tablecloth, and the serving tray out to the kitchen. There was a hamper in the hallway just outside the back kitchen door. Rachel put the table cloth in the hamper, and went to wash off the dining room table. Sharon and Cammie Davies were washing and drying the dishes. When Rachel was done with the table, she then started on the dining room floor, making sure that it was swept and mopped.

The Swiffer Wet Jet was perfect for making sure the floor was not only mopped, but disinfected as well. When Rachel was done with the dining room and the Swiffer Wet Jet was put away and the dirty pads were in the garbage, the three settled down in the living room, and turned on the television. There was nothing good on, so Sharon, Rachel and Cammie just sat and talked.

"Mom, I think I'm going upstairs and get ready for bed, them come back down and we can talk some more."

"Why don't we all get in to something a little more comfy and then come back down?"

"Sounds great, mom," Sharon added.

Each one was gone maybe fifteen minutes, when they came back down and sat in the living room. As they sat down, Sharon suggested they

make popcorn later when they would watch a movie. Tonight's movie is A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court with Bing Crosby. They had seen the movie many times, but always watched it when it came on. During the school year they didn't have much time for television, what with homework and such. So they talked about camp and how much fun it was there. Sharon dominated the discussion, because she had been to camp every summer since she was seven. Now, this year, she is going to camp as a junior counselor. Sharon said the counselors had just as much fun as the campers did. She also said that Rachel was goingto have a lot of fun, because "she will learn how to be quite the girl".

"What do you mean, she will be quite the girl?"

"Mom, think about it. Rachel asked to talk to me and told me and you, when you came home, that she wants to stay Rachel forever. She won't have any formal lessons, but just being around the girls, being accepted by the girls, and having fun as a girl, will make her into the Rachel she wants to be. When she comes back from camp, she will have gone through experiences you and I spent years learning. Rachel picks up on things quickly. So, when she gets back, you won't see anybody but Rachel, and she will do it all by herself."

"Well, then this camp should be a wonderful experience for you, Rachel. Do you agree with what your sister said?"

"Yes, mom, I do. Sis, I have a wonderful idea for a camp project, too."

"Like what did you have in mind?"

"We could get the whole camp involved looking for sticks and ferns and cut the wood into small sticks and make a village of thatched pole huts. We could even put some of the sticks in the center of the village for a communal fire pit."

"And you want the whole camp involved in this?"

"Yes, sis. You gave me the idea when you said that other girl years ago had the whole camp involved in finding rocks for a rock garden. Well, since the rock garden thing has already been done, I figured we could all build a small village."

"You know, dear, that sounds like a wonderful project. It is original and creative. It will give the campers a sense of accomplishment."

"Thanks, mom. I am just wondering how big of a board we would need to make a good sized village. Well, I will talk to my cabin roomies when I get there and Miss Loretta and Betty, too."

"Okay, you brat, just who are you and what have you done with my sister, Rachel? Are you an alien body snatcher?" They all giggled.

"Why do you say that, sis?"

"Because, brat, do you know how responsible and grown up that is? You want to try and get everybody a free trip to camp, next year with this village project. You're only my little sis in age, but your mind has grown quite a ways in the last two and a half weeks. I am very proud to call you my sister."

"Thank...thank you...sis." Rachel started crying, because now she knew that she should not have played those pranks on Sharon. "Sis, can you ever forgive me for being such a jerk?"

"Sis, when you said you wanted to be Rachel forever, and that you wanted to be my sister forever, I forgave you right then. Cheer up, sis, everything will be all right."

"Thank you, sis." Rachel laid her head on Sharon's shoulder, and cuddled up on the sofa.

"I'm going to make some popcorn. Rachel, why don't you find the movie we want to watch. I think it is on HBO."

"Yes, mom, it is." Rachel turned on the television and waited until her mother brought in the popcorn.

They sat and watched the movie laughing at Merlin trying to light a match that already burned out. They laughed at King Arthur when he went out among his people to see how they really lived. "Me thinks these clothes are inhabited", he said, scratching his upper body. It was hilarious when Bing Crosby put a "spell" on the moon to cover the sun, and when they begged himto set the sun free, he says, "Olly Olly oxen free, this is Sir Boss, you can come out now". Then at the end when he takes the tour of the castle, he makes comments about the displays and then is invited to the castle owner's private residence. He is told it is beautiful in the garden, and when he looks out, he sees the woman he saw in his delirious dream.

When the movie was over, and there was still almost a full bowl of popcorn left, Cammie Davies noticed that Rachel was sound asleep.

"I hate to wake her," Cammie Davies whispered, with concern on her face.

"Mom," Sharon Davies added. "I could get her a pillow and a blanket. To tell the truth, this sofa is more comfortable to sleep on, than a bed at the Camp of the Willows." They both giggled softly.

"Well, I suppose it will be all right for one night. Maybe she will get up and get in her own bed. The only things we have to do tomorrow is go to Sylvia's for Rachel's dress and things. Then the day after that, you both go to camp. I am counting on you to look after your little sister."

"I would do that anyway, mom. Nobody is going to hurt my little sister." Cammie Davies smiled, as she and Sharon said good night and kissed Rachel on her forehead. Then Cammie Davies and Sharon both went to bed.

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