Wayne Manor ~ Egged On

Wayne Manor ~ Egged On

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

Goddess of Exxor Universe

A Super Friends Fan Fiction

Can Robin the Girl Wonder aka Rachel Stephanie Wayne cope with becoming Batman's daughter?

"Settle down, are you kidding? I'm at the top of my game! I'm right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so." - Elastigirl in "The Incredibles"

Wayne Manor ~ Egged On

Goddess of Exxor Universe

A Super Friends Fan Fiction

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, “All New Super Friends Hour" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and "Extreme Justice #9" by DC Comics, Copyright 1995. Cosmeg originated in "The Gods Themselves" by Arthur C Clarke .Copyright 1972  All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement.

I'd like to thank Randalynn for her suggestion that the lives of Batman with Robin the Girl Wonder should be examined carefully since the new dynamic in their relationship would make good storytelling. She even suggested the title Wayne Manor that I used for the story. Thanks so much Randalynn.

Episode 1 ~ Judgment

I, Robin the Girl Wonder aka Rachel Grayson, was much in thought about everything that had brought me to this point since I was waiting for judgment from the Goddess of Exxor. Once I realized that some how in my female body was both my female soul and Dick's male soul, which was hiding from me, that appealing for the Goddess of Exxor to judge me was the only way both Dick and I could find happiness.

When this began I was plain ordinary Robin, the Boy Wonder aka Dick Grayson, a 17 year old boy. I accompanied Joan and Jayna in the combat simulator room at the Hall of Justice. I know many forms of self defense suited to women and Joan being brand new to being a woman could use some training. I knew the techniques well enough to coach them. My only handicap was that many of them also relied on the different center of gravity and body mass distribution that women have naturally so I could not demonstrate them.

While Jayna (who could shape shift and was one of the Wonder Twins) and Joan (who Jayna, as a duplicate of a Goddess, had transformed) were taking a break, they became focused on each other.

Joan finished and explained what she had been doing.” Robin and Jayna, I want to try something, and Wonder Woman said that this is the place to try it, rather than in combat or I guess, at home. I've copied Jayna's aura to my memory. After that I'm going to astral project my spirit out of my body so I can see if I can shape shift my body to look like Jayna's. I'll weave my small auras so that they are identical to Jayna's auras. When I'm ready, I'll say something to trigger the change and let my astral spirit reunite with my new body."

"Wow, that sounds freaky, Joan! Good Luck!" said Jayna

“Good Luck, Joan!” I told her, “We'll try to get you some help, if you need it."

"Here goes nothing!" Joan squealed. She lay on the floor and started doing what she said, I guessed.

"Magical energy release below live monitor threshold detected. " intoned the simulator room.

When Joan spoke in an audible voice, it seemed to come from the entire room, "So mote it be!"

Lying where Joan's body had been moments before was a twin, or would it be, triplet of Jayna who looked as though she were about to speak.

The simulator room boomed, "Magical energy release detected at factor 4. Remote Live Monitoring initiated. Expert dispatched."

Joan spoke in Jayna's voice, "Room: Query: Who is the expert dispatched to monitor the magical energy discharge?"

The Room answered her, "Wonder Woman, ETA Two Hours." "Hall of Justice has initiated isolation protocol, pending arrival of Wonder Woman"

Jayna observed, "Must not be real important otherwise they would have dispatched one of the other Super Friends to check on us earlier. Room: Is everything functional for further simulation?"

The Simulation Room responded, "I am operating within acceptable limits. Quarantine measures are precautionary and not due to any actual danger."

Joan in her Exxorean body and Jayna used the Wonder Twin powers to shape shift into human form and Joan looked like herself again while Joan became the human girl I had seen her become in the past.

I was bored so I told them, "Well while we are stuck in here perhaps you'll do something for me that will help you ladies train?" I both looked and felt mischievous. I was amazed that the magic had worked on Joan, but strongly doubted it would work on me.

Joan asked me, "What is that Robin?"

I replied, "Lets see if you can shape shift someone other than yourself, and make me a girl for a while. That way I could show you the self defense techniques I know, instead of just telling you about them. Think you are up to the challenge Joan?"

Joan pleaded, "Are you sure about this? Messing with your gender can lead to trouble." How right she was only I did not realize it then.

I replied confidently, "I'll take the risk, I'll just be Robin, the Girl Wonder for a while."

Joan told us, "OK, here goes!." Joan began to concentrate and prepare. Joan had me lie down for safety and she slid my astral spirit out of my body while she spoke the words that would trigger the change, "So Mote it be!"

Instantly, I saw that my body now was indeed a Girl Wonder, as my new costume with its miniskirt accentuated each curve. Joan placed my astral spirit within my new body and my spirit was now female. As I went in I felt a male presence but it retreated so quickly and I could no longer feel it so I guessed that I had imagined it. I cried out in amazement at what had been done to make me a girl in spirit and body. I smiled and I did not recall ever feeling this good and at peace with myself.

The Room interrupted and said, "Magical energy release detected at factor 5. Lockdown still in progress."

"Well, Ladies!", Robin started, "Lets get started on that workout I promised you. It looks like we all need it now."

Jayna and Joan shouted together, "Let's do it!”

Over an hour later, us three women were very satisfied with the workout I had led us thru. As we were cooling down, Wonder Woman used her override and came into the Simulation room.

Jayna pointing out Robin to Wonder Woman, "May I present Robin, the Girl Wonder”

I turned to Wonder Woman and curtseyed and said to her, "I hope you are well."

Wonder woman replied, "I am quite well, Thank You. Batman sends his regards to you and also, this list of exercises he expects you to do, should you remain in that form for the near term, so that you will be prepared to be at his side."

I took the paper, "Of course. Batman is correct. I must be in fighting shape. I'll get on these immediately"

I went into another section of the combat simulator room, which adapted itself for the simulation that Batman had requested, and disappeared.


I had practiced the solo exercises that Batman had requested. After a bit, Batman joined me in the simulator room and without a word other than what commands needed to be given to coordinate our attack, we started the duo exercises. We were up at 'Dynamic Duo' standards when my Teen Super Friend Communicator interrupted

"Joan to Robin, Come in please?” Joan queried

"Robin the Girl Wonder here. How can I help, Joan?” I asked

Joan answered, "Well I was thinking of offering my help. Other than the clothes you are wearing, all of the rest of your clothes are boy's clothes, but with my new power I can change them into the girl’s equivalent so they will fit you if you like. I just need your permission and Batman's to have access to your quarters to work on it. Since I have to go piece by piece it might take a couple of hours, but they need me off of the control level, anyway, because of some Super Friends Assembly happening tonight. I thought I would make productive use of my time while leaving you in less a predicament about what to wear."

I replied, "You are a sweet girl, Joan, Thanks for your offer to help! Unless Batman has an objection, I’ll ask him to tell the Super Friends computer that you have permission to enter our quarters. "

Batman answered, "Batman here, patching in. Thank you for the help Joan! I'll get the permission change made so you can get to work on it.”

Batman used his Super Friends communicator on both channels, “Patching to Super Friends Computer; Recognize Batman voice print."

"Recognized. Proceed with command function”, responded the Super Friends Computer

Batman continued, "Permit Codename Sorceress access to Batman and Robin's quarters and confirm."

The Computer replied, "Confirm Joan Waterman, Codename Sorceress, given access to Batman and Robin's quarters"

Batman directed to Joan, "That's all. Sorceress, enjoy plying your craft. Robin and I will be in the simulator awhile, working on our combat attacks"

>"Thank you Batman and Robin. Sorceress out.”

Joan sounded very pleased with herself as she signed out.

Batman and I resumed our combat simulations and Batman became a little more talkative. Batman told me that Joan was going to become a Teen Super Friend tonight. I appreciated that she used the time could have wasted helping me. Batman went to the Batmobile for a spare uniform and he used other facilities to shower and change.


I slipped in to my quarters because I needed to shower and make a quick change into one of the uniforms that Joan had just made wearable, and left to go to the assembly before it started. We were going to have to request another room for me since sharing a bathroom did not seem fair now. I'm sure Batman would not appreciate the lingerie and hose I had drying in the bathroom hanging everywhere. In cutting it this close I was going to have quite an entrance unveiling Robin the Girl Wonder.

The Super Friends can do quite a lot of pomp and circumstance when we want to do so. Joan was inducted with great honor into the Teen Super Friends as a super heroine in training. I had too busy a day myself so I went back to my quarters early and stripped and put on my nightgown and went to bed with the light off but with the bathroom door cracked open a bit. I couldn't sleep and instead listened out for Batman to come in and his reaction to my things in the bathroom. I was not disappointed since he took one look at the bathroom and I realized he was recording a Teen Trouble Alert message.

I overheard Batman say, "Sorceress, I came home to find our bathroom with hose and lingerie drying all over the place. I will admit that I bypassed the queuing program to assign this to you, but I need your help. Could it be that this wanting to be a girl had nothing to do with his position as a man previously? Postulate a normal man would be male in mind soul and body, and if this were flipped to the reverse, that a soul mind and body that was female would result. That person would realize a need to stay female, but based on their situation now, but not by any previous need that was unfulfilled as a man. It looks like you did too good a job making Robin a woman, and now there are no traces of a man to go back to, even though his memories are intact. Please send help!"

Now I had the first indication of what was troubling Batman, who obviously wanted Sorceress to change me into a boy wonder again. I knew I was a girl, body and soul, and being trapped in the body of a boy would be torment for me. Now I had to make sure that Sorceress understood that I did not want to change back. I guess that Batman noticed the cracked door and he closed the bathroom door on his side of the room. I could no longer hear what was going on in Batman's quarters. I willed myself to go to sleep since there was nothing else to do right now.


The next day Batman avoided me but I did my part and worked out in the combat simulator room perfecting my combat skills. I decided that I could no longer be Richard 'Dick' Grayson and I would be instead Rachel Grayson 'After completing my workout, I went to my quarters to take a shower. After I showered and dressed in lingerie and a robe, I was interrupted by my Teen Super Friend Communicator with Joan's voice saying, "Sorceress calling Girl Wonder. "

I replied, "Girl Wonder here. What can I do for you, Sorceress?"

Sorceress answered, "I'd like to discuss something with you if you have a few moments."

I told her, "Anything for you, sweetie. I'm in my bedroom and you still have access, come on in."

She finished, "Be right there," and she was quite literally, since she teleported into my room where she found me in lingerie covered by a short robe sitting on the bed in lotus position

Sorceress spoke softly and sweetly, "Can we talk?"

I looked at Sorceress and exclaimed, "That was fast!"

Sorceress told me, "I can teleport now. "Robin, Sweetie", Sorceress took my hands in hers, "I let you down. I messed up by not leaving you something so you could feel your old life was worthwhile. I'm sure being totally female is a big rush because it is different, and eventually things will get to be second nature, including periods and all the rest."

I replied, "Darling, you are a super heroine, not a goddess! I don't want to go oops, but you do. No one really was hurt by Dick Grayson mysteriously disappearing, which is why I was a good choice to be Robin. Bats and I will construct … Heck, if I know Bats; he's already covered me with a complete female alter ego. I know that I don't have the pull that I should have back to my original male side. I can accept that what you did changed me so that I am not the same person that I was before, and in hanging on to this life I send another aspect of myself to the oblivion"

Sorceress continued, "There's more. Sweetie. The method I used to change you wasn't proven, and it was only my first time trying it with anyone. I guess success depends on how good a weaver that I am, but my method required changing and repositioning and reshaping color and texturing the mini elements of your aura to match a set pattern. For your transformation specifically, changing every single male part of your aura into female, took a little creativity, because the female auras are more shaped and textured than their male counterparts. I don't know how long it will last, but eventually something is going to snap back to its original shape, place, texture, or color, When that happens painful physical changes will happen as your body reverts to a more male state. If you wait to let things revert over time, my method of changing you may not be available any more."

I pleaded with her, "You know that I am scared to change this, that I will lose feeling this way. That what you did was either a one in a million fluke, or else the old me may withhold this life from me."

Sorceress countered, "Robin, even the old you has got to be moved by the way you plead your case. We could record a plea from you to return you to this form, along with a chronology of events we can get from the Hall of Justice visual records. You and I know what we are talking about in private quarters, so we could reenact that. The best way for the life you desire to be granted, is for him to submit himself for judgment to the Exxorean goddess. She promises two things, which are that you will be whole, and that you will have a chance at happiness some time in the future. Most often she leaves those who are Trans in their native universe and those who aren't Trans, swapped with their opposite in a parallel universe."

I told her, "That's a lot to think about Sorceress. I'll begin recording my appeal to the old me to make us female."

Sorceress told me, "See you later, Girl Wonder" Sorceress teleported out of my quarters. Being judged by the Goddess may be my only hope and not to let Joan turn me back but for me to be judged as I am. Until I could get Joan to see reason, I would have to go along with her so she would not do something out of frustration.


I had hopes that eventually Sorceress could be made to see reason. I heard from her again the next day when I had stopped working out and had come to get something from the cafeteria. My communicator called, “Joan to Rachel" She sounded a little different from normal

>I answered, "Rachel here, I'm in the cafeteria if you want to talk in person"

Joan responded, "I'll be right there"

Joan teleported in to the cafeteria. She sat across from me and touched my arm," How are you today, girl?" I could see that she was Exxorean but I did not know the significance of it.

I told her, "OK, I guess, considering. I have been putting quite a bit of work getting things recorded. This is a new look for you, dear one! Very Exxorean!. I imagine Jayna and Zayna appreciate it?"

Joan explained, "Not completely. I've found out that I am the reincarnation of their sister Vylylia who died in the fall of Exxor. We are still working thru the shock and have not processed positive things yet. I've thought about my dilemma with your change and I'm trying to not impose my morality on the process. In order to really get this solved, I feel like the Goddess must be involved. I won’t even insist that the bad spell is taken off, but that's only if you agree to be judged by the Goddess. My spell is just window dressing for her that she can strip away as part of your judgment. You will be whole and also have a chance at happiness some time in the future."

I replied with enthusiasm, "Wow, Girl! You sure mellowed out. I like these options even more. Any word on how Mindy is doing? Poor girl! She had her introduction to womanhood by starting with her first period immediately."

Sorceress replied, "So far, so good." and then explained, "Mindy would change back now in a heart beat but I can’t do it while she's on her period. So we are waiting for it to be over. I have to be home soon ... And 'Girl Wonder', All my hopes!'" And Sorceress teleported away!


I was doing more exercises but Batman had excuse after excuse to not allow me to return to fight crime with him. I wondered if I would ever be perfect enough for him to give me a chance to get back to normal. On the other hand, I was excited that perhaps Joan and Batman would not force me into being a boy.

There was a party in the evening where Joan's transman boyfriend Sam was celebrating the Goddess making him whole. Most of the teen super friends were at the party so it was lots of fun. I finally left the party and ended up later in my quarters preparing to go to sleep.

I heard Sorceress on the Monitor channel, "Super Friends to Robin the Girl Wonder"

I told her, "Go ahead"

Sorceress explained, "Robin, I need you at the monitor room soonest. Full Status restoration. I hope that your partnership will be intact but if not I need your experience out on the front lines of combat!"

I replied, "On my way!" I was able to determine as I approached the monitor room that a Super Villain, Darkseid had caused chaos in Metropolis by deploying 'male bombs' that turned males into savages who were destroying the city. Only Super Heroines were to be allowed to combat the menace since they were immune to the bombs.

As I entered I noticed that Batman was distracted and we both heard Sorceress say, "So Mote It Be" and Batwoman came into existence.

Sorceress told us, "Robin, you've been working at being a female super heroine since your transformation and this is brand new to you Batwoman. Its time to put aside your differences for the sake of the Super Friends and work as a team to defeat Darkseid"

Batwoman responded, "Well spoken Sorceress, Welcome back Robin, To the Bat mobile!" And Batwoman took off for the garage while I sped up and passed her and was waiting in my seat when Batwoman made it there and questioned me, "How in the world do you manage to run in those heels Robin?"

I told her, "Practice makes perfect, Bat Woman" We both heard a "So Mote it be!" from Sorceress who ported the Batmobile into the combat zone. The Batmobile began patrolling the war zone that had been the streets of downtown Metropolis.

The team work of all the Super Heroines together defeated Darkseid and put an end to the Male Bombs and all the trouble that they caused. When it was all over, Batwoman and I were ported back to the Hall of Justice. Sorceress changed Batwoman back into Batman but left me Robin the Girl Wonder. I overheard Wonder Woman asking Sorceress why she did not turn me back and I was able to hear a little of the reply.

Sorceress told Wonder Woman, "The Goddess permitted me to step outside of time as she does when she makes a judgment I opened Pandora's box and I could see no way to 'make it right' dealing just with Dick Grayson's life. Looking at the future, Dick Grayson looks at being Robin as not being a person but a job description, which is Batman's apprentice. By having a male outlook and with an apprentice model that means that at a certain point that Robin resigns from the job and goes into business for himself. Dick Grayson will cease to be Robin and became Nightwing instead. The cycle repeats with other boys who did not do as well as Dick and ended badly. Finally an enigma, Stephanie Brown, who would have been the first Girl Wonder, lasted a mere 47 days and was brutally murdered.  Her preparations, both physical and mental, were not up to the task and from her compensation behavior. There has to be some major tampering with the timeline if Robin the Girl Wonder is to continue to exist in the here and now and allow Dick Grayson, the man, a chance to exist too" That was all I heard before I moved out of earshot.


Joan and I had met in one of the conference rooms when both the Exxorian Goddess and an anachronistic Stephanie Agnes Brown in her Spoiler uniform appeared with them. By reflex both Joan and I started to kneel but the Goddess stopped them, “Rise children! We are met here in order to discuss the judgment that Rachel Grayson submits herself. Stephanie Agnes Brown now attired as Spoiler but who was also Robin the girl wonder in her future timeline, also submits to my judgment. There is one more party to this discussion who ought to be heard as well. ”

We saw from my body emerge a spirit who looked like Dick Grayson before Sorceress transformed me.

Dick walked over and took a chair at the table which we all did and then he spoke, “I am Dick Grayson. My Spirit has been sharing consciousness in the body of Rachel Grayson. I hid my presence from her so she could have autonomy.” Unlike most astral spirits, Dick seemed to be able to speak and act normally even though his body was transparent. That was weird that Dick had been inside me all along too.

Joan began, “My take on this judgment, is that Dick Grayson will exist as a male and go ahead and become Nightwing. A different Stephanie Brown, who is the reincarnation of our Rachel, will discard the apprentice model and become Batman's companion. As a woman, she could be Robin beyond her teen years, as well. The longevity of her Girl Wonder would cancel the circumstances that brought about Stephanie Brown's premature Death. And in another Universe, say Earth 123c, Dick Grayson and Stephanie Brown would exist in the timeline that occurred before judgment."

The Goddess lovingly addressed Joan,” My daughter, you forget one thing; It was by your power that the Spirit of Rachel Grayson was created from nothing. If I simply put Rachel’s spirit in Stephanie’s body which is transformed to match her new timeline then the same problem exists of two spirits inhabiting one body.”

With thought Joan asked, “What is to be done? Even when I have created something out of nothing then I used a pattern.”

“With Stephanie’s consent, daughter, you may use her body as a pattern after I have given her a new body and timeline and create for her a twin sister which can become Rachel’s body. This new Rachel, Stephanie’s twin can fulfill her destiny to be Robin the Girl Wonder.”

Stephanie asked, “What is to become of me?”

Dick spoke, “Stephanie, if you wish you can become my partner, Flamebird, and come with me to New York City to fight crime with me. I have a feeling that being my partner will be a whole lot better for you in the long run.”

Stephanie nodded, “I would like that very much, Dick!”

“It is settled, Rachel will be kissed with my judgment letting her spirit free and Dick Grayson’s body be restored in his older timeline as Nightwing. I will bless Stephanie by laying my hand on her head and adjust her timeline to make her Flamebird. My daughter, you and I and the Wonder Twins must join, as we did before to change Zayna’s power, to give you the power needed to create a new body for Rachel as Stephanie’s identical twin, Robin the Girl Wonder.” The Goddess stated.

I asked, “Goddess is this possible?”

The Goddess replied, “All things are possible if you only believe.”

I stated, “I believe.  Be it unto me according to what you have said.”

Stephanie echoed, “I believe. Be it unto me according to what you have said.”

Joan told her, “I believe, I ask for your wisdom and courage, Goddess.”

Dick said, “I believe! Count me in! “

“As all have agreed, all who wish to be included will be summoned into my presence when all is prepared for my judgment” finished the Goddess. Dick’s spirit disappeared and was presumably inside Rachel. Stephanie and the Goddess also vanished leaving Joan and I in the room.

“Good luck, Joan!” I called over her shoulder as I made a hasty exit from the conference room leaving Joan alone with her thoughts.

Sorceress was right that she told me what she had found out and what the Goddess might do when she judged me and that this Stephanie Brown from the future might also be judged with me. I felt like both Sorceress and the Goddess had my best interests at heart now so I was going to put my faith in them. All I could do now was waiting till I was ported into the chamber where the judgment would take place later today.


When it was time, I along with the others who were to take part was snatched from where we were and were deposited in what looked like an Exxorean Temple to the Goddess. The people who The Goddess brought seemed to be the only who existed. It was as though the rest who should be there were caught in an eddy of time. 'Glivney or Jayna was acting as a priestess of the temple and wore temple robes and stood by me, Rachel Grayson. Tomu or Zayna was identically dressed in temple robes and was standing beside Stephanie Brown who was wearing an Exxorean gown since she had been taken out of her future time. Already seated to witness the judgment was Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. "Vylylia" or Sorceress was dressed in her robes that denoted her as the Emissary.

It soon became clear that meant that Vylylia was also the Goddess' Herald as she announced, "All Rise and Give Respect to the Goddess of Exxor into whose court you all are called this day." Each man bowed and I along with each woman curtseyed to give the goddess respect.

When "Vylylia" observed the Goddess in the seat of judgment, she announced, "You may all be seated." She herself had taken up standing behind the throne on the Goddess's right side.

>Those observing relaxed a bit after having to give reverence to the Goddess while I and the others standing in the back anticipated being called into the Goddess presence.

Vylylia announced" The Woman declaring herself to be Rachel Grayson, Robin, the Girl Wonder, who carries within her the spirit of Dick Grayson along with her own, is called before the presence of the Goddess."

Glivney escorted me to a point 10 feet from the Goddess where both of us curtseyed. Glivney let go of my hand and I went forward to a pillow set at the Goddess's feet and curtseyed again and prostrate myself before the Goddess. The Goddess made no indication to attend to me yet.

Instead she indicated that Vylylia continue. "Stephanie Agnes Brown is called into the presence of the Goddess!” declared Vylylia.

This time Tomu escorted Stephanie down the aisle and the two of them also held and curtseyed at 10 foot out and then Stephanie herself came before the pillow and curtseyed and she too prostrate herself at the feet of the Goddess. The Goddess spoke something in a high royal dialect of Exxorean and the Goddess lifted their faces up with her hand placed under their chins

Vylylia translated the Goddess's statement, "Raise your head and prepare to be judged."

Each eye glued on the Goddess to see what she might do next. The suspense was broken when she kissed my forehead and laid her hands on the top of Stephanie's head.

Then the excitement came! Every light in the temple went out as a bright light enveloped both Stephanie and I. I could not see anything but the light as the room was no more for me and then the universe blinked.

As the bright light faded, It was clear that a change had occurred. I found that I was standing on the other side of where Stephanie Brown had been before and I also noticed I was a spirit. I looked over where I had been standing and I saw Dick Grayson very much a man, not as he had been but he looked older. Dick had on a new costume that looked like a very mod Batman outfit and nothing like the old Robin costume which I identified as the alter ego he had planned on taking, Nightwing.

By his side was a girl in an equally mod Robin costume which had a sun on her chest and she looked like a 13 year old Stephanie Brown. She was now to be known as Flamebird.

Vylylia declared, “Glivney and Tomu please attend the Goddess.” Glivney and Tomu met the Goddess and Vylylia at the front and the four of them joined hands.

The four chanted in ancient Exxorian, “Bring forth the blessing given by the Exxorian Goddess!” A bright light enveloped all seven of them and the universe blinked again.

Now I was beside Nightwing and Flamebird and no longer a spirit. I was a girl identical to the first except that I had on the Robin the Girl Wonder costume that I had worn when I had been called into the presence of the Goddess. The light in my eyes showed that this was none other than the soul and spirit of the female Grayson reincarnated into the twin sister of the thirteen year old Stephanie Agnes Brown.

Vylylia observed "I have been given leave of the Goddess to reveal that the original time lines of both Dick Grayson and Stephanie Brown are preserved on Earth 123c.The judged may withdraw"

Nightwing helped Flamebird and I to our feet and he bowed and Flamebird and I curtseyed. We backed out to 10 foot away and Dick bowed and Flamebird and I curtseyed again. It felt weird to have Dick, who looked to be 21 and soon would be my brother, escorting me when we were the same person not that long ago. Dick escorted us to the back of the temple while Glivney and Tomu followed in step behind us.

Vylylia announced" This concludes the court of the Exxor Goddess. All rise and give her due reverence." Each man or woman gave respect to the Goddess as she exited her temple. When the door closed behind the Goddess, all gathered outside the main entrance around Nightwing who explained where his costume started.

Batman beamed with pride at me, his Robin, the Girl Wonder, since he now had an 8 year younger person to mold in his image. I also have all of Dick Grayson's wealth of crime fighting experience. He no longer would have to worry about Dick Grayson's future since he was off to college in NYC and a new crime fighting career as Nightwing.

Bats was looking in my direction and I couldn't wait to see what he had to say now that I, Rachel Stephanie, was his new Robin, the Girl Wonder!

Episode 2 ~ Farewells

I had come to think of myself as Rachel Stephanie Wayne now. That's as it should be because I carried the memories of being Stephanie as a girl. I remember all too clearly my days of being Dick Grayson and fighting as Robin the Boy Wonder at Batman's side. In the days between my being created and my final judgment, I was satisfied to think of myself as Rachel Grayson aka Robin the Girl Wonder. Now I am reborn and with a do - over and I'm glad that I was given 4 more years of life as Rachel Stephanie Wayne, the 13 year old girl. I guess my gift might be a result of Dick Grayson jumping ahead 4 years to be 21. He needed the extra years to gain the independence he wanted, if he was to hang out his own shingle and fight crime as Nightwing along with his ward and sister, Flamebird aka Stephanie Agnes Brown.

Bats came over to greet me and give me a hug at the conclusion of the Goddess of Exxor's Court.

"Robin, I am so proud that I will have you fighting by my side. I am sorry that the past few days that I have been avoiding you and campaigning for Dick's return. I am amazed at the miracle that gave you life. I won't ever doubt you again. Will you let me try to make it up to you?

Robin touched his arm and smiled, "Sure, Bats”

“What would you like to be your name when I adopt you as my daughter?”

“I would like for my name to be Rachel Stephanie Wayne. What was it that you wanted to ask me?" I could tell he wanted to spend time with Dick tonight to give him a send off for his new career, like a graduation

I replied with a wink, "Feminine intuition. You want to give Dick a send off into his new life tonight."

He put his hand on my shoulder, "Is that Ok with you, Robin? You are with me for always now and we'll take the time that we need to start over with each other after I give my apprentice what he is due for his faithful service. And Robin, could you make the arrangements for al leave of absence from Monitor Duty and the Hall of Justice so we can take some time together at Wayne Manor to get to know each other all over again?"

I smiled, "Please give Nightwing and Flamebird my regards and best of luck as their new journey begins. I'll make the arrangements with the Super Friends to cover us while we take a break at Wayne Manor. Have fun, Bats!"

When Bats kissed me on the cheek before departing, my face flushed. I was sure it had turned as red as my 'love that red' lipstick, for I felt that kiss from my head to my toes. I tried to calm myself by reminding myself that I had been entrusted with a duty.

It wasn't much easier on Bats who felt he owed it to his buddy to make sure he came home again. Bats froze me out when I turned up as a girl who would not be transformed back the way he thought I should be. It was fortunate that he used the fiction of bringing my skills up to fighting level when I was able to make up for Bat Woman's lack of skill when we faced the Male Bombs. That was a laugh because after the first day the combat simulations that Bats and I ran showed I as a girl was up to Dick's performance. But as a girl, I had to be twice as good as the boy me had been in order to satisfy Bats. I feel like Bats knew that he would be saved from what he thought was betraying Dick, if he kept me at arm's length.



When the courtroom faded from view, I realized that I had been ported again just like I had been at the start of the Goddess of Exxor's court. It appeared that only the female Super Friends had materialized on the Promenade of the Hall of Justice and the male ones must be elsewhere celebrating Nightwing's new beginning.

The Wonder Triplets all took turns giving Flamebird and me hugs. . It was strange for me to see Vylyia among them, knowing that she was also my friend, Sorceress. Wonder Woman gave Flamebird and me hugs and excused herself so she could take over Monitor Duty from Green Lantern.

Vylylia told me, "Thank you for being persistent, Robin! It wasn't until I did the experiment with Mindy that I realized that it wasn't what I did to the body, but the soul's gender in keeping identity since we are adaptable at least for the short term. It took that for me to understand that creating you a total girl was not what made you unwilling to give up your new life no matter the cost."

I smiled and said, "Thank you for using your connection as Emissary to intercede for me. Even I did not realize the entire truth since I was focused on my survival else I would have detected the boy's soul I which was concealed deep within. I thank you for giving me life. Life is not a mistake, it’s wonderful and should never be taken for granted."

Vylylia looked her in the eyes, "That I was shocked and surprised to find you had been given life didn't make you any less welcome in my heart. I was amazed that anything so wonderful could have come out of my first attempt at transformation and likewise for bringing your body into existence as well. The Goddess of Exxor saw your two souls and knew that for either of you to be truly happy, both of you would need to be. The Goddess is truly wise, and I am glad she had a solution to make all of you whole and give you all a chance at happiness. What's next for you, Robin?"

I told her touching her arm and smiling, "Bats and I are going to take some time to get to know each other again back home at Wayne Manor. I guess I need to go to the Monitor Room to arrange for us both to be excused from duty here for a while then we'll be back."

Vylylia looked over at Stephanie in her Flamebird costume, “Stephanie what is next for you? “

Flamebird answered, “I am going to my quarters to get packed up. Nightwing and I are going to be heading for New York City to set up shop. Since he is going to be out with the men, I will be packing his things up as well. See y’all later!”

I added “I guess I need to go to the Monitor Room to arrange for us both to be excused from duty here for a while. Then we'll be back."

<"Good Luck in your new lives, Rachel and Stephanie!” wished Vylylia

Jayna and Zayna, who had been listening attentively added, "Best of Luck!" and "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" First Jayna, then Zayna too, breaking into a giggle fit, as Flamebird departed.


I took that as my cue to leave and I walked toward the Monitor Room. I was lucky that I kept making my best better because on the day of the assault on Metropolis, I had just finished a session in the combat simulator which rated me at 200% efficiency from my Dick Grayson standard so Bats could no longer object and return me to duty to fight beside him. It was lucky for both of us that I was twice as good a Heroine because I had been drafted to go into the war zone and Bats would not be left behind even if the price of admission was to become Bat Woman. Bats still had her intellect and experience as a crime fighter but the physical skills needed to go with the gadgets to compensate for no super powers were not there. It's what our partnership has always been. When one of us were found wanting, the other stepped in to make up for it and pick the other up.

I smiled at Wonder Woman who was in charge since she had Monitor Duty, "Greetings Diana. I would like to request for Bats and I release from Monitor Duty for a leave of absence from the Hall of Justice to tend to a personal matter."

She touched my hair and asked," How long will you both be gone? I have every hope that you and Bruce will be able to work things out. Just remember that you have become his daughter and you are even younger than you realize yet so don't rush and you will understand in time."

I was trying to understand but turned to practical things, "Is there a replacement available?"

"I believe so. Green Lantern sent off all the female Members of the Green Lantern Corp, who answered Halle in defense of Metropolis, to go back to their sectors. The Guardians of OA have asked Hal to remain with Arisia for a time so that perhaps the Guardians may find a way to help Arisia while another member of the Corps continues to cover her space sector."

"Super Friends to Green Lantern's of Sectors 2814 and 2815", Called Wonder Woman

"Hal here" "Arisia here" Both Green Lanterns responded.

"Green Lanterns, 2 Super Friends assigned to the Hall of Justice have requested a leave of absence, Could you both consent to being on Monitor Duty rotation for the immediate future?" Wonder Woman asked

Hal told her, " I accept since being on Monitor Duty rotation, will not interfere with the current assignment that the Guardians have given to us." Arisia responded, "I also accept the commitment."

Wonder Woman concluded, "Very Good, The Duty Rosters will be updated effective immediately! Thank you Green Lanterns, Wonder Woman Out."

She continued just to me," Just wait till Arisia discovers that she is now due to relieve me in the morning and we'll see how enthusiastic she is then." The sparkle in her eyes showed me that she expected Arisia to be completely professional in her duties.

"Computer, Accept Command Code, Wonder Woman Beta Gamma 08504"

"Command code accepted, Awaiting Input"

"Relieve Batman and Robin from Monitor Duty Rotation and Substitute the Green Lanterns of Sector 2814 and 2815 effective immediately." "Command accepted. Monitor Duty Roster Updated. Changes communicated to affected  Super Friends." "End Command Function Access. Wonder Woman, Out" "Compliance."

"Now Sweetie you have time to pack instead of relieving me for Monitor Duty. If you two slip out of here without a fuss, I'll say my good bye now. Remember you can always call me. As Dick you relied on Bruce a lot but as Rachel, and not so grown up anymore at 13, you are my daughter and I love you! I'll always be there for you no matter where I might be."

I hugged Diana tight and was so glad I had a Mother who claimed me as her daughter. "I love you too Mom! Thanks for everything. Good Journey!"

Diana blew me a kiss and said "Good Journey!" as I walked back to my quarters. I wondered how I would get packed. I was sure that the task would be accomplished before morning.


Waiting outside my door was a very upset Vylylia in her Wonder Triplets uniform. She had summoned a sedan and was curled up meditating on it. It was clear she wasn't too happy about something cause would switch between praying and crying.

I touched her on her arm and lifted her face to me and smiled at her, "Are you alright, dear? It's been a very emotional day for me too." I could tell Vylylia was holding back something from her sisters. Even her Exxorean form and Wonder Triplet outfit provided some kind of barrier to her unburdening herself. She had helped me so much so the least I could do is help her.

"Come on Inside Vylylia and we'll talk in private about it." I told her as I offered my hand to help her up. I pressed my other hand against the entry plate to open the door.

Vylylia told me, "I'd like that very much, Robin" and she followed me inside.

I led Vylylia over to my bed where i had already taken a seat and curled my legs under me and she did likewise. I asked her, ”Which way do you feel the most comfortable, as a human or an Exxorean? When you’re in your uniform ready for combat, I mean?”

Vylylia responded, "Unless I am in the presence of the Exxorian Goddess, I feel most comfortable being human. Most of my life I have been human so I guess it is natural that I would be most comfortable when I am Joan. Even when I didn't look like Joan on the outside, I was always been Joan on the inside. Being the sorceress, has so far been more than just being Joan, because I never did make a costume, so I came as I was, a teen girl. But I have been told my time is up, so I am going to work on a costume for myself soon."

I continued. ”You have a unique outlook, since two transformations were woven into your timeline.”

“You and I know that at one point I was transformed, and we have the memories of me that way to prove it. In my timeline I've always been Rachel Grayson, reincarnated as Rachel Stephanie Wayne, thanks to you. I remember being Dick, but in my new reality I never was anything other than Rachel."

She touched my arm and smiled to comfort me over all that soul searching before she began, "For me, oh, guess I am most comfortable being Joan. I guess part of that might be that I am hardly out of either a uniform or ceremonial outfit when I am Exxorian. That’s when I have more costumes than I can shake a stick at. I have the priestess robes that my namesake wore and my Emissary robes and my Wonder Triplets uniform and my gowns I wear when The Goddess of Exxor has a discussion with me. I haven't seen the Twins out of their uniform and I've always been wearing a costume as an Exxorean so I cant imagine letting my hair down and relaxing right now. I've never seen you out of your Robin costume since this all started, Robin. What's up with that?"

I began, “I didn't really have an identity other than Robin the Girl Wonder while my claim to life was in doubt. I wanted to always be wearing one of my costumes because I knew Batman to be too much of a gentleman to force me out of the costume I was wearing. I wanted to prove myself, and even more to him, that I belonged.

It's time for me to slip off the uniform and become Rachel Stephanie Wayne, a 13 year old girl counting her lucky stars that an orphan like me is now the daughter of Bruce Wayne. Who would you like to be so you can relax? "

I went to my walk in closet to consider what to wear while I waited for Vylylia to answer but instead she simply placed her palms together and said "Joan Ellen Waterman" and she was back to being that perky High School Freshman that she had become for the first time not too long ago as a result of a visit from the Wonder Twins.

"Cheater!” I giggled, “Well I am glad you changed because you look more relaxed already. I'll be back in a few."

I disappeared into the walk in closet and started undressing and returning my uniform to the hamper. I rushed, not because of trying to compete with Joan but I wanted to be back before she was too relaxed and perhaps asleep on my bed. I still had to find out what had been troubling her and I felt like she was about ready to tell me now. Soon after looking in the full length mirror, my Stephanie memories assured me that I had been flawless in getting ready.

I told Joan as i touched her on the hand as I sat beside her on the bed, "Hi Joan! Meet Rachel Stephanie Wayne!"

>"Rachel, you look so at peace with yourself. "

I continued," But you don't seem to be so peaceful, Joan. Can you tell me what is troubling you, now, Sweetie?" I put my hand on her shoulder and with the other pulled back her hair from off her face and looked deep in her eyes.

"Steph! I messed up! Not the way that I thought but it was me. I didn't even think it was possible. I knew better than to let myself do it, even accidentally, but if I could do that, what else might I do? “She couldn't hold back the flood of tears anymore and she wept into my shoulder as I hugged her tight to my bosom.

I held her and rocked her as she let it all out. I told her, "I love you, Sweetie! You are a good person, who is a bit too tough on herself. There are so many here that love you and would do anything to help you when you need it."

She cried herself out and I reached her a box of tissues and she dried her eyes. She told me, "Rachel, when I changed you I didn't know what I was doing, so I duplicated too much about you. I could not change your soul to female because it was immutable. I didn't realize that I was crossing a boundary in trying. I persisted and was able to create your sentient female soul using Dick's soul feminized as a pattern but since I could not change it then I pulled the elements out of the Ether and created the essential part of you from nothing. It’s the same way that I used the power I was given to create you a body that is a twin to your new sister, Stephanie Agnes Brown. Something steered me into making the transformation the right way, and the same something made sure all my shape shifts were permanent."

I stood in Joan’s presence, awed. Joan had risen in power to the Goddess level! While I had been made based on a design that The One had created, both Joan and the Goddess of Exxor had had a hand in giving me a life worth living.

"I don't mean to stare, but I've never met a Goddess before. Wow, Joan! Who ever chose you for this chose well, because the first thing that most people would do would be to remake the world in their image, rather than shed a tear over what you thought of as a mistake. Life, my life is not a mistake, and I am even more grateful that you did not try to ‘fix things’ till you had all the facts and didn’t merely act in self preservation or to sweep your mistake under the rug as though it never happened. As long as you can feel bad about using that power unknowingly, things will be OK with you and you will rule the power instead of letting the power rule you."

Joan reached out and pulled my face toward her and tilted down to my forehead. She brushed my bangs out of the way and kissed me on the forehead. "I've got to go work on my costume so I'll leave you to pack. Thank you for letting me vent to you and for being my friend still and not being afraid of me. I love you!"

"I love you too" I told Joan as she left and blew her a kiss. I guess it was time to be all packed so Bats and I could be off in the Bat mobile to Wayne Manor in the morning. My packing was quite efficient, and served as a distraction while I considered what to do. Joan must have known that I would be duty bound to report the revelation that she had made to the Super Friends. One thing that we had all agreed to as part of our oath is to disclose all abilities to the database, so in situations where a monitor is not available, tasks can be assigned to those who have the best chance of completing them. Soon the packing was completed and everything was ready for their departure from my side of things .


I approached Wonder Woman in the Monitor Room. I was cautious because I didn't want to interrupt anything important. When I saw her paused for a moment, I spoke, "Wonder Woman, A word for a moment?"

She smiled at me and said, "Sure Rachel, you look nice I was wondering if we would ever see you relax and out of your costume and it was worth the wait."

I smiled, enjoying the compliment, "Thank you, Diana. I have some testimony from Sorceress about her powers. She seems likely to disclose this herself soon but I will be leaving the Hall for a while and wont have the luxury of waiting and I don't want anything to interfere with our stay." I gave the data to her on a bat chip that acted like a mini hard drive that the info resided on which interfaced with the Hall of Justice Computer. >

When Diana saw the readout she nodded her assent, "You did the right thing putting this on file. We'll handle it without involving you. I’m sure Joan will soon be ready to tell us herself."

I changed the subject hoping to get a lead on my brother's location, "I haven't really had a chance to talk to Nightwing since the Goddess' Court. Do you have any idea where he might be and what his plans are?"

"He's staying in the Super Friends Extended Area, Suite 11A. I believe that right after his judgment; Wayne Manor reported they had been requested to send a selection of Dick's clothes here. He'll be leaving for NYC soon along with your sister Flamebird to take charge of the Teen Titans. I believe that the Super Friends have returned from giving him a party so he should be in his quarters soon. Take care, dear", Diana replied smiling knowingly at her, as she bade her farewell.

I told her, "Thanks for all the information!" and I blew a kiss in her direction and turned to leave the Monitor room and went down a level into the corridors.


>I heard over my Super Friends communicator, “Nightwing to Robin"

I wasn't too shocked to answer, "Robin here, Go ahead brother dear"

>He responded in good spirits, "Hey sis, could you meet Flamebird and me in the cafeteria? I'd like to chat with both of you.”

I warmly told him, "Sure Dick, I'd just love that , see you in about five, Robin ,out"

He responded, "Nightwing, out" I could get used to being a little sister, His first thought was of me once the party was over and everyone returned home. It was kind of weird, though, being called on the comm. as Robin, without any qualifiers. I realized that none would ever be needed again because big brother was now Nightwing and the title of Robin with its rights and responsibilities, was all mine, and mine alone.

Both Dick and Stephanie had changed into civilian clothes too, somewhere along the way. When I entered the cafeteria he ran to me and spread his big arms. I jumped up into them and he wrapped me up in a bear hug. I felt loved totally and completely. Stephanie stood on the side lines for a moment rolling her eyes at us before launching herself into Dick’s arms too in a big group hug.

When he finally let me down, I rose on my toes to give him a kiss on his cheek and Stephanie did likewise.

"Dick thank you for being such a wonderful big brother. I love you so much", I gushed but it was what was in my heart. . Stephanie gleefully exclaimed, “Ditto!”

"Rachel and Stephanie, thank you, for being such lovable little sisters. I'll always love you. both." said Dick who showed he was just as moved by the reunion.

"I can't believe you turned out to be such a big strong hunk! If you were not my brother, be still my heart!" I said lightheartedly flirting as Stephanie watched with interest.

"And you are a little heart breaker even at 13 you little jailbait you." My brother taunted and presented Stephanie and I with a spoon and setting between us a huge hot fudge sundae. He materialized a third spoon for himself and joined us in eating it.

Stephanie sounded confident that she could hold up her end. "Thank you, Brother dear. It’s still my favorite! I guess my being a heartbreaker is just a burden we will both have to bear as we turn our attention elsewhere."

Dick looked to me and held my hands in his, "I was doing my best to protect you, Rachel. If the choice had been in my hands, I would have freed you. I hid myself from you, but I always knew we had 2 souls in one body. I could never have left you trapped, Sis even if the cost of freeing you was my own life”

I, looking into his eyes, told him, "I guess I was so fearful that the outcome would go against me. Had I realized that both you and I existed and it was not a zero sum game, then I would have been less fearful. I'm glad neither of us had to lose our chance to live.”

Dick turned his attention back to both his sisters, "The age difference caught me by surprise, but I guess it makes it easier that the timeline came out favorably for both of us. I had 4 more years with Batman and we had found a way to co-exist, despite you as Spoiler, being a part of our lives even before your parents died.

Even though you both won’t get a chance to start training as early as I, being able to start as Robin at 13 will help, added to your spoiler experience (and my experience as Robin). But it’s best you'll get to live your teenaged years and make your own memories, instead of relying only of mine."

“The way that the memories of the different lives overlap is so weird!”. Exclaimed Stephanie

"Way weird! I'm glad its over! It’s less confusing how things finally turned out.” He was relieved to say.

I told Dick and Stephanie, "Dad and I are going home tomorrow. I know you both have your new life to get set up, but don't be a stranger! We love you, Brother and Sister and we’ll miss you when you are away too long."

Dick gave here a tender hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll come home whenever I can. You know what the hours can be like in the 'world saving' business. There is not always a suitable replacement to fill in, so we do our best. See you soon, Sis!"

Stephanie told her, “I’ll be home too when ever I can. And I will keep in close touch. I can see its going to be fun being twins even though we both have separate paths now.’ Stephanie hugged Rachel tight and each kissed the other on the cheek.

Stephanie and Dick walked off, waving goodbye as they sought their suite. I got up and left, blowing them a return kiss before I went back to my quarters to turn in for the night. Now I could be sure of a sound sleep, so that I would be ready to make the trip in the Batmobile from Metropolis to Gotham City and home at Wayne Manor.

Episode 3 ~ Batmobile

Batman wanted to get an early start and I wasn't going to be the one holding him up and fall right into one of the untrue allegations against women that we are never ready on time.  I feel that we just value a dramatic entrance and for this situation, me being totally ready and waiting on Batman, sitting in the Batmobile was a statement I needed to make. 

Bats made a fine entrance as he marched magnificently to the Batmobile without as much as a look in my direction.  I remotely opened a compartment that Batman put his luggage in and I closed it.  Oh my how my bosom showed its appreciation for his manliness and I thought to myself, 'Down girl! Bats is my father now!'

I took a deep breath and composed myself as Bats got in and said a terse, "Good Morning" and immediately started the atomic batteries charging up capacitors in a deafening scream.   I buckled my seatbelt and grabbed on tight because it seemed like Bats was going to open the Batmobile up to full power right from the start.   I guess this was another test since he couldn't chastise me for being late.  I knew I could take it but could he?

I screamed above the whine, "Atomic batteries to power, turbo to speed!”  I engaged the turbo assist and the flame leaped from the rear of the Batmobile.  The tires screamed as they spun in place and we lurched forward out of the Hall of Justice garage along our secret underground roadway to the Bat Cave.  

Bats slapped me on the shoulder and said, "Robin, it really is you!  I'm sorry that I was so cold this morning.  I guess it’s taking me a little bit of time to get used to it really being you and you are female now. " 

I told him, "Good morning Bats! I'm glad you enjoyed the blast from the past!  I'm looking forward to having a future together with me sharing in your mission."

Bats replied, "Always, Robin!  You are family! We'll have to get used to the parameters but we do have a history together and I am glad that you are by my side, Robin." Bats smiled that smile that made me know that everything was alright and that meant so much to me.  I smiled back and touched his arm so he would know that I cared too.

I asked Bats, "Does the Batmobile have any Rachmaninoff; it seems to be my favorite music these days?"

He told me, "No Robin, Sorry!  I'll see about getting some loaded.  Don't you like Peter and the Wolf?"

I replied, “I like it but its not my favorite anymore.  Is that OK?"

Bats laughed and said, "It's wonderful, Robin! Just one more thing to get used to but I like getting used to the new you!"

I blushed and said, "Thank you, Batman" I wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek but he was occupied with driving and I didn't want to distract him.

I enjoyed the trip.  The scenery was non existent but we were the only car on the road and Bats really opened it out and could feel the wind blow thru my hair.  In one aspect it was like every single trip that I had ever taken in the Batmobile but in another way was my very first time and I was making the best of it.  Well it wasn't my first time as Robin the Girl Wonder in the Batmobile, but that was when my body was a female Dick Grayson instead of the new younger Stephanie Brown body that the Goddess had given me.

The only thing that I had a concern about on our arrival was whether the robotics involved in the instant costume change could handle women's clothes which both my costume and my mundane wear were now.  I knew that Alfred was efficient but this would be a test of how efficient.   I guess I could stand to be dressed in Dick's clothes for once but I wasn't looking forward to it since I would look ridiculous

The Bat Cave opened from the special entrance to the Hall of Justice freeway and the Batmobile stopped on the turntable which spun around to face the ordinary entrance.  We both exited the Batmobile and ran toward the bat poles.  As we were propelled upward I noticed that as we entered the change area a barrier had been erected between us and instead of robotics doing the clothes change, a teleport like at the Hall of Justice ported away our costumes and ported in our ordinary clothes.   I was pleasantly surprised to be clothed in one of my favorite outfits and I grinned since I was dressed really sexy!

We both emerged from the bat poles located behind the bookcases in Bruce's study.  I gracefully landed on my 4 inch heels, which was nothing to me since I managed combat situations in heels.  In ordinary life I could manage even 6 inch heels easily if I had a good reason to do so. 

Alfred was there to greet us, having been alerted when we entered the Bat Cave.  He told us, "Master Bruce, Miss Stephanie, I hope you had a pleasant journey.  Welcome home!"

Bruce replied, "Alfred everything is beyond excellent as always.  Thank you!" 

I told Alfred, "Thank you so much, Alfred!  I loved the way that you dressed me, way cool!  I was worried that I could come out in Dick's clothes but I should have known better, when did you learn so much about dressing a lady?" I giggled and reached out and touched Alfred's hand.

Alfred answered, "Even an old dog can learn new tricks, Miss Stephanie.  I can show you to your new room, Miss Stephanie.  Master Bruce, Miss Gordon has accepted your invitation for dinner today.  I will alert you when she arrives."

"Very good, Alfred.  I will be in the music room.  Please show Stephanie to her room.  Stephanie, I hope you like living here with me.  If you need anything for your room, please tell Alfred and he will see about getting it for you."

I told him, "Thank you Bruce!" and I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and continued," I know I will be happy here!" 

Bruce replied, "I know I will be too with you here with me, Stephanie"

I smiled and blew Bruce a kiss and followed Alfred up the stairs in search of my bedroom.   

Alfred turned on the lights to my room and I was enthralled.   The room was decorated in pinks and lavenders which featured an antique canopy bed with the covers all done in a lacy white.  I had a couple of chests of drawers and a dresser with mirror and a divine makeup table.  An antique roll top desk had within it the most modern of computing equipment.   Alfred opened the doors to the walk in closet and I was in heaven.   There were many outfits filling a third of the space leaving room for much more to be added.  A special organizer held my shoes with plenty of room for more.   I had a wonderful selection of Jewelry.   It was as though I had stepped in to Princess Mia's walk in closet from “Princess Diaries"  I guessed being Bruce Wayne's daughter was like being a princess.  

As huge as the room was with the walk in closet, the floor space accessed so far didn't add up to the external measurement of the room.  I surmised that meant secret rooms which I would find out about in due time.  Alfred left me in my room to explore everything as he had other duties and before he left I told him, "Alfred this room is amazing. It's what every 'daddy's little girl' would want. Thank you for your part in it!  I kissed him on the cheek.

Alfred smiled at me and said, "You are welcome Miss Stephanie.  Please call on me if you require anything.  I take my leave of you now."  And Alfred left to attend to other things in Wayne Manor."

I played looking thru my things and making a mental list of things that I would like to add to my wardrobe.  I already had provided for me in my sizes a very good basic wardrobe.  There are things that aren't so basic that a teen girl like me likes to have available, too  I would have to find out Alfred's secret on how he managed to do so well with filling my closet and decorating my room.  In a bit I would have to do a little redecorating so my room would look less like a little girl's room and more a teen girl's room but that would be fine.   I was going to have to get a signed Nightwing poster.  I knew it was a little inappropriate but no one else would know that Nightwing was my brother and I would be doing my part to protect both his and my secret identity.   If Dick wants a signed Robin poster for his room, I would be glad to get one for him.

I looked back thru my closet and picked out something for dinner.   I was sure that Bruce would wear a suit and Alfred would be dressed up of course so I picked out a nice black cocktail dress along with some black hose and black 6" pumps.   I loved the huge bathroom attached to the bedroom and the large sunken tub was amazing to bathe.   The bathroom also had a shower in a Plexiglas enclosure so I could get clean when I was in a hurry.   I would have to find out who this bedroom was designed for because she sure knew how to live.  I could really get used to a posh life.

I finally got out of the tub and patted myself dry.  I hadn't gotten my hair wet so it would be easy to deal with so all I had to do is to get dressed and do my makeup.  I did both without much problem and went downstairs to check on Bruce and to see if our visitor had arrived yet. 

I knew that Barbara Gordon was Batgirl because Mindy had told me.   That meant that besides a personal relationship because Bruce knew her father Police Commissioner Jim Gordon, Batman sometimes shared crime fighting missions with Batgirl.  I wonder if she really felt that she had a chance for a committed relationship with Bruce.  I wondered if she would resent my closeness with Bruce as a competitor for Bruce's affections.  I would try to see how she treated me.  Batgirl would be fun to work with and it would be nice if I could be friends with Barbara too.  If Batgirl saw me as a rival then I would have to do something to make it clear that I had no romantic intentions for Bruce..  If only he were not my father, what a hunk!  Steady girl! Don't want to dig myself in any deeper trouble. 

When I found Bruce and Alfred in the music room, they both rose from their chairs and looked me over.  The expressions on both of their faces told me that they approved of how I looked.  I took my seat, smoothing my skirt underneath me and crossing my legs at the ankles.  They were listening to Rachmaninoff and I was especially glad that playing at that moment was "Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini".  That is my favorite music in the entire world, so I felt that held a good omen for the dinner.  When the Rhapsody concluded, Alfred excused himself to check on things. 

With Alfred gone, it left me along with Bruce in the music room.   I wondered as we listened to more Rachmaninoff, why Bruce had decided to listen to this composer today.  Before when I had been Dick Grayson, we had spent many happy hours in this place listening to music, but never any Rachmaninoff.  I guess after my request in the Batmobile that he had been curious what I liked about the composer and decided to sample him again.   Bruce appeared to be enjoying himself so I guessed I would not have to listen on earphones when I listened to the Rhapsody in the Batmobile.

We heard the doorbell so Bruce and I decided to go out to the entry to meet Barbara.  She looked lovely in her designer dress and stylish pumps and Bruce could not take his eyes off of her.   Bruce took Barbara's hand and kissed it then he introduced me, "Barbara, I would like you to meet my daughter, Rachel Stephanie Wayne."

 I curtseyed to her and took her hand that she offered to me as she said, "I'm very pleased to meet you, Rachel.  You are a wonderfully bright young lady.  I am very glad to meet you,"

I released Barbara's hand and told her, "I am very pleased to meet you too, Miss Gordon.  Welcome again to Wayne Manor!"

Alfred announced, "Dinner is served in the dining room, if you will all follow me."

When I was old enough to be counted a full grown woman, I might be expected to be the hostess.  Now all I was expected to do is to be a child.  Bruce was naturally looking after me to make sure I was to get to my seat and be seated while he let Alfred seat Miss Gordon.  Bruce was being a doting father to a new daughter but reflected in Barbara's eyes were green eyed jealousy.  She was seeing me as a rival for Bruce's affection and that had to stop.  We were served the first course and after Bruce started we all started eating

Somehow we had to make it plain that there was no possibility for me and Bruce to get together and the easiest way would be for me as his daughter to get a name change to take his last name.  In the original paperwork he left it the same just like he had for Dick as a memorial to his parents.  However, even with my father dying for his country in the end, the only reason that he had to take on a suicide mission was that he had so many convictions that it was the only way to purge his record.  If my last name were Wayne then it would be settled that I was Bruce's daughter and nothing more.   I resolved to bring my idea to Bruce's attention the first time I could get him alone afterward.  Alfred had removed the first course so we were waiting for the next course to be served.

I decided that even before then I could try to turn the tide so Miss Barbara wouldn't be jealous of me.  I said with a little girl appeal, "Daddy, where will I go to school now that I live here?”

Bruce wasn't completely dense so he played along, "Sweet heart, you’ll be going to Gotham City Middle School just as soon as your records from your home schooling are sorted out and the school places you.  I expect to be notified soon about a meeting and when your first day of school will be."

Barbara smiled and said, "Bruce, I would be glad to take Rachel shopping.   I'm sure she will want to make a good first impression and wear the kinds of things the other girls there will be wearing."

I smiled with glee and said, "Would you Barbara, really?  I would love that so much!  Can I go shopping with Barbara, Daddy?"

Of course Bruce agreed, "Thank you for offering, Barbara.  I give both my permission and a filled visa check card.  I am glad you two are going.  I'll even send you both in the limo with the chauffer so not only will you have plenty of room for the boxes but you'll have help carrying them."

I was smiling ear to ear and said, "Thank you, Daddy!" and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.   This time Barbara was not jealous since she could recognize the difference between flirting and a daughter getting in her daddy's good graces. 

Alfred came to the table and announced, "Master Bruce, there is a call for you in the study,  A Mister Harry Comb on a matter of great urgency."

Bruce replied, "Right! Rachel, this is something that might help with your orientation to Wayne Enterprises.  Would you like to come with me?"

I smiled largely and said, "Sure Daddy!"

Bruce finished, "Barbara, I'm afraid this can't wait.  Please continue the rest of the meal without us and I hope you will give me a rain check so I can have an uninterrupted dinner with you."

Barbara was standing and gave him a hug and told him, "Sure Bruce you can have a rain check for dinner.  Shall I come by tomorrow to take Rachel shopping?"

Bruce told her, "Yes, please!"  He called "Bye for now” over his shoulder as both Bruce and I entered the study and closed the door behind us.  The Bat phone was glowing red and the handset was lying beside the phone.

As Bruce in his Batman voice said, "Yes, Commissioner." I lifted the head of the bust of William Shakespeare and activated a switch that keyed to my fingerprints.  The bookcases shifted out of the way to reveal a passage way down and two poles running down the shaft. 

Bruce finished his conversation and hung up the bat phone and exclaimed, "To the Bat Poles!"  Both Bruce and I leaped to and caught hold of our bat pole and started our descent to the Bat Cave.    When we went thru the automatic costume change, my cocktail dress was swapped for my Robin uniform and as we descended lower I saw Batman came thru the costume change good too. 

We hit the ground running as Batman called out, "To the Batmobile!" I made it inside easily and fastened my seatbelt while Batman was also securely seated. The entrance of the Bat cave opened to let the Batmobile out as we quickly left to go see Commissioner Gordon at Police Headquarters.

Episode 4 ~ Egg-Sighting!

We stopped the Batmobile in front of police headquarters.  Both Batman and I got out and raced up the stairs into the building and around to the commissioner's office where doors were immediately flung open. We walked right in where Batman walked right up to his friend, James Gordon's desk.  I on the other hand observed Batgirl reclined seductively in a corner as our eyes met she spoke, "Nice of you to join us, Batman and Robin.  Batman, if I could borrow Robin for a moment, I feel that you will find what the Commish has to say very interesting."

Batman with reluctance after being shown up by Batgirl responded with the courtesy he always accorded to ladies, "Of course, Batgirl.  Does that meet with your approval as well, Robin?"

I responded, "Yes Batman.  Lead on Batgirl!"

She invited me, "Step into my office, Robin!"  She led me into a very well appointed foyer within the Ladies Room which was exquisitely and regally decorated and furnished.  She motioned me towards a very plush sofa which I sat down and she did as well leaning in with anticipation to what she had to say.  She put a single outstretched finger to her lips and drew out a device on her utility belt.   After some whirring and beeping and purring she seemed satisfied with the results and began to speak. 

"It's nice, isn't it Robin?  I would imagine that it’s your first time being in here.  I am jamming every kind of electronic surveillance now.  I wouldn't do to let the guys in on our girl talk." She grinned at me.

"Well, Yes and No. I take it that the commissioner's daughter had a hand in designing this little oasis.  It's very comfortable and impressive."

"Robin, I'm a full member of the Super Friends just like you.  I've been on monitor duty recently so I know the basics about who you really are, just like I know that you know about me..  That yes and no answer puzzle me."

"I hold the memories of the first Robin because I was created as a female counterpart to him.  Of course those memories are useless because he would never have been in here.  On the other hand, my body is a twin of Spoiler's and I also possess her memories.  She was here a lot in the last couple of years and she particularly enjoyed this space.  It’s nice for me to experience this first hand instead of thru her memories."    

"How is your twin doing?" I heard that Spoiler, oh I imagine she's going by Flamebird now accompanied Night wing to NYC.  Have you heard from her yet?"

"Not yet but I hope to soon." I really was at ease chatting with Batgirl so far.

"You really have a tremendously handsome father.  How are you coping with that?" Batgirl had cut to the crux of the matter.

 "Yes, Bats can sweep a girl off her feet and his appeal is apparent.  But he is my Father and I can't and don't have designs on him.  Is it the same for you and your father, Batgirl?"

"When I was as young as you caught up in the newness of becoming a woman, it was like that for me.  Very soon a boy my age came along and I was too busy with my life.   I feel like every Father is a daughter's first love but it's something that can't be acted on so it preserves the ideal.  After that each new boy is compared to him to see how the boy measures up."

"Batgirl, you are so wise.  I'm not sure I am ready for the trials and tribulations for super heroine dating."

"It's a part of growing up and its not that uncommon to girls in famous families all over the world.   I'll coach you thru it. And don't worry.  I won't set you up with Aqualad for your first date but his father is very nice and I feel like he could grow on you.”

"Thank you, I think" I broke out into a great big grin

"Do you trust me Robin?"

"With my life and more than that to accept dating advice.  What's up?"

"We girls ought to cooperate.  I'm going to transfer from my BatPDA the conversation that I had with the Commish to yours.  Let's agree to keep each other updated.  We can't let the guys have a monopoly on saving the world"

"Of course Batgirl.  Deal!" And we sealed it with a hug and I realized that I had a new big sister.

After we broke the hug I asked, "How was it that you were able to get here so quickly?"

"Professional secret.  When you have something as interesting then we will swap.  It's more fun that way.  See if you can come up with it yourself, you are a bright girl."

"Okay.  Can you give me short and sweet what they are talking about?"

"Commish has tracked the theft of the Grace Diamond but the thief defeated it before the destination was determined.  The Grace Diamond is huge and cut as an ovoid."


"Just released from Arkham and a safe bet that he's behind the theft.  So it's Standard Operating Procedure.  Figure out where he will strike next and catch him at it."

"So is shopping still on for this afternoon?"

"Would not miss it, Girl Wonder.  I have some errands to run then I will be over to pick you up."

"Thank you Batgirl.   I am so looking forward to it." I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek which she returned to me.

"Let's see if the guys are thru gossiping.  After you my dear."

I left the power room foyer and Batgirl followed in a moment after shutting down her bat jammer.  We both made a stunning entrance.  Both Batgirl and I were immediately noticed as their conversation came to a halt momentarily.

"Commissioner, Thank you for your information.  Robin and I will do our best to catch this fiend." Batman continued "Batgirl, a pleasure to see you as always.  I trust you had an interesting conversation with Robin."

Batgirl answered, "Of course, Batman.  I will take my leave of all of you." She vanished out the window.

Batman directed at me, "Robin, To the Batmobile!" I knew what that meant so I ran out thru the opened doors at Batman's side.  Running down the stairs we separated only to enter the Batmobile and were side by side again. The trip back to the Batcave went by in a blur.  The sensations on first traveling in it were so heady as I got used to my new body but I had adjusted and even though it was still extraordinary the Batmobile was basically transportation. We arrived in the Batcave safe and sound and as the turntable was spinning the Batmobile back around for another trip out, I made a quick trip to the brand new little heroine's room that Bats had installed in the Batcave. Batman and I gathered by the Bat computer to see if it could help us find out Egghead's next move.

"Robin, Lets see what the Bat computer can come up with as to possible targets for Egghead in Gotham City.  Computer, display first target!"

The screen displayed information on the Trevor Howard Artifact.   This was an egg composed of costly metals with writing in a language that had not been translated.  It had a legend attached that the holder was to be guaranteed happiness.

"Batman, that thing makes me really uneasy.   On top of that, even though I can't translate the writing, the designs on the egg seem very familiar.  Computer, what is the origin of the Artifact?"

"Origin indeterminate except that it is extraterrestrial."

"Does that pinpoint it for you, Robin?"

"Not yet, Batman.  I'm missing something but it will come back to me."

"Let me know when you remember.  Computer, display next target.

The screen displayed information about the Cosmeg that was being studied by Gotham University.  It was called the Cosmeg because it was short for cosmic egg.  It was theorized that it was either a piece of another alternate universe or else a portal to an alternate universe.  If it were a portal it would be too small to transport a person thru to the other side but what one could get was energy which poured out of the Cosmeg.  They had encased it in a pool of water.  The ambient energy which came thru unbidden was enough to run the campus's power station which had ceased having to use fuel to run their generators and the output was so great that they were selling their excess to Gotham Power which was sufficient to meet the power requirements for the entire state.  A large portion of their research seed money came from Gotham power which salivated at the prospect of perhaps having another Cosmeg or at least learning how to tap the full potential of the one that existed.  Clean power at no cost, it boggled the mind.    

"A choice between greed and power, Batman!  What do you suppose Egghead will go for first?" My Bat PDA had captured the Bat computer session and I had sent a copy to Batgirl.  After all, we girls should stick together.

"I'm not sure, Robin. A stake out is in order.  I'll inform Commissioner Gordon of our findings and of course the police can aid as they usually do.  They are not equipped to apprehend Egghead and his bad eggs.  With there being two equally likely targets, I'll want to call in some expert help.  What do you think of Selina Kyle's progress? "

"I believe that she is reformed, she is highly motivated to the cause of good these days.  She has her own little eccentricities but she hasn't crossed the line, yet.  The Catwoman knows Egghead and she could handle him effectively as a villainess and I would expect no less from her as a heroine.  I imagine I will be able to tell more with my intuition once I get to meet her in person instead of thru other's memories.  I favor taking a chance on her but not taking her completely into our confidence yet."

"What do you think of teaming Sasha Bordeaux up with her to watch her?  After Lucius Fox, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, saddled me as Bruce Wayne with her as a bodyguard, I had to train her to handle the real job of guarding me.    She's good and she's loyal as she proved by keeping my secret after she uncovered my secret identity.  I couldn't fire her after that and I am glad that Lucius hired her because she can act in the mundane situations to protect me as Bruce Wayne without forcing me to defend myself and weakening my secret identity.   She could go out with Catwoman in her costume that she used when training with me as Batman.  She came up with the codename "Umbra Woman" because as a bodyguard she sometimes hides in the darkest shadows.  She could adopt that as her costumed identity.  She didn't need to have one while she was just learning from me on night patrol."

"Batman I think it’s a wonderful idea to team up Selina with Sasha.  Selina can make up for what Sasha lacks in skill and Sasha can make up for what Selina lacks in trustworthiness."  I thought that it would be a good test of both of them to see if they would be able to work together since they are both in love with my father."

"Good, Robin!  I'll call Nightwing and Flamebird to see if they can break free to lend us some aid as well.  I observed that you enjoyed your conversation with Batgirl and I feel that it would be good for you and Barbara to go shopping as planned.  I could team up with Alfred since stakeouts seem to be where his skills are strongest.  Your Aunt Harriett ( a live in maid)  will be back at Wayne Manor soon and she can watch after things. "

"I'm glad that Aunt Harriett will be back and I really do want to go shopping with Barbara.  I can team up with Batgirl.  If Selina and Sasha are available now they could start staking out one site while you stake out the other with Alfred.  Batgirl and I could be one relief team and Nightwing and Flamebird could be the other when they arrive from NYC.  12 hour shifts would cover them 24/7 till Egghead makes his move."

"Robin, I agree.  Could you coordinate with Batgirl to relieve Alfred and I watching the "Cosmeg" in about 13 hours while I check with Selina and Sasha to make sure they can help us with the stakeout?"

"Of course, Batman" I activated my Super Friends communicator while Batman was contacting Catwoman and Umbra Woman.  "Robin to Batgirl"

"Yes Robin.  What can I do for you?"

"Might you be free to team up with me for some stakeout duty?  Batman and I suspect that Egghead's next target will be the Cosmeg at Gotham University's research facility.  He is taking the first 12 hour watch there starting in an hour and we would do a 12 hour shift in relief."

"Affirmative Robin! Count me in!  I'll contact you closer to time for our shift to start to arrange a rendezvous and coordinate."

"Excellent, Batgirl! Robin out" 

"Batgirl, out"     

I noticed that Batman had concluded his calls and was waiting for me to finish with Batgirl.

"Robin, Selina and Sasha are both onboard.  They will be getting together and on site to watch the Trevor Howard Artifact in an hour.  Can Batgirl help?"

"Batgirl and I will get together to relieve you when your shift is up."

"That's great Robin!  Please go up and send Alfred down.  I need to brief him and get him outfitted so we can be on site in an hour.  Barbara should be by in a little while to take Rachel shopping. I'll contact Nightwing and Flamebird while I am waiting for Alfred."

"On my way, Batman!" I had noticed a new menu on my BatPDA which gave me a choice of outfits for the auto changer to dress me in and I had selected something casual for shopping already.   I jumped on the Batpole disc and triggered it to propel me upward thru the auto changer and deposited me out into Bruce's study.

I exited the study to find that Aunt Harriett was present talking with Alfred, dressed for work.  I rushed up to Aunt Harriett and gave her a big hug. "Its so good to have you home Aunt Harriett!" I gushed because I was glad to have her there to talk to about the things that Bruce and Alfred were clueless about.

"Miss Rachel, Alfred has told me the good news that Mr. Wayne adopted you as his daughter.  My condolences about the death of your parents.  It will be good having you around the house to help with Master Grayson departed."

"Thank you Aunt Harriett.  Alfred, Bruce asked me for you to bring him his copy of "The Tempest" from his study." That was a code phrase telling Alfred that he was needed in the Batcave.

"I'll go at once, Miss Rachel." And Alfred left in the direction of where his special access to the Batcave was located.

"Miss Rachel, I have duties to attend to but I would love to catch up when we both have the time,"

"Count on it, Aunt Harriett.  Thank you!"  Aunt Harriet left in the direction of the kitchen.  I suppose that she was going to check on supper.  Having been left alone, I was satisfied with the outfit I had picked out so I retired to my room.  I checked email and found an encoded message that I knew was untraceable and would disappear as mysteriously as it appeared when I read it.  The biometrics confirmed my identity then decoded the message.


The electronics did what electronics do and the message vanished as if it had never been there.  The transport between NYC and Metropolis would be instantaneous.  It would not take long to travel to Gotham City straight to the Batcave along the special underground roadway that connected the Hall of Justice and the Batcave.  I looked to the clock and noticed that Barbara would be arriving soon.  I checked the mirror and approved of what I found there.  I went downstairs to the foyer so I could meet Barbara there and we could begin our shopping trip.

Right to the second Barbara rung the door bell and I admitted her to the foyer.

"Are you ready to go shopping, Rachel?  I hope you have lots of money to spend so we can really update your wardrobe."

I held out a Wayne Enterprises charge card and said, "Ta ta ta TA ta TA! Charge! ..... It!" I giggled and Barbara joined in.

"I see you have everything you need.  Let's go!" I signaled the staff that I was leaving and followed Barbara out to her car.   What more could a girl want?  "To the Mall!" I giggled as Barbara drove off in that direction. 

Episode 5 ~ Egg-Static

Barbara and I had a very rewarding shopping trip. Bruno, Bruce's driver was sent along with Barbara and I to collect the packages being careful to separate Barbara's purchase from mine.  Bruno had contracted with Enzo, his brother, to load up Barbara's purchases in his delivery van. As we shopped, we talked.

"Rachel, how do you like being thirteen again and a girl?"

"Being thirteen again is weird but being a girl is just right.  I'm OK with being thirteen since it gives me the chance to live more of my own life rather than tapping in on the memories of my sister Stephanie and my brother Dick.   I got a taste of being eighteen as a woman and I'll get there again."

Since you were able to see Stephanie as she appeared in the future, you must have some idea how you will look once you get there."

"Well the Stephanie that I saw was only one possible future, even with being twins, going forward the choices that Stephanie and I make will have a bearing on how we turn out and that could be different from each other as well as from the Stephanie taken out of her timeline."

"But that's a good thing, Right?  That Stephanie spent a lot more time as Spoiler and dealing with her original parents, with a super villain father.  That experience of having to go against her parent's authority for much longer caused her to have a problem with parental authority which made her time as Robin coupled with the way things turned out with the three Robins before her doomed her to failure."

"That's why neither Stephanie nor I may turn out exactly the same.  We'll both benefit from the changes that were made in this history as well as both of us holding the memories of the people we originally came from."

"Tapping into your brother's memories must seem weird for you to know exactly what he thought and felt about things.'

"That's true but I need to tap into them because without them, I lose part of myself.  In a way Dick's memories for some things are more me than the equivalent Stephanie memories.  I remember meeting you for the first time and Dick was very excited to meet you.  Now that's weird!"

"Well you have the advantage of knowing just what it was about me that evoked that response and if you wish to have a young man have the same response to you.  But you might want to wait a while to practice that knowledge since you would really alter your future by getting pregnant."

"I know thru my Stephanie memories what its like to be raped and pregnant and lose the baby.   I know that it’s wise to wait."

"Poor baby, I didn't realize.  Of course you will be careful.  I wonder why the Goddess didn't start you both before that."

"I think it was for Stephanie's sake not to lose out any time while her parents were alive and even though it was rough on her and for me to relive it that she survived it and so will I."

"I guess you are right.  From what Sorceress says, it’s not wise to question her decisions since she has more information than we do.  Can I ask you why you flirt with Bruce so openly?"

"Well part of it, I guess, is payback for what he put me thru originally not with the training because I needed it but for not accepting me as his partner just because I am female.   Part of it is for Bruce to be able to have evidence due to his own reactions to me that I am female."

"Well you do have Bruce all hot and bothered.  I don't think that you have the problem with teasing Bruce that you would with any other man.  He's very moral and he knows what is appropriate.  Sweetie, he's the only man in the world capable of that kind of restraint.  Please don't tease anyone else like that.  He gets the point; please for my sake could you stop.  With you capturing all of his attention, how is he going to pay any attention to me?"

"Point well taken, Barbara.  I'll stop being a tease.   You've got it for him bad?"

"Yes, I'm very attracted to your father.  But so are Sasha and Selina."

"It seems that both of them have an inside track with Bruce in their own way.  Bruce spends a lot of time with Sasha and Bats spends a lot of time with Cats. But if there is anything that I can do to help you and Bruce come together, you can count on me.  "

"Thank you, Rachel!  I like your style and I believe that your help to be very valuable."

"You are welcome, Barbara! Pinky swear?" I held out the pinky on my right hand. Barbara twisted her own pinky around mine and squeezed.  She told me, "Of course and now it’s sealed."

"I hope that you turn out to be my new Mom.  If anyone can get Bruce to settle down then you can!"

"Thanks Sweetie, I do too.  Even if you don't turn out to be my daughter, we'll always be friends."

 When we had concluded our shopping trip, Barbara and I hugged and separated.  Once she was sure that Enzo knew the way to her home, she got into her car and drove off.  Bruno had saved some room for me in the limo and my purchases and I were off to Wayne Manor.  Bruno and I parted ways at the door.  

I headed straight for Bruce's study and flipped up Will's head and triggered the moving bookcase that revealed the bat poles.  I jumped onto the one labeled for me and slid down thru the auto costume changer and into the bat cave.  The Batmobile was gone of course and I didn't have a driver's license yet.   That left me with 2 choices for transport,   I could either ride the twin of the spoiler mini bike that my sis had redecorated and renamed the Robin cycle (and she had redecorated the original spoiler mini bike as the Flamebird cycle.) However I did have a valid pilot's license so my other choice was the Batwing.   Needless to say choice two won out.  

I climbed into the harness of the transport pod and activated it.   The pod shot thru the travel tube like one of those tubes at the bank drive up window.  It was a wild ride but in not too long the transport pod had arrived at it's destination at the secret hanger of the Batwing.   I ran the preflight  on the Batwing and it performed perfectly.   I engaged the hover and then nudged it thru the holographic camouflage of the entrance.  Once in the free air, I kicked in the turbo and the batwing jumped up to mach 1 in six seconds.  Fortunately for me I had two more special devices.   I had a remote autopilot for the batwing and a jetpack with which I could leave the Batwing and later return to it.

I programmed the autopilot with a changing pattern with which it could scan everything in the vicinity of the university.  I got into the flight suit and strapped into the jetpack which were within the airlock within the belly of the batwing.   As we flew over the university, the doors opened and I dropped out of the batwing.  The jetpack ignited and took me to the ground.   I took off the jetpack and camouflaged it and walked over to meet the team that had taken the first watch on the facility, Sasha and Selina.  Both were in their super heroine costumes with their real identities concealed.

 Selina both purred and trilled as she spoke to me, "Grrrreatings Girrrrl Wonder!"

I smiled at her remembering the effect that she had on Dick the first time that he met her.   Just thinking about that was sexually exciting and yet alien since Selina's curves did nothing for me now seeing as I had some dangerous curves  these days. 

"Hi Catwoman!, How did the stakeout go?"

"Quiet!" responded Sasha and continued, "I'll show you the vantage point we found to observe the Cosmeg up there on the lab's roof.  Catwoman can wait here for Batgirl's arrival.

"Good plan, Umbrawoman!  Lead on!" 

"Follow me, Robin!"

I took my leave of Selina.  Sasha and I made our way to the roof and I agreed that the vantage point that they had found was excellent.  Not only did it have a clear view thru the skylight of the Cosmeg containment but it also was within cover that kept the observer from being observed. 

"Excellent, Umbrawoman, I'll stay here in place while we are waiting on Batgirl to arrive."  Umbrawoman slipped into the shadows and was gone.  I engaged the cloak on my flight suit and had one eye on the scene below and another one on the Batwing's bat's eye view on the vicinity.  Soon afterward, I observed Batgirl riding up on her Batgirl cycle.  After she concealed her cycle, she walked over to where Selina and Sasha were waiting for them.  The three of them conversed for a while then both Selina and Sasha disappeared.

"Batgirl to Robin I’m onsite.  Since you have the outside covered, I'll take an inside vantage point"

"Robin to Batgirl, I concur.  Good plan!"

After Batgirl discreetly found a way inside and sealed it so it could not be reused, I observed her taking a position inside the containment area for the Cosmeg and then concealing herself.

Everything remained calm thru our watch.  I reported in every hour with our all clear while I heard Flamebird reporting for her team with Nightwing with their watch on the artifact being equally quiet.  Only one hour remained in our watch when everything broke loose.  I observed some kind of laser blast make a tunnel which sloped up into the room. 

"Request backup for Cosmeg!  Location compromised via tunnel! ", I radioed.

"Batman on patrol responding ETA 5 minutes" I imagined Batman executing a bat turn with the Batmobile doing a 180 with the help of a drogue chute and tearing down the street towards the university.  Batman would also get on the hotline to Commissioner Gordon's office to bring the Gotham City Police to secure the area.

"Umbrawoman and Catwoman dispatching ETA 15 minutes" It appeared that they were going to have to come on shift early.  I was really glad that it was close to their time to be here to spell us since that meant their response time was much less.    

I opened the skylight and slid down on my bat rope to meet the interlopers while radioing out  an update concerning  our location which was under attack.  My task was to slow down the attackers until backup could arrive.   I was glad that henchman training was not up to Batman's standards.   I took them out one by one as the tunnel had cooled enough to admit the bad guys.  Batgirl was our last defense against the Cosmeg being stolen so she remained hidden. 

Egghead had one of his henchmen in reserve covering me with what looked like a T Shirt cannon.  As the henchman fired the cannon at me, Egghead broke directly to the Cosmeg containment.  Out of the cannon came what looked like an egg.  What was different about it was that it was bristling with static electricity which meant it had a very high electrical charge on its surface.  That would act as a tazer if the egg touched me.

One of the first henchmen I took out dove at me from behind as the egg came at me so that I could not dodge it and the henchman at the same time.  The Henchman missed but the egg contacted me and emitted a high voltage electric shock.   While my heart was protected, I lost control of my limbs and tumbled into the floor.  While I could not move, I could see and had remained conscious.  My electronics gear was fried so the radio was gone but I had left the autopilot gear hidden on the roof.  The henchman recovered behind me and they lowered the force field that contained the Cosmeg.

Egghead and Batgirl faced off in the containment room.  

"Batgirl, please step aside and I may spare both yours and the Girl Wonder's lives"

"You'll have to get past me, Eggy! You piece of egg-crement!"

"You'll pay for that Bat Broad! Prepare to be Egg-Terminated"

Unable to get past Batgirl any other way, Egghead tackled Batgirl and the momentum carried both of them into the area where the Cosmeg was being studied.  The last thing that Batgirl expected was a brute force frontal attack since it was not Egghead's style.  Without being braced for it, Egghead's tackle caused Batgirl to leave her feet so that she was merely a passenger.  When Egghead was able to check himself short of the Cosmeg, Batgirl flew out of control and right into the Cosmeg and she disintegrated in a bright flash of light. 

"I'm Egg-Static!  The Cosmeg is mine!  Bye Bye Batgirl! Rest in peace! Bad Eggs bring the Cosmeg transport gear and bring our prize into the tunnel. "

The last thing that I saw was Egghead henchmen had found the means that the Cosmeg was moved and they took it out of the containment room and towards the tunnel.  I was overcome with grief as I had witnessed Batgirl's death. I thought I caught sight of Bats in my peripheral vision thru the skylight that I had used to enter from the ceiling.   I did not have long because the henchman with the t-shirt cannon had reloaded and the second egg plunged me into unconsciousness.  .  

Episode 6 ~ Egg-Terminate

I regained consciousness and felt the effects of the Bat Hypo that contained stimulants and other things to gain recovery from a Tazer which is essentially what had happened to me.  I saw that Batman had returned all my bat gear to functionality while I regained consciousness.  Beyond a concerned Batman kneeling over my prone body, I could see arriving Catwoman, Umbrawoman and Chief O'Hara.

"The Cosmeg was stolen by Egghead and his bad eggs.  Egghead used the Cosmeg to disintegrate Batgirl.  She's dead.  Egghead and his men left via that tunnel."

"How do you feel?"

"Fully recovered from the Egg-Static weapon that they used on me thanks to the bat hypo.  I can return to action" To demonstrate that I was Okay,

 I got to my feet and stood before them

"Very well Robin.  I admire your constitution! Chief O'Hara, if your men can secure this area, Robin and I will pursue Egghead"

"Of course Batman! Chief O'Hara to all units.  Move in and secure the area!"

"Catwoman and Umbrawoman, please relieve Nightwing and Flamebird at their location."

"Of course, Batman" said Umbrawoman and they both turned away to the exit.

"Robin, to the Tunnel!"

"Roger, Batman!"  Batman and I ran to the tunnel and then down it being careful to illuminate it with our bat lights. I could see Chief O'hara 's men covering the building from each entrance.

"Robin, I recalled the Batwing and alerted the Batcave to pick up the gear you left behind.  You gathered lots of intelligence but if they tunneled directly from their lair there may be no surface evidence to detect."

"Thank you, Batman! I hope we can recover the Cosmeg before Egghead can use it for his nefarious plans."

"Have faith, Robin and all will be accomplished in due time as we always have."

"Always, Batman"

"Batman to Nightwing and Flamebird"

"Nightwing here.  What are your instructions?"

"Track our progress thru the tunnel and find another way into Egghead's lair and surprise him.  We may have a trap waiting for us and backup is appreciated."

"Affirmative Batman.  Locked onto your locator signal and tracking.  We'll set up for the surprise as soon as we know your destination.  Enroute. Nightwing, out."

"Batman out"

"Batman, to Super Friends"

"Arisia on Monitor, go ahead, Batman"

"Egghead has killed Batgirl.  Robin and I are in pursuit! Request backup to cover secondary target and preparations for a memorial service."

"Copy Batman.  Sending Backup to secondary target at encoded coordinates received and making memorial service preparations"

"Thanks, Arisia. Batman, out!"

"Dispatching Rima the Jungle Girl and Hawk Girl ETA 1 minute courtesy Sorceress.  Super Friends out"

"Batman to Catwoman and Umbrawoman"

"Catwoman here, Batman! Instructions?"

"Rima the Jungle Girl and Hawk Girl , ETA less than one minute, will relieve you.  Coordinate with Nightwing and Flamebird in assaulting Egghead's lair"

"Copy Batman.   They are here so we stand relieved.  Enroute to coordinate with Nightwing and Flamebird. Catwoman, out"

"Very good, Catwoman. Batman, out"

"Arisia to Batman"

"Batman here, Go ahead Arisia"

"We've completed a universal trace on Batgirl's Super Friends communicator.  It no longer exists.  Criteria for canceling a rescue and performing a memorial service met.  When did you wish it scheduled. Batman?"

"After we bring Egghead to justice.  I'll keep you informed, Arisia. Batman, out."

"Thank you, Batman.  Arisia, out."

"Robin, it just occurred to me, a notion.  The researchers felt that the reason so much energy was pouring out of the Cosmeg is that it is a conduit to another universe.   Is it possible that instead of disintegrating that Batgirl merely passed thru the conduit and now is in that other universe?"

"Batman, you didn't see the power of the Cosmeg like I did or you wouldn't have hope.   It's possible that some of Batgirl's atoms passed thru to that other universe but she went into that maelstrom unprotected.  What got thru wouldn't have lived long, thankfully.   She died almost instantaneously."

"But when we recover the Cosmeg then we could find out for sure.  We could send a probe thru and recover what if anything is left of her."

"It is something that we could do so those who loved her could have closure.  We don't have to wait to recover the Cosmeg to recover Batgirl's remains.  Sorceress told me that the Goddess is letting her share some of her power to prepare her for the time Sorceress becomes the Goddess.   She knows about Batgirl since she teleported the back up team to the Trevor Howard artifact.  I'll ask her to bring back what is left of Batgirl"

"You are right, Robin.  It's better that we know for sure what ever the outcome.  Please call her."

"Thanks, Batman. Robin to Sorceress.  I have a request.  Would you like to go to the Cosmeg universe and recover what ever is left of Batgirl?"

"Sorceress here.  Oh Robin, please accept my condolences to you and Batman.  Batgirl's death is a real tragedy.  I believe that the Goddess will allow and empower me for this mission.  I'll go as soon as the preparation for the journey is made.  We'll be out of touch once I leave this universe but I will call you when I return."

"Thank you Sorceress... sob... You are a true friend... sob... Bring her home, please........" I could not keep the floodgates of grief back any longer and I wept.  However I knew that I could not let my grief impede me as I ran in step with Batman,  knowing that every second counted if we were to catch  Egghead.

"I will, Robin.  Sorceress, out"  I composed myself again and looked over at Batman's eyes and saw behind them the realization that what we were doing right now in pursuing Egghead was what Batgirl would have wanted us to do.  The recovery of Batgirl's remains was in proven, capable hands.  It was time to focus on the task at hand.

"Robin, You know that Egghead intends for the Cosmeg to be the bait in a trap to capture us and we are the bait in the trap that we have set with the help of the Bat-Family to capture Egghead.  Sometimes the Bait does not fair too well.   I want you to know that I am proud to have you as my daughter.  I am even prouder to have you fight crime at my side.  I did not realize what a blessing you were when you first came into my life but now I can't imagine my life being this fulfilled without you.  I love you, Robin.

"Batman, you have ever been my father since that evil day when my first parents died.  Now that I am incarnated as a female, you have been my father again for which I hold you in deep respect.  I am now and forevermore yours.  I am proud to be your daughter and for you to be my Daddy. "

"Steady On, Robin.  We are about to fulfill our part in this little Drama.  May it be as successful as we hope and pray it will be?"

"Where ever you lead, I will follow, Batman, to the ends of the earth and beyond."

"I will not betray your loyalty and trust, Robin!"

"Lead on, Batman!"

We came upon Egghead's tunneling transport shortly afterward which had been abandoned by Egghead.  Evidently the designer had not realized that the reverse transmission had to be as heavy duty as the forward transmission and it had broken down.  We found the Grace Diamond embedded in the mechanism which focused the high energy laser that had done the tunneling and had broken into the lab. Batman removed the Grace Diamond which appeared unharmed, amazingly and tucked it away for safe keeping till he could return it to its rightful owner.

Batman signaled for radio and physical silence due to our quarry seeming to be quite near.  I complied by ending my part of the running commentary.  We ran on in the increasingly dark cave lit only by the bat lights we played upon the tunnel in front of us.   We came to a point where Batman signaled for us to turn out our lights.  The cave became pitch black and we ran on anyway so that our quarry would not escape us.

We cautiously ran down the tunnel as it sunk deeper into the earth until eventually it began to widen out into a cavern with a high ceiling.  It was so high that our bat ropes could not reach the top to attach to it.  We saw before us the energy glow emitted by the Cosmeg.  Batman emitted a location pulse to let the teams know that we had reached Egghead's lair and for them to begin their assault. 

As we neared the Cosmeg, explosions on the left and right of us had blasted the floor of the cavern on either side of us away to reveal a bottomless pit.  At the same time the Bad Eggs appeared behind us and they began to fire more of the static eggs that had brought me down before.  Batman and I had oppositely charged our battle armor from the static eggs so that they would be repelled from us and instead fall harmlessly to the ground.  

We thought it was harmlessly but the pop from the static egg that occurred when they hit the ground revealed egg shaped containers on the ground.  As the containers broke we were oppressed with the smell of rotten eggs (Sulfur Dioxide).  That smell was a cover for the real challenge which was the release of massive amounts of anesthetic gasses.  We could not go forward because we did not have the means to close off the Cosmeg.  To the right and left were impassible deep trenches and the Bad Eggs to the rear.  Instead we fell under the influence of the gas and both of us lie down, unconscious.


I awoke to the sound of Egghead's voice and Batman was awake beside me.  Egghead had placed us in a transparent egg shaped chamber and bound us to chairs while we were unconscious.  It was also apparent that he had removed our utility belts and had found all of our other hidden gadgets and removed them.

"Thank you Batman for retrieving the Grace Diamond for me.  It was very considerate of you.  Well, Batman and Robin, the last time you were placed in a vacuum chamber, your bat breathing gear and cutting tools were able to eggs-tracate you from your doom. This time I have removed your entire bat gadgets so you will eggs-fixate and finally be eggs-terminated. I'm off with the Cosmeg, the source of infinite power, to recover the Trevor Howard artifact, which is the source of infinite happiness.   I will then possess everything that I have ever coveted and that's no eggs-ageration!  Rest in peace, Batman and Robin! Give my regards to Batgirl!"

Once Egghead had finished monologging, I detected the pumps removing the air from the egg shaped transparent chamber we were bound inside.  Egghead had indeed removed everything useful from our utility belts so we could neither get help breathing nor break out of it.  I wanted so much to counter Egghead's taunts but doing so would rob us of air prematurely.  All we could do is to rob Egghead of part of his satisfaction by meeting our fate with dignity and peace.

With a flair for the dramatic, Egghead and the bad eggs disappeared in the direction of the Cosmeg.  Egghead was finished with it being bait and had decided to withdraw, it would seem.  The vessel we were in rocked from side to side as the floor of the cavern in front of us and behind us dropped to become a chasm as that had done to the left and right of us before.  Now we were even more isolated and in need of rescue.   The chamber ceased vibrating and things returned to the status quo which had existed before.

I saw in Batman's eyes the answer that he had come to and I assented.  To those around gawking it appeared that we had accepted our fate and were succumbing to it.  That was not the case as both of us placed ourselves in a physical state comparable to suspended animation where we slowed our metabolisms down to barest minimum so that we both appeared to be dieing.  Our hope was in our friends, who we trusted to be penetrating Egghead's lair to rescue us before we died for real. "Would they be in time?” I questioned.  But my last thought as consciousness left me was a realization that I knew which alien culture the Trevor Howard Artifact came from.  It was....... 

Episode 7 ~ Eggs-Cape

Gasp! Oh! I'm alive! Who am I?  My mind is so Swiss cheesed.   I see I am dressed as Robin so I should be careful what I say out loud.  Oh My! I remember being Robin in three different bodies.   I must be Rachel now, the thirteen year old one that has Stephanie for a twin sister.   I remember that I used the meditation technique that Batman taught me to shut down my body while the air was being removed from the egg shape space we were in.  That's Stephanie over me giving me oxygen in her Firebird costume.  I cant see Nightwing, my brother Dick, or Selina but I see Sasha as Umbrawoman  standing over Batman giving him oxygen too.  There was something... something about the Trevor Howard Artifact... It's gone.. But I remembered before and I will remember again.  I smiled best I could underneath the O2 mask at Stephanie.

"Good! You are awake!  Looks like Bats is coming around too.  Egghead and his Bad Eggs had given us the slip when we penetrated the compound.  This isn't Egghead's real lair.  It was just a way station that he used to spring his trap on those pursuing him.  Nightwing and Catwoman are tracking him and his crew.  When we got here all that was here was the deathtrap removing air from that egg shaped space.  We all released you from the deathtrap and Sasha and I stayed behind to care for you two.  Are you OK? Can I remove the oxygen mask?"

I motioned to Stephanie that I was OK with the thumbs up and she removed the oxygen mask from my face.  

"Thank you Flamebird!  I'm glad that it worked and we both survived!"

"Are you up to getting out of here?  We don't know what else Egghead might have planned?"

I answered her by getting up and flexing my body.   I was back ready for action.   The mind mush about who I was would have to wait.   It was clear that I was Robin the girl wonder and that was all that mattered right now.  "I'm ready... what's the plan?"

"We follow and try to catch up with Nightwing and Catwoman.  We know that they are ready for us so we attack in force instead of going for surprise."

"Good plan!"  I looked around and saw Batman up and coming toward us accompanied by Umbrawoman. 

Both mine and Batman's Super Friends communicators blipped at the same time.  Batman activated his as I did mine and the message came thru.  "Hawk girl to Super Friends.  Egghead is using the energy of the Cosmeg to gain entry to the vault where the Trevor Howard Artifact was returned to following Egghead's earlier attack.  Request permission for Rima and I to teleport up to my Thanagarian starship with the Artifact."

We knew where Egghead was located so we had to get there to capture Egghead.  The four of us took off on a run retracing the route which they had taken to the surface when they had come to the rescue.  While we were still listening to Arisia and the Super Friends team watching the artifact, we signaled that we were responding and were on our way.

"Arisia to Hawk girl.  Permission granted to escape with the artifact via teleport.  Contact with the Cosmeg energy has been proven fatal.  Super Friends dispatched and are responding to help cover your escape."

The Cat Copter and 'Nightwing' were on the surface waiting to ferry the four of us to the action.  Both aircraft rose vertically and then flew over the city.  I mentally urged our craft faster as Flamebird guided the 'Nightwing' to our destination.  Catwoman had spared no expense for her Cat copter which was keeping pace with our aircraft speeding toward the artifact.

"Rima has the artifact's enclosure in her possession.  Teleport!  Teleport Now!"

"Arisia to Hawk girl.  Confirm status.  Transmission disrupted'"

We were landing and as we disembarked we were met by Nightwing and Umbrawoman who had tracked Egghead to the same location.  We looked on in wonder at the devastation caused by the Cosmeg as Egghead penetrated the building and its defenses surrounding the vault.

"Rima here!  I've lost the artifact! The enclosure is empty.  It did not teleport up when I did!  Hawk girl is trying to determine why it did not teleport up with us."  

We broke out prototype Bat beams and Bat shields from the aircraft.  With each of us armed and protected the six of us as a unit entered the building thru the path that Egghead had blasted thru with the Cosmeg. 

"Hawk Girl to Arisia.  The artifact itself disrupted the teleport beam so it would not be teleported. Request further instructions." 

"Batman to Super Friends.  My team is onsite and we will take care of Egghead!  We have special protection which should withstand the Cosmeg Energy."

"Arisia to Hawk girl.  Teleport to the Hall of Justice for debriefing.  Batman's team is ready to take on Egghead."

"Hawk girl to Arisia.  Rima and I preparing to teleport.  Out!"

I and my companions caught up with Egghead and the Bad Eggs.  Egghead had shielded the Cosmeg so it's energy was no longer causing havoc.  We witnessed as Egghead picked up the artifact. He and the Bad Eggs got into the vehicle parked beside them which looked a lot like the one that Batman and I had witnessed had become disabled.  This one looked to be highly upgraded.  The power of the Cosmeg opened up a new path out for Egghead.

Batman commanded, "Open Fire!"  Each of us turned on our Bat Shields and opened up on Egghead's vehicle.  The Bat Beams bounced off as though their vehicle were protected by a shield. 

Egghead cut off the Cosmeg Energy and the Vehicle did a 180 and turned to face us.  Egghead unleashed the Cosmeg energy was turned on us. We sunk into the floor as things around us deformed as the Cosmeg energy hit us.

I was still alive and I shouted, "The new shields held!"  Even though I and my companions were unharmed in our personal force shields, we were also enmeshed in what had been the building's elements.  With careful application of our Bat Beams we could free ourselves but Egghead and the vehicle were long gone.  One by one, we were all free.  Nightwing seemed more amused than I thought he should be since he was the last of us to be set free.

"Nightwing, why are you so upbeat?"

"I slipped in a bat tracer while we were watching the artifact which is functioning amazingly.   All we have to do is follow it to Egghead and his real lair."

"Congratulations, Big Bro!  Now this has got to come to an end and Egghead finally brought to justice"

"That's the plan, Sis!”  

Batman called us together.  "Thanks to Nightwing's work, we will soon have a location for Egghead.  However with the Cosmeg, Egghead continues to elude apprehension.   We have no idea whether his intellect has unlocked the secret of the Trevor Howard Artifact and he will be able to use that as well.  This time we enlist the aid of the Super Friends, in force, to bring him to justice once and for all”

"Batman, we have a location. It's in a cavern deep below police headquarters."

"Thank you, Nightwing.   Batman to Super Friends!"

"Arisia here Batman! Go Ahead!"

"We have a location for Egghead in a cavern deep below Gotham City Police Headquarters.  Request assistance in force from the Super Friends.  The new Bat Shield held against the Cosmeg Energy.  I'm transmitting the specifications so they can be replicated.  I suggest that anyone aiding in the action against Egghead be so equipped.  Against such power, only team work from a very large team will win the day."

"Super Friends to Batman.  Specifications received and the devices are being replicated.   Almost all of the Super Friends have volunteered to help, including myself.  Wonder Woman will be in contact with you to coordinate the tactical planning. Arisia Out!"

"Thank you Arisia.  I'll be standing by for Wonder Woman's call.  Batman out."

I finally got a chance to relax a bit while we were waiting for the preparations for the Super Friends in mass to assault Egghead's lair.  I reflected on how different things were with me now as the memories which had become so clear when my brain had been so Swiss cheesed seemed to be part of a dream and certainly did not happen to me.  I've always been the girl I am today, it seems to me.  I could learn from the lives of my brother and sister but they were not me.  I relaxed and stopped worrying about anything except being Rachel.

All of a sudden, that thought that was lost to me finally came back as the rest of the holes were filled with the memories they were supposed to contain.

"Robin to Wonder Twins.  Got a question for you."

"Zayna here Robin. How can we help? Jan and I have volunteered to help go after Egghead with the Super Friends."

"Thank you Zayna.  I'm transmitting a picture and I hope you can identify the object"

"I have the picture. Oh my stars, Robin!  Where was it found, it's been lost for so long!"

"But what is it, Zayna?"

"Jan here.  It's the Goddess of Exxor's Egg of Happiness.  It's been lost since the Goddess vanished when Exxor was overrun and abandoned. Can we retrieve it and return it to the Goddess?"

"That's the plan but Egghead has it.  We know it as the Trevor Howard Artifact!"

"We must retrieve it.  If Egghead can control its power, which no Exxorian has done, then all is lost!"

"Thank you Wonder Twins.  I agree.  I'll check with Batman concerning our discovery and inform him of the urgency of getting to Egghead before he gets a chance to unlock the mystery.  Robin out"

I told Batman what I had learned and left him to continue his planning with Wonder Woman.  Once I was back by myself, I did what I had needed to do but repressed it in the name of duty,   I wept for Batgirl with long loud sobs as I let it all out as I collapsed onto the ground and rolled myself into the fetal position

Episode 8 ~ Egg-Posed

Wonder Woman and Batman were conferring with all of us in the Hall of Justice about the tactical situation to assault Egghead's lair. 

"Much work has been done to discover the layout of Egghead's lair and the area underground surrounding it.   The Flash has proved an invaluable scout as always.  He was been able to vibrate thru the wall from the Super Friend's tunnel into the chamber which appeared man made since it was shaped like an egg with the smaller end pointing up.. Two of the three existing tunnels had been located where there would be cover once inside while the third was located above the pinnacle of the egg shaped vault." said Batman.

Wonder Woman continued," We have decided to overwhelm Egghead from all directions. We will build a fourth tunnel which needs to be made to carry out our plans.  Even though our luck ran out that there was not any initial cover we discovered another possibility.  The location of the fourth tunnel is very close to an underground lake.  It had a connective passage to the surface so that it was inhabited by sea creatures.  Work is now being done to drill that fourth tunnel which would fill with water from the underground lake when connected to it at one end and leaving the other end incomplete till the time of the assault."

"Our plan is to divide the Super Friends into four teams with each team being paired with members of the Bat Family since they were all acquainted with Egghead.  "Qualifications for two teams were obvious in that the one entering from above needed to have the power of flight. The one entering thru the submerged tunnel needed to be able to swim.  The remaining Super Friends will  be divided into the two other teams." . 

"The Sky team led by Superman will consist of Superman, Green Lantern Hal, Extraman, Samurai, Hawkman, Hawkgirl with Bat family members, Nightwing and Flamebird.”    

"The Sea team led by Aquaman will consist of Aquaman, Aqualad, Rima the Jungle Girl, Firestorm, Plasticman, El Dorado, Genius Twin Wendy with Bat family member Umbra Woman."   

"Land one team led by me will consist of Wonder Woman, Wonder Twins, Jan and Zayna, Supergirl, Green Lantern Arisia, Genius Twin Mindy with Bat family members, Robin and Cat Woman."

"Land two team led by me will consist of Flash, Cyborg, Superboy, Atom, Black Vulcan, Green Arrow, and Apache Chief with Bat family member, Batman."

I noticed that the team that I was on led by Wonder Woman was all female while Batman's team was all male.  The other 2 teams had mostly men but a few women.

Wonder Woman drew me back into the briefing as she spoke.  "While the remaining tunnel is being completed each team will have a chance to do combat simulations at the Hall of Justice.  As always your team members all have their individual strengths and together we will be able to prevail."

"Each of you has been issued a Bat Shield device which has proven in combat to be effective in repelling the Cosmeg Energy from a distance.  Under no circumstances should you approach the Cosmeg closely.  It will suck you into its event horizon as it did Batgirl when she died.  We already have one funeral to attend when this is all over and we don't wish to lose another Super Friend as we bring Egghead to justice.  Be careful and protect one another!"

"You all have heard how the Cosmeg unshielded has proven to be the greatest destructive force ever known.  The Trevor Howard Artifact has been revealed to be in fact the Exxorian Goddess' Orb of Happiness.  We all know the power of the Goddess and since this object comes from Her it can be assumed that it is equally powerful in performing it's function which may be protection.  What we hope to do by surprising Egghead is to prevent him from using both objects at the same time which together may make him invincible. Some of you will face a frontal assault from the Cosmeg energy while others protected by it being focused in one direction will be shielded and be able to apprehend Egghead from the rear."

It was all a bit much to take in.  The goal was clear enough.  We would overwhelm Egghead by completely surrounding him.  Unbidden the members of each team were coming together.  Selina and I found each other rather quickly.

"Robin, I don't like the implication of Batman not having you at his side.  Could it be out of some sense of chivalry?"

"We've settled that issue, Catwoman, the fact that I am female does not make me less effective but more so.  I have all the years of experience of Nightwing and of another reality's Robin the Girl Wonder.  Batman treats me no differently now than he would have Nightwing when he was Robin. It's only when we are out of uniform that he becomes really aware that he has a daughter now and in those situations chivalry comes out and I indulge him because being the man he is that it has to come out sometime."

"Then it is even more disturbing.  As Leader he is in the most danger and is willing to give his life so that the goal might be achieved.  This is a sacrifice that would bring down the one who took one of his own.”

"And being alone he would feel free to make that sacrifice.  I pray to the Goddess that it does not come to that." I was resolved to really pray later.  Selena's observation had shaken me but deep down I had already realized it too.

She whispered only to me.  "Rachel, I will protect you as I would my own cub.  We are bound together by familial love, not just the camaraderie of those who face a foe together.  Who knows what the future may bring, but I already think of you as a daughter.  Our strength is in sharing adversity and each benefiting from the other's strength and protecting the other's weakness."

I whispered back.  "Thank you Selena.  I am proud to be your daughter.  I am no stranger to the mechanics of being a woman, given my other life.  However the emotions, relationships and spirituality are new since my own existence is new.  At first I was consumed by proving myself and establishing my place in the world before I paused enough to let a sister enter my life but Batgirl is gone.  It has been easy to be caught up with the pursuit of justice for her.  On the eve of battle, thank you Selena for being here for me.  For bringing me back to wholeness by embracing all my needs.  Thank you Selena."  We hugged and I cried on her shoulder.  She was being strong for me in my hour of need.  I wonder whose shoulder she would cry on before this all was over. 

We broke the hug and she held me still, as we looked in each others eyes. "Courage, Kitten! You have a greater strength than even you know.  You are truly my cub. You are ferocious, loyal, and expert in battle.  We have each other's backs and together we will win the day!  All things are possible, only believe."

"I believe, Mother, I believe.  Together we will win the day and bring Batman home safe."

"From your mouth to the Goddess' ears!"  Though we returned to a business as usual stance, I believed that neither us could forget what had transpired.  I knew that I would not.  The others had sensed the moment between us and had given us our space but now we all gathered together clustered around Wonder Woman as I observed each of the teams were rallying around their leader.

"Ladies, we have a mission to perform and together we are strong enough to achieve it.  We face overwhelming odds and I chose to stack the deck in our favor by facing it with our sisters.  While each male Super Friend is competent, they can not share the bond that we have together as women.  Together we can meet the impossible and overcome it.  One of our teams will overcome and achieve the goal and I believe it will be us.  For now let us unite in sisterhood sharing with each other and understanding the strength of each woman among us.  Once we unite in heart then we will unite in battle and together we will be victorious!"

I knew some of the ladies of the group but as Wonder Woman had bidden us, I sought to speak with each one.  I could see the others were doing the same thing.

The Wonder Twins, Jan and Zayna were already conferring with Genius Twin Mindy all of whom like me had witnessed the power of the Goddess first hand.  I sensed that Wendy was having separation anxiety from being separated from her partner on this mission as I was.

"Jan, I'll be alright.  It will be tough being separated from my twin but I understand the reason.  My value to the team is to be able to use my technical skills to give us an edge.  Wendy is an expert scuba diver and having both of us on the same team means that if we draw being the frontal assault team that both of us might be lost at the same time before we could make our contribution."

"What do you Wonder Twins know about the Goddess's Orb of Happiness?"

"It was like the Easter Egg hunts on your world.  Many Orbs were hidden but the big prize was in finding the special one.  One would raise it over their head and repeat the phrase in ancient Exxorian written on the orb.  In some way the Goddess was united with the holder of the orb. That's all I know about it.  Is there anything that you can add, Zayna?"

"Only that none of the recipients returned to what they had departed.  Some say that they were transported to another universe like our brother and sister, Zan and Jayna have been only instead of it being a universe of challenge as they have, It is the universe that they are the most happy.  Others say that the reason none return to their former life is that they are in need of being judged but do not perceive this need until they are face to face with the Goddess.  Their return is undetected because they return to a different life.".

Supergirl joined our conversation with a question of her own. "Do you believe that a creation of the Goddess could be subverted as feared if we don't surprise them in being combined with the Cosmeg as being the ultimate protection from the ultimate destruction?"

"It's possible.  Our Goddess has a great deal of power but she is not omnipotent.  Her disappearance proves that.  Her power was able to be usurped by our sister Jayna.  However if Egghead employs it as a means of escape, he will have to face the truth and faithfulness of the Goddess of Exxor."

I brought in Arisia by asking her a question. ."Hi Arisia, How do you feel about this?"

"It seems that the odds are against us individually but together we shall succeed.  As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, I have participated in several assaults en masse like this one.  Even with each of being a ring bearer, we wield that power differently.  It is the strength of many, the power of one!"

It was a high note to end on since Catwoman and Wonder Woman were joining us with a purpose after finishing their conversation.

"I'm glad that you all have taken my advice to heart and are conversing.  It is our turn to drill in the Combat Simulation Room.  We'll run thru our portion of the Assault going thru as many variations as we can imagine in the time that we have.  Be alert. Trust your teammates and yourself.

We drilled thru each variant of what we could expect. Afterward we were called together by Wonder Woman after a break to collect ourselves.

"Team, what do you make of the simulations in which we participated?".

“In each of the encounters it was mutually assured destruction" said Catwoman

"Like the WOPR computer it seemed that the only way to win, was not to play" said Supergirl

"In fact we have to play because even in a mutually assured destruction important objectives were attained." Said Arisia

"We removed two objects of ultimate power away from a mad man before he could harm the world we protected." added Mindy

"In all of this the reaction of the Goddess of Exxor was not simulated. Why?" asked Jan

"It is because ultimately she is so unpredictable that she could not be simulated." answered Wonder Woman.

"In her hands ultimately may be the final outcome of this conflict." stated Jayna.

"Yet to give her that honor, each of us must do her part or Egghead triumphs" I said and then continued.  "There was one option that was not explored.  The one that is the most likely is the one which our battle plan had anticipated."

"Very good, Robin!  We have one last simulation and let's make it our best!"

We returned to the simulation room and ran one last option and it was the one I felt would happen.  In the end it was still up to the Goddess the ultimate outcome but not a person was lost on either side and Egghead was removed from having power over the Cosmeg and had to use the Orb of happiness not as the ultimate protection but as a means of escape.  We did not have a chance to drill again.  The tunnel was completed and we had to strike as quickly as possible.  Yet I had one thing that I had to do before I went into battle.  I found a little place to be alone then looked up towards the stars and prayed

"Goddess of Exxor please hear my petition.  We seek justice for Egghead for the death of one of our own, Batgirl.

Goddess she was like a sister to me, helping me get acquainted with my new life.  She died before her time. 

If it be thy will Goddess, please find a way and send Batgirl back to us.  Goddess, you are all wise,

Your ways are higher than our ways.  Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

If you can work your will thru me, I am your willing vessel.

If none will sing your praises then I shall O Goddess.

Thy judgments are true!

Thank you, Goddess.  I love you!"

I had a warm feeling like I was being smiled on.  The Goddess had done so much for me and I hoped that she could do the same for Batgirl. With my prayer concluded, I moved back to where the rest were waiting and took my place with our team.

Our team entered our tunnel without a word but in our looks touches and body language we said volumes to each other.  The clock was our synchronization.  We were to be on station by a certain time and shortly after the charges would be set off to give every team free access to Egghead's egg shaped lair attacking from 4 different directions.  Some of our most powerful Super Friends came from above flying down with Superman in the lead and from the ground with Batman in the lead.  As part of the lair flooded out came Aquaman and Aqualad with their army of sea creatures followed by the other Super Friends on his team.  Wonder Woman led us out as well.  Egghead directed that the Cosmeg beam be pointed in the direction of the flight team and the ‘land two’ team.  The bat shields held but the force of the beam itself held each of them from making any advance.  Egghead directed his henchman to meet Aquaman, the Super Friends he led and his aquatic allies.  Completely unobserved were our team who had members just as powerful as the ones held at bay, Wonder Woman, Arisia and Super Girl!

Almost as if he had eyes in the back of his head, Egghead sought escape.  He took the orb of happiness in his hands and raised it high over his head.  He looked up and cried out words in ancient Exxorian, just as the winner of the hunt on Exxor was expected to do. 

The Goddess of Exxor appeared in all of her glory!  At the same time she liberated the Cosmeg from the Beam device by encompassing it in a shield which contained all of its energy and shouting out for all to hear, "Hold!"  Egghead's henchmen were frozen immobile not of their will but by the Goddess' power.  All of the Super Friends stood down and voluntarily held their actions.

Both the Cosmeg and the Orb of Happiness flew into each of the Goddess' outstretched hands.  The world was safe! The objects of power were no longer in Egghead's control.  Instead of bringing Egghead to our justice, it would be administered by the Goddess of Exxor

Egghead with the feeling of triumph addressed the Goddess. "Your Majesty, I beg a boon of you!"

"Silence!  You are about to be egg-posed!" All of the ladies near me looked up at the Goddess intently.   I imagined most thought what I did. 'You did not just say that!' We kept composed because we had to be at that moment.


That the Goddess had a sense of humor, did not alter the deadly serious nature if the situation.  I wondered what would be the outcome as I stood transfixed with the rest of the host of Super Friends.

Episode 9 ~ Egg-Change

The stage was set for something extraordinary to happen.  Superman's flight team of mighty Super Friends and Batman's Land Two Team of mighty Super Friends were the farthest away where the Cosmeg Beam had held them until The Goddess isolated it in a field of her own commanding all to:"Hold!"  Aquaman's team had gotten further as the egg shaped cavern had begun to flood from below where his team of Super Friends and aquatic allies held at the surface while Egghead's henchmen lined the shore held in place by the power of the Goddess.  Wonder Woman's team that I was a part of was within striking distance as we came in unchallenged as though mere women were not a threat yet we had three of the mightiest Super Friends with us.  In the center of it all was the Goddess of Exxor who held both the Cosmeg and the Orb of Happiness in her hands.  Egghead below her was speechless after just being rebuffed by the Goddess.  We all waited for what would come next.

"I summon forth my Emissary from her journey beyond understanding!"  Sorceress in her Exxorian form and in her Emissary robes appeared before the Goddess. She stood before her carrying a transparent sphere with glints of something very minute catching the light.

"My Emissary, what do you bring with you from your journey?"

"Goddess, I bring the remains of a fallen Super Friend, Batgirl, who was put to death by the hands of Egghead."

"Her witness shall be heeded."

"You, henchmen of the one called Egghead have each escaped from being imprisoned for past crimes before being released.  Let each of you be returned forthwith to the space time from which you came."  They all vanished from my sight and I took the Goddess at her word that they were all back in prison where they belonged.

"Does one of you speak for the Super Friends?"

Wonder Woman spoke, "I do, your Majesty!"

"While it is ordinary to let your world determine the fate of a transgressor, this one called Egghead has appealed to me for judgment in the Exxorian way.  I can not ignore that request.  I claim the right of first judgment of this individual.  However I invite all Super Friends who wish to attend that judgment."

"Your Majesty, we all would like to attend.  We ask a boon to use the venue after your judgment is complete to hold a memorial for our fallen comrade Batgirl afterward since her remains have been returned."

"I grant the boon that my venue may be used for your purpose following my judgment."

"Your Majesty, your judgments are true.  We await your pleasure."

"Vylylia and Tomu attend me!"  The Wonder Twins stepped forward with their uniforms exchanged for Exxorian robes. The Goddess placed in the hands of Vylylia (known to us as Jan) the Cosmeg.  In the hands of Tomu (known to us as Zayna) she placed the Orb of Happiness.

With the Goddess able to outstretch empty hands she called forth her power and whisked us all into her judgment hall.  The Goddess held court from the raised platform which held the Exxorians Vylylia and. Tomu still holding what the Goddess had entrusted to her. 

I was with the Super Friends who were standing in the seating area provided for the audience.  Egghead stood in front below with us and facing all of us.  However I was not in my Robin costume.  I stood unmasked in the same Exxorian robes that I had been judged which seemed like an eternity before. 

Sorceress as the Goddess’ Emissary spoke.  "Will Rachel Wayne, come before the presence of the Goddess of Exxor!"  Being acquainted with this court, I knew the etiquette required. I rose and made my way to the aisle I stepped forth toward the Goddess.  When I came within 20 feet, I curtseyed.  I proceeded up onto the platform where she stood and curtseyed again when I had come before her.  Then I knelt at her feet and bowed my head before her.   She lifted my chin up so that I could look up at her looking down at me.

"Rachel Wayne, Are you willing to be the vessel of the Goddess of Exxor?"

"I am, Goddess."

"I appoint you to be guardian of the spirit of your fallen comrade!"

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "Don't be afraid, Sweetie.  It’s all good.  Go over and stand by Sorceress and she will pass you the globe with Batgirl's atoms.  Just stand by her for the rest of the ceremony.  I love you too, child of my child."

She lifted me to my feet and told me "Rise to serve, Child."

I rose, and then did as she whispered to me.  I went and joined Sorceress and stood by her side.  Then Sorceress carefully held out the globe for me to take.  I took it from her and clutched it close to my bosom.  My part in the spot light was over at least for now.  I had the best vantage point to see the rest of what occurred

"The Goddess calls Trevor Howard and Wonder Woman into the presence.  Trevor was in his business suit and Wonder Woman in costume.  They observed the same etiquette.  Trevor bowed and Diana curtseyed 20 feet out and again before the Goddess up on the platform then both kneeled before her. 

"Trevor Howard and Wonder Woman please stand before me." Both rose.  It appeared that neither was having judgment passed on them.  This was a procedural matter it appeared.

"Trevor Howard, do you relinquish your claim to the artifact now in my possession known to Exxorians as the 'Orb of Happiness'?"

"I relinquish my claim to the artifact, Goddess."

"In that you have relinquished your claim, I transfer it to the safe keeping or my Emissary.  Tomu, present the Orb of Happiness to my Emissary! "

Tomu aka Zayna brought the orb to Sorceress and placed it in her hands.

"Tomu you are released from service."  Tomu aka Zayna took her place again back with the Super Friends who were in the audience.

Sorceress ported the orb away to where I hoped it was secured for safe keeping.  "It is done, My Goddess!"

"Wonder Woman do you still speak for the Super Friends?"

"I do, Goddess."

"This Cosmeg can be a source of great good if only your science can find the means to keep it safe from evil.  Until that day, a guardian must be appointed to keep it safe for the people of Terra's future use.  Have you among your number one who is worthy to be guardian of the Cosmeg?"

"We have, Goddess."

"Your Emissary is numbered among us and called by us Sorceress.  She is worthy to be guardian of the Cosmeg!"

"I concur with your choice.  I appoint Sorceress of Terra to be guardian of the Cosmeg as representative of the Super Friends. Vylylia, bring forth the Cosmeg and present it to Sorceress and then you are released from service as well." Vylylia aka Jan presented the Cosmeg to Sorceress.  Sorceress ported it away immediately.  Jan took her place next to Zayna with the Super Friends. 

"Trevor Howard and Wonder Woman, you may return." both of them returned to their places as they observed the proper etiquette.

Sorceress as the Emissary beside me boomed out her voice. "Egghead, you are required to come into the presence of the Goddess of Exxor in order to be judged."

Egghead turned to ascend the platform, bowed then kneeled before the Goddess.

"The one called Egghead may speak to me before I pass judgment."

Egghead had wised up and realized that his very life was on the line here.

"Goddess, I speak not for me but for Batgirl.  If by my judgment she may be somehow restored to her life, I will be happy. I'm hoping for an Eggs-Change."

"So be it. You are judged!"  There was a flash and then there was nothing!

Scenes came into being from a life and I realized it was mine.



"Mrs. Grayson. It's a girl!  Would you like to hold her? Nurse, get the Father."

"Yes Doctor!"

"Honey, we've got a girl, her name will be Rachel Stephanie Grayson!"

"Dick, you are not supposed to be in here."

"It's alright just for a second."

"Come see your sister, Rachel"

"She's so tiny!"

"Be good to your sister, Dick and always protect her!"

"I will Mom."


"Sis, you did the other trick way before I could.  Why don't you call it quits for tonight?"

"I wanna do the triple Dick.  Just catch me big brother and everything will be fine."

"That was amazing! Sis you did it perfectly!"

"Yes, you have proved me wrong my child, Welcome to the 'Flying Grayson's!"


"No, No, No! It can't be.... No it can't be... Momma and Daddy can't be dead!"

"Little one, you can just cry on my shoulder."

"Who are you Mister?"

"I'm Bruce Wayne.  I would like for you to live at my house and if you will let me, I'd like to be your new Daddy!"


"Sweetie, you must not tell anyone what you have found here tonight.  I and your brother fight crime by night, Striking terror into the hearts of all who do evil.  The evil personified by the criminals who killed my parents and the criminals that killed yours and your brother’s. You are not ready to join me fighting crime yet.  If you wish to be a crime fighter like your brother and I, then you must study hard and learn all that you can.  I will begin tutoring for you in all kinds of martial arts in order to give you the head start that your brother and I had to learn on the job.  One day your brother will be ready to fight crime on his own and if you have done all you can to prepare for that day, you will be the next Robin, my sweet daughter."

"Yes, Daddy!"


"Rachel, you are a better detective than my father and even Batman and Robin!  You've got to swear to me that you will keep my secret!  You can't tell a soul!"

"Barbara, I love you like a sister.  Of course I'll keep your secret.  I just wish I had thought of this first.  It must be a real rush to actually be getting out there solving crimes.  You take your place along side superheroes like Batman and Robin."

"If you really want to help, I have this idea for a computer network to help seek out criminals where ever they are and prevent the innocent from being harmed.  We'll call you, Oracle"


"Barbara, are you alright?"

"Rachel, I'm fine! Joker was gunning for Dad and had I been there he might have shot me, in the gut like he did my hologram.    Now Joker is back in Arkam with our teamwork.  He never suspected Batgirl to be staking out the Gordon's.  Oh Rachel, I owe you big time!  If it were not for you, I would be in a wheelchair right now and my days fighting crime as Batgirl would be over."

"Batgirl forever!  I love you, Barbara!"

"I love you, Rachel!"


"Rachel, Gabrielle's being abused and her parents need to be caught so she can be put into a good home.  I'm afraid if it doesn't happen soon that she will be raped."

"Up to a stakeout, Oracle?"

"Anytime, Batgirl!"


"You can do it, Barbara.  I know that having another child will be a handful for James, your Daddy.  Gabrielle is lucky to have you as a sister.." 

"If I do this then you will have to be her godmother. After all you were the one who helped me save her."

"I'm only twelve, Barbara!"

"Okay, you can be her Auntie Rachel.  Aunt Harriet can be her godmother!"


 "Wonder Woman and Oracle, May I present Robin, the Girl Wonder.”

 "I hope you are well."

 "I am quite well, thank you.  Batman sends his regards to you and suggests that you accelerate you plans to become Nightwing."

"Sister, dear.  Daddy sent this female version of the Nightwing uniform for you.  Daddy wants me to be the first Robin the Girl Wonder because I'm ready now.  He also sent this list of exercises that he expects you to do should you remain in that form for the near term so you will be ready for combat. What girl's name are you going by?"

"I'm going by Dinah, I guess.  Sis, this looks like the training regime that Batman put you on when you discovered the family business."

"It works well and I will help you like you helped me.  No hard feelings?"

"Never, Sis!  I'm glad it is finally your turn.  Joan will get her powers worked out and will turn me back.  Being a girl has been educational, but I would rather be a man again.  Of course. Batman is correct. I must be in fighting shape. I'll get on these immediately!"


"Barbara, I've kept your secret for so long now I am going to trust you with mine.  I'm joining the family business! Dick was trying to help Joan out and let her practice her magic on him.  Joan turned Dick into Dinah.  Dinah is learning how we girls live and has a long way to go before she will be back in crime fighting shape.  Batman is encouraging Dinah to go ahead and make the jump to become Nightwing when either she is ready again for crime fighting or back to being his male self.

"So who are you going to be other than Oracle?"

"I can't be Oracle anymore.  You should make Gabrielle, Oracle.  It's perfect for her.  She already knows your secret and she will be able to help without getting in trouble herself."

"Just like you, Rachel?"

"Well I didn't get in that much trouble."

"Okay, you talked me into it.  I'll let her know that she will be the next, Oracle."

"She's so smart she can really help you.  The job was tailor made for her skills.  She will do things as Oracle that I could never even imagine."

"So who are you going to be, Auntie Rachel?"

"I'm going to be Robin the Girl Wonder."


"Robin, you've been working at being a female super heroine for a long time.  Batgirl really appreciated your work as Oracle.  This is brand new to you, Batwoman. It's time to put aside your pride in front of your daughter. You must work together as a team to defeat Darkseid."

"Well spoken Sorceress.  Robin. For now you are the teacher and I am the pupil.  To the Bat mobile!"

 Batwoman took off for the garage while I sped up and passed her and was waiting in my seat when Batwoman made it there.

"How in the world do you manage to run in those heels, Robin?"

"Practice makes perfect, Bat Woman"


"Nightwing and Batwoman, Congratulations on your part done to defeat Darkseid."

"I'm really glad to get my father and brother back.  Having a mother and sister was interesting, but not who you are really."

"Bridget, are you ready to return to being Bruce?"

"I am, Sorceress."

"Dinah, are you ready to return to being Dick?"

"I am too, Sorceress."

"So Mote it be!"

"What's next for you big brother?"

"I'll be expanding the family. Stephanie Agnes Brown, aka Spoiler is now an orphan.  She will become my ward and the new Flamebird!  We'll celebrate tonight then be off to New York in the morning.

"So now I have a niece who is my age?  Will wonders ever cease?"

"What's next for us Batman?"

"We’ll go back to Wayne Manor after tonight's celebration!"



"Are you ready to go shopping, Rachel?  I hope you have lots of money to spend so we can really update your wardrobe."

"Ta ta ta TA ta TA! Charge! ..... It! With my Wayne Enterprises card, of course."

"I see you have everything you need. Let's go!"

"To the Mall!"

"Can I ask you why you flirt with Bruce so openly?"

"Well part of it, I guess, is payback for what he put me thru originally not accepting me as his partner just because I am female.   Part of it is for Bruce to be able to have evidence due to his own reactions to me that I am female."

"Well you do have Bruce all hot and bothered.  I don't think that you have the problem with teasing Bruce that you would with any other man.  He's very moral and he knows what is appropriate.  Sweetie, he's the only man in the world capable of that kind of restraint.  Please don't tease anyone else like that.  He gets the point. Please for my sake could you stop.  With you capturing all of his attention, how is he going to pay any attention to me?"

"Point well taken, Barbara.  I'll stop being a tease.   You've got it for him bad?"

"Yes, I'm very attracted to your father.  But so are Sasha and Selina."

"It seems that both of them have an inside track with Bruce in their own way.  Bruce spends a lot of time with Sasha and Bats spends a lot of time with Cats. But if there is anything that I can do to help you get together with Bruce, you can count on me."

"Thank you, Rachel!  I like your style and I believe that your help will be very valuable."

"You are welcome, Barbara! Pinky swear?"

 "Of course and now it’s sealed."

"I hope that you turn out to be my new Mom.  If anyone can get Bruce to settle down then you can!"

"Thanks Sweetie, I do too.  Even if you don't turn out to be my daughter, we'll always be friends."


"Robin, I'm fine!  It was a stroke of genius that Oracle sent us to stake out the Cosmeg Generator.  She was right on, that a malfunction could turn it into a powerful weapon.  If I had not had her instructions on just how to make it safe, I might be dead now."

"Way to go Oracle!  Can you remind, Batgirl who suggested you to be Oracle?"

"Batgirl, Robin suggested you get me to be Oracle:"

"Alright! Kudos to you both!  Sorceress is going to come take charge of this thing.  It's too dangerous to be out in the open until they really know how to both use it and protect it."


"Oracle, It's funny how an ancient Exxorian artifact ended up on Earth in the hands of Diana's boyfriend, Trevor Howard."

"Of course he turned it over to Sorceress, who is the Exxorian Goddess' Emissary, Robin."

"It was some good detective work for you to get an image of the artifact to the only people on earth who would readily know what it was, the Wonder Twins."

"That was due to you recognizing the script on the artifact as looking vaguely Exxorian and it turned out to be the case."

"All in a good day's work!"


Episode 10 ~ Egg-Sit


I found myself, in my uniform as Robin, in the middle of the Batcave.  I was home!

"Bat computer: Is Batgirl dead?"

"Batgirl is at present alive and an active member of the Super Friends and Bat Family."

"Where is the super criminal named Egghead?"

"There is no person named Egghead in the super criminal files at present and at no time in the past."

"Identify me by voice print"

"Identity confirmed as Robin the Girl Wonder."

"Unlock dossier file of Robin the Girl Wonder, authorization Robin Gamma Delta nine four three"

'Password accepted. Query may proceed."

"Who am I really?"

"Rachel Stephanie Wayne, adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne, Originally Rachel Stephanie Grayson, sister of Richard Grayson.  Parents were killed by villains who were later brought to justice.  Became an official part of the Bat Family when able to discover Batman and Robin's true identity and was given training access to all facilities.  Entered work as a super heroine as the original, Oracle.  Data on time as Oracle not available.  Exited work as Oracle to become Robin the girl wonder following the current Robin being certified not combat ready as a result of a spontaneously becoming female, Served with distinction with the Super Friends during the Darkseid Male Bomb incident in Metropolis.  Assisted Bat Family member, Batgirl, in safeing the Cosmeg generator when an overload turned it into a weapon.  Assisted Bat Family member Batgirl in identifying the Trevor Howard Artifact as the Exxorian Goddess' Orb of Happiness and returning it to the rightful owner. Registered sponsor for Gabrielle Gordon, codename Oracle, to be admitted to the Super Friends with ceremony to occur today. "


I knew I could trust the Bat computer's information to be accurate.  It matched with the flashes of life that I had witnessed between Egghead being judged and my ending up in the Batcave.  As luck would have it, an even better source for information had entered the Batcave to do his weekly dusting, Alfred!

"Alfred, Hello! I'm a bit disoriented.  Could I ask you a few questions?"

"Certainly, Miss Robin.  Might I suggest a bio scan in the Bat medical bay?"

"That would be perfect,"

Alfred took me to the Bat bio bed so the Bat computer could run a medical diagnostic on me.

"Alfred, how long have you known me?"

"Since you were a little girl, Miss Wayne.  I remember clearly that awful day when your parents were killed and Master Bruce took you and Master Dick in to live.  He adopted you and Master Dick became his ward."

"You would tell me if something had happened to Batgirl, wouldn't you?"

"Of course Miss Rachel.  We both share the secret of her true identity. Since I know her in both her lives, it would be unlikely that anything could happen to her that I would not know about."

"I had a dream that she died, Alfred and it was so real."

"I'm glad to reassure you that it was only a dream.  Batgirl is very much alive.  And the Bat computer certifies you in excellent physical and mental condition.  In the line of work that both you and she have chosen, death is a real possibility.  That makes it even more urgent to cherish those we love while we have them."

"Good advice, Alfred!  I feel better now.  I don't know what I would do without you and hope I never find out.  I love you Alfred."

"I love you too, Miss Rachel.  I'm glad I was able to set your mind at ease."

"If anyone asks, I'm going to go visit a friend and see what she's doing."

I waved goodbye to Alfred and pulled out my Bat PDA to select an outfit for the Bat auto dresser to put me in.  I settled on the Bat pole steam pad and triggered it to propel me up the pole and into Bruce's library.  I closed the bookcase and went to my room upstairs to give Barbara a call  

"Hi Barbara?"

"Hi Rachel.  You sound kinda funny." My heart leapt for joy! Without a doubt, Barbara was alive!

"Yeah, something happened to shake me a little.  Can we talk about it over lunch at our favorite place?"

"Sure, Rachel!  See you soon. Bye!"

"Bye Barbara."

I think I made record time driving from Wayne Manor to the restaurant that Barbara and I loved to have lunch.  The food was always wonderful but that wasn't a concern to me.  I was about to see Barbara!

 I saw Barbara across the room and I literally ran into her arms and hugged her so long and so hard that she was mystified even though she knew that I needed to in my emotional state.  I cried tears of joy that she was back in my life and that she was alive! She could see I was all over the place emotionally that I had to tell her something.  Telling her it was a dream was the closest thing that I could tell her to the truth.  I certainly could not tell her that the Goddess had resurrected her by changing reality.

"Barbara, I had a dream that you were dead.  It was so real that seeing you here standing here alive is a precious moment for me.  I love you, Barbara!"

"I love you too Rachel!  Sisters forever!"

"Sisters forever! When do we need to collect Gabrielle to go to the Hall of Justice?"

"We can do that right now if you like.  We can lunch together and take a leisurely drive down to Metropolis."

"Sure, Barbara, Let's go!"

We collected Gabrielle for lunch and drove down to Metropolis and did some shopping.  Afterward we went to the Hall of Justice and we all got into our costumes.

"Okay Barbara, what's going on?"  Gabrielle was very suspicious of the attention she had been receiving.

"You just follow us up into the promenade, and before you say anything, you are expected, and have been summoned before the gathered Super Friends."

Gabrielle caught her breath and didn't know what to say. She found that putting one step in front of the other worked, and each carried her closer to her destination. She entered into the Promenade where Wendy and Glerk, Mindy and Wonder dog were acting as honor guard. Then she passed down the line of Super Friends. First on the left was Nightwing, then on the right, Flamebird. The Super friends continued the alternation, left and right, with Jan and Zayna, the Wonder Twins, Extraman and Sorceress,  Hawkman and Apache Chief, El Dorado and Firestorm, Samurai and Atom, Hawk Girl, and Black Vulcan, Super boy, Rima the Jungle Girl, Cyborg and Green Arrow, Plastic Man, and the last one on the right was The Flash.  Standing before the table were Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Batman.  Batgirl guided Oracle to a seat flanked by her and me. When they were seated, the standing Super Friends and the Honor Guard advanced to their positions on the dais on each side.

Superman took the initiative for conducting the meeting, "Who stands to testify for Gabrielle Gordon, hereafter known as Oracle?"

I responded, "Robin the girl wonder does, your honor."

"State your claim"

"She is wise beyond her years. She does not seek power. She only seeks to help. She is eager to learn. She is our peer."

"Who comes as a sponsor and offers testimony?

Batgirl came forward and spoke, “My Sister is learning at a rapid pace and handling the temptation of powers that would be the undoing of many. I advocate keeping her attached to our fellowship so she can continue to learn well and conduct her life in accordance to it. She is my peer"

Wonder Woman came forward and spoke, “This one has had many challenges in her short life but she has persevered and even thrived with a little help . She has the potential to do and be so much good for our world. Like a seedling, she needs to be watered and fed and cared for so she can weather the tough times till she is strong enough to survive on her own. I have already examined this one, and I find no guile in her. She is my peer."

Superman declared, "The record of these proceedings will remain open for 7 days should any of the assembled wish to add their own testimony. What has already been received is sufficient for us to act in this matter. Will the candidate please present herself to the Goddess of Truth for the testimony of truth?"

Oracle rose and came forward.  "I will!"

Wonder Woman put her magic lasso around Oracle. "Do you, Oracle, swear an oath of fealty and service to the Super Friends? To speak and be silent, to do and to let be, to come and to go, in need or plenty, in peace or in war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until the Super Friends release you, death take you or the world ends?"

 "I will!"

"And this do I hear for the Super Friends, who will not forget it nor fail to reward that which is given, fealty with love, valor with honor and oath breaking with great vengeance. Upon your oath and the testimony of those who claimed you as their peer, you are now inducted into the Teen Super Friends as a super hero in training! Congratulations, Oracle! You are a wonderful addition to the Super Friends."

Oracle found herself collecting hugs from ladies that she was in awe of, welcoming her to the Super Friends . Fortunately, Batgirl and I collected her and helped her come back to earth.

"Congratulations, Gabrielle!  How does it feel to be a new Super Friend in training?"

"I can't wait till I get my first page on the Teen Trouble Alert!"

"You'll do fine, dear.  Where are they holding the reception, Batgirl?"

"Sorceress volunteered to hold it on her Starship, where the Goddess holds her Judgments, now."

"So what will you do next, Gabrielle?"

"Same as I always do, Keep my sister out of trouble, Aunt Rachel"

"Par for the course. No respect from my sister.  Coming Gabrielle?  It would be a shame to hold a party without the guest of honor."

"I'm with you all the way, Sis!"

We entered the translocation chamber with a group of Super Friends and we were all transported up to Sorceress' Starship and directed to the chamber where the reception was being held.  I was getting into a party mood when I spotted our hostess, finally.  There were a few questions that I had for Sorceress! .I hoped that she could help me make sense of everything since I appeared to be the only one who saw anything disconcerting about this reality.

"Robin, come step into my office!  I imagine you have a few questions."  She waved me over into the hallway and into a room which was a sitting area and nothing like what I called an office.  We sat down across from each other.

"The other reality that you remember did happen but the Goddess in judging Egghead changed reality in this universe.  Egghead asked that Batgirl's life be spared as a result of his judgment.  You also prayed for Batgirl to be spared to the Goddess and volunteered to be her vessel."

"A little too open ended, I did not know what I was asking for? Sorceress, what was it that I was asking for?"

"You received a life of your own, instead of living your past thru Dick or Stephanie.  Those experiences are still one past and you have those memories but they are not relevant to the person who you are now.  In the new life you got your wish and became like a sister to Batgirl.."

"Who is Gabrielle really?  I guided Batgirl to her in order to save her. Batgirl and I convinced her father to be Gabrielle's adopted father,"

"Gabrielle is Egghead's new life.  In his old life he had all that abuse including further abuse I don't want to think about.  As a child, Egghead was a super genius bordering on insanity brought on by all of the abuse and a trans girl to boot.  Together it made Egghead so warped that it made Egghead a super villain. In the new reality, the Goddess made her a girl from the start which solved some problems.  She needed to be saved from that environment before even worse things happened to her than what occurred originally."

"So that is where I come in, eh?"

"Enter you as a super heroine with no work to do.  In becoming Oracle, you acted with Batgirl to keep Gabrielle from becoming this reality's Egghead. You saved Barbara from the attack that would have come in the previous reality in a couple of years.  That gunshot from Joker would have put her in a wheel chair ending Barbara's career as Batgirl and her becoming Oracle.

"I'd not even considered that possibility.  By being Oracle, I save both Gabrielle and Batgirl and help put them together as sisters."

"When the appointed time came for Dick to become Nightwing, you pass the reigns of Oracle to Gabrielle.  She saves Batgirl's life yet again.  All is well. What would have been a memorial service for Batgirl is now a celebration for Gabrielle who has become a Super Friend in training!"

"Gabrielle does not remember her life as Egghead, does she?"

"No but that is because Gabrielle was not transformed from Egghead but instead took his place in our universe.  They were swapped from alternate universes.  Egg-Sit stage left, Egghead and enters stage right, Gabrielle and all is well!  Egghead still exists but not in our universe.  It was Egghead's wish to be happy and he is in the universe he inhabits now.”

"Besides, the Goddess and you, I'm the only person who remembers that any of this happened? Why am I so special?"

"Because you, as a Terran, who has no obligation to her, prayed to her.  That prayer you offered proved to the Goddess that you are special."

"I'll just use the gift that I was given to appreciate the people I love because I will never know when will be the last time I speak with them."

"I know that you have already given Batgirl a special hug even though she could never understand why.  You understood and that made all the difference."

"Why do you feel like a mother to me when we are the same age and you did not physically bear me?"

."In that other reality, I gave you life without realizing I had the power to create life.  I hope finally you are ready to accept that life as your own woman to face the world."

"I am, Joan.  Here I am in the middle of things again but at least it's my middle of things and not anyone else's.  Life is good!"  

"Let's go enjoy the party and all of our wonderful friends!"

"What you said!"

I remembered the judgment of Egghead by the Goddess of Exxor and that she judged Egghead but not what the result was of the judgment. Now I knew! My life has been rearranged again, only it was my life that I had lived as a girl from the beginning of my existence as being born as Dick's younger sister to now as Robin the Girl Wonder.  Batgirl was alive!  Not only had there never been a criminal named Egghead in our world, but her sister, Gabrielle saved her from death when the Cosmeg overloaded into a weapon.  Now Gabrielle was a Super Friend as well as the latest member of the Batman Family as Oracle.

I felt an arm encircle my waist as familiar arms cradled me in a hug.

"Hi Daddy, Miss me?"

"As a matter of fact, yes.  I'm glad that all that planning over getting Oracle into the Super Friends is over.  I feel slighted and I want some father, daughter time."

"Anytime Daddy, I am yours.  I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetie!"

"Nightwing and Flamebird are going back to New York."

"I'll miss them but they have been doing good work getting the Titans started."

We enjoyed the party together.  All good things come to an end and so did it.  Batman and I translocated down to the Hall of Justice and took a drive in the Batmobile down our private highway to the Bat cave.  We got out of the Batmobile and Batman took my hand and looked at me with fatherly love in his eyes.

"Sweetheart, I feel special right now.  To have my best girl at my side, just where you were meant to be."

"I love being at your side, Daddy!" 

I finally knew my place in the world instead of it being Dick's place or Stephanie's place.  Here surrounded by the people who loved me and whom I loved, I was home!

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