Wonder Twins in
Clean It Up!
Goddess of Exxor Universe
A Super Friends Fan Fiction
Episode 1 ~ Powers Activate!
They appeared to be an ordinary family. The children’s father, Fonab, and their mother, Rua, cared for them in their home on the planet Exxor. The birth of fraternal triplets, Tomunab, Glivney, and Vylylia had brought great joy to the family. The triplets were totally ordinary if you ignore the fact that all were mutants, evolutionary throwbacks to an ancient race of Exxorian shapeshifters
The children found that by any two or all three of them touching each other, hand to hand, that they could release a common pool of energy that each of them could use. The girls, Glivney and Vylylia, could shape shift, becoming any form of animal. On the other hand, Tomunab could become forms of water from steam to water to ice in any quantity and for solids, any shape. Tomunab could also become all manner of wind from microburst to tornadoes, to hurricanes.
Rua looked out to check on her three toddlers, playing in the front yard on a hot day. She called out with concern at the scene before her, “Children! Come inside this instant!” An elasti-monk and a foesber played together underneath a cloud, shaped like Tomunab, which was raining down and cooling them off.
“Coming, Mother!” shouted the triplets in unison as they changed back to themselves and came inside.
“Children, you must promise me never to transform in the front yard. Our neighbors might harm you if they realized that you were blessed by the Goddess.”
They all responded, “Yes, Mother!” Glivney asked, “Why harm us?”
Rua explained, “People are afraid of someone different and what they fear, they attack. Your father and I want to keep you children safe.” The triplets obeyed their mother and never again transformed in the front yard.
Mutants were shunned and persecuted in Exxor society, so their parents did their best to keep the children safe. Many similar mutants remained undiscovered, since the only way to detect them without genetic analysis was if they used their power. That could not happen unless two or more mutants touched to release it.
Once while experimenting, Tomunab and Glivney touched hands and released their power inadvertently. Both Glivney and Tomunab invoked their shifting, mentally, at the same time. Both the shape shift and form shift happened to both of them at the same time. Vylylia returned and found her brother and sister helpless, and guided them to return to normal using a ritual that the ancient race of Exxorian shape shifters had used. At that point, all three of them learned the ritual and always used it to manage their power
The three children chanted in ancient Exxorian, “Bring forth the blessing given by the Exxorian Goddess!” The power was released in a synergy and waiting to be used.
Vylylia said, “Shape of an elasti-monk.” and changed into a cute elasti-monk, as her pet elasti-monk, Glerk, looked on in wonder.
Glivney exclaimed, “Shape of a foesber!” and changed into a foesber which was a primate with very long legs who would be suited to reach things up high.
Tomunab called, “Form of steam!” and changed into a jet of steam.
The three children and Glerk started cleaning the house and their transformations made their work a lot easier. Vylylia and Glerk had fun straightening things down low while Glivney straightened things up high. Tomunab and his steam jet came by afterward and cleaned everything to brilliance. They made short work of all of their chores by working together and had lots of fun doing it. When they had completed the whole house, Glivney looked on with concern as Glerk was getting a little too friendly with Vylylia in her elasti-monk shape and suggested, “Would we like to change back? The house is spotless and we can have some fun with our friends.”
Vylylia and Tomunab agreed with Glivney and together they chanted again in ancient Exxorian, “We thank the Goddess for her bountiful blessing!” The three children returned to normal. Glerk was disappointed that Vylylia was no longer an elasti-monk but adjusted to play as a good natured pet with Vylylia.
The Goddess of Exxor appeared in Fonab and Rua’s home one day when the triplets were five years old. As was the custom, the children presented themselves before the Goddess and prostrated themselves. The Goddess chose Vylylia to be her priestess-in-training. Fonab and Rua were honored that the Goddess had chosen to become Vylylia’s guardian. The Goddess transported Vylylia and her pet, Glerk, to the temple to learn her duties immediately.
The whole family was happy for Vylylia, since she now had the Goddess to protect her. The honor of being a priestess-in-training would replace the stigma of being a mutant. Vylylia was thrilled to be a priestess-in-training for the Goddess Xentouodgutr, (pronounced Orbit), and performed her duties with excellence.
Vylylia and Glivney in order to dull the pain of being separated spoke often on the communicator when Vylylia’s duties and training would permit it. Vylylia was thrilled that the Goddess had let her observe a judgment and could not wait to tell Glivney about it, “Glivney, the Goddess let me observe her judging someone today!”
Glivney asked, “Would you like to tell me about it, Vylylia?”
“It wasn’t a formal thing and it took place in the private chamber of the Goddess. A boy our age who had been orphaned had come to the Goddess seeking a judgment that would allow him to have a new family.”
“A boy? I thought that you had told me that the Goddess only allowed girls to visit her in her chambers.”
“That’s when I realized that the child was one of the special ones that the Goddess loves to help. While the child looked male, really in her heart she was a girl, like us.”
“What happened next, Vylylia?”
“The child prostrates herself before the Goddess. The Goddess lifted the child’s face with her hand and kissed the child on the forehead. It felt like everything winked out for a second. When it was back to normal, the child was a girl. The Goddess raised her to her feet and hugged the new girl. Then the Goddess made a sign to me.”
“What did the sign mean?”
“I was to take the girl out of the Goddess chambers. I led the girl thru the temple back to the public area and into a room where a man and woman were sitting. They both jumped to their feet and hugged her in a group hug and smothered her in kisses.”
“Why did they do that?”
“The couple was her new father and mother who had asked the Goddess to give them a little girl to be their daughter. The child was no longer an orphan because she was now their daughter”
“Vylylia, it is so wonderful that you get to see the Goddess bring families together and help the special ones become whole!”
Shortly after the Goddess adopted Vylylia to be her priestess-in-training, a plague swept thru their community killing hundreds, including the Triplet’s parents. However, the same genetic mutation that had given the twins their powers had also given them immunity from the plague. Because Tomunab and Glivney were different, they’d survived the plague which had devastated their community. And because of their strange powers, no one was willing to adopt them. When orphans are not adopted on Exxor, instead of having orphanages, the law allows them to become essentially, slaves.
When Vylylia found out about her parents deaths, she asked the Goddess for help. She transported their bodies to the temple where they were buried and the ritual was enacted to care for their spirits. Vylylia begged the Goddess to help her siblings as well. The Goddess explained to Vylylia why she would not intervene.
Vylylia sent word to her siblings, “I pleaded with the Goddess to give you a home here with me but she refused. She gravely told me that you both have a destiny that she stated must be fulfilled.”
Glivney asked, “Is there any hope that she may change her mind?”
Vylylia responded, “I had only heard her speak with the same finality once before when an action might put several lives in danger. I will leave the temple and share your fate.”
Glivney and Tomunab replied together, “Please stay, Vylylia!” Tomunab continued, ”If you leave the temple, you might lose the protection of the Goddess. It would ease our minds if you were safe.”
Vylylia told them, “I would still rather be with you both, even if I were sold along with you!”
Glivney reasoned, “If you are still at the temple, you might be able to help us later, Sis.”
Vylylia relented, “I’ll stay here then and you two call me when ever you need anything.”
The community officials auctioned off the twin’s services as indentured apprentices to the owner of an interplanetary circus. The money they earned was supposed paid by the Interplanetary Circus, to be held in trust for them when they became adults and proved themselves self supporting. Instead, it lined the pockets of the officials. Dentuil, the owner of the Interplanetary Circus took Tomunab and Glivney away from their home and put them into the care of Illik, the Interplanetary Circus’s laugh maker (or clown).
Dentuil had no intention of teaching Tomunab, who was renamed Zan, and Glivney, who was renamed Jayna, useful skills. He renamed them common names in Galactic which would be better for business than their obscure Exxorian names. He recognized that the children’s powers were an oddity and added them to the sideshow freaks, deciding to call Zan and Jayna, the Wonder Twins.
Vylylia called the Wonder Twins with some good news, “I was able to get some of the family heirlooms and your prized possessions away from our home before the greedy officials sold the contents prior to selling our home.”
Zan asked her,”How can you get our things to us? Illik has provided us with some safe space for our belongings and it would be good to get our things back.”
Vylylia answered, “Another priestess-in-training has them for you and all you have to do is hold out your arms. We released the power and she shape shifted into a rogue, who can turn invisible.”
Jayna queried, “Where will you keep the family treasures?”
Vylylia explained, “I had to have a place to keep them right after they were taken away from the temple while there was still a danger that they might be missed. I arranged for a vault where they have been very safe and I intend to leave them there.”
Zan told her,”You’ve done very well Vylylia. We are ready to receive our things.” Both Zan and Jayna had moved to their storage area and extended their arms. They both were soon burdened with the load which appeared in their arms. They put their things away quickly and replied together, “Thank you, Vylylia!”
Vylylia concluded, “You both are very welcome! See you soon! Goodbye!”
The Wonder Twins told her, “Bye!” just before the communicator link dissolved.
Illik did his best to raise Zan and Jayna with kindness. Since he was forbidden to teach them a trade, (he was also indentured), he gave them an excellent education instead. Quite by accident, Illik found that the Exxorian elasti-monk, Gleek who performed with the laugh makers, could complete the link between Zan and Jayna that released their power. Gleek was a featured performer who did tricks with his prehensile tail. He also had a power, for he could materialize a bucket, which he used in the laugh makers’ performance. When Illik found that Zan and Jayna had taken a liking to Gleek, he gave the elasti-monk to the Wonder Twins as a pet.
The Wonder Twins settled into a routine once they’d settled on an act. Illik had taught them Galactic, the standard universal second language which was used in the Interplanetary Circus. Vylylia had given Zan and Jayna the translation of the ritual in Galactic. Illik helped them to modify it so that it would be more suited to an Interplanetary Circus Performance. “Bring forth the blessing given by the Exxorian Goddess!” in ancient Exxorian became “Wonder Twins powers activate!” in Galactic and so on.
An adult woman, after being in the audience at one of the performances before they left Exxor called out to the Wonder Twins, “Glivney! Tomunab!”
Jayna came over and whispered to her, “Follow us.” The twins led the woman into a private place where they hoped to get an explanation why this woman had called them by their birth names.
The woman chanted in ancient Exxorian, “We thank the Goddess for her bountiful blessing!” The woman turned into Vylylia and the triplets plunged into a group hug that none of them wanted to end. They finally did so they could talk face to face.
“I am so glad to see you two. My friend released the power for me and I shape shifted into that mundane woman so I could come see you.” Gleefully explained Vylylia
“Thank you for everything. It’s nice to have you come visit us and you don’t use the same trick twice when you do.” Zan joyfully said.
“I wish it could continue but the Interplanetary Circus is due to leave again to go off world to perform. Do you know exactly when you will leave?” Vylylia questioned.
Jayna answered, “We leave tomorrow and our itinerary brings us to many worlds to perform and it’s not complete so we don’t know when we will be back on Exxor”
Vylylia let out a sigh and told them,” Since I don’t know when I will see you again, I will pray for your safe trip. I must be heading back to the Temple now. Our visits are of necessity too short but I value greatly our time together. Jayna, would you like to help me get ready to return?”
Jayna replied, “Of course, Sis!” Jayna did the ritual with Vylylia. Jayna changed into herself with pink hair while Vylylia turned into a rogue and disappeared.
The unseen Vylylia told them goodbye and the Wonder Twins told their sister bye too. When Jayna’s hair turned back to black the twins knew that Vylylia had returned safely to the temple. And the Wonder Twins left Exxor the next day as they toured with the Interplanetary Circus.
Unfortunately, one of Superman’s enemies, Grax, was determined to have Exxor for his own. The first target he destroyed was the temple of the Exxorean Goddess, killing everyone including Vylylia. He also destroyed other high visibility targets from his orbiting ships. Then he broadcast an ultimatum for those who wished to live, to flee Exxor. This brought on a mass exodus from Exxor, since they did not know where Grax would strike next.
The Interplanetary Circus was still not performing on Exxor when news of Grax’s atrocity in destroying the Temple reached the Wonder Twins. Zan and Jayna grieved over the death of their sister Vylylia. Jayna raged in anger against the Exxorian Goddess, who had vanished just prior to the atrocity at Her temple. The Exxorian Goddess had been missing and presumed dead. For deserting Exxor in its time of greatest need, the Exxorian Goddess had been demoted in the public eye to a mythological figure. Jayna lost faith and thought of the Exxorian Goddess as a myth to be scorned.
The Interplanetary Circus used starships to transport everything, including the performers, from world to world. After learning Galactic, Astronomy and Geometry, Zan and Jayna discovered that they understood the instructions required to command the starship on an interplanetary flight. After they’d been with the Circus for quite a long time without incident, Dentuil entrusted the Wonder Twins with his starship access codes, though he only taught them enough to move the starships back to the designated area after one had been moved into the middle of the compound to unload.
Zan and Jayna were now more than ever frustrated with the enslaved life of a sideshow performer. The loss of Vylylia had taken away their will to be submissive to unjust circumstances. They were finally willing to break the unjust law which made them slaves. When they had the chance, Gleek and the Wonder Twins, fled from the Interplanetary Circus in one of the starships.
Unfortunately, the planet that Zan and Jayna chose on which to hide, following their starship journey, was the one on which Grax had hidden his base. By spying on Grax’s base, they learned that Grax was planning to destroy the Earth using hidden super bombs. Jayna reasoned that if Superman and the Super Friends are Grax’s enemies, then they must go to Earth to warn the Super Friends about the impending attack.
The Wonder Twins piloted the starship to Earth orbit, and Jayna transmitted in Galactic, “Wonder Twins to Superman. We have news of danger to Earth from Grax!”
Superman responded, “Superman here. What is the danger?”
“Grax has hidden many super bombs on Earth and intends to destroy it. I will transmit the coordinates for each of the bombs.” Jayna explained.
The Wonder Twins transmitted their information about Grax’s hidden super bombs. Superman received the information and systematically destroyed all the super bombs with the aid of the Super Friends.
Because they’d been so useful to the Super Friends in preempting Grax’s attack on Earth, the Super Friends took the Wonder Twins and Gleek along to defeat Grax in his occupation of Exxor. After that had been accomplished, the Wonder Twins led the Super Friends directly to Grax’s planetary concealed base, where he was defeated once and for all by the Super Friends and the Wonder Twins
The Wonder Twins returned to Earth with the Super Friends. They no longer had a home on Exxor and they had showed themselves to be very capable. Three super heroes in training, Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog, were leaving the Super Friends to pursue a degree in engineering at MIT. The Super Friends adopted the Wonder Twins and made them super heroes in training. After some additional training, the Super Friends entrusted them with responding to teens in crisis thru the Teen Trouble Alert.

Episode 2 ~ Potty Mouth
When Mrs. Waterman appeared at the door in response to his knock, the hulking leather clad hoodlum exclaimed, "You've got to do something about your son. He's swearing up and down the neighborhood and his swearing is so violent, bigoted, and depraved that it’s giving our gang a bad name. We feel so bad about it that we even cleaned up his gang name to be "Potty Mouth."
Mrs. Waterman was stricken that such a piece of human refuse was calling her own son's language into question. "Clarence, I will take action, since my son has left me without a choice. You can be sure this will be resolved." She saw that using his given name had repulsed him. Mrs. Waterman showed Clarence that she meant business in the only way she could.
Clarence walked away without a single word, feeling maybe he’d gone too far. He had a sense of foreboding about what Mrs. Waterman would do about 'Potty Mouth'.
Mrs. Waterman hated to use those automated voicemail phone systems, but she could hardly blame the Super Friends for not answering personally since they usually had world saving to do.
"Hall of Justice. Hang up and call 911 if you need immediate help. Press 1 for natural disasters, 2 for Teens in Trouble, 3 for .."
Twerp! "You've reached the Teen Trouble Alert queue. Please leave a message about your problem after the tone" Beep!
"This is Mrs. Waterman at 112 Excelsior Way, Metropolis. My son Theodore has such a dirty mouth that it's giving the gang that he runs with a bad name. Please send help!" She let out a sigh of relief, wondering which of the Super Friends would respond to her cry for help.
Meanwhile, Zan and Jayna, the Wonder Twins were taking a well deserved break, enjoying Baskin Robbin’s ice cream cones. Even Gleek was happy with his banana split.
Jayna observed, "Zan, how can you be my twin when you bite an ice cream cone like that instead of licking it?"
Zan was saved from another lame response by the ‘Beep Beep’ of the Teen Trouble Alerts they each wore on their left arm.
"Wonder Twins your assistance is required by Mrs. Waterman at coordinates 'My son Theodore has such a dirty mouth that it's giving the gang he runs with a bad name. Please send help!' "
The Wonder twins sprang into action, standing and reaching across the table to touch finger tips. Together, they chorused, "Wonder Twin powers activate!" Jayna continued, "Shape of an eagle!" and transformed into a huge eagle. Zan responded "Form of Water!", transforming into water that flowed into the waiting bucket that Gleek had materialized seconds earlier. Zan could still speak with his image shaped in the water.
Gleek took a firm hold on the bucket with his prehensile tail before Jayna grabbed him in her claws and began her ascent. Soon their journey ended and the eagle extended a wing to touch the water in the bucket and both of them spoke together, "Wonder Twin powers deactivate!" In a flash both Zan and Jayna returned to normal and the bucket that Gleek had held moments before disappeared.
Jayna rang the door bell and when Mrs. Waterman opened it for them, told her, "We are the Wonder Twins, I'm Jayna and this is my brother, Zan. We are responding to your request for help."
Mrs. Waterman invited them in and soon they all were seated in her living room. Mrs. Waterman gave Zan a picture and Jayna a locator device.
"The picture is of my son, Theodore. He runs with a gang, so there is no telling where he can be. Fortunately, his cell phone never leaves his possession and it has a locator chip in it this locator device will track. Please help me make sure that his nickname won't be 'Potty Mouth' anymore."
Jayna answered her, "We'll do our best Mrs. Waterman to see that your child no longer has such a dirty mouth! Let's go, Zan!"
Zan responded, "Right, Jayna! Goodbye, Mrs. Waterman." Mrs. Waterman closed the door behind them when the Wonder Twins were gone.
It took only moment for the Wonder Twins to fly to a warehouse outside of town. They tried the entrances, but all were locked tight. Then, from an open second story window, they heard a teen screaming obscenity. They also observed many teens participating in the gang meeting.
Jayna declared," That's 'Potty Mouth' Maybe a distraction will keep him there long enough for us to help him."
Together they called, "Wonder Twin Powers activate!" Jayna continued, "Shape of a bootylicious babe!" Jayna transformed into a beautiful streetwise looking knockout. Zan responded, "Form of an ice escalator!" Jayna stepped gracefully into the bucket that Gleek had placed on the bottom of Zan's ice escalator and rose to the top, where she gracefully stepped off of it toward a group of teens, participating in the gang meeting who were standing near the window.
While others responded in awe with phrases like, "Foxy Momma!" Potty Mouth was quickly identified both by his picture, and his response, " Bleep bleep bleep Bleepity bleep. Bleep! Bleep! Bleep bleep!"
Jayna was oozing sexuality as she charmed him, "After that greeting, you just have to kiss me, and I have a special treat in mind for you."
Potty Mouth responded with a sharp, "Bleeeeeep!" as he came toward Jayna. Gleek touched Zan's ice escalator with a hand and touched Jayna with his tail. Jayna chanted, "Shape of Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit')". She transformed into the image of the Goddess their sister had been training with on her home planet of Exxor. While her brother invoked a form while out of their hearing, she spoke to the teens, “You'll never go back once you've kissed a shape shifter!"
Potty Mouth was speechless as the transformed Jayna drew him into a kiss. As their lips touched, there was a flash, and Theodore was transformed into a beautiful teen girl, "Darn!, I mean, gol …ly! Oh goodness, I don't seem to be able to swear anymore."
The change in her body and her language was too much for her so she swooned. Fortunately Zan, who had taken the form of a snowman, had positioned himself behind her to catch her. Jayna lowered the new teen girl into a chair.
Zan, who was being cute, said, "I could just kiss you, Sis! You are so smart!" and leaned in to kiss his sister. Jayna responded "Zan, No!" just before he kissed her. "Wonder Twin Powers deactivate!", Jayna chanted to end the shifting for herself and her sibling
Jayna was expecting them to have returned to normal until she saw herself twinned, except that Zan's Z adorned her chest instead of Jayna's J. She grinned at her new twin sister, whose name just popped into her head, "Welcome, Zayna! I guess we will need to see if our powers still work so we can take Mrs. Waterman's new daughter home."
"Always practical, Jayna! Okay, let’s do it !" Jayna joined her in saying," Wonder Twin powers activate!"
Jayna chanted her standard, "Shape of an Eagle!" In a flash she was transformed into an eagle as always.
A light glistened in Zayna's eyes as she spoke, "Shape of a condor!" And Zayna was transformed into a huge condor." Jayna observed that her power was obviously different from when she had been in Zan’s form.
Jayna scooped up Gleek, who for once, was not holding a bucket as Jayna climbed into the sky. Zayna grabbed the girl, chair and all, and lifted her into the sky as well. The clear brisk air revived the new teen girl, who enjoyed her ride home after a moment of panic.
After transforming back, Jayna escorted Mrs. Waterman's new daughter home, while Zayna and Gleek stayed outside.
"Mrs. Waterman, this is your child, who was Theodore. She can't swear anymore, so your problem is solved."
"Mrs. Waterman hugged her daughter, "My dear child, welcome home!"
The teen girl cried tears of joy at the reception her mother had given her, remembering the pain on her mother's face when "Potty Mouth" had cursed at her. She now recognized that as 'Potty Mouth', her anger had been out of frustration at not being able to be who she was truly, the girl inside, the girl she now was. The peace which now filled her soul prevented her from swearing. She was glad to finally be a girl on the outside as well as the inside. She decided to make the most of it! "Momma, I need a new name. What name would you have given me if I had been a girl from the beginning?"
She kissed her daughter on the forehead, "My dear daughter, I would have named you, Joan Ellen. Would you like that to be your name?"
"Yes, Momma! I want to be the best Joan I can be!" Joan replied with a sweet smile for her mother.
Jayna slipped away during the reunion to face the astonished look of her new sister, Zayna. "Jayna, what is an Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit'), and please explain what it did to Mrs. Waterman's child?"
Jayna explained, " Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit') is the name in ancient Exxorian of the Goddess of Exxor. A kiss from the image of the Goddess changes the gender and one other thing about a person to it's opposite. Joan, which is her new name, used to only curse when she spoke, and now she can't utter a curse word at all. I'm not sure if the effect is permanent, or just to ease the gender transition. The kiss doesn't work on someone who already has been changed, so I guess she is stuck as Joan. "
Zayna replied, "Oh that explains it! It didn’t sound as though she was unhappy about the change. Guess it's time to go back to the Hall of Justice and face the Super Friends."
Jayna was troubled, wondering at Zayna's lack of curiosity about her own transformation. Did she even lack the mischievousness to use her new shape as a practical joke? What would she do?

Episode 3 ~ You're a Wonder!
"Zayna, sweetie, I'm gonna ask Diana about this. What happened to you was an accident, but now I'm not sure why I thought it was okay to kiss Joan," Jayna told her twin sister contritely.
"It’s all right, Sis. Go ahead and call her. She'll know just what to do." Zayna was beginning to feel that Jayna was over thinking things as her sister walked away to call Diana in privacy. Zayna thought she would look at the plusses for both of them. It seemed that Zan was in another universe, since she was the girl she always had been, apparently transposed into this universe. Even at their best, brothers could be dorky, and besides, Zayna could not even imagine what it would be like if she were a boy.
The Teen Trouble Alert sounded while she was waiting for her sister’s return, so Zayna listened for the message: "Wonder Twins your assistance is required by Joan Waterman at coordinates 'I don't have any girlfriends my age to help me get used to life as a girl. Momma is doing her best, but she just isn't up on teen girl fashions. Please send help!' " I signaled that Jayna and I would handle the call and walked into the area where she was talking with Diana to play back our summons for her.
Zayna heard Diana's voice coming over the Super Friends communicator, "Jayna, you sought to solve Theodore's dirty mouth problem with a kiss by Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit'), making her Joan, and then you say that you accidentally kissed Zan, too, making her Zayna?"
"That's right!" Jayna replied as Zayna interrupted, "You both might like to hear this." Zayna played the Teen Trouble Alert message.
Diana responded, "That's perfect! Jayna and Zayna please go pick up Joan and meet me at the "Hall of Justice." You'll need to make sure Gleek is cared for, because we women are all going on a trip to Paradise Island."
Jayna became excited, because Diana had never in her memory made such an offer, since Zan would have had to be excluded from such a trip. Ordinarily, men would not wish to set foot on Paradise Island. The consequences of such a sacrilege were that men standing on Paradise Island were transformed into women, and compelled to permanently reside on the island. She joined Zayna in shouting out, "Wonder Twin powers activate!" She continued alone, "Shape of an eagle!" Jayna became an eagle and scooped up Gleek in her talons and flew toward the horizon.
Likewise Zayna cried out, "Shape of an eagle!" and flew off to finally settle along side her sister.
At the end of their journey the two eagles touched wings and exclaimed, "Wonder Twin powers deactivate!" After the twin girls were transformed to themselves, they reached the front door and rang the bell.
"Wonder Twins!" exclaimed Mrs. Waterman, "It's so good to see you. Please, come in! Joan, come look who came to visit!" The Wonder Twins settled down side by side on the love seat while Joan joined her mother on the matching sofa across from them.
"Hi Joan!" Jayna started, "Mrs. Waterman, since Joan doesn't have any female friends her age yet, we’d like to help her fit in with girls today. Wonder Woman has agreed to supervise and allow her to go to a place few ever see. Is it OK with you if she can be gone for the weekend?"
Mrs. Waterman was thrilled that Joan would have this unique chance, "Of course, Wonder Twins. If I can't trust three super heroines with my daughter's safety, then there is little hope for this world."
Zayna asked, "Joan, do you want to go on a weekend with Wonder Woman, Jayna and I?
Joan gave Zayna a great big hug, "Yes! It won't take me long to get packed. I will be ready to go before you know it."
While they were waiting for Joan to pack, Mrs. Waterman told the Wonder Twins, "Everyone remembers Theodore's life up to the moment that she was changed to Joan, yet in spite of that, she seems to be generally accepted. Joan has blossomed since she changed! She's more honest and open, and she's not angry, although she feels things very deeply. That speech editing thing is happening less and less because she truly is happy now and she's not carrying around that cup of venom that she used to splash on everyone around her. I'm OK with that, because I am seeing my child for who she truly is now. I don't know how I could have been so blind to have let her suffer without getting her help."
Zayna came over beside her and gave her a big hug and told her, "But you did get help. You called us, and we did the best that we could do for her. The rest is up to her to rise up, in spite of her challenges, to fulfill her true potential. You gave her that chance to fulfill her potential. We never know why some get help sooner than others but we must remember that each responds according to her gifts, and they might not be ready to embrace the new until a certain mindset is in place."
They both were saved further conversation with Joan coming into the room with her suitcases packed, with an eager look on her face, "I'm ready, Wonder Twins!” She gave her mother a hug and kisses goodbye, “Bye Momma!"
Jayna and Zayna led Joan outside where Gleek was waiting for them, "Wonder Twin powers activate!" Jayna continued alone, "Shape of an eagle!" Once more transforming into an eagle, she swooped up Gleek in her talons and flew into the sky. "Shape of a Condor!" Zayna transformed into a Condor. Gripping Joan in her talons and lifting her skyward, they quickly caught up to fly side by side with her sister.
Once they had touched down at the Hall of Justice and had transformed back, Jayna noticed that everyone treated Zayna as though she had always been a Wonder Twin, and didn’t even mention Zan. When Superman met them, he gave a Baskin Robbins ice cream cone to the three girls as he led them to a room in the Hall of Justice where they could wait on Wonder Woman’s arrival. Superman had a banana split for Gleek, to ease the parting from the twins for the weekend. Gleek would be well taken care of, maybe even spoiled by the Super Friends until the Wonder Twins return.
Jayna looked over in amazement, seeing that Zayna was licking her ice cream cone just as she was doing. She remembered not too long ago observing, "Zan, how can you be my twin when you bite that ice cream cone like that instead of licking it?" Zan had been saved from another lame response by the beep beep of the Teen Trouble Alert that time. But she now also remembered Zayna licking it then like she always had done. The conflicting memories were troubling her since it seemed like the memories of Zan were fakes, but she knew they were the true ones. Jayna wondered if Zan’s history had been altered so that he was now Zayna from birth. She also wondered if that was why everyone knew Zayna, but not Zan.
When Wonder Woman entered, she went right up to Joan and greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Greetings, Joan! I know you asked us to help you but we need your help too. You see, the Wonder Twins are not quite full members of the Super Friends yet since they are still in training. In order to help them learn, we sometimes we evaluate how well they have done a mission. Would you like to help me help them?"
"Sure, Wonder Woman! So where are we going?"
"We are going to Paradise Island! It’s a special place of magic that should help us find the truth in this matter." Wonder Woman directed them all to climb aboard her invisible jet to fly to the island. Soon they were airborne and Wonder Woman informed Zayna, Jayna and Joan that once on Paradise Island, she was going to use her magic lasso of truth on each of them in turn and question them.
"Jayna," Wonder Woman began, "I don't believe you realized what you had tapped into when you became that mythical Goddess from your home world. With great power comes great responsibility! It's like a chess game where each move has consequences on down the line, and to be good we need to make sure that those consequences do not infringe on the rights of others. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean that you should do it."
"That's what I am afraid of, Wonder Woman. That my use of the magic has harmed either Joan or Zayna. It solved Joan's immediate problem but it might have been too great a change just to cure that one thing." Jayna confided.
"The main thing, since this is already done, is to find out whether any of the effects have been harmful. Even if it was overkill, it would be worse to remove an unneeded beneficial effect than to leave it in place. So we have 2 answers to find... what is right for the here and now, and what would have been right before any action was taken. I promise you that we will find the answers, and hopefully find the means of putting things right as well, if they need correction,", Wonder Woman taught.
Wonder Woman landed in a remote area of the island and took Joan around to the other side of the jet and into an underground labyrinth, where she led her to a room . Diana began, "I'm going to place my magic lasso around you and you will be compelled to tell me the truth. I need to know more about you, so I can know whether Jayna did the right thing helping you the way she did."
"Go ahead, Wonder Woman. I will answer all your questions,” agreed Joan.
Wonder Woman tied the lasso around Joan's waist and directed Joan to sit and be comfortable "Joan, do you remember everything about your life as Theodore?"
"Yes, I do." answered Joan
"Do you feel like the gender of your eternal spirit has changed?" Wonder Woman asked.
"No. My spirit is the same gender it always was." Joan responded.
"What is that gender, from birth to now?" Wonder Woman queried.
"I'm female in spirit and mind, just as I always have been," Joan stated.
“Are you a female in body now?"
"Have you always been a female in body?” Wonder Woman asked
"No, I was male in body before Jayna became that Goddess and kissed me. Then I became female in body, too," Joan explained.
"Why did you swear so much before?" Wonder Woman questioned.
"I guess I was so angry at being forced to act like a boy when I was really a girl", Joan responded.
"Are you angry now that you can act like a girl?" Wonder Woman queried.
"No. I might still curse because of familiarity, had I not the speech editing but soon that won't be necessary because I will be out of the habit of cursing," explained Joan.
"Thank you, Joan." Wonder Woman removed the lasso from her waist. "That's all I needed to know from you, Joan. Could you go get Zayna, and ask her to meet me down here? And tell Jayna to go ahead and start helping you with some things you need to know as a teen-aged girl."
"Thank you, Wonder Woman. I will tell them." Joan disappeared up into the light and soon Zayna was entering the room
Zayna presented herself for the lasso of truth. She'd experienced it before when the Super Friends were determining if they were trustworthy enough to be Super Heroines in training. "I'm ready, Wonder Woman."
Diana slipped the lasso of truth on Zayna and began questioning her, "Do you have any evidence that you were once Zan?"
"I never was Zan!" exclaimed Zayna
"With your knowledge of Exxorean Mythology, can you account for the facts as Jayna told us?"
"Imagine a universe where Zan did exist, and Jayna took on power on the Goddess scale. What if Jayna, invoking the power of the Goddess image, altered this universe so it was the one that Zayna was born in and the other one to be like that Zan was born in. Zan would be completely and irrevocably lost to us in this universe. The only one who would know would be Jayna, since she was one with the Goddess when it took place, even if she can’t understand how it took place. . I don’t know how I know but I feel like what I said is true.”
“How do you account for Jayna’s lack of understanding of this?”, asked Wonder Woman.
Zayna explained, “We know, since we trust Jayna not to lie, that she is responding with all the facts that she knows. However, release of so much power must have overcome her and concealed things she is just beginning to remember. A difference that makes no difference is no difference. This difference makes a difference. Jayna knows that she is supposed to have a brother, even as much as she loves me as a new sister. She isn't going to feel things are right till both Zan and I are in the right universes."
Wonder Woman nodded. "It’s time to meet up with Jayna and Joan, and for me to let them in on my findings." She released Zayna from the lasso of truth and together they walked back to the invisible jet where the pair of girls was waiting for them.
Joan was entertaining Jayna by singing and going thru the dance moves of the music video that had come out during the 70's about Wonder Woman's exploits.
"You're a Wonder! Wonder Woman!
All the world is waiting for you and the power you possess.
In your satin tights, fighting for our rights, and the old Red White and Blue!"
Joan giggled and broke it off. “I don’t remember any more. Hi Wonder Woman!"
"I have some answers and later some teaching. First off, Joan, I believe we know what your root problem was and that is that you are a transwoman, and you always have been. You've always had a woman's mind and spirit. Even though the Goddess power selected to also make you a female in body, the transformation missed your mind, so that you did not have an Identity death.”
“It was the anger inside you at having to act like a boy that gave you the freedom to use that bad language. With the peace that you have in your heart now, you would only be cursing by habit if it weren’t for the speech editing she added. That will last a month and fade, since by that time you will no longer be cursing by habit. If you curse after that, it will only be if you really want to curse.
Joan hugged Wonder woman, then Zayna, then Jayna, "I'm glad I get to be me! So I guess Jayna flunked going by the rules, in my case, but was lucky that the outcome was acceptable."
"I wouldn't have said it quite that way, but it’s essentially correct. All of the mistakes that Jayna made to allow the situation to unfold for Joan also created an opportunity for the accident that followed.”
“I have also found out what happened during the incident that Zayna and Jayna remember. In this universe, Jayna originally had a brother named Zan instead of the sister, Zayna that everyone besides the two of them remembers. When Zan kissed the image of the Exxorian Goddess, an exchange between Zan and Zayna occurred. Zan was transposed into a parallel universe, while Zayna was transposed into ours. The transposition created some changes in memory. Jayna’s memory got a little Swiss cheesed, but is slowly being restored to the new reality. The bottom line is that Zayna is not Zan transformed but she is a completely different person,” Wonder Woman concluded.
She stated gravely, “Now is time for the instruction. I'm afraid a lot of this is directed to you, Jayna."
"Yes, ma'am."
“Jayna, for future reference, a measured response to Joan’s being a transwoman would have been to get Joan into counseling and help her to use the established means to help a gender dysphoric teen. It’s true that she would have medical limitations but if a conventional approach had been used, then the accident that happened later would not have happened. Bottom line is that even though it was more than was absolutely needed to solve the problem, no harm has come to Joan, unlike the harm that would occur if we try to undo any of this."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Jayna, you need to learn to respond to things on the proper scale. It was extreme overkill for you to summon Goddess scale power just to counter someone who was more a danger to themselves than to others. Yes, Verbal abuse is real and needs to be stopped; otherwise you would not have been dispatched in the first place. But you can deal with it with something other than the death penalty."
"Yes ma'am."
"Jayna, you MUST be especially careful about altering one's mind. One's gender is an integral part of their identity. If you meddle too much and alter the memories so they have no path back to what they once were, then that is identity death. This is no less a transgression of the 'Do Not Kill People' precept that we Super Friends live by, than is physical death.
"Yes ma'am."
"Combat is not the time to try something new. You know about the simulation rooms in the Hall of Justice, please use them. As protectors of this planet we can't afford ‘Oops!’ We have to know exactly what anything we unleash will do, so we can correctly assess the impact on friends, foes, and innocent bystanders."
"Yes ma'am."
“Jayna, I don’t believe you took the danger of Zan becoming your sister seriously. Even though it was an accident and you realized too late to stop the danger, Jayna, you should have known that Zan loved you and wanted to kiss you. As long as you wore the face of his twin, he couldn't do it, but when wore some other woman's face, you were fair game. It’s a case of managing one of your everyday superpowers, your femininity."
Jayna could no longer hold back the strong emotions inside her and instead a simple, ‘Yes, Maam’, Joan poured out her heart, "Yes, I wanted a sister, Wonder Woman, but not forever, just till we could turn back. At least to me, turning back was a given. I guess that I didn't realize how powerful the Goddess power was, and that there would be no turning back. I didn't want Zan removed from our universe irrevocably." Jayna doubled over crying, with her head in Zayna's lap as she cuddled Jayna and stroked her hair. Wonder Woman comforted Joan as she cried for Zan, too.
Eventually the four women composed themselves and Wonder Woman said what was on each of their minds. "We must work together to do the impossible, if we are to bring back Zan from the universe that he has become trapped in and does not realize it.”
Wonder Woman continued, "Zayna and Joan, I'd like for you to remember what I have said to Jayna. I believe we should always learn from the mistakes of others so we can help each other grow into the kind of people that we all want to be.”
She paused for a moment before resuming, “Joan, you might be overwhelmed with talk of use of Super Powers, but each one of us has the ability to tap some pretty powerful things. It’s helpful to treat them in the same way because they are your super powers. I don't believe the Goddess Artemis brings us together by chance, and the next time we meet, Joan you might just be a super heroine in training yourself."
Joan responded, “Wow, do you mean it?” When Wonder Woman nodded, Joan continued, “Thank you, Wonder Woman. I appreciate the trust in me, and I will do my best to do well with whatever powers I might have."
"Thank you Wonder Woman,” Zayna was next. “I'm just as capable of shape shifting into the image of the Exxorian Goddess, so I need to learn the lessons so I won’t repeat her mistakes, and hopefully won’t make new ones of my own."
"You are both welcome, Joan and Zayna. We've accomplished what we needed to do here on Paradise Island. Why don't I take you all back to the Hall of Justice and you three can stay there for the rest of your weekend?"
"That's a great idea!”Jayna came to life, smiling, "Retail Therapy!"
"Excellent, Sis!" exclaimed Zayna, "There is nothing better to take your mind off your troubles so your subconscious can get to work on a solution for you to the big stuff." She wondered mischievously if she could still work in a practical joke, even though they all thought Zayna had been with Jayna in this universe from the beginning.
"Woo Hoo! shouted Joan, "I get to go shopping! Now I'll have something to wear ... at least for a little while." Joan's eyes twinkled seductively.
Diana gathered her charges and soon they were all seated in the invisible jet for the trip back to the Hall of Justice.

Episode 4 ~ Reality Break
It seemed as if shortly after the new Wonder Twins and Joan arrived at the Hall of Justice, the Super Friends Teen Trouble Alert began going off constantly.
Joan and Jayna were both practicing basic self defense moves in the Super Friends mission simulator room. In between bouts, during their breaks, Jayna shape shifted from Exxorian to human and showed Joan some makeup techniques.
When the alert went off, Joan listened, then looked at her new friend. "I can't believe anyone could have even worse language than I used to but he makes the old me sound tame."
People around the world were dismayed at the amount of character assassination contestant Jason Santini had done during the reality TV broadcast of “Sky Eye”. “Sky Eye” is a reality TV show where a group of people are isolated in a location where everyone is seen and heard live on internet video 24 / 7. The tasks that they were given in competition were designed to reveal a new answer to a world problem. One by one the occupants were eliminated from the isolation. If a person survived elimination and also determined the new answer, then they won ten million dollars. The competitions from isolation were broadcast on network TV several times a week while “Sky Eye” was in progress. Jason Santini’s verbal abuse was even worse than the usual political mudslinging, and it was a lot more evil than 'potty mouth' had been.
"It seems to be some kind of power trip for this latest one. I'm glad that he's an adult, because that means the Super Friends will take care of him. Zayna and I don’t get called in unless they think that either we have a unique ability that the job requires or if it is a chance to get some experience in an unusual situation that will teach us to be better super heroines."
Joan wondered, "Why didn't the civilian authorities enforce their jurisdiction? There are many charges that could be used a halt to such abusive behavior. I should know, because I had many of them threatened against me."
Jayna replied, "When the government institutions fail, The Super Friends might be called on to right an injustice. From what I understand, they are working on something to get Jason Santini out of hiding. "
When Zayna clicked on her Wonder Twin com badge to talk to Jayna, Joan also heard because she also possessed one now. They had not given one to Gleek because he is such a blabbermouth. "Zayna and Joan, the Super Friends have all left to try Jason Santini in absentia at the world court. "
"Well that sounds like no fun. I don't think I want to be here when they get back."
Joan questioned, "I know! How about some retail therapy? I think I was promised a shopping spree courtesy the Super Friends?"
Zayna agreed, "Let's go y’all! I can't wait to get started."
Zayna and Jayna touched tips of their fingers and shouted, "Wonder Twin powers activate." Zayna continued, “Shape of a condor” turning into a giant condor, that swept Joan up in her talons as she carried her aloft, setting course towards the Mall. Jayna shouted "Shape of an eagle" and swept up Gleek in her Talons, and lifted into the sky to follow
Once at the mall, instead of deactivating their powers Jayna and Zayna touched wing tips Jayna shouted, "Shape of a beautiful teen human girl." changing to a teen girl who fit in with the crowd at the mall. Zayna shouted, "Shape of a human teen girl identical to Jayna" and changed into the human equivalent of Jayna's twin sister.
The three girls shopped till they quite literally dropped. Joan was a natural for shopping. Jayna decided that part of the Goddess spell over her had been to make it easier on her to adjust to being female in body until she could teach herself how things were. Not only did Joan get the most for her money, but she soon had every bit of clothes that a girl her age was expected to have.
As the three of them settled in for dinner at the mall, Jayna looked at her communicator, and saw she had a million messages from Diana, saying that they needed to talk and soon.
Jayna touched finger tips with Zayna, "Diana needs to see me. Will you be alright?"
Zayna answered confidently, "Yes, I'll keep that last shape shift in reserve in case I need to act. I have your communicator, and the Super Friends communicator in case I get into something I can't handle. I won't try to answer a teen trouble alert call without you, no matter how trivial it seems. "
Jayna shouted "Shape of an Eagle!", and changing back into a giant Eagle, flew toward where Diana had wanted her to meet. Luckily, Diana could talk to Jayna when she was as eagle, since it required Zayna's touch to release another shape shift.
Diana told her, "We need you to exile Jason Santini from this universe using the power of the Exxorian Goddess image. We also need you to take this action retroactively, in case it turns out to be similar to Joan’s situation. It’s possible that Jason Santini 's potty mouth is caused by the same thing, being a transwoman. The World Court would prefer that the problems never occur, because too many impressionable minds were given a bad example the way things came out during the broadcast and the internet video. "
"I got the impression that she had access to a nonlinear continuity of time, but we are not made like that. If I could also get Zayna to take on the shape of the mythical phoenix, which also keeps non linear time, then she could look out after both of us to make sure that we were both OK. I would also transform into an image of the Goddess to make the changes. I can release the power but I can’t control what it does.”
"That's great. You have cover on this one, since we are telling you to do it, and anything up to and including a total banishment is OK. Ultimately you don't have much choice on how it comes out because since the power acts on its own accord. Oh...The findings of the court were that Jason Santini is to remain off Earth 11a for the remainder of his life, and if it also could be arranged that he never even existed on Earth 11a, so much the better."
Jayna told Diana that she would meet her back at the Hall of Justice and alerted Zayna to bring Joan and Gleek back to the Hall of Justice as well.
There, Superman addressed the Wonder Twins. "We have a mandate from the World Court to exile Jason Santini from this planet. Jason and his daughter Janet Santini are the only contestants left in isolation. We know that you have little choice in the results, but it may be exactly what is contemplated. Go with our blessing!"
"We won't let you down, Super Friends." Both Wonder Twins transformed into eagles and flew toward Sky Eye Isolation
Jayna told Gleek, who was riding with her, "Try to find an open window or door and sneak into the house once we drop you in the courtyard. Both Zayna and I will shape shift into the Goddess image and the mythical phoenix and phase thru the doors into the house and confront Jason Santini My Goddess image will kiss him in the here and now, and also in the past, just before he took the “Sky Eye” contract. Once reality is altered, we will open a way out just in case we need one and then pick you up and go back to the Hall of Justice. We're about ready for touchdown now, Gleek"
The eagles touched wings and both shouted, "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Jayna began, "Shape of an Xertoruodgutr” (pronounced 'Orbit')
"Shape of a phoenix!” Zayna finished.
Fortunately, the sliding glass door to the courtyard had been left unlocked so the two mythical creatures didn’t even have to phase through.
Inside they saw a man and woman, and looked at them closely to be sure they really had Jason Santini.
"Blank blank blank!!!!”
“Blank Blank”
“Blank Blank Blankety blank”
“Bleep Bleep Bleepity bleep"
"That one has to be Jason Santini. I'm going in." As Jayna made contact with the kiss and dove down into the past to the moment before the first “Sky Eye”, 8 years before, she sensed Zayna making sure the here and now was alright.
The Universe blinked, and nothing would be the same again. They had been in there just long enough for Gleek to put in a bypass so that the producers were prevented from blacking out the Internet video that actually ran 24/7 as advertised. Cameras zoomed in on the 2 mythical creatures and the man and lady didn't remotely look like anyone in the original “Sky Eye” group for this universe. Neither Janet (the daughter whose bleached blonde hair had 2 inches of roots showing after being confined in isolation for 2 months) nor Jason Santini appeared. “Sky Eye”, seven years later had a mother daughter team of Santini, Mother Janet, and Daughter Jessica.
With a shout of, "Reality Break!" they flew into the sky with Gleek in tow, reasoning that a couple of mythical creatures should surely make better time getting back to the Hall of Justice.
On their arrival, they shouted, "Wonder Twin powers Deactivate!"
"It's good to be home," declared Zayna. "Is the world pleased with the result?” asked Jayna
Superman began, “The problem no longer exists. The original play in “Sky Eye” of the Santini father and daughter did not occur in this universe. Janet's father is someone a bit less verbally abusive, a man named Jacob, who has natural blonde hair and gave that trait to his daughter Janet. Janet in turn, has a daughter of her own, Jessica who is this universe's version of Jason Santini. She's a sweet child. Janet is not quite as spoiled and whiny in this universe because her parents care for her. We've relocated Jason Santini, with his existence intact to Earth 11a2b"
Batman continued, "None of us actually remember the old timeline, but Wonder Woman provided a computer memory device that was enhanced by the purple ray. It held all of the events on the other timeline, and our reason for sending you two on your mission and of course you remember, because you were the Goddess at the time the time line changed."
Aquaman concluded, "Hyppolyta summoned Wonder Woman to Paradise Island. She sends her regrets, especially to Joan, whom she looks forward to seeing,"
Zayna told them "I'm glad we could help. We've been very lucky so far, but we still have some things to be sorted."
Batman came to them bearing prepaid Super Friends Master Cards, "Think some retail therapy might help?"
Zayna and Jayna took their cards and motioned Joan over, "Thank you Batman!" Joan planted a kiss on the side of his cowl. Batman replied, "You deserve it for a job well done, and don't forget to take the courtesy car to the mall so you'll have something besides your talons to hold all those purchases."
The three girls ended the day on a high note. Jayna could see that Joan was coming come out of her shell and would soon be ready to take on the world. But how could she fix it for her brother Zan who was stuck away from her in another universe. Now that she had proof that the Goddess existed, following the old ways to please her might be the wisest course.
She smiled as the three of them were leaving. Using her Wonder Twins communicator pin, she called "Sis, come over here so we can change to go out SHOPPING!."
Replying over the comm. link, Zayna moved toward the garage. "Just a second, I was getting Gleek settled. Green Lantern was here doing some research, but he is stuck waiting for results so he agreed to watch Gleek."
Zayna moved in and touched her sister Jayna's fingertips. "Wonder Twin powers activate!"
Jayna intoned, “Shape of a beautiful human teen girl wearing my favorite dress"
Zayna spoke with a giggly voice, “Shape of her identical twin sister in a slightly better looking dress." both girls turned into human teen princesses.
Zayna looked a little better, but it was just compensation for going second most of the time and she smiled. Joan was slightly amused at their showing off, “You two look wonderful, Are we ready to go?"
Jayna answered, "Let's go to the Mall!" And off they went!

Episode 5 ~ Girl Wonder
Robin, The Boy Wonder, accompanied Joan and Jayna in the combat simulator room at the Hall of Justice. Robin knew many forms of self defense suited to women. His handicap was that even though he knew the techniques well enough to coach them, many of them also relied on the different center of gravity and body mass distribution that women have naturally.
As they were taking a break, both Joan and Jayna were really quiet. Joan had told Jayna that she was looking at her aura. Jayna's aura, like that of all living being, was a masterful work of tiny auras of varying size and shape forming a large energy field around them.
In various places the tiny auras were colored pink, and Joan reasoned that those pink elements of Jayna's aura were what made her a girl. There were also glowing threads connecting Jayna’s aura to various things around her. When Joan believed she had captured Jayna's aura perfectly, she saved it as an image to her photographic memory.
Finished, she explained what she had been doing.” Robin and Jayna, I want to try something, and Wonder Woman said that this is the place to try it, rather than in combat or I guess, at home. I've copied Jayna's aura to my memory. After that I'm going to astral project my spirit out of my body so I can see if I can shape shift my body to look like Jayna's. I'll weave my small auras so that they are identical to Jayna's auras. When I'm ready, I'll say something to trigger the change and let my astral spirit reunite with my new body."
"Wow, that sounds freaky, Joan! Good Luck!" said Jayna
"Good Luck, Joan!” Robin told her, “We'll try to get you some help, if you need it."
"Here goes nothing!" Joan squealed. She lay on the floor and released her astral spirit.
"Magical energy release below live monitor threshold detected. " intoned the simulator room.
Joan, floating above it all, was busy weaving her tiny auras so that they would conform to Jayna's total aura. When she had completed the work on the aura, she had to decide what words would set off the transformation. She felt like a lot of what she was doing involved Wicca imagery so she decided to borrow the words there as well.
When Joan spoke in an audible voice, it seemed to come from the entire room, "So mote it be!"
Lying where Joan's body had been moments before was a twin, or would it be, triplet of Jayna. Joan's astral spirit entered her new body and was about to speak when the simulator room cut her off. "Magical energy release detected at factor 4. Remote Live Monitoring initiated. Expert dispatched."
Joan in her new body, Joan spoke in Jayna's voice, "Room: Query: Who is the expert dispatched to monitor the magical energy discharge?"
The Room answered her, "Wonder Woman, ETA Two Hours.”
“Hall of Justice has initiated isolation protocol, pending arrival of Wonder Woman"
Jayna observed, "Must not be real important otherwise they would have dispatched one of the other Super Friends to check on us earlier. Room: Is everything functional for further simulation?"
The Simulation Room responded, "I am operating within acceptable limits. Quarantine measures are precautionary and not due to any actual danger."
"Well new sis, you sure look like an Exxorean woman. Would you like to see if you make the grade?" said Jayna
Joan responded, "Sure, Sis!" together they chanted "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!"
Jayna continued "Shape of a teen human girl!" and she became her human equivalent
Joan continued, "Shape of Human Joan!" and she became her human teen girl self.
"Wow that was a rush, Jayna!" Joan caught her breath.
"There was a lot more power in the link than when either I and Zan or I and Zayna link. It may be because you are a sorceress now, Joan. This must be what Wonder Woman foresaw when she was predicting your future.
"Yeah, she told me:' I don't believe the Goddess brings us together by chance, and the next time we meet, Joan, you might just be a super heroine in training yourself.' ".
"Well while we are stuck in here perhaps you'll do something for me that will help you ladies train?" Robin looked mischievous. He was amazed that the magic had worked on Joan, but strongly doubted it would work on him.
"What is that Robin?"
"Lets see if you can shape shift someone other than yourself, and make me a girl for a while. That way I could show you the self defense techniques I know, instead of just telling you about them. Think you are up to the challenge Joan?"
"Are you sure about this? Messing with your gender can lead to trouble."
"I'll take the risk, I'll just be Robin, the Girl Wonder for a while."
"OK, here goes!." Joan took a good look, beginning to see all the mini auras around Robin, including all of the ones were blue to show his masculinity. She was able to catalog all of them and took a picture in her photographic memory of his aura. Next she began to take all of the blue mini auras out and weave in pink ones in their place. Once she was satisfied with the completed aura she put a snapshot of it in her photographic memory as well.
Having Robin lie down for safety, she slid Robin out of his body as an astral spirit while she spoke the words that would trigger the change, "So Mote it be!"
Instantly, Robin was indeed a Girl Wonder, as her new costume with its miniskirt accentuated each curve. Joan placed Robin's astral spirit within her new body and she cried out in amazement at what had been done
The Room interrupted and said, "Magical energy release detected at factor 5. Lockdown still in progress."
"Well, Ladies!", Robin started, "Lets get started on that workout I promised you. It looks like we all need it now." She smiled, not recalling when she’d ever felt this good and at peace with herself.
Jayna and Joan shouted together, "Let's do it! "
Over an hour later, the three women were very satisfied with the workout Robin had led them thru. As they were cooling down, Wonder Woman used her override and came into the Simulation room.
Jayna pointing out Robin to Wonder Woman, "May I present Robin, the Girl Wonder "
Robin curtseyed, "I hope you are well."
Wonder woman replied, "I am quite well, Thank You. Batman sends his regards to you and also, this list of exercises he expects you to do, should you remain in that form for the near term, so that you will be prepared to be at his side."
Robin took the paper, "Of course. Batman is correct. I must be in fighting shape. I'll get on these immediately"
Robin went into another section of the room which adapted itself for the simulation that Batman had requested, and disappeared.
Joan looked to Wonder Woman, "Looks like you were right. How did you know that I would be getting powers?"
Wonder Woman told her, "I sensed the power buried deep within you and I knew that soon it would work its way to the surface. Even though the lists of things that you do are limited, you do them excellently. You score pretty high on the magical user's scale. A factor 4 is like 40% max, and a factor 5 is a 50% max. You are doing some pretty powerful stuff for a beginner. You are indeed a sorceress. And it seems that you are a wonder twin too. Tell you what, I need to see you do some magic, and an Exxor shape shift qualifies since, that comes from your earlier transformation. Get together with Jayna and deactivate your wonder twin powers while I invite someone else in here. "
While Joan went off to find Jayna, Wonder Woman went to the Simulator room interface panel and instructed the room to allow Zayna access to the room. She heard Jayna and Joan say, "Wonder Twin Powers Deactivate!"
Ss the Room said, "Magical release detected at Factor 3," Jayna and her identical twin Exxorean Joan came toward Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman smiled mischievously, “Joan, why don't you scoot out of sight till Zayna gets here. Let's see how she reacts to the Wonder Triplets!"
The twins looked at each other, and one responded gladly, "Sounds like fun", before she went out of sight.
Jayna intercepted Zayna as she came in, "Sis, guess what?"
Her identical replied, "We're triplets!" as ‘Joan’ popped out of hiding, surprising Zayna. The newcomer was incognita for the moment because she looked and sounded like Jayna.
"Hey Sis!" Zayna questioned, "Who is that?"
"You are a smart girl, you figure it out"
Zayna looked pensive for a moment and then understanding was revealed on her face and she looked very happy, "Joan! You got the powers like Wonder Woman said you would! Congratulations! So you shape shifted into being a copy of Jayna?"
"That's right!” the one who had greeted her said. “So that makes us the Wonder Triplets. Only I’m Joan! Jayna and I already tried it as twins, and the Exxorean power boost and shape shifting worked. Wonder Woman thought that our first time should be here, so the room could monitor the magical power levels so we could be sure everything would be OK If we really needed to use it”
“Let's do it!" The girls stood in a circle clockwise 120 degrees apart touching fingertips in the center.
"Wonder Triplet Powers Activate!"
"Shape of Human Jayna"
"Shape of Human Zayna"
"Shape of Human Joan"
As the three girls assumed their human forms, they were interrupted by the room "Magical release detected at Factor 6" .
"Wow, what a rush that was!"
"I've never felt anything so powerful. It's as though we have the power to do a lot more than the simple shape shift that we chose."
"If we are getting that kind of energy output, then the residual energy might be a problem if we only use a low percentage of it. That's why most Exxor twins are fraternal, so in the yin and yang of it each produce a different and complimentary part of the energy."
Wonder Woman addressed the issue, "You’re right. The room acted as a magical sink to dissipate the excess. In practice, instead of one big group, pairing off might be better for combat. Especially with the need to touch the twin for another shape shift, battle conditions might make it difficult for wonder triplets to reunite, but there are three ways to pair up triplets, so you can pair up more easily. The only reason to mass more is if there was some purpose requiring all that extra energy to accomplish a particular thing.. Even then you would want to deactivate as soon as possible, and then regroup into smaller teams to continue the action."
Jayna observed, "Then there is a time when more is not better, and it only gets in the way."
Wonder woman replied, "Exactly. Girls, can I leave it to you to within the simulation room to deactivate and then permit Joan to shed her Exxorean form for her ordinary body? We have some more things to get sorted before this day is over, because we have to get Joan back to her mother like we promised."
Joan answered, "Sure, Wonder Woman, you can count on us." She continued, with a sad look in her eyes, "Home?"
"Yes dear, you are going home, but not before we give you the tools to learn how to deal with your newfound powers and the ability to get to help any time of the day or night when you need it."
Joan relaxed, smiling a goodbye at Wonder Woman before Zayna and Jayna led her back to the circle where they had activated their triplet powers. Diana paused at the room control console and issued a command to discontinue the lockdown and to override any future lockdown based on magical discharge this evening unless they exceeded a higher safety limit.
Seeing Batman was about to come down to join Robin's workout she realized she did not have to summon him to chat about Joan. She would just intercept him for a moment when he got to the simulation room.
"Wonder Triplet powers deactivate!" said the new Wonder Triplets, their finger tips touching.
Joan said, "Excuse me for a moment while I undo my sorcery. I'm getting used to the process, so it might not take as long."
Jayna knew what to expect, but this would be Zayna's first time witnessing the transformation, which was abbreviated just as Joan had said. Joan went to a place where she could lie down. "Weaving, Weaving Weaving" Her Body went limp. Then her voice came from everywhere speaking softly, "So Mote it Be!" A flash of light occurred when she said the ‘be’, and when it faded, Joan's human self appeared. With a smile, she said, "I'm back!"

Episode 6 ~ Super Heroine
Batman was over in the corner chatting with Wonder Woman and he appeared to be agreeable to what she had in mind. You could see great pride in Batman as he signed the document Wonder Woman presented to him. "Thank you, Batman! I'll see to this matter while you tend to your new Girl Wonder!"
"I'm not sure how long she wants to be female but I owe my life to Robin, and as long as she's happy and we can still function as a team, gender doesn't matter”
“Robin is lucky to have a good friend like you, Batman!" She wondered if Batman really understood the good words that he had just said.
As Batman went off to the simulation Robin was running and disappeared inside, Joan rushed over, catching up with Wonder Woman before she left the Simulation Room. Wonder woman stopped her, "Joan, I hate to be a pest on your last evening here but the Super Friends are assembling for something very important, so if you could find something to do for a couple of hours on the personal quarters level, then you won't interfere in the assembly or the preparations. . I'm still working on some things for you and I feel like there will be time to do both."
"Sure, Wonder Woman, I can make myself scarce. Actually, I can do some good in Robin's quarters. Since I did not change anything but Robin and the costume she was wearing to female, everything else in her closet is still male. I'm pretty sure I can do my weaving thing to change her old boy clothes to girl clothes. After I am finished changing everything I can from male clothes to female clothes, there might be some things that she'll want to wear for which she didn't buy the boy's equivalent, so she might need to go shopping for that," Joan volunteered .
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Just clear it with Robin and Batman, and you’re set. Thank you for helping out, Joan."
"It's the least I could do. I thought she would be climbing the walls wanting to change back, but she seems very comfortable being a girl. Bye, Wonder Woman!”
Wonder Woman left, "Bye, Joan!" She turned back to the others, "Jayna and Zayna? I could use your help in preparing for the assembly." Agreeing, they followed Wonder Woman to the control level of the Hall of Justice.
Joan tapped on what she had previously identified as her "Wonder Twin Communicator." Examining it closely she found that it was really a "Teen Super Friend" communicator pin. Ordinarily Robin did not wear one because she had the Super Friends Communicator, but since Joan had been issued one, Robin had been wearing hers. She reasoned that she could talk to Robin and Batman could patch into the teen communicator to answer as well.
"Joan to Robin, Come in, please"
"Robin the Girl Wonder here. How can I help, Joan?"
"Well I was thinking of offering my help. Other than the clothes you are wearing, all of the rest of your clothes are boy's clothes, but with my new power I can change them into the girl’s equivalent so they will fit you if you like. I just need your permission and Batman's to have access to your quarters to work on it. Since I have to go piece by piece it might take a couple of hours, but they need me off of the control level, anyway, because of some Super Friends Assembly happening tonight. I thought I would make productive use of my time while leaving you in less a predicament about what to wear."
"You are a sweet girl, Joan, Thanks for your offer to help! Unless Batman has an objection, I’ll ask him to tell the Super Friends computer that you have permission to enter our quarters. "
"Batman here, patching in. Thank you for the help Joan! I'll get the permission change made so you can get to work on it.”
Joan heard his voice change, “Patching to Super Friends Computer; Recognize Batman voice print."
"Recognized. Proceed with command function"
"Permit Codename Sorceress access to Batman and Robin's quarters and confirm."
"Confirm Joan Ellen Waterman, Codename Sorceress, given access to Batman and Robin's quarters"
"That's all. Sorceress, enjoy plying your craft. Robin and I will be in the simulator awhile, working on our combat attacks"
"Thank you Batman and Robin. Sorceress Out."
Joan thought it was cool that she now had a codename in the Super Friends computer. She wondered if she needed a costume to go with the new code name. That was something for later ... She was headed to Robin's room to do a good deed for a girl friend. All of a sudden it hit her that she could do the same for her own clothes at home which were left over from before the change. It opened up ‘lots’ of new possibilities.
When Joan had arrived at Robin's quarters and spoke to the door, "Sorceress to access Robin and Batman's quarters”
“Voice Print Identified" the door opened to give her access. She realized that her voice print was already on, file since she’d had a teen Super Friend Communicator pin issued to her. She just had to giggle as she thought, ‘The Super Friends Computer is user friendly instead of user surly.’.
Since she didn't have to be careful of a soul with clothes, she only had to do the weaving, exchanging the blue tiny auras with pink ones of various shapes and then commanded the new item to exist. With practice she began to be able to do it rather quickly and was making great headway thru Robin's closet
In the middle of the monotony something that she had read, named "Spock Must Die, written by James Blish " came to her mind "What the transporter does is analyze the energy state of each particle in the body and then produce a Dirac jump to an equivalent state somewhere else. No conversion [to energy and back] is involved -- if it were, we'd blow up the ship."
‘My "So Mote it Be!" is like the Dirac Jump, and my taking a mental picture of the aura is like analyzing the energy state. So if once I have my snapshot, I fly she fly via astral spirit to the place where I want to go, and weave the aura there then it would be like a teleport.’
That would mean living at home would not necessarily keep her from learning the things about how to handle her new power since she could get help where ever it was located. Something else was eating at her about what had happened with Robin the Girl Wonder, but she didn't know enough to make sense of it yet.
She knew that the right thing for her to do in order to learn to use her power, as well as to help Robin the Girl Wonder, was to convert all those clothes. She left only 3 basic male outfits unchanged that would get Robin the Boy Wonder by if he somehow got dropped on the scene unexpectedly. Joan guessed that Robin would prefer to wash her under things and hose in Woolite â„¢ and then hang them in the bathroom to dry. After converting the equivalents to lingerie and hose, she washed those out herself and hung them in the bathroom. Joan hoped that Batman would be understanding, having those really feminine objects around, or else he’d requisition non-adjoining quarters for the near future.
If Robin was going to remain the Girl Wonder, she was going to have to go on a shopping spree to fill in the blanks, but now she had a lot of the basics in wardrobe thanks to Joan's efforts. Her timing could not have been better, because the Teen Super Friends communicator pin chirped as she completed the job. She tapped it." Joan, here, I've finished helping Robin with her clothes problem"
"Jayna here. Great timing! Zayna and I need your help with something. Could you meet us by Access A-3?"
"Sure Jayna! Joan Out" Joan remembered that Access A-3 was access to the promenade on the control level. She wondered what was going on, but decided that she should be ready for anything in case it was part of a test.
Joan didn’t see Robin slip in to her quarters after she had gone. Robin needed to shower and make a quick change into one of the uniforms that Joan had just made wearable, and get to the assembly before it started. Fortunately Batman had a spare uniform in the Batmobile and had used other facilities to shower and change earlier. This way she was going to have quite an entrance unveiling Robin the Girl Wonder .
Jayna met Zayna and Joan at Access A-3. "Joan, Wonder Woman sends her regards. She's been to your mother's house and Your Mother has given permission for you to stay the night at the Hall of Justice. However, she expects you to go to school in the morning and return home as soon as possible. Wonder Woman promised to drop by in the evening to help arrange your schedule so the things that you have started to learn while with the Super Friends won't be neglected."
"I'm excited that I get to stay another night. Does that mean that there is more to happen after the assembly is concluded?"
"Wonder Woman has asked for some of the others to help you discover and train your talents. She also has an idea on how you might get around that may be within your abilities now. She's tied up till after the assembly at the moment, so it will have to wait till afterward." Jayna stopped talking to listen to a message in her ear, then told the others her that that Robin was in place, so it was time to let Joan come into the Promenade.
"That sounds good. So what will be happening?"
"You just follow us up into the promenade, and before you say anything, you are expected, and have been summoned before the gathered Super Friends."
Joan caught her breath and didn't know what to say. She found that putting one step in front of the other worked, and each carried her closer to her destination. She entered into the Promenade where Wendy and Gleek, Marvin and Wonder dog were acting as honor guard . Then she passed down the line of Super Friends. First on the left was Hawk man, then on the right, Apache Chief, followed by El Dorado on the left, and on the right Firestorm.
The Super friends continued the alternation, left and right, with Samurai and Atom, Hawk Girl, and Black Vulcan, Super boy, Rima the Jungle Girl, Cyborg and Green Arrow, Plastic Man, and the last one on the right was The Flash
Standing before the table were Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, and Robin
Jayna guided Joan to a seat flanked by herself and Zayna. When they were seated, the standing Super Friends and the Honor Guard advanced to their positions on the dais on each side. Superman took the initiative for conducting the meeting, "Who stands to testify for Joan Ellen Waterman, hereafter known as Sorceress?
Jayna and Zayna stood and responded, "The Wonder Twins do, your honor."
Superman addressed them, "State your claim"
Jayna, speaking for the two, said, "She is wise beyond her years. She does not seek power. She only seeks to help. She is eager to learn."
They closed their testimony in unison, saying, "She is our peer!"
Superman asked again, "Who comes as a sponsor and offers testimony?
Batman came forward and spoke, “This one is learning at a rapid pace and handling the temptation of powers that would be the undoing of many. I advocate keeping her attached to our fellowship so she can continue to learn well and conduct her life in accordance to it. She is my peer"
Wonder Woman came forward and spoke, “This one has had many challenges in her short life but she has persevered and even thrived with a little help . She has the potential to do and be so much good for our world.
“Like a seedling, she needs to be watered and fed and cared for so she can weather the tough times till she is strong enough to survive on her own. I have already examined this one, and I find no guile in her. She is my peer.
Superman declared, "The record of these proceedings will remain open for 7 days should any of the assembled wish to add their own testimony. What has already been received is sufficient for us to act in this matter. Will the candidate please present herself to the Goddess of truth for the testimony of truth?
Joan rose and came forward. Addressing Superman she stated, , "I will"
Wonder Woman put her magic lasso around Joan. "Do you, Sorceress, swear an oath of fealty and service to the Super Friends?
“To speak and be silent, to do and to let be, To come and to go, In need or plenty,
“In peace or in war, in living or dying, From this hour henceforth, Until the Super Friends release you, Death take you or the World ends?"
The Sorceress responded, "I will!"
"And this do I hear, Superman, speaking for the Super Friends, who will not forget it nor fail to reward that which is given, fealty with love, valor with honor and oath breaking with great vengeance."
"Upon your oath and the testimony of those who claimed you as their peer, you are now inducted into the Teen Super Friends as a super hero in training! Congratulations, Sorceress! You are a wonderful addition to the Super Friends." Joan found herself collecting hugs from ladies that she was in awe of, welcoming her to the Super Friends
Fortunately, Zayna and Jayna collected her and helped her come back to earth as she collected some refreshments. "You two knew what Wonder Woman and Batman had cooked up!"
Jayna replied, "It made sense. Both the Super Friends and you have an interest in your mastering your powers, and it’s lots easier getting parents to let loose of something they had planned out for their little darling, if they are actually a member of the Super Friends. Wonder Woman thought that there was a good chance that you would blossom this weekend, so she had already gotten the Super Friends to pencil in tonight. But you were not given anything. You earned your membership, and that oath is a very serious thing to undertake. But because you are a Super Friend now, you can be trusted with info that can better help you develop your own powers and use them wisely.”
Wonder Woman waved Joan over and gave her a hug, "Congratulations! Do you feel up to a trip?"
"Certainly! Perhaps I could teleport. Where do we need to go?"
"To see my mother, Hyppolyta, and by the way you can call me Diana now when we’re not in public. That's my alter ego's name, just like your alter ego is named Joan Ellen Waterman. Protect your secret Identity, or it will be worthless"
"Thank You, Diana, Is there any way that my astral body can follow your invisible plane to locate where I need to teleport to?
"I'll do you one better. Your astral body can ride in my plane for the trip over, and then you can try out your transport.
"That sounds wonderful. I'll get things ready, then my astral body will join you in your invisible plane."
Joan made ready and then dropped her body off at her sleeping quarters and joined Diana in the plane.
Somehow Diana knew when Joan was in the plane, before she took off for Paradise Island. Joan followed Diana after landing at the place where Hyppolyta was waiting for them.
Joan began the process of weaving her body and made it real by intoning. "So mote it be!" Instantly, Joan had successfully transported. Joan also realized that now she knew where this location was, and could recall it, to fly right to it with her astral spirit, so now she could transport there without problems.
Diana seeing her thoughts, explained," We hid the location before because we needed to be sure you were one of us, but now we are sure of it, so there is no longer a need to hide it from you."
Hyppolyta told her, “Daughter, I will do my best to get answers for you on how you can make your magic work. You have already found out that practice will help. What I don't know, I can get the answers from other sources. Diana will meet with your mother tomorrow, and arrange a time for us to meet each day so we can practice and discuss your progress."
When she was finished, Joan, still a bit in awe of Hyppolyta said, "Thank you, Hyppolyta! Guess I will have to teleport back to the Hall of Justice. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. See you later, goodbye!" She let loose her astral spirit, which she flew to her bed chamber at the Hall of Justice. There, she wove her body into a nightgown and invoked the transport with a "So Mote it Be!"
She immediately noticed the Teen Trouble Alert signal light was on and touched it to replay the message.
"Sorceress, I came home to find our bathroom with hose and lingerie drying all over the place. I will admit that I bypassed the queuing program to assign this to you, but I need your help. Could it be that this wanting to be a girl had nothing to do with his position as a man previously? Postulate a normal man would be male in mind soul and body, and if this were flipped to the reverse, that a soul mind and body that was female would result. That person would realize a need to stay female, but based on their situation now, but not by any previous need that was unfulfilled as a man. It looks like you did too good a job making Robin a woman, and now there are no traces of a man to go back to, even though his memories are intact. Please send help!"
Joan thought about her first Teen Trouble Alert, which it was because she had messed up. Well, one of the things she had gotten at the ceremony was a Super Friends Communicator pin, so she tapped it.
"Sorceress to Batman. I received your message"
"Batman to Sorceress, Can you help?"
"I can try. Do I still have access to your sleeping quarters?"
"Yes." Joan knew the location of Batman's sleeping quarters so she projected her astral self there and wove a body and gave it life, startling Batman. "Oops, did I forget to tell you I can teleport now?" she grinned, continuing, "I need to take another image of Robin's aura. If there are no traces of masculinity left, then you are right, and I did the transformation too well. If there is no masculinity in Robin now at all, I got it too good."
"What do we do now? I can give her a fake identity to use while she's female, like we do with some undercover work, but she needs to be convinced that it is in her best interest to go back to her male self, since she has most of her time vested in that way."
Joan continued, “There may be things we can do to tip the balance in favor of having her change back. You can speak of old times that would be difficult under the new arrangement. I can speak up and let her know the reason that she isn't feeling a tug back to male, is that I didn't leave anything left to do that. Diana can give her a feminine hygiene lesson about the monthly visits from Aunt Flo.
“This is a case where getting it absolutely right was wrong. I told her that I didn't like messing with gender, but she insisted on it anyway. We could force her back, but she would know that it was forced, as she would not feel any compulsion to go back being all male. I'll get help from my tutors and see if they can think of something else besides what we have come up with so far."
"You are doing your best, Joan and that is all that I ask. Schedule permitting, you'll speak to Robin about your mistake?"
"Yes Batman, and if not, I will send Jayna with the news. I think she trusts her. Guess I should teleport back. Good Night!" Her body slumped then faded away as it formed and took life in her quarters.
Joan lay on her bed wondering what to do about Robin the Girl Wonder, and also how to get Zan back from Earth1b2b3. Perhaps the answers could be found by praying to the Exxor Goddess whose image had started her involvement in the Super Friends. And what in the world were Marvin and Wendy doing back from MIT? They were going to have to work hard if they actually wanted to graduate at 16.
She meditated in the way the temple text from Exxor had described, hoping she might find some of the things for which she was looking.
Episode 7 ~ School Girl
Sorceress, who had made sure she was up early, was concluding her shower and necessary routine when her entrance door chimed and she called out, "Come!" First her mother came in and gave her a hug.
“Good Morning Sweetheart. Even though I let you stay over night here, I wanted to be part of your first day at school.” Said Mrs. Waterman with great cheerfulness.
Diana was there in uniform ready to go. She wondered if Diana ever took it off and giggled. Of course she did, and often. Diana spoke to her, "Your alter ego, Joan is about to become a 'person of interest' to the Super Friends. We hold guardianships for children who don't have the means otherwise to achieve their potential. There are enough who aren't Teen Super Friends, so that part doesn't compromise your secret identity."
"Why all the concern? I can take care of myself now."
"It would expose your secret identity if you had to save yourself. Your sorcery is not mature enough now to misdirect them. While you are getting settled in, one of us will be assigned on a rotating basis to be your guardian angel and you'll have access to Adult, as well as Teen Super Friends communicators."
"Who, specifically, are my guardians? Is it because there are things that Momma can’t know without endangering her to be able to make decisions in my best interest?"
"Superman and I are your Guardians. Batman wanted to, but he is finding that he needs to spend all of his spare time trying to reason with Robin."
"Ever since you invited yourself out with the Wonder Twins on Friday, we've had our legal minds at work gathering everything that you'll need for your transition in life. It’s fortunate that you can be seen as being under the Super Friends protection during your transition. All the legal points have been covered, and our physical presence will drive home the point that the school needs to be a model in accepting diversity and punishing those who are bigots."
"What will life be at school for me?"
"You'll be a normal teenaged girl without any restriction because of this. You are all girl, so none of the standards of care things apply to you... you are finished ... done. No bathroom restrictions for you. In fact, any bigots who don’t want to go in the same bathroom as you will be banished to single use restrooms, since they are the disruptive influence."
"Well … I guess I have some 'Sorceress' questions, but they can keep. I can't believe I am finally getting to go to school as Joan Ellen Waterman. Am I flying to school with you in the invisible jet?"
"Yes, Sweetie. They will expect a grand entrance,” her mom answered for Wonder Woman. “Your entrance will help spread the word that you are under the Super Friend’s protection."
After a wonderful breakfast, all brushed their teeth. Coming back, they met Superman flying in from a mission, just in time, as always. They all knew their parts, so all Joan had to do was to sit up and be pretty while the adults took care of everything.
Joan's Homeroom went well as she was introduced after handouts had been passed to each student concerning the school's new gender diversity program and the stiff penalties for bigots. She quickly made friends with several of the girls in homeroom since she was showing the great bubbly personality that had surfaced over the past weekend.
Sitting in the left rear of the class, slumping down in her seat as though humiliated because she was wearing a skirt, was Samantha Walters. In her incarnation as Theodore, Sam, as she had known him, had been a friend and next door neighbor. Sam ordinarily dressed as a boy as much as possible because that is what he was in his heart. Sam was excellent in sports, and excelled, especially in baseball. Quite possibly Sam was as much a transman as Joan had been a transwoman.
Joan now had a diagnostic tool to tell the difference between a tomboy and a transman. It all depended on the auras of the brain. She knew that she could not risk showing any of her powers, but she could use her aura sense to take an instant mental image of Sam's aura that would be saved in her photographic memory. She could look at the image later in detail and tell about Sam
Joan was glad when it was time for her study hall period. All of her classes had gone well so far. Even Gym had been fun, because she was really good at gymnastics and no one was freaked to be in the locker room with her. The tension had been released with a mass of giggles when she finally took her shower and proved to them that she was just one of the girls now.
She had gotten a translation of the worship text of the Exxorian Goddess and meditated on the text as she let loose the fetters of her mind to seek the one greater than herself. An image formed, as in a dream, and not as created by Jayna's shape shifting of the Goddess Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit').
"Wake Child, for we must talk", spoke Xertoruodgutr as the outside world slowed to where time almost was standing still.
Joan, recognizing she was in the presence of the Goddess, curtseyed, then prostrated herself before the Goddess according to the Exxorian forms she had read about. It finally occurred to her that she was hearing and understanding a royal Exxorean dialect of their language
Xertoruodgutr took Joan's hand, saying, "Rise ,Child!" and directed Joan to a chair while she too took a seat, smoothing her gowns around her. Joan likewise found herself in a gown similar to what the Goddess was wearing, and marveled.
"Thank you for seeking me out and for adopting Exxor as your planet and culture, and even your body. You were chosen to be redeemed as the woman you are today thru the use of my image and power. What you have done since has been a wonder to behold. Your care to uphold that which is right, and learn from failure are the main reasons that I speak to you today."
"I am awestruck and amazed in your presence, Goddess," Joan said with true reverence.
"There is much that I may require of you later. For now, there are just many things to tell you. Your wisdom has led you to recognize holes in your abilities, especially as you come to the aid of the Super Friends. You have recognized your first failure. I have mitigated your second failure which you know of subconsciously and I will now reveal. In order to make the spell permanent, the present state of the auras need to be changed to their rest state. I provided a spell component in the power that translates the auras into reality, fixing the state of the auras so that no changes or unraveling to return to the original state can occur. The first transformation is not the difficulty, since you undid it back to base state. Only the one known as Robin the Girl Wonder is in danger, because she won’t allow you to undo the transformation.”
"Goddess can you help her?"
"I can help, but it the outcome would not be according to her desires, but upon my judgment. All must be considered in her judgment, body and souls."
"Goddess your judgment is true. Even upon Zan, since he should not have disrespected you."
"Child, you may ask a blessing from me"
"Thank you Goddess. I have a friend who is a boy in mind and spirit, and a girl in body who needs release. Can you help him?"
"Show me the child's aura." Joan showed the Goddess the aura of Sam that she had saved in her photographic memory. The aura confirmed the diagnosis that Sam was a transman, with a masculine mind and a feminine body."
"If the child consents, then I will judge him and send him on his destiny. Before that happens, you must speak to him of me, so that he realizes that this is real and that the outcome may not be as either he or you envision it. As a Goddess, I have access to many things that I will weigh in judging him. The one thing that I can say for sure, is that he will be whole and have the potential for happiness in the future."
"I will do my best to educate him and find out if he will consent to be judged"
"For your evening meditations, try "The Classic Rings”
"I saw that in the database, but there wasn't a translation available"
"You will find that you can communicate in all manners of Exxorean communication now. Enjoy!" The Goddess left Joan alone and her robes changed back to her school clothes as time in the outside world finally sped back to normal. Joan let a "Woo Hoo' escape, as she could not contain her glee at what had just happened.
Joan realized that she might have to wait till she arrived home after school to go next door and hang out with Sam. ‘Some kids that think it is cool to hang with a transkid. The cheerleaders have me scoped out to join their clique because I am so hot looking. Others want to hang out with me because Superman and Wonder Woman are my guardians. I’m not going to have much chance to hang out with Sam at School since he does not fit in with any of the cliques. They all just think Sam is a tomboy, and don't realize Sam is trans.’
A bit later Joan arrived home at 112 Excelsior Way following her first day at school. Superman and Wonder Woman met with Joan and Mrs. Waterman and outlined the arrangements they had made at the school to accept Joan as a fully functioning girl, which included the measures in place to combat bigotry. Finally they came to the part where her time was required for the Super Friends.
Superman began, “To protect her true identity she is going to have a job at the Hall of Justice as a specialty housekeeper, for which she will be paid double minimum wage for 3 hours a day, 6 days a week. That will cover her regular presence at the Hall of Justice, and also cover an explanation for the spending money that we planned on providing for Joan."
Wonder Woman continued," We'll be able to make some changes for school activities, but she basically needs that much time to work on her training. She has a very demanding talent, and we all want to see that she has the best chance to develop it."
Mrs. Waterman thanked them and wondered how it was all going to work out as Superman followed by Joan and Wonder Woman in the invisible jet flew toward the Hall of Justice in Metropolis.

Episode 8 ~ Genius Twins
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice, the Wonder Twins shared lunch with Marvin, Wendy and Wonder Dog.
"The ceremony went well last night. Sorceress really got caught up in the pomp and circumstances of the occasion," observed Marvin
"Say, Wendy, when did you and Marvin discover that you were fraternal twins? That is just so wild,” Jayna questioned
Wendy replied, "That is quite some story. We were both applying for co-ed housing on campus to save time, since we both are taking a gruesome workload. An antiquated college regulation tied to an endowment restricts blood relatives from staying in the same dorm. Some hackers on campus decided to make lemonade out of it. Using state resources beyond state of the art hacking, they are able to break into sealed birth certificates and reunite children separated at birth by adoption. We look so much alike that they assumed that we were there for the clandestine search for sibling motive, and were pleased that they got to reject Marvin’s app. for the house, while accepting me. But we got copies of our real birth certificates. Marvin is my big brother by 14 minutes."
Jayna asked, "Oh Marvin, Sorceress texted me to ask you if you might be available to do a little experiment in the simulation room this evening after she is finished with school, and the Super Friends meeting with her mother?"
"I'll make time to help her. Ask her to give me a heads up when it gets within an hour of wanting to meet me,” replied Marvin.
Jayna responded, "Thank you, Marvin. I'll text her back and let her know."
Zayna queried, "Wendy, when are you two returning to MIT?"
"Wonder Woman is going to fly us back there tonight so we can attend classes in the morning,” Wendy answered.
The Genius Twins, Wendy and Marvin, enjoyed their lunch with the Wonder Twins. Each set of twins had different business to take care of so they parted in order to arrive for their next set of tasks.
On the way to the Hall of Justice, Sorceress tapped her communicator earring, "Sorceress calling Marvin."
"Go ahead, Sorceress."
"Can you meet me in the Simulation Room in an hour?"
"Sure thing. Sorceress, See you there. Out"
The Invisible Jet only had a short flight and was landing at the Hall of Justice as Sorceress again tapped her communicator earring. "Sorceress calling Girl Wonder. "
"Girl Wonder here. What can I do for you, Sorceress?"
"I'd like to discuss something with you if you have a few moments."
"Anything for you, sweetie. I'm in my bedroom and you still have access, come on in."
"Be right there," and she was quite literally, since she teleported from the Hanger, where the Invisible Jet had parked after landing into Robin's room. She found her in lingerie covered by a short robe, meditating in lotus position .
Sorceress spoke softly and sweetly, "Can we talk?"
Robin came out of her meditation and looked at Sorceress, "That was fast!"
"I can teleport now."
"Smart Girl."
"I'm trying."
"Robin, Sweetie", Sorceress took Robin's hands in hers, "I let you down. I messed up by not leaving you something so you could feel your old life was worthwhile. I'm sure being totally female is a big rush because it is different, and eventually things will get to be second nature, including periods and all the rest."
Robin replied, "Darling, you are a super heroine, not a Goddess! I don't want to go oops, but you do. No one really was hurt by Dick Grayson mysteriously disappearing, which is why I was a good choice to be Robin. Bats and I will construct … Heck, if I know Bats, he's already covered me with a complete female alter ego. I know that I don't have the pull that I should have back to my original male side. I can accept that what you did changed me so that I am not the same person that I was before, and in hanging on to this life I send another aspect of myself to the oblivion
Sorceress continued, "There's more sweetie. The method I used to change you wasn't proven, and it was only my first time trying it with anyone. I guess success depends on how good a weaver that I am, but my method required changing and repositioning and reshaping color and texturing the mini elements of your aura to match a set pattern. For your transformation specifically, changing every single male part of your aura into female, took a little creativity, because the female auras are more shaped and textured than their male counterparts. I don't know how long it will last, but eventually something is going to snap back to its original shape, place, texture, or color, When that happens painful physical changes will happen as your body reverts to a more male state. If you wait to let things revert over time, my method of changing you may not be available any more."
"You know that I am scared to change this, that I will lose feeling this way. That what you did was either a one in a million fluke, or else the old me may withhold this life from me."
"Robin, even the old you has got to be moved by the way you plead your case. We could record a plea from you to return you to this form, along with a chronology of events we can get from the Hall of Justice visual records. You and I know what we are talking about in private quarters, so we could reenact that. The best way for the life you desire to be granted, is for him to submit himself for judgment to the Exxorean Goddess. She promises two things, which are that you will be whole, and that you will have a chance at happiness some time in the future. Most often she leaves those who are trans in their native universe and those who aren't trans, swapped with their opposite in a parallel universe."
"That's a lot to think about Sorceress. I'll begin recording my appeal to the old me to make us female."
"See you later, Girl Wonder" Sorceress teleported to the Simulation Room.
The room intoned, "Magical energy release detected, factor 7"
The room's voice startled Marvin who was waiting there for Sorceress. Marvin turned around, finding himself looking into the eyes of the sorceress, courtesy of the 6 inch heeled boots she was wearing.
"Hello, Marvin. Thank you for helping me with this experiment."
"Hi, Sorceress, Wendy will be along in a bit. She wanted to be in on it but she had a bit of a bother to take care of in the restroom. My sister says she hates those visits by Aunt Flo."
"That's okay, Marvin, I'm a shape shifter and the process tends to get me really involved in all the details of the person I am either shifting to or from. It was all a lark when I shape shifted Robin to female. We had an excuse at the time, which isn't important now. When I changed Robin to female it was to pure female. I have come to find out later that I should have changed him to be a transman, so that when his need to be a girl was done, he would want to change back to being a guy. What I want to do is to get a statement from you saying you want to change back, and then change you to a woman without altering your male mind, to see if that is what I should have done with Robin to get her to change back"
"Sounds like a great idea. I'll go along with it in the name of science."
"OK I'll call Jayna and Zayna who were working on the legal stuff and the video tape for her." She tapped her communicator earring and signaled the Wonder Twins to come in.
The Wonder Twins, Jayna and Zayna brought in some documents for Marvin to sign and then videotaped him directing that he be put back in his body. That done, everything was ready for the transformation.
Sorceress called down the power, which engulfed Marvin leaving him looking very much like Wendy. The new girl christened herself Mindy as the Room interrupted, " Magical Energy Release factor 7 detected"
"How do you feel?" the Sorceress asked.
Mindy responded with a bright cheery, "I feel okay."
Somehow Jayna was more tuned in to the situation than Joan was. " Mindy, Is your sister on her period? How heavy are they usually?"
Mindy nodded, then said, "Her periods are usually heavy, That doesn't say anything about me, does it?"
Jayna replied," I hate to break it to you, but females in the same house tend to have periods at the same time, especially Identical twins like you are now. Right Zayna?"
Zayna nodded her agreement. "Where is the nearest restroom? We need to get Mindy some where she can be comfortable when this catches up to her?"
Sorceress replied, "It’s about to be right here, Watch me work!" She summoned a building into existence "So Mote it Be!" And there before them was a ladies restroom fully stocked as though it were a copy of a facility placed at a resort for the use of their members. It had a sitting area and with couch and chairs stalls and showers. It had a fully stocked linen closet as well as clothing in various sizes, in case someone was caught wearing white when she should not be. The room intoned, "Magical energy release at factor 10 detected"
"Let’s get her into the sitting room. I have the restroom connected up to the Hall of Justice's utilities, so everything should be functional," the Sorceress observed. The girls helped Mindy into the lounge, where Sorceress checked to see how Mindy was doing by looking at her aura. She was amazed to see parts of her aura that she had left blue on purpose, turning pink, and could only conclude it was the period having that effect on her. She also discovered that while the period was in progress, she could not effect another transformation.
Joan sensed that Wendy was on the way, so she wanted to go out and catch her to talk to her before she went to Mindy's side. "Jayna and Zayna, please keep her comfortable.”
"Mindy, I'm sorry but your period has already started and I can't change you back till it has run its course. I'm going to explain what has happened to you to Wendy before she gets here. I'll be back soon."
Sorceress went out to intercept Wendy before she arrived at the lounge. stopping her, she explained, " I can't change her back till after she gets thru with her period. She, being your twin sister Mindy, formerly your fraternal brother Marvin. I can do a house call at MIT to change her back, if she can function like Mindy at MIT."
"Mindy is already known on the MIT campus so there is no problem. We came up with some cloaking shields that alter the perceptions, so that they feel like they are interacting with either Marvin or me. Well we had to help and trade and discovered that they still worked. Mindy got caught making a date for me when I was in the room, so we explained that Mindy was my twin sister and Mindy got pranked herself, because she had to keep the date that she had made for me. She'll keep the Marvin cloak ready in case Marvin might be asked to 'turn off the cloak' and be Marvin for a while."
"I can teleport now, so there won't be any trouble going to MIT in the evening after school to change her back. Once her period is over, please call me and I will be over as soon as I can."
"That will work out fine. Maybe you can come to MIT with Wonder Woman and me tonight, and we can pick out a nice safe place for you to teleport to when we need you. There is one thing that bothers me. I understand that you are brand new to your powers and making mistakes are a natural part of doing. But girl, how could you not realize that the day of my period was not the best time to be turning my brother into my sister?"
"I've only been a girl physically for 5 days. Before that I was only a girl mentally, and I haven't had a period yet."
Wendy opened her eyes wide at that revelation, "Girl, I am with you on that.”
“Wow! all the things about magic that I have read is that a menstruating female is much more powerful magically than her little girl counterpart. I heard on my comm. the room telling you that last magical thing you did was 10 power. Watch out, World, Sorceress has arrived!"
"Don’t say that. That scares me to death, just thinking about it!"
"No need, Joan. The Super Friends will see you thru it and you'll be a better person for sticking with it. They were wonderful in helping us to find our niche and making it happen. Who knows where we will end up when we finish MIT even if we are both the geniuses they think we are. Hey, super heroes need engineers too! The important thing is that we’ve found our place in the world. Our super power ended up being our genius and we will find a place so our superpower will shine.”
“If you keep the faith, then your place to shine may be as Sorceress as part of the adult Super Friends. Just find a place where your unique super powers will shine. If you are not making mistakes at this point, then you would be stagnant and not testing the boundaries of what you know. In time you will be able to do it more intelligently but if we don't grow then we die."
"Bless you Wendy! You are truly a saint!"
"Fair warning. I can be bitchy during my period, so please accept my apologies in advance for any transgression in the next few days. I'm better after taking my Midol."
"Let me take you to your sister in the lounge. I believe there is a whole drawer full of Midol in there so you can help yourself." Sorceress led Wendy to her sister Mindy in the lounge. She noticed that Mindy had changed clothes and she appeared to be resting more comfortably.
"Hi sis, are you doing OK?"
"I am, Wendy. Jayna and Zayna have been really helpful and this lounge literally has everything that I needed to be comfortable. Question is am I having the same period as you are now or is this a first period ?"
"Either way works out to be the same, Three days. Sorceress can you help me get Mindy to our sleeping quarters? We need to pack, and Mindy is gonna need outfits that fit her for 3 days, plus a few more for accidents, just in case. Guess what Mindy! You get to be my twin sister for real for 3 days. If Marvin has to put in an appearance then you will have to use your cloaking shield."
"I can convert a few outfits to female wear for her. They will stay that way permanently unless I do something later to convert them back. The outfit she is wearing when I change her back will adapt to male wear. Once you clear me for your quarters, I can teleport the three of us over there."
Wendy had the computer eating out of her hand and the permission was quickly set. Once she was finished, Sorceress took Mindy's arm in her right arm and Wendy's arm in her left arm and uttered, "So mote it be!" Instantly, the three of them found themselves in Mindy's bedroom. Sorceress started packing a suit case for Mindy by first, converting an article and then folding it nicely and placing it inside while Wendy and Mindy looked on, amazed. Mindy added the bag full of supplies from the lounge to the suitcase. Finally there were no more items that could be converted to items that she needed.
"Mindy you are good for clothes but you are going to need some incidentals. Wendy, do you think you could take your sister to the commissary to fill in the gaps? I'm going to go clean up the mess I left in the simulation room"
Wendy replied, "Sure thing, Sorceress! I am so glad that Diana got them to install this one since she was used to having one available during the time she served in the military. Ordinarily a store like this would not work on the honor system, but these are the Super Friends!" Wendy escorted Mindy out the door and down the hallway while Sorceress teleported back to the Simulation room.
Joan found the Wonder Twins waiting outside the lounge for her.
Jayna asked, "How is Mindy?"
Joan replied, "She's doing OK. Poor girl! What a way to spend your first day as a female! Wendy is filling in what I couldn't from Marvin's male belongings at the commissary and then they are off to MIT. I'm going to hitch a ride so I can pick out a good place to teleport to when Mindy's period finishes, so I can change her back. Mindy does want to change back, even though her period is making some mental things feminine. What's being overwritten has to do with dealing with her female body, whereas the gender identity is also in the brain. But that seems to be separate, except that if she's comfortable with every aspect of her physical femaleness, then that might overwrite her gender identity or not allow it to function in the same way. Gender seemed simple, pink and blue auras, but it is way too complicated in reality. Well I came here to clean up, so I guess I should do it."
Sorceress summoned the energy and return to nothing, the lounge she had created, having first sealed off all of the utilities that she had borrowed. "So mote it be!" Sorceress cried with arms outstretched over the building and it ceased to exist. The Room intoned, "Magical Energy Release at factor 10 detected!"
She was about to find a place to catch her breath when Wonder Woman addressed her over the Super Friends Communicator. "Sorceress, you need to get that cutie patootie up to the hanger area if you want to catch that ride with me to MIT"
Sorceress tapped her communicator and replied, "Understood Clearly, Ma'am!" Turning, she addressed the Wonder Twins, "Got to run! See you girls soon, Bye" With that, she teleported to the Hanger deck with a "So mote it be!" Everyone else had already taken their places in the invisible jet. Joan entered thru the doorway, secured it and belted herself into the seat beside Mindy.
"Mindy, I am so sorry that I got you into this. If it is any consolation, this experiment has really taught me a lot."
"It's OK Joan, It’s not the most pleasant thing that I have experienced but I count myself wiser for every new thing that I have tried. I’ll try not to feel too sorry for myself, since I know that I have a way out, unlike most girls who are stuck with their bodies."
Very soon, Wonder Woman touched down at the campus airport. Diana returned to the Hall of Justice while Joan helped the Genius Twins with their luggage as they made their way back to their apartment on campus. Since only the 2 of them shared it , they was decided that this was the best place to teleport in and out of MIT. Joan made the image of the teleport area and committed it to memory as usual, then bid them good bye and teleported back to her room in the Hall of Justice. She located Jayna and Zayna in the simulator room and teleported back to be with them.
“Hi, Zayna Have you read the passage in the evening meditations about surrendering your power before the Goddess and listen for her voice?"
"Yes, I have! Hey! Wait a second. That hasn't been translated. How could you have read it?"
"I discovered that I have the gift to translate Exxorean communications. Would you like to try it? How about you too, Jayna?"
Jayna screamed at the top of her lungs, "The Exxorian Goddess is dead! She’s just a myth, now. She let my sister Vylylia die! She’s a fake!" Jayna ran off weeping uncontrollably. She ended up with her large sobs being slightly muffled because she buried her face in her pillow as she had collapsed on her bed after locking herself in her room.
"I'd love to try it Joan, You'll have to shape shift to be a twin, for us to use the twin powers."
Joan shape shifted with a "So mote it be!" becoming a copy of Zayna. Touching finger tips, they joined together in chorus, "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!" Both of them were caught in the energy that swelled inside them and all around them. Joan tuned all her thoughts toward listening for the Voice of the Goddess to seek Her will for her life. All around her became a feast of sound, which she identified as music originating on Exxor. Out of the midst of it came a still small voice clearly speaking to her, just as had occurred in her meditation at lunch.
"Little One, I am so pleased with you, my child. You have sought my will and I will charge you with a task. I wish you to become a student of the ways of Exxor and of my ways. You must learn at least enough so you can decide if my task is something that you wish to do before you learn enough to be able to do so. You present yourself before me as one of my people, adopted into the whole by the very power that restored balance to your life. Little One, you are tired from such a long day. Take your rest, and I will complete for you the tasks to put you back where you belong in the world. Sweet dreams, little one.
For Joan, it seemed that she lapsed into a wonderful sleep provided by the Goddess. Zayna, not receiving the Goddess's voice, brought herself out of it with a "Wonder Twins powers deactivated." Joan looked on with glassy eyes as though she wasn't really there, which had Zayna concerned, until Joan took a seat and made a hand motion as though she would gather her strength for a moment before transforming back to being human. Zayna excused herself and went up to her quarters. The room recorded Joan transforming back to human and teleporting away from the Hall of Justice.
At 3 AM Joan awoke very refreshed, to the chirp of the teen trouble alert, so she triggered it to play its message.
"Sorceress your assistance is required by Wendy Cleaver at coordinates 'I really miss my bratty brother, and this new sister of mine is driving me up the walls, what with her whining over a little thing like her period. Please send help!'"
Sorceress tapped her teen communicator earring. "Sorceress to Wendy. Responding to message."
Wendy was startled and looked at the clock,"3 AM, goodness I was rude. I was being bitchy as advertised. Please forgive the call. I guess I really needed someone to talk to, and sis isn't making much sense."
"Call anytime, Even if I am my alter ego, I'll find a way to get back to you soon. I'm sorry you are having it tough, especially since you are uncomfortable too."
"We'll find a way to make it thru till you can do something about it. But I reserve the right to apologize in advance for a few more bitchy calls between now and then."
"Okay girlfriend ... I'm thinking of you and your sis. I'll help as soon as I can."
"That's all I can ask, Wendy Out"
"Night, Sorceress Out!"

Episode 9 ~ Exxor Emissary
Joan set her alarm when she had been up at 3 AM tending to the Teen Trouble Alert and it was going off now. Joan rose cheerfully, humming a sweet tune from Exxor that she had discovered that had a connection to the Goddess. She bathed and dressed herself, then went to the kitchen and fixed a small breakfast. She wanted the extra time in the morning so she could meditate on the things of Exxor. She was thrilled to have actually talked with the Goddess yesterday. The rest she had received after placing herself at the disposal of the Goddess had been sweet and peaceful. She didn't even remember turning back to human form and teleporting to her bed here at Mother's home but she had managed it some how was clear.
Her soul burst into song as she meditated on the passage. She could not remember anything else that she had immersed herself in as much as she was doing with all things Exxor these days.
She turned back towards the empty chair that her mother most often sat in to find the Goddess sitting in regal splendor sitting with her. When she made reverence to the Goddess in the Exxorean manner, The Goddess smiled at her, “Rise, Child!"
Joan smiled and returned to her seat, "I feel so unworthy to be in your presence'
The Goddess took her hand and looked into her eyes, " I have sanctified you by seeking to commune with you. What I have cleansed, no one in the universe should call unclean. I made you; sweetie and I don't make trash!'
"Thank you, Ma’am", Joan cried tears of joy as she smiled," I will remember that!"
"Little one, I wanted to make sure you realized the seriousness of what you did last night. That remarkable act of reverence that you performed is also a request that you enter into the service of the Goddess. It is done as a lifelong commitment."
"Goddess, I did not know it with my mind, or else I would have told Jayna, but I have felt it in my heart. I owe you my existence, Goddess, and you have blessed me with many gifts. I have never felt happier than since I have come to embrace your meditations and teachings, and the culture of your people. I gladly submit myself as your handmaid for what ever task you might require of me."
"I know that you have taken an oath to serve the Super Friends as well, and this is pleasing in my sight. The service I require of you is not exclusive, however if for a time I need you in that manner, The Super Friends will allow you time off to practice your religion, and that will be sufficient"
"That is encouraging to hear, My Lady. All that I pledged to do last night I stand ready to honor my commitment"
"Rise before me, Child, and receive my judgment." Joan rose before the Goddess standing before her.
"Little One, In as much as you have shown your devotion to me and bid me let you enter into my service; I commission you my Emissary to the people of planet Earth. You may be seated, child." She took her seat as Joan took hers again.
"I must be honest and let you know that since time is nonlinear for me, I am still in the moment for the judgment of Theodore. I let you become Joan out of compassion for your life challenge, and I gave you help to be the best Joan that you could be. Yet I have taken no action concerning your irreverence to my image. The greater action should be taken concerning the person who tempted you to act in that manner."
"I recognize I was irreverent, Goddess. Your judgments are true."
"In your ceremonial duties as Emissary, you will be in Exxorean form. The gift that I will be giving you is that both your human and Exxorean forms will be base forms, neither a transform of the other. You will have a special way to switch between these two forms that will not tap into your resources as a Sorceress."
"My child, the blessing I have for you is the judgment I have for others. Jayna and Zayna’s third fraternal teen sister, Vylylia, was my priestess. Once she died, her soul was gone; there was no way to restore her to life. However, If you choose to do so, as an Exxorean, you will be the image of, and able to access her memories while meditating. You will also gain the abilities Vylylia had. Wearing Vylylia's form will allow you to participate as a Wonder Triplet. Everything about you will be almost exactly as they remember their sister. Even many of her unconscious memories will govern you while you are in her form. Take care of their pain, and wear her image well, so that her life is remembered and glorified. "
"It will be done to be even as you have said, Goddess. Your judgments are true.”
"Little One, your friend will see the error of her way and know that this comes from me, instead of you. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. You will have access to her memory as well, so you may enquire the things I have not yet revealed. To become Exxorean, touch your palms together and say Vylylia. To become human, touch your palms together and say either Sorceress, or Joan Waterman, and it shall happen. I now take my leave of you. Be well, Child!" The Goddess vanished.
Joan began wondering what kind of excuse she was going to have to arrange to stay out of school to see about this. She decided that there was the straight forward religious observance, only it didn't sound prudent to explain about the Exxorean Goddess. Fortunately she went straight to the answer woman herself, her momma. When she knocked on the door of momma's room to ask her to help, Momma told her, "Come on in and get under the covers."
Joan gladly did as she was instructed. It was a special treat to be in Momma's room. "Did you see?" Momma asked her.
"See what Momma?”
“Did you check your panties?" Joan had not checked her panties, but she hopped out of bed to go to the bathroom. When she pulled down her panties she found they were spotted, but not too bad yet, so she put in a panty liner and came back to bed. "Momma, they are spotted, am I about to get my period?"
"Yes Sweetheart. Welcome to womanhood!"
"Momma, Do I have to go to school today?"
"A girl should not have to go to school on her first period. You can stay out, if you promise me that you won't spend all your time playing hooky at the Hall of Justice. OK Sweetie?"
"Sure Momma I will come back for some momma daughter time. I want to pamper you, too, since you are in the same boat. It's funny, all the things that I missed before that were right in front of me."
"That's OK sweetie. Past is past, but I'm glad you are my daughter now."
"I'll try to be back soon... I got some Super Friends business dropped in my lap this morning. There sooner I pass it on to that in charge; the sooner I get to pretend that it doesn't exist, since others will handle it."
"Bye Sweetie." Joan disappeared with a "So Mote It be!"
Sorceress, materialized in her sleeping quarters at the Hall of Justice, had a shower and took care of today's other essentials, including a tampon and a pad before got dressed. Then she tapped on her Super Friends communicator earring.
"Sorceress to Wonder Woman, Urgent news. Can we meet?"
"Wonder Woman Here. Meet you in the cafeteria in 5. OK sweetie?
"Wonderful. See you there! Sorceress Out"
"Wonder Woman Out"
Sorceress and Wonder Woman got their breakfast and found a table to sit together. Sorceress explained what had happened during her meeting with the Exxorean Goddess and explained the perception by the Goddess that using her image in the manner that Jayna had was displeasing to her, and kissing the image unbidden by the actual Goddess, was disrespectful by Theodore and Zan. The Goddess had not touched on the later use of the Goddess image to exile Jason Santini, with the Super Friends requesting that action..
"Wonder Woman, Goddess knows I have made more than my share of mistakes when it comes to exploring the parameters of my power. You know about the disaster I had with Mindy last night, and the situation I placed Robin in."
"I understand your concerns, and that you do not speak for retribution, but enlightenment. Go ahead, Sorceress"
"Jayna erred both strategically and morally when she took on the form of the Goddess without seeking permission to do so. The act of animating the Goddess's form without her permission was disrespectful, and using that animation to entice others to be disrespectful was also disrespectful."
"I take it that the Goddess has elected now to invoke judgment for the disrespect involved in your transformation?"
"It is perplexing that it comes after the Goddess and I have communed, but perhaps that mitigated my judgment. I seem not to have the worst part. The Wonder Twins at one time were the Wonder Triplets. Zan and Jayna had a sister their age who was a priestess of the Goddess whose image Jayna assumed. She, Vylylia, was serving in the temple, which was one of the first targets wiped out in the barrage against Exxor that made everyone refugees. The Goddess would like to have saved her but she could not preserve anything but her own image because even she can not restore someone from death. The Goddess has asked me to be her emissary to Earth. My blessing and sorrow, is that in giving me the gift of invoking Exxorean form independent of my power, the image I become is Vylylia. Even though I will have her memories, the sentience inhabiting her form is mine, and not hers. I fear that state is to be an allegory to both Jayna and her sister to have their sister back yet it only is an image. I have yet to reveal this to Jayna and Zayna and I hoped you could be present to help in the aftermath."
She looked up to Diana and smiled hopefully "Diana, I need you!”
"Sure, Sweetie, I'll help. Hopefully once the shock and lessons are dealt with, and then you all will enjoy the gift of being actual sisters that the Goddess has given you and not just creations of shape shifting."
Wonder Woman and Sorceress located the Wonder Twins, arranging to meet with them in the Simulation Room.
"Wonder Woman's presence had so uplifted Sorceress that she was very upbeat instead of fearful as she had been first telling the story.
"Greetings Jayna, Greetings Zayna. Guess What! I'm having my first period today! Momma let me play hooky on condition that I don't spend all my time at the Hall of Justice today. When I come back she's gonna play hooky from work and we’ll have some Momma daughter time. Our periods are the same, so that's why she guessed that I was getting mine today."
Jayna and Zayna gave Joan a hug, telling her, "Welcome to womanhood!"
Joan began, "Thanks, girls. I have some more news that isn't so wonderful, but it concerns you two, so I need to tell you." She gave each of their hands a squeeze and looked with compassion in her eyes which indicated everything would be all right. "I don't think its any secret that I have been trying to find out more about the Exxorean Goddess whose image was worn by Jayna when I was given my new life. I wanted to express my thanks to her and her power and judgment for giving me my new life. I succeeded in that. I was visited in realistic dreams where she and I talked. And then last night when we were powered up with Triplet power, She actually spoke to me. She has selected me for a task and she wished me to be able to knowingly and willingly accept it."
Jayna realized, "You are taking a different tack on learning about the Goddess. I have been trying to learn more about her image so that I could fully use her inherent power. You have been trying to know the Goddess herself. I thought that she was a myth and her image and powers the creation of myth. I have been very disrespectful, and full of pride in my accomplishment for yielding so vast a power, even though I was clueless on how to really control it."
"What's done is done now, Jayna. All we can do is accept the judgment all three of us have earned for our conduct. As part of the task I have been given, I have been given the power to change into the image of an Exxorean priestess, independent from my own shape shifting power. The task that I have been given by the Goddess is Exxor Emissary to Earth and the priestess whose image I take on, is Vylylia, your dead sister."
Zayna was brave, so she asked, "Can we see her now? Even though it will be you instead of her ... well, I never got to tell her goodbye."
"Sure, Zayna, I can do that and I want to be respectful of your sister's memory. If I do something unthinkingly that is out of character, correct me, and I will do my best to learn to bring honor to her memory."
"I want to see her too, Joan. Thank you for helping us. We'll find a way to get thru things the way they are now.”
Joan looked to Diana, who gave her assent with a nod. Joan pressed her palms together and said softly, "Vylylia". In her place was a shorter and slightly more Elfin featured teen girl, who was unmistakably Jayna and Zayna's sister. She was wearing her priestess gowns and looked very much like the girls remembered her."
"Hi Glivney! Hi Tomu! It's me!"
"Joan? You have Vylylia's memories too?"
"It's Joan in here too. A bit too much for now? Try again later?"
The Wonder Twins agreed, "Too much for right now, but we’re looking forward to doing it again soon."
Vylylia pressed her palms together, saying, "Sorceress," and returned to her human form.
Jayna told her, "It's been too long since I was called Glivney, seems right somehow. After the shock has worn off then maybe we can finally work thru our grief. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye or even to bury her body. We'll find a way to cope with the situation after that, and perhaps even thrive. Go ahead and spend that mother daughter day you have waited for, for so long, because Zayna and I will be fine."
When Diana nodded her assent as well, Sorceress said, "So mote it be!"
Joan found herself in her bed at home and was about to go off when she received the alert bleep of the Teen Trouble Alert going off.
"Sorceress your assistance is required by teen Gladys Cravats at coordinates’There is a boy pretending to be a girl at my school who is allowed to mix with us normal people just because she was seen with Superman, once who is freaking me out with her cult meditations instead of using the King James Bible. Please send help!'" {Message 19283746}
Joan smiled and thought she finally had a slam dunk because that is the way she had been told to handle it. First she patched into the Trouble Alert Computer, "Accept Voiceprint, Sorceress!"
"Voice print accepted, Limited Command Functions Available"
"Transfer Teen Trouble Alert message 19283746 to Trouble Alert Queue!"
"Input Reason"
“Secret Identity Protection"
"Message Transfer completed"
"End Command Function Session”
"Sorceress logged out of Limited Command Function"
"Sorceress Out" She felt quite pleased with herself. She reasoned that she had made yet another error by enjoying her music so much that she’d been a bit louder than was needed. She'd need to rearrange her schedule so she could do Exxorean things when she was wearing Exxorean form. She was glad that she had protection from the bigots, and that on the whole, her time at school was pleasant.
Once everything was taken care of, she called her mother on her mother's phone so that she could have the Mother and Daughter time. Not everything had been solved, and not all the problems were her doing, but she had faith in the Goddess that all would come out in the end. What felt even more special was that she felt so mothered, from the Goddess, from Diana, and from Momma? A girl really needs all the mothering she can get.

Episode 10 ~ Daughter's Dilemma
Momma surprised her early in the morning, telling Joan she was to have another half day out of school. Wonder Woman had called concerning Gladys, and their feeling was that the situation would go a lot smoother if Joan were not present, in case the media was involved. Joan would start school today, at the lunch period.
Momma called over at Joan's request and asked if she could come over and have breakfast with Samantha Walters before she went to school. She agreed, so Joan bathed and got ready for school, picked up her books and went next door. Mrs. Walters opened the door and told Joan to go ahead up to Samantha's room, because she was still getting ready for school. When Joan knocked on the door, Sam answered it. "Hi Joan! Why did Momma let you come up to my room?”
“Because right now, Sam my man, They think we are both girls. And we are both girls in body, though we both know you are a boy at heart. And since my miracle, I'm a girl in body and mind, too."
"Oh Wow, Joan, really?"
"Really really. I've come to explain to you how I managed to have my miracle and see if you want one of your own."
"Then I'd be a boy for real and everything?"
"Yeah, so real no expert in the world could tell you were any different from an ordinary boy, but there is a catch.”
“What's the catch?”
“First, you have to trust a Goddess from the planet Exxor named Xertoruodgutr,” (she pronounced it 'Orbit'), “who will judge what needs to happen to you to make you whole and have the best chance of happiness. Second, you must accept the Goddess's judgment, because it is irrevocable. Third, it’s possible it may involve a change of universe for your female self to be replaced from that universe by your male self for all of your life, without your female self ever being able to come back, or else it may be that you are changed and stay in this universe as a male. You may have a secondary effect that helps you adjust to life as a male. In being judged, you may be offered a kiss by the Goddess. Enter into this chaste kiss in the most respectful means available, or penalties might be assessed for disrespect to the Goddess."
"Do you have any questions?"
"Can I ask my mother about this?"
"It might be better if you asked a general question, rather one specifically about accepting this offer. If you are locked up in an insane asylum, it would be hard to take care of your situation should you desire it."
"When should I give you my answer?"
"Meet me at lunch, so I can try to set it up for tonight if you want to do it."
"I'll be there, Joan. Thanks so much for thinking of me." The excitement showed on Sam's face as he wondered how to break it to his mother. When Sam was finished getting ready, he picked up his books and carried them on his hip, boy style, while Joan picked up her books and gathered them to her bosom, girl style as they both went down to the breakfast table.
Mrs. Walters had both Sam's and Joan's favorite cereals lay out on the table. Joan ate hurriedly, finished, then excused herself to go to the bathroom.
That gave Mother and daughter Walters a chance to talk. "Momma, you said I could tell you anything, and it would be OK?"
“Yes Samantha, you are my daughter and I love you. Nothing can change that."
"Momma, what if I told you that I have been hiding that I am a boy inside, but I can’t lie about who I am. Is it OK for me to be your son instead of your daughter?"
"Yes I will love you just as much if you are my son rather than my daughter. Has it been awful for you, being thought a daughter instead of a son?"
"If I could stay on your side, I would Mother. You know me, Mother better than anyone else and since we are not keeping quiet about it anymore, do you feel that I am a boy or a girl?"
“Despite the physical evidence, dear, somehow I’ve always felt you were a boy. my dear one. From when you were in the womb, and from the minute you were born, you always have been a boy. Your name would have been Samuel if we had acted correctly and raised you as a boy, would you like to be Samuel now, Sam for short?”
"Yes Mother, I will be Sam!"
"We'll have to get you looked at by the doctors, Sam. I don't know what they do in cases like this but we will find out together."
It got so quiet in the house they heard Joan calling for help in the bathroom upstairs. About the only words that Mrs. Walters made out was 'girl problems', Sam,” She smiled, "It would be inappropriate for you, as a boy, to enter a woman's bathroom to check on Joan. I'll go up and see what the matter is."
Joan had not taken all the precautions that she should have, and had a mess in the bathroom. Mrs. Walters showed Joan where the supplies for dealing with that kind of situation were, and then went downstairs to use the telephone.
"Mrs. Waterman, Could you bring a change of clothes over here? The poor dear's time, and she had a failure. Her clothes are soiled." When she got off the phone, she called up to Joan, “Your mother is coming over with a change of clothes."
Joan was very relieved and called thru the door, "Thank you Mrs. Walters." Joan's mother was let in the house and directed to the bathroom where Joan was waiting to get the change of clothes.
Finally the four of them gathered in the kitchen. "I am glad that everything has worked out," continued Joan's Mother, "I'm going to keep Joan out for a half day to make sure she is OK, but she'll be at school in time for lunch."
Both Samantha and Mrs. Walters bid them goodbye, as Samantha had to leave, herself to go to school.
Once home, Joan thanked her mother for the rescue and went to her bedroom. She felt that she owed it to the Goddess to give her an update, rather than dump everything, once Sam made his decision. From the reaction that Sam had received from his mother, even though Sam knew that becoming her son would disappoint her mother, her duty to her would be to be her best, especially if that meant becoming her son. It was quite a dilemma for a daughter. Joan was lucky, because solving her dilemma had involved becoming Momma' daughter.
The next thing to do would be her morning meditations. She decided to do them as Vylylia. Joan could consult her memory to learn the things she needed to know. It was fortunate that the knowledge would be immediately accessible in performing her duties in Exxorean form. Joan placed her palms together, whispering, 'Vylylia'. She transformed into one of the Wonder Triplets, wearing her temple robes. She wondered about Exxorean clothing. The Wonder Twins costume had elements of Exxorean Style and the heraldry of their family, but it was mostly a customized Super friend’s costume.
She reached into her mind and found the robes of the Emissary. They were very much like the priestess robes. Joan guessed that it was little wonder that the priestess and Emissary robes were similar since it was the Goddess's right to have someone of her own gender represent her. Images of other clothing went thru her head. The gowns that the Goddess had worn to distinguish the reality from the image that Jayna had summoned were the regal robes which represented her supreme place in the universe.
As to the matching robes, it would be folly for anyone to wear the robes unless the Goddess herself dressed her in them. You see, the robes consist of multiple separate pieces of unique fabrics that have not been sewn together. If the goddess does not imbue the wearer of the robes with some of her power, the separate pieces will fall apart. In the Exxorian archives, only one usurper ever tried. As a result, she was remembered as a laughingstock. Even now, with all Exxorians in exile, one only has to speak her name to make everyone laugh.
They were reserved for the mortal or mortals that the Goddess had selected as her daughters. There was no doubt when those were the robes that the Goddess dressed her in. She did not pretend to understand but she knew that it was intended she should realize now how highly favored she was. Perhaps the Goddess, who had been so open on many things, would be open on this one too. Joan was biased about the regal gowns since she had worn them too, but she liked them better than the judicial robes that the image of the Goddess had worn when Jayna invoked her.
Joan, now looking like Vylylia, turned to concentrate on her meditation and became completely one with the experience, so that time seemed to stand still as she tried to absorb all that Vylylia had learned from the Goddess.
"Wake, Little One!" Goddess to Vylylia. “You have questions, and things to tell me. This is the time to do that.”
Joan/Vylylia began to stand to make reverence to the Goddess but was stopped. "Sweetheart, I am glad you are following the old forms, and for the ceremonies in public there is still a place for it, but not between a queen and her princess. Both are regal, yet the bond of family is greater than the bonds of nobility. When I placed those robes on you for the first time you became my daughter, and that will never change. I love you, daughter!”
“I love you, Mother!" Joan looked pleading as she asked and touched her mother on the arm, "How? … Why?”
“The how is that this is the way the power has been passed down, from mother to daughter, from the dawn of time. Actual heredity, even in a noble race as ours, is not enough to determine if one handle such vast powers. It became far easier to use our powers to pick our own successor, and then make them into our blood relative. When the time is right, the passing of powers is an act of will, both of the one who gives, and the one who receives. In the form you are in right now, my daughter, you are of my blood line, so the power transfer will work. As to the why, I picked you, an Earthling who had only just been set free a few days ago to be my daughter.
“You came in on the middle of things. It was you who caught on to the irreverence first. Even the Super Friends were more concerned with what the image power would do for them. I encouraged your innate human powers to come out so that I could see how you handled having some real power. You messed up a bit, but you learned from it, and you were very moralistic when you considered the consequences of your actions. You figured out how you’d messed up, and tried to do better.
“You also took up the culture and religion of a planet not your own so you could understand. You transferred your own spiritual values, and respected me in the same way. I especially liked it when you said my judgments were true, and repeated it. It sounded like a ' Right on, Sister!' to me. You have been seeking my wisdom, guidance, and help. What more could I ask from my protégé'?”
“Not soon ... I have much to teach you daughter, dear, and I am in no hurry to leave this life."
Joan/Vylylia heaved as sigh of relief, then buried her face in her mother's shoulder and began to cry herself out.
"There, there now, dear one" The Goddess stroked her daughter's hair as she comforted her. "I'm not dying. There will be a long time for us to enjoy our life together. I wanted to not miss any more time than I already had with you sweetheart."
Time passed slowly in the outside world, but enough had passed between the Goddess and her new daughter that she was able to compose herself and again discourse with her new mother.
"Mother … I like calling you Mother. Mother, I did as you asked and explained to Sam about your judgment. He asked his mother about being changed and her mother said that she would love her child no matter what. Sam is going to tell me his decision about asking you to judge him at lunch today. If it is yes, when might you be able to help him?"
"Sweetheart, we can do it today. It will be part of your training as my daughter. I want you to be with me as I judge him. Don't worry. Unlike joining with an image, joining with me will be just like this conversation. You'll be able to understand everything from my point of view and I can describe some of the things that are happening."
"Thank you, Mother! Thank you for helping me, and being good to me, and most of all, for being my mother"
Suddenly Jayna came to mind and that opened up a whole lot of uncertainty. "What about Jayna, Mother?"
The Goddess smiled and patted her hand, "If Jayna shows she is worthy, then I may have another daughter, and you will have another sister. Let's take things one day at a time and the rest will follow."
Joan/Vylylia smiled, very satisfied with her Mother Goddess's answer.
"I depart as you continue your day! And Daughter, Blessed be!”
“Thank you, Mother" The Goddess her mother, vanished as time began flowing normally again. When she opened her eyes, her gown had become that of the Emissary once again.
Joan/Vylylia discovered that there was plenty of time left before she had to return to school, so she teleported to the Hall of Justice.
Sorceress tapped her communicator earring, “Sorceress to Robin."
"Robin here. I'm in the cafeteria if you want to talk in person"
"I'll be right there."
Sorceress teleported in to the cafeteria. She sat across from Robin the Girl Wonder and touched her arm, "How are you today, girl?"
"OK, I guess, considering. I have been putting quite a bit of work into getting things recorded. Say, that’s a new look for you, dear one! Very Exxorean! I imagine Jayna and Zayna appreciate it?"
"Not completely. I am in many ways, the reincarnation of their sister Vylylia who died in the fall of Exxor. We are still working thru the shock, and have not processed positive things yet. I've thought about my dilemma with your change, too, so I'm not trying to impose my morality on the process. In order to really solve this, I feel the Goddess must be involved. I won’t even insist that the bad spell be taken off, and that's only if you agree to be judged by the Goddess. My spell is just window dressing that she can strip away as part of your judgment. You will be whole, and also have a chance at happiness some time in the future."
"Wow, Girl! You’ve sure mellowed out. I like these options even more. Any word on how Mindy is doing? Poor girl, having her introduction to womanhood start with her first period, immediately."
"So far, so good. Mindy would change back now in a heartbeat, but I can’t do it while she's on her period. So we’re waiting for it to be over. I have to be home soon, and go to school, but I thought I would check on Jayna and Zayna before I go. And 'Girl Wonder,’ all my hopes!'"
As Joan/Vylylia got up, she turned to see Zayna and Jayna entering the Cafeteria. When they both motioned her over, all three sisters hugged in a delicious group hug. Both of them whispered in her ear, "I love you sis!"
Vylylia wasn't sure how much longer she could mime and gesture, but since hers was not their sister’s mind, she was afraid that all it might take would be one wrong word to make everything come tumbling down.
Zayna realized what Vylylia was thinking. “Sit down!” she directed. She sat directly in front of her, and took both of Vylylia’s hands in hers.
"Sis, don't be afraid to speak, please. We know, Joan that the Goddess made you the reincarnation of Vylylia, and to do The Goddess’ will, you must wear that form. Jayna and I have decided to accept this gift that the Goddess has given us with joy. The synergy between Joan, who adopted Exxor for her own heritage, means that we must adopt you into our sisterhood. You are our blood sister, Vylylia. This reincarnation is the only way she can exist. You are our sister now and forever, no matter if sometimes you do look like a silly earth girl." A new round of hugs began.
"Thank you, sisters! You've made me very welcome. Would you like to try the bond now?"
Jayna told her, "Let’s go down to the Simulation Room. They want to keep a record of Vylylia's progress." Her sisters agreed and fell into step. Vylylia could have teleported them there in an instant, but they needed to walk together as sisters. It brought to mind the lesson that, "Just because you can do a thing does not mean you should do a thing."
Each of the girls took position, standing in a circle 120 degrees apart. They stretched their hands out to the girl on each side, moving a bit closer so their finger tips were just touching. This was their starting position. Instead of focusing the power to one small point the way the other triad had done, this position allowed the power to mix as it flowed thru each girl, building up and up. Theoretically there was a maximum, the most that the girl's bodies could conduct.
Zayna explained, “Vylylia, 3 shape shifts is trivial. Since our base power can handle it without synergy. Having all the extra power is overkill. If we had a male in our sibling mix, having extra power would enable an even greater complexity of forms for him, and shapes for us. Jayna and I would like for you to do something with your magic that you thought you don't have enough power to pull it off. Got something in mind?"
When Vylylia nodded, they began chanting together, "Wonder Triplet Powers Activate!"
Vylylia thought that the only thing that would top what she had done before, teleporting that entire 'necessary' into the room, would be to call it into existence there and leave the original where it was for right now. All three of them felt the power circulating in them as it built up. Even though there were amazing energies coursing thru them it only felt like a trickle, and very comfortable. The Room intoned, "Magical Containment and Conduit detected Magical Flux detected at factor 20"
Vylylia got ready to use the power in a manner that would not jostle her sisters, allowing it to flow out of her body as she invoked it. "So Mote it Be!"
Once again, the Lounge appeared in the Simulation room. "Magical Energy release detected at 20 Power. No intervention needed."
Both Zayna and Jayna looked on in amazement when the Lounge came into being with enough left over to do 3 shape shifts. "Shape of a human, Jayna!”
“Shape of a Human, Zayna!”
“Shape of Joan!" The Wonder Triplets had once again looked like a gaggle of teenaged girls ready to go shopping. "Girls, I'm sorry but I have to go to class. Jayna, could I get you to find out what we do with matter that we've conjured. I don't know how to disintegrate something yet.”
“I'll check on it sis but it’s your mess, and you might have to be the one that cleans it up."
Zayna told them both, "Yes Of course. It’s been fun Vylylia and Joan. Hope to see you both soon. Wonder Triplet Powers Deactivated!"
Vylylia kissed and hugged her sister goodbye and teleported with a "So Mote It Be!"
Joan had quickly changed to her human form upon teleporting to her bedroom. She and found her mother in the Kitchen, and gave her a huge hug and kiss.
Her momma was thrilled but curious as to what had brought that on. "Momma, I love you so much for not giving up on me. For keeping tabs on me, for getting me help when I could not help myself spiraling downward. I love being your daughter!"
"I believe that's about the nicest thing you have said to me, my daughter. Wait and see, the best is yet to be! Let’s get you to school. Oh, and Sweetheart, while you are in such a loving mood, you are a woman now and have proved it by your first period. I made an appointment with my gynecologist and we will arrange for birth control. However you can avoid a lot of heartache if you remember that you are forbidden to have underage sex. In simpler terms, You know what a guy's thing is, so stay away from It!"
"I will, Momma. I have no desire to end up carrying twins at this point in my life. Sometimes I'm not even sure about what I have gotten into with this Exxorean Emissary that I have become. I'm kind of a promoted priestess, so that may mean that I'm supposed to be celibate, which would mean the Goddess would help too."
"Ok, Daughter! Let's get you to school." Momma drove Joan to school and checked Joan in and soon she was on her way to lunch.

Episode 11 ~ Male Bombs
Sam had been watching for Joan very attentively. This had been a pretty exciting day of Sam's life, other than watching Joan have to suffer thru her period. The halls were buzzing that a girl had been the first to be expelled under the School's new zero tolerance concerning mistreatment of transgendered Students. Sam was glad the school was on his side on this.
Sam finally caught Joan's eye and he directed her over to sit beside him. "How are things going?" he asked.
Joan let down a little, responding honestly, "a little fatigued."
Sam smiled knowingly," I know, but not for long. I want to do it. I want to be judged by the Goddess."
"Are you sure about this? This isn't something that can be undone once it’s done. You are going to be stuck with the consequences the rest of your life.”
“It's a big risk, for sure, but is there any higher reward for one of us than to get all the plumbing worked out the way it should be, at one time, and without surgery?”
“If you are sure, pray to her, as if she was another person, but someone who was queen of your country and ask her for what you want."
As the words formed in Sam's mind what he wanted to stay, the universe around them stopped between one second and the next. The Goddess had appeared in the chair across from him.
Sam usually didn't usually notice what people were wearing, but he noticed immediately that both the Goddess and Joan had the same dress, and it was not what Joan had been wearing a second earlier. Bowing his head, Sam began, "O wise and beautiful Goddess, I've got a problem that I can’t solve the way that you can, and please, would you help me? Please judge me. I want so much to be whole and to have a chance for happiness."
As Sam waited for her to reply, he noticed that the Goddess had lovingly folded Joan's hand in hers and Joan had come more awake for a moment, as though she had just been plugged into something.
The Goddess turned Sam's head so she could kiss his forehead. When The Goddess kissed him, the universe blinked. And suddenly Joan was dressed as usual and the Goddess had disappeared. Time was no longer stuck between one second and the next. Joan was getting a thrill just observing Sam trying to take a peek down her neckline and the effect that she was having on him, but even then, one thing had not changed. She knew that Sam was still her best friend. .
That evening, Joan accumulated everything that they would need for a party in the Hall of Justice Cafeteria. She wanted things to be really special, so she had enlisted Jayna, Zayna and Gleek to decorate and arrange for the party favors, games and refreshments. They had created a large banner which said, "Today I am a Man!" It would be a secondary center of attention, after Sam. She wanted it to be as though he had just been bar mitzvahed. Only the celebrants would know the difference. The Legal department had come up with another set of outstanding documents for Samuel to clear up the obvious errors in his former status. (To think anyone would ever have thought that such a fine young man as Samuel could ever be mistaken for a girl)
The guests began to arrive. Both mothers were early, of course, asking to see if they could help. When School had got out, Sam and Joan walked to Joan's home as fast as they could. Then Joan had teleported them over to the Hall of Justice for the party.
It was nice that some of the younger Super Friends could attend. Super Girl, Cyborg, Aqualad, Super Boy, Rima the Jungle Girl, Firestorm, Flash, and of course, Robin the Girl Wonder Had all RSVPed.
Everyone had a good time. It was amusing what a fine art the teen Super Friends had made out of parlor tricks, aided and abetted by use of their super powers. Sometimes it was fun just to guess who the one was giving the assist . When they cut the special cake, Sam blushed, but he enjoyed it, as did everyone else. The punch they were serving was as strong, but not alcoholic, because they did not want any cases of FUI ( Flying Under the Influence).
Sam was asked for a speech after he had opened the thoughtful presents he’d been given. Sam clowned as he usually did, making everyone feel at ease, and thanked each person by name for their presents. He said that he hoped that he would be invited back the next time he had a birthday, ‘cause super heroines and heroes give good stuff.’
Soon all the guests fled, including the Wonder Twins, who had been trying to give the cleaning robots an assist clearing up after the party. Joan had already gathered up all of Sam's presents and teleported them to a convenient place in his bedroom.
Joan turned her face up to Sam, who had gained several inches in height in the change. She turned her lips towards him and closed her eyes. Sam was holding her as tightly in his embrace, as she was him as their lips met.
Joan wondered at the charge that went thru her for such a seemingly chaste kiss. It was good to be the Goddesses Daughter! She did her part to cool Sam down, and smiled as she said goodbye. She teleported to her own bedroom with a "So Mote it Be". She felt pretty pleased with herself at the way things had turned out.
Now she could enjoy a restful evening..
The tweet of Joan's Super Friends communicator earring chimed. She was used to being contacted thru the Teen one
"Joan, sweetie. It's bad! You are emergency activated."
"Yes, Wonder Woman."
"I need you in the monitor room, now!" In the blink of an eye Sorceress appeared in the Monitor Room and beheld all the damage and destruction. It was worse looking out the windows into Metropolis than on the monitor screens. Col Wilcox was not to be seen, but a 20 year younger female officer, Sgt Lyla Wilcox had taken over the task of briefing the Super Friends.
"Joan, Darkseid is planting diabolical devices (male bombs) that turn men into savages. All of the male Super Friends are on their way back to the Hall of Justice. I know it isn't fair that we are asking you to grow up today, but I know, daughter, that you are up to the challenge and you will shine. I'm going to go out and lead our forces into battle when things get regrouped. We need to ask a lot of you. We don't have enough female Super Friends to meet the challenge, so we'll need for you to convert some of the male Super Friends, Any one who finds themselves female accidentally, stays that way for the current crisis. Since you are the key to getting the male Super Friends back to normal, and we need someone to protect the Hall of Justice, you'll be assuming monitor duty.”
Her voice took on a different tone, “Computer, transfer all monitor functions to Sorceress. Authorization, Wonder Woman 15 alpha”
“Acknowledged, Sorceress, on monitor duty, has access to all command functions."
"Mom, can you draw up a promise and make them sign it, that those I convert to full female will promise to voluntarily submit to being turned back when this is over? What if my conversion still unravels at some point and what I worry about more ... what if I have 10- 30 more dilemmas as a result of this?”
“I have given some thought to this and will have it ready before I go. I'm proud of you, daughter. That is exactly how I would have handled it.."
"Thanks, Mom!”
“Computer, enable Super Friends communicator/ alert emulation over teen network"
"Super Friends to Wendy, Mindy, and Wonder Dog"
"Wendy here, what's up, Wonder Woman?"
"Darkseid has pushed Metropolis into violence, thru Male Bombs that make men into mad savages. All of the Teen female Super Friends have been given field promotions. I need to port you three here, and make Mindy and wonder dog fully female, so you can all go out together to help locate and destroy the Male Bombs."
"We three are here touching, port away" A moment later, Windy, Mindy and Wonder Dog appeared in the monitor room with Sorceress, as Wonder Woman returned with the signed promises.
Sorceress turned Mindy and Wonder dog fully female after Mindy signed her promise to submit to being turned back when this was over
"Genius Twins, I've got a lead on some of the bombs. Go pick up your tech gear from the armory and meet me in the garage. We'll let Sorceress give us a head start by porting us out to the site."
It didn't take them long to be ready and be assembled at the garage. Sorceress already had the details, so she just said, ' So Mote it be!" to transport the three into the thick of things, just where they wanted to be.
Joan felt that the Genius twins needed some back up so they would be free to work their technical magic. Wonder Woman would be tied up trying to be the field tactician that they all needed her to be right now.
"Super Friends to Wonder Twins."
"The Male bomb situation is out of hand. I need the Wonder Twins to back up the Genius Twins, so they have chance to work their tech magic. This bomb thing usurps all intelligent males, and Gleek is more intelligent that a lot of guys that I know. I'll need to turn Gleek female, too, so that she can help you. I wish I could come with you, but they elected me to protect the Hall of Justice I am also supposed to turn some of the male Super Friends into females so they can help. So that’s another reason they want to make sure I am safe, so I can change them back."
"OK, can you combine the gender change for Gleek with the teleport?"
"I can do that, sis”
“Give us a head start to invoke our powers, in case we end up in a bad place when we transport. ‘Wonder Twins, powers activate!’”
“Go, girl"
"So mote it be!" A split instant of time later, the Wonder Twins materialized next to a female Gleek. The Genius Twins and Wonder Woman immediately engaged in combat against those affected by the Male Bombs.
"Super Friends to Robin the Girl Wonder."
"Go ahead."
"Robin, I need you at the monitor room soonest. Full Status restoration. I hope that your partnership will still be intact, but if not, I’ll need your experience out on the front lines of combat!"
"On my way!"
Sorceress saw Superman and Batman present themselves at the Perimeter of the Hall of Justice. She had adopted a defense of physical separation, and entrance and exit of the hall was only allowed by her own magic, as she could tell if some one was trying to tamper with it.
She ported them to the Monitor room. She saw looks of uncertainty on both faces. She realized that even though they had participated in the decision to empower her, confronting the choice to become women was still difficult, even if was only supposed to be temporary
"Are you two OK?”
“We got out of there just in time, before the network in that area started up.”
“I can port you and change you at the same time, or I can do it here and let you get used to it before you go into combat."
Superman said, "If you can port me out into the sky over Metropolis as Super Woman, which will give me a head start. I'm ready!" She pointed to the paperwork on the desk. After a momentary glance at it, Superman signed the promise.
"So Mote it be!" and Super Woman came into existence flying over Metropolis. Finding some of the bombs was easy that way, but she could not just explode them, because there were innocents all around them. A more hands on approach was required."
Batman was distracted by the sudden disappearance of Superman and before he noticed the entrance of Robin the Girl Wonder, he heard, "So Mote It Be" and Batwoman came into existence.
"Robin, you've been working at being a female super heroine since your transformation and this is still brand new to you. Batwoman, It’s time to put aside your differences for the sake of the Super Friends, and work as a team to defeat Darkseid"
"Well spoken, Sorceress, Welcome back, Robin. To the Batmobile!" Batwoman took off for the garage, while Robin sped up and passed her. She was waiting in her seat when Batwoman made it there. "How in the world do you manage to run in those heels, Robin?"
"Practice makes perfect, Bat Woman" They both heard a "So Mote it be!" and found Batmobile patrolling the war zone that had once been the streets of downtown Metropolis..
Not too long afterward, Aquaman also showed up at the perimeter of the Hall of Justice. "Aquaman to Super Friends.”
“Sorceress, here on Monitor duty”
“I'm ready to join the battle. Sorceress, If I become a mermaid, please make sure I have some nice shells. You can port me to Metropolis River and change me on the way if you like.”
“Will do, just as soon as you’ve signed the release form." Just minutes later, Aquawoman was indeed a mermaid, with the nicest seashells around. She was quite successful eliminating the male Bombs located adjacent to and on the river.
As Joan settled in for the night, she knew why the comfortable chair was tucked away in a special place in the monitor room. While she could rest her body, her mind would have to remain vigilant. It didn’t look like she was going to be spelled for Monitor duty any time soon.

Episode 12 ~ A Few Good Women
Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice in Metropolis, the city which was a tribute to what was right in the world had been turned on its ear. The Super Friends were taking drastic measures, because only female Super Friends had been able to keep their heads clear of the insanity gripping the city.
Darkseid and his minions had placed what had been coined 'male bombs' throughout the city. The effect was to cause the male population to revert to an earlier state of pure violence, rage, hate, and power madness, which was a danger to the females, as well as the males. The longer each of these bombs functioned, the worse the situation in Metropolis became.
The Genius Twins, aided by the Wonder Twins, had done some wonderful research on the "Male Bombs". Wendy and Mindy had found out how to put the Male Bombs to sleep, so they would not enrage males. The problem was, that the bombs still had to be disposed of without moving them, for moving them reactivated them.
Teleporting was one solution and soon Sorceress began to receive coordinates from the Super Friends. Then she would port them to where they would drop into the Sun.
However, her powers were limited, and she could not keep up the disposal effort for long before needing some time to recuperate.
Each Super Friend soon had a device that emitted a signal that put the Male Bombs to sleep, but it only worked a close range. Attempts to signal large areas from long range didn't work, for some reason.
Green Lantern showed up on sensors, so instead of waiting for him to approach the perimeter of the Hall of Justice, Sorceress teleported him into the Monitor Room. "Green Lantern, I am so glad to see you. Our situation is desperate. We need even more heroines to battle Darkseid's Male Bombs. Could you put out a distress call for all the female Green Lantern Corps to come help us?"
"Of course, Sorceress! I'll be able to expedite it if I can retrieve my power battery. And I think I should send the distress call after I’ve already changed, so they understand the importance”
“So Mote It Be!" Halle Jordan, the feminine Green Lantern of Earth came into existence. She went to her quarters and came back with her lantern and used it to charge her ring so she could send the message. Halle was really stunning as the way her uniform fit so closely really showed off her curves.
"In brightest Day,
In blackest Night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might.
Beware the power of
Green Lantern's Light!"
"This is The Green Lantern of Earth, requesting the aid of any female members of the Green Lantern Corps. Darkseid's assault on Metropolis is directed against all of its males, so only females have a chance to combat him"
"That's it, Arisia always seems to be around when needed, but I'm not sure what the response may be from the others. If you'll port me to the combat zone I'll get started."
The Sorceress chanted, "So Mote it be" and Halle, the Green Lantern of Earth materialized over the battle zone which was Metropolis.
Jayna called in, "Sorceress, could you intercede to the Goddess on our behalf? It is not working well to have Zayna's power mirroring my own. If she could port, instead of shape shift, perhaps we might be able to deal more quickly with the male bombs after the Genius Twins locate them and put them to sleep"
"Stand by. I'll see if the Goddess can help. See if you can get Wonder Woman to protect the Genius Twins temporarily"
Sorceress summoned her Exxorean form, clasping her hand, and saying "Vylylia!" .After she changed, she entered into meditation and sought the guidance of her Mother the Goddess.
"Daughter, Jayna has finally realized that more does not mean better. I can adjust Zayna's power to make her a teleport while she is linked to Jayna and you, Vylylia in this chamber away from the interference the war might cause. Summon them here, daughter and I will do my part," commanded the Goddess
Jayna and Zayna materialized in the monitor room along with Vylylia and the Goddess. They all joined hands and together chanted in ancient Exxorian, “Bring forth the blessing given by the Exxorian Goddess!”
The Goddess chanted with them, then broke the energy link and vanished. The rest of them chanted, “We thank the Goddess for her bountiful blessing!”
"You should be able to port now, Zayna," Vylylia explained. "It looks like we have one male bomb on camera, so we have its coordinate. Go ahead, Zayna! Lock onto the coordinates and port it out into a solar consumption trajectory"
Zayna and Jayna linked hands, calling out, "Wonder Twin powers activated!”
Jayna began, “Deferring to Zayna” and Zayna said, “Port of Male bomb at 41.75.15 to solar consumption trajectory!"
Almost instantly, the male bomb in the camera’s view disappeared.
Vylylia’s communicators stated, "Super Friends Computer tracking Male bomb on solar consumption trajectory. … A moment later, 3 … 2 … 1 … Target destroyed."
"Wow that worked! Sis, can you give us a port into the war zone? Then we’ll really get to work!" Vylylia sent the Wonder Twins back to action.
Before long many female Green Lanterns reported, including, Arisia, Adara, Alia, Boodikka, KT21, Laira, Jeryll, Selaya, Krista, Hollika, Kaylark, Liana, and Tomy-Fai. Vylylia brought Halle, the Green Lantern of Earth, back to the Monitor room long enough for her to brief her assistants.
Once the Bombs were located, putting them asleep turned out to be easy for the Green Lanterns. The Inertia dampeners within their power rings energy enabled the ring energy to lift the bombs without activating them, and throw them into a solar consumption trajectory to dispose of them properly.
Soon after Sorceress heard the news, she had someone who could dispose of bombs paired up with a team locating and putting bombs to sleep.
Aquawoman, who now looked like a voluptuous mermaid, was very effective in locating male bombs along the river and harbor and used the gizmo that the Genius Twins had come up with to put them to sleep. She passed the info to Arisia who disposed of the bombs as quickly as she could..
Super Woman was finding and putting many bombs to sleep from the air, but had not discovered any way to dispose of them herself. Pairing Adara with her enabled those bombs to be disposed of.
Batwoman and Robin the Girl Wonder were also successful at locating and putting the male bombs to sleep. With Krista's help, the bombs were quickly consumed by the sun.
The Genius Twins continued to work with the Wonder Twins, trying to unlock the secrets of the Male Bomb, so that they all could be removed. They were obviously coming from somewhere so if the source were found then this treat could be brought to an end.
Supergirl signaled that she was on station, so Sorceress ported one of the gizmos that would put the male bombs to sleep to her. She asked her to relay the coordinates of any she knocked out to the Monitor Room, until she was matched up with someone who could dispose of them..
Sorceress noticed that Firestorm, The Nuclear Man (who, though well known to be a practical joker, and also in his teens, was a full member of the Super Friends,), was on the monitor at the periphery of the Hall of Justice.
"Super Friends to Firestorm. I have you on monitor"
"Firestorm to Sorceress, I hear you are looking for a few good women, so I came to volunteer!"
"I believe you may be the answer to Supergirl's prayers. If you can temporarily convert the male bomb matter into something harmless, then Supergirl can fling it into the sun to be burned up."
"I copy that... How does this work?"
"I'll convert you into Firestorm the Nuclear Woman while I port you to Super Girl's location so the 2 of you can work on disposal as a team. Just sign the form I’ve just ported to you, and away you’ll go."
As soon as the form had been signed, Sorceress cried, "Port away!"
Indeed, Firestorm the Nuclear Woman was able to covert the matter into harmless things and with Supergirl, began making short work of the Male Bombs that she had detected and put to sleep.
Wonder Woman found that attaching a male bomb to her invisible jet by her lasso of truth did not wake the bomb, so she was also able to tow male bombs away from the planet to be burned up in the sun.
Working efficiently, the Super Friends had soon worked so quickly that the city was temporarily clear of bombs prior to the next wave of bombs appearing.
The Super Friends took advantage of the lull, working rapidly to evacuate the city. It helped, that the effects of the Male Bomb on males was completely reversed when the person was far enough away from the source.
The Genius Twins soon detected that the Male Bombs had mutated again by becoming Dirty Bombs, whose radiation kept most of the Super Friends from locating safeing and disposing of them.
The Sorceress began to chant. Her spell imbued each communicator pin with a magical shield that repelled the radiation over each Super Friend. She reasoned that it was easier to help preemptively, than to deal with triage from radiation poisoning. The shields worked well and they resumed disposing of the dirty bombs.
Mindy had a flash of inspiration and used sensors in the Super Friends Satellite, Hall of Justice, and their Tech buggy to triangulate the location of Darkseid's bomb bunker. Once she had a location, she transmitted it to Sorceress, who in turn, gave the location to Wonder Woman so she could coordinate the assault on the facility.
At a designated moment both Sorceress and Zayna transported all of the Super Friends to the bomb bunker. Darkseid could not withstand the combined might of the Super Friends and each and every bomb died, along with all of the supporting equipment. Once the situation in the bunker was in hand, the majority of the Super Friends returned to Metropolis to deal with the mop up of the aftermath of the Male Bombs and Dirty Bombs.
Sorceress permitted herself to say out loud, "The Battle is ours! All that remains is the clean up, but I can't relax yet, cause I still have Monitor duty."

Episode 13 ~ Round Robin
With Windy and Mindy safely dismantling the remainder of the "Male Bombs" fabrication bunker, Metropolis was on the mend. The super heroines were celebrated as they brought an end to human suffering in the aftermath of all the violence. Wendy's cross circuit to 'B', feeding back thru all the bombs and then Mindy's cross circuit to A, not only stopped things from getting worse but actually reverted the men's minds back to the state they had been in before the devices had started working. The networks held together just long enough, though the overload had killed a great many of them. The ones still remaining were harmless, but the Genius Twins and Wonder Twins would not rest till all the male bombs were completely dead.
Batwoman, Robin the Girl Wonder, Aquawoman (who had dried her tail to the point that it became legs), Super Woman and Wonder Woman entered the monitor room of the Hall of Justice together. Some had promises to be fulfilled, while others were ready for things to get back to as normal as they could be under the circumstances. Sorceress declared, "So Mote It Be!" and Superman, Bat Man and Aquaman came back into existence.
Wonder Woman, noting the tension in her shoulders came over and rubbed Joan/Vylylia’s shoulders. "Great job, Daughter. We need you on call, but with your talents, that could just as easily be in your quarters, as here. "Computer, transfer Monitor Duty and all command functions to Wonder Woman. Authorization Wonder Woman 15 alpha.”
“Code accepted, transfer complete."
"The Girl Wonder was amazing on the battle field, Bat Woman adapted but Girl Wonder had the physical skills when they were challenged. Why didn't you turn her back when you did the others since she submitted just like they did?"
"Because when dealing with a difficult problem, it sometimes helps to think "fourth dimensionally."
"I assume you mean to consider time? That’s difficult to do, since we perceive time as linear."
"While I was on Monitor Duty I was able to plug in an anachronism, the Goddess brought me, called a DVD player to our systems. That’s something that is coming out in 20 years. The Goddess thought watching a set of movies which haven't been filmed yet would be a good teaching aid, to teach me about non linear time. Taken as a whole, instead of being seen sequentially, it cautioned not to make assumptions, because the conditions might be different on the other side of the time interface."
"The Goddess permitted me to step outside of time, just as she does when she makes a judgment. I opened Pandora's box and could see no way to 'make it right' dealing just with Dick Grayson's life. Looking at the future, Dick Grayson looks at Robin as not being a person, but a job description, Batman's apprentice.
“Having a male outlook and not wishing to remain an apprentice, means that at a certain point, Robin resigns from the job and goes into business for himself. Dick Grayson will cease to be Robin and became Nightwing, instead.
“The cycle repeats with other boys who did not do as well as Dick and ended badly. Finally an enigma, Stephanie Brown who would have been the first Girl Wonder, lasted a mere 47days before she was brutally murdered. Her preparation, both physical and mental, were not up to the task .
“There has to be some major tampering with the timeline if Robin the Girl Wonder is to continue to exist in the here and now, and also allow Dick Grayson, the man, a chance to exist too."
"Were you able to come to any conclusions?"
“I presented my premise to Robin as to how the Goddess might sort things out and she has endorsed it. The Goddess and I, Girl Wonder present, and Girl Wonder future will get together today and try to sort it out.”
"What of your own future?"
"I peeked, but I quickly realized that so many things affect our lives that no matter how perfect any extrapolation is, so many changes are bound to happen that it make any predicted future different from the actual one. In the projected future, Sorceress /Emissary become One of the premiere Super Friends, graduating to full status before becoming a legal adult.
Joan is no slouch in schooling herself, and graduates as a Medical Doctor, who between the science and her skills, helps lots of people. Joan and Sam get engaged at the beginning of their senior year at High School. They are married and consummated their wedding shortly after both of them become of age.
Sam was very successful as a professional Baseball Player and breaks so many records that the conventional wisdom is that Sam is sure to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He retires from being an active player to a second career as a Baseball Manager and is already being compared to one of the greatest Baseball Managers of all time, Bobby Cox of the Atlanta Braves."
"So what about babies? I know that you and Sam will be busy with your careers, but no one is too busy to try for a family. Something worthwhile like that you make time for."
After years of trying, Joan and Sam will still be unable to have a child. However before starting with all the fertility specialists, Jayna asks to see Sam. Jayna tells Sam that they had missed the boat by not doing it as Exxorians since infertility was unknown in the family Joan's counterpart, Vylylia was from. All Sam had to do would be transformed to Exxorean and the 2 of them would be sure to have a child. She will not tell him that twins run heavily in their family. Sam agrees, is transformed and shortly thereafter, Vylylia will be pregnant with twins. As he speaks to them inside Vylylia's tummy, Sam calls them, ‘Wonder Twins: The Next Generation." Joan grinned, then broke into a giggle
Soon, most of the temporary heroines had reported in and she’d restored them to hero state.
As Mindy and Wendy completed their work, Sorceress was happy to see the end of her work coming to a close. Gleek and Wonder dog materialized as male once more as she teleported them to the Hall of Justice.
Sorceress wanted to be very careful with her friend, Mindy and made sure everything was right before finishing up this time. "Just a minute, Mindy, and I'll get you sorted." She looked over the auras carefully, setting things back to the state Marvin had before she'd done anything.
"So Mote it be!" And Marvin was back none the worse for wear, looking every bit his very handsome self.
Sorceress collected hugs from both sets of twins, reminding the Wonder Twins that the judgment for Robin the Girl Wonder would be coming up soon and they all had a part to play in it. She suggested that the Wonder Triplets use a shape shift to wearing Exxorean costumes to make changing easier, afterward.
That settled, the last team out were the Genius Twins and the Wonder Twins. She teleported all of them home with a "So Mote It Be!”
Joan breathed a sigh of relief that all of her gender changes were undone and that disaster had been averted. While it had taken a lot of energy, she rejoiced that she had been able to use her abilities to perform up to the standard that they’d expected from her when they made her a Super Friend. Now, if only Robin the Girl Wonder was sorted, all would be OK in her world.
Joan and Rachel had met in one of the conference rooms when both the Exxorian Goddess and an anachronistic Stephanie Agnes Brown in her Spoiler uniform appeared with them. By reflex both Joan and Rachel started to kneel but the Goddess stopped them, “Rise children! We are met here in order to discuss the judgment that Rachel Grayson submits herself. Stephanie Agnes Brown, now attired as Spoiler but who was also Robin the girl wonder in her future timeline, also submits to my judgment. There is one more party to this discussion who ought to be heard as well. ”
We saw from Rachel’s body emerge a spirit who looked like Dick Grayson before Sorceress transformed Rachel.
Dick walked over and took a chair at the table which we all did and then he spoke, “I am Dick Grayson. My Spirit has been sharing consciousness in the body of Rachel Grayson. I hid my presence from her so she could have autonomy.” Unlike most astral spirits, Dick seemed to be able to speak and act normally even though his body was transparent.
“My take on this judgment, is that Dick Grayson will exist as a male and go ahead and become Nightwing. A different Stephanie Brown, who is the reincarnation of our Rachel, will discard the apprentice model and become Batman's companion. As a woman, she could be Robin beyond her teen years, as well. The longevity of her Girl Wonder would cancel the circumstances that brought about Stephanie Brown's premature Death. And in another Universe, say Earth 123c, Dick Grayson and Stephanie Brown would exist in the timeline that occurred before judgment."
The Goddess lovingly addressed Joan,” My daughter, you forget one thing, It was by your power that the Spirit of Rachel Grayson was created from nothing. If
I simply put Rachel’s spirit in Stephanie’s body which is transformed to match her new timeline then the same problem exists of two spirits inhabiting one body.”
With thought Joan asked, “What is to be done? Even when I have created something out of nothing then I used a pattern.”
“With Stephanie’s consent, daughter, you may use her body as a pattern after I have given her a new body and timeline and create for her a twin sister which can become Rachel’s body. This new Rachel, Stephanie’s twin can fulfill her destiny to be Robin the Girl Wonder.”
Stephanie asked, “What is to become of me?”
Dick spoke, “Stephanie, if you wish you can become my partner, Flamebird and come with me to New York City to fight crime with me. I have a feeling that being my partner will be a whole lot better for you in the long run.”
Stephanie nodded, “I would like that very much, Dick!”
“It is settled, Rachel will be kissed with my judgment letting her spirit free and Dick Grayson’s body be restored in his older timeline as Nightwing. I will bless Stephanie by laying my hand on her head and adjust her timeline to make her Flamebird. My daughter, you and I and the Wonder Twins must join, as we did before to change Zayna’s power, to give you the power needed to create a new body for Rachel as Stephanie’s identical twin, Robin the Girl Wonder.” The Goddess stated.
Rachel asked, “Goddess, is this possible?”
The Goddess replied, ”All things are possible if you only believe.”
Rachel stated, “I believe, be it unto me according to what you have said.”
Stephanie echoed, “I believe, be it unto me according to what you have said.”
Joan told her, “I believe, I ask for your wisdom and courage, Goddess.”
Dick said, ”I believe! Count me in! “
“As all have agreed, all who wish to be included will be summoned into my presence when all is prepared for my judgment” finished the Goddess. Dick’s spirit disappeared and was presumably back inside Rachel. Stephanie and the Goddess also vanished leaving Rachel and Joan in the room.
“Good luck, Joan!” Rachel called over her shoulder as she made a hasty exit from the conference room leaving Joan alone with her thoughts.
When she’d had time to prepare them, Sorceress took those who were to take part to what appeared to be an Exxorean Temple to the Goddess. The people Joan/Vylylia brought seemed to be the only who existed, as though the rest who should be there were caught in an eddy of time.
'Glivney or Jayna was acting as a priestess of the temple and wearing temple robes as she stood by Robin, the Girl Wonder. Tomu, or Zayna, identically dressed in temple robes, was standing beside Stephanie Brown who was wearing an Exxorean gown since she had been taken out of her future time.
Already seated to witness the judgment was Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. "Vylylia" or Sorceress was dressed in the robes that denoted her as the Emissary. It soon became clear that meant that she was also the Goddess' Herald or Spokesperson, as she announced, "All Rise and Give Respect to the Goddess of Exxor into whose court you all are called this day."
Each man bowed and each woman curtseyed to give the Goddess respect. When "Vylylia" observed the Goddess in the seat of judgment, she announced, "You may all be seated." She herself remained standing beside the throne, on the Goddess's right side.
Those just observing relaxed a bit after having to give reverence to the Goddess, while those standing in the back anticipated being called into the Goddess Presence.
Vylylia announced, “The Woman declaring she to be Robin, the Girl Wonder, formerly Dick Grayson is called before the presence of the Goddess.
Glivney escorted Robin to a point 10 feet from the Goddess, where both women curtseyed and Glivney let go Robin's hand while Robin went forward to a pillow set at the Goddess's feet, curtseyed again before she prostrated herself before the Goddess.
The Goddess made no indication of attending to Robin yet, but indicated that Vylylia continue. "Stephanie Agnes Brown is called into the presence of the Goddess."
This time, Tomu escorted Stephanie down the aisle and the two of them also curtseyed at 10 foot out. Then Stephanie herself went up to a second pillow and curtseyed, before she too prostrated herself at the feet of the Goddess.
The Goddess spoke something in a high royal dialect of Exxorean which Vylylia translated. “You may rise and stand before me.” Both women did so, keeping their faces averted as they did so.
The Goddess lifted their faces, placing her hands placed under their chins. "Raise your heads and prepare to be judged."
All eyes were glued on the Goddess to see what she might do next. The suspense was broken when she kissed Rachel’s forehead then laid her hands over the top of Stephanie’s head..
There was excitement when every light in the temple went out and a bright light enveloped both women so that they could no longer be seen.
The universe blinked.
As the after image faded It was clear that a change had occurred. There were no longer two women before the Goddess, but instead, a man , woman and spirit of a woman.. The man was in fact, Dick Grayson in a new costume that looked like a very mod Batman outfit, and nothing like a Robin Costume. He had jumped 4 years to 21. He was now to be known as Nightwing.
By his side was a girl in an equally mod Robin costume which had a sun on her chest and she looked like a 13 year old Stephanie Brown. She was now to be known as Flamebird. By her side was female spirit who looked like Rachel Grayson.
Vylylia declared, “Glivney and Tomu, please attend the Goddess.” Glivney and Tomu met the Goddess and Vylylia at the front and the four of them joined hands.
The four chanted in ancient Exxorian, “Bring forth the blessing given by the Exxorian Goddess!” A bright light enveloped all seven of them and the universe blinked again.
Beside Nightwing and Flamebird was a girl identical to the first except that she had on the Robin the Girl Wonder costume that Rachel had worn when she had been called into the presence of the Goddess. The light in her eyes showed that this was none other than the soul and spirit of the female Grayson reincarnated into the twin sister of the thirteen year old Stephanie Brown.
Vylylia observed "I have been given leave of the Goddess to reveal that the original time lines of both Dick Grayson and Stephanie Brown are preserved on Earth 123c.The judged may withdraw."
The person Joan knew to be Nightwing helped both Flamebird and Robin to their feet. He bowed, while and both girls curtseyed before they backed out to 10 feet away, where they bowed and curtseyed again. Nightwing escorted Flamebird and Robin to the back of the temple, while Glivney and Tomu followed in step behind them.
Vylylia announced, "This concludes the court of the Exxor Goddess. All rise and give her due reverence." Each man or woman again gave respect to the Goddess as she exited her temple. When the door closed behind the Goddess, everyone gathered around Nightwing and Flamebird outside the main entrance as he explained where his and her costumes came from.
Batman beamed with pride at his Robin, the Girl Wonder, since he now had a person 8 year younger, to mold in his image, yet with all of Dick Grayson's wealth of crime fighting experience. Bats came over to greet Robin and give her a hug at the conclusion of the Goddess of Exxor's Court.
"Robin, I am so proud that I will have you fighting by my side. I am sorry that the past few days that I have been avoiding you and campaigning for Dick's return. I am amazed at the miracle that gave you life. I won't ever doubt you again. Will you let me try to make it up to you?
Robin touched his arm and smiled, "Sure, Bats”
“What would you like to be your name when I adopt you as my daughter?”
“I would like for my name to be Rachel Stephanie Wayne. What was it that you wanted to ask me?" Robin could tell he wanted to spend time with Dick tonight to give him a send off for his new career, like a graduation
He hadn’t expected that, "Why do say that?"
Robin winked, "Feminine intuition. You want to give Dick a send off into his new life tonight."
He put his hand on Robin’s shoulder, "Is that okay with you, Robin? You will be with me from now on, and we'll take the time we need to start over with each other after I give my apprentice what he is due for his faithful service. And Robin, could you make the arrangements for both of us to have a leave of absence from Monitor Duty and the Hall of Justice while we take some time together at Wayne Manor to get to know each other all over again?"
She smiled, "I'll be fine, Bats! Please give Nightwing and Flamebird my regards and best of luck as their new journey begins. I'll make the arrangements with the Super Friends to cover us while we take a break at Wayne Manor. Have fun, Bats!"
When Bats kissed Rachel on the cheek before departing, her face flushed. She was sure it had turned as red as a (Fill in your own comparative), for she felt that kiss from her head to her toes. She tried to calm herself by reminding herself that she had been entrusted with a duty.
Jayna remembered that they had used their Exxorian shape shift powers to get dressed in the Exxorean ceremonial clothing. So now, she prompted her sisters to chant. “We thank the Goddess for her bountiful blessing!”
When they changed, Vylylia was wearing her own version of the Wonder Triplet costume only there was a V in the triangle between her bosoms.
Zayna declared, "I can't believe how simple that was. All we needed to do as ask the Goddess to take over and sort it out the way she would like. That whole bit in the beginning with Theodore had been one slapstick bit right after another. Even the kiss was holy and chaste."
Vylylia breathed a sigh of relief, "I am so glad to finally have that solved. I knew that Robin in both incarnations was larger than life. I did not have any way of knowing that there were 2 souls inhabiting one body. It required thinking outside the box to realize that the body could not be awarded to either of them without disenfranchising the other, since the second spirit had gained sentience. I got Marvin back into his body today; thank goodness and all of the draftees in their right bodies as well. And my boyfriend really is a boy now, which means that he's finally gotten to feel the congruence that I feel. I even think we have the whole Joan / Vylylia duality sorted out, too. "
Bringing them back to reality; Zayna added sadly, "The only thing that we haven't gotten sorted out of the comedy of errors is Zan. I really feel like we have let him down. We were too careless and disrespectful to hold him here, dabbling in things we had no business trying until we had a complete understanding of it."
Vylylia saw that Zayna needed a hug badly and was about to extend her arms for the hug, until Zayna dropped to the floor and prostrated herself at Vylylia's feet and crying out, "Oh your highness, beloved daughter of your mother, our wise and beautiful Goddess..."
“Beloved Zayna, You must not say that, because it is not my right to declare myself anything, and you are near enough kin, being of the same family that we should never grovel one to another in private. You know I love our brother and I have interceded as the Emissary on behalf of our brother. The Goddess has a plan and it should come to pass soon. I don't know what the outcome will be but I imagine anything that brings him back into our universe will be much better than the status quo."
Joan decided it was well past time that she needed to have her identity as Sorceress, different from her identity as Joan. She decided that it was time to start using a costume every time that she started work as a super heroine. She also decided that it would protect her and others if she could use some stealth abilities as well. No matter whether it was a secret mission or not, depending on luck not to put her loved ones in harms way was just foolishness.
She had a wonderful idea for her costume, if it could be done. She reasoned that as the Goddess daughter, instead of being cute and revealing so as to be misjudged and yield an automatic advantage, she should use classical good taste which could be every much as sexy, but not show as much skin. Her long classic Grecian gown would be of native material, a satin black which also showed the image of the stars above even when they were not visible and the image would change with her position and orientation. To compliment the outfit she would wear a classic black satin veil which would cloak her face making her unrecognizable while she had on the costume. To complete the outfit she would wear black 4" stiletto heel boots. Of course with her fabricating ability she could easily convert any outfit she was wearing to the new costume once she had all the bugs worked out. She would only need to fabricate the first one and that one she would create from, nothingness even though it took a great deal more power. But it would be worth it, as she could make it a perfect fit in every way. She decided to keep this costume a secret, even from the Super Friends, to debut it for a special occasion.
Joan had discovered she could manipulate her aura so that she was cloaked from being seen if she chose. This ability that allowed her to make her ports, transformations, and other magic seem instant though they actually took more time. But it allowed her to hide the process up to the point where the magic was ready to take over and work instantly. She soon became aware of other methods to hide things, both big and small and added them to her repertoire, enabling her to handle almost anything she was likely to run into.
Joan tried not to be over confident, but with these new additions, she was better prepared to work in clandestine situations when she didn’t wish to be observed. . The element of surprise was valuable and she planned to take advantage of it by using a bit of astral observation to keep her ports unobserved so she could keep surprise on her side till she was ready to act.
It wasn't totally Super Heroine 101 that led her to work on her stealth and secret identity. She was very concerned about Jayna going back off the deep end and getting back at the Goddess for letting members of her family die. Joan wanted the element of surprise because Jayna could command even greater power than she in the image of the Exxorian Goddess.
Zayna, even though her views were more moderate, would help Jayna recover Zan, even if the attempt cost her own life. If neither of them would listen, then all Joan could do without making things worse by interfering in the plan, was to protect herself from being caught in the cross fire as an innocent bystander. She resolved that if she were stealthy enough, she would get herself to safety without the Wonder Twins being the wiser.
Joan ported herself out to the boardwalk near the hotdog stand where Sam was sitting on a bench nearby, feeding his face. As Joan approached, she noted with glee that Sam’s glance had dropped down to below her neckline. She was happy to see she was already having an effect on him.
She preferred to dwell on the enjoyment she could have, rather than a list of don'ts. She was in heaven, just being hugged and kissed by the man she loved and had loved since early childhood. More enjoyment than this was inconceivable to her. Sometimes more is not better ... just more. She didn't know how to judge it in this case, so she would actually have to grow up more to be able to have a hope of answering the question. She would have to leap beyond logic to believe that anything better could exist. She would welcome the chance to try ... in a few years.

Episode 14 ~ Loose Ends
Robin had come to think of herself as Rachel Stephanie Wayne now. That's as it should have been because she carried the memories of being Stephanie as a girl. Robin, The Girl Wonder, remembered all too clearly her days of being Dick Grayson and fighting as Robin, the Boy Wonder, at Batman's side. Now she was reborn, with a do — over. She was glad she had been given 4 more years of life as Rachel Wayne, the 13 year old girl. She guessed it was a fair trade, what with Dick Grayson jumping ahead 4 years to be 21. He needed the extra years to gain the independence he wanted, if he was to hang out his own shingle and fight crime as Nightwing along with his ward and sister, Flamebird aka Stephanie Agnes Brown..
The days since the Dick Grayson/Robin had become the Girl Wonder had weighed heavily on Bats, who’d felt he owed it to his buddy to make sure he came home again. Bats had frozen that Girl Wonder out when she would transform back to what he thought Robin should be. It was fortunate that he used the fiction of bringing Robin’s skills up to fighting level. Robin was able to make up for Batwoman's lack of familiarity when the Super Friends faced the Male Bombs. That was a laugh, because after the first day, the combat simulations showed Bats that Robin as a girl was up to Dick's performance. However, in order to satisfy Bats, the original Robin, as a girl, had needed to be twice as good as the boy Robin. She realized that at first, Bats felt he would be saved from what he thought was betraying Dick, if he kept her at arm's length.
When the courtroom faded from view, Robin realized that she had been ported again just as she had been at the start of the Goddess of Exxor's court. It appeared that only the female Super Friends had materialized on the Promenade of the Hall of Justice. The male ones must be elsewhere, celebrating Nightwing's new beginning.
The Wonder Triplets all took turns giving Robin and Flamebird hugs. It was strange for Robin to see Vylyia among them, knowing that she was also her friend, Sorceress. Wonder Woman gave her a hug, and then excused herself so she could take over Monitor Duty from Green Lantern.
Vylylia told Robin, "Thank you for being persistent, Robin! It wasn't until I did the experiment with Mindy, that I realized that it wasn't what I did to the body, but the soul's gender that matched the identity, though we were adaptable at least for the short term. It took that for me to understand that creating you as a total girl was not what made you unwilling to give up your new life, no matter the cost."
Robin smiled, "Thank you for using your connection as Emissary to intercede for me. Even I did not realize the entire truth, since I was focused on my survival, else I would have detected the boy's soul which I had concealed deep within. I thank you for giving me life. Life is not a mistake; it is wonderful and should never be taken for granted."
Vylylia looked her in the eyes, "That I was shocked and surprised to find you had been given life didn't make you any less welcome in my heart. I was amazed that anything so wonderful could have come out of my first attempt at transformation and likewise for bringing your body into existence as well. The Goddess of Exxor saw your two souls and knew that for either of you to be truly happy, both of you would need to be. The Goddess is truly wise, and I am glad she had a solution to make all of you whole and give you all a chance at happiness. What's next for you, Rachel?"
Robin touched her arm and smiled, "Bats and I are going to take some time to get to know each other again back home at Wayne Manor.”
Vylylia looked over at Stephanie in her Flamebird costume, “Stephanie what is next for you? “
Flamebird answered, “I am going to my quarters to get packed up. Nightwing and I are going to be heading for New York City to set up shop. Since he is going to be out with the men, I will be packing his things up as well. See y’all later!”
Robin added “I guess I need to go to the Monitor Room to arrange for us both to be excused from duty here for a while. Then we'll be back."
"Good Luck in your new lives, Rachel and Stephanie!” wished Vylylia
Jayna and Zayna, who had been listening attentively added, "Best of Luck!" and "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" First Jayna, then Zayna too, breaking into a giggle fit, as Flamebird departed.
Taking that that as her cue to leave, Robin walked toward the Monitor Room. She was lucky that she kept making her best better, because on the day of the assault on Metropolis, she had just finished a session in the combat simulator which rated her at 200% efficiency as compared to her Dick Grayson standard, so Bats could no longer object. She wanted him to return her to duty to fight beside him.
It had been lucky for both of them that she was twice as good, for she had been drafted to go into the war zone, and Bats would not be left behind even if the price of admission had been to become Batwoman. Bats still had her intellect and experience as a crime fighter, but the physical skills needed to go with the gadgets to compensate for not having super powers had just not been there. It had helped to restore their partnership to what it had always been. When one of them had been found wanting, the other had always stepped in to make up for it and pick the other up.
Robin smiled at Wonder Woman who was in charge since she had Monitor Duty, "Greetings, Diana. I would like to request that Bats and I be release from Monitor Duty. We need a leave of absence from the Hall of Justice to tend to some personal matters."
Diana touched her hair," How long will you both be gone? I have every hope that you and Bruce will be able to work things out. Just remember that now you have become his daughter, and you are even younger than you realize, so don't rush, In time, you will understand.”
Robin was trying to understand but soon turned to practical things, "Is there a replacement available?"
"I believe so. Green Lantern sent off all of the female Members of the Green Lantern Corp who’d answered Halle in defense of Metropolis, letting them to go back to their sectors. The Guardians of OA have asked Hal to remain with Arisia for a time, so that perhaps the Guardians may find a way to help Arisia while another member of the Corps continues to cover her space sector."
"Super Friends to Green Lantern's of Sectors 2814 and 2815,” Wonder Woman called.
"Hal here."
"Arisia here,"
Both Green Lanterns responded.
"Green Lanterns, 2 Super Friends assigned to the Hall of Justice have requested a leave of absence. Could you both consent to being on Monitor Duty rotation for the immediate future?" Wonder Woman asked
Hal told her, "I accept, since being on Monitor Duty rotation will not interfere with the current assignment that the Guardians have given to us."
Arisia responded, "I also accept the commitment."
Wonder Woman concluded, "Very Good, The duty rosters will be updated effective immediately! Thank you, Green Lanterns. Wonder Woman Out."
She continued, speaking just to Robin," Just wait till Arisia discovers that she is due to relieve me in the morning. We'll see how enthusiastic she is then." The sparkle in her eyes showed me that she expected Arisia to be completely professional in her duties..
"Computer, Accept Command Code, Wonder Woman Beta Gamma 08504"
"Command code accepted, awaiting Input" responded the Super Friends Computer.
"Relieve Batman and Robin from Monitor Duty Rotation and Substitute the Green Lanterns of Sector 2814 and 2815, effective immediately."
"Command accepted. Monitor Duty Roster Updated. Changes communicated to the affected Super Friends." The computer noted.
"End Command Function Access. Wonder Woman, Out"
"Compliance,” finished the computer.
"Now, Sweetie, you have time to pack instead of relieving me for Monitor Duty. If you two want to slip out of here without a fuss, I'll say my goodbyes now. Remember you can always call me. As Dick, you relied on Bruce a lot, but as Rachel, and not so grown up anymore at 13, you are my daughter and I love you! I'll always be there for you, no matter where I might be,” Wonder Woman explained.
Robin hugged Diana tight, glad she had a Mother who claimed her as her daughter. "I love you, too, Mom! Thanks for everything. Good Journey!"
Diana blew Stephanie a kiss returning her "Good Journey!"
As Robin walked back to her quarters, she wondered how she would get everything packed. But she was sure that the task would be accomplished before morning.
Waiting outside Rachel’s door was a very upset Vylylia in her Wonder Triplets uniform. She had summoned a sedan and was curled up on it, meditating. It was clear she wasn't too happy about something because she kept switching between praying and crying.
Rachel touched her arm, lifted Vylylia’s face and smiled at her, "Are you alright, dear? It's been a very emotional day for me, too." Robin could tell that Vylylia must be holding something back from her sisters. Even her Exxorean form and Wonder Triplet outfit provided some kind of barrier to her unburdening herself. She had helped Robin so much, the least Robin could do was try to help her.
"Come on Inside Vylylia. We can talk about it in private." Robin offered her hand to help Vylylia up, then pressed her hand against the entry plate to open the door.
"I'd like that very much, Robin." Vylylia followed Robin inside.
Robin led Vylylia over to her bed where they both took a seat and curled their legs under themselves. Robin asked her,”Which way do you feel the most comfortable, as a human or an Exxorean? When you’re in your uniform ready for combat, I mean?”
Vylylia responded, "Unless I am in the presence of the Exxorian Goddess, I feel most comfortable being human. Most of my life I have been human so I guess it is natural that I would be most comfortable when I am Joan. Even when I didn't look like Joan on the outside, I was always been Joan on the inside. Being the sorceress, has so far been more than just being Joan, because I never did make a costume, so I came as I was, a teen girl. But I have been told my time is up, so I am going to work on a costume for myself soon.”
Robin continued. ”You have a unique outlook, since two transformations were woven into your timeline.”
“You and I know that at one point I was transformed, and we have the memories of me that way to prove it. In my timeline I've always been Rachel Grayson, reincarnated as Rachel Stephanie Wayne, thanks to you. I remember being Dick, but in my new reality I never was anything other than Rachel."
Vylylia touched her arm and smiled to comfort Robin over all that soul searching before she began, "For me, oh, guess I am most comfortable being Joan. I guess part of that might be that I am hardly out of either a uniform or ceremonial outfit when I am Exxorian. That’s when I have more costumes than I can shake a stick at. I have the priestess robes that my namesake wore, my Emissary robes, my Wonder Triplets uniform, and the gowns I wear when The Goddess of Exxor has a discussion with me. I haven't seen the Twins out of their uniforms and I've always been wearing a costume as an Exxorean, so I can’t imagine letting my hair down and relaxing right now. I haven’t seen you out of your Robin costume since this all started, Robin. What's up with that?"
Robin began, "I didn't really have an identity other than Robin the Girl Wonder while my claim to life was in doubt. I wanted to always wear one of my costumes, because I knew Batman to be too much of a gentleman to force me out of the costume I was wearing. I wanted to prove to myself and even more, to him, that I belonged.
I guess now, though, it’s time for me to slip off the uniform and become Rachel Stephanie Wayne, a 13 year old girl counting her lucky stars that an orphan like me is now Bruce Wayne’s daughter. Who would you like to be, so you can relax? "
Robin went to her walk in closet to consider what to wear while she waited for Vylylia to answer.
Vylylia simply placed her palms together, saying, "Joan Ellen Waterman" Instantly, she was back to being the perky High School Freshman she had become for the first time not too long ago, as a result of a visit from the Wonder Twins.
"Cheater!” Robin giggled, “Actually, I’m glad you changed, because you look more relaxed already. I'll be back in a few."
She disappeared in the walk in closet and began undressing, tossing her uniform in the hamper. Robin rushed, not because she was trying to compete with Joan, but she wanted to be back before Joan relaxed too much, perhaps to fall asleep on Robin’s bed.
Robin still hadn’t found out what had been troubling her, felt like she was about ready to tell her now. Soon, after looking in the full length mirror, Robin’s Stephanie memories assured her that she had been flawless in getting ready.
Robin touched Joan on the hand as she sat beside her on the bed, "Hi Joan! Meet Rachel Stephanie Wayne!"
"Rachel, you look so at peace with yourself.”
“But you don't seem to be so peaceful, Joan. Can you tell me what is troubling you, now, Sweetie?" She put her hand on Joan’s shoulder and with the other, pulled Joan’s hair back from her face so she could look deep in her eyes.
"Rachel! I messed up! Not the way that I thought, but it was me. I didn't even think it was possible. I knew better than to let myself do it, even accidentally, but if I could do that, what else might I do? “She couldn't hold back the flood of tears anymore and she wept into Rachel’s shoulder as Rachel hugged her tight to her bosom.
She held Joan and rocked her as she let it all out. "I love you, Sweetie! You are a good person, who is a bit too tough on herself. There are many here that love you and would do anything to help you when you need it."
Eventually Joan cried herself out as Rachel handed her a box of tissues so she could she dry her eyes. ”Rachel, when I changed you, I didn't know what I was doing, so I duplicated too much about you. I could not change your soul to female, because it was immutable. I didn't realize that I was crossing a boundary in trying. I persisted and was able to create your sentient female soul using Dick's soul, feminized, as a pattern. Since I could not change it, I pulled the elements out of the ether and created the essential part of you from nothing. It’s the same way that I used the power I was given to create you a body that is a twin to your new sister, Stephanie Agnes Brown. Something steered me into making the transformation the right way, and the same something made sure all my shape shifts were permanent."
Rachel stood in Joan’s presence, awed. Joan had risen in power to the Goddess level! While Rachel had been made based on a design that The One had created, both Joan and the Goddess of Exxor had had a hand in giving her a life worth living.
"I don't mean to stare, but I've never met a Goddess before. Wow, Joan! Who ever chose you for this chose well, because the first thing that most people would do would be to remake the world in their image, rather than shed a tear over what you thought of as a mistake. Life, my life is not a mistake, and I am even more grateful that you did not try to ‘fix things’ till you had all the facts and didn’t merely act in self preservation or to sweep your mistake under the rug as though it never happened. As long as you can feel bad about using that power unknowingly, things will be OK with you and you will rule the power instead of letting the power rule you."
Joan reached out, pulled Rachel’s face toward her and tilted her face down to Rachel’s forehead. She brushed Rachel’s bangs out of the way and kissed her on the forehead. "I've got to go work on my costume, so I'll leave you to pack. Thank you for letting me vent to you, and for still being my friend and not being afraid of me. I love you!"
"I love you, too," Rachel told Joan. She blew her a kiss as Joan left.
Rachel felt it was time get packing so the dynamic duo could be off in the Batmobile to Wayne Manor in the morning. Her packing was quite efficient, and served as a distraction while she considered what to do. Joan must have known that Rachel would be duty bound to report the revelation that she had made to the Super Friends. One thing that they had all agreed to as part of their oath is to disclose all abilities to the database, so in situations where a monitor is not available, tasks can be assigned to those who have the best chance of completing them.
Soon the packing was completed and everything was ready for their departure from her side of things.
A while later, Rachel approached Wonder Woman in the Monitor Room. She was cautious, because she didn't want to interrupt anything important. She watched quietly for a few minutes, then, when she saw her pause for a moment. Spoke, "Wonder Woman, a word for a moment?"
She smiled at Rachel, "Sure Rachel, you look nice. I was wondering if we would ever see you relaxed and out of your costume. It was worth the wait."
Rachel smiled, enjoying the compliment. "Thank you, Diana. I have some testimony from Sorceress about her powers. She is likely to disclose this soon, herself, but I will be leaving the Hall for a while. I won’t have the luxury of waiting and I don't want anything to interfere with our leave." Rachel put the data on a bat chip that acted like a mini hard drive that interfaced with the Hall of Justice Computer.
When Diana saw the readout she nodded, "You did the right thing putting this on file. We'll handle it without involving you. I’m sure Joan will soon be ready to tell us herself."
Rachel changed the subject, hoping to get a lead on her brother's location, “I haven't really had a chance to talk to Nightwing since the Goddess' Court. Do you have any idea where he might be, and what his plans are?"
"He's staying in the Super Friends Extended Area, Suite 11A. I believe that right after his judgment; Wayne Manor reported they had been requested to send a selection of Dick's clothes here. He'll be leaving for NYC soon along with your sister Flamebird to take charge of the Teen Titans. I believe that the Super Friends have returned from giving him a party so he should be in his quarters soon. Take care, dear." Diana smiled knowingly at her As she bade her farewell.
Rachel told her, "Thanks for all the information!" and blew a kiss in her direction before she turned to leave the Monitor room and go down a level into the corridors.
As she left the Monitor Room, Rachel heard a voice over her Super Friends communicator. “Nightwing to Robin."
Rachel wasn't too shocked to answer. "Robin here, go ahead. brother dear"
He responded in good spirits, "Hey sis, could you meet Flamebird and me in the cafeteria? I'd like to chat with both of you."
Rachel warmly told him, "Sure Dick, I'd just love that, See you in about five. Robin, out."
He responded, "Nightwing, out."
Rachel decided she could get used to being his little sister, His first thought once the party was over and everyone returned home was of her . It was kind of weird, though, being called on the comm. as Robin, without any qualifiers. She realized that none would ever be needed again because big brother was now Nightwing and the title of Robin with its rights and responsibilities, was all hers, and hers alone.
Both Dick and Stephanie had changed into civilian clothes too, somewhere along the way. When Rachel entered the cafeteria he ran to her and spread his big arms. Rachel jumped up into them and he wrapped Rachel up in a bear hug. She felt loved totally and completely. Stephanie stood on the side lines for a moment rolling her eyes at them before launching herself into Dick’s arms too in a big group hug.
When he finally let Rachel down, Rachel rose on her toes to give him a kiss on his cheek and Stephanie did likewise. "Dick, thank you for being such a wonderful big brother. I love you so much." Rachel gushed, but it was what was in her heart. Stephanie gleefully exclaimed, “Ditto!”
"Rachel and Stephanie, thank you, for being such lovable little sisters. I'll always love you both." Dick showed he was just as moved by the reunion.
"I can't believe you turned out to be such a big strong hunk! If you were not my brother, it’d be, be still my heart!" Rachel lightheartedly flirted as Stephanie watched with interest.
"And you are a little heart breaker, even at 13, you little jailbait you." Rachel’s brother taunted her, and then presented both sisters with a spoon and setting between them a huge hot fudge sundae. He materialized a third spoon for himself and joined them in eating it.
Stephanie sounded confident that she could hold up her end. "Thank you, Brother dear. It’s still my favorite! I guess my being a heartbreaker is just a burden we will both have to bear as we turn our attention elsewhere."
Dick looked to Rachel and held her hands in his, "I was doing my best to protect you, Rachel. If the choice had been in my hands, I would have freed you. I hid myself from you, but I always knew we had 2 souls in one body. I could never have left you trapped, Sis even if the cost of freeing you was my own life”
Rachel looking into his eyes told him, "I guess I was so fearful that the outcome would go against me. Had I realized that both you and I existed and it was not a zero sum game, then I would have been less fearful. I'm glad neither of us had to lose our chance to live.”
Dick turned his attention back to both his sisters, "The age difference caught me by surprise, but I guess it makes it easier that the timeline came out favorably for both of us. I had 4 more years with Batman and we had found a way to co-exist, despite you as Spoiler, being a part of our lives even before your parents died.
Even though you both won’t get a chance to start training as early as I, being able to start as Robin at 13 will help, added to your spoiler experience (and my experience as Robin). But it’s best you'll get to live your teenaged years and make your own memories, instead of relying only of mine."
“The way that the memories of the different lives overlap is so weird!”. Exclaimed Stephanie
"Way weird! I'm glad it’s over! It’s less confusing the way things finally turned out,” he was relieved to say.
Rachel told Dick and Stephanie, "Dad and I are going home tomorrow. I know you both have your new life to get set up, but don't be a stranger! We love you, Brother & Sister and we’ll miss you when you are away too long."
Dick gave here a tender hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll come home whenever I can. You know what the hours can be like in the 'world saving' business. There is not always a suitable replacement to fill in, so we do our best. See you soon, Sis!"
Stephanie told her, “I’ll be home too when ever I can. And I will keep in close touch. I can see its going to be fun being twins even though we both have separate paths now.’ Stephanie hugged Rachel tight and each kissed the other on the cheek.
Stephanie and Dick walked off, waving goodbye as they sought their suite. Rachel got up and left, blowing them a return kiss before she went back to her quarters to turn in for the night. Now she could be sure of a sound sleep, so that she would be ready to make the trip in the Batmobile from Metropolis to Gotham City and home at Wayne Manor.

Episode 15 ~ As Time Goes By
Joan was disturbed that Jayna, instead of listening to her when she’d told her that the Goddess was real, had pretended she was a myth. The Goddess' wisdom had sorted many difficult enigmas, but Jayna, after coming so close to respecting the Goddess had apparently chosen to go right back to blaspheming, by appropriating the Goddess' image improperly. She chose to hold all the power and exert her will over the situation, no matter what the final outcome would be.
Joan had just come from watching a DVD Movie from the future, "Ground Hog Day," that the Goddess had assigned to her to learn about something called a "Temporal Causality Loop". Joan's head spun at just how many things could go wrong when someone was playing around with time, just as Jayna was planning to do to rescue Zan. Joan did agree, especially with all the attention paid to meeting one's self out of time in the "Back to the Future" Trilogy that the Goddess had provided via the anachronism from the future, to teach her about the pitfalls of traveling thru time.
Jayna told Zayna, “I was pleased at myself for the little bit of slapstick I had figured out that was supposed to bring Zan back by cheating time. You can't cheat time can you?"
Joan reminded Jayna, “You can't really cheat time, Jayna. There are many ways to create a paradox and one might even erase one's self from the universe. Are you sure that your plan does its best to avoid those pitfalls?" Joan wanted some insurance that she would not be erased from the timeline, so she planned to open a time doorway back to the moment after she had been judged and become Joan, before the comedy of errors occurred to bring Zayna into existence.
Jayna explained that. "Zayna and I have to do this. We have to be involved to put right what once went wrong!"
Joan listened carefully to what she thought was a bad plan.
Zayna was full of pride when she said, "My new ability to teleport, given to me by the Goddess, is just the thing we will need for a successful outcome."
Joan, as Sorceress, mused that her abilities were even more impressive and by changing to Vylylia and the new costume and using her stealth abilities, she could transport the brand new Joan without detection.
Jayna was brilliant in presenting her plan, "I plan to shape shift to the Goddess and have Zayna port both of us to the warehouse. At the Warehouse, Zayna will join with the Goddess image. I'll invoke the Goddess image to send us both back in time, to the point where the boy and girl Wonder Twins entered the warehouse for the first time. After Joan is created by the Goddess image, Zayna and I will prevent Zan from being kissed.. Zayna favors teleporting Zan away from the Goddess Image before he can be kissed, and I want to give Gleek a message, telling him to put the bucket over Zan's head so Zan can't kiss or be kissed."
Joan hoped that Jayna might have used what she had learned about the Goddess to open a personal relationship, instead of trying to discern how to manipulate her image better. When Joan found out that Jayna intended to invoke the image of the Goddess in obvious disregard of her testimony that the Goddess indeed did exist, and should be respected, she declined to be a part of their plans.
"I'm not sure how things will come out, sisters, but you know all my hopes go with you. However, I am very afraid you are going about this all wrong. Best of luck, anyway,” said Vylylia who was getting the changes ready to do what she needed for this to work out in the way that she hoped.
"Thank you, Sis", both of her sisters answered in unison. Jayna remembered that she, Zan and Gleek had been enjoying their favorite treats at Baskin Robbins before the teen trouble alert had gone off, which had led them to Joan's mother, who’d provided them with the means to find Joan. in the locked second story of a warehouse. Luckily, a window on the second floor had been left open and they’d been able to use it for entry.
The two girls joined hands and chanted, "Wonder Twin powers, activate!"
"Shape of a xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit')"
"Teleport of Zayna and "Orbit" to the gang's warehouse hideout"
Jayna became the goddess image while Zayna ported them to the warehouse where it had all happened, finding it dusty and deserted. The visit by the Super Friends had made the gang decide to get a new place, since the warehouse was now too well known. Jayna used the power of the Goddess image to merge with her sister, so that her sister was no longer seen but resided within the Goddess Image as well.
"Sis, you OK?"
"I'm fine, Jayna. ... Let’s go back in time and get this over with."
Jayna manipulated the goddess image so that it too was cloaked from sight, found the point in the past they needed. and opened a doorway to walk thru into the past.
Moments later the "boy and girl, Wonder Twins" flew to the warehouse outside of town. They tried the entrances, but all were locked tight.
Vylylia borrowed Joan's new Sorceress costume and cloaked herself. She also opened a doorway to the place and time where it had all happened, hoping her new stealth skills would keep her from being detected
From an open second story window, they heard a teen screaming obscenities Jayna from the past declared," That's 'Potty Mouth' Maybe a distraction will keep him there long enough for us to help him."
After entering the loft ahead of the Wonder twins, Vylylia/Joan shuddered as she recognized her old self. She wished that she could sense the cloaked Goddess Image and know if the Wonder Twins from the future were there as well. She had to be patient and wait. Part of her success had to be in surprising them.
Together the boy and girl wonder twins called, "Wonder Twin Powers activate!" Jayna continued, "Shape of a bootylicious babe!" Jayna from the past transformed into a beautiful streetwise looking knockout. Zan responded, "Form of an ice escalator!" Jayna from the past stepped gracefully into the bucket Gleek had placed on the bottom of Zan's ice escalator and rose to the top, where she gracefully stepped out of it toward the group of teens waiting by the window.
Zayna from the future realized that since the twins were joined, it meant that both had access to their powers all the time. She decided it was time to port both of them to the second story. "Teleport ‘Orbit’ and I to the second story." Instantly, both found themselves on the second story observing the action. Unknown to them, Vylylia was there ahead of them.
While the other members of the gang responded in awe with phrases like, "Foxy Momma!", all three Exxorians from the future heard Potty Mouth respond with, "Bleep bleep bleep, Bleepity bleep. Bleep! Bleep! Bleep bleep!"
Past Jayna began oozing sexuality as she charmed him, "After that greeting, you just have to kiss me, and I have a special treat in mind for you.
Potty Mouth responded with a sharp, "Bleeeeeep!" as he came toward Jayna. Past Jayna chanted, "Shape of a xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit')" and Past Jayna transformed into a mythological female from her home planet of Exxor. She continued while her brother invoked a form, while out of their hearing," You'll never go back once you've kissed a shape shifter!"
Potty Mouth was speechless as he was drawn into a kiss with the transformed past Jayna. There was a flash as Theodore was transformed into a beautiful teen girl who spoke, "Darn!, I mean gol …ly! Oh, goodness, I don't seem to be able to swear anymore."
Vylylia uncloaked and spoke to the newly transformed teen girl. “I have been sent by the Super Friends on a mission to preserve the time line. I must take you to safety." Before the girl recovered her voice to respond, and before the Wonder Twins could react, Vylylia teleported both of them from the warehouse to her home.
Since the Wonder Twins had not flown or ported in from the warehouse yet, it had fallen to Vylylia to bring Mrs. Waterman's new daughter home.
"Mrs. Waterman, I'm Vylylia, a new teen Super Friend. The Wonder Twins needed me to take over for them. This is your child, who was Theodore. She can't swear anymore, so your problem is solved."
"Mrs. Waterman hugged her daughter, “My dear child, and welcome home!"
Tears of joy streamed down Vylylia’s face as she once again witnessed her own homecoming. She collected herself, knowing that as grateful as she had been for the teen Super Friends’ help, the one thing that brand new Joan wanted more than all the world right now was some mother daughter time, so Vylylia needed to exit. "I'm glad that you are well, Joan and I will inform the Wonder Twins that all is well. I am being summoned for future duty, so I must take my leave of you. Goodbye, Mrs. Waterman, goodbye, Joan. I wish you happiness in your new life together."
In a flash, Vylylia had disappeared as Joan and her Mother began to enjoy being together.
She materialized a safe distance away, sense of impending doom wafting over her. Somehow she felt she should be Sorceress for the trip back. Pressing her palms together, she said, “Sorceress” and transformed back to her human form. As she went back to the future present at the Hall of Justice,, Vylylia felt the universe blink. A number of major changes simultaneously happened, and had always been.
She meditated, and then sought an audience with her mother, The Goddess Xertoruodgutr (pronounced 'Orbit'), who appeared to be very busy, all of a sudden.
While Joan really wanted to know what had happened, she also did not want to get caught up in whatever was keeping one or both sets of Wonder Twins from leaving the Warehouse Area. She knew that having the Goddess reveal the past was the safest and best way to do so. Finding her mother was still busy. she waited until the Goddess could sit beside her to talk as she had always done in the past when she had sought the Goddess out in reverence and in love.
In time The Goddess came to her, clothing both of them in the garments that confirmed their relationship. Yet this time, Sorceress stayed human. "Little One, you did well giving me what I needed to preserve most of your timeline. Let me show you what happened after you left."
A vision appeared, letting Sorceress witness the past as revealed by The Goddess. She was shown what had happened after Sorceress ported Joan, from the past, home.
Fortunately Zan, who had taken the form of a snowman, had positioned himself behind the new girl to catch her if she had swooned not expecting her to be transported away by a mystery Super Friend he had never seen before.
Evidently they still had not gotten it straight, so as Zayna prepared to port Zan away from the kiss, Jayna from the future was communicating with Gleek to materialize the bucket and hang it over his head to prevent Jayna from kissing her brother.
Zan, who was being cute, said, "I could just kiss you, Sis! You are so smart!"
Gleek, preparing to gong Zan with the bucket, wrapped his tail around Zan’s leg. However, as Zan leaned in to kiss Jayna, who was visible as the Goddess Image, Zayna ported Zan and the attached Gleek to the ground outside the warehouse before he got even close to kissing the Goddess Image.
The Universe blinked and as it was doing so, Jayna and Zayna, joined in the Goddess image, fled the past. When they materialized back in the present in their quarters at the Hall of Justice, they chanted. “Wonder Twins powers, deactivate!” Zan and Jayna were back together at last, with the kiss never having happened.
Meanwhile back in the past, a temporal explosion began. Zan wondered what had happened as Gleek, using the tail wrapped about Zan’s leg to propel him upward, brought the bucket down on top of Zan’s head. Quickly, Gleek’s tail picked up a pipe lying on the ground and he gonged the bucket. The sound reverberated around Zan, who lost his balance and quickly sat down on the ground.
The temporal explosion that had engulfed Gleek and Zan, also engulfed Jayna as she went downstairs and exited the warehouse thru the front door. All three of them were not aware of the temporal explosion and what it might do and proceeded with things.
The bucket was still on Zan’s head as the twins chanted, “Wonder Twins Powers Deactivate!” and both Zan and Jayna returned to normal. Jayna removed the bucket from Zan’s head and helped him up.
Zan screamed, “Gleek, why did you do that?” The glazed look in Gleek’s eyes that had come over him when he had received the orders was gone, and he was back to normal and without a clue why he had gonged Zan.
Jayna grinned and told her twin brother, "Zan, Gleek seems better now. Maybe Gleek was overcome with something we couldn’t sense but that felt weird to me. I guess we need to see where that new super friend took Mrs. Waterman's new daughter."
Zan pulled out the locator device that Mrs. Waterman had given them to see where the child had been taken. “The locator says that the child is home .”
“Let’s go make sure the child is alright and see if we can find out who that mystery Super Friend is.”
"Always practical, aren’t you Jayna? Okay, let’s do it!" Jayna joined him in saying," Wonder Twin powers activate!"
There was a flash as things reset to a point several minutes in the past. Zan was a snowman outside the warehouse with Gleek’s tail wrapped around his leg and Jayna was the Goddess Image upstairs in the warehouse. Finally, Gleek was in the position to do what he'd been asked to do, drop the bucket on Zan's head, again.
Gleek did as he had before and once again, Zan ended up sitting on the ground with the bucket on his head. Jayna realizing that time had reset, ported herself out to Zan to again return both of them to normal.
“We’re caught in a temporal causality loop, Zan! If we don’t undo it, we will be doomed to repeat the loop for eternity!”
“That’s bad, right?”
“Yes, Zan, that is very bad!”
The Goddess of Exxor appeared to them, enveloped in a magical energy aura that protected her from being part of the temporal causality loop, and addressed them. “Zan, Jayna and Gleek, I am here because this temporal causality loop that you and your future selves have created will engulf this entire universe if it is not fixed. The temporal explosion will grow larger and include more and more with each loop so we must stop it is relatively small and can be transplanted displacing the minimum of lives. Thus far, only you three are involved in the loop but that won’t be true for long as others are engulfed by it.”
Zan prostrate himself before the Goddess and asked, “What can we do?”
The Goddess stated, “If you three will allow me to judge you, I can send the three of you and the temporal causality loop to Earth 000D0 which is impending destruction. There, the temporal causality loop might be a blessing since it might be a way to avert the destruction. My judgment will allow you to return to your original timeline, once all is well at Earth 000D0.”
Jayna prostrated herself before the Goddess. She inquired, ”Who will take our places here if we accept your judgment?”
The Goddess explained, “You know that your sister Vylylia died in the temple disaster but you have another sister, Tomu, whom I took from your mother, Rua, as a newborn and raised in the temple, who also perished. She is the friend that Vylylia referred to, who helped her be with you when you were part of the Intergalactic Circus.
“The timeline that will be transposed here when you all are transposed there will replace you with Vylylia and Tomu. In that timeline, I took you, Zan or Tomunab, as a newborn for my acolyte and you, Jayna or Glivney, as my priestess. It was you two who perished in the temple cataclysm and Vylylia and Tomu became Jan and Zayna, the Wonder Twins. Gleek will be Jayna’s pet who will perish with her in the temple and his brother Glerk will be the elasti-monk that Jan and Zayna befriend in the Circus and become their pet.
“Will you allow me to judge you?”
Gleek nodded, as both Zan and Jayna agreed.
The Goddess of Exxor kissed Zan, Jayna and Gleek on the forehead. There was a brilliant flash Jan, Zayna and Glerk were prostrate before her. The temporal causality loop was gone, having been transposed with Zan, Jayna and Gleek to Earth 000D0.
Joan was in shock as the vision faded and she was once again face to face with the Goddess of Exxor. She asked the Goddess what she already knew because of the memories she possessed of the new timeline, “Who am I joined with now. if Jan is now alive and well?”
“Glivney, whom you also know as Jayna, is now your Exxorian form, and accessed in the same way by calling her name.”
This person now being real to Joan in the present, instead of someone dead in the past, made it quite different from before. At least Jayna’s memory would live on thru her until the day when Zan and Jayna came home.
“Mother, how do you manage with so many timelines cluttering your mind with all the people who you have judged?”
“Daughter, you will learn how to manage before I give you the mantle of power. When your time is as Goddess is over, your death will transition you to a new life when all those burdens will be released and you will enjoy your reward. The work is fulfilling and it is a burden we must bear so that we can help others. I will leave you now, but call me when you wish to talk again. ”
“Thank you Mother, I love you! Goodbye!” As the Goddess of Exxor left Joan’s presence, the grief of losing Zan, Jayna and Gleek overcame her and she wept.
The New Wonder Twins, Jan and Zayna, along with Glerk emerged from their quarters. They came upon Joan weeping and slid in on either side beside her. Each put an arm around her to comfort her. They let her weep holding her until Joan had finished weeping and was ready to talk to them.
Jan asked, “Were you weeping for Zan and Jayna?” Jan had one arm around Joan and her other hand was touching her arm as she looked deep into her eyes.
Joan answered, “Yes, I can’t believe they are gone.”
Zayna began, “Even though it is sad to be separated from them, their sacrifice saved this universe. I can’t see them wanting us to constantly grieve for them and miss out on enjoying the wonderful life that their sacrifice made possible.”
Joan replied, “I had not looked at it like that. I guess we honor their memory most by enjoying this life that they made possible.” Joan was able to smile and kissed both Jan and Zayna on the cheek and even kissed Glerk on his forehead.
Jan explained, “Joan, I am so glad that I believed in the Goddess and asked her to judge you when you were ‘Potty Mouth’, instead of taking things in my own hands and usurping the Goddess Image just because I could. So many wonderful things have happened as a result of you becoming your true self.”
“I am thrilled that I have a wonderful life to live. Thank both of you for the part you played in that.” They parted because each of them had a different idea on how best to celebrate life. Jan and Zayna and Glerk wanted to get some ice cream and Joan wanted to see. Sam.
Meanwhile, Jan/Vylylia and Zayna/Tomu, the New Wonder Twins were taking a well deserved break in Baskin Robbin’s, eating ice cream cones. Even Glerk was happy with his banana split. Jan set her cone down and gave her sister a great big hug, “Zayna, I am so glad you are sharing all this with me." For Jan, it made all the difference in the world, sharing the laughter with her sister, Zayna, for as long as it lasted.
Jan and Zayna, along with Glerk would continue to surprise as the New Wonder Twins. Zayna retained the ability to port that the Goddess gave her, as well as being able to shape shift. Glerk, unlike Gleek, can also touch Jan and Zayna’s hands in the power activation and has the same form fit powers that Zan had, control over solid, liquid, and gaseous water and can speak in an Exxorean dialect both Jan and Zayna can understand.
Jan and Zayna paused, thinking of the absurdity of it all. Zayna told Vylylia, "I can't help but giggle, imagining the first thing that Zan experienced after time reset back to the beginning, was being gonged by a ringing bucket and continuing until just before they were to leave the warehouse only to find things reset and being gonged by the bucket again.”
Jan and Zayna, The New Wonder Twins, giggled with her, taking heart in knowing that they could get past it. Jan told Zayna, “Guess it's time to go back to the Hall of Justice and the Super Friends."
The New Wonder Twins resolved to take life one day at a time and do all the good in each day that they could, and let the future take care of itself.
Sam saw the costumed Sorceress waiting for him as he left baseball practice. Sam had thrown a no hitter in practice and had gone 5 for, 5 including a 3 run home run. Life was good and that uniform showed Joan's curves, making him happy to be alive. Joan realized that she had goofed, still being in costume since Sam could see thru it,
She ported out and hoped he would remember to get to a place unobserved so she could port him too. At home, she exchanged the costume for something more comfortable and waited for Sam.
Sam quickly got out of sight and Joan ported him into her living room beside her on the couch, but whatever was about to happened got lost when Sam realized that both of their mothers had joined them in the living room. When Joan's Mom announced, "Supper's ready" Sam decided that if he couldn't do his favorite thing, then his second favorite thing, eating, would be OK, too.
When Sam’s baseball buddies called to ask him to join them, Joan was disappointed but she did not mind much. Joan was glad to be left alone just for a little while. You see Joan had a lot of thinking to do.

Song One ~ Flight
Based on "Believe it or not", written by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer
I can't get that song out of my head! It was the one Vylylia played from the DVD from the future that the Goddess of Exxor gave her about the Greatest American Heroine. Having heard it before I just cant help but get happy as the first few bars of the melody play since I know what is coming next and I like it. I like it a whole lot!
"Look at what's happened to me,
I can't believe it myself;
Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,
Should've been somebody else."
It's true that what has happened to me is impossible but it isn't any less welcome for me not expecting it. From my earliest thoughts, I know that I am a transwoman. I learned quick that other kids pick on any one who was different and if I let the girl me inside show on my male looking body then I would have no end of trouble and perhaps physical harm as well. In order to survive I became a good actress and all of the sudden instead of being looked at as a sissy, I was looked up to as the gang leader and I had to keep up my image by cursing up and down the neighborhood since I would never physically harm anyone even though I realized my being verbally abusive was bad too. I had to survive the best way I knew how till someone showed me another way.
Finally my solution became a problem to my mother and she called in help to deal with me. After a kiss, I was a girl inside and out! I could not believe what happened to me and I wanted to shout it from the mountain tops. I thought better than that cause I didnt want to end up a lab animal for the rest of my life but I was so free finally to be me and I didn't have to act anymore cause its OK for a girl to be girly and she doesnt get grief over it.
I felt so unworthy that I out of all the transwomen should be picked to be a whole woman when the best most of them have to look forward to is being post surgical. What was even more bizare is that as a girl I was a one in a million who could tap into magic locked deep in a terran female's brain that extends her powers of creation to something I could have never dreamed. To be a full woman was enough but also to be able to tap into magic and be a Sorceress. That was just unreal.
I had been overwhelmed with things that happened right after Darkseid's minions had plunged Metropolis into Chaos and my friend Robin was judged by the Goddess of Exxor and the disappearance of Zan and Jayna.
Out on Paradise Island, I showed off my new costume and Hypolyta taught me to fly and wrap protection around myself so I would be sustained no matter what the environment. I was out flying and that song came right back to mind.
"Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me."
It was wonderful! I had never felt so alive with the breeze blowing my hair back and moving my dress and the air flowing all around me . If I flew up then if felt like I was walking on air. All of my problems seemed so distant as though they were all left behind on the ground. Kid's don't try this at home because launching yourself into the air is a leap of faith. WIth all the power available for me to use it didn' t seem very risky ,yet flying along on a wing and a prayer appealed to me since that meant that where ever I ended up that it would be a place that I would be needed on a mission and I liked helping people since I had been helped so much.
I waved bye to Hypolyta and flew and flew and finally came to the perimeter of the Hall of Justice.
They asked, "Costumed flyer, please identify yourself"
I said," Believe it or not, It's just me" While that was good enough for Wonder Woman on Monitor Duty, the Computer wanted more." After Wonder Woman stored the specifications for my uniform, it was satisfed, almost."
"All Teen Super Friends are restricted from flight in costume until flight certified." the computer intoned.
Wonder Woman calmed me and said," I can get Superman to take you out flying tomorrow if you like and get that certification out of the way."
I felt warm and told her, "Sure! Set me up for tomorrow, Diana, I'll be ready!"
I wanted to be ready to go flying with Superman so I went to my room and turned in for the night.
The promised tomorrow came in all its glory as did again that song to my memory. I joined superman out on the steps of the Hall of Justice. He offered his hand and I took it and on seeing a nod from him launched myself into the sky beside him as I heard a lusty "Up, Up and Away!" We took in the sights of Metropolis before changing course and climbing upward as we climbed to the edge of space over the north pole and down over Asia. The flight was easy for me since I could sustain myself in flight. All I could pay attention to was the hunk at my side even though I kniew there were other women who felt they had prior claims and I was enthralled with my Sam.
Just like a light of new day,
It hit me from out of the blue;
Breakin' me out of the spell I was in,
Makin' all of my wishes come true.
I had been in a spell since all of those things came about but as I truly came alive with the freedom of flight, I resolved to let tomorrow's concerns wait for tomorrow to solve. There was nothing worse than to prejudge a situation and premptively decide something by removing from others the chance to act. I didn't know if all of my wishes would come true but so far everyone of them had so that was a good record.
Superman released my hand and told me "Emergency" as I got a trouble alert message. In an actual emergency I was supposed to assume I was a primary responder and take any action I could to help those in trouble. It was a natural crisis with minors trapped due to seismic activitiy. Superman was trying to reduce the seismic stress. I spotted trapped miners and flew above their location and ported them out to safety and kept porting till everyone was safe.
By the time Superman had safed the seismic fault, I had also evacuated everyone so the crisis was over. The way that Superman smiled at me, I knew I had done good. He took my hand and we flew off again into the sky as that song stayed with me.
"Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me."
It was so dreamy flying with Superman. It was nice that he was standing in as my Father just like my friend Rachel has Bruce for a Father. Who would people think it was flying with a legend like him? Wheather they would believe it or not it was just me.
When we got back, Superman sat me down and gave me my flight certification so I was authorized to fly as a Super Friend. When I saw that, it took me a back a moment that they made a mistake but it was something that would be able to be fixed. But there was something else as all the Super Friends in the Hall of Justice managed to slip in behind me. I looked and the other was a certification that as of this day and time that I was permanently activated into the Super Friends just like Robin had been while he was a teen too. "Surprise!" came the shout and all of the Super Friends behind me came in and gave me a hug and welcomed me to the team. "Woo Hoo! I cheered as the celebration continued.
Only one thing could make this any better and that was spending time with my man. I whispered that to Wonder Woman who started clearing the way for my departure. I blew each one of them a kiss and ported away. I materialized as Joan Waterman with my seat close to the home dugout so I could ogle my man, Sam as he showed his athletic prowess. The song in my heart continued on.
"This is too good to be true,
Look at me
Falling for you.
Believe it or not,
Believe it or not,
Believe it or not,
Believe it or not."
Finally Sam finished pitching the game of his life! I knew that he wanted to be polite but find a way to share the win with his team mates. there would be other wins for Sam but this night was something special to me. It was the night I received my wings! And I also knew that even though it was too good to be true that I was falling hard for Sam. I believed and I hoped Sam did too.
Sam lifted me up in his arms and started to carry me towards the woods. In an instance I knew that he believed it too. When we were unobserved, I lifted the 2 of us into flight which we quickly arranged ourselves to be side by side hand in hand. Soon we were entwined hugging and kissing as we danced on the air. I remembered to cloak us so no one else would know that it was just me propelling us thru the air..
"Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me."

Song Two ~ World
Based on "Part of your World", by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken
This being a Super Heroine could be draining at times and I could see why Batman had the Batcave, Superman had the Fortress of Solitude, Wonder Woman had Paradise Island and Aquaman had Atlantis. I wanted my own place too. With the Wonder Twin's help, I created a Exxorian starship in orbit which was to be my home away from home. With my responsibility as the Daughter of the Exxorian Goddess, I knew I could not count on staying on Earth and one day I might have to relocate to Exxor. The starship had every device that it would need to stay out of trouble including a cloak, deflector, and a very smart autopilot . What it wasn't outfitted for was the things I would need to be connected to the Hall of Justice so I could keep just as well informed there as standing in the Monitor room in Metropolis.
I enlisted the aid of Wendy and Marvin who were on semester break from MIT to recommend what I needed and put everything together into the compartment I had set aside to be my monitor room. It looked like a cavern because from the monitor room at the front it ran the length of the starship where access to the ship's computer and communications hardware was also available. I didn't have much trouble with creating one component at a time to their specifications The installation went a whole lot smoother that way since we didn't have to go to a cargo hold and uncrate something and move it to the cavern before we could put it in place.
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
As we neared completion of the cavern, I looked out at all the neat stuff and I couldn't think of any thing left out or any base uncovered. My collection was certainly complete, even more complete than the Hall of Justice because my cavern had a few anachronisms courtesy of the Goddess.
I asked Wendy since Marvin was absorbed in thought as he worked, "Is my collection complete?"
Wendy shrugged and said, "I can't think of any thing else we could have included. Joan, you are the girl who has everything!"
I replied, "Thank you for your help! I could not have done it without both of you. It looks like Marvin isn't satisfied with just outfitting my monitor area. He's like a kid in a candy store dreaming up additions to go into the rest of the cavern as it stretched back and back."
"That he is! I know for one that he's got his heart set upon installing the hardware to include a translocation chamber for the starship connected to the one at the Hall of Justice."
While Marvin was so intent on his work, I used the chance to take a peek at Marvin's aura unobserved. It had acted really weird while she had been Mindy. Theoretically, I was to have left the brain's gender unchanged since that is what I felt was the obstacle that had prevented Rachel from wanting to return to being Dick. I had not realized at the time that I had created a new spirit of Rachel within her that was sharing consciousness with Dick who had chosen to remain hidden, Mindy's brain gender showed signs of parts of it turning female as she menstruated. I chose to ignore the abnormality since I was intent on putting everyone back the way that I found them. I had reason to believe that what I saw was what Mindy wanted me to see using technology or perhaps even magic.
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
Mindy got busy in requesting the equipment that she needed for the cavern to support the translocation chamber. I got busy in creating each piece of equipment to her specifications and she installed it in the proper location. Some of the things that we installed. were not alien technology that had been given to the Super Friends but were Mindy's creations that she had not had the where with all to make reality. She enjoyed seeing her creations come to being while I enjoyed the added functions that they would provide for my starship.
The Goddess had provided another anachronism for my education, a Holodeck. Wendy and Marvin even helped with that installing everything to the power supply in the cavern and hooking up the actual grid and support equipment in the room that would become the Holodeck. Mindy looked so happy especially as she tended to the futuristic elements and she had a far off look in her eyes as what she was doing had inspired her creativity for even more. I guess looking around here at all the electronic equipment, I could ask myself how many wonders could it hold. With out a doubt I had everything that I ever would need.
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
When the cavern was filled to capacity, Mindy took me to one of the storage lockers. She gave me specifications for gadgets and gizmos which I created. She gave me specifications for whozits and whatzits which I brought into existence. I could not see why I needed twenty thingamabobs but I made them appear in response to Mindy's direction. The equipment lockers now were all filled and I had equipment to take care of any situation that I could envision.
All of it was useless in my eyes when my friend was hurting. Windy and Mindy had worked out their hearts for me and now it was time for me to try to help Mindy. I knew that she had been limping along the way she had been but it was no big deal. I wanted more for her, I wanted her to be whole!
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Walking around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - feet!
I could tell that Mindy was hurting inside as she used technology to emulate what she had been denied. It is a close analogy between a mermaid seeking legs to join in with the world she wants and a transwoman wanting something else to be put right so she can join in with the world that she wants. I'd caught Mindy when she wasn't hiding her true self. Now I had to find a way to help my friend. While if Mindy did not try to cloak something, I felt I could help her. She seemed too worried about my feelings without care for her well being. That meant asking the Exxorian Goddess for help, if only Mindy would agree to submit to her judgment.
"Wendy, would you mind going up and working on installing the equipment to outfit the actual translocation chamber?"
"Sure, Joan. You want some privacy to get thru to that thick skulled sibling of mine to ask for help in making her whole."
"That's right Wendy. I hope that things can be put right especially after I insisted that she change back when that wasn't right for her."
Wendy touched my arm for a moment before gathering her tools and going up to work on the translocation chamber.
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down a - what's that word again?
"Mindy, we need to talk"
"Why did you call me that? I'm Marvin!"
"No, you are Mindy. You can drop the act. I saw your brain when you were not cloaking it and you are female."
"Don't be mad at me, Joan. I only hid it from you because you were all wound up about Robin. I didn't want to add to your problems since you didn't realize that I am a transwoman."
"I'm not mad at you, Mindy. Even with me obsessing about putting Robin right, I would have helped you. I jumped to the wrong conclusion about you. I was a transwoman too until I was made whole by Goddess power. The Exxorian Goddess can make you whole too if you will submit to her judgment."
"I'm tired of hiding who I am. I built technology to try to make it right but in the end I knew that I was incomplete. I am ready to accept help, now. I will submit to the Exxorian Goddess judgment."
"I'm glad for you Mindy. I will ask her when she might be able to come and judge you."
"Thank you, Joan. You are a true friend!"
Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world
I knew too well the desire to part with the fake me who had to do things I never would have done just to keep up appearances. It was so much better for me when I was able to cast aside the false and take my place in the world. I wanted that feeling for my friend Mindy too so I prepared to ask for an audience with the Goddess.
I placed my palms together and said, "Glivney" and I assumed my new Exxorian form. I was overjoyed that Jan had returned to life in this new timeline which had transposed both the Temporal Causality Loop and the old Wonder Twins into another universe. Wearing Jayna's form with her dead in this timeline was still a shock and I hoped that not only would the old Wonder Twins return but there be found some way to do what the Goddess could not do and save those who had perished at the temple. I meditated and soon the Goddess appeared in front of me.
"Daughter, what would you have me to do?"
"Mother, A friend of mine, Mindy, has the same condition that I did. I ask a boon that you would judge her. She submits herself to your judgment."
"Daughter, make her ready for I will return to judge her."
"Thank you Mother. I am so happy that this will soon be resolved."
"I would not have you to worry so, Daughter. You are growing in wisdom and grace and I am proud of you."
"Thank you Mother! I go to my friend to prepare her for your return."
What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land they understand
That they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand
I quickly went back to where Mindy was working. It actually looked like Mindy because she had turned on her electronic cloak that made her appear the way she longed to be for real.
"Mindy, the Goddess has agreed to judge you. She asked me to get you ready. Afterward we are going to try out that Holodeck that you and Wendy installed which was possible with the anachronisms that the Goddess brought since she decided it was another good teaching tool for my education. I have a program ready that depicts the Temple on Exxor before it was destroyed . Both you and Wendy will need to change into the Exxorian gowns I am providing. I had already given Wendy hers and she was in the process of changing into it.
Mindy went to change and came back looking wonderful in her gown as Wendy also did as well. I took my place at the front as the Goddess Emissary. Mindy and Wendy stood in the back awaiting the Goddess's appearance. Mindy shown brightness on her face as she waited. She was indeed a bright young woman who was ready to stand and take her place in the world.
I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it - what's the word?
It was finally the time that all Mindy's questions would be answered. Mindy had a brilliant intelligence and making her whole would let that loose to help others. There were questions that mankind had been asking from the invention of fire and Mindy now would have a hand in answering them.
We all paid reverence to the goddess with each of us giving her a curtsey. I was given leave to call Mindy up.
"Will the person who prefers to be known as Mindy, please present herself before the Goddess!"
Mindy escorted by Wendy came down toward the temple alter where the Goddess stood. Both of them paused and curtsied about 10 foot out and Wendy remained there while Mindy continued on and kneeled before the Goddess on a pillow placed in front of the Goddess.
The Goddess lifted Mindy's head and kissed her forehead. Immediately Mindy no longer had any need for the electronic illusion because Mindy was made whole.
I announced, "The petitioner may withdraw with the Goddess' blessing"
Mindy took her feet and curtsied. She made her way back to where Wendy was waiting for her and they both curtsied before they turned back down the aisle. The Goddess vanished and left us three alone in the Holodeck.
"Computer End Program" I commanded and the temple faded as we all stood on the Holodeck grid. Mindy jumped for joy as both Wendy and I took turns hugging her. I was so glad Mindy was whole at last.
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
Both Wendy and Mindy changed out of their Exxorian gowns. I did as well by putting my palms together and saying, "Sorceress" changing back into my human form. They quickly finished the little work that remained. Soon my starship had all of its new functions working and tested. I had informed the Super Friends and they had a celebration waiting for Mindy in honor of her momentous day. I set the Starship to automated functioning and they there of us used the Translocation chamber to beam into the Hall of Justice
There was such a celebration as Mindy came into the midst of all the assembled Super Friends. Just as sure as though she had stepped out of the sea onto the dry land, Mindy had arrived. Without a doubt , Mindy was now and for always would be part of our world.

Song Three ~ Faith
Based on 'Where My Heart Will Take Me' by Diane Warren
I had asked again for the chance to speak to the Exxorian Goddess. I used my sorcery to change into the Exxorian robes of the Emissary of the Goddess. I was glad that my form change to Exxorian was for me to call out, "Glivney!" while I held my palms together. Had I been required to use her Terran name, Jayna, I would not have been able to do it. Nevertheless this was now my Exxorian form that I had and out of respect for the Goddess, I changed into it prior to our meeting.
I could not deal with my Exxorian form being Glivney which was a reminder that in this universe she was dead. She was the priestess of the Goddess who had perished when the temple had been destroyed . She was also the friend and former Wonder Twin of this universe, Jayna. I knew that she existed in another universe and she and her brother were dealing with the temporal causality loop that they had created. Were it not for the intervention of the Goddess, that loop would have had this universe frozen between those few moments of time.
I felt myself being ported away from my Exxorian Space Cruiser orbiting the earth to her temple which no longer existed. I suspected that we were in the past making use of the temple while those who attended it ordinarily were asleep. Instead of being set up like a courtroom for judgment like the time that Dick's timeline was shifted forward to allow him to become Nightwing and Stephanie Brown's timeline shifted so instead of being Robin for 47 days she instead became Flamebird and a younger Rachel Wayne had taken her place as Robin, the Girl Wonder.
A table was set up between two chairs. On the table sitting in a holder was an object that was shaped like an ellipse only three dimensional. It was a work of art composed of some of the most costly materials in the universe. I found myself dressed in the gown I wore now for my conversations with the Goddess which symbolized that I would be her successor. It seemed obvious to me that when the Goddess arrived she would take one of the chairs so I went to one of the chairs and sat down and waited for her to appear.
It's been a long road getting from there to here.
The Goddess of Exxor appeared in all of her splendor and sat down with me. "Greetings, Daughter! " We both stood and she came over and gave me a big hug. "My Daughter, you have traveled a long road in getting to this place. The journey is worthwhile both for you and for I as well as for the Exxorians"
"I submit myself to your will, my mother and I live for the journey"
"I am pleased, my daughter. Yet you are uneasy with your present burden"
"I wear the form of my friend, Glivney, and instead of good things I dwell on death. Her death in the temple in this universe and that she faces death in the universe she is in now."
"My daughter, I did not mean it for a burden but it was a consequence of the shift in timelines. However, it is my intention that you by your efforts should introduce another timeline in which all the quadruplets survive. I see no reason for you to suffer anguish in the mean time so I will give you another Exxorian form to wear."
I kneeled before her in anticipation of her blessing me by laying her hands on top of my head. I felt the universe blink and heard the voice of the Goddess, "Rise Rua!"
I returned to my place in the seat beside the table and saw before me on the table a mirror and I looked and saw a different but clearly related girl reflected before me. After seeing pictures of the Wonder Twins' Mother when she was young, it was clear that I was now indeed, Rua, the Wonder Twins' mother, had perished in a plague when the Wonder Twins were young. I never knew Rua so her form was not a burden to carry and this Rua was so young that I hoped that seeing me would not be as bad on the twins.
"Thank you for this blessing Mother. I am pleased that I do not wear the form of one of the quadruplets any longer. Did Rua have the same genetic mutation that gave the Wonder Twins their power?"
"Yes Daughter. As Rua you can interact with the quadruplets to call forth the power in the same way as you could wearing Vylylia and Glivney's forms. Her age at the time of the plague muted the natural immunity that she had. She was weakened by both the disease and the death of her husband, that she died too." .
"Mother, what is this object on the table between us? It is very beautiful and looks to have immeasurable worth."
"Child, this object is the conduit of my blessing to one of the Exxorian people in the spring of each year in times past. I knew that the most deserving of my blessing each year would be so humble as to feel others deserved my attention more than they. In the spring is what is called commonly, "The Great Egg Hunt". I would port the object from its place in the temple into hiding. I chose the hiding place each year so that one of the deserving which didn't feel themselves worthy of my blessing would have an excuse to come before me and let me help them."
"Mother, this is the object as it was in the past. What of the here and now?"
"I had ported it away in the hunt just before I traded my existence for that of the planet Exxor. I presume that it escaped the cataclysm and still exists. One day it will return to me as it always has been."
It's been a long time but my time is finally near!
"Mother, What task is it that you intend for me to do that will change the timeline?"
"Daughter, It has been a long time that I have been waiting to see the task accomplished, but my time is finally near that I will be able to observe its completion."
"Mother, when did your wait begin?"
"My dear Rua, this goes back to the assault on Exxor. It began with their super weapon being detonated which involved all the bombs being placed around Exxor in the same manner that all the bombs were placed on Earth."
"What Happened?"
"Even a Goddess has limits to her power and mine is more about people than things. The only way that I could stop the explosion was to place a hole in my timeline where I did not and could never exist. I was able to summon the great power to do away with the already exploding bombs and afterward I no longer existed. From the perspective of Exxor the doomsday weapon was never detonated."
"How did the enemy react?"
"The enemy, Drax, when he could not carry out a plan for world destruction, carried out a campaign of terror calculated to drive all the Exxorians away from the planet starting with the destruction of my Temple."
"And how do I fit in?"
"My daughter, when you are ready to take on this challenge, I will give you access to all of my powers while retaining my ability to use them as well as part of your training. I hope that you will go where I can not go and do what I can not do, save the temple and banish Drax from Exxor."
And I will see my dream come alive at last, I will touch the sky!
"Daughter, in that day I will witness the result of my dream coming true. I understand that you have learned to fly. Come fly with me and I will show you the glory of my temple and of the planet Exxor before it was soiled by Drax."
"I love to fly, Mother! It seems like I touch the sky. Lead on!"
As if on cue both of us lifted up towards the high vaulted ceiling. We both flew towards a window in the roof where the light shown thru. I found that it was energy keeping out the weather and we both passed right thru it and up into the sky.
The wonder of flight and the freedom overwhelms me as the Goddess and I raced skyward hand in hand. We circled the grounds of the temple in all its glory. The temple shining as a testimony to the people's devotion and all of the other buildings and areas on the temple grounds for those who had devoted their lives to the Goddess. I wept seeing it in all of its beauty and remembering the photos I had seen of the same spot now on the planet Exxor where all that remained was a lifeless crater where all of this had been and a tiny memorial to all those who died as the temple and all of its environs were consumed by the explosion.
We flew round the globe and I was treated to the beauty of the planet Exxor before Drax had left his mark on this world. This was much more rewarding seeing it first hand than in the holographic images that I had seen as I studied the planet and its people. It was so very much more relaxed talking with the Goddess as we were flying. There were other questions I was dying to ask and now seemed the time to ask them.
And they're not gonna hold me down no more!
"It is difficult to be earth bound when having an experience like this."
"It is thru you, my successor, that I intend that the one thing that I can not fix may be righted."
"I look forward to being able to make that dream come true, Mother"
"Will that be the end?"
"While you prevent the destruction, I can't be with you where I cant exist. After you return to the here and now, we will have more time together as I teach you more before I leave."
"I will be glad Mother that the forces of Drax will be unable to hold you down any more."
"I will be glad to share my power with you, Daughter in that day and for you to take my place as Goddess before the people of Exxor. I will be free to make sure that you have everything you need before I place the full burden of being the Goddess upon you."
"Thank you Mother, for placing so much confidence in me. I wont disappoint you
No, they're not gonna change my mind!
"Knowing this, Daughter, does it change your mind? Are you still willing to be my successor."
"Mother, I am not gonna change my mind. No matter what the challenges are, I will be committed to the calling to which I have been given."
"Thank you my Daughter! It warms my soul to know that you will not be turned away from the purpose."
"Will I have to give up being Sorceress and human when I take your place as the Goddess ?"
"My Daughter, that will be up to you after I depart. After all you will be Goddess alone and free to do whatever you feel is right."
"Mother, Will I have to be celibate in order to assume the mantle of the Goddess?"
"No, daughter, that is not a requirement. Should you choose to marry, your spouse will not be imbued with the power for that is yours alone to carry. There have been others in the past who wore the mantle of Goddess who had a consort and I expect that there will be more in the future."
"Thank you, Mother. There is a special young man in my life. We have chosen not to show our love in that special way until both of us are adults. I am enjoying myself in the here and now and I'm glad that I would not have to give up having him be a special part of my life to fulfill this new destiny."
"You are welcome, child. I have enjoyed this talk Is there anything else that you would like to ask me?"
"Mother, my heart is clear. Thank you for spending this time with me."
"Daughter, may you go in love." She ported me from out of midair back to the starship where she had found me.
Cause I got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me!
There was one place where my heart was taking me and that was to Sam's side. I had faith that everything that the Goddess expected would come to pass. I felt that by going where my heart would take me that I would be prepared for the future that would come. For now my heart was urging me to enjoy the here and now. I pressed my palms together and said, "Joan Ellen" transforming me back to my mundane human form. I knew just where Sam would be, on the baseball field whether it was playing a game or practicing with his teammates that is his second love, after me of course. I ported away to where my heart was taking me.
I appeared in the stands and saw Sam on the mound. I looked at the scoreboard and could see that Sam was pitching a no hitter from the line score. He seemed in the groove where he could do no wrong. I cheered him on as every pitch nibbled at the corners as those few pitches which struck wood were only ground outs or pop ups. Finally the last pitch was delivered as the third out was made and the no hitter went into the record books.
I wanted to run onto the field and jump into his arms. Our eyes met and the look in his eyes told me that as soon as he could that he would be joining me. Instead, I watched as his teammates swarmed him and lifted him on their shoulders and carried him off the field. I wasn't disappointed as I waited outside the clubhouse door with some more of the player's girlfriends. Sam took one look at me as he emerged from the door and swept me up and spun me around in his arms.
I got faith to believe I can do anything!
"How are you gorgeous? I missed you!" He held me in his arms and kissed me passionately.
When we had come up for air, I answered, "I feel wonderful, handsome and I missed you too.":
"I can tell, you passionate minx!" I melted in his arms and life was very good. I didn't realize how much time had past but it became apparent when only Sam and I were standing by the clubhouse door and the lights went off both on the field and in the club house.
All of a sudden a light appeared in Sam's eyes and at the same time I felt the universe blink and I wondered what had happened. "Joan, I have to go back inside. I left something inside. It will only take a moment."
"OK, Sam, I'll wait right here for you."
Sam tried the door and it seemed to be locked. Sam was really determined to get thru that door so he tried again to force the door open. He lifted the whole door off as the hinges broke. He propped up the door on the side of the club house.
"Wow! that's not normal and I didn't cause it!"
"I know! All of a sudden I feel so powerful! My whole body is energized! I believe that I can do anything! Wow, what a rush!"
While I used my sorcery to make the door whole, Sam in a much more controlled way tested to see what kind of powers that he might have in addition to super strength. As he ticked off his list of powers, it became obvious that he had a lot of the same powers as Superman. This was perplexing because I checked to see if he had been changed into a Kryptonian. It was conclusive that he was a Terran, just an extraordinary one.
Sam went thru the now unlocked door to get the thing he left. He soon returned with a wrapped present which he handed to me. Like a kid at Christmas, I ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a box of my favorite Godiva chocolates. I gave him a big hug and kiss as he wrapped me up in his arms
"What an extraordinary man you are, Sam! That's it! You can be Extraman!"
"I like it! Okay, I'm Extraman! Can you design me a costume?"
"Can I? Of course! So mote it be!" And Sam was clothed in costume that had the same colors of Sorceress's own so they would look good side by side. It had a small mask like my costume had and on his chest was the Greek letter Epsilon. The one thing that it lacked was a cape since I could hear Edna Mole in my head saying, "No Cape!"
"So what next, Sweetie?"
"I guess the best place to check out your new powers is in the Hall of Justice. I happen to have an in with them. Let's put you thru your paces in the combat simulator room."
As I changed into my Sorceress costume, Sam responded, "Let's do it!"
I ported us directly into the Hall of Justice's combat simulator room.
I got strength of the soul and no one's gonna bend or break me!
I always knew that Sam had strength of the soul, but finding out he had super powers too was something that I would have never expected. In the back of my mind, I assumed that it was a consequence of the judgment of the Goddess that he had gone thru.
"Computer, recognize Sorceress and enter command mode"
"Sorceress identity confirmed, awaiting commands"
"Register Sam Waterman codename Extraman and grant limited access to Super Friends facilities as a subject of interest."
"Confirm Extraman registered as person of interest and granted limited access. Ready to record voice print"
Sam answered "Sam Waterman codename Extraman"
"Voice print recorded and dossier file initiated."
"Well that squares you with the computer, Sam Lets put you thru your paces. Let's try this!"
"Computer, initiate Superman exercise program one participant Extraman, control Sorceress"
"Compliance!" An area of the room was protected by force fields and things that Superman found challenging began to confront Sam. Since he was just getting used to his powers, he did not always cleanly meet each challenge but the mistakes proved his invulnerability. In each situation should he be in actual danger, I was ready to make a catch and prevent any harm to Sam. He was determined that nothing was going to bend or break him. Sam in part of the exercises demonstrated precision flying which came quite naturally to him. When the end signal sounded, Sam lighted beside me and caught his breath. "Now that was a workout!"
"Are you gain for one more?" Superman had an exercise where he practiced disposing of Kryptonite and he had a small quantity of green K that the room used to give realism to the exercise. I wanted to see if being exposed to Green K would show the same vulnerability as Superman. "Computer run Superman exercise Green K disposal, participant Extraman, control Sorceress" "Compliance!"
The program set up and exposed Sam to Green K. Instead of the long range disposal techniques that Superman had to use, Sam just walked right up to the green K without any ill effect and placed it in a lead container which had been provided which ended the simulation. "How do you feel, Extraman?"
"I feel fine. No ill effects. Green K doesn't phase me."
"That's really good news. We'll still have to keep watch out for anything that might be a problem to you but it is really good that it's not the same one as Superman."
I can reach any star!
"Joan, would you like to go fly with me?"
"I'd love to, Sam! Let me port us outside of the hall and we can really open up."
"Okay, Joan!" I ported us into the sky above the Hall of Justice. Instead of a sightseeing trip, Sam had only one thing on his mind. He wanted to see how fast he could go. We both shot upward thru the air and soon came thru the atmosphere into space. Once into space we went even faster. Sam was pointed at a star and we both sped toward it. We reached the speed of light and we entered subspace which was a rush for both of us.
We came out of subspace as we slowed to come to a stop bathed in the light of the star that we had reached. I was so proud of my Sam! Without a magical assist, I would have never kept up with him. Sam rewarded me for the journey as he took me into his arms and kissed me! Oh that was heaven, making out within the environ of another star.
I got faith, I got faith, Faith of the heart!
This was another wonderful day for me! My faith was rewarded with so many blessings. I no longer had to worry about Sam since Sam could take care of himself. He has faith in me and I have faith in him. Together there is no telling where our hearts will take us! It was all due to our faith of the heart!
"I love you, Joan!"
"I love you too, Sam!"
The End
This story is dedicated to the memory of my friend, Joan.
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