We decided to get dressed in a couple of summer dresses seeing it was a warm evening, and go for a walk to one of the restaurants down the road and have a meal together, and celebrate our good luck in having our employer support our transition without any drama. Believe it it or not there are actually companies in Brisbane that are fine with it as indeed in other parts of Australia.
The story continues.
It was a month later and Grace and I were getting on really well, so it was a given that we would stay together as a same sex couple, which by the way is a hot parliamentary debate going on at the moment to legislate to make it legal for two people of the same sex to marry and have all the benefits that come with it. Like anywhere else in the world there are the people that think anything but straight is against God. The way I see it is that God made us all and what we are is what we are, end of story.
Things were not all smooth sailing at work. There were those that would never understand what transgender means, or care to find out. They are the ones that cause the most problems but thank God that they are only the odd ones. Most of the people I had had to deal with over the last month had been supportive and had said so. Of course the guys now treated me a little bit differently and would check me out while I wasn't looking. All that did was confirm to me that I was doing the right thing in transitioning. The hormones were also having an effect on my moods, but the most exciting thing was the tingling feeling in my nipples, ''Wow” was all I can say.
I dressed quite conservatively at work as most of the other women in the building and we all looked like professional business women. I of course liked wearing skirts and nice frilly tops and three inch heels. It was too hot to wear hose in summer in Brisbane and most women don’t. I guessed I would when winter came. My hair had become longer and most days I would put it in a high pony taill. Grace said it made me look sexy, but I know what she wanted and flattery will get her what she wanted every time! The thing was the hormones were having an effect on her ability to have sex the way we first started and it was fast becoming girl—girl which was different but just as satisfying.
Grace had decided to go all the way just like me and have SRS when the time came. She could probably have had hers then but said she would wait for me and we would both go to Thailand and have it at the same time. It was certainly different when I talked to people. Although I have a soft voice it was really hard to bring it up to the range that I would like but in the end I had decided that if someone asked me I would just come straight out and tell them what or who I am and if they couldn't handle it that was just too bad.
There had been a few but in the main society had changed and if you don’t push people they just except you as a person and get on with business. I had started to travel interstate again so I was not always at home with Grace. It got pretty lonely in motel rooms at night but we talk on the phone every night that I was away. Grace and I had fallen in love and the feeling I got when we were together was almost the same as that I had with my late wife Bella, and I often wondered what she felt like when we made love and now I knew from the perspective of a woman. It was certainly more intense and involved not just the body but my inner self. Grace got the same feelings and she said it felt like we were becoming one person, which she had never had with any one else. Wow true love!
Grace had had the same small amount of problems at work as me but again she just came straight out and told people to mind their own business and that seemed to get her through the day without too many problems. The support groups in Brisbane were ok but there were a lot of people that transitioned who need much more help than others and they were the ones that could be in real danger of doing things that would get them into trouble medically if they went out of the system. Hormones are not to be taken without a doctor's supervision because they change how the body functions and if the wrong doses are taken it can lead to all sorts of problems. even death.
Grace decided that it was time for us to go on a week's holiday. We both had a lot of holiday pay coming to us and the big boss agreed to let us have the well- earned break to go away together. We decided to just go to the unit that Grace owned at the coast and spend the time just relaxing on the beach and going for long walks, 'Hand in hand of course'. It all felt so right. I wasn't interested in men in any way and the feeling for us both was that of two women in love, We were two lesbians, end of story, As I have said the hormones were having an effect on my moods but Grace had been on hormones a lot longer than me and she just put up with me getting all bitchy one minute and than dissolving into tears the next.
The love making was now a lot different to when we first met. There was no more penetration, it was purely as two females and it felt so all-encompassing that it left us with a feeling of euphoria, laying together cuddled up and falling asleep in each others arms. We went to restaurants a few times but in the end decided to do our own cooking. We were both good cooks and the meals were much more healthy and of course a lot cheaper. Some of the prices that are charged for meals at the restaurants at the coast are just plain off this planet.
There was another couple in the next apartment and when we were going down in the lift one morning to go down to the beach they entered the lift at the same time as us and they introduced themselves to us as Sandra and Rhonda. Now this couple looked like us except Rhonda sounded like me but looked completely female. They were obviously a lesbian pair and made no attempt to hide it from us.
When Grace said, “Are you two like us?” Rhonda replied, “What do you mean, are we like you!!?” She said it almost in a threatening tone and she sounded like a man making a statement.
Grace held up her hands and replied, “Well Rhonda it is really obvious when you speak with a man's voice that you're are not what you seem to be.”
Sandra stepped in and said, “Look we have been watching you two and have wondered are you both transgendered?”
Grace replied, “Yes we are, are you?”
Sandra replied, “Rhonda is, I'm not.”
Grace than said, “If Rhonda hadn't spoken I would not have guessed in any way, she looks like a genetic girl.”
Grace said this while looking Rhonda straight in the eyes. Now Rhonda was blushing and probably thought that she shouldn't have opened her mouth and let Sandra do her talking for her. Rhonda started to say something but Sandra put her hand on Rhonda's arm and said, “Darling let me do the talking for now ok!!? By this time we were standing in the lift stopping people from using it so we moved into the foyer of the building and continued our strange discussion.
There were lots of people about so Grace said, “Look, lets go outside to the coffee club and sit down and get acquainted like grown ups shall we!!?”
We all walked into the coffee club and Grace said, “Grab a table and I will order us all a cappuccino.”
A couple of minutes later we were sitting down when Grace said, “Ok lets try this again shall we!!?” with authority in her voice.
Sandra said. “Ok, I'm a genetic girl and Rhonda is a post-op transgendered woman of three years--does that answer your question?”
Grace replied “Yes, but why get defensive when asked by us?”
Rhonda then spoke with a lot softer voice and said. “I'm sorry I just get up-tight sometimes. I didn't mean to raise my voice like that it, is the only thing that will give me away these days.”
Grace said, “Try voice training, it's not as hard as one might think.”
It was time for me to enter the conversation and I said, “Rhonda, we are both pre-op but are going to have SRS together in twelve months time in Thailand.”
She replied, “Have you saved your pennies? It will cost at least thirty thousand dollars.”
I replied, “Yeah the sale of my house went through last week so money is not a problem.”
It worked out that Sandra and Rhonda were a married couple and Ronald now Rhonda decided to transition to a woman. Sandra supported her partner all the way and now they were still a couple albeit a lesbian couple. Well in a way myself and Grace were the same but would have the pleasure of having to dilate together after the big op. The image of that made me giggle but I guessed it was a serious business and if it was not done everything would have been a waste of time.
We started to relax and told each other where we were from, and they were actually from Brisbane as well so it looked like we might become close friends. It was nice to have someone to talk to with the same kind of mentality as ourselves. It made life a lot easier to be able to open up to someone without having to worry about whether you could trust them or not. We then all went for a walk down to the beach and got more acquainted. Sandra and Rhonda both worked for the state government in the same finance department, much the same as myself and Grace who in the insurance industry.
After we were tired of the beach we walked back to the apartment building and I asked them to come up to our unit for lunch. They accepted but said they wanted to have a shower first and then come and visit us to have lunch.
Grace and I decided to shower as well and wash the sweat off our bodies after the long walk. It was a hot day, and it was nice to be in the shower together and soap each other up and of course linger in certain spots,-- umm -- we had our shower and got dressed in shorts and sleeveless tops to be cool.
Preparing lunch was relatively easy - a tuna salad with wholemeal wraps and some cold orange juice. We set it up on the balcony and at ten stories up the view of the ocean on a clear day was magnificent. Sandra and Rhonda rang the door bell of the apartment and Grace opened the door to two women that were dressed almost the same as us. We all had a bit of a giggle and called each other the typical banana-benders. (A local joke for Queenslanders)
Lunch and the afternoon were spent pleasantly chatting about life in general. It was four women having a great time.
To be continued.
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Sharing dreams...and other things in common?
...hopes... interests... loves.... and activities; both mundane and fantastic!
It's simply amazing what two people can find in common, aye?
"I love that dress on you."
"You should! It's yours!"
"That shade of purple goes really nice with your skin tone!."
"Yours as well!"
"Your turn or mine to do laundry, dear?"
And of course, a bit of poetry at the end of a long day?
"Honey, it's late... let's dilate?" LOL
What a pleasant way to start my day! Thank you, Ronnie.
Love, Andrea Lena