The Blanchard Home Chapter 2

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Chapter II:Remaking Jordan part 1

Charles must prepare Jordan for his new life in the home

___________Chapter II:Remaking Jordan part 1__________________________________________

Charles, following Renee's usual procedure for new residents, dragged Jordan to the communal showers on the first floor of the west wing. Along the far wall was a line of shower stalls. To the left was a group of small lockers each with a small metal plate that had it's owner's name engraved on it.

"Let's see...Jordan...ah! Right next to mine. How did I not notice that this morning? Oh well." Charles said as she opened the locker to the right of her own. "This is where we keep soap, shampoo, stuff like that." She opened her own locker and began to strip. When the blonde was completely naked Jordan stared in awe of how feminine she looked even with her female clothes. The only sign that Charles was born anything other than a girl was the peach sized scrotum and six inch cock that hung limply between her slender legs. A teasing smile crossed Charles' lips when she caught Jordan staring. "I know. Fucking awesome, aren't I?"

"Modest too."

"Smart ass." Charles huffed as she shoved some bottles into Jordan's hands. "Come on, we got work to do and Ms. B is not going to be happy if we spend too much time dicking around." The short blonde walked over to one of the showers and as she put her hand on the shower knob she looked over her shoulder and said "though I guess we could spend a just little bit of time dicking around if you don't mind being quick about it."

"Uh...I don'" Jordan's face was flushed. Not sure if Charles was just joking or really intended to molest him again Jordan slowly shuffled to the stall.

"Stand out there and smear on that lotion in the pink bottle while I get the water to a decent temperature."

"Smear it on. Okay. I know I'm going to hate myself for asking but smear it where?"

"On a panda's butt." Charles said as she continued to fiddle with the knob and sticking her thin arm under the spray to test it."On your skin, duh. Anywhere that has hair. Keep it away from the stuff on top of your head, unless you want to risk a bald spot."

"Bald spot? Why would it give me a bald spot?"

"You're kidding, right?" Charles looked over her shoulder and saw confusion written on her new sister's face. "I guess not. Geez, dumber than advertized. Just do what I tell you."

Jordan eyed the plastic bottle warily. It didn't have a label. He wasn't particularly looking forward to putting some mystery goo near his privates. When the cap was popped open the scent of peach trying to hold back harsh chemicals assaulted Jordan causing him to gag.

"Don't smell it, just use it."

"How the hell am I not supposed to smell it?"

"Breath through your mouth." The blonde, having finally found satisfaction with the water, was leaning against the wall of the stall waiting for Jordan to quit stalling. "Do you give everyone you meet a hard time or am I special?" Charles watched intently as Jordan's small hands spread the foul smelling lotion over various parts of his skinny frame. It didn't take long since he had never grown very much body hair in the first place.

"So what now?"

Charles slid open a small panel on the shower wall revealing a water proof clock. "You stand there smelling like embalming fluid till I tell you otherwise."


The warm water soothed Jordan's tense muscles. His hazel eyes were shut tight as he focused on the sensation of each drop splashing against his alabaster skin. But Jordan soon remembered he wasn't alone. Not wanting a repeat of Charles' earlier performance he forced himself to pay attention to what was going on around him. The young man's eyes were wide with surprise when he saw what little body hair being rinsed away.

"This gunk may smell like crap but it sure gets the job done." Charles said as she began to inspect the shocked brunette. "Ms. B has someone special who makes this. It's not the stuff you get in the stores. Some of the other girls say this is way better but I wouldn't know, not about to go shell out money when I get the good stuff for free."

Horror spread throughout Jordan's being. He stared down at his feminine hairless body and knew that he wasn't far off from being just like Charles. All that was needed was for him to take whatever it was that had given the short blonde small breasts and he'd be just as much a girl as her.

A gentle humming filled the small space. A small hand softly slid a wet bar of soap over Jordan's smooth skin while Charles' other hand trailed behind working the suds into a thick lather. It wasn't a brash and forceful touch Jordan would have expected from his small companion. Her touch was soft and careful like the fleeting caress of butterfly wings against his stomach. A whimper escaped Jordan's lips when Charles began to clean around Jordan's privates.

Charles slowed her movements even further and watched the brunette's penis emerge with lustful fascination. The small organ slowly swelled much to the shame of it's owner. It was rock hard and throbbing when it finally reach it's full four inch length. "See, isn't it more fun to just play along? I think the little fella wants some attention."

Jordan leaped away at the sensation of the blonde's hand on his small cock. His shoulder met the wall of the stall with a wet thud. Pain shot through his left arm causing him to lose his footing and slide to the wet tile floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you? A hand job isn't something to cripple yourself over."


"My arm hurts." Jordan cradled his sore limb.

"Yeah? Well go slam yourself into a wall again. I'm sure that will help."

"I'm serious here."

"Oh please." The short blonde rolled her eyes at her companion's whining. "I checked you out. The only thing wrong with you is an acute case of being a wuss and I'm afraid it's terminal."

Charles led the way through a maze of hallways. "Listen up." she said suddenly becoming serious. "If you want to find your way around here you've got to remember that the house is split into two main areas. West wing has the living quarters, showers, kitchen, cafeteria, and lounge. East wing has the offices, the library, the stores, and class rooms. Got it?"

"I think so but there are so many hallways. How am I supposed to keep from getting lost?"

The short blonde stopped in her tracks and tapped something on the wall. On closer inspection the item was one of several plaques with the name of an area of the home and an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction. "Doesn't really matter right now though. You tried to make a run for it so Ms. B is going to want to have someone with at all times."

"At all times? What about when I have know, go to the toilet?"

"Not Being alone didn't stop you from pissing all over the boss-lady so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you."

Jordan groaned before following Charles again.


The shopping area on the second floor was made up to look like the inside of a mall. Each of the four small stores had large display windows and a sign above the door.

Jordan stared at "Daisy's Salon" like the door was a hell mouth that would devour him and send his soul to be tortured in the lowest depths of the abyss.

"Before we go in let's get one thing straight," Charles said with her dainty hand poised to open the glass door "The first day is always free but after today you'll be expected to pay for things out of the weekly allowance you'll get. The folks who work here give us good deals, way better than we'd get on the outside, but it's still not free normally. They don't want to get an earful from Ms. B so no matter how much you beg and plead this is the only time they're going to toss a freebie your way so don't bother trying."

The tinkling of the bell from the door drew the attention of the tall redhead sweeping the floor clean of her previous customer's hair. She was pleased to see a new face, despite the fact that the new face was trying desperately to hide behind Charles.

"Hey Daisy, got some fresh meat for ya."

"Well don't just stand there young lady. Come sit in my chair."

"Young man!" Jordan quickly corrected.

"We'll see." Daisy gave Jordan a sly smile. "Now hurry up I have appointments this afternoon and I don't want to get backed up." When Jordan finally complied Daisy carefully studied the short brown hair from every possible angle. "Good lord. If I ever meet who's been butchering your hair I swear I'll stick a curling iron up their rear. Not much I can do with this. I could shave you bald and fit you with a wig till it grows back properly but lets save that for a last resort. If I can save your hair I'd prefer to."

Fifteen awkward minutes later Jordan found himself staring in the gold framed mirror and seeing his scruffy hairdo transformed into what Daisy had referred to as a pixie cut. It was amazing just how shaping his hair cut into something a bit more feminine could alter his face so much.

Daisy was now leaning over the small front desk going through her date book to see when she could fit her new client in for another appointment. Her heart shaped ass jiggled a bit as she shifted her hips from side to side.

The brunette's small penis stiffened at the sight. Jordan was grateful for the reminder that he was indeed a man until something occurred to him. He gestured the still naked Charles over and leaned in close so that Daisy would not hear him. "Is you?"

Charles mulled the question over a bit and enjoyed the view of the redheads backside before answering. "Some of the people who work here were born female, some were born male but had surgery and are now female, and some are women with cocks like me. If it helps narrow it down for you she has a pussy."

"But was she born with it?"

"What difference does it make? Even if it wasn't always there it's there now. Why focus so much on what a person used to be when who they are now is what you have to deal with. But I'll tell you what, there's a way to tell the difference. Stick your finger up her pussy."

"What?" Jordan was appalled at Charles' crude suggestion.

"You heard me. A young healthy woman born a girl will be wet when she's turned on but a transsexual woman will be dry. They can't make their own juices."

Jordan watched in silence as Charles went to Daisy's side and whispered in the redhead's ear. There was a glint of lust in Daisy's green eyes when she looked over her shoulder at Jordan and hiked up the back of her skirt and slid down her panties. "Have at it, babe."

How could this be? Was the world turning upside-down? When he had woken up that morning he was a normal eighteen year old boy in a normal suburb. Now here he was, naked and about to finger one of the prettiest women he had ever seen to test whether or not she had been born a boy. His forefinger trembled. The pad of his finger caressed her soft labia drawing a low moan from the hairdresser. Gathering his courage he quickly invaded the tender hole with his slender finger. Tears welled in his eyes. He looked at his blonde companion and sobbed in a meek voice "She's dry."

"Oh? Maybe she's not revved up enough yet. Try licking her asshole."

Daisy gave Charles a swat on the arm before turning slightly to address Jordan. "She's just teasing you, darling. First of all there are plenty of times when a biological woman will be dry even though she's turned on. Why do you think KY jelly is so successful? And to answer your question I was once a woman with a penis, like you and Charles, but had the operation years ago. Doctors did a pretty good job, didn't they?"

"So you really are a man." Jordan slowly removed his appendage from Daisy's surgically made pussy.

"Oh you poor thing. You absolutely don't have a clue. I was never a man. I was always in my heart a woman, it's just that nature played a cruel joke and didn't give me outsides that match the inside. I was never meant to have a cock. I'm lucky though, Renee took me in and showed me how feminine I really am. I may not have been born with the right body but I am now a woman physically mentally spiritually and legally. So don't worry, you can finger me till the cows come home and still consider yourself a lesbian."

"Lesbian?" Jordan's mind stalled for a second at the implication of that word. "I'm a guy."

"Chick with a dick. You wouldn't have been allowed to move in if you weren't." Charles corrected. "We gotta get going Daisy. See you around."

"Jordan dear, don't forget you have an appointment in in exactly three weeks at noon." she shouted as Charles dragged her new sister out of the salon.

to be continued...

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Interesting start

and it's certainly just that little bit different, I like you writing style Appleseed and i for one will be looking out to find out just what happens to Jordan .... Keep up the good work :)


I'm not sure Apleseed -

- which way you are going with this one, however I'll hang in.


I'm a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.
'Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.'

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


Same old same old

Never finised and perhaps juzt as well. Even if all the other residents take part willingly they have no right to impose their beliefs on an unwilling minor. Its just abuse. And yes if he left and went to the police the everyone there and his parents would deserve everything they got even if it did destroy their lives. Why cant we have at least one stofy were the male calls their bluff. Even if he did use violence. Or even burnt the place down the law would not hold him responsible