The Adjuster Chapter 4

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The Adjuster

Chapter Four
Friends, Enemies and Adjustments

Rights retained by author  ©by Essarr Permission granted to Big Closet Exclusively


The delivery men were here on Thursday bringing my vanity. It brought an odd expression to my father’s face. I know he was dying to say something when he saw me fussing with my hair. He shook his head calling my mother’s name and ran down the stairs. I heard him say something with a twinge in his voice.

“Simone what is the idea of buying Jean-Marie a vanity? You do not buy vanities for boys.”

Mom showed her irritation with an equally edgy voice.

“Claude Jean-Marie has been more than helpful around here. He has been helping in the kitchen and is doing the laundry for me. If he wants a vanity because it helps him maintain his hair, you should applaud that. It did not bother you to insist on sticking him with a name like Marie. Don’t go all macho on me just because you live in Texas.”

Wow mom really gave it to him. He just backed off knowing better than arguing with a French woman named Simone. Not only is she, French, when you add very pretty and a lawyer you know you are going to lose.

There is less than a week remaining in school and I have completed my finals. After tomorrow, we have a three day week-end. Then another day of school on Tuesday and I never have to go back to the Willie again. Finally, free of the place for good. I am looking forward to Exeter but dreading the uniform. My uniform remains hidden in the closet and I get the strangest urge to wear it. Like I ever will wear Traci’s uniform. Speaking of Traci, she wants all of us to meet at her house Saturday. Her mother will give us a ride to the mall. Then pick us up so we do not have to walk back. Getting pampered is nice and I do need to buy some new jeans. My hips are still too wide and my waist too narrow.

When I hit the bottom of the stairs I see dad hang up the phone.

“That was nice of Emily honey. She said Jean-Marie can ride to school with Traci. It will save us having to stretch our schedules. I will give her gas money to help out.”

Mom answered her agreement saying something about how nice that was finishing up with another troubling comment.

“We should have them over for a cookout.”

Dad of course agreed. They set the date for Monday. In addition to the Cox family they included Pam and Becky’s families as well. Three pretty girls and their parents. How do I keep one parent or another from blowing my cover? It seems this will be the topic of our shopping trip Saturday. I have confidence those scheming friends of mine will have creative answers.

When mom got home at five Friday afternoon the laundry was finished. I went so far as bringing the baskets upstairs. Score some brownie points for me. Mom checked everything and was pleased with the result. I did not tell her the puffiness in my chest began to subside. I did mention the itching is down. I do not want her fussing over me. Not because I am some tough guy, it is not like that. I enjoy being fussed over sometime. The truth is the puffiness is down but they are no smaller. I think firm is the correct word. The attribute firm when describing breasts is not the ideal for a guy.

Mom looked at me rather odd as I presented in the kitchen wearing a baggy tee shirt.

“You used to hang around the house shirtless on hot days. For some reason you are wearing a bulky shirt. Do you care to share?”

I simply answered with my usual “mom.” But did not get away with it. I had to expand admitting embarrassment about my puffy chest. According to mom the doctor said the puffiness would decline in a week or so. I agreed getting away with saying it has been only two days.

“No mom my puberty has not shown any sign of appearance. I have only taken two pills.”

She smiled and let me off the hook. Then I opened my big mouth.

“What are you doing mom?”

“Fixing dinner we are having chops and scalloped potatoes.”

I smiled because I liked that meal. It is real food instead of grazing.

“Can I help?”

Mom felt my forehead asking if I was running a fever. I was not so she handed me the peeler and a bowl of potatoes. It is interesting to watch how she is able to turn raw materials into a tasty meal. I helped mix the cream sauce asking a series of stupid questions and came away learning how to make scalloped potatoes. Mom spent the meal staring at me with the most curious gaze.

When I sat at my vanity I received a shock. The humidity of the kitchen caused my tee shirt to absorb moisture. It collected around my breasts enhancing them. Ok I get it cotton kills at least it almost killed me. All cotton tees will be banished. One more note for my journal to help avoid detection. I am sure mom noticed but she did not say anything yet.

Traci told me we will be trying on a lot of clothes saying you wear appropriate briefs. Being a little brazen I slipped on a pair of white panties I found in the bag Traci included with that skirt. No I did not wear the skirt. I am not completely nuts. No one will see the panties or so I thought.

We arrived at a mall fifty miles out of our small town. Mrs. Cox said she had a surprise for us girls. She cleared it with my mother as well as Becky’s and Pam’s. Where are we going I have no idea. We entered a moderately priced store where I made a bee line for the boys jeans department. As I fished through various styles Doctor Cox giggled. She took my hand saying the obvious.

“Jean Marie those pants will never fit you. Either the waist will be too big or the hips too tight.”

She dragged me of to the dreaded misses department. She took a pair of size three skinny jeans off the shelf.

“Try these you will like them.”

I looked at her sheepishly with a doubtful expression when Pam grabbed my arm.

“Come on we have to try these things on.”

She had a pile of skirts and jeans so did the other two. Before I knew what hit me, I am inside the changing room with three pretty teens. I struggled with the jeans trying to avoid flashing my panties. I stepped out side just as Becky whispered, “nice briefs.” The jeans fit perfectly so I bought four pair. The girls were in shopping heaven while Dr. Cox seemed to be having more fun than them.

I was more than ready to leave not understanding where they get their stamina. During an idle spaced moment I heard that devil Becky.

“Dr. Cox what do you think?”

“Perfect,” she answered before turning to me. “Becky wants you to try it.”

I shook my head protesting but the doctor would have none of it. There is no easy out when a beautiful woman and three lovely teens gain up on you. Again I find myself in the changing room. Becky hands me a lavender sun dress that landed just at the knee. I protested again with Pam closing the argument.

“No one is going to see you. Take a chance and be daring. That will look great on you. I bet you did not know all three of us are jealous of your legs.”

I resisted but curiosity won out. I stepped outside for Dr. Cox to see. It was exhilarating to feel the fabric against my skin and the breeze flowing on my legs. My reflection in a mirror stunned me. I saw a pretty teen heart breaker looking back while my male self demanded I run.

“It looks nice but it is not me. I am a jeans and tee shirt gal. Besides this is for Becky.”

Becky smiled trying to add to the pressure. She upped the anti.

“Tell you what I will buy it for myself only if you wear it until we get home.”

“Are you nuts!” I almost shouted in protest. Doctor Cox thought it hilarious. They all gained up on me and I caved to my eternal shame.

It is a good thing I watched enough girls to know how to enter a car. I was riding in the front seat with the three rascals in the back. They almost lost it watching me sit then swing my legs into the car. I even smoothed my skirt as I sat. Traci tapped me on the shoulder as she whispered.

“You are a natural.”

I tried to poke her but she was too quick leaning back in her seat. I nearly freaked out the rest of the day afraid someone would see me and blow my cover. The girls were loving it and I expected a lifetime of teasing. The other problem is I loved it. I loved the feel. I loved the look and the girls knew. Soon we pulled into the arena to learn our surprise. Yesterday the Olympic ice skating trials ended and the city opened the building for the general public. Doctor Cox turned to me.

“Can you ice skate?”

I gave her the most amazed look I could muster as if to say are you serious.

“Dr. Cox, I am from Canada. I was wearing skates on the delivery table.”

That generated quite a reaction from everyone. I rented a pair of figure skates, ladies size four of course. When I hit the ice I felt free really free for the first time in a long time. I was like a dervish doing double axels and other figure skating twists and turns. I did not notice but people were standing around watching me. As I finally did an ending twist spraying ice coming to a stop I heard applause. Embarrassed I hurried off the ice blushing. Doctor Cox hugged me while the girls simply stared.

“Jeanette Marie you were amazing.”

I starred at Doctor Cox with my mouth wide open. Jeanette, I processed that for a moment then blushed again able only to mouth a half whisper.

“Thank you Mrs. Cox. I do not know what came over me. I must have missed skating more than I realized.”

Everyone was quiet on the ride home. Traci had to remind her mother to bring us all to her house so I could change to give Becky her dress. Not that it is a big deal after all since they live at thirty Maple Street and I live at twenty-eight it is not like it is a long walk. The good news is our driveways are each on the left side of our houses. I could get inside without mom and dad seeing me.

The girls busted my chain as they ogled at my look. I do not think I will ever live this down. They all agreed I will most definitely be wearing the girl uniform to school. My task is how do I manage to avoid it.

“Jean you must keep dressing like a girl for school.”

Traci almost demanded with her stern insistent tone.

“Yes, you must” echoed the other two.

“Guys, I cannot do that. Yes, I like your clothes I admit it. I like how they look and feel. But I am a guy. I cannot do that. We all know I will get caught and the shit will hit the fan.”

Then Pam hit me with the worst of it.

“You are dying to go out with Dave. Admit it you dream about that luscious boy kissing you.”

I blushed again and all said.

“I knew it!”

When I got home I had to report everything about our day. Of course mom had to see my jeans and tees. She stared at the jeans for a long time.

“Jean Marie is there something you want to tell me?”

It was with that tone every kid learns to hate. The one where the very sound of your mother’s voice drips with, “gotcha.”

“Mom these were the only ones that fit. Who cares jeans are jeans.”

She did not say anything for the longest time. Mom’s eyes simply scanned me until she spoke in an unsettled voice.

“Your jeans came from the misses department. The label clearly says petit three. Would you like to explain this?”

I staggered back until the back of my legs struck the edge of my bed. I sat abruptly gazing back at her. After a minute, another eternal moment struck, before I crafted an answer.

“Mom you wear men’s fleece because women’s do not have pockets. What is the big deal if I buy Lady Wranglers?”

‘Got her there I thought.’

“It is no big deal, however, I never heard of a boy wanting Lady Wranglers.”

“Mom it is necessary because of my shape. If I buy my usual size, they are too tight in the hips. If I buy them large enough for the hips, the waist is too baggy. These fit so what can I say? Like you tell me, I will grow out of it.”

Mother paused thinking about what I said. She smiled you know the doubtful smile parents get when you suddenly cause doubt.

I dodged a bullet but I had the sinking feeling it is only temporary. The only thing I will tell you about the big cookout is I somehow managed to dodge another bullet. No one mentioned to my parents what a lovely daughter they had. My parents did not absently call me their son. For some reason no one mentioned my skating prowess I stupidly demonstrated two days before. I am skating on thin ice as I get ready for bed on Monday night before my last day at the Willie.

Our town is one big square, well not so big. I mean square in the geographic sense but the term could be applied to many other aspects. The Willie or Willis Eliot Middle School is dead center. They did that for a reason because it means no one in the city is more than a mile from the school. They avoid busses and the expense making everybody walk. That is why I find myself walking with Boner and Rocky. Excuse me, now they are adults I must refer to them as Craig and Evan. I know I told you that but as they remind me all the time it does not hurt to mention it again.

Craig started again now that he is dating Monica after breaking up with the last girl. I have been losing track of his progress toward his goal of dating every girl before the end of the school year.

“Hey Jean Marie now that you are so thick with the three princesses do you think you can hook me up with one of them?”

I blinked, “thick you think I am thick with Pam, Becky and Traci?”

Evan bumps my shoulder almost knocking me over. Did I tell you, they have grown six inches and fifty pounds heavier?

“Yeah dude you even are beginning to look like them. I mean look how you are walking. What is with the hips and those bumps?”

He gently poked my chest and the pain almost sent me screaming. I held it together even hiding my grimace.

“What are you talking about these are pecs I have been working out.”

They both laughed at that saying in unison, “sure.”

“Guys did you line up any new games worth playing?’

Evan give me an odd look then glanced toward Craig. Craig had a panicked expression. Neither said a word for a minute. Then Evan answered in what I thought was a shaken voice.

“Look dude that game scared the shit of us. I only admit that because you are part of it. I will not bring this up to anyone else. Say anything and I will deny it.”

I blinked glancing to Craig who wore the same expression.

“What are you talking about? It was freaky but we ditched it.”

“Did we,” Craig offered and shut up quickly.

I was getting worried, ‘are my friends setting me up for a joke?’ Before I could say anything, Evan offered another comment.

“Look at us we are both bigger and stronger. Ripped you might say. We were the strong guys, Raul and Troy remember? My parents ran me from one doctor to another trying to explain the growth spurt. Craig’s parents did the same thing, didn’t they, Craig?”

Now I am getting nervous as both of these guys seem serious, no joke. Craig then lowers the boom.

“You played the beautiful Saris remember? I, Don’t know how to break it to you but you look an awful lot like Saris. Even Ray noticed which means you need to be careful.”

I blinked again this time my face was beet red.

“You guys are nuts.”

We reached the school at this point and stepped inside.

“Are we,” Craig asked. “Read the wiki information on that game. I know wiki may be unreliable but this one hits home. Stay away from Ray.”

That proved to be good advice. It was too bad Ray did not take it. Again opening my locker I felt the arm go by my face as his hand flattened against the door frame. Ray’s other hand rested on my hip. In shock I turned almost hitting his face with mine. He raised his hand from my hips. Without saying a word his fingers caressed my breast. I slapped his face causing him to pull back.

“Marie those hooters are quite nice. How about meeting me after school we can massage each other?”

He leaned closer kissing me on the lips.

“I got suspended because you said I kissed you. You owed me that kiss. Girl I take back everything I ever said about you.”

He turned and walked down the hall while a tear formed in my eye. Kari a girl I hardly knew grabbed my hand dragging me into the ladies room.

“I saw and heard what the bastard did are you ok honey?”

I blinked at the word honey and blushed again.

Her smile is infectious as she gazed at me.

“Jean Marie you are a very pretty girl. You never fooled me with your pretending to be a guy act. Do you want me to go with you to the principal? I will tell him what I saw. Jean Marie you may not like it. What he just did was wrong. Pretty girls must get use to it as you are finding out”

“No don’t bother school ends at noon there is not much he can do at this point.”

“Did you hear Jean Marie, Ray flunked. Since he turns sixteen this summer, he will not be back. He is quitting to work in his father’s body shop.”

The bell rings and I thank Kari as I walk toward class. She yells down the hall, “call me.”

I managed to graduate the Willie with honors while Craig and Evan had b and b+ grades.
Not bad for a group of losers who turned into hunks. Well two-thirds of us anyway qualify as hunks. I do not know what I am. Did I just call my two buds hunks?

That afternoon I found myself at the mercy of Traci. About one in the afternoon she called. I had no sooner dressed in my running short and micro fiber tee with the intent of house cleaning. I had no idea where the cleaning idea came from but mom will like it.
The micro fiber is employed to allow quick drying. I rid myself of water retaining cotton that enhances my problem. It is a problem as they are not bigger but firm to use a non threatening term. My nipples are spreading as well. So far so good nobody has seen them.

As I have been running a lot lately my legs are tanned and toned. I will tell you about what I found on the net about Symbols of Arcadia. It was not the same Arcadia visited by my crush, April Ryan. That is another story this Arcadia is evil. I have to run to Traci’s so the evil game will have to wait.

Traci and I are sitting in her room waiting for the other two girlfriends to show. Traci is staring at me with her patented evil grin.

“Girlfriend those legs of yours are dangerous. You do not even have to shave them do you?”

I present a shocked look knowing full well the trouble I am in. I do not think I can grow hair. The other guys are shaving once a week but it is something. Me not a single chest, chin or leg hair.

“You may as well get used to it if you are going to Exeter. Sit at the vanity I will do your hair.”

I sit like a fool while she feathers my hair and fits two clip on earrings. They are simple hanging baubles flowery in shape with a gold background. I gasp at how they enhance my eyes.

“Are you kidding me, I cannot wear these.”

“Silly you can they go great with this.”

She tosses a tan pencil skirt at me. “Put this on,” she commands. Then hits me with another truth.

“You may as well get used to it before you wear that uniform to Exeter.”

I blink again.

“Marie,” she left the Jean off making me nervous. Well more nervous than I already am.

“Those legs are not boy legs and that chest is not boy chest. Like it or not you are a girl.

So get real and put the skirt on while I dig out my yellow camisole for you.”

When I am almost finished the door bell rings. Traci excuses herself to answer it. Like a true friend she never mentioned I was wearing her panties she gave me weeks ago. Another unexplained habit I picked up. I like the feel and now that I do the laundry well I am covered. As I dress I can barely make out voices. It sounds like the other two arrived. I take my time adjusting the skirt that rides an inch above my knee. The silken feeling camisole top has no sleeves. I suppose you already knew it would not. The narrow straps lie gently over my shoulders and my firm mounds? Oh yeah, they are obvious. I start down the stairs as the door bell rings. ‘It must be Pam’, I think. ‘No Pam is opening the door.’ As I reach the bottom step there stands Evan. Pam just opened the door.

“Hi Pam, I am looking for Jean-Marie, is he here?”

“No I do not think so.”

From the bottom step I stare directly into his eyes as his mouth opens wide.

“Jean Marie? Holy effen shit.”

I don’t wait to hear the rest of it. My shoulder brushes his as I almost knock him over as I blast out the door. I do not stop until my front door slams behind me and I am up the stairs in my room.

In less than a second my life is shattered. Wrecked as I am face down in my pillow crying my eyes out I did not hear him come up the stairs.

“I thought at school today you looked pretty. I did not imagine you were beautiful but you are.”

I don’t answer over the sobs which are growing in volume. His strong hands gently touch my shoulder turning me over. I look up at Evan through water soaked eyes as he sits on the edge of the bed. His hand brushes stray hairs from my brow as he hands me a tissue.

“I am not going to tell anyone Jean-Marie. You are beautiful, dry your eyes and sit up. We need to talk.”

Stunned I slowly raise myself into a sitting position whimpering.

“You won’t tell?”

“Jean-Marie, we have been friends forever. I am not mad you pretended to be a boy and never told me.”

He laughed and I giggled.

“I had you fooled huh? Has Craig figured it out?”

“Has he hit on you?”

“Uh no he hasn’t.”

“Then he has not figured it out.”

We both laughed again. Without saying a word Evan fired up my computer loading the screen that reported on Symbols of Arcadia. I could not believe what I was reading. Some game club came to the conclusion the game came from an alien race as a joke. It had the ability to transition smaller teen boys into females and impregnate them. That is the object of the game. The aliens for some reason wanted to teach kids a lesson. The club has not figured out their motives yet. There is a group out there that calls this club crazy but the game is banned.

The information further explained that as no company has taken credit for producing the game the government started an investigation. The problem is the feds have not located a single copy of the game. Homeland Security decided it is a terrorists attack. Evan exhales deeply then offers his wisdom.

“It is a good thing you crashed the computer. I do not want to believe this crap but I am certain I do not want to have fathered your kid. Don’t take it the wrong way but friends don’t do that to friends.”

Evan looks at me smiling.

“What I mean is if you ever want to” he blushes, do that.”

I stare at him thinking, ’he is a hunk.’

“I do not think so Evan.”

“Jean Marie,” he begins with his eyes at my chest level. “The good news is your mom is not top heavy so you will not get too big. If it works that way I mean. Have your parents figured it out yet? Are you a girl down there?”

Too many questions all at once. Too much to take in all at once. I try to dodge the answers, but Evan has been too good a friend for too long.

“Mom and dad have no clue but mom is acting like she knows something is up. They took me to Doctor Lewis to start puberty and he gave me some pills. My monster is growing tiny and I have a crease developing. I have to sit down to pee and it is getting harder.”

My voice cracks as I reach near panic.

“What the fuck am I going to do?”

I am surprised by Evan’s reaction. He reaches out hugging me close and strokes my hair. With a gentle caress he whispers.

“Jean Marie it could be worse. At least you are a beautiful girl. Go to Exeter with Pam, Traci and Becky as one of them. They will protect you and remember I have your back.”

I gazed at him absently stroking his cheek when he spoke again.

“I better go because I really, really want to kiss you and your folks will be home soon. Can I call you?”

“Can you call me? What kind of question is that? The last four years you must have called me ten times a week.”

I giggled again and he answered.

“This time it is a man calling a woman.”

Of course, I gave him my permission. He no sooner left when the girls descended on me. Yes, I told all and they were giddy with the aspect I would be wearing Traci’s school uniform. The big question is how do we keep mom and dad in the dark?

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