The Protest.

Like so many other kids these days Sharon and Ronnie find out shortly after school starts that "School Uniforms" will be a part of their life. It's Sharon's last year of school, so it not such a big deal to her, that is till Ronnie says something about a protest.

I wrote this story long long ago. I left the ending open since at the time I was considering this for a multiple part story. That said, I would love to here the thoughts or comments from the readers.

Chapter 1
It was my sophomore year in high school and the report cards for the first six weeks had just came out. It was Friday and I ran to catch a ride home with my older sister. She was a senior this year and mom had ask me to give her some space.

I usually rode the bus, but on Friday sis was glad to let me ride with her. My time riding the bus was limited, as it was, since I would be sixteen soon and I already had my car. In reality it was my dad's old car. He had just bought a new car and didn't trade his old one in.

Along with our report cards the school also sent home a letter concerning school uniforms. The school board had caved according to my mom and dad and now it was up to them to provide us with uniforms. I'm not sure who was more upset, mom or dad, but they both sided with me agreeing that uniforms were a crock of bull.
Sharon, my sister, really didn't care about the issue much. It was after all her last year of school and the only thing on her mind was college.

Mom, ever active in the P.T.A., wasn't the least bit surprised when the phone started to ring off the hook. A few of the seniors were upset with the idea, but for the most part it was the sophomore and junior class mom and dads that were calling.

"District three, our district is the only one that hasn't adopted a uniform policy so far," mom kept telling the upset parents. "A show of support is what the board expects from the P.T.A., but form the sounds of it they were more likely to get a black eye."

The meeting was set for Saturday at noon in the school gym. I was sure mom and dad would be there and, like I said before, they were on my side. I fully expected that the meeting would turn into a shouting match with some of the more upset parents pulling their kids out of school just to thumb their nose at the board. Of course the kids weren't included in the meeting so Sharon and I sat at home waiting to find out our fate like most of the other kids.
Mom and dad were still red faced when they got home and I thought mom was going to take the front door off the hinges she was so mad.

"You got two weeks," mom spat with one breath.

"Two weeks for what?" Sharon chimed in.

"Two weeks to get your uniforms and start wearing them every day, no exceptions," mom gritted her teeth.
She had a folder with pictures of what was and was not acceptable. Sharon almost hit the roof when she saw the short skirt and pull over top she was supposed to wear.

"Why not just make us all look like the cheerleaders?" she spat in mom's direction.

"At least you don't have to wear a tie every day," I boasted.

"That's quite enough," dad spoke up last.

"There must be a way to change the mind of the school board. After all it is a private school," Mom added.

"We can always protest," I spoke in a soft voice, as I looked at dad. "That's what they did during the civil rights move back in the ‘60's," I added. "We've been studying that at school. It worked back then."

I saw a glint in Sharon's eye and a smile ran across mom's face. Sharon grabbed the printed matter in the folder and started to read out loud.

Since Sharon was going to law school as soon as she graduated, she pointed out several errors. As she read the pages, she pointed out that other than a reference to the pictures there was no clear stipulation as to which uniform was for the boys and which was for the girls.

"Don't even think about it Sharon?" Dad's voice boomed in.

"About what?" I raised my voice in turn.

"Never happen," mom looked at Sharon.

The phone rang and mom answered it, dad headed for his study with his head in hands and Sharon just stood there looking at me like a piece of meat. I had no clue how much my life was about to change or the way it would all come about. I decided to spend some quality time with my computer. While I did, Sharon was steady on her phone talking to all the girls she considered friends.

"If I can get my little brother to go along with it, think your's will?" She asked one of her friends. "It's a simple, peaceful protest to let the school know we're not happy about this uniform bullshit. Well, just call every girl you know that has a little brother in the sophomore or junior class and see how many will go along."

As soon as class started on Monday, the uniforms were all any of us could talk about. You would have had to have been there to believe me, but probably half of the kids were absent anyway. The principal and several of the teachers were still scratching their heads as if they had no clue for the great number of kids that were absent that day.

In history class, my teacher, Miss Roberts, pointed out that she had caught wind of a peaceful protest that was about to be launched. She made it clear she thought it was a good idea. Furthermore, she added, any of her students that chose to be a part of this protest would not suffer on the grade point average in her class.

"Peaceful protest is well documented all thru history and I think it's a good thing to make your feelings known," she added as she started the class.

I understood the idea of a peaceful protest. However, if it truly is peaceful, then how will anybody know what the protest is about, I thought to myself.

"Oh, well," I sighed, as I boarded the bus for home.

Sharon always beat me home but today her car wasn't home and neither was mom's. Dad informed me that she and mom had gone to get our new uniforms.

"I thought we still had two weeks to wear whatever," I pointed out.

"You do," dad smiled as he agreed, "but unless the board changes their mind and soon you'll have to wear them or change schools."

"I'd like to tell the board what they can do with their uniforms," I spoke out loud as I walked away.

"Hold on, Ronnie," dad stopped me in my tracks.

"Do you really mean what you just said?" Dad questioned.

"You bet I do. "Take me to the next meeting. I'll give them an earful and then some." I fumed.

"You might just get your chance, but it won't be easy and probably not soon. Are you up for a protest rally?" Dad asked."

"What protest rally?" I asked in earnest.

"The one your mom and sister have been working on all weekend," he added.

"You bet. I can march and carry a sign. Heck, for that matter I 'll even help make the signs."

"Well," dad started, "it might take a little more than that. And you can bet if you do get enough attention to get a chance to speak to the board, you had better have all your facts together and speak every word like you mean it with your last breath."

"I can do that," I stuck out my chest.

"Great," dad spoke, as I headed off to my room.

"A meeting next week at the civic center......yes downtown," mom added. "Well, the kids have decided to organize and protest the uniforms at the school and as parents I think we should be big enough to support them. By all means if your kids want to be part of the protest, bring them. There is, after all, power in numbers."
I must have listened to mom have that conversation at least two dozen times over the next week. And the week after was a lot more of the same.

Friday, when school let out, we had yet another note from the school that we must be in uniform on Monday or we would be sent home. Mom called us all in for an early dinner.

Mom ask Sharon if she had her speech ready.

"Yes," she sighed

"I will call the meeting to order, but it's up to you after that," mom looked at her real hard.

"What about him?" She looked at me and then at mom.

"Ron already told his dad he was willing to be part of the protest."

"Well, my speech is as ready as it will get, but without the support of the boys this will fall apart real quick," sis sighed.

"I doubt you'll get all the boys on board," dad spoke softly, "but the more you get the more weight your protest will carry."

As fast as mom and Sharon could clear the table, dad and I got the station wagon cleaned and ready to go.
Dad was quiet as he drove, but mom and Sharon were talking enough for all of us. We were at least an hour early and we still had to park two blocks away. Dad would have normally fussed about something like this. Instead he walked slowly with mom and Sharon at his side. At seven on the money Mom took the stage and brought the meeting to order.

"As you know, the Central high school board has decided to cave to peer pressure and put upon us the added burden of school uniforms."

A low soft boo simmered around the room.

"I know a great many of you share my feelings that this is totally uncalled for. My daughter, Sharon, and my son, Ronald, have decided to protest and a good number of your kids have decided they want to join the protest as well. I'll turn this meeting over to Sharon now, however, should any of the kids choose to not be a part of this, no hard feelings will be held."

Sharon took the stage and started to read off the first letter from the school. "You will notice," she added, that the board left out one important thing. There is no stipulation as to which sex is required to wear which uniform. That being the case my little brother has graciously committed to wear what should be my uniform and in turn I will wear his. We will march on the school grounds every morning one hour before classes start and after school till the last teacher has gone home until such time as the school board decides to hear our complaints. The only resolution we, the students, are willing to accept is that the old dress code be reestablished. There is a sign up table at the back of the hall and all the girls with a willing brother are urged to participate."

The meeting had started at seven and we were still there signing up people at midnight. Dad saw me passed out sitting in a chair and told mom we were taking a cab home.

"You and Sharon can come home in the car," dad spoke softly to mom.

As soon as we were home, I went to my room and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I don't know what time Mom and Sharon got home, but they were up at eight and calling me for breakfast.

Sharon was all smiles as she looked at me and waved a piece of paper at us.

"We got the permit," she all but shouted.

"Permit for what?" I asked still getting the sleep out of my eyes.

"The protest," she shot back. "Now they can't send us or you for that matter back home for going to school in my skirt and blouse."

"And who said I would do such a thing?" I took a sip of coffee.

"You told dad that you would participate in the rally, right?" Sharon smiled.

"Right, but I said I would march and carry a sign not dress like a girl."

"Well, you're going to look rather funny come Monday. All the guys in your class signed up for the protest and they're going to be dressed as girls."

"No way," I muttered.

"Yes way," she pushed the sign up sheet in front of me.

She was right. Every boy in my class had signed up and agreed to wear a skirt and blouse till we got the chance to talk to the school board.

Chapter 2

Sharon and I had always got along pretty well, but this, in my view, was a little much. I was about to start the protest early when dad decided to put in his view on the subject.

"Enough,Ronnie. You did agree to be in the protest and wearing your sister's uniform is part of it. Your class is mostly boys anyway and they all signed up so make the best of it. I suspect the school board wont take long to call a meeting and after that it's over. So till then do as your sister tells you."

"Gee, thanks Dad," I sighed, as I finished my breakfast.

Sister had tried more than once to get me to dress like a girl before. I did once for Halloween just to shut her up, but now dad had given her carte blanche to dress me however she wanted to. So as soon as breakfast was over she all but dragged me upstairs.

"Time to see if we can make you look like a girl," sis stated.

"Don't get carried away," I shot back. "you know I don't make a pretty girl. You saw that last Halloween.

"Look," she stated, "the idea is to get the attention of the board. The more noise we make the sooner that happens and the sooner this is over. And look at it this way," she smiled. "The sooner we get a meeting, the sooner we can all wear what we want to school. And it's not like I'll look real good in your pants with a shirt and tie either," she sighed.

"Ok...ok.. So what do I need to do first." I said in disgust.

"Take off your shorts and tee shirt," she announced.

Thank god for underwear, I thought as I took them off.

She took the skirt out first and I stepped in it as she got behind me to zip it up. It fit okay, I guess, but it seemed rather tight in the waist. The blouse was more like a short sleeve sweater and it fit okay as well, but Sharon laughed as it was way too big in the chest.

"You'll need some breasts to fill it out, but at least it fits otherwise," she said with an almost evil grin.

The phone rang and it was for Sharon. So while she talked, I took off the skirt and blouse.

"That's great Lucy. How does Thomas look?" She asked.

Sharon put her phone on the speaker and I could hear everything that was said.

"Like a boy in a skirt," Lucy replied, "but mom said she would help me fix him up. You should bring Ronnie over later and she can fix him up too."

"I'll have to ask mom," Sharon replied.

"Mom is even going to give him fake breasts," Lucy sounded excited.

"Can she do that?" Sharon seemed stunned at first.

"She says she can and Thomas is in the bathroom shaving off all his body hair right now," Lucy came back.

"Really!" Sis shot back.

"You should get Ronnie's measurements and I'll get mom to have everything ready when you get here," Lucy said and then they hung up.

Sharon measured my chest, waist, and hips then sent me to the bathroom to shave off all my body hair. I told her no and she said she would tell dad if I didn't do what she said. I had agreed to do this and dad wouldn't let me back out now. So I just went to the bathroom and started to shave.

"While you shave I have some things to get together. What size shoe do you wear?" She asked.

"Six," I replied, " but you know I can't wear your shoes, we already tried that." I replied.

"I know," she replied, "now go," she pointed to the bathroom.

Little did I know while I was taking a shower and shaving most of my body, Sharon and mom were quickly removing all my boy's clothes from my room. I knew what Sharon expected to see when I got out of the shower so I even trimmed my crotch area as close as I dared. I washed my hair and used her sweet smelling conditioner, then stepped back into her bedroom. We shared a bathroom, but that was about all.
Sis put a towel around my head and gave me the seat at her vanity. She grabbed my foot and started to give me a pedicure.
"You have to keep your nails trimmed and smooth or they will run your stockings," she smiled.

"Okay," I replied, as I watched her do the other foot as well.

"Now, it's best to paint them to match your fingernails, but since you don't have any yet, I'll just put some clear coat on them and we can change it later." She was telling me all this, not asking at all.

While my toes were drying, sis started to roll my hair with her hot rollers. It wasn't very long and I doubted it would help any.

Lucy called again and said she wanted us to be at her place by noon.

Sharon said yes without even asking me.

In the meantime,m mom dropped in on us and tried a pair of her shoes on my feet. They fit like they were made for me and Sharon gave mom that look. With the drier cap on my head and rollers hanging everywhere she told me to sit still. She would be back in a few minutes.

Again, little did I know that they were going through mom's shoes and getting all the shoes mom would let me have. In truth that wouldn't have been so bad had mom not been a rather short woman and fond of high heels to make up the difference. It was more than a few minutes before sis came back and my head felt like it was about to burn. She had an arm full of stuff when she got back. She tossed it on the bed and took the cap off, but left the rollers in.

She asked me to stand and handed me a corset telling me to close the hooks in the front. It was pink with a lace trim ruffle around the bottom and garters hanging from the front and back. She had used it to fit into a party dress once and I saw her wear it several times after that.

As soon as it was in place, she pulled the lacing tight and I though I was going to be cut in half. I gave out a yelp and told her it was too tight to which she called me a wimp.

"Now," she stated again. as she tied the lacing and hid them in the back. "Stockings, these are very expensive. That's why I did your toe nails. Roll them up all the way to the toe then gently bring them up your leg."

As I followed her instructions, she informed me that, "stockings always go on first, then panties. Otherwise, you cant get your panties down to go to the restroom."
"That's a little more information than I really need sis," I replied. "I figure by the end of the day Monday the school board will be more than ready for a meeting."

"Don't bet on it," she smiled. "I'm sure it will take more than one day to get their attention."

"I doubt that." I shot back. "In fact, I figure they will kick us out of school right after roll call."

"I'm sure they will try," Sharon replied, as she handed me a bra.

I knew how to put the bra on. I had done it before and sis stuffed the cups.

The skirt went right on and I admit it wasn't nearly as tight around my waist with the corset on. The blouse fit better as well, now that I had something to fill it out, but Sharon wasn't nearly done. With my stockings attached to the corset Sharon slipped my feet into a pair of mom's high heels. To my surprise they went right on with the stocking being as slick as they were. Sharon asked me to stand and I did, albeit a little wobbly at first.

Sis started right in on how to walk in high heels and I paced up and down the hall for a good thirty minutes before I even felt like I was starting to get the hang of it. When sis offered me the chair at her vanity again, I plopped down and that started yet another round of girl speak. Knees together and hold the back of your skirt till you're almost down.

After doing that about twenty times and walking the hall for another hour or so she said I was doing good.
She took the rollers out and broke out the makeup and started on my face. A light coat of foundation, followed by a setting powder. A light touch of coral eye shadow and then eyeliner and mascara finished the job.

"What?" No blush?" Mom poked her head in the door.

"Not this time," sis answered for me. "Just the basics this time and he can learn for himself if he wants to look that good," sis smiled as mom left.

Sis brushed my hair and took the silver earrings I had just gotten out. She replaced them with big gold hoops and gave me a gold necklace to match, a gold bracelet and several gold rings. Then she announced I was done or at least for now.

Sis took me down the hall to mom and dad's room and pushed me in front of the full size mirror. I was so shocked by what I saw I took several seconds before I could talk. I looked like a younger version of mom. In fact, for a moment I thought the thin little panties sis had given me were not going to work.

My penis was stuffed between my legs at the time, but if I looked much longer it wouldn't be.

"Dad!" I called out.

It took dad all of five seconds to come running and he stopped dead still when he saw me. His face was blank, no emotion at all. He looked at sis, then at mom, then back at me. He rubbed his chin with his left hand while his other hand went in his pocket.

"Well.........if nothing else, you will get somebody's attention. It might not be the school board, but somebody will notice," he said, as turned and left the room.

Mom spoke next telling me how great I looked and how very proud she was of me for going along with the protest.

"I look stupid," I replied to mom, "and this corset is way too tight.

"You'll get accustomed to it," she smiled as she hugged me, "and after all just think about the cause. None of your school mates want to wear a uniform to school either."

I didn't actually run to dad's study since I was wearing mom's high heels, but I did make my way there as fast as I could.

"Dad.... please help me with this. I don't mind being part of the protest or even wearing sister's skirt......but all this." Dad took off his reading glasses, as I stood in front of his desk.

"Are you ready to concede to the school board and wear a uniform and tie every day to school?" He asked.

"Hell, no," I spat.

"Then how can I help?" He asked.

"High heels and makeup is a little much, don't you think?" I pointed to myself.

"Maybe..... maybe not," he added. "Your sister might have gone a little overboard, but the idea is to make a statement and you will surely do that come Monday."

It was just 10:00 in the morning and sis had told Lucy we would come over around noon. I found mom in the kitchen and started in on her for a reprieve.

"I know the corset is tight, but at least you have a figure. And the high heels might be a little much, but you're short like your mom so they do help," she smiled.

"But MOM! I can't go to school looking like a younger version of you." I stated.

"Well, it's this or slacks and tie ever day from now on till you're out of school," she said very calmly.

"I'd rather wear a skirt every day than wear a tie even once," I spat before I thought about it.

"Then it's settled. Till the protest is over you will wear a skirt and I expect you to conduct yourself like any girl wearing one, " her smile suddenly got big.

So much for that idea, I muttered to myself as I headed for my room. I sat at my computer and wrote in my journal about my trip into girlhood. Time passed all to quickly and soon sis was ready to go to Lucy's house.

Chapter 3

It didn't hit me till we were out the door that all my neighbors and friends could now see me dressed like a girl. I got real nervous real quick and bolted to Sharon's car. The cool air on my freshly shaved skin did little to help either. Sis knew right off I was nervous and tried to calm me down telling me all the other boys in the neighborhood would be dressed like girls come Monday so it was no big deal.

"Maybe not to you," I shot back.

"Get over it," she slammed me for being nervous. "Girls dress like you are every day. It's no big deal."

"I guess not if you're a girl," I slammed her back.

Lucy's house was just three miles away, but it seemed to take forever to get there. And Sharon parked on the street instead of in the driveway so we had to walk a good distance to get to the house.

"You need the practice walking in high heels," she said when I complained.

Thomas opened the door before we even got there and man was he cute. Lucy had really fixed him up, he really looked like a girl, he even moved like one as far as I could tell.

Lucy introduced Thomas as Tina and asked Sharon if she had given me a girls name yet. Sharon thought about it for a minute and blurted out Roxanne.

Miss Baily invited us downstairs to her make shift salon. She owned the biggest salon in town and all the women went there at one time or another. And her basement had long ago been converted to a smaller version of that salon for private make overs. There was no Mr. Baily, but being polite, as we were taught, we never knew why.

Miss Baily asked me to take off my blouse and then my bra. Sister's socks fell out, of course, and they all had a good laugh at that. From a box next to the overstuffed barber's chair where I was sitting she showed me the most real looking breasts I had ever seen.

"I'm going to loan you these and to make sure you don't lose them I'm going to glue them to your chest," she said.

I must have had that deer in the headlights look and she put the glue on my chest.

As soon as the glue was tacky, she stuck the false breasts in place. She smoothed the edges down till they blended right into my own skin. I lay back and let the glue get good and dry while Miss Baily worked on my fingernails doing something I couldn't see at the time.

"The glue is waterproof and will last a good three months unless you need them off before then," she told Sharon as she worked.

I know my eyes went wide as Sharon gave me that, keep your mouth shut look. I know I was in that chair for a good two hours and while I couldn't see, I knew Miss. Baily had painted my nails. She even gave sister the polish she used so she could do my toes to match once we were home.

Sister, Lucy and Miss Baily left me and Thomas for a few minutes and he was so excited about the protest it was all he could talk about. Lucy often dressed him like a girl ever since they were kids. He had never gone out in public dressed as a girl but he was sure he could do it with no problems.

"Well, I have never done anything like this and I'm very nervous about Monday," I replied.

"Don't be." he replied bluntly. "You're only the fifth guy mom has fixed up today and they're all in our class."

"Really?" I shot back.

"Sure and I know at least three more are coming today and who knows how many are set for tomorrow," Thomas added.

Thomas saw how worried I was and piped down a bit. I could hear Miss Baily telling My sister that the glue holding my breasts was more than ample for the job and she could even hide my manhood with it as well.

"You might better let me do that part," Sharon spoke up. "Can you just give me some of the glue?"

"Sure," Miss. Baily spoke softly, "but use it sparingly."

Seconds later I could hear them coming down the stairs and my nerves kicked in again.

Sharon grabbed me by the hand and sat me up. The full weight of the breasts now pulled on my chest. The bra and then the blouse went back on and then I saw my fingernails, long and too long, I thought, and pink polish to boot. Sis is determined to make a girl out of me I thought to myself. I didn't say anything right then except to thank Miss Baily for her time and help.

As sis and I walked back to the car, my new breasts bounced all over the place. I waited till we were in the car and then I gave sis an earful.

"I'm not your dress up toy," I shouted. "I'm your little brother and nothing you can do will make me into your sister."

"Good," she shouted back, "cause I like my little brother and you're starting to be a pain in the ass."

"It might help if your weren't pushing all this girl stuff on me," I shouted back.

"Fine by me," she shouted again. "As soon as we're home, you can have your slacks and tie. After all it was your idea to protest the uniforms."

"No way," I shot back. "I'm not wearing a tie to school. They can kick me out first."

"Then make up your mind now," she stopped the car just a block from the house.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her rather funny.

"Either stop complaining about being dressed like a girl and go on with the protest or plan on wearing slacks and a tie for the next three years to school. Which will it be?" She spat.

I was in a corner and she knew it.

"Okay.... I'll go on with the protest, but you could back off a bit," I added.

"Do you want to look like a boy in a skirt?" she asked.

" not really," I spoke with head down.

"Then learn to be a girl. That is really the only other option." She smiled as she headed on towards home.

She was right and I knew it, but I didn't really like it either.

"Dad will have a fit when he see's these breasts," I told sis in a calm voice.

"Girls all have breasts. So if you act like one of the girls, what can he really say. You know what mom said," sis added.

"I know," I sighed, as I opened the door and headed for the house.

"Hey.... let me loan you a bikini and we'll spend the rest of the day swimming in the pool. Dad will be gone till dinner time and mom won't care so long as we're alone," she said just as we were in the door good.

"I guess so," I sighed.

Mom never blinked as she stood at the top of the steps watching my breasts bounce every step of the way. Sis was right behind me and mom just smiled when she told her we were going to change and take a swim in the pool.

"Keep the gate closed. You know the neighbor's little boy likes to come over if it's open," mom told us, as he made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"We will, mom," sis answered, as she pushed me past mom and into her room.

"That was too easy," I looked at sis.

"Like you like to say, girls can get their way," she flipped her, as if she was acting sexy.

"Get undressed," Sharon told me, as she dropped some three different bikini's on the bed. "Let's see which one fits the best."

The navy blue string bikini was her favorite and I was stunned when she asked me to try it on. "You're not afraid I will stretch it or something?" I stalled.

"You could, I guess, but that's what the strings are for. Try it on and I'll adjust the strings so we can see what it looks like," she smiled a little to much for my liking.

The top fit perfect and needed little in the way of adjustment. The bottoms were a whole different story. Even with my manhood pushed all the way down a few steps and I was hanging out of the narrow crotch.

"That will never work," Sharon cleared her throat and pointed.

"Oops, I poked it back as quick as I could". Then frowned at Sharon, as she had to know this would happen.

"Lay on the bed," she told me and, "take off the bottoms."

"For what?" I asked, feeling stupid at the moment.

Sis came back with a razor and shave cream and with a few quick strokes I was hairless. She then took the glue and stuck my sack to skin under it and center between my legs. She then held my penis down while I rolled my sack over it, like putting a hot dog in a bun. The glue dried really quick being that's a really hot part of the body.

Sharon pulled here and there, then added some glue. When she was done, I looked just like her even between my legs. I wasn't so sure it would stay even though Miss. Baily had assured us the glue was waterproof. When I stood up, my balls jumped up under my pubes only adding to my female look.

I walked around the room a few times it all seemed rather secure. I put the bikini bottom back on and then we went to the pool.

Sharon wasted no time trying to push me in the water. While she did succeed, I got a good hold on her arm and she came in with me. We splashed around and played like we normally did, but I soon got tired. The fake breasts didn't float well at all and I had to work even harder to keep my head above water.

When we got out of the pool, sis said I should use some of her tanning lotion and I agreed this time. The thong style bottoms left both our behinds well exposed to the sun. I could just see us trying to explain why we weren't sitting in class.

Dad was home by 3:30 and I fully expected he would come out and watch us. He never liked the idea of me and sis alone in the pool. Mom had checked on us several times as it was.

When dad came out on the sun porch and saw us, the first thing he asked was if the gate was locked.

Sis and I answered in tandem," yes, dad."

Dad's rule, sis could wear her thong bikinis around the pool or at home, but never in a public place or the beach for that matter. He watched me and sis like a hawk right till mom called us for dinner.

"Get cleaned up, dinner will be ready in a few minutes," she shouted from the patio door.

Sis and I walked in right by dad, and the look he gave me could have melted steel. I knew one of his lectures about nudity was forth coming. Dad didn't know, but sis and I had taken showers together since we were kids and still did. Often it was the only way I could get a shower and not be late. We kept our hands to ourselves, but seeing sister nude was no big deal to me. And I suspect she felt the same way about me.

I tried once again to duck into my room, but sis cut me off. After a quick shower to get the oil off our skin she gave me some shorts and a tee shirt.

I almost forgot I needed a bra now and sis reminded me just as I got my flip flops from the bathroom.

"Hanging kinda loose there bro," she grinned.

I blushed as she held my bra on her index finger. Mom called again, dinner is on the table.

Dad's rule #2, we always eat together., It reminds us that we are a family.

Dinner went by quietly and, as I suspected, Dad wanted to talk to me after. Of course, I had to help mom and sis clean up the kitchen first, but I found him in his study as soon as I was done.

"You do know, Ronald that Sharon has always wanted a little sister, so I would be careful how cozy I got with her."

"I know dad, but for now I need all the help I can get to get through this protest. And Sharon is about as girl as it gets around here anyway."

"True," dad replied, "but I wish she was a little more modest about it."

"I understand," I replied, "but she does have the body for it."

"Granted," he smiled, "but she doesn't have to show it off to everybody."

Chapter 4

Good news or bad it still travels fast. The last thing we expected to happen was the local news to cover the protest.

When the starting bell rang, we all put away our signs and headed for class. As soon as roll call was over Ms. Kline called all the protesters to the school gym. By then the local news van had shown up along with a host of really mad parents.

The news people wanted only to talk to the person that organized the rally. And then, of course, Ms. Kline to hear her view of the event as well.

Everybody pointed the finger at me and sis for organizing the protest.

Mom stood behind us as the news person asked for an interview. Mom gave us permission to talk and he talked to Sharon first.

Sharon pointed out that the school had had a uniform policy some years back and it had been dropped under protest by the student body. "We see this as just another attempt to put that old policy back in place. The records show with or without uniforms the student's grade point average doesn't change."

"So this protest is strictly about the uniform policy?" He asked? "Not about the faculty or staff," he added.

"The board of directors set the policy so I suspect they will need to hear us out before the protest stops," Sharon replied.

"And what about you young man?"

"I'm here for the duration and I suspect most of my classmates are as well. The uniform policy serves no good purpose and we intend to see it dropped," I added.

The reporter saw an opening with the principal and left to get her view on the protest.

"The school, she stated, "might need to review the policy. It has come to our attention that our uniform policy wasn't clear as to which sex wore which uniform. How such a mistake was made at this time is still unclear to me," she added.

"However, the kids we're sure will put up a battle, but in our view we have already won the war. The idea was to have all the kids dressed in like fashion and that is what happened."

"Just not the way you planned it?" The reported added.

"Not exactly," Ms. Kline smiled.

The student body had paired off with brother and sister standing together in a show of force. Ms. Kline pointed this out to the reporter.

"I doubt the brother and sister here are in this for the long haul. After all there are laws that prevent boys and men from dressing as the other sex."

The uniform policy had not been violated so Ms. Kline found her hands a bit tied. While the school's attorney tried to say the students were engaging in fraud, with the boys being dressed like girls and vise versa.

The parents right to the last supported us and basically told the school's attorney that any arrest would result in a law suit the likes of which the school could never recover from.

Ms. Kline fumed all day long and called some of us rather bad names as she left at the end of the day.

Mom and dad met us at the door and hugged us. They gave us both great praise for standing our ground.

"Any word from the board?" I asked mom.

"Not yet," she smiled, "but I suspect we'll be getting a call pretty soon."

"So how did the rest of your classes go?" Dad asked.

"Pretty normal considering," I smiled.

"Will the protest continue?" He looked at me and sis.

Sharon gave a resounding yes, so what more could I say.

"Now, that's the kind of kids I raised," he beamed with pride. "Stand your ground," he looked at me, as if he knew I was ready to quit right then.

"Go do your home work," mom chimed in, "dinner is almost ready."

We didn't have much to do in the way of homework and sis and I talked about what had happened.

"The board will try to drag this out hoping the boys will tire of wearing the skirts and blouses every day," Sharon spoke softly to me. "It's now a battle of wills and the one with the most determination wins."

"How long do you think this might go on?" I asked.

"It could last all year," she looked at me real serious.

"I'll never make it that long," I sighed.

"Wimp," she gritted her teeth at me.

"Dinner," mom called from downstairs.

I was more than ready to eat, even though I was upset with sis at the time. Once again I ate only a few bits and felt like I was full. I didn't say much at the table as mom, dad, and sis seemed to have plenty to say without me.

I felt stuffed when I left the table and Mom reminded me that I was to help clear the table.

I sat on the patio feeling rather sunk in the situation I was in. The school board could drag this out as long as they wanted. And the longer it went the less protesters we would have. Me and Thomas, along with two or three other boys, might gut it out till the end, but the others were talking about quitting before we even left school today. And who knows what underhanded tricks the board had up their sleeves.

"Second thoughts?" Dad's voice brought me back to reality.

"Plenty," I answered in one breath.

"It's understandable," he smiled as he took the chair next to me.

"You think I should quit now?"... I asked.

"I didn't say that," he sat upright in his chair. "It's hard for you I know and your girlfriend hasn't even seen you yet and that will be even harder. I'm older and more mature than you and I doubt I could do what you did today. So I know its hard. It's the hard things in life that make us grow up and build what will be known later as character. It's an old saying, I know, but winners never quit and quitters never win. Between you and Sharon, the school board has their hands full. If you and Sharon stay the course somebody will have to give in and then this will all be a memory."

All week long we marched before and after school. Much to my surprise the boys who had been there at the start stayed on. Ms. Kline huffed and puffed ever day when she crossed our line. She even called us names, but we never said a word.

The faculty was growing tired of all the boys in skirts and the male teachers really made it hard on us. One told the whole class what color panties Thomas had on and you can bet he kept his legs together after that.

My chemistry teacher, Mr Pool, told me I was the prettiest girl in school. An obvious attempt to make me blush and I did.

So far the ranks were holding, but then so was the school board.

Sherry, my girlfriend, went to another school. She had seen the tv report about our protest and noticed me right off. She called on Friday after the first week and we talked about the whole thing in detail.

"I guess our double date with sis is off now?" I said.

"Of course not," she shot back.

"You're not afraid what people will say?" I replied.

"Not at all," Sherry told me with a smile. "I think your kinda cute dressed like one of the girls."

"Thanks, I really needed that." I sounded glum. "So we're still on for tomorrow night?" I added.

"Sure," she answered quickly.

"Okay.... I'll see you tomorrow." I replied.

Sis had a date with her boyfriend tonight and I was pretty much home alone as mom and dad had gone out for dinner. I decided to go ahead and do my home work now so I didn't have to do it Saturday or Sunday.

I had slipped off the skirt and blouse along with the bra that always seemed to cut into my underarm somehow. I slipped on my short bathrobe to cover me and sat at my computer to do my homework.

Mom and dad got back just before ten and mom came to my room when she saw the light still on.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I guess so. I was just doing my homework now so I could actually have the weekend off." I lamented.

"You don't sound so sure?" Mom smiled. "Is there something bothering you?

"I'll be sixteen in two months mom and what boy wants to look like this on his sixteenth birthday." I said holding back the tears.

She looked at me bit stunned as I dropped my robe.

"You look fine," she hugged me and kissed my cheek. "This will all be over soon and you can be all the boy you want too be."

"And till then?" I tried to sound upset.

"And till then your dad and I are very proud of our son, even if he does look like a girl right now."

The logic of that statement.....what could I say.

Sis and I spent most of Saturday by the pool, once agin with me in her bikini.

I just couldn't get happy about my situation or my date later with Sherry. Sis knew I was upset and she knew why.

For the first time in almost two weeks I was out of the corset, but it was already taking its toll on my body. I had lost five pounds and my waist seemed to have been permanently shrunk. With the fake breasts I already had and now my waist line getting even smaller, my body was actually starting to look like it belonged to a girl.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Sis asked when I pointed this out.

"Not if your a girl and I'm not.... remember." I chided her.

"We can discuss this later," she smiled.

"Have you decided what you will wear tonight?" She changed the subject.

"It's just a movie and some pizza," I stated. "I thought I would wear my slacks and a nice top."

"Boys," she whined.

"It's still a date and a girl always wants to look her best for a date," sis chided me now.

"Come on sis, I haven't even seen a pair of pants in two weeks now and you know it."

"Suit yourself, but pants are pretty casual, I sure wouldn't wear them on a date," she continued.

She pulled a skimpy little dress out of my closet and said this is more suitable for the occasion.

"It's too short," I complained, " and how would you wear a bra with it? It's off the shoulder.... right?" I added.

"Very good," she smiled, "and yes, it's off the shoulder, but we do have a strapless bra or you can go without." She rolled her eyes as if I didn't have a clue.

It took some doing by sis, but I eventually gave in. The little black dress, as she called it, is always in style. Brian almost fell over when I opened the door instead of sis.

After a awkward moment of silence I called for sis and told her Brian was here. He still hadn't spoken to me and I suspected he wouldn't. Sis did explain it to him, but he still never spoke. And Sherry, well, she wasn't so impressed.

She did tell me I was cute and she liked the dress.

However, she also said, I needed to girl up.

"What?" I shot back.

"Grow your hair out more, get your nails a little longer, and please, at least use a little blush," she added to her critique.

Sis just looked at me while Sherry made her blunt suggestions.

"You're a little heavy for a girl too, so I would lose some weight," she went on as if she really meant it.

"Is that all?" I tried even more to sound upset.

The date went well all things considered, but even sis couldn't believe Sherry wanted me to look even more like a girl.

On Sunday around lunch time the school boards director finally gave mom a call.

"This is Miss Brooks," mom smiled as Mr. Levy asked for her.

"So what can I do for you today?" Mom asked.

"Do what?" Mom's eyes went wild. "He can take a damn sight more than you could ever dish out," mom slammed the phone down.

"I take it that wasn't good news," dad spoke from behind me.

"I would shoot a lesser man for saying such as that," mom fumed.

"What did he say?" I had to ask.

"He basically said your dad and I were setting a bad example for the other parents and expressed his doubts about our parenting skills," mom huffed as she headed for the bedroom.

Mom's face was flushed and the fight was on now.

Chapter 5

Over the course of the next two weeks things for me really began to change.

I was forced by the school to change P.E. classes and to dress out with the girls. According to Mr. Levy, since I was presenting myself as a girl at school, they were going to treat me as one.

By popular vote and just to spite Mr. Levy I was elected to represent my class in the school's beauty pageant. None of the other boys were picked on in this manner, even though they were still wearing skirts to school every day.

And then just to put the icing on the cake, as it were, I was elected to be a majorette and I didn't even try out for the team.

I just knew when I got home and told mom, this would be the straw that broke the camel's back.

"I don't see P.E. class as a problem and, as for the pageant, well, I guess we'll have to get you a gown. And being a majorette should be easy for you, you practiced with your sister when she was on the team," she smiled, as if she had all the answers.

"And I still have my uniform," sis spoke up from the doorway.

"I can't believe you're going to let them do this to me mom," I huffed.

"Only for a while," she snapped, "and maybe sooner than you think this will all be over.

"Ya... right, Mom!"

I couldn't stop the tears, but I wasn't about to let them see me cry. I bolted up the stairs to my room and locked the door behind me. Sis stood right outside my door till dinner time trying to get me to let her in. I never even answered till she called me Ronnie.

"Come on brother, it's not all that bad," She insisted.

"That's easy for you to say," I all but shouted.

"They're just trying to make you give up the protest. They have even started picking on me," sis added.

"Like how?" I shot back.

"My hair is too long for a boys cut and I paint my nails, which boys aren't allowed to do. Shall I go on?" She smiled.

"Well, they can all kiss my A...," sis popped her hand over my mouth.

"So things look a little different when you look out of your own little world, hey bro. Well, they can kiss mine too," she snarled. "I'll just wear my hair up and use clear polish."

Mom gave us last call for dinner so we went down and ate before it all got cold.

In the meantime, mom had filled dad in on all the goings on at school.

"Is the protest over now?" Dad looked at me and sis.

"Not no, but heck no," sis shot back.

"Never," I chimed in.

"Well, your mom and I, along with several other of the parents, got an attorney today. He's looking into a similar case at another school and he thinks we can make a good case against our school. Things like this take time though, so if your not in it for the long haul say so now." Dad all but seemed to think my resolve was gone.

"No way, Dad. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction."

"Here, here," sis added.

"To the bitter end," sis and I toasted with our tea glass.

"We're filing an injunction tomorrow to stop the school from enforcing the uniform policy short term. They will, of course, fight it, but if we win the first round then we have a case. We think," he added

I was never so glad to hear dad say that. And sis was sporting a pretty wide smile just about then. The scowl on mom's face was etched there and I got the impression she thought there was little hope for the case.

A month had passed and I was still stuck in girl mode. It was just two weeks till my birthday and dad and I were still planning to get my driver's license on that day.

Then the good news came. We won the first round and the judge granted the injunction. That night I got some of my boys clothes back and man was I happy. Hurray for blue jeans and tee shirts.

Ms. Baily removed the breasts for me, but Sharon asked me to wait before we undid the rest of it. The school had already posted a challenge in another court and they might win back the right to enforce the policy.

Man, it was great to not have breasts and the corset. As it lay on my bed, it had lost it's hold on me. At least for a while I was back to being the boy I was. There was one slight problem.

Nothing fit. My waist was too small for my pants, my shirts looked like I could swim in them. And worse yet they all felt like sandpaper on my skin.

"How did this happen?" I looked at sis.

"Well the corset is part of it and you did lose a few pounds. How about a pair of my old jeans? Maybe they will fit," she smiled. "I have a ton of blouses that you could use for a while. A camisole and some pantyhose will keep them from feeling so tough on your skin," she added.

Sharon's jeans were really tight, but at least I could keep them on and the pantyhose did the trick. I could hardly feel the rough blue jean material on my skin.

Her blouses were a bit loose and I wasn't so sure they would pass for a boy's shirt, but with the camisole on I thought I might get away with it.

School went on and it was almost like old times. Needless to say there wasn't a uniform to be seen in the place. All my friends told me what a good person I was for putting up such a fight and several of the teachers said the same, just not so loud as to be heard by other staff.

Girls that had never talked to me even came up and told how much they appreciated what I had done.

Dad took me to get my license as a gift on my birthday and gave me the keys to my car.

Mom said she was holding my present for the time being. She figured our fight with the school wasn't over yet.

Give mom credit, she was right.

As my third week back in boy mode came to an end, the attorney came by our house for a meeting. The school got the injunction overruled. So the uniform policy is back in place.

"Then so is the protest," I shot back.

"Your protest permit is good for the year, but now they will really make it hard on you two," the attorney added.

"So be it," sis chimed in, "we're up for the fight."

"We have another court date the week of thanksgiving and with your parent's permission I will file our suit before then. 5 million dollars should get their attention," Mr. Drake smiled at us.

"Well, at least I got to enjoy my sixteenth birthday as a boy," I told Sharon as we headed for Miss Baily's house.

Thomas had already gotten the news and was back in girl mode. I might as well too, considering all the clothes I had on were sisters. And now the breasts were back and I suspected they would be around for a while this time.

That Saturday was our last day by the pool and sis said I had a good tan considering.

Sunday mom gave me my birthday gift and it was a royal blue gown. Sis thought it was the prettiest dress she had ever seen, while I thought it was the skimpiest dress I had ever seen. Mom insisted that I try it on and boy did I feel naked.

A single strap went around my neck and the dress itself had a short zipper at the side. The open back came together just above the crack of my butt and overall it stopped even with my knees. The top was very loose, but it did have cups for my breasts to rest in.

Sis said, "I would knock them dead with this."

And mom had that, look on her face.

"Not a really great figure for the dress, but it will work," Mom said.

Sis had got me something for my birthday as well.

A new corset. Oh, joy, I thought as she showed it to me.

"Hey, I had it custom made for you, you could show a little appreciation."

"Custom made," I sniggered. "For who? A 12 year old?"

"Well, if you want to wear my old one and have it hurt your ribs all the time, I can send it back," sis snapped.

"I'll keep it, sis, but it looks way too small for me."

"Hang up your dress and lets try it on," she smiled.

It did fit, even though it was smaller. And when Sharon pulled the lacing, so was my waist, even smaller than before.

Monday I was back in school, in sister's uniform, full makeup, and mom's high heels. And for now so were most of the boys.

I was actually glad they had joined me again as I suspected they wouldn't. Things did change though I had to use the principal's private bathroom. I had been using the girl's room just to piss them off, but now that had stopped. Somebody complained that I was really a boy and not allowed in the girl's room.

I had three male teachers and I was now assigned a front row seat. Nothing more than an excuse for them to look at my legs or try to see up my skirt. Mr. Pool had made it clear he thought I was cute as a girl and in his own way took up for me.

True, I sat in the front row, but too close to his desk for him to see anything he really shouldn't.

I now had to practice every day with the majorettes and of course Sharon loaned me her costume.

Our first football game was at home and I, of course, had to take the field with the others. I did okay, but I was very nervous.

At homecoming the king and queen were crowned and Sharon was the queen. Thank goodness I wasn't voted to be in that. They had to serve all year and be all dressed up at every home game.

Christmas was getting here fast and so was the beauty contest, which I was really dreading. In the meantime, Sharon was really putting the screws to me as far as the corset was concerned. She would loosen it a bit a night so I could sleep but during the day it was so tight I could hardly breath. And that of course meant I ate like a bird.
The protest made the news again when the 5 million dollar law suit was announced. The school dismissed it out of hand saying it was their school and they would run it as they saw fit. Their comment sparked more that few rounds of name calling and brought some of the boys back to school in their skirts.

The school's lawyer also pointed out that all the parents had signed a contract to get their kids in a private school. The contract had a morality clause in it and if the protesters, such as they are, continue, the school might be forced to enforce that clause.

Mount Saint Dad erupted when he heard that comment on the news. He grabbed the contracts and headed for the lawyers office right then. I almost felt sorry for the school, never mind the lawyer he was about to explode on.

So far dad had been the calm one, always doing and saying whatever, tempered with reason. Now reason was out the window and he was just as mad as mom., sis and I did not wait up till he came home. Whatever news, good or bad, could wait till he was calm again.

Our two week Christmas break was two days from starting. And on the last day the class had a Christmas party where rather inexpensive gifts were exchanged.

We drew names so nobody knew who got them what, even after the gifts were passed out. I got a pair of five inch high heels and a knowing glance from my teacher. She had drawn the last name and little did she know I was the one who bought her the new pencil and pin caddy.

I knew by the size they would fit, but I didn't try them on. How could I. It was all I could do to even bend over.

Chapter 6

I was actually hoping for yet another break from my time as a girl over the two week Christmas break.

With Christmas day just two days away, I mustered up the courage to go with sis to the mall. Still dressed as a girl, of course, to finish what little shopping I had to do. I admit I complained the whole time about the corset and the high heels sis insisted that I wear.

"Breathing would be a nice option," I told her once and, "my toes feel like they're on fire," I added another time.

I bought dad a tie from the same collection every year and he always loved it. Likewise, I bought mom a new charm for her bracelet ever year. It was getting so heavy now with all the charms, I was surprised she still wore it.

They almost always got me clothes and I suspected this year would be no different. But then again, it might be depending on whether they bought for Ronnie or Roxanne.

I had bought sister's gift long ago and according to her she had long since bought mine.

The forecast was for a cold winter so when Christmas came around and I got a good heavy coat I wasn't really surprised. Thing was it was fur, rabbit to be exact, and cut for a female, no doubt.

Mom and sis gifted me with a ton of bras, panties and other such things and dad of all people thought it was great.

Of course they loved their gifts from me and Sharon. And mom rushed to get her bracelet and add the charm. Dad quickly brought out his tie collection and added the new one.

"One more," he told me, "and the set is complete."

I had kept my peace about all the girl stuff I had gotten and I was glad that dad hadn't forgotten I was really a boy. From him I got a cool set of fog lamps for my car and later that day he and I put them on.

It wasn't till late on Christmas Day that they realized that Sharon and I hadn't exchanged gifts yet.

When dad called us into the livingroom, he handed each of us our gift to each other. Sharon had this wild eyed look on her face as I started to open it. She had actually gotten me a pair of fuck me pumps she had pointed out at the mall. And heaven only knows how high the heel really was.

I gave her that same look as she opened hers. It was a micro bikini she had eyed one day at the mall. She didn't buy it and said dad would never let her wear it even if she did. I knew how much she loved her bikinis so I got it for her anyway. Her eyes lit up like I had gotten her diamonds and she thanked me again and again.

"Goodness, Roxanne, why didn't you just give her a box of bandaids? They would cover more," dad spoke first. Mom just raised her brow a bit and let the subject slide for the time being.

"Never....nowhere but the pool," Dad spoke again looking at Sharon.

"I know, Dad. You want me to be more modest," she shot back.

I had totally forgotten the New Year's party we went to every year, much less the fact that I might have to attend as a female. It wasn't till Sharon was going through her gowns deciding which one to wear that I got the bad news. Not only was I going to the party, I was going in a gown as well.

"You know the firm your father works for throws this bash every year," Mom pointed out.

"Yes, and they all know he has a daughter and a son, not two daughters," I shot back.

"Well, with all the news about the protest being on tv and all I'm sure everybody will understand," mom replied, as if it were no big deal.

"Everybody but me." I closed the door to my room and locked it.

This was getting so out of hand. I had a full two weeks and no school and still I had to dress as a female. I cried for the longest time before Sharon came in my room the back way. She had this really pretty gown she had worn some years back and wanted to know if I would wear it.

"Mom and dad paid way to much for this for it to just sit in the closet. And it's almost too small for me now," she spoke softly.

It was her favorite gown so she had to be feeling sorry for me to even think about letting me wear it.

"The shoes I bought you will match it too," she added.

I stuck my head in my pillow and cried some more, as Sharon left the room with nothing more to say.

Later that night after I had had my good cry, I asked sis to loosen the corset so I could go to bed.

"Maybe tomorrow we can sneak some of your boy's stuff out of the house. We'll go somewhere and you can change and be a boy for a while," sis spoke softly.

"A boy with breasts and this tiny waist line, everybody will believe that. I don't know sis, seems kinda useless to me."

"I know how you feel, just in reverse," she pointed out. "If I had to wear pants all the time, I think it would drive me mad."

"Like you said," I shot back, "we're doing this for a cause."

"Well, I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, if you need me," sis smiled.

"Thanks," I replied, as I closed the door and went to bed.

All week long mom had me trying on clothes of one sort or the other. Different styles and cuts of panties and bras. Shoes of every size and shape and even a few of her nicer dresses. Everything that fit wound up in my room one way or another.

Dad finally reminded Mom much like he had Sharon that I wasn't a dress up toy. I gave Dad a very large smile for that and we talked for a while as the party was just two days away.

"I think Mom and Sharon are planning my life, never mind it just a party," I told dad.

"I've heard some of it," he replied, "and of course your mom and I DO talk, you know."

"Can you remind her then that I am her son, not a second daughter."

"I have told her that very thing several times now, but she is so upset with the school and now with all the name calling going back and forth. She seems rather bent on your being accepted as one of the girls, for however long it takes. And I know your sister isn't helping matters at all," he added with a smile.

"I'll never be girl enough to suit her," I smiled at dad.

"Well, just so you know, the board has called a meeting with the parents that have kids taking part in the protest. And word is they're ready to listen to reason," he said very straight faced.

"Thanks for telling me, dad, but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet."

New Year's eve day around noon mom took me and sis to Miss Baily's beauty salon. I protested this all I could and dad decided for me. Once dad decided anything, all discussion was over.

I didn't want a perm and acrylic nails along with all the other stuff mom and Sharon were getting. That was exactly what I got and since my hair hadn't been cut since school started, I now had a rather full head of hair that fell almost to my shoulders. And worst of all I was now a blond like sis and mom. My eyebrows were pencil thin after the girl at the salon was done.

"Now even if the school board backs off," I all but shouted at dad, "I'll still be in school looking like a girl and you forced me to go."

"I doubt they're ready to back off just yet," dad replied with a smile, "and the protest was your idea, Ronnie."


"Yes or no?" Dad interrupted.

"My idea to protest, yes, but not to look like a carbon copy of mom while I did it," I spat.

"Mom may have gotten a little carried away and I'll talk to her about that." Dad tried to console me. "In the meantime you might try having a little fun with your situation. Not many boys get the chance to see how girls really live on a day to day basis. Have fun with it, go with the flow, Ronnie.

"What a load of bull." I'm not a girl," I told myself, as I left dad in his study.

Mom was cooking dinner and sis, of course, was in her room on the phone like normal. How could any boy have fun dressing like a girl, I thought to myself as I sat at my computer.

The corset was cutting at my waist and the five inch heels I was trying to break in were killing my feet and this is supposed to be fun. They have all taken leave of their senses, I told myself. I was almost down to tears as I pounded away at my computer doing my homework when sis walked in.

"Next time you talk to dad," she stated, "you might want to keep it down a bit. I could hear you two all the way up here and I know mom heard every word."

"Like I really care, sis." It seems like everybody thinks I should be having fun in some way or another. Well. I have news for you one and all.. This is not fun."

"Okay.... but it could be," sis smiled.

"Sure..." I snapped, "like brain surgery with no anaesthesia."

"No, but if you stopped fighting every little thing we ask you to do."

"How can I," I shot back. "Everything you and mom want me to do is girl stuff,and I'm not a girl."

"You play games on your computer?" Sis looked at me.

"Of course, you know I do."

"Then think of all this as a game. When you play a game, you can be anything you want. A good guy.....a bad guy.....a bystander."

"So?" I interrupted.

"So for this game you get to be the girl," Sharon added. "You're so stiff and nervous I can easily see why you're not having any fun," she smiled.

"Well, you let me know when the fun stuff starts," I snapped.

"Get undressed," sis stated.

"Gladly," I smiled.

She started the tub filling with water and place some scented candles around the bathroom. She poured some bubble bath in as well and helped me get undressed while the water was running. She was being nice so my guard was up already.

I was down to my corset in record time and even more surprised when she helped me get it off. She pulled my hair up in a plastic cap and told me to get in the tub.

The smell of Jasmine filled the bathroom and the hot water felt good on my stiff body. My muscles began to relax and sis started some soft music on her stereo. The dim light from the candles made this all the more relaxing and soon I felt better than I had in a long time.

As I lay back in the tub, I saw sis take some clothes into my room.

"Feeling better?" She stuck her head in the door.

"I guess," I sighed.

"Good," she said as she came in.

She shaved my legs and gave my crotch a close trim. I figured it was just an excuse to make sure the glue still held my manhood on place.

"Sitting to pee is such a pain," I looked at her.

"Well, there are lots of things about being a girl that you might see that way, but to us it's just natural. Guess that's why we try to have a little fun now and then," she smiled even more.

I lay back in the tub till the water started to cool, then sis got me out.

"After dinner you and I are going out for a little while, just for fun," she added.

"Okay, I guess."

"I already cleared it with mom, so just play along," Sis added.

Out of the tub sis gave me a copy of Glamour and told me to see if I could do my make up like the girl in the picture. It took three tries, but I finally got it and it looked pretty good even if I did it.

Sis took the towel I had wrapped around me at my breasts and gave me a garter belt.

"What's this for?" I looked at her.

"FUN she pronounced," She hooked the tiny thing around my waist and closed it in the back.

"Now put on your stocking," she smiled.

It was tight, but not nearly as tight as the corset and I figured the pull of the stocking would bring it right down. It did settle in the lower part of my waist, but that was as far as it went. The corset had really sunk my waist line in.

Chapter 7

Mom called us for dinner before I could finish dressing. Sis gave me her long housecoat since she was already dressed and we went downstairs to eat. Mom was all smiles at the table and I had to ask why.

"Well, your dad and I got wind the board is ready to talk."

"He told me about the meeting," I replied, "but I'm not getting my hopes up."

"Well, word is they're ready to talk compromise," mom added.

Now I was smiling.

"In what way?" Sis spoke up.

"Were not sure just yet," dad took his turn, "but we suspect the uniforms and the law suit are the number one issues."

After nearly five months of dressing like a girl to go to school, I had a reason to smile.

Mom knew sis and I were going out for a while so she let us pass on cleaning up the kitchen. We had to be home before midnight and that was about normal. With the thought that our peaceful protest might soon be over I was all but ready to party.

"You seem rather happy," Sharon spoke, as handed me a mini skirt.

"Shouldn't I be? The protest worked and maybe sooner than later I can get back to being your brother."

I was looking through my panty drawer when sis stopped me giving me a bra to put on.

It was so thin and light I might as well not to have had one on and sis got this really big smile on. I slipped into the skirt and sis zipped it in the back. It felt like leather, but stretched too much and was skin tight to boot. The matching pullover top just covered my belly button and fit like a second skin. The scooped neck line left quite a bit of breast exposed as well.

Sis left the room for a minute and then came back with a white clutch bag to match the skirt and top. The white five inch heels finished the outfit and sis was still smiling really big.

In the meantime I had found a pair of white panties, but sis stopped me from putting them on.

"Not tonight," she smiled. "Tonight we're being just a little naughty."

The look on my face must have asked the question. Sis pulled up her skirt and she too had on no panties. She gave me a nice gold watch and put big gold hoops in my pierced ears.

"Can you walk?" She asked.

Sis knew the heels were five inches, but I didn't or at least not till I stood up. I stood up and promptly landed butt first on the bed. She started to laugh and I eventually had to join her. It took several minutes for us to get it back together and I tried again. After a few minutes I did get accustomed to the higher heels and I could walk okay. I had to take a much shorter step and center my foot to my body each time I took a step. Sharon smiled even bigger as I got the knack of it.

It had rained off and on all day so Sharon got us her long rain coats.

"This way dad can't see what we have on," she grinned, as we headed down stairs.

Mom was waiting at the foot of the stairs and I was all but sure she had seen under our skirts. The look on her face said volumes as she reminded us to be home by midnight.

Dad was busy in his study so he never saw us before we were out the door.

Sharon drove us straight to the mall.

It had stopped raining at the time so we ditched the rain coats and headed in. We entered by the arcade and more than a few of the boys stopped what they were playing to look at us.

Sis just smiled as we headed for the food court and a cold drink. It was almost eight by then and most of the stores were closing. The photo studio and the drug stores were still open, but not much after that.

When sis and I sat down, we were facing the arcade. Sis was still smiling rather big and that was then I noticed how she was sitting. Her knees were open just enough for a daring boy to take a peek. No guts, she looked at me with my knees tightly together. I blushed and figured what the heck, if she can do it so can I.

In less than three minutes several boys from the arcade made their way to our table. They bought us drinks and offered to pay if we wanted to play any of the games. Sis and I took the drinks, but kept our seats. I think every boy in the arcade eventually made their way over to talk to us, but sis was playing it cool, so I followed suit.

Then something happened neither of us was prepared for. The owner of the photo studio came over to our table.

"Hello, my name is Robert," he stated with his hand stuck out.

"Sharon, and this is my sister, Roxanne," sis said, as if it were natural too.

"Nice to meet you," he replied.

"Thank you," we said in tandem.

"I'm working on a photo calendar for my studio and I was wondering if you two would be willing to model for me" he smiled.

"Sure," sis spoke for both of us.

"Are you two twins?" He asked.

"Not really," Sharon spoke again, "but we often dress alike."

"And you two are how old?" He asked in a rather serious tone. "She's 16 and I'll be 18 in a few more weeks," sis spoke again.

Had sis forgot we were almost naked and I wanted no part of having my picture taken this way.

"Well you two are about the prettiest things I have seen all day," Robert smiled.

"So when do you want to take our pictures?" Sis asked.

"We could do it now if you have the time," he sputtered.

He pointed to the big window that faced inside the mall.

"Each month my calendar girl gets her picture displayed in that window. Two have gotten modeling contracts," he boasted.

He took us to a back room and asked which season we liked the best.

"Summer," we answered again in tandem.

He pulled out a big canvas with a summer scene painted on it and hung it behind the stage area. Then he turned on some soft music and asked Sharon to take the stage.

Sharon did a quick touch up on her makeup and Robert started snapping picture after picture.

As a boy at home, I was a ham around the camera. I would often strike a pose when mom and dad had it out taking pictures. But now I was all but terrified. I never wanted to be seen as girl anymore than was necessary, much less have my picture taken as one.

Mom had done some modeling in college and could have been big time, instead she married dad. She often lamented the fact that she could have done much better for herself had she followed through.

Soon Sharon was done and he asked me to take the stage.

Sharon became a one person cheering section. Sharon was on stage less than ten minutes. A half hour had passed before Robert said he had enough.

Sis and I signed a model's release so he could use the pictures if he wanted to.

Robert's enthusiasm had dropped a bit and we got the impression our pictures would never see the light of day. Still he was very nice and asked for our home phone just in case.

We laughed and joked about the shoot all the way home and were there way before midnight. We got ready for bed and to my surprise she let me sleep without the corset. And sleep I did. I didn't wake up till almost noon.

"Time to get up sleepy head," Sharon's voice roused me. "We have a party to attend tonight and it's noon already."
We went downstairs and had some toast and juice and called it breakfast. Sharon got her bubble bath first and then I got mine. While Sharon was getting dressed, I could hear her and mom talking about our trip to the mall last night. She told mom about Robert and the studio and the guys at the arcade as well.

"Well, you don't need to be teaching her any of your bad habits," mom said in a stern tone.

"What?"...Sis shot back.

"I saw what you two were wearing last night or not wearing, as the case my be," mom stated flatly.

"I know," sis blushed. Heck, I blushed and I was in the bath tub.

"She needs to have some fun just like the rest of us," sis shot back. "You know the pressure of all this will get to her sooner or later," she added.

"It's as good as over Sharon," mom replied. "You know the school board has asked for a meeting and with all the rumors flying around I'm sure they are ready to forget the whole matter. Ronnie should be back by the middle of the week."

It was like a great weight had been taken from my shoulders when mom said that. How little did I know she had said it for just reason.

She seemed rather sure of herself and I was hoping she was right. The sooner I could get back to being me the better I would like it. Granted, the perm and acrylic nails, along with my pencil thin eyebrows, wouldn't just go away. Still the idea that I could be Ronnie again sounded real good to me.

I was looking at the full mirror on the bedroom wall when it dawned on me how much the corset had shaped my body. That wouldn't just go away either and I might have to buy some new clothes till it did. I might have to wear a gown tonight and look pretty for the party, but come Monday after the meeting with the board I was sure Ronnie was back.

That made me happy despite the fact that I had to be a girl tonight. The smile on my face just wouldn't go away.
I couldn't wear the corset with the gown sis had picked for me. And despite my best efforts even a strapless bra was out of the question. I put on the garter belt and stocking and was working on the dress when sis came in.

"What? No panties?" I looked at sis.

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I don't like them and very seldom wear them," she added.

"Then I shall join you," I smiled as big as I could.

Sis pulled the short zipper up closing the dress and we started on our makeup.

"Go for that glamour look like last night," sis chided me.

"Why not," I replied in happy voice.

"Have you decided to enjoy being one of the girls?" Sis asked.

"I suspect it will soon be over so why not," I smiled real big.

By six we were ready and we left the house around seven. I got to tell the story about the protest at least twenty times. And while almost everybody knew I was really Ronnie and a boy, nobody seemed to be the least upset about my appearance.

In fact, several of the other boys that didn't know the truth asked me out for a date. I hadn't had a real date since the night I saw Sherry. The thought of going out on a date as a girl almost made me laugh out loud. Of course, I declined in the proper way not telling them in a rude way I was a boy as well.

I was a bit on guard as the party rocked on. The long gown covered me pretty good from the waist down, but from the waist up I was showing a lot of skin.

Without a bra my breasts bounced all over the place and walking made it even worse. The slit up the front of the dress did expose my legs when I walked, but that was nothing new.

At the stroke of midnight hugs and kisses were exchanged by practically everybody in the room. When one of the guys that had asked me out gave me a french kiss, I almost fell over. Sis saw it and blushed enough for both of us. I pulled away as quick as I could. The party broke up pretty quick after midnight and we were home again by one.

I knew Sharon would never let me live that kiss down. She would taunt me every chance she got since she thought I was enjoying myself. In reality it wasn't all that bad other than the fact that we were both boys.

Chapter 8

Sis and I slept in on Sunday and it was just as well. A storm front came through and it rained all day. Sis and I didn't even get dressed till mom called us for dinner.

As soon as we sat down, Dad started on me and sis as well about being lazy. We explained that we were doing the last of our homework and it wasn't like we could get out and do much.

"Well, school starts back tomorrow so as long as it's done I guess I shouldn't complain," he gave us a half way grin.

"Guess your ready to get back to being Ronnie," dad looked at me.

"You bet I am," I shot back, "and the sooner the better."

"Didn't look that way at the party," mom injected.

"It might have been a new year's party for you guys, but I was celebrating the meeting tomorrow night," I replied with a smile.

"Is that so?" Dad questioned.

"You bet," I replied with a smile. "The way I see it we must have won, why else have the meeting."

"Don't bet on it," mom took me down a notch. "I'm sure they have a few tricks up their sleeves to try first."

"I made it this far and .........we're not backing down now," sis finished my sentence.

Monday morning sis really laid into me when she laced the corset. It was so tight in fact, I skipped breakfast. I made my protest known to her as well as mom, but both pretty well ignored me.

I was dressed and ready long before sis and now that I could drive I took my own car to school. All day long the buzz in class was we had won and the uniforms were history. I was all smiles all day long and lots of the other students thanked me like before.

Last period science class was Mr. Pool and when the bell rang I all but bolted from my chair. He stopped me and Thomas and asked us to wait till the room cleared. When he asked Thomas to close the door, I just knew we were in trouble.

"First, I want to say regardless of tonight's meeting or it's outcome, you two have been great students." He sputtered a bit and had a dejected look on his face.

We thanked him in tandem.

"I wish I could tell you that you won the war, but I'm afraid the board is going to start yet another battle," he added

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"I do hate to put a damper on your hopes, but word among the staff is they are going to try to kick you and Thomas out of school," he lamented.

"The board has chosen you two to make an example of for the rest of the school. They are going to insist that you and Thomas are having too much fun passing yourselves off as girls. Likewise, they're going to insist that you seek counseling or go to another school. They figure you two will drop the protest rather than see a shrink."

Thomas was red in the face he was so mad. And I all but lost it right in front of Mr. Pool. I did cool off before I got home and nobody seemed to notice I went straight to my room.

Later I told Sharon what the outcome of the meeting was going to be before mom and dad ever left the house.

"I rather doubt that," sis smiled. "They all know this is a protest and nothing more."

"Well, you watch and see by the end of the week I'll be seeing a shrink and so will Thomas or we'll have to change schools," I spat.

"Mom and dad will never let that happen, you know that," she smiled.

"Dad will make a fuss, but mom will win this time and she intends for me to make it as a girl one way or the other," I fumed.

Tuesday morning Thomas and I got the bad news. The school had set us up with a shrink. Our choices were two, see the shrink or change schools.

Sis was stunned as mom and dad talked at length about which I should do. Sis got her two cents in early.

"Let him see the shrink, then he'll tell the school what we already know. Ronnie and Thomas are perfectly healthy boys who are dressing as girls as a form of protest. Nothing more, nothing less," sis said with some vigor.

"True," dad piped in, "but it could be said that they are protesting their manhood, not just the uniforms."

"Not likely," mom spoke again. "Ronnie is all boy and the sooner he can be one again I suspect the better we'll all be."

Dad ended the discussion by telling me it was really my choice.

"I guess I'll go see the shrink," I smiled, as I took my purse and book and headed for school.

"No way." I told sis. "They're not going to beat me," s we rode to school together.

"Well, just be careful what you say to the doctor. If he thinks you're having fun, you might end up stuck this way much longer than we planned."

"Well, so be it," I smiled, "but I have made up my mind. If it takes from now till graduation, I'm not wearing a tie and slacks to school every day. And I'll tell the shrink that as well," I fumed even more

That Friday I sat with the shrink for the first time. He asked me lots of questions about why I was dressing like a girl. I told him at least twenty times the same thing. The school wants to enforce a dress code that says as a boy I have to wear slacks and tie to school. That's not going to happen and I really don't care what they try to make me do or say.

"So you admit you like dressing as a girl?" He all but asked.

"I never said any such thing. I made a simple statement that I'm not going along with the school's uniform policy period, end of story," I spat.

"But you are," he pointed out, " you're still in your uniform now."

"No," I replied, "I'm in my sister's uniform and she wears mine. It's a protest plain and simple.

But you are having fun," he asserted.

"Are you dense?" I shot back.

"What?" His eyes lit up.

I stood up and whipped off my top, then slid the skirt down just enough for him to see the full corset.

"Does this look like fun?" I pointed to the skin tight corset. "Can you even imagine what it's like to have fake breasts attached to your chest and a corset on so tight that it's all you can do to breathe. Do you really think this is fun?" I blasted him again.

"I see your point," his voice went somber as I put my top back on. "Our time for today is up, but I want to see you again next Friday, same time," he added.

"I'll be here," I replied.

January went by pretty much without incident. Thomas and I joked and laughed about the shrink when we talked about it at all. The class was down to five boys, not counting me and Thomas, that were still wearing their sisters' uniforms to school.

I guess you could say I fell into a rut. Mom and sis were always on me about the way I acted, that is to say, when I acted like a boy. Even that was becoming less and less often as the rut I fell into was just acting like one of the girls.

There was no escape. The school had seen to that and in the meantime the law suit had stalled in court. The school's legal team had dropped a mountain of paper work on the small legal staff the parents had hired and now they were swamped.

The beauty contest had been moved back to Valentine's Day. The school was going to have a dance and the contest the same night. They were saving money this way or so they told all the parents.

In the meantime I had lost a good deal of weight and the gown mom had bought for the contest was a bit too big. She took me and the gown to a local dress shop and had it altered to fit, as the day approached.

My perm was gone and my nails needed some attention according to sis and mom. I wasn't thrilled about another trip to Ms. Baily's salon but I knew it was coming.

Dad pulled me into his study just a day before the contest.

"Why the long face?" He asked, as I took a seat.

"Come on dad. It's been seven months now and the school board isn't backing down. Tomorrow night I'll be on stage for all to see in gown no less. Add to that the shrink still isn't convinced that this is all a protest. And tomorrow night when I take the stage and smile and do my piece on the piano, you got know he'll think I'm having fun.

"Well, we never said you couldn't have some fun, Ronnie."

"Yes, but if I'm having fun, then it's not a protest and the shrink might think I really want to be a girl, forever... If that happens, who knows what he'll recommend me for next," I said holding back my tears.

"Have fun, Ronnie, Recommendations are just that, nobody has to follow through," he added

Dad was right. I had been a bundle of nerves all month. I had been living the life of girl now for just under seven months and fun almost never entered the equation. The shrink could recommend anything he wanted. It was up to mom and dad to follow through or not, as the case my be.

I decided to do what dad said. After all at this point I was all but sure I would be attending school as a girl for the rest of the year.

I smiled as mom and sis took me to the salon. I even let the girl doing my nails make them longer than I would have liked. They did look good when she was done and I sat quietly as my eyebrows were thinned even more than before.

Even in a rather plain skirt and blouse, when I left the salon there was little and no trace of the boy I knew I was. Mom and sis were both happy and said I had never looked better.

The deep V neck of the gown showed a good bit of my breast and the absent back left no way to wear a bra of any kind. Save the strap around my neck there was little and nothing to even hold it on me. I got to ditch the corset.

The garter belt and stockings took on a new feel that night and I admit I felt pretty as I looked at me in the mirror. I was sure I wouldn't win the contest, but I wouldn't look like a boy in a dress either.

When my turn came, I took my walk across the platform and I couldn't stop myself from walking the way mom and sis had taught me to. My gown sparkled and so did my smile as the audience applauded to no end. I played the theme song from the movie The Sting and the applause erupted again when I was done. I walked to the end of the runway and took a bow then smiled again and went back stage.

From behind the curtain I noticed Robert, from the photo studio, was there. I didn't have a clue why unless he was still searching for models. I looked around for the shrink, but never saw him and that didn't bother me in the least.

After a long pause the M.C. announced that the judges had made their decision. I had made the top ten cut, but that was as far as I expected to make it. The second runner up was Brittany a girl in the senior class and really not all that pretty. And the winner is he paused for a drum roll........ Roxanne. Holy cow, I had won.

I was happy and sad all at the same time. Last year's winner gave me the crown and I got a ton of roses. Mom, dad and sis joined me on stage and I took yet another walk down the runway. I was glad it was over, but now I was crowned the prettiest girl in school. Try to live that one down as a boy.

For the rest of the month I found a new acceptance at school. The girls that before had avoided me now thought I was cool even if I was a boy. Worse than that depending on how you see it, I got several offers from the senior class boys to attend the prom with them. I reminded each and every one of them I was still a boy and they all but laughed at me. Can't prove it by me one said, when I turned him down cold.

Sis almost fell over when I told her Dwayne had asked me to the prom.

"So that's why Melody is so upset," she announced. "She's been after him all year and she was hoping he was ask her to the prom. He's the best looking guy in the class," sis added, "any girl would be proud to go with him to the prom."

Chapter 9

"Then I guess it's ok that I said no, since I'm not a girl," I added.

"You did what!" Her hand flew to her mouth.

"I said no. I'm not a girl and I told him so."

"Okay, so you're not a real girl. Let me clue you in on a little secret. He's waited all year long to see if Melody would win the beauty contest. He made a bet with some of the other guys that he could take this year's winner to the prom and that little brother is you," she smiled really big.

"So...I guess he lost the bet."

"It's just as well," she conceded, "you are very pretty but..."

"But what?" I asked.

"Prom night is about having fun and you haven't been much fun to be around lately," she spoke softly as she walked off.

May 1st was graduation night and the last day of school for the rest of us. The cap and gown part was early during the day and the prom was slated to start at eight. I had kept notes in my journal all year and it was a hoot when I noted that six of the senior class boys had asked me to the prom after I won the beauty contest.

Of corse I told them all no and no way was I changing my mind as much as sis pleaded for me to. I was looking forward to the last day of school now since that also meant the last day of the protest and my last day in a skirt and blouse.

Final exams filled the last week of school and I had mine done and over by Thursday.

Dwayne all but begged me to go to the prom with him that day and once again I said no. Melody and sis were friends and I wasn't about to hurt her by taking her man, so to speak.

Ms. Kline caught up with me that day as well. She had been quiet all year save the beginning of the protest and now she wanted to talk.

I followed her to her office and sat quietly to see what she had to say. As much as it pained her to, she gave me a perfect attendance certificate. I had one for every year so far. She also gave a certificate for maintaining a perfect 4.0 average. I had one of them for each year as well.

"Here and now I will tell you that I made it hard on you this year for a reason. Not the protest mind you, but I figured it would affect your grades and maybe your attendance record and that was the last thing I wanted. You're a great student and in the better light of things I admit a rather pretty girl. Next year if you choose to uniform policy or not, you can attend as a girl or as a boy, since I'm sure you'll be getting back to your old self over the summer," she paused.

It was the first and only time since all this started I had been able to relax around her or at school for that matter. I thanked her for her candor about the matter and explained once again I would not under any circumstances wear a tie to school for any reason.

"I suspect the uniform policy might be amended over the summer," she added.

"Just so you know where I stand," I smiled as I got up.

"By the way," she added, "you know we run a summer school as well. I was wondering if you might consider a mentor's position."

"I'll think about it," I smiled as I walked away.

Friday, spring was in full swing. It was a beauty of a day and while I was ready to get back to being Ronnie, sis was way too busy getting ready for the prom to help me much.

She did loan me her bikini and I spent most of the day by the pool. I had watched sis get her diploma and clapped as loud as I could when she got it. Of course, she had gotten a new dress for the prom and she and Brian looked like a million bucks when they left.

Her plans for college were made and it was in state so she was staying at home. Dad rented a limo for sis and Brian. There would be no drunk driving tragedy for sis or at least not tonight. In fact, they had to be home by midnight cause someone else had the limo for the next day.

The next day, of course, sis had to tell me all the details of what went on. I listened intently as we sat by the pool in our bikinis. It was all she talked about for most of a week and in the meantime we were getting a rather dark tan.

"So I guess you're ready to get back to being Ronnie?" She paused to catch her breath.

"I guess so," I replied.

"I figured you would jump at the chance," she sputtered.

"I would and you know it, but for now mom has nixed that idea," I spat

"Why?" Sis asked.

"Heck if I know. She's been talking to Ronald, the guy that took our pictures at the mall, all week. I wanted to be back to the old me by now and get a summer job, but when I asked mom she said I should hold off right now."

She's been talking to some plastic surgeon too, about what I don't know. She gets real quiet if I'm around.
A smile broke across her face and she didn't tell me why just then. Sis often did that.

"Should it be continued?"

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