The Devil is in the Details Part-7

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Seven


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.


Author's Note: Here's Ch. 7, I'm a little slow in writing these ones, I had lots to do this week. There are only a few more chapters of this left and then I move onto something that I think a lot of people will really enjoy :) I'd like to thank djkauf for the devilishly good editing and DC Comics for the characters.


Chapter Seven:

When I woke up, Rose was sleeping across my chest. I was a little confused at first when I looked around, not really remembering. It’s the second time in the last few days that I’ve awakened in some place where I don’t know where I am. It took a few seconds for me to comprehend that the two of us were in a gas station bathroom. I suppose it was the smell that finally reminded me. I’m not saying it was a horrible smell but I definitely didn’t notice it last night. I tried to ignore the smell as I took in the rest of our surroundings. The light was off in the room but there was a little square window toward the back that allowed morning light to stream through. The bathroom was small with only one stall and a urinal. Rose and I were resting against the wall opposite the urinal, right next to the sink.

I looked down at her, brushing a strand of hair from her face. As soon as I did so she stirred, opening her eyes slowly. She raised her head and looked around, still a little groggy.

“Where are we?” she asked, just as confused as I had been a few seconds ago.

“Bathroom” I said.

She groaned, pinching her nose. “So that’s where that smell is coming from.”

She slowly got off me, getting to her feet. I pushed off the floor and stretched. My limbs were a little stiff from sleeping against the wall all night but other than that, I slept fairly well. We both went to the bathroom---it was strange not to use the urinal when it was right there---then the two of us gathered our things and left. I’m not sure what time it was but when we slipped out of the bathroom there was only one car in the gas station parking lot. We figured it probably belonged to whoever ran the place. We didn’t stick around to see who that was.

We took off down the road again, trying our hardest to bum a ride. But it’s not easy in a place where no cars seem to want to come. The topography of the whole area changed in an instant too. One minute we were in a place that might look like civilization and next everything turned to flat arid desert. I cursed our stupidity for not getting anything at the gas station, especially water. We walked for about another hour or so through the heat when we got lucky. We caught a couple on their way to the border. I was able to use some of my dwindling cash supply to get us a ride---it sucked because I lost another hundred bucks. People can be some greedy these days.

Luckily, we were only with them for a few hours. When we got to the border between Nevada and California, I thought there might be some problems but we were able to get through without too much hassle. It helped that my disguise was still working. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw a state trooper on the side of the road. He was stopping vehicles and talking to drivers. When he talked to us though he didn’t even look twice at the nutty Goth girl in the back seat. Once we got into California, our ride dropped us off the first chance they could get. Good riddance as far as I was concerned. We ended up in the city of Barstow, in San Bernardino County. We didn’t stay long enough to do much sightseeing. We found a cab real quick.

“Where you ladies going?” asked the driver as we climbed inside.

“How far to Hollywood?” I asked.

The driver laughed. “About a hundred miles.”

I could see why he laughed. I definitely wasn’t going to pay for that cab fare. So I told him to take us to the nearest restaurant, after all Rose and I were starving. We didn’t have to go very far. Barstow was a nice place but I’m not sure I would want to live here. We got dropped off at a diner, I paid the man and we went inside. While Rose ordered the food, I used the pay phone. I called Aunt Marla, she answered on the second ring.

“Marla, it’s me,” I said softly.

She let out a loud sigh. “Where are you?”

I looked around to make sure no one heard me. “Barstow.”

She laughed. “You’re making good time then. What happened to the bus?”

“Long story.”

“I can’t wait to hear it,” she laughed; it felt good to hear her voice again.

I took a deep breath and looked around. Rose was chatting with the waitress, a girl not much older than us. I sighed, she looked real happy. On the ride over here, I had some time to think. That’s all I’d been doing, thinking. I liked Rose a lot and I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. She’d already been through so much and she was in enough of her own trouble. I thought about leaving her but knew she’d probably see that coming. But I knew I couldn’t drag her into anymore of this. I couldn’t drag myself into it either. To tell you the truth, I was tired of it. If not for Rose, they would have caught me a while ago. It was cool that she was trying to help and I loved her for it but this was enough. I was tired of all this running.

I took a deep breath. “The DEO are there aren’t they?”

I could tell as soon as Marla spoke. “Of course not sweetie, why would I do that to you?”

I laughed. “You’re a lousy liar Marla but it’s ok. I figured they’d try something like this, after all you’re my only other relative.”

“I don’t know what you’re talki…”

I laughed. “Don’t insult my intelligence. Put the agent in charge on the phone.”

There was a long silence, followed by the woman asking for more money. I inserted a few more coins. Then a familiar voice came on the line: “Hello Eddie.”

I sighed. “Hello Agent Faraday.”

“Why don’t you stop these games and turn yourself in?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, it was an accident.”

“I know that Eddie” he said with a sigh. “I’m going to help you in every way that I can. But I can’t help you if you keep running. You have to turn yourself in, it’s the only way.”

I bit my lip. “I’ll think about it.”

I didn’t give him a chance to say anything else. I hung up the phone and turned back around. I half expected to see Rose still laughing with the waitress but she was gone. I panicked and ran to the booth, my stuff was there, her’s wasn’t. I looked around, wondering if she went to the bathroom. I grabbed my bag and ran to it, pushing the door open. There was no one inside. I ran back out and found the waitress she’d been talking to. The woman was serving drinks to another table. I grabbed her arm and spun her around, causing her to spill them.

“Where’s my friend?” I asked angrily.

“She left sweetheart” said the woman in an annoyed tone then she reached into her pocket, handing me a napkin. “She gave me this for you.”

I took it and walked numbly toward the door. I read it as I walked, frowning. Elle, I’m sorry but I knew what you were going to do before you did. It sucks to be a precog I guess. I know there was no way I could talk you out of it so I bailed. Listen I’m sorry but I can’t go anywhere near those government guys, they’re too close to my Dad. I don’t want you to look for me either, I’m sorry but this is it for you and me. We had fun while it lasted. Love Rose. PS: Sorry about the wallet, I’ll pay you back sometime. I cursed, rifling through my bag. All I found were a couple of twenties, the rest of it---including my wallet---were gone.

She was gone, just like that. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t force the tears to come. Instead, I stood there for the longest time, holding the napkin in my numb fingers. After I fully recovered, I started off in the direction toward the train station. I knew I couldn’t afford a ticket to Hollywood---I only had about sixty bucks now---but maybe I could sneak aboard without anyone noticing. Of course, I didn’t plan it very well. As soon as I got there, I realized that that wasn’t an option. I sat and sulked on a bench inside the station for a while, trying to figure out my next course of action. It pissed me off that Rose could bail like this but I guess it was in her nature. I was a fool to get involved with her. If I ever saw her, again I think I might kick her in the face. Ok not really but I was definitely going to scold the hell out of her. Not very threatening but I liked her a lot.

The tears finally came. I suppose it was inevitable. I cried for a long time and it surprised me a bit that no one stopped to see if I was all right. People are real jackasses, I suppose. After I finished crying, I felt like shouting and telling everyone to fuck off but I didn’t. Instead, I left the station as quick as I could. As soon as I got to the front entrance, I stopped at the sight of the police car there. I cursed, wondering if they were looking for me. I was pretty certain that Faraday had traced our phone call. I mean if I was him, the train station would be the first place to look for me, too.

I forgot about my disguise though. The two officers walked right past me. I let out a loud sigh as soon as I was out the door. I looked around, trying to find a cab. I definitely didn’t have enough money to get to Hollywood but I suppose I could bluff it. Instead of a cab, I found the next best thing. There was a little red car sitting at the curb. I walked up it slowly, the college age guy behind the wheel. I pushed up my boobs a little bit, hoping it would help then I put a little sway in my step. I walked over and leaned into the open passenger window, smiling.

The guy behind the wheel did a double take. “Do I know you?”

“No” I said, putting on the sexy. “But I’d like to know you.”

He groaned. “I don’t solicit minors, especially freaky ones like you.”

I groaned. “I’m not a prostitute you jackass” I said, pulling open his door. “I’m a girl who needs a ride, are you going to help me or not.”

“Ummm hello, get out of my car.”

“I’ll give you sixty bucks to take me to Hollywood.”

He laughed. “It’s going to take a lot more than that.”

I looked him up and down. He was twenty tops, with long brown hair and dark sunglasses. I smiled when I looked at his shirt, a Blue Devil t-shirt. He was a kindred spirit. “I can get you a BD autograph.”

He laughed. “I have one of those.”

I bit my lip. “How about a set visit?”

He raised an eyebrow. “And how are you going to do that?”

I smiled. “My aunt’s the producer.”

He bit his lip. “Ok, kid, you’ve got yourself a deal.”

I squealed in happiness. I could have kissed him but I didn’t. Instead, I pulled on my seatbelt as he started his engine. “I’m Ellie by the way,” I said as we pulled away from the curb.

He smiled. “Chris Freeman”


“So she took all your cash and took off?” I nodded. “Man that blows.”

I nodded. “Not much I can do about it right now,” I said truthfully.

Chris laughed at that, he was a pretty cool guy. He wasn’t just a fan of Blue Devil, apparently, he was a fanatic. In fact, he was actually the president of his university’s fan club chapter. He was actually at the train station to pick up one of his fellow members. I felt kinda bad about that but he didn’t. He texted his friend, telling him a better offer came his way, he took a pic of me to send with the text. I smiled and posed for it. Yeah, I know but I was feeling particularly flirty. Hey who says being a girl can’t be fun some of the time. Maybe a little bit of Rose was rubbing off, who knows.

Chris and I talked about Blue Devil almost the whole way, it helped pass the time. According to him, a ride from Barstow to Hollywood should have taken about an hour and a half---without traffic. We were making good time until about noon or so and then we hit some kind of rush hour. I’m not sure how long we were stuck in it but it was a lot longer than an ninety minutes. We passed the time swapping war stories as he called it. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world that my aunt was the producer of all the films. He got really jealous when I told him I spent summers playing assistant for her.

About an hour into the road trip, he started asking questions again. “So you and this Rose chick, were you an item?”

I shrugged. “Might have been.”

It was the truth. We weren’t really together long enough to say we were anything but two strangers passing in the night. I thought there was something there---possibly more---but apparently, she didn’t. If she really liked me, she would have stuck around.

“Dude” he said with a big intake of breath. “That is so hot.”

I rolled my eyes. Typical guy. That thought gave me pause and scared the hell out of me. I was a typical guy. At least I used to be. Boy did that scare me. Was I that far gone now not to think of myself as a member of the male species. After all, I was part guy still, even if that part was a towering red demon dude. But for some reason this part---the Ellie part---felt more like me now than the red Eddie part. How messed up is that?

I tried not to think about it for the rest of the drive. Neither of us really spoke much after that, he concentrating on the road and me to my thoughts. When the familiar landmarks started to show up, I wasn’t the least bit excited. After all this wasn’t my first time here. He seemed to be a little more giddy than usual, probably because I promised what I did. I think he thought he was getting his backstage tour now. Boy did I hate to disappoint. It was no surprise that he brought me right to Blue Devil Studios---yeah the franchise was that big now. He stopped the car in front of the gate, giving the guard there some pause.

I sighed. “I didn’t want to come here” I said, annoyed.

He frowned. “I can’t have you renege on promises babe.”

I groaned. This guy was going to be a thorn.

“Ok here’s the deal, you take me to my aunt’s place and then I’ll have her give you some backstage passes or whatever, put your name on the list?”

He thought it over and then smiled. He might be pretty to look at but he was kinda thick. I think it was the sunglasses though it might have been the hair too. There was just something about him that made him look like he wasn’t playing with a full deck. He was a cool guy but he wasn’t someone I’d want to hang out with. Need an example, well on the ride over he kept talking to himself. It was kinda freaky; he kept looking in my direction when he did it too. I suppose it can’t be helped, the guy is a Blue Devil fan after all. They’re called Blue D’s on the Internet and some of them are a little less than sane. Chris was sorta on the border I guess.

He drove me away from the studio and took me to my aunt’s. She lived in Palmdale, in a house that was very Spanish in design and flavor. I didn’t really like it; it was too big and gaudy for me. When we pulled up to the front gate, I saw the stars in Chris’s eyes. I think he probably thought he hit it big, about to rub elbows with a big Hollywood producer. I rolled down the window, allowing the little camera by the gate to get a good look at my face. I wonder if the DEO showed her a picture of the new me. I know what you’re thinking and you’re probably right, this was way too risky. They were definitely waiting for me in there but to tell you the truth, I’m tired of all this shit. Do I trust Faraday, not one bit but I think I can convince him that everything that has happened isn’t all my fault.

I waved my hand in front of the lens. “Ellie Jackson, front and center. Come and get me boys.”

I think that might get their attention.

A few seconds later, the gate buzzed. Chris gave me a strange look but drove on anyway. My aunt’s driveway wasn’t all that long but it was kinda eerie, what with the pine trees lining either side of it. They were so close together they looked almost sinister. Chris definitely looked freaked. I smiled at him as we drove on. He didn’t drive much further, shutting the car off halfway there. He turned to me and frowned but he wasn’t looking at me.

“I did what you asked,” he asked, definitely not talking to me.

“Chris?” I asked, looking around. “Who are you talking to?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead, he started talking to someone else again. “She insisted on coming here. I tried to take her to the studio but she wanted to come here.”

He was freaking me out. I couldn’t sit here in the car with a guy who was clearly out of his mind. It was a good thing the car was stopped because it made what I did a whole hell of a lot easier. I reached behind me and opened the door, tumbling into my aunt’s driveway. Chris didn’t seem to notice at first. But when I got to my feet and started running toward the house, I heard him shout for me. I didn’t look back. Why is it that I always seem to associate with the weird people? First it was Wendy and her brother then Rose and now crazy Chris. It was like I was a giant magnet for these kinds of things. But I suppose something like this wasn’t really my fault. After all Wendy and Marvin weren’t all that bad, except she was a genius already in college and he stared at my boobs more than my face. Rose didn’t look at my boobs but I wouldn’t have minded if she did. She did suck on them yesterday though, that was real nice. As far as Chris was concerned, I’d be happy if I never saw the nut job again.

I ran as hard and as fast as I could for the house. Marla had a big yard but I got there without too much trouble. When I got to the front door, I regretted ringing the bell. It was kinda stupid but stupid was my middle name lately. As much as I didn’t want to run anymore, walking right into the DEO wasn’t exactly the smartest thing to do either. I should run, I need to run. Unfortunately, for me I came to that decision about ten seconds too late. As soon as the door opened, I saw Agent Faraday. He smiled at me. I turned to book but four agents appeared from all around me, guns drawn. I suppose I could have “demoned up” on them and burnt them to hell but what would that have solved.

Instead, I raised my hands in the air, turning back toward Faraday.

“Good girl” he said, holding up a pair of cuffs.


I explained my side of the story as best as I could. Aunt Marla was there the whole time to hold my hand, acting as moral support. The investigating agent---I didn’t know his name---never said a word but wrote everything I said down on a little notepad. He wrote fast, it kinda surprised me. These guys were pretty efficient I guess. After they arrested me in front of Marla’s house---I never actually got to go inside---they took me to the nearest police station for processing. There was already a crowd of media there waiting for us---an eager someone tipped them off I think. I wonder if it was a long haired nut who likes to talk to himself?

After I got to the station, several different people interrogated me. There was even a detective from both Chicago and Iowa---the Iowa one questioned me about the diner incident with the bikers. Both men wanted extraditing rights to me; they even had orders from local judges. But apparently, DEO trumped all that which pissed them off. Faraday did promise that if there were a trial then their charges would definitely be brought up. It scared me when he said if there was a trial, like maybe they were just going to lock me up somewhere or worse. I imagined a lethal injection might be only fitting; after all, I killed innocent people, my mother included.

I’m not sure how many times I was interviewed, maybe a dozen. I’d been in this room for several hours; the guy sitting across from me was the last---so far. It creeped me out that he wasn’t saying anything though. He just took my statement---for the umpteenth time. I tried to be as precise as I could, leaving out a few choice things of course. For instance, I didn’t mention the strange dreams with the demon. They’d probably think I was nuts. I also left out Rose, there was no way I was going to put her on the DEO’s radar. Hopefully she was long gone by now. I know she had that crazy idea to join that group from the Internet but she’d be stupid to stick in one place for too long, it was very apparent that her father had a lot of resources. I just hoped that where ever she was, she was in a lot better situation than I was in.

“Thank you Miss Jackson” said the man with the notepad, speaking for the very first time.

“It’s Bloomberg” said my aunt angrily, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “No more of this hiding crap.”

The man didn’t react. He was probably paid to be as stiff as possible. Instead, he gathered his things and left us alone. Neither Marla nor I said anything for a while. I stared at the wall, sighing. It had been stupid to think that this was the right thing to do. I should have run with her, I should have headed south into Mexico. I might not have gotten over the border but at least I wouldn’t have been in this mess. I’m not sure why I thought going to Marla’s was the right thing to do. Momentary lapse of judgment I guess. They were going to put me in a hole somewhere and I was never going to see the light of day again.

“I’m so sorry sweetie,” said Marla, tearing up.

I shook my head. “It’s not your fault, M,” I said, using the childhood name I gave her. “I shouldn’t have gotten you involved in this.”

“I should have never let those men use me like that.”

I leaned over and wrapped her in a hug. I had no idea how good that would feel until I actually did it. Marla was my father’s sister and though I barely saw her, she was like a second Mom to me. Now that Mom was gone, I suppose she was the only mother I had left. I held her for a long time, tears forcing their way out of my body. It never felt so good to hold someone in my entire life. But as they say all good things must come to an end and they did as soon as the door to the interrogation room opened up. I turned and gave an evil look as Faraday walked into the room.

“Hello ladies” he said, giving me the once over. “You can take the ring off now Eddie if you like.”

I bit my lip. “I can’t” I said softly “the ring is gone.”

“Then that means?” asked my aunt, bewildered.

I nodded. “This is all me.”

“I don’t understand,” said Marla just as confused as I was.

Faraday was all business. If my revelation shocked him, he didn’t show it. “You mind telling me how that happened?”

I shrugged. “After the fire, I woke up in the woods. The ring was gone, I was naked and this was me.”

“And the other form?”

“Still there” I said, not wanting to show him. “I checked.”

He nodded. “Clearly we have much to discuss then.”

“So what happens to her now?” asked Marla, still holding my hand.

Faraday rubbed his temples. “It’s a mess. I have two states who want her and a superior who wants to bury her so deep underground that she won’t see the light of day until she’s thirty. Right now the only thing I can do is hold her here until the bureaucrats figure this all out.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. “So I go to jail?”

“For the time being. My superiors are making arrangements to move you to a more secure location. The government has a place in New Mexico that might fit for now. To tell you the truth we’re at a loss, you’re one of our firsts actually.”

“Should I be flattered?”

Faraday smiled. “I’ll try my best to sort things out. In the meantime I’m here to escort you to your temporary accommodations.”

And just like that, I was now a guest of the Los Angeles County Jail. Lucky me.

Two officers came into the room, I didn’t fight. Marla cried a lot and it took her some time to let me go. After that, I was handcuffed and escorted to my cell. They gave me a change of clothes. I was put in a secure wing of the women’s prison, they said to protect the other inmates from me. I guess that makes sense. After I was in my cell, Faraday stayed for a few minutes, trying to see if he could get more info out of me. I guess I can’t blame a guy for trying. I think he was interested in my ability to destroy the ring---that’s how he saw it anyway. I’m not sure but I was pretty convinced the government were afraid of Jade. I guess that makes sense, after all rumor has it she had a spaceship in orbit over the planet right now.

Faraday left after an hour of his own questioning. He got nowhere because I didn’t have answers for his questions. I changed my clothes for an orange jumpsuit and then spent the rest of the night lying on my little bunk. I stayed up at the ceiling, counting the tiles. I’m not sure how far I got before I fell asleep. I dreamt again that night, the same one with the fire and the laughing. Wendy and Marvin were in it again. Neron was there too. Wendy was dressed like a French maid, feeding the bastard grapes from a silver plate. Marvin was at his feet, like a dog. In fact, he was crouched before a silver bowl with his name on it. Both of them were wearing collars---Wendy’s had a chain attaching her’s to Neron’s chair.

I woke in a sweat in the morning. Someone brought me my breakfast. Then after a few hours, I was allowed some exercise time. The yard was vacant. They were still afraid I might harm the other inmates. I was fine with that, I didn’t want company anyway. After an hour or so of exercising, my guard brought me back to my cell. He got me magazines to read. The magazines were girly teen ones---a few months old---but they were better than nothing.

Anything to pass the time. About noon or so, the guard brought me lunch then I was allowed some visitation. Aunt Marla came, crying the whole time. I think she still blamed herself for all of this. After Marla came that jerk from the DEO---Damon Matthews---the one who came by my house before.

“Miss Bloomberg is it?” he asked with a smirk.

Apparently, besides being a Grade-A ass he was the DEO’s legal counsel. Lucky me. He went over my defense with me, explaining how things might go down if I had to go to court in Illinois and Iowa. I half paid attention, it didn’t matter. I knew I was guilty. If I were brought before a jury, I wouldn’t try to deny it. Matthews stayed for a bit and then left. I went back to my cell, read some more and then spent the rest of the night counting the tiles.

This went on for a few days---three or four I think. On the fourth day, Faraday was my only visitor.

“They’re going to move you today,” he said as we sat in a private room.

“To New Mexico?”

“You won’t know the location until you get there,” he said, shuffling papers. “First an armed escort will take you from here to the airport. You’ll board a plane and fly to a private airstrip. We’ll transfer you to one of our private jets. You’ll switch planes a total of three times so that no one knows where you’re going, including you.”

“I assume I’ll be blindfolded?”

He laughed. “We’re not spooks, Ellie.”

Oh, by the way I was officially Ellie Bloomberg now. Matthews brought me the papers yesterday. I had an ID with pictures and everything. According to my papers, I was now the daughter of Marla Bloomberg, having been adopted by her several weeks ago. I guess that made me happy. She said I didn’t have to call her “Mom” but she expected I treat her that way. I had no problem with that. I suppose when the government is involved they can do pretty much anything they want.

“When are they moving me?”


Things went pretty fast after that. Faraday got up and two guards came in. Fite and Maad followed them. I felt a bit of happiness at seeing them again. They smiled at me. I let the guards cuff me then my two DEO handlers followed them to awaiting vehicles. Mine turned out to be a converted armor car; it felt like déjá  vu all over again. Fite and Maad would follow behind in an SUV. There would be two police car escorts and two motorcycles. I felt like a VIP. After I got loaded in the back of the truck and secured, my two guards got inside. I don’t think they were taking any chances. Not that I would try to escape and even if I did, they wouldn’t be able to stop me. It didn’t take long to get going. The cop cars went first then my armored truck. I could hear the sirens blaring all around me. It was kinda cool and would have been cooler if I wasn’t the cause of all of this.

About fifteen minutes from the police station things went bad. I heard it over the radio first. One of the guards grabbed the mike on his shoulder, talking to the driver. There was some kind of commotion up ahead. I turned and tried to see through the little slot into the front of the truck. I didn’t see much. Then it happened. One of the police cars in front flew into the air. It came flying right toward the truck. The driver screamed and swerved out of the way just in time. There was a loud wrenching smash as the police car tumbled down the street. My two guards pulled tazers, probably preparing for the worst.

“What the fuck is that?” I heard a voice over the radio.

I looked out the slot again. Up ahead on the road was a big linebacker size guy standing there, holding the biggest axe I’d ever seen. The damn thing was glowing. He raised his axe and swung it at the truck. The driver didn’t have time to avoid it. The blade slammed into the front end, bringing our vehicle to a dead stop. My two guards---who weren’t secure like me---went stumbling forward, slamming themselves unconscious. I tried to turn and see what was going on. I heard some gunfire and more screaming. Then everything was silent.

A few seconds later, someone was walking along the side of the truck. I could hear a heavy footfall. Then the back doors were torn open, ripped clear off. The guy with the axe was standing there. He smirked at me and stepped aside, allowing someone else to step forward. I almost didn’t recognize her what with the flowing white hair and the eye patch---what was up with that.

“Hey babe” said Rose as she climbed into the truck. “Did you miss me?”

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