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Jamie wants her real mother and sister to come and live with her at McCreeley Manor. Will she get her wish?
Home Sweet Home III
by Barbara Lynn Terry
After the other deputy left with my father, Corby, the area deputy left with mom so she could file a complaint against my father. Donna and I went into the parlor to wait for mom to get back. I was so frightened I just clung to Donna. My father had found me, or at least he thinks he did. But he didn’t see me so I know he doesn’t know for sure that I’m here. He actually shoved mom to the floor. This has resulted in his being arrested in a state he didn’t live in. Which means he may not get out until he has his hearing. Why is my father so mean and so wicked. Why did he treat me the way he did and then got my mother and sister to do the same thing. Why? I wasn’t crying, I was just frightened. Mom, Donna, Simone, Martha, Charles, Doug, and Jeri are my family now. They love me and have shown that in just the twenty four hours, well maybe a little more, that I have been here. Mom gave me my own horse for a present. Brownie is a good horse and so well behaved. Why does my father hate me so much? I couldn’t get it out of my head, that he actually showed up here. Then we heard the front door opened and mom and Corby came in. I ran to mom and just clung to her. That’s when I started to cry. Corby then said.
“Hi Jamie. Listen, the judge wants to see you and your mother on Friday afternoon. I have had a talk with him and told him what you told me. Your father’s bail has been set at twenty-five thousand dollar cash. That means he has to come with all of it or he stays in jail until he goes to court. Now, when you see the judge, your father will be in there too, but not before you see the social worker. The social worker will take a statement from you and your mother, and will talk to the judge. Then you and your mother will go in one at a time and talk to the judge. Okay?”
“Yes, Corby. And thanks again.”
“No problem, young lady. I’ve known Amanda and the others since I started the department. You have a good home here. These people will love you to death.” He smiled when he said that. Corby left and we went into the parlor and sat down. I just clung to mom and didn’t want to let go. Today was still Sunday. The judge wanted to see us on Friday and then I would have to talk to a social worker. Well, if everyone treats me the way this family has and Corby, I should have nothing to worry about.
I don't know when I was carried upstairs, but I woke up in my own bed. MY OWN BED! The bed I had at my parents house was a shabby thing, with springs sticking through the mattress, which laid on the floor. This bed, however, was not too high off of the floor, mainly made for a child, and just right for me to sit and put on my stockings and shoes. The frame was hardwood of some kind but it was solid. The sheets had little animals on them and my blanket was pink cotton. The comforter had little animals too and was the same color as my blanket. the pillows were soft and the pillow cases matched the blanket and comforter. I was warm and comfortable. I couldn't get it out of my head how these people were treating me. I knew one thing for certain. If my real mother and sister didn't want to come and live here, that would be fine too. I had a family right here. But I was hoping that they would come and be able to love me now that my father was out of the way.
I got up and went in the bathroom and did whatever, brushed my teeth and ran my bath. I put in the magnolia bath foam and some magnolia bath crystals. The scent just filled the room. I got in the tub did what I normally did and got out and patted myself down. I put on some magnolia body lotion and powder, and went to get dressed. Let's see, what haven't I worn yet? I know, relaxing day. I took out a pair of the black slacks that zipped on the side and my red Bambi and Thumper long sleeved sweater. I chose white for my lingerie and my black three inch high heeled boots. I put on the panties, bra and slip and sat down and put my makeup on. This again took me twenty minutes as I wanted it to be perfect. I then put on my slacks and sweater and, oh no, I did it again. I forgot my stockings. Well, today I just put on a pair of socks, and my boots. Then I went down to breakfast. Mom was already in the dining room when I came in.
"Mom? I was wondering. When everything with my father is over, could we invite my real mother and sister to come and live with us. I think the reason they were treating me the way THEY did was because they were afraid of my father. Would it be all right?"
"Well, sweetheart, we will ask them together. They are coming to town for your father's trial. Now listen to me. They have been subpoenaed by the district attorny, who is the prosecutor. Apparently what you just said seems to be true. They were afraid of your father. But when they heard that a deputy sheriff was a witness to my assault, they readily agreed to testify. So, when they come to town, I have already offered them to stay here instead of a hotel. I didn't talk to them, Jamie, the district attorney forwarded my invitation. I was told they would call when they are coming. Okay?"
I got up and gave mom a very big hug and kiss. "Thanks mom."
"I was going to tell you about this this morning. Apparently, your father gave them the phone number so they could raise bail money. But, little does he know they will be witnesses against him. So you see, Jamie, you have nothing to be worried about. Today, we have to take you to school and get you registered. I would like it very much if you would put on a skirt and blouse or a dress. This is a very exclusive school, and I would like you to be femininely dressed. Okay, sweetheart?"
"Okay, mom. Be right back."
I went upstairs to change. I put the pants back on their hanger and selected a rose colored skirt with little bunnies and deer all the way around it. I left my sweater on. I put the skirt on and got a pair of tan nylon stockings and a garter for each one. I put on the stockings, slid up the garters and then put my boots back on. I then went downstairs and mom said we had a little time yet. We didn't have to be at the school until nine o'clock. Mom wanted to get the registration out of the way early so we had a full day to do whatever. OMG! I'm going to be attending school as a girl. I never thought I would live to see the day. But, they say life is full of surprises. I guess so. After I finshed dressing, I went downstairs and mom looked at me.
"Well, that will do, at least you look like a young lady now."
"Thanks mom."
We talked more about my father. Mom wanted to know if I knew how he had found out where I was. I said I didn't know. But my father has that uncanny ability to find the impossible. I mean they were gone when I left. Unless someone saw me being put into mom's car that first night. My father always said, 'anything is possible'. Except for his words of wisdom, he was hateful, selfish and very much conceited. Everything had to be his way or no way. He thought that he was always right and everybody else was wrong. One time he even got two tickets from the police because the officer said he was speeding and he argued with the officer and got another ticket for what he said was obstructing an officer. But, did he learn anything by that? OH NO! Not my father. He was always right.
The time came for us to leave for the school. We got our coats and purses and went to the limo. Jeri opened the doors for us and said good morning with a real big smile. We got in and mom told Jeri where we were going. I was off to be registered at school. A girls school, which also had boys attending as girls. The drive took about a half an hour. It was sprawling place. There was so much room here, it could used for sports games. Jeri pulled up to the front door and got out and opened the doors for us. As we got out, and started up the stairs, Jeri opened the doors to the school and we went in. Jeri then returned to the limo. As we walked down the granite hallway to the registration office, an older lady came out of another office.
"Amanda!" She exclaimed. "And this must be Miss Jamie. I will be registering you today, Miss Jamie as most of the registration staff isn't here yet, and the others are busy with new students. Amanda, it is so good to see you again. How have you been."
"Just fine, now, Vera. In the last couple of days this young lady has made me glad again."
"Miss Jamie. You have nothing to fear here. If you act like a young lady, you will be treated as such. This school started accepting young males to attend classes here as girls, when the medical profession determined that transgenderism was not a mental aberration or disease, but a normal way of life for them, whether they were male wanting to be female or female wanting to be male. The curriculum here is oriented toward being female. We have cooking classes, sewing classes, child care classes, as well as regular classes you would find in a regular high school. Plus, we also have a deportment class in which all the girls must attend. This class is intended to correct your posture. The way you sit, walk, eat at the dining room table, the way you dab at your mouth with your napking, and we even have makeup classes. Do you think, Miss Jamie, that this is something you would like to learn about.?"
"Yes, ma'am. I would very much like to learn everything you have to teach me."
Good, young lady. Now here are the things that you will need to get before school begins. It is a requirement that you wear your uniform the first day of school. Your books will given to you by your teachers on the first day also. Now, let's get you signed in, and your class schedule printed."
Vera Richards was a lady in her late fifties, with silver grey hair styled in a bun. She wore a grey business skirt suit, with a plain white blouse. Her shoes were just simple black pumps with a two inch heel and she carried herself with the regal manner of a queen. She was soft spkoen and had assured me that I would have no problems with the girls, who, when I am attending classes, will correct any mannerisms that are not feminine. I was also assured that there is not bullying here, and any girl caught bullying another would be on house detail for a week. That meant that after calsses were through for the day, the guilty girl had to do janitorial duties, such as erasing the blackboards, sweep out the classrooms, and take out the trash. These menail tasks were considered degrading, so the girls were always on their best behavior.
We left the school and mom looked at me and asked me waht I thought of Mrs. Richards.
"Well, Jamie. What did you think of Mrs. Richards and the curriculem we signed you up for?"
"She's a nice lady, mom. I'm going to like the classes. It will give me experience in being a girl, fully."
"That's nice. I'm glad you like Mrs. Richards. She will be looking out for you, in particular, because you are my daughter. But there will come a time very shortly, you will start to call me auntie, instead of mom."
"Why is that, mom?"
"You will see, sweetheart, you will see. It is a surprise for now."
"Ok, mom. But whether I call you mom or auntie, I want you to know that I love you."
"Have I ever told you what a sweet, dear child you are?"
"Why no, mom, I don't think so. What a nice compliment." We both giggled at that.
We went to the various stores and got what we needed, the uniform store being the last. What can I say about school uniforms, they are drab and make you look like everyone else. After we made all our school purchases, we went home. Jeri opened the door to the limo as we parked in fron of the house, and she gave me that wink. Donna and Simone took my packages up to my room, while mom and I went into the dining room to sit down and talk.
"Jamie, there is only a few weeks left until school starts. How would you like to take advantage of that and go horse riding, as often as you'd like. How about we go riding tomorrow and we go all around the grounds and maybe even down to the neighbors?"
"That would be great, mom."
And that's what we did for next few days. On Thursday, we went into the bran, and Brownie was just waiting there for us. I gave her an apple from the basket and petteed her. Then I went in a put the saddle blanket on her and the the saddle. I cinched the saddle firm and put the bridle on her. As I was leading Brownie out of her stall, mom was leading buttercup. We went out through the corral and went for a ride along the road way. As we were riding, a car went past us and turned in to go to the house. We rode to the house just in time to see my real mother and sister get out of the car. They didn't see me yet, so I asked mom if I could go upstairs and change, and she said all right. I went to my room unnoticed by my real mother and sister, and ran a bath. After the bath, I got out my coral satin bra and panty set, and my coral dress. I put on the bra and panty set, and also put on a coral full slip. I sat and mussed with my hair, to make sure it would pass inspection. I then put on my makeup and then my dress. I put on a pair of coral pumps with two inch heels with a buckle strap around the ankle. Looking at my self in the mirror all different ways to make sure everything was straight. I went downstairs to me my mother and sister.
". . . and where is Jamie?" I heard my mother ask.
"I'm right here, mother." I said, looking at her.
"Oh my god! Jamie, you are very beautiful, dear. Do I get a hug?"
I gave her a hug. I was so happy to see her, that I didn't want to let go. Then I started to cry. My mother just held me and then my sister came over and joined in the hug too. Next thing you know, it was a family group hug, which included auntie Amanda.
"Mom? I have a question to ask you."
"All right, dear. But first, I want to aplogize to you for everything your sister and I did while you were at home. When your father saw that you did everything in the house real well, he told us he was going to make you our maid and get you a French maid's uniform. I protested as did your sister, but he said we either went along with it or he would make sure none of us would be able to say anything to anyone. We didn't want to hurt you, Jamie. After we got back from getting the food, and that was my idea, your father started yelling for you to get the place mats on the table. When he couldn't find you, he went looking for you. Now, let me tell you this. I had called your aunt Amanda and told her I was looking for a way to get everyone out of the house except you. I knew if we were gone long enough, you would run away. The night that your aunt found you, I am told, you were sound asleep by the road side. I am very thankful it was she that found you. Yes. Jamie, Amanda McCreeley is my sister, your auntie."
"Oh mother!" I exclaimed and hugged her tightly. I was crying again. I was so happy that none of what had happened at home was my mother's or sister's doing. Aunt Amanda came over a joined in the hugs.
"Mother? Are you mad at me because I'm dressed like this?"
"No, sweetheart. I'm not. In fact, your aunt Amanda has been keeping me informed as to your progress. You see, Jamie, I always thought you would make a beautiful girl. Now, your aunt tells me that you are registered at an exclusive girls' school. I think that is just wonderful. Guess what? Your sister will be registered there tomorrow. You two will be going to school together. We're going to living here from now on."
Now my mother was the same height as me, and a little heavier, but not by much. Her hair was flame red, and she wore everyday clothes unless she decided to go somewhere special. My sister Mary, was five foot, five inches tall, long auburn hair that went well with her Irish green eyes. My sister popped in and said.
"Jamie? Now that we are sisters, I know we are going to be friends. When I go to get registered for school, want to come along, and then we can go shopping. okay?"
"Oh yes, Mary. I would love that."
We all hugged again, and then Donna came in and said that dinner was ready. Dinner consisted of a chef's salad, roast turkey, green beans, elbow macaroni with a creamy white sauce and for dessert, a small dish of ice cream with no topping. It was delicious. After dinner, we went into the parlor and over coffee and tea, we talked about things to come. The first one was regarding my father.
"Now Jamie," aunt Amanda started. "Your father's trial will start next week Monday. We still have to see the judge on Friday. Your mother and sister will also see the judge too. I have already talked with your mother about this, and she tells me she has been looking for a way to get a divorce from him for quite some time, but was never able to while he was still in the house. Your father's arrest here, has now given her the opportunity. I grant you this, though. He will be convicted. He has been charged with assault with intent to do bodily harm, criminal trespass, and attempted kidnapping. These are just for starters. Corby is helping the district attorney to see if there are other charges they can bring against him, also. I . . ."
"I'm sorry, aunt Amanda. But it looks like Donna was right. She said she wouldn't be surprised if Corby found some unsolved crime to charge him with also," I interjected.
"It is very impolite to interrupt someone when they are talking, young lady. Remember that, because if you do that at school, you will have house duty to perform."
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry."
"It's all right, Jamie. But, you are right. They are looking for some unsolved crime. What they need is a crime that was comitted when your father was out for an extended period of time, and only your mother can provide that information. Given his assault on me, with Corby as a witness, whatever they charge him with,it is certain he will be convicted. The district attorney will be talking to your mother and will see what they can come up with. He should have stayed at home. But we knew he wouldn't, didn't we?"
"Yes, aunt Amanda."
"Oh Jamie, we are family. You can call me auntie or aunt Mandy."
"Thank you so much auntie Mandy. And, no matter if I am your daughter or your niece, I love you very much."
I hugged her and started crying again. As aunt Mandy held me, I thought that I must be a girl, because everytime I get happy, I cry and want to be hugged. I like wearing nice, soft feminine clothes, and I like wearing nail polish and makeup and having my hair styled. My sister, Mary and my mother also got into the hugging, and, after I calmed down, Mary looked at me eye to eye and said.
"You know, Jamie, when I am happy, I cry too. It is going to be so nice having a sister to share things with."
"Thanks sis."
Then we talked about the shopping and what we wanted to buy, try on, and just look at. We talked about the different shops, and last but not least . . .
"Jamie?" Mary asked. "What say, when we are done shopping you, mom, auntie and I get our hair done at the salon?"
"Oh sis, I would really just love that!"
"Okay then it is settled. Tomorrow, I am going to go and get registered at school. Then we can go shopping."
Well, before you know it, it was time to go to bed. We went to our rooms and got ready for bed. Mary's room was right across from mine, and when I was done, I went over and knocked on her door.
"Come in," she said.
"Mary? Can I help you brush your hair?"
"Of course, sis. Then we can talk."
As I brushed her hair she told me what had really happened before my father lit out to find me. He had accused mother of setting the whole thing up, and had hit her, knocking her onto the bed. Mary had gone to see what was going on, and he threatened her too, so she went back into her room. After about ten minutes of yelling and screaming, he left to go find where I was. In fact, the first place he looked was aunt Mandy's. Mary said he really didn't know I was here, but he had said that was where he was going to start. The phone call auntie had received that night was from my mother warning her that my father was on the way. My mother knew everyone at the sheriff's office and it was mother that had called to have Corby intercept my father. Thank God for Ma Bell. When I was finished brushing her hair, Mary told me to sit down, and she would brush mine. She continued talking. She told me that when they got the phone call from the sheriif's office that my father had been arrested, and what for and that he wanted my mother to come straightaway to post bail, my mother had said she didn't have the transportation, because he had taken the only car. Mother had asked who it was he had assaulted and was told Mrs. McCreeley and that a deputy sheriff was a witness. Mary said that mother told whoever she was talking to that it served him right and that she wouldn't post bail even if she had transportation. It was only a few hours later that the district attorney conveyed aunt Mandy's invitation to stay with her, if she agreed to testify against her husband. She was also told she didn't have to because a spouse is not required to give evidence against the other. My mother then told the district attorney that she would indeed give testimony for the prosecution. Ohhhhhh, this made me real glad, and I was happy that we were a family again.
The next day, we went and registered Mary at school, and had no problems. Mrs Richards knew mother, and was astoudned to see Mary had grown so big, as the last time she saw her was when she was just a baby. We postponed shopping, except for the school uniform and other school supplies, until after father's trial.
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Thoroughly enjoyable.
I don't (never could) understand how anyone can derive enjoyment from the tragic tale of familial betrayal. This story on the other hand is about family and inclusion and deriving joy from giving and togetherness.