A New Doctor in Town; Who? Part 3

A New Doctor in Town; Who?Part 3

By: Desiree Jones
Doctor Who Fan-Fiction

Acknowledgment:Thanks To Stanman63 For His Help.

Dr. Who and other recognizable Dr. Who character's are the Property of the BBC, there will be a few original characters which are my own. This story is not for profit but written for my enjoyment as well as those that may read it.

Hurtling through the time vortex inside the TARDIS, the three women chat and nibble on Tamales, or Sopapillias, “Doctor why are you and River not piloting the TARDIS?”

River looked over at the control center, “Amy what part of dangerous to stand in the control area...”

The Doctor continued, “There is something wrong, and I am missing an important piece, not exactly an unknown problem after regen, sometimes it takes longer to get all the synapses firing.”

I just need to figure out why the Zygons, The Animus, Daemon's and Jagrafess' were not part of the other alliance, and then built their own Pandorica? We also need to figure out what is going on with the TARDIS. ”

The Doctor blows some hair out of her face and uses her hand to wipe away another stray strands of hair, “Is it always like this?” pointing to the hair on her head sort of flowing around. “and is it cold in here to you two?”

Amy gets up looked through her purse grabbed a scrunci, “You need to take care of it yourself, though I wonder who did your make-up Doctor?”

River explains, “It is a function of the TARDIS people see what they expect to see, sort of like the physic paper. Some people, life forms are immune.”

Oh like Vincent!” exclaimed Amy, “So why do I see Make-up on the Doctor, but have never any changes in how the Doctor was dressed?”

Should my chest be throbbing? I feel like I am being flattened.” whined the Doctor

River scans the Doctor, “Looks like your regen is finishing up sweetie. You gained a couple of inches in height, and filled out a bit more, so you may want to go change.”

The Doctor heads down a circular staircase that appears near his chair.

Amy yells, “Put something more useful on like trousers.” she turns to River, “should we go help?”

She needs to find her own way you know that. Save yourself some aggravation and stay here.

River what about the control area?”

Well if you would stop interrupting I could look it up I should have notes in my journal about this.”

Well fix it already. You two with your sonic screw drivers Time Lordiness knowledge and 'Spoilers', should be able to do that !” Amy looked Annoyed, “I'm supposed to be on my Honeymoon still, But when Rory and I started back on board to say hello after you returned.”

Well maybe if the Doctor knows, what has happened since the second alliance stuff started. It would jog His, um Her memories.”

River and Amy hear the sound of heels clicking down the hall to the right of the control center.


Ya daft bint, what is wrong with you ? Your the Doctor, but you're dressing like..... OHH!” Amy just runs off down the hall.

Oh dear, Um Sweetie, Why are you dressed like that? We are not going to any parties.”

The Doctor smiles vapidly, twirling a wisp of hair, “I dressed for Him, I know He will like this and Maybe he will kiss me again.”

River is shocked, +My Poor Sweetie has been over written with some bimbo instructions.+ “Sweetie just listen to me and I'll see if we can help you.


Amy walks back in, as River Song recites what happened before she returned to get Amy; “The Doctor had been captured by the Zygons, The Animus, Daemon's and Jagrafess'. They Left me for dead. I was barely able to crawl back to the TARDIS.

Two months passed, as I recovered, when TARDIS arrived back on earth just a day after the Doctor and I had departed. I knew that I needed Amy, Rory was just behind her but the TARDIS doors had closed before he got there. The TARDIS seeming to have taken control of it temporal movements.

When Amy and I landed, first thing we found were two Zygons barely alive, “The Doctor was put in our duplicate of the Pandorica. Our imprisonment of the Doctor shall not fail.”

Amy screamed at them, anger blazing in her eyes, “WHERE IS THE DOCTOR NOW?”

The other Zygon spoke,“Our Pandorica was taken and a reality bomb set off, we were the Farthest from the origin of the explosion, but it will soon take us and then this planet and you as well companion.” with that the Zygons disintegrated.

The Planet began to crumble. We ran back to the TARDIS, the TARDIS took us off to our next destination.


Amy interjects, “I see it now, The TARDIS is in control, but the TARDIS is not happy, maybe. …

Amy shush, 'Spoilers'. “ River is paging through her journal. “Amy tell the Doctor who we met next. While I research my new Journal for there are new entries here....

Amy and the Doctor, “'SPOILERS'!”,

Exactly Sweeties.”

The Doctor giggles vapidly, Amy looks at her and wonders +The Doctor seemed in control when we first got to her but seems to be deteriorating. I hope we can help the Doctor.+

Amy continues the story.


When the TARDIS, landed next River told me, “We are on New Earth, the year five billion and forty-two, we are in the Senate Chambers. The Doctor comes here in about thirteen years and fixes the Gridlock.'

I shrugged, “So what are we here for?” As we came out of the TARDIS. We find the Face of Boe hooked into the City support systems.

The Face of Boe groaned, “We were never meant to meet Doctor Song. The time line has changed again. I fear the Master may be Back.”

River explained to 'Jack'? That's what she called it, “We have been taken for a ride by the TARDIS, or more probably someone controlling the TARDIS. The Doctor has been imprisoned by another Alliance. The Prison and the Doctor are Missing. Do you have any thoughts on where we might find the Doctor, Jack?”

Very Clever DOCTOR Song, look on the Lost Moon of Poosh.”

Amy interrupts her narrative, “I thought it was strange how he Emphasized
the word Doctor when the Face spoke to River....”

Spoilers', Just bring her up to date so she has a complete history of how we got to this point.”

you can be so infuriating sometimes River. Ah right then,....”

River Scanned the Systems, told big face “You need help old friend if you are going to Make it to your next and last meeting with the Doctor.” River consults her mini comp, and Makes adjustments to the cables, connectors and equipment.

Then a cat person came in I was told it was Novice Hame, “Doctor is that you?”

Just Doctor Song and Amy. Though we do hope to find him soon.” I explained, why I said that I do not know.

Then the TARDIS was Screeching, and Groaning as if the Emergency brake was on,“River I think we have to go Now.” I shouted as I ran to the TARDIS, River was on my shoulder as we jumped through the doors.


So That was Captain Ja....”

AMY,'Spoilers', Just tell the Doctor what happened it does not help her if you fill in with guesses it will make her mind work and get better.”

Amy Continues her narrative....


It was not long before we arrived, I guess I should have noticed we never got close to the 'Piloting' area. The doors opened and we were on The Lost moon of Poosh, “Not so lost now are you.” I laughed, well I thought it was funny. We found it, well the TARDIS did.

We were carefully looking around the TARDIS when we both saw the Pandorica II. We ran to it, River pulled out her Mini Comp. She was scanning the prison, I was checking out the runes, they were different, rectangular, it was almost as if the pattern were designed around the shape of the TARDIS.

If the TARDIS can camouflage itself, why is it always a police box?”

'That's what you see, but others see it as whatever it translates to in their society.”

but the runes.... They are different now, they keep changing saying different things it mentions the Delirium Archive. There is more, I thought the TARDIS could translate everything.”

River looked at the readout, “The runes are phasing dimensions as well as time.”

I swung a pipe from the ground at the Doctors Prison, "UMMPH.” The blow dinna do, what to use...'No eye like the Master's'.” It was a voice ringing in my head that said those words.

What was that Amy like the Master's what ?”

I looked around, “The voice said No eye like the Master's. I remember something like it, A master's eye makes a fat horse, so tis said 'No eye like the Master's eye.”

River took out her sonic screwdriver, and Runs it up and down each corner, “Oh I hope it's not THE Master. Though the First time I met the Doctor, he was sure he was the only Time Lord Left, Oh did you remember all Time Lords Amy.”

No, just the Raggedy Doctor.” I saw different colors, as River checked each corner, I found a Sontaran meson gun and blasted the Cube with it. “Tis come a naught, how can I help him?”

River, smiled like she new something grabbed my hand, and pulled me back to the TARDIS, “Come lovely girl you want your Doctor back we need to go to the Delirium Archive.” The TRADIS Shook and rumbled.....


That brings us up to where we found you Doctor.”

That was sort of boring, What is a Boe and who is Jack, though I think I remember him being really dreamy.”

Ood-Sphere 4242: The Lights flash and there is a little rumble as the TARDIS materializes. The Doctor stands, “I am missing something, oh this is so... Let's shop is there a mall here or at least a nice shop.”

As the doors open an Odd guide is waiting “Follow please.”

They leave the TARDIS. When they have gone about five meters, “How do you manage this, my bum is freezing.”

River smirks, and Amy laughs, “Aye, right told you to wear trousers, Yer such a choob .”
River and Amy follow the Ood.

The Doctor attempts to go back in the TARDIS but the doors' won't open,”Great everyone is in on teaching me a lesson.” The Doctor gives up and joins River and Amy as they speak with the Ood.

It is good to have you back Doctor, nice legs...walk this way I mean. I shall take you to the prophet. He is good to ride... is in good health.”

There are several chairs around the table the prophet is seated at. River, The Doctor, and Amy sit in the chairs. The Prophet speaks, “There are four of Gallifray in the Cosmos, two Doctors, The Master and the offspring.“ The Prophet seems to fall asleep.

The Ood guide speaks, “The Prophet soon reaches, the end of his days. Gentle women please come with me.”

Amy is puzzled, “Doctor how could there be two of you, I did not know you had any children, and who's
the Master?”

The Master is a childhood friend, we had a bit of a difference,...”

River shrieks, “FRIEND, BIT OF A DIFFERENCE, he would happily kill you and everyone on the planet your on at the time.” River calms down a little, “AS to the others, I know of them both, The Doctor has a Daughter that was cloned from him well at the time
of the cloning him. As to the other Doctor, well 'SPOILERS', sweeties.”

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