A Flower's Bloom - Part 5

One simple test. That's all it took to change my life completely. Now, I have to learn how to use my new powers and how to be an agent for The Agency. But most importantly, I need to learn all about my new body. That would take some getting used to.

A Flower's Bloom
Part 5
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: July 15, 2010

Author Note: Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited.

Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address.

*  *  *

Chapter 16 - Dreams Come True

It was dark when I awoke. The room appeared to be a hospital room, and the lights were dim. I was wearing a hospital gown, which made me worry a little bit.

There wasn’t anyone in the room, so I got up off the bed and looked out the door. There was a small nurses’ station on the other side of the hall. It looked like a nurse had her head on the desk.

I crossed the hall and when I approached the desk I could hear light snoring.

"Excuse me?" I said. The nurse didn’t budge. I walked around the desk and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me?" I repeated.

She jumped, and I shrieked in response.

"Oh my gosh," she said. "Don’t DO that!"

"I’m sorry," I said. "I didn’t mean to scare you."

"It's okay," she said. "I can’t believe I fell asleep. How long have you been awake?"

"Um, not very long. Where am I?"

"You’re in the medical ward here at Alpha Complex. You didn’t know?"

"No," I replied. "The last thing I remember is walking toward our lockers in the locker room. What happened to me? Where is everybody?"

"Dr. Patrick said your body was exhausted. She said the swimming just taxed the low energy levels it had, and it knocked you out to finish the changes. Everybody went to bed when they found out you were stable."

"Oh," I said. "What time is it?"

She looked at her watch. "It's about 5:00," she said.

"In the morning?" I asked.

"Yes; you’ve been out all night, which is why I’m here. We don’t usually have patients spend the night."

"I’m sorry," I apologized.

"It's not your fault, honey. The Procedure can be taxing on the body. Most patients would have been fine doing what you did. But because of your extensive changes, your body wasn't up to the exertion."

"What happens now?" I asked.

"I can wake up Dr. Patrick if you want," she said, "but she recommended you try to go back to sleep if you woke up before she came in."

"Who's Dr. Patrick?" I asked.

"Nina?" she responded. She looked a little confused that I wouldn’t know my own doctor.

"Oh!" I said. "I don’t think she ever told me her last name."

"Anyway," the nurse continued. "What do you want to do?"

"I guess I'll try to get some more sleep," I said.

"Okay," she said, "I'll be out here if you need me."

"Okay. What’s your name?"

"My name is Brooklyn," she said.

"Thanks for watching over me, Brooklyn," I said as I walked back into my room.

"You’re welcome, sweetie," she said before I was out of sight.

I went into the adjoining bathroom to relieve myself. I knew they had done it, but seeing myself without the wig and breast forms was the last thing I wanted to do. The only plus was that I would have my own by the end of the day.

After relieving myself I climbed back into bed. I thought it was going to be hard to get back to sleep after 12 hours, but I was asleep within half an hour.

*  *  *

"Jaz," the voice said, "Wake up."

I groaned. I could sleep for another hour or two.

"Jaz, I heard that." It was Nikki. There was no mistaking her enthusiasm.

"Want more sleep," I said.

"You’ve been asleep for 15 hours. You’re missing the best part! Changes are happening, missy!"

"What do you mean?" I said while sitting up. I was wide awake now!

I knew right away what she was talking about. A cascade of blonde locks fell around my face! I shrieked in excitement and ran for the bathroom.

It was beautiful! It was long! It was perfect!

The most beautiful color of blonde flowed all the way down to the small of my back! I was giddy and couldn’t stop jumping up and down. The whole time my hair was bouncing with me and I was amazed at how heavy it was.

It also framed the most gorgeous face I had ever seen! My lips were fuller and my eyes looked bigger! My nose was perfect and my cheekbones were more pronounced! I could still see me in there, but it was me as a beautiful girl!

I looked back at my hair, it was very straight, and oddly enough, it appeared to be styled. It was perfectly how I would want it to look!

"Did you style it while I was asleep?" I asked Nikki.

"No, a second ago it was all wild and crazy like it had been slept on. I don’t know how it looks like that now." She seemed surprised when she looked at it.

"Well, it's beautiful." I admired it for another minute or two before I started looking over my body. "That seems to be the only change so far," I said after peeking in my robe.

"Yeah, we haven’t seen anything else really change, not even on Justin or myself," she said. "The doctors expect that for the most part my changes and Justin's changes will be small cosmetic things. He doesn’t think we will change that much.

"You, on the other hand," she continued, "are going to have the best day of your life! Wait here. I'll go get Nina and Jill."

Nina and Jill came into the bathroom with Nikki a few moments later. They both had smiles on their faces as they looked at my hair.

"Wow," Jill said. "You two did a good job styling it."

"That’s just it," Nikki said. "We didn’t touch it. It changed by itself."

"Are you sure?" Nina asked. She sounded intrigued.

"Yeah," Nikki replied," When she jumped up and ran for the bathroom it was still unkempt, but it looked like this when I reached the bathroom behind her."

"Jaz," Nina said while pulling out a clipboard, "What were you thinking about when you were heading to the bathroom?"

"I don’t know," I said. After a moment’s thought I continued. "I was imagining what it would look like."

"Okay, she said, "What do you think you would look like if your hair was curly?"

I thought about it, but was interrupted when they all gasped.

"What?" I asked as I turned back toward the mirror. My hair was now curly. It fell in nice waves down my back. But the scary part was that it was exactly how I had imagined it!

"That is so cool!" Nikki said.

"Yes," Nina agreed. "I think this is probably the first power manifestation of you three. Because it is showing up at the time the physical changes appeared, it's probably safe to assume this is a minor power."

"It's way cool though," I said while running my hands through another style I had thought up.

"Did you paint your nails?" Jill asked me.

"No," I said looking at my nails. They were painted a light pink that was very pretty. I had a sudden thought, and imagined them bright red.

"It's not just my hair," I said as I held my hand out to show them my nails changing color.

"If you can change your nail color, can you change your hair color as well?" Nina asked while writing again.

I turned back to the mirror and imagined myself as a brunette. It was amazing to watch my hair change color. It was a quick change, but I could definitely see the new color start at my scalp and continue to the end.

"Wow," Nikki said, "Your skin tone changed slightly to make it look better."

"Actually," Nina said while writing more things down on her clipboard. "I bet Jaz felt the different skin tone better suited the hair color. Jaz, what if you had a tan, what would it look like?"

"I don’t know," I said again, but tried to imagine it. My skin darkened a little bit. "Wow," I said.

"What if you were black?" Nina asked.

"Like African-American black?" I asked.

"Yes," she clarified.

I tried to picture myself with a browner skin tone, and my skin darkened a little bit, but not to what I was picturing. It still just looked like a tan.

"So no racial changes then," she said after seeing my reaction. "I wonder if that’s a physical or mental limitation." She wrote some more on her clipboard.

"If I can change my looks like this, how do I know who is me?" I asked.

"You mean, how you look without modification?" Jill asked. She almost sounded like a therapist, which reminded me of her job. I hope I could cope with this.

"Yeah," I said. I wanted to know me, not these other girls.

"Well," Nina interrupted. "You are still you. These changes appear to be superficial only. Your face and physical structure have not changed at all. The only real change has been in coloring and the style of your hair."

I understood what she meant and looked back at the mirror. She was right. The beautiful face I had seen when I first walked into the bathroom was still there. I concentrated on trying to change it, but nothing happened.

"Can’t change it?" Nina asked. I shook my head. "I doubt you will ever be able to change the structure. Usually small powers like this can be developed during the first 3 stages. They usually are easy to control, like this one, and never really grow beyond."

"But what do I really look like?" I asked.

"Your original look, the one you saw when you entered the bathroom, is you. It didn’t change until you consciously made it change," Nina said.

"But my hair changed," I said. I actually had tears in my eyes now.

"Jaz," Nikki said in a comforting tone. "I saw you before you even woke up. The only thing that changed between when you ran for the bathroom and when I got there was the neatness of it. When I woke you up it was already in that straight style, it just looked like you had been sleeping on it." She gave me a hug and helped me let it out.

"I just want to be me," I said into her shoulder.

"You are," she said and turned me toward the mirror. "See?"

She was right, of course. The beautiful blonde I had seen originally was looking back at me again. Somehow I knew that she was me, which made me feel much better.

"This is going to take some getting used to," I said while drying my eyes. "I’m sorry, I just felt horrible. I can't believe I’m crying so much."

"It's okay, Jaz, your body is still adjusting to your hormones," Nina said. "Any strong feelings you have are probably going to get amplified."

"Thank you all, I don’t know what I would do without you." I said sincerely.

"Come on," Nikki said pulling me out of the bathroom. "You need some food."

"Wait!" I said while pulling back. "I need to use the restroom."

"Okay," she said and let me go. The others stepped past me to give me some privacy.

I closed the door and turned back to the mirror. I was beautiful. I still couldn’t get over it! I pulled the robe off and looked at the rest of my body. I still didn’t see any other changes so I sat down and relieved myself. After wiping I stood up, washed my hands, put on the hospital robe and exited the restroom.

Nikki was still in the room when I came out. She had a tray of food that looked like it came from the cafeteria, and a very comfortable looking pink robe.

"I’m not getting out of here anytime soon, am I?" I asked her.

"I’m afraid not," she said, "Nina is worried you’ll overdo it again. But don’t worry, I'll keep you company."

"Grreeaatt," I said sarcastically.

She just stuck her tongue out at me and carried the tray over to a table in the corner.

"Here," she said handing me the robe. "This will be better than that hospital gown." I took it from her, pulled off the hospital gown and then wrapped it around me. It was very soft.

"Not hungry?" I asked her as I sat down next to her.

"Hello," she said, "It's 10:30. I ate hours ago while you were sleeping."

"Oh," was all I could say to that.

*  *  *

I wasn’t quite sure how it started, I think I interrupted her story with a catty remark or something. All I know is that one minute we were sitting on my bed sharing stories of growing up, and the next I was doubled over in pain.

Nikki just kept telling me how sorry she was over and over as I tried to recover. I could still see her weapon of choice, an overstuffed pillow, lying next to her on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Nikki finally asked after I seemed to get my breath back. Nina was also there. She must have come running when I screamed.

"Yeah," I eventually said. "I just wasn’t expecting so much pain."

"What happened?" Nina asked.

"I hit her with a pillow," Nikki replied. "It wasn’t even that hard."

"Where does it hurt?" Nina asked me.

"My chest felt like it was on fire," I replied.

"Let’s have a look. Can you take off the robe?"

I did as she asked and stared at my chest. I was ecstatic to see that my nipples were larger, and there appeared to be some puffiness around them.

Nina saw my smile and returned it with one of her own. "This is a big day in every girl's life, Jaz. Congratulations." She gave me a hug which I returned. Nikki did the same, and soon I was crying again.

"Thank you guys so much," I said while wiping away tears. "I’m so happy right now!"

"Well Jaz, I’d also like to take a look down below, if that’s okay."

"Sure," I said and started to take off the panties I was wearing.

"Do you want me to leave?" Nikki asked quickly.

"That’s up to you," I replied. "I don’t mind if you stay."

"Okay," she said with a smile on her face.

I pulled my panties down my legs and then stepped out of them. What I found between my legs made me smile even more.

"Lie on the bed and spread your legs for me please," Nina said.

I climbed onto the bed and spread my legs as best I could. It was a little embarrassing since I was still male down there, but I knew it wouldn’t last.

Between my legs I could still see my penis, but it was smaller than it used to be. Not by much, but enough to be obvious to me. But the thing that really caught my eye was how flat the rest of my crotch was. My scrotum was completely gone, leaving smooth skin all the way between my penis and my anus.

"It looks like you are well on the way," Nina said while examining me. "This is interesting," she continued when she lifted my penis up."

"What is," I asked, trying to see what she was talking about.

At the base of my penis was a hole. I knew enough about female anatomy to know that it was too small and too high up to be the vaginal canal, so I looked closer.

"It looks like urinary function has been rerouted already," Nina said.

"Oh," I said understanding. My new urethra had already formed! It looked wrong being alone like that. "What about my penis? It wasn't like that when I peed earlier," I asked while looking at the tip. It was smooth skin, and there was no sign of the opening. "That looks kinda freaky."

"It would appear that your penis is now nothing more than an oversized clitoris as far as function goes," Nina explained. "You obviously won’t be able to use it to urinate or have sex. I expect it will only be a few hours before this stage is complete."

"I can’t wait!" I said with a huge smile on my face. "Dreams really can come true."

*  *  *

Nina finished her exam and told me to call her if any changes occurred. I put the robe back on and Nikki went to get us some food.

We tried to find something good to watch on TV while we waited, but the only thing that was really on were talk shows or soap operas, and we weren’t really interested in either.

Around 12:45, I felt a small throb coming from my chest. I took the robe off to see and was surprised to find that I had breasts!

I was very excited as I told Nikki, "I think they’re growing!"

They weren’t really much bigger than before, but they had definition now!

"I'll get Nina," Nikki said as she got up and headed out the door.

I looked back down at my breasts. They were probably a AAA cup. Looking closely, I could actually see them growing! It was very slow, but I could see it happening! I didn’t really feel anything different. Every once in a while I felt a small throb like I had originally, but not much more beyond normal.

Nikki came back in with Nina, who wanted to do another checkup.

She felt around my chest and confirmed that they were growing continuously. She then asked me to take my panties off again.

My penis had gotten smaller, but nothing else had changed. It was about 2 inches long now. I had felt it shrinking since this morning, but I hadn’t looked at it in about half an hour.

As she was examining it, I felt a throb like I had felt on my chest, and we could actually see my penis shrink. As we watched, the speed of the shrinking increased, and within five minutes, I no longer had a penis!

It had shrunken into a small nub above where my urethra had formed. I knew that I now had a clitoris, but the thought was staggering to me! I couldn’t really feel the emotions anymore I was so happy.

From an early age I had realized that I should have been born female. When I was old enough to learn the differences between boys and girls I had begun to despise my penis. I didn’t want one between my legs unless it was attached to a lover!

For the first time in my life, I was starting to feel complete! I did not have a vagina yet, but I no longer had a penis, and my breasts were growing!

I gave Nikki and Nina a hug. I was so happy, and I was glad that they were there with me.

I got up and went into the bathroom to look at myself in the full length mirror that was in there. What I saw just made me smile even more. Without a penis between my legs, I looked every inch a girl. My breasts were now about a AA, and there was no denying that they belonged on my body.

After looking myself over for a few minutes, I slipped my robe back on, sans panties, and went back into the room. Nikki was still there, smiling about as big as I was.

"Do you mind if I call my sister?” I asked.

"Not at all," she said. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No," I said. "You don’t have to. It might be nice to have the company anyway."

"Good," she said, "Because I don’t have anything else to do!"

We both laughed at that, and then I gave her another hug. "Thank you, Nikki. I’m glad I’ve got a friend like you."

"I’m glad that I’m your friend too," she said. "So what’s your sister like?"

"She's cool. Other than Jill, Nina, and you, she's the only one who’s really accepted me so far."

"I think Justin would accept you all the way to the altar," she commented with a sly smile.

"I’m not ready for that yet," I replied. "We are NOT going there."

"You’ll have to face him at some point," she said.

"I know. I just can’t believe the turn around he made when I dressed up. Anyway, I need to call my sister before her study period is over."

"Alright,' she said.

I picked the phone up and dialed my sister's cell phone. Lying on the bed, I waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" I heard her ask after a few rings.

"Hi, Cami," I said.

"Hi," she said. "Um, who is this?"

"It's Jaz, your beautiful older sister," I replied. I knew she wouldn’t recognize my new voice.

"Jaz!" she exclaimed. "Wow, you don’t sound anything like you used to!"

"I know, this has been the best week of my life so far!" I said.

"So you really are happy with this?" she asked.


"Good, because I don’t want to lose you before I even get to meet you."

"You won’t, I promise," I said.

"So how are you? Have you changed all the way?" she asked.

"I’m doing great. Today has been so awesome. I’m still changing, but I’m getting really close," I replied.

"How close?"

"Really close. My breasts are growing, and I no longer have any male parts. I’m just kinda waiting for the female parts to show up."

"So are you like flat down there or something?" she asked confused.

"No, not really," I said. "I, um, I’ve got a clitoris and a urethra down there now, but the rest of the skin is smooth. I don’t have any labia or an actual vagina yet."

"Oh," she said. She sounded disgusted by that.

"Hey, you asked!" I said and started laughing. She joined in as well.

"It’ll be nice to have a sister," she said. "I just wish we could have grown up this way."

"Me too," I said with a sigh.

"Oh, hey," I continued, “I learned about one of my powers today too."

"Seriously? I thought you said they wouldn’t show up until tomorrow."

"That’s what I thought too, but this morning while I was looking at my new face, and my new hair I found out I can change things," I said.

"Like what?" she asked.

"Like my hair style, the color of my hair and nails, and even my skin color to an extent," I explained.

"Wow, that’s pretty cool, that will save tons of time on getting ready. You’re making me jealous."

I heard a bell ring through the phone.

"Sorry, Jaz, I’ve got to go to my next class. Talk to you tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll call you tonight. Thanks, Cami," I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For being such a great sister," I replied.

"Oh, Jaz," she said a little teary. "I can’t wait to say the same about you."

"I can’t wait to come home. Hopefully the next few days will go by quickly."

"I hope so," she said. "I’m outside my class now. I'll talk to you tonight. I love you."

"I love you too, Cami," I said. "Good bye."

"Bye," she said before hanging up.

I hung up the phone and slumped back on the bed.

"That was quick," Nikki said.

"Yeah," I replied. "She had to go into class."

"Any more changes?" Nikki asked.

"I don’t know," I said while untying my robe. "I can still feel the throbbing."

My breasts were bigger, about a full A cup now. I could actually feel them bouncing around when I moved.

Down below was still the same though.

"Just bigger boobs," I said while giggling. "This is boring."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, this is one of the best days of my life, but I’m stuck here waiting for something to happen."

There was a knock on the door to the room. I guessed something was going to happen. I quickly closed my robe as Nikki walked to the door. She made sure I was decent before opening it.

Justin and Jay were outside, and asked if they could come in.

"Sure, one sec," I said when Nikki looked toward me for an answer. She closed the door and I grabbed my panties and pulled them on. After nodding to her that it was okay, she let them in.

"Both of them gaped at me as they walked in. I knew I was a knockout now, but their undisguised staring was unsettling. I pouted, and they seemed to be drawn back to the real world.

"Wow," Justin said. "You really changed. You’re beautiful."

"Thanks," I said. His comment left me feeling awkward. This is something I did not want to deal with right now.

"Are the changes done?" Jay asked.

"Not yet," I said.

"How far are they?" Justin asked.

"That’s...personal." I responded coldly.

"I’m sorry," he apologized. "I didn’t mean it like that. Hey," he said, trying to deflect my ire. "I heard you have a power already."

"Yeah," I said a little more excitedly. "I can do this!" I changed from my normal blonde to a raven haired beauty. At least I was in my mind.

"Oh my gosh!" Justin exclaimed. This was obviously his first time seeing a power. "That is awesome! Do it again!"

It was easy to impress him I guess. I tried a couple of different looks before eventually changing back to myself. It was different than the other changes, it almost felt like a relief when I changed back, and I realized that it must take some kind of concentration or something to hold the changes.

We were still talking 5 minutes later when I felt a sharp pain between my legs. It made me yelp, and everybody stopped talking. Nikki could see the pain on my face, and she quickly took charge.

"I think you guys need to go now," she said.

"But..." Justin started.

"NOW!" Nikki said louder. "We need to check things out that are for girls’ eyes only. Please leave. You can come back later."

"Come on, Justin," Jay said, pulling him toward the door. "We'll check on you girls later."

"Okay, tell Nina to come in," Nikki said as she closed the door behind them.

Once the door was closed, I pulled off the robe and dropped my panties.

I had a small cleft between my legs now! At the bottom nearest to my anus was a small split between the two sides of skin. I was pretty sure that is what caused the initial sharp pain. As we watched, we could see it slowly extending upward, which accounted for the continuing pain.

I was so excited! I wanted to scream out in joy, but only pain came out instead. Nikki held my hand to help comfort me, and if I hadn’t been in pain, I would have given her a hug.

Nina came in a minute later, I’m sure she heard my pain and concern was in her voice as she spoke.

"Are you okay, Jaz?" she asked as she walked from the door to where I was on the bed.

"Yeah," I said. "I can’t complain about the pain when it’s giving me what I’ve wanted for so long."

She set her clipboard down and started to examine the changes. "Well the cause of the pain is pretty evident," she said after a quick examination. "It looks like you’re forming the labia lips at the same time. My best estimate is that you will have the external genitalia of a female in a few minutes. The only thing left after that would be the actual vagina itself, and the finishing of your breasts."

"I haven’t felt the throbbing on my chest lately. Do you think they are done?" I asked.

"Let’s see," she said. "If you are, then they stopped at a perfect size for your frame. It looks like you are about a B cup now. With your small body, that is probably about average."

"They look perfect, Jaz," Nikki said. "Mine are too small for me."

"They look fine to me," I reassured her.

"Yeah, but I’m only a B cup as well. I think a C cup would look better on my taller body."

"Maybe they will grow today," I said, trying to cheer her up a little.

"I hope so."

"Either way," Nina interrupted, "All we can do now is wait."

The pain was annoying, but manageable. I sat there entranced as I watched my vagina forming. My biggest dream in life was coming true right before my eyes!

My new slit continued its trek up my crotch. When it reached my urethra, the skin around it and my clitoris sunk inward a little, and began to change to look more like the rest of my inner labia. The pain doubled for a brief moment as the split started around both sides of my urethra and worked upward again, until they met just above my clitoris.

It was everything I had ever dreamed it would be! The inner labia lips were not really much larger than the outer ones. When I closed my legs experimentally, the inner labia was completely hidden inside the outer lips. It was exactly how I pictured my vagina whenever I fantasized about having one.

I was crying again! I could only hope that my emotional state would stabilize soon! I gave Nina and Nikki another hug and thanked them both for all the support they were giving me.

"The only thing that could make this day better," I said, "Would be if my mom and my sister were here."

"I'm sorry they couldn’t be here, Jaz," Nikki said. "But you’ll see them soon enough."

"Yeah, I guess so, but right now I need to use the restroom," I said while standing up. I hadn’t gone most of the day, and all of a sudden the pressure was intense.

I walked into the restroom, still naked. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t see anything but a beautiful girl. There were no bulges or lack of parts marring the image now. I admired myself in the mirror for a few moments before turning to the toilet. This was the first time in my life that I would be required to sit.

I sat down and spread my legs. I was curious to see how this worked. I was worried about not being able to control it in some way, but as soon as I tried to let it go, it came out naturally.

It certainly felt different than what I had been used to. It was less directional, seemingly spraying everywhere. It was weird to see and feel the stream coming from just above my new vagina, but like everything else that had happened today, it made me happy.

After I was finished, I wiped and stood up. I thought that the act of peeing in this new body would be weird, but it actually felt natural. I wondered if the Procedure made it feel that way.

I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom and found Nina waiting for me.

"Everything work okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "It felt kind of weird at first, but by the time I was done, it felt natural."

She was writing on her clipboard again. "Any trouble starting or stopping the stream?" she asked.

That was kind of an embarrassing question, and I turned red as I replied. "No."

"Sorry, Jaz, these are questions I need to ask."

I sighed.

"Any burning sensation?" she continued.

"No, everything was normal," I said, a little irritated.

"Okay, okay," she said raising her arms in surrender. "Just tell me if something feels wrong, alright?"

"Alright, I promise." I said.

"We're going to need to do a full exam when you're finished changing, including an internal," she said.

"What’s that?" I asked.

"It's one of the worst parts about being a girl," Nikki said.

"It's an important part of a woman's health," Nina said to help keep me from being discouraged. "Basically we just peek inside your vagina to make sure everything is okay."

"That doesn’t sound too bad," I said.

"It's different for every woman. Anyway, I’ve got some things I need to attend to. Just call me if you have any problems, or the changes continue," Nina said.

"Okay," I replied. "See you later."

"Bye, Nina," Nikki said.

"Bye," Nina said while picking up her clipboard and heading out the door.

"Bored again," Nikki stated.

"Yeah," I agreed, and slumped back on the bed.

*  *  *

It was about 2:00 when the next change occurred. We were still sitting there bored when Nikki got a surprised look on her face, and her hands reached for her breasts.

"My boobs are throbbing!" she said excitedly. "Maybe they’re growing!"

She pulled her top off and unhooked her bra. I knew we were both girls now, but the act surprised me. Other than my own and a few glimpses in the locker room, I had never seen breasts in person before.

She seemed unfazed by my startled reaction as she examined her breasts. I couldn’t tell from where I was sitting whether they were growing or not, but she seemed positive that they were.

Nina showed up shortly thereafter. We must have been making enough noise to alert her.

"Everything okay?" she asked while taking in the situation.

"I think my boobs are growing!" Nikki said excitedly.

"Oh," Nina said. She sounded somewhat surprised. "I thought maybe Jaz was finishing up."

"Not yet," I said.

"Well, let me have a look then," Nina said.

She was able to confirm that Nikki's breasts were growing. She was about as happy as I had been today. It was nice to see someone else getting something they wanted out of this deal.

They grew pretty quickly, and about 15 minutes after they started, her breasts stopped growing. Nina pulled out a tape measure, and Nikki was ecstatic when she learned she had grown a full cup size and now sported C cups. I must admit, they did look good on her.

I was beginning to wish this day would just get over with when I felt it. "Uh," I said. It was a pressure at the bottom of my new vulva. It was also pretty easy to understand what was happening.

"Nina," I said. She was finishing up with Nikki so this was a good time, I guess. "It's happening."

"Lie on the bed," she said. "This probably won’t take very long."

She was right, as usual. It took about 20 minutes. The whole time I could feel the pressure growing deeper. It didn’t hurt at all, for which I was grateful.

At one point I decided to stick my finger inside. I’d never been this close to a vagina before, so I had nothing to compare it too. My finger only went in to about the second knuckle before hitting the wall where it was still growing inward, but it was amazing. I have never felt anything quite like the penetration I felt now.

There was a slight pain at the end, but then the feeling stopped.

"Nina," I said with a big smile on my face." I think it's over!"

"Let's check," she said and pulled out an instrument that looked like a diabetes tester.

"What’s that?" I asked.

"This will tell us if you’re finished with the stage," She said. "Hold out your arm and we will know in no time."

I held out my arm as I asked, "Why didn’t you check the other stages like this?"

"We did, you were just asleep when we did it," she explained.

There was a small sharp pain where she had put the tip of the device, but it was a lot less painful than I was expecting. She then removed the device from my arm when a red light lit up.

"Congratulations, Jaz!" she said while giving me a hug. "The red light means you’re done changing. You’re a full girl now!"

I was crying again when Nikki came and joined the hug a second later. "Grats, Jaz," she exclaimed.

Now I really wished my mom and sister were here.

*  *  *

A Flower's Bloom: Part 6
Coming Soon...

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