A Flower's Bloom - Part 3

One simple test. That's all it took to change my life completely. Now, I have to learn how to use my new powers and how to be an agent for The Agency. But most importantly, I need to learn all about my new body. That would take some getting used to.

A Flower's Bloom
Part 3
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: July 8, 2010

Author Note: Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited.

Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address.

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Chapter 12 - The Beginning

I woke up to somebody shaking me. I really didn't feel like getting up and wanted to sleep for a few more hours.

'Come on, Jaz," I heard Nikki say.

I groaned.

"Finally! I thought you were never going to wake up.”

I groaned again.

"Come on," she said. "We've been trying to wake you up for half an hour. Get up, we need to go."

I groaned a third time. I hadn’t been in this much pain in quite a while. Yesterday’s workout was really catching up with me. Despite the pain, I did manage to get up this time.

"Here," Nikki said, "Put this on."

It turned out to be yesterday’s track suit, or at least an identical one. Once I had it on, Nikki started to pull me toward the front door of my suite.

"Come on," she said forcefully, "we're going to be late."

"Bathroom first," I argued, and veered toward the bathroom door.

Once inside I closed the door and turned toward the toilet. I hesitated before lifting the toilet seat. My first instincts were to go to the bathroom sitting down, which kind of surprised me. However, I realized that this might be the last time that I could go to the bathroom while standing up, so I wanted to take advantage of it. Once I was done, I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and opened the door.

"That didn’t sound very ladylike," Nikki said.

"Yeah? Well it could be my last time, so sue me," I said while sticking my tongue out at her.

"Whatever, let's just get moving."

We found the others waiting for us in the hallway.

"Oh, it's you," Justin sneered.

I didn’t really expect that after last night, but he might just be less accepting because I looked like my old male self this morning, instead of the new female me he saw yesterday. If he was just reacting to my looks, then hopefully he would accept me as who I would be after the Procedure.

"What took you so long?" Jill asked. "We're late."

"Sorry," Nikki replied. "I couldn’t get her to wake up!"

"I’m sorry too," I apologized, "I’m not usually a heavy sleeper. I think I’m just worn out from all the exertion yesterday."

"Well, you’re awake now, at least," Jill replied. "Come on, let’s go get started."

Jill led us back down to the Medical section’s conference room, where both Dr. Youngs were waiting. I noticed the male doctor check his watch when we walked in.

"Not too late," he said to his wife. "This shouldn’t affect the timetable."

Turning to us, he spoke again. "Good morning," he said. "Welcome to the first day of your new lives. Have a seat and we will go over what you can expect over the next few days."

After we all sat down, he spoke.

"The Procedure is broken into four stages: general size/skeletal changes, internal changes, external changes, and power awakenings.

"Okay," he continued. "Now a little more information on what you can expect during Stage 1.

"Stage 1, or general skeletal changes, is probably the most intense stage. This is primarily because it involves changes to your bone structure. Stage 1 will be completed entirely in the lab to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Don’t worry, though, nothing ever has in the 25 times we've performed the Procedure.

"You will be asleep for the majority of Stage 1. The retrovirus will actually make you sleep to help make the large changes it needs to make. Once the changes are complete, you will wake up and after a few shorts tests you will be released from the lab. Any questions so far?"

"Will it hurt?" I asked.

"This stage? No. You may have some minor aches or pains later this evening, but some Tylenol should be enough to alleviate the pain. Part of the reason you will be asleep for Stage 1 is to prevent any pain. There may be some minor pains during the other stages, but it usually isn’t too serious. If it does become a problem, come in and we can give you something stronger to help. Any other questions?"

"So by the end of the day, I could be taller?" Justin asked.

Justin was somewhat short, at only 5' 6" tall. Nikki was about the same height, but I stood a full 3 inches taller. Maybe that was adding to his reluctance to accept me. By the end of the day, our heights could be reversed.

"By our calculations, you most likely will be," the doctor said. "Nikki will probably stay relatively the same height, and Bre... er Jaz will most likely become shorter."

"I like the sound of that!" Justin said while glaring at me.

I just shrugged at that, because being shorter would bring me into the norm for most girls.

"How long will Stage 1 last?" Nikki asked.

"That varies depending on the changes that the retrovirus needs to make. The least amount of time we've seen is three hours, and the most has been six. We are expecting to set a new length record today with Jasmine's changes.

"Let's see here," he said while shuffling through some papers until he found what he was looking for. "We estimated that it would take Nikki about 3 hours, Justin about 4 1/2 hours, and Jaz about 8 or 9 hours."

"Wow," I said.

"Yes," he continued, "You will be undergoing the most Stage 1 changes we've seen to date."

"What changes will actually be made?" I asked.

"Well, for all of you, the bone structure will be hardened significantly. That's about all that will happen to Nikki. Justin, you will also be growing taller, which accounts for the extra time you will be under.

"Jaz, you will be getting shorter, but your whole bone structure will be changing. All of your bones will be getting smaller, and in some places will be completely changed, such as your hips and pelvic bones. Once Stage 1 is complete, you should have the bone structure of an 18 year old girl." He sounded more excited than I would have preferred. I guessed a gender change was the biggest thing that will have happened around here in a while.

"It's almost nine now, so we are a little behind schedule. If we start quickly, we should be able to meet again between six and seven tonight to talk about the rest of the stages. Any more questions, or are you ready to get started?"

"I guess we're ready," Nikki said when none of us spoke up.

"Alright then, please follow me," he said while rising from his chair. "We are going to start with Jaz first, since hers will take the longest. Justin will be next, and then Nikki last.”

He led us down the hall a little further until we reached a door labeled 'Procedure Room 1.'

"Jaz in here," he said while opening the door. "Take off all of your clothes and we will be in to get you started shortly. Nikki, you will be in Room 2, and Justin in Room 3."

As I entered Room 1, I couldn’t help but feel an adrenaline rush. This was it! This was the beginning of something I had been waiting my entire life for!

The inside of the room was very spartan. The first thing I noticed was a big clear tub in the middle of the room. A number of pipes seemed to surround it. In one corner was a little area where one could change behind those small partitions. The opposite corner had a computer station and a number of monitors, most likely used to monitor the patient and control whatever the tub did. There was also a small area with two chairs off to one side. Other than that, it was completely utilitarian. The floor, walls, and even the ceiling were covered in white tile, and there didn’t appear to be any decorations anywhere.

I stood there looking around for a little bit when I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" I heard.

"Yeah," I replied.

The door opened and Nina walked in.

"Hi, Nina," I said excitedly. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too, honey," she said while giving me a small hug. "Come on, you have an appointment with destiny, and we need to get you ready."

That brought a smile to my face.

"You need to take your clothes off first. You can either do it behind the screen, or here, but either way, you need to be naked for this part of the procedure."

"Do I get a robe or something?" I asked.

"Not for this part, sweetie," she replied. "Get undressed and we'll get you hooked up in the tub."

"Okay," I said. "What is the tub for, anyway?" I asked as I headed for the screen. As I was undressing, she answered my question.

"The tub will contain a nutrient mix that will help your body as it changes. It will also wipe away the secretions that your body will make."

"Secretions?" I had to ask. It sounded really gross.

"Um," she hesitated. "When your body shrinks, the extra mass needs to go somewhere. During the procedure, the extra mass is secreted through your pores in a very nasty looking goo. I'll be honest - it grosses me out every time. You should be happy that it will all be washed away before you wake up.

"Are you ready yet?" she asked.

"I guess so," I replied.

"Okay then, just come out and hop in the tub."

I did as she asked, blushing the whole time I walked across the room.

"Just sit tight for a second. Dr. Young will be here shortly to start the procedure."

The bathtub was clear, so I couldn’t really hide anything while sitting there. To make matters worse, I was getting a little excited at the thought of fulfilling my dreams. I just wanted it to be over with so that I could get on with my life in the way it should be.

After a short wait, Dr. Young came into the room.

"Are you ready, Jaz?" he asked.

"I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life," I replied.

"Good," he smiled. "Let's get started then. In a moment we will give you a shot, which will introduce the retrovirus into your body. We will then fill the tub with a nutrient that your body can use to help fuel the changes. Before the tub is full, you should be asleep. Next thing you know, you’ll be looking forward to Stage 2."

He opened a briefcase that he had brought in with him and pulled out a large hypodermic needle. Stepping toward me, I almost freaked at the sight.

"Don’t like needles?" he guessed.

"Not at all," I replied with a nervous laugh.

"Well this one is going to help you become the real you, so think about that person; it might help you get past any pain it might cause. Now, please kneel down in the tub, this shot needs to be administered in the buttocks."

I couldn’t help it. I started giggling. Hearing someone his age say that just seemed funny to me for some reason.

Anyway, I did as he requested, leaning my head over the side. I tried to think about what kind of girl I would become, but I really didn’t have any idea.

His suggestion didn’t work anyway. I cried out when he inserted the needle, and again when he depressed the stopper. I hated shots with a passion, and this one was no different.

"See," he said. "That wasn’t so bad."

I hadn’t even noticed that he had pulled it out! It still felt like it was in there!

"The burning sensation will go away in a second or two. In the meantime we are going to start filling the tub."

I turned around and sat down in the tub. The next thing I knew an amber liquid was pouring into the tub. It was warm and felt quite inviting. It was thicker than water, but I found that I could still move around easily in it. When the tub was about half full, I started to feel drowsy. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was Dr. Young speaking.

"Sweet dreams, Jaz, we'll see you on the other side."

*  *  *

Chapter 13 - Great Things, Small Packages

It was quiet when I woke up. I just laid there looking at the ceiling for a while.

"Are you awake?" I heard someone ask.

"Yeah," I said. "How long was I out?"

"About 9 hours, it's about 6:15 in the evening."

"Oh," I said while finally lifting my head up. It turned out to be Nina I was talking too.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"I feel great, actually. A little weak, but I feel like I’ve been sleeping for months."

"Well, you have been asleep for a while. You should start to feel more strength shortly. It looks like the Procedure is progressing perfectly," she said while walking over to me.

I noticed then that I was no longer in the room with the tub. The room I was in looked like a hospital room. They must have moved me to some sort of recovery room.

"Are you ready to see the changes?" she asked.

"I guess so," I said nervously.

She came over and helped me sit up in the bed. She then pulled back the sheets and helped me pull off the hospital gown I was wearing, which gave me a chance to see myself.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I was tiny! My arms, my legs, even my chest and waist had all lost circumference. I was skinny. That was about the best I could describe it. My whole body was very thin looking, but in a healthy way.

And I had curves! There was no way to deny it. I had the figure of a woman! My hips were wider, and my waist was narrower! I didn’t know what my measurements were, but I bet they were around what a lot of people would consider ideal.

"Come on, I’ll help you to a mirror," she said while helping me move my legs off the side of the bed.

"On three we stand, okay?" she asked.

"Okay," I replied.

"One," she started counting. "Two, three."

I tried to stand, but I would have fallen straight to the floor if Nina hadn’t been holding me up.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I was just expecting the floor a lot sooner!"

She laughed. "You’ve lost nearly nine inches in height. I guess that’s to be expected."

"Nine inches?" Wow, that was a lot!

"Yes, you’re a tiny little thing now," she said. "You’re only 5'0" tall, and weigh about 95 pounds."

"I guess that explains why everything seems so big," I said, as she helped me get on my feet.

"Whoa," I said when I looked at her. "This is really weird." She looked like an Amazon.

"Don’t worry," she said. "You’ll get used to it. You’re small, even for a woman, but you’re still you."

She helped me walk over to a mirror next to the door. I could tell that I walked differently. It seemed like there was more of a sway to my walk. I knew I walked like a girl, and it made me happy.

"What?" Nina asked when she saw the grin on my face.

"I just can’t believe this is happening," I said. "I’ve wanted this for so long, and now it’s happening. I look like a girl, and now I’m moving like one too!"

"Well, you have a long way to go. But this is a start."

Once I got in front of the mirror, my ego was deflated a bit. Standing in front of me wasn’t the beautiful girl I had seen in my head.

I certainly was going to be gorgeous, that was easy to see, but I had a long way to go.

I was tiny, there was no denying that. It was also a girl’s body, because the curves were too pronounced to be found on a male. But I didn’t really look like a girl.

My penis was probably the biggest giveaway. It was still unchanged, and looked out of place between my wide hips and narrow thighs.

The lack of breasts was a dead giveaway, also. It looked strange to see a male set of nipples and a flat chest between the tiny shoulders and the small waist.

My face also looked wrong on my body. It was a lot more femininely shaped, but it still looked male. It was sort of like somebody took a male face and put it over top of a female skull.

Perhaps that was an accurate analogy. The doctors said the skeletal structure changed during Stage 1, but the external changes wouldn’t occur until Stage 3.

"At least I don’t look weird like this," I thought out loud.

"Don’t worry, sweetie," Nina said. "The rest of you will catch up in a couple of days."

I just gave her a quick smile. "I can’t wait," I said truthfully.

"Well, if you’re up to it, the doctors want everyone in the conference room in a few minutes to go over what will happen tomorrow. Do you want to get dressed and go?"

"Yes, I’m feeling a lot stronger now. I wouldn’t mind seeing how the others are doing too."

"I’m sure they would like to see you too," she said. "None of them have had a chance since you were pulled out of the tub. I think they are going to have some food there too."

"Good," I said, "Because I’m starving!"

"Put these on then. Jill went and got them for you, so they should fit."

She handed me a bag. Inside the bag was a pair of white shorts, a pink and white striped tank top, a lacy white bra and panty set, a pair of the flesh colored panties, some breast forms that were a little smaller, and the wig from the other night.

Once I had everything on, I couldn’t keep myself from staring in the mirror. The clothes made me look hot. It was obvious that I had the kind of body that the clothes were designed for.

The shorts fit me like a glove and ended a couple inches past my crotch, short but without looking slutty. If I wasn’t wearing the flesh panties I would probably have a very telling bulge. The tank top hugged my waist and my breasts tightly, but in an 'I know I’m attractive, but I’ve got morals' kind of way. The hair framed my face just like it did the other day, but it was a lot longer now, ending about half way down my back. It was just as blonde as before, and just as beautiful.

Nina handed me a pair of flip-flops that she had been holding. They were white, but had pink straps and a pink sole. They matched the outfit perfectly. She then added a little makeup to complete the look.

It was perfect. I looked like I could be in a fashion magazine. The makeup seemed to hide the male flaws that I still had while enhancing the feminine ones I had gained.

"Come on," Nina said while lightly pulling on my arm.

She led me out of the room and down a hall to the conference room.

As we approached I could here people talking. It sounded like small talk. When we entered the room I noticed that the doctors and the rest of my team, including Jay, were eating pizza while they talked.

I think Justin saw me first, because he pretty much spit out what he was drinking and just stared at me. The others looked at him for a second before their eyes followed his toward me.

"Oh my gosh!" Nikki shrieked as she jumped up from her chair and ran toward me.

"You look amazing," she continued while wrapping me in a hug. "And you’re so tiny!"

"It's good to see you too," I said while returning the hug. She was definitely a lot bigger than me. "I hear you guys have food."

"Oh," Nikki said while pulling me back toward her seat. "Sit over by me. We can talk while we eat."

"Okay," I said.

I sat down next to her and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"What’s it like?" she asked.

"What’s what like?" I had to reply.

"You know, the changes, and shrinking so much.”

"Well, it's kind of weird," I said. "Everything is so big. I also move differently now, but it feels natural to me, probably because it is with this body. Other than that, it's pretty much just life as usual."

We talked a little bit more while we ate, but it was pretty much just small talk. I tried to ignore the stares I was getting from Justin and Jay. I knew I looked attractive, but I didn’t think they would just keep staring. That was just rude.

After we were finished eating, Dr. Young quieted us down for the meeting.

"Alright," he said, "It looks like all of you made it through Stage 1 okay, now we are going to look forward to the 3 other stages.

"Stage 2 will begin sometime tomorrow. The retrovirus is designed to give the body some downtime to recuperate before it starts. A good estimate is usually about 24 hours after the time Stage 1 began.

"Unlike Stage 1," he continued, "There isn’t a whole lot to monitor. You will not have to stay here in Medical, but do not do any kind of physical workout, as that will just tax the body unnecessarily. I would suggest making use of some of our recreation facilities like the movie theater where you can sit down and have fun without much effort.

"You will be required to come in for a checkup at noon, and again at five in the evening. If you start to feel sick or are in pain, please come in so that we can make sure nothing is wrong. Any questions?"

"What exactly will happen to us during Stage 2?" I asked.

"Oh, I guess that is information you would want to know," he said with a smirk.

"Stage 2 consists of all the internal changes that are made," he continued. "All three of you will undergo a strengthening of the immune system as the primary change. All of your organs will be strengthened and healed as well. There isn’t really anything physical that you can see during this stage, but by the end of the day you will feel better than you ever have before, because you will be.

"This is also the stage where Jasmine's new internal reproductive organs will form."

That made me blush really badly. The guys didn’t need to know that. But despite my embarrassment, the doctor continued.

"We aren’t quite sure if the testicles will be used to create the ovaries or not," he said while addressing me, "but by the end of the day you should have a uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. We expect your cervix will meet up with your vagina when it grows sometime the next day."

I was ready to die! Both of the boys had a disgusted look on their face, and I didn’t really want them thinking about my girl parts.

"Dr. Young!" I heard Jill growl, "That is inappropriate, please stop!"

"What?" he asked, clearly not understanding.

"Can’t you see how bad you are embarrassing her?" Jill continued. "It's not very polite to talk about a girl’s privates like that, especially with boys around."

Great, now the two boys were chuckling. Somebody just shoot me.

"Oh," the doctor said sheepishly. "I didn’t realize. I’m sorry, Jaz, I was trying to talk about the medical side of the Procedure, I guess I didn’t think about how that would affect you emotionally. I apologize."

I just put my head down on the table. I didn’t want them to see me laughing. It didn’t work though, because Nikki was able to tell.

"She's fine," Nikki stated with a small laugh. "She's laughing her head off now."

The others chuckled a little bit, and eventually I lifted my head.

"You okay?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Again, I’m sorry, Jaz," Dr. Young said.

"It's okay," I replied. "I’m just not used to talking about this stuff."

"Well, I think we went through most of what I wanted to say. How about we meet again tomorrow night around the same time? That will give us enough time to finish the checkups, and still give you guys enough time to eat afterward."

We all agreed and the doctors got up to go.

"See you all tomorrow," Dr. Young said as he walked out the door.

"Jaz," Nina said to me before she left. "If you have any problems whatsoever, come see me."

"Okay," I said, "I will."

Only the team was left in the conference room.

"Well," Jay said. "It's only about seven, how about a game of bowling? We could try boys against girls."

"You guys have a bowling alley here?” I asked.

"Yeah," he said, "this place has quite a bit to keep you entertained. Genesis Alpha is a small city, and it has all the conveniences of such."

"Well," I said, "I’m up for anything as long as I make it back to my room in time to call my mom tonight."

"You won’t need to go to bed quite so early tonight," Agent Harris, or Rob as he'd asked us to call him, said. "The hard part is over already."

"Let's go then."

The bowling was actually a lot of fun, and it allowed us to get to know each other a lot better. The three boys beat the three of us girls in both games we played, but the second game was really close.

We got back to our rooms at about nine thirty. Jay wanted us to go to a movie in the morning to help pass the time, so after we all agreed to meet in the hall at nine in the morning, we headed into our rooms.

I noticed that Jay's room was the fourth one in our set of doors, across the hall from Nikki and next to Justin's. I guess it made sense to keep us together as a team, but I had never seen him come in or out.

Once I was inside my room, I grabbed my phone and sat in the recliner in my front room.

My youngest brother, Ben, was the one who answered when I dialed home.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hi Ben," I replied. I was kind of nervous talking to him. I had this strange feeling he would be able to tell I was changing.

"Hi Brett, how’s the vacation?"

"Pretty good, actually," I said, "This place is amazing. We actually just got done bowling not too long ago. You wouldn’t think that this was a government lab because of all the fun things they have to keep us occupied."

"That’s cool," he said. I was pretty sure he didn’t really care. "Do you want to talk to Mom?"

"Yes please," I said.

I heard him yell for my mom, and a little while later I heard her get on.

"Hello?" she asked, not sure of who was on the line.

"Hi, Mom," I said.

"Hi sweetie, how are you doing?" she asked.

"I’m doing great," I waited for the click that would denote my brother hanging up. It never came. "Ben?"

After a short pause, he finally spoke up, "Yeah?"

"Can you give us a few minutes?"

"Yeah," he said, and I heard him hang up. I waited to make sure he wasn’t going to try to pick it back up while we were talking, before continuing.

"How are you doing, Mom?" I asked.

"I’m doing better," she replied. "It's just a lot to take in. I mean, you won’t be the same when you come home. I don’t know how to handle that."

"I know, Mom," I tried to comfort her. "We can deal with it when I get home. I don’t think you will be able to come to terms with anything until you see me."

We continued to talk about things for a while. It was clear that Mom was going to accept the change, but it was going to take some time for her to do so. She told me that she wasn’t ready to hear about my changes yet, and that she would deal with them when I got home.

Eventually, I heard someone pick up the phone. Before I could say anything, my sister was already talking. "Brett?"

"Yeah, it's me," I said. "What’s up?"

"I was going to ask you that!" she said.

I just giggled, which was probably the wrong thing to do.

"Oh my gosh!" she said. "You’re already acting like a girl."

"Of course I am," I said. "I’m already part way there."

My mom was quick to interrupt. I knew she wasn’t ready to hear this. "I'll let the two of you talk, I love you, Brett. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, Mom," I replied. "I love you, bye."

"Bye, honey," she said before hanging up.

"So," Cami launched right back into the conversion. "What happened today?"

"Well, I slept most of the day, about nine hours I think. During that time my bone structure was changed into a girl’s. I shrunk, big time."

"Shrunk," she asked with a little bit of skepticism. "Like got smaller?"

"Yeah, I’m tiny!" I said. "I’m only five feet tall now, and I only weigh 95 pounds."

"No way!"

"Way! But even better, I’ve got curves! My hips are now shaped like a girl’s and my waist is really small!"

"You aren’t better looking than me, are you?" Her pout was evident through the phone.

"Not yet, Cami, but from what I’ve seen so far, I think I’m going to be beautiful."

"Well, it will be fun to have a sister either way," she said. "So what else has happened?"

"Nothing, so far. Other than the skeletal changes, nothing else has happened. Tomorrow is supposed to be internal changes, and then the day after that will be the big changes, like growing breasts and my vagina."

"That was really weird to hear you say," she giggled. "I guess this is really true."

"Yeah, this is like a dream come true," I said.

"Have you thought about a name yet?" she asked.

"Yes, in fact I am legally a girl, and my name is no longer Brett. One of the things we did yesterday was change all of my documents to match who I am."


"Jasmine Rose Campbell," I said. I still loved the sound of it.

"Jasmine..." she repeated. "I like it, it's beautiful."

"Thank you," I said.

We talked for a while longer about other things. We had never really talked like this before. I guess we both really felt comfortable being sisters.

"You promise?" she asked as our conversation was winding down.

"I promise," I replied. "I’m going to need a whole new wardrobe and I'll need to redecorate my room. I promise we can go shopping together. I’ve got to go to bed now before I fall asleep on the phone."

"Are you going to call again tomorrow night?" she asked.

"It depends on what is going on tomorrow. I will if we aren’t doing anything, otherwise I will just wait until after the changes are complete on Friday."

"Alright," she said a little sadly. "I guess I'll talk to you then. I love you."

"I love you too, good night."

"Good night, Jasmine," she said, bringing a smile to my face.

After hanging up the phone, I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Makeup certainly added to the time needed to get ready, for bed and for the day, but it wasn’t a burden. It made me feel like a real girl.

After a stop at the toilet, where I sat down this time, I was off to the bedroom. I changed into a short nightgown and was in bed not long afterward, ready for more changes tomorrow.

*  *  *

A Flower's Bloom: Part 4
Coming Soon...

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