Vaingirls, Beginnings: Joyce's Story, Part 4


Part 4: Mae West was wrong. Goodness DID have something to do with it.


Vaingirls, Beginnings: Joyce's Story, Part 4
By Jezzi Belle Stewart

This story is dedicated to Rori and Soto who run Transformations by Rori, the real Vaingirls. Thank you both for helping to make my feminine dreams come true.

Joyce opened the door to the gym. To the appropriate sound of The Kinks singing "Lola", they made their entrance.

Charlene, Meredith, and Sally Ann stood by the bandstand, and all three were dressed to kill. Charlene was wearing a red silk sleeveless sheath dress reaching to mid thigh. Black glitter tights ended in four inch heeled "FM" red pumps. Rhinestones glittered at her ears, neck, and wrists. Her black hair cascaded in soft waves to the middle of her back. Meredith and Sally Ann, both brunettes, had chosen blue as their color; fortunately, their dresses were different enough in style that, while mildly annoyed at the similarity of color, they were not at each other's throats.

"Where's Georgie?" asked Sally Ann. "Shouldn't she' be here by now?"

"Oh, I don't think it'll be she'", chuckled Meredith, "or he'. I really think it will be the appropriate pronoun, don't you think, Charlene?"

"Probably," answered Charlene. "I think we'll know if he comes in thinking he's really put one over on us. He'll be walkin' tall, won't have a clue how femmy he really looks. That's when we sic Ray, over there on him."

She gestured in the direction of a huge 6'6" boy in a black leather sleeveless shirt and tight black leather pants. Ray had been "purchased" for the evening, and had been instructed as to what to do to the person pointed out by Charlene.

"You know, I almost hope George does the unexpected. He's done everything we've made him do, and from what Joyce says, he really has changed his ways. I know the plan was to really humiliate him tonight, but if he really has changed, I hate to do it."

"You know, at first I really despised him," Mused Sally Ann, "both for the way he acted before, but also because he knuckled under to us when we told him we were going to sissify him. But then I watched a TV documentary on what happens to the lives of people branded as molesters. It's pretty horrible, and prison is just the beginning. It's even worse for child molesters, and we made ourselves look awfully young in those pics we took while he was drugged. I can see why he'd do almost anything to avoid being branded as one of them."

"And his Dad!" interjected Meredith. "I've met him. I can see why he was like the way he was."

"Yeah," said Sally Ann. "Remember some of the stories Joyce told us!?"

"Actually," commented Charlene. "In the last six weeks. His reaction to what we've made him do has changed. He doesn't act scared and humiliated any more, nor does he try to act really swishy and femmy to please us. He just acts feminine - like a nice girl."

"That's it!" exclaimed Meredith. "That's what's been nagging at me! Georgie has been a really nice girl - like I'd like to have as a friend." The others nodded.

"That's right; you're right Meredith!" said Sally Ann. "A nice person." And with dawning realization: "And we haven't been, have we?"

Charlene brought things back into perspective. "Well, we'll know when it arrives, won't we. If he uses the loopholes we left and reverts to his old self mentally, we'll know it. And we'll know we did the right thing, and will be doing the right thing in releasing the femme pictures. I have to tell you girls, though," she admitted sheepishly, "that I already destroyed the molester pics. We may be a bitch wolf pack, with me the lead bitch, but even I'm not that big a bitch. I saw the same documentary you did, Sally Ann."

"Oh, I'm so glad, Charlene!"

"Good for you, Charlene!" Both girls admitted they were having second thoughts.

"You know," mused Charlene, "maybe we should have taken Georgie all the way. I bet he would have made a really cute girl. "

"And a nice girl." added Meredith. "I really think there were feminine qualities there."

"That's right. Just waiting to get out." Sally Ann paused. "In fact, they did come out these last couple of weeks. Maybe what we call feminine qualities are really just human qualities."

"Now that I think about it," summarized Charlene. "I believe you two are right. Georgie would make a lovely lady, inside and out, and George, a gentleman. I hope we're wrong about the scenario we predicted for tonight!"

Unbeknownst to the three, Joyce had slipped into the shadows at the side of the bandstand and had overheard the conversation. Now she stepped out. "I'm glad to hear you say that," she said - they looked at her in surprise - "and you are wrong. Take a look." Three heads turned as one to follow Joyce's pointing arm. Georgie was on the bandstand, and the DJ was giving up the microphone to her.

"Who is...?"

"That's not...?"

"No, it can't be!"

"It is."




"Gorgeous, isn't she. And it was her choice."

Jacqui just couldn't stay away. She had closed up, driven to the school, and entered the gym in time to see Georgie climb the stairs to the stage. She had noticed her sister and the rest over on the side of the bandstand and made her way over to them just as Joyce revealed her self and the exclamations had been uttered. "That's right, sis. I didn't force her at all; in fact she and I had a ball! Listen; she's speaking."

Georgie lifted the microphone to within an inch of her mouth and took a deep breath. The absence of music had caused most of the crowd to turn toward the bandstand. Most faces bore an expression of polite curiosity as to who the gorgeous young lady who had just taken the mike was. The growing consensus seemed to be that it was Joyce, all glamorized for the first time in her life. Here and there, there were a few "wait a minute..." and "I don't think...", but Georgie raised her hand for silence before anyone could blurt out the real truth and, amazingly, got it. George stirred in his virtual armchair, pulled the virtual comforter up around his ears, and cowardly retreated into the blissful ignorance of virtual sleep once again. This was a job for a woman! Georgie began:

"Two and a half months ago, I was George Hall. Tonight I stand before you as Georgie Hall!" The room erupted in noise. Georgie used the time to greet some of George's friends who were crowding the bandstand.

"Hi Steve. Yeah I know. Hard to believe isn't it?"

"No Mike, I haven't had the operation."

There weren't too many friends. The type of guys George had liked to hang out with BC - before Charlene - had rapidly deserted him as his behavior had changed, and were now muttering to themselves things like, "Knew he was a faggot all along."

Surprisingly, when one had the nerve to shout "Faggot!" at him, the girl next to him slapped his face, and a couple of guys indicated that he ought to shut up and listen to "the lady." The look of innocent vulnerability created by Jacqui plus the fact that almost everything masculine was asleep in the virtual armchair, were definitely affecting the crowd. The great majority wanted to hear what "the lady" had to say, and wanted to like her. As the crowd quieted down, Georgie continued.

"Biologically, this" she indicated her body "is still George, but up here" pointing to her head "and here", pointing to her heart, "I'm definitely Georgie Girl!" With a smile, she pointed to her head again. "I'm sure George is still in here somewhere. He's probably hiding. As you know, this is not his until recently macho image." A few giggles and a couple "That's for sure!" as she paused. "George was an A-1 asshole! - Just like you, Miklowski!" she swiveled and pointed at the former friend that had shouted, "faggot" at her. "A lot of you ladies know it, because a lot of his abominable misogynist behavior was directed at you, and I hereby publicly apologize to all of you who suffered because of his - my - bad behavior. Some of you decided to do something about it." Here she looked over at the group at the side of the bandstand. "And I'm so glad you did... Here she smiled. "...although George wasn't at the time. Charlene, Meredith, Sally Ann would you come up here please."

The three girls looked at each other. Was this some kind of trap? Surely George wasn't so dumb as to believe that they hadn't prepared for a trap.

Knowing what they were thinking, Joyce leaned over and whispered to them. "It's not a trap, girls, she... he... well... they're both really sincere. You three were really mean to George, but he realized he deserved it, and... Well, go on up and let him tell it. Trust me, the lady that you see up there is real, is enjoying her femininity, and thanks you for the opportunity to realize it."

There was a confirming nod from Jacqui. Deciding to trust Joyce and Georgie, and, of course, having the means to deal with it if it was some kind of trap, the three made their way to the stage. As each one reached the bandstand, Georgie gave her a big hug, and when they were all arrived, she picked up the mike again.

"I want all of you out there to take a good look at these three women. They are beautiful, feminine, women, but they are not wimps; they are strong women who won't put up with any of the macho bullshit crap that George and those of you assholes out there like George used to be dish out. Look at me; look at what George has become. We like what I am, but the process was acutely embarrassing and humiliating. You know; you all saw George, watched as he went through it. Be afraid; be very afraid! Ladies, if you're in a shit relationship with one of those macho assholes, pay these three a visit. You don't have to put up with it; they didn't." She turned toward the three. "Charlene, Sally Ann, Meredith, You made George see himself as others, particularly girls, saw him, and he didn't like what he saw."

She mentally approached the virtual armchair and gave George a shake. 'Wake up, sleepyhead, you're on'

"I'm going to let George tell the rest of this in his words." She smiled. "Cut him a little slack, as he'll probably be somewhat embarrassed to be looking like this"

'Thanks, lady. I was supposed to sleep through this, you know. - Good Lord, how do you stand these shoes!' George took over.

"At first, I went along with what they told me to do because..."(The three girls tensed up. Was Georgie going to spill the beans on them, accuse them of false blackmail now, when she had the crowd on her side?) "...Well, I won't tell you how they got me to do it because they may have to do it again, to someone else who deserves it!"(The three, in unison, gave a sigh of relief.) "Christmas was a particularly low and humiliating point for me. I had to pretend I was femmy boy and loving every minute of it to my sister, Joyce. Joyce!" she called. "Will you come up here also?" She beckoned. "Oh, and you, too, Jacqui. Might as well get the whole gang up here."

As Jacqui stepped up on the bandstand, Georgie mentally pushed George aside for a moment and gave her a curtsy. "This is Jacqui, Charlene's sister. She owns a beauty salon, and if you like what you see..." She curtsied to the crowd. "...and I certainly do!" Another curtsy to Jacqui "This is the woman responsible. George went in; I came out. Jacqui, this incredible woman, spent six hours today creating me!"

There was a smattering of applause that, to the surprise of the six on the bandstand, turned into a thundering applause, then a standing ovation. Reluctant boyfriends were given "The Look" by their newly empowered girlfriends and hurriedly joined in.

Jacqui grabbed the mike and shouted into it, "You - and George - created you, honey. I just helped!"

Charlene pulled Meredith and Sally Ann aside and into a quick huddle while the applause continued. "Listen, girls, she whispered hurriedly, "This can be nothing but good for us. Can you visualize it: The Three Ladies Boyfriend Reformation Service'. I say we call ourselves even with George and give up all the pics and tape; it looks like we've actually done some good here."

"Oh, Charlene," came thankfully from Meredith, "I'm so glad you said that because it's what I've been thinking."

"Me, too." added Sally Ann, "But don't you wonder, girls, who we'll be giving the pictures and tapes to?" All three giggled, and broke apart embarrassedly as they realized that the applause had died down and everyone could hear them.

George forcefully took back command 'Sheesh, what a pushy broad. you woke me up, you know!'

"I was talking about Christmas. My sister saw through my act, and I had to tell her everything. We concocted a plan to get even with these three." She indicated the three cheerleaders. They looked shocked; this was news to them. "Yes, ladies, that Christmas tape and visit were an act to get you overconfident, and it worked!"

She/he turned back to the crowd. "But as the time of this dance approached, I came to realize that many of the feminine things they were teaching their reluctant pupil," She/he indicated her/himself. "were really human things. And I began to really try to learn them, so that I could use them, in modified form, to remake myself as a better man when the ordeal was over.

"Then they made an error. (He didn't want the girls to know that he knew that this was no error but a part of their plan.) The final phase of their plan for me was for me to go in and enthusiastically ask for a makeover from Jacqui here at her salon, and then attend the dance tonight. If I did this, they said, they would consider us even, and they gave me written instructions for what I had to ask for from Jacqui. The thing was, those instructions were worded so loosely that I could have come here tonight looking almost like my old self. I had come to know that theseladies are basically honorable women, nice women. They would keep their word, and I could gloat about how I'd outsmarted them in the long run. (Charlene blushed; this was exactly what they'd expected, knowing he wouldn't realize how femmy he really looked.) And that's what I intended to do.

"But then something strange occurred. The closer it got to the dance, the more I felt that it would be really mean to do that to them, for in reality they'd done me a good turn in the long run. When the word mean changed to bitchy in my mind. I knew this new person; Georgie would be going to the dance. I wanted to show you three that you'd succeeded, that, whether George or Georgie, I was going to be a better human being. And what better way to do that, then to be the best woman I could be." The applause started up again, but he put up a hand for silence. "And here we are Georgie and George. We don't know which of us will stay and which will go. I like Georgie; she likes me. Maybe we'll both stay and switch back and forth. We don't know. But now, I'm through. This is Georgie's night! Charlene, Meredith, Sally Ann, strange as it may sound, thank you. Thank you so much for the rest of my life!"

'You're on, babe; it's back to the armchair for me. Wake me up when we're ready to be Cincinnati bound. Enjoy!'

There was no overt change, but the fact that it was Georgie and not George who turned and hugged all five other women on the bandstand was undisputable. Right before returning the mike to the bandleader, she yelled into it, "Let's party!"

The bandleader took the mike and put it back into the stand. He picked up his guitar, and thought for a moment; then he called his band mates into a quick conference. He turned to the crowd. "We don't usually play this kind of music, but we know this one because we learned it for my sister's bat mitzvah. Given the circumstances, I think it's appropriate. This one's for our new girl, Georgie!" He gave a quick riff leading into a rock band version of West Side Story's "I Feel Pretty."

Georgie did feel pretty. She was riding on a high of "I love it when a plan comes together." but more than that, the high of a pretty girl who knows she's pretty and feels really good about herself, secure in her femininity and ready to have a good time.

Ray watched the proceedings waiting to see if Charlene would still signal. His mind drifted. The thing was, from a disinterested employee ready to embarrass a femmy boy to make a few bucks, he had, during the course of Georgie's speech, become a sympathizer. In fact, Ray wasn't a bad sort down deep. Being bigger than most guys, and gay, he had grown up an outsider. Considered different by his peers, he had compensated by becoming a badass brawler that nobody wanted to mess with. Very few people knew he spent his free time enjoying classical music and reading and writing poetry. He really hoped Charlene would not give the signal. Also, it didn't hurt that Georgie was his fantasy dream date made real, a gorgeous young woman who had his preferred kind of equipment between her legs!

"Hi, there..."Ray jerked his head up and stared into the eyes of his dream date. "...wanna dance?" Ray couldn't believe it. He glanced toward Charlene. She didn't give the signal, just waved and mouthed, "Enjoy!" to him.

"You'll have to be patient;" Georgie smiled at him. "... I've never danced the girl's parts before."

"I'd love to." Ray took her in his arms and they danced. 'Thank you, God!'

Georgie and Ray had a wonderful time. George pulled the virtual comforter over his head during the slow dances. Ray was disappointed when she told him she was leaving for Cincinnati directly after the dance, but gave her his business card so they could keep in touch.


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