Him Lady or She Male Chapter 5

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Him-Lady or She-Male

Chapter 5

More shopping of course, and oh by the way, school has to start again.

Authors note: I can not help but express my appreciation enough to cewesson for finding the 300 plus errors in grammar, word usage, spelling, and editing. The remaining 3,000 errors are still my own. Koalas

We started across the mall to Nordstrom when Denise said, “Ah Alvin, what are we going to do with you? You are just too much a Casanova to let out of our sight. We leave you alone for just one minute and already you are looking for other women.”

I walked over to Denise and grabbed her around the waist with both hands. “Now why would I want other women in my life? I have my choice from the 10 most beautiful women in the world right now. The only girls that match me physically in the most important parts where it counts. The ones I meet, where I can now be a part of for a lifetime of mutual love and admiration.

I then bend down to kiss her, giving her the opportunity to pull away. She did not move at all, and let me kiss her.

“Well we know that Alvin sure is getting the hang of kissing,” Denise said after we finished. “Does this mean that we’re going to get married today or do I have to wait till tomorrow?”

“Don’t you think that you’re rushing it just a little, Denise?” I said, “After all we have only known each other for two days.”

Karen then said, “But we know that you have to find a wife from among the 10 of us, Alvin. You are just going to have to put up with ALL of us trying to seduce you first.”

“Thank you Karen. I know that each of you are able to get all of the lovers and husbands that you could ever want,” I said.

“Maybe lovers, Alvin, but marriage is not possible for us. After all, same sex marriages are still a thing of the future for most of us, no matter what the papers keep saying about how easy it is.”

I now understood their feelings. They thought as I did. I was a perfect match to what they wanted to be. Most of them wanted to look like girls on the outside, and never lose their manhood inside. That was why they were being so nice to me. I could be their perfect match as I had hoped that one of them could be my perfect match.

“Every person on earth tries to find their soul mates. It will be easy for me now. I can find my soul mate among the ten of you. Lucky I am to now to be in such a wonderful position. But then again, I am so sorry for the ten of you. Because now that I have shown up you only think that I am the only one of my kind. It makes me so sad now to think that you are trying so hard to impress me. I think that what each of you wants in your heart of hearts is a simple normal life with one that you can love and live with your whole life in a relationship together.

“Until yesterday, I thought that I would be alone, now I have found each of you. Better than I had ever though life could be after high school. I really am like a girl wooed by 10 wonderful suitors aren’t I. I feel more like a girl should than a boy who is wooing you.”

Karen walked up to me and had her nose just an inch from mine. “Well Alvin, you are part girl now also, and we are part male. So what is the problem with our male parts wooing your female parts? You can consider yourself a nice young Alice to us sometimes. After all there are not many girls that want to make love to one of us the way we need it, or guys unless we and they are both gay.”

I put my arms around her neck and kissed her. “That is why I came yesterday. Because that is what I knew, I was going to need from you. I am glad that we both agree on the same thing. But aren’t you going overboard?”

“Alvin, you just have too much humility,” Said Julie “You really are going to make one of us the perfect husband. Now if you were only a few years older than us, instead of being a younger stud you would be perfect. However, I guess that one fault is not going to bother any of us, now is it? So whose turn is it to get a kissed?”

“I think that we all have to get one after that speech,” Said Shelly. Shelly got her French kiss first. “Remember me when you are proposing, Casanova.”

We had another round of kissing, which I found myself enjoying more and more, and becoming more comfortable with. I was even forgetting that they were males under their skirts. We went into the store.

“Hey Julie, can we find a silk shirt in the fancy suit department?” I had remembered that some of the guys had silk shirts at the last prom.

“OK Janice made all of the rules for you yesterday. Now I am making one. If you talk to any of us, you have to give that person a kiss and hug after they answer you. In addition, to be fair, if anyone asks you a question and you answer it, they have to give you a kiss and a hug. Does that should fair, girls?” Julie said.

Needless to say, everyone agreed with it. Then they all at once they starting asking me questions right away.

We spend the next fifteen minutes just kissing. There were always three questions going on while I was kissing the last person. When the next person started kissing the other three asked a question. I could hardly pay attention to questions when I was kissed like that. They had to ask another question until there was a backup of questions. You just cannot think straight when you are being kissed like that, or think at all. I also noticed that whenever it was Karen’s turn, she was starting to get hands like an octopus. A practice that was soon copied by the other three, they were starting to roam over my body. I guess that Karen could not wait for a strip search later.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Getting the shirt was easy. A light purple shirt (They called it lavender) was easy. It did button up on the right side, but it still looked like a girls shirt to me.

I will never understand why they have 10 million names for colors. I think that they should all be numbered for the amount of red, green and blue that makes up the color, then you can say I want a 45% Red, 2% Green and 53% Blue shirt. It would sure make it easier to get the color you want I bet.

We spent two more hours just walking around the mall. The girls bought very little but looked a lot. They said it was just the fun of being in the mall window shopping and looking. They also tried on a couple of dresses, skirts and blouses. I tried to get them to try on bikinis but they all said no. If I wanted to see them, then we would have a pool party in the future and then we would all have to wear bikinis, including me. I said, “why not”.

At one point we went into a store that sold wigs. They tried to get me to buy a wig saying that it would make my Mom happy to see me come home in one. I was not tempted. They reminded me that the more that I came and went dressed as a girl, the happier that Mom would be. It was a consideration. They finally got me to try on a couple. The girl behind the counter didn’t understand the conversation I’m sure. Nor understand it was a guy was trying on wigs.

After the mall we left and started home. While in the car, before we got back, I had to change into those pants. It was not easy getting them over my bum. I was completely changed a block from home. The girls stopped and put all of my boy clothes in the trunk for this Friday when I could use them again.

I was not happy going home. But I knew now the path that I was going to take for my life now. But it still depended on one of the 10 ladies from the bar. It was now more important than ever that I learn what they wanted and needed in life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When I got home the first thing that Mom said asked was “How did you like going shopping with the other girls, Alice?”

“It was OK, Mom, but I didn’t like all of the women’s clothing stores that we went to. It got kind of boring after the first couple. Why don’t girls just go in and get what they want and be done with it? Why do they have to look at fifteen dresses? I mean a dress is a dress, there are only so many ways that you can cover yourself up. After the amount of shopping that the girls did, they should have enough dresses till they die.”

Mom just laughed. “Alice, guys play sports to learn how to face the world after they leave school. Girls learn to shop. After all it’s the mothers and wives that have to buy everything that the family needs. You won’t find many husbands going grocery shopping. They would rather watch football on the TV when they get home. So it’s up to the girls to learn to do that. That’s one of the reasons that mothers let their daughters go shopping. It’s just like cooking, sewing, or any other chore that they have to learn how to do to make the family work. It’s the wives’ responsibility to learn these things, Alice, and now, it’s one of the responsibilities that you are going to have to learn. It’s all part of being a woman, and now you’re a woman and have to learn it. You are also 17 years late in learning all of the things that you need to know that girls already know. Being a pretty face is good for getting a man, but you have to have some depth after that to keep one. Remember that Alice. I am glad that we are having these mother-daughter talks. I think that it would have been better learning them while you were young, but now you are going to have to learn them very quickly, Alice.”

“Mom, I don’t want to be anybody’s wife. I’m happy being a guy.”

“Alice, I thought that that we had already settled that. You don’t have the right equipment to be a guy any more. You are now a girl. You have girl equipment. Eventually you also are going to have breast. You’re going to be a young woman soon, Alice. Accept it and move on.”

“Yes, Mom” I said, thinking it’s easier to just appear to go along with her agenda while doing my own agenda instead.

I went up to my room and removed the outfit that Mom had made me wear outside. I then put on the shorts and T-shirt since they were the least offensive of the available clothes that Mom let me have.

Dinner was a somber occasion. I was hungry after a day of activity. It had been such a long time since I had exerted myself so much. I just realized that I had not had any workouts at home since the accident.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Mom shook me awake. “You have to get up and get dressed. We have an appointment with your school counselor this morning. They called yesterday and need to see you before you go back to school on Tuesday.”

That was news to me. But I guess it was time for me to go back to school. So I got up and put on jeans and a T-shirt. Mom gave me sour looks and was not too pleased but I was not going to wear a dress back to school.

We arrived at school at five minutes to nine and went to the school office. After Mom talked to the school receptionist we went right in to Mister Owens office.

“Please sit down, Mrs. Johnson. We have a little problem that we have to talk about. It is concerning your request to change your son’s name from Alvin to Alice.”

“Mom, you didn’t” I cried.

“What’s the problem Mr. Owens?” Mom asked.

“Well, the problem is that you want to change his gender from male to female, Mrs. Johnson,” He said.

“So what is the problem, Mr. Owens? Alice is a girl now,” Mom said.

I was almost in tears now. How could Mom do this to me!

“Well, I see a male in front of me, Mrs. Johnson,” He said.

“Mr. Owens, if Alice were to walk into the boys’ locker room and change into his gym clothes he would be raped because of what is not between his legs now,” Mom said.

Mr. Owens sat back in his chair and looked at me. I knew that I was in trouble now. He then leaned forward and picked up the phone on his desk and punched in three numbers. That meant he was calling someone else in the school. “Mrs. James, could you come to my office, please.” Of course we couldn’t hear the answer. “No, I need you right now, it is not a medical emergency but I need you to check a student for me. There is a question if the student is a boy or a girl and I need your professional opinion as to their physical attributes of this student.” The nurse said some more, then a “Thank you” was said and Mr. Owens put down the phone.

“We will check out exactly what you said, Mrs. Johnson, if that is OK?” He said.

Mom said, “Perfect, now while he is with the nurse being checked out. Let’s not waste your time. We can go over the changes in classes that needs to be made. You will find that Alice needs to have her records changed and new classes assigned. She cannot be in football because of her injuries. So we need to place her in classes better suited for her current situation.”

The nurse walked in the door at that moment. “Hello, how can I help you, Mr. Owens,” the nurse said.

“Would you please take this student and do a physical exam. There is some question as to the physical gender. I need to know which gym class and bathrooms that they should be assigned. If what Mrs. Johnson said is true, then Johnson can not go back into boy’s gym class,” Mr. Owens said while looking at my mother.

“OK, let’s go, Alvin,” The nurse said.

“It’s Alice now, please,” Mom interrupted

“Sorry, I was just so use to calling him Alvin. Lets go and examine you, Alice and see what’s what,” The nurse said.

I got up and went with the nurse. I knew what was going on and didn’t like it. Mom was forcing me to be a girl even for school. When we got to the nurse’s office she said. “OK Alvin, drop your pants and we’ll see what the big flak is all about. You’ve been in here enough times that I think that we are going to have to get a straight jacket for your mother since I have see you enough times to know what is between your legs already.”

“I’m afraid not, Mrs. James. I had an accident, and now my Mom is out to make me her daughter.” I had dropped my pants and underwear for her to see.

“Well, I can see that you are not the guy that I have put countless bandages on. I’m sorry, Alvin, but I’m going to have to tell Mr. Owens that you are not a boy. Just think what would happen if you were to change clothes in gym class now? The other boys would be all over you in a moment. I’m not happy with this at all. You are not going to fit in as a girl either. But I am going to have to tell Mr. Owens that you can no longer dress in the boys’ gym, or use the boys’ bathrooms. I’m not sure if using the girls’ bathroom is the answer either right now. But that’s Mr. Owens decision to make.” Mrs. James did not look happy right now. “Pull up your pants and let’s go back to Mr. Owens office.

We went back down the hall to Mr. Owens office and entered. Mrs. James said, “I have examined Johnson and find that he is not allowed to use the boys’ bathrooms or dress in the boys’ gym. Although he does have the attributes of a female between his legs, he does not have the normal breast development that is associated with girls his age.”

Mom piped up and said a little loudly, “SHE is a very late bloomer.”

“OK Mrs. Johnson, according to what you have said we are going to have to accept your decisions. Alice Johnson is going to have to finish school as a girl. That means that she is also going to have to meet the school guidelines by wearing the girl’s uniform.

Alice, that means that you are going to have to wear a skirt for the rest of the year. Those are school board rules, not school rules. I cannot make an exception. I didn’t make these rules, so I cannot make an exception to them for you. You are going to have to get a uniform before tomorrow when you have to come back to school.

For now you will be excused from physical activities with the other girls that would be a strain for you. But you will have to dress and shower with them. I suggest that you do so soon so that they will know of the changes that you have had and that you are now a girl with them. Is that understood, Alice? Your mother is quite insistent that others learn of your change in status and that you didn’t have any choice in the matter. You will have a new class schedule tomorrow morning. So come to the office and pick it up.”

I looked at Mr. Owens after that long speech, making sure that I understood all of it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Instead of taking me directly home, Mom and I went shopping. Or rather Mom went shopping and I had to tag along for the torture of it. Mom got me a complete girls school uniform, (Yuck!) including the required kit for gym, As if I was going to wear that skirt. We also got nothing but looks from the salespeople that sold us the uniform.

At first the salespeople were not even going to sell my Mom the clothes. But after Mom had a long chat with the manager of the store, we ended up with the clothes and a ten percent discount also. Mom was really mad after talking to the manager, and the manager didn’t look too happy either.

The rest of the day just passed me by. The next morning came too quickly. I had planned on ditching school. But Mom planned on taking me to make sure that I made it.

“Can we have Alice Johnson’s class schedule, please,” Mom asked the receptionist.

“I am sorry but we can only give students schedules to the student or their parents,” The receptionist said.

“I am Mrs. Johnson and this is Alice Johnson,” Mom said.

The receptionist looked at me for a long time. “Can I have some ID please?”

I pulled out my student ID that said Alvin Johnson and a picture of me on it and gave it to the receptionist.

“This say’s Alvin, not Alice,” The receptionist said. “Do you have a sister?”

“No” I said.

“There has been a slight change. If you would check with Mr. Owens, I think that you will find that Alice also needs a new student ID card.”

“Just a moment” the receptionist said as she dialed the phone. “Mr. Owens do you know anything about an Alice Johnson.” “Yes.” “OK.” “Are you sure?” “Yes I will, but I don’t think it’s right.” The receptionist hung up the phone.

“Step over there, Alice, and let’s get a new picture for your student ID.”

I stepped up to the line and got a new picture. The receptionist went back to her desk with the picture and in no time I had a new student ID.

“OK, This is your new class schedule,” The receptionist said, and handed me my new schedule.

Period Teacher Description
1...........Ms. Sams..........Advanced Home Economics
2...........Ms. Thermopolis...Girls Gym
3...........Ms. Jones.........Typing and Office Skills
4...........Mr. Diddle........American History
5...........Ms. Kims..........Women’s Studies
6...........Mr. Bird..........Algebra II

I couldn’t believe it. This was impossible. There was no way that I was going to these classes. Just then Mr. Owens came up behind me. “I’m going to walk you to you class just to make sure that you get there, Alice.”

I looked at him “You don’t have to do that, Mr. Owens, I am sure that I can find the classroom,” I said.

“But I have a few words to say to the class, Ms. Johnson. So if you don’t mind let’s not be late to your first day,” he said.

The ‘Ms. Johnson’ didn’t go un-noticed by me. I was fuming. I couldn’t ditch school either. Not with Mr. Owens taking me.

“Sometime today, I need you to get all of your school books from your old classes and bring them by my office. Your mother said that you’re not going to be going to your old classes anymore. I know that this is going to be hard. I also know that you are going to get a lot problems with other students over this. But our hands are tied. The parents have the final say after all. We are supposed to only be teaching you. Here we go, “He said as we walked into the class and made me sit at the first available seat.

Ms. Sams was giving me a dirty look. “Mr. Owens we are not going to have some fruitcake in my class, or some football prank either. You can just take him out of here now.”

“Ms. Sams I assure you that this is not a prank and that Alice Johnson is not some fruit cake, now if you will just read this and then also read it to all of the students in your class then it will clear up a lot of misunderstandings before they happen,” Mr. Owens said.

Ms. Sams started reading the paper that Mr. Owens had given her. After a while her face muscles softened and by the end she looked like she was ready to cry. “OK, I’ll read this to the class and make sure that they understand it.”

She then went to her desk and sat down and took a tissue from her desk to dry her eyes. She then read and re-read the note that Mr. Owens had given her while the rest of the class filtered in and sat down. I just waited with my head down hopping that no one noticed me. No such luck, I could hear a lot of cuss words and comments that I’ll never repeat.

After one was a little too loud, Ms. Sams rose her head and said “That will be enough of that. I want silence. The next person that says anything will fail this class.”

Ten minutes later she said, “I will read a letter from the Headmaster to the staff and students.”

To: Staff and students
Sometimes people get hurt. Some people break a bone, lose an arm, leg, or an eye. These hurt the student, and their families and loved ones. But we have one case on campus that is even worst than all of these. This male student has lost his manhood. Afterwards the doctors had no choice but to change what was between his legs to be that of a girl. Now I know that this will be funny to many, but just think a minute if this had happened to you. What would you be like, how would you feel. This student is doing everything that they can to fight against the problem and remain a boy. But they have no choice in the matter. They will be coming to school dressed as a girl. The school board’s dress code does not allow anything else.

“However any male student that thinks it is funny enough to take any action, verbal or physical will soon find themselves in a dress as punishment, which is allowed. I will find a similar punishment for the girls if they verbally abuse this student.

Now for the details. This student had an accident and they almost died. The surgeons had to operate to save the life of this student. Then plastic surgeons operated to make this student have female parts between their legs. This student then had to learn how to walk again, as well as many other simple things that we all take for granted. This student is still learning how to be a person that is accepted by anyone for who they are now. Being accepted is not an easy task. So I expect everyone associated with and who knows this student to help them as best they can to adjust to their new lifestyle. They did not want to change. It is being forced upon them. But that does not mean that you cannot help them adjust. Just think if you had a problem, wouldn’t you want others to help you, even if you didn’t ask for help.

“This student is in this classroom. They don’t want to be here. It’s not their choice. Now I expect everyone to help them out as much as they can. Any questions,” Ms. Sams asked.

Polly asked, “Are they going to like use the girls’ bathroom?”

Ms. Sams looked over at me and I nodded my head. “Yes Polly, they have to use the girls’ bathroom.

“Like are they going to like us the girls’ gym also?” Polly asked again with out raising her hand.

Ms. Sams looked over at me again. I nodded and lifted my class schedule to her.

She started over to my desk and said, “Yes, she is going to go to girls’ gym. In fact she will be in girls’ gym next period.”

“Do you mean like he will be showering with us like and seeing us like and everything?” Polly asked.

“I am sure that during gym you are going to be checking HER out move than she will be checking you out, Polly. Who here has gym next class?”

Three students raised their hands. “Well, I will excuse the four of you early so that you can get to gym and straightened out. Now let’s get back to our projects. This week we started sewing. So has everyone gotten their patterns for their dresses?” Half of the class raised their hands. “Susan, why didn’t you get your pattern?”

“Well Mrs. Sams, I couldn’t find just the right one for the Christmas dance,” Susan said.

“Well you know that everyone has to sew their Christmas formal for this year, Susan. So get on the ball, if you mess around, you’ll fail this class. I suggest that everyone get a partner and go down to together to April’s Fabrics and get yourselves a pattern,” Ms. Sams said.

What? I was going to have to make and wear a stupid dress for this class! This was too much. I decided that I was just going to fail the class.

The rest of the class was for the girls who already had patterns and material. You could see that they were so excited about their dress. So while they worked at the tables, other girls helped by moving the material around for them and holding things. They also spent a lot of time pinning the pattern to the material. I tried to stay out of the way. But just before class ended Mrs. Sams got me and told me “You are in this class now, Alice. So I expect you to also do the class work. That includes finding a pattern at the fabric store and material for the dress for a Christmas formal.”

Just before class ended Mrs. Sams said, “OK, you four girls that have PE next please clean up and get ready to go early. I am sure that the PE teacher will have a lot of things that need to be checked before her class, so let’s make it easier for her. When you are all cleaned up, I want you all four to go together, and make sure that all four of you get there. Do I make myself clear?” Three girls answered yes, but I wasn’t so sure I wanted to get to the gym class.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was sure that second period was going to be as bad as first. While walking to the girl’s gym area the three girls made sure that I walked either with them or in front of them. The one time I stopped they stopped, turned around, and waited for me. I wasn’t going to get away with ditching this with out causing a lot of trouble. At the girls’ gym door I stopped. I wasn’t going to go in there. I had too many years of it being taboo. When I said, “There is no way that I’m going in that door.” The other girls stopped with me, and then one of them said. “OK Alice, we can just go in the teachers door today. I’m sure that she won’t care today. I bet that she will even be pleased that we did.” So we walked around to the side.

Ms. Thermopolis was already in her office. The three of the girls waited at the office door while making me go in first. I slid just inside the door and waited. The other three girls came in behind me. “I’ll go get Ms. Thermopolis while you wait here.” And Susan was off like a streak of lighting. Soon Ms. Thermopolis and Susan were coming out of her office down the hall.

“Well I think that you had better change in my office today,” Ms. Thermopolis said.

“You mean that you want to check me out first,” I said.

“Yea, something like that, Johnson. After all it’s not going to be easy to let you change clothes in a room full of girls. Not after playing on the football team,” She replied

“Well then how about if the three girls go and get their kit to change into, and then I can change in front of them in your office, while they decide if they want to change in front of me? That way they will spread the rumor if it’s true or not,” I said.

“That sounds like a reasonable idea, Johnson, so why don’t you three girls go and get your clothes and meet us back in my office.”

I walked down the hall into Ms. Thermopolis office. “Is it true what I read in the memo? Did you really have an operation to cut your dick off?”

I thought a little crude, but true. “Yes, they had to do a lot of surgery down there and also on the stomach.”

“OK, I hope that your changing into a girl works for you, Alice. It is not going to be easy. I already have the girlsfeed back about how they are going to get even with a pervert,” Ms. Thermopolis warned me.

The three girls were in the door almost before we were.

“Well I guess there is no easy way around this.” So I started to take off my clothes, tops first, then the skirt, while they watched. I felt like crying. I now knew what girls felt like when guys stripped girls with their eyes. By the time I was down to my panties I could see it in the shock of the girls eyes.

“She’s got a pussy” Shelia exclaimed.

I covered my face with my hands.

“But she doesn’t have any breast” Susan said.

“Yea, but it’s what between your legs that makes you a girl or a boy,” Shelia said. “So Alvin’s a girl”

“Her name is now Alice,” Ms. Thermopolis said and continued with: “I am sure that you heard the memo from the Headmaster this morning so there should be no excuse for your surprise and comments, Shelia.”

She the continued, “After you get dressed I want you to all move your lockers together at the end of the changing room. It is private there, but I am sure that today there are going to be a lot people watching Alice change back into her school uniform. You three gather up her clothes and here is her lock. Now off with you and you can tell the other girls what you have seen and that when she showers with the rest of you I am sure that she will put on another show for you.”

“Today I want you next to me all day. Until you are better, you are my official helper. I know that you are normally stronger than any of the girls but your mother said that your doctor wants you to take it easy. And right now that means to me no activity other than walking around, Alice, is that clear? You and I are like pawns in a big chessboard. We don’t get a say in what goes on. We just have to follow orders. Neither one of us might like those orders but we are both forced to follow them.”

“I have to follow what the Headmaster tells me to do, the Headmaster has to do what the Superintendent tells him to do, and the Superintendent has to do what the School Board tells him to do, and the School Board has to do what the people want them to do to get elected again. Everybody has someone telling them what to do. So none of us has any option, Alice. We all just have to follow someone else’s rules and do them till we can change them.”

“Today we are playing netball (basketball), and you will be the referee.”

“But I don’t know the rules that well! It’s not something that I’ve played,” I said.

“Well, Alice, now you are going to have to learn the rules, really fast, so your homework tonight is to find out where players can and can not go at least.”

The memo was read again before class while the girls were all lined up waiting to see who played who. I was embarrassed again. Ms. Thermopolis added afterwards “I can not tell who that student is, but I think it is not hard to guess. So if you are a little shy or scared today, I think you might catch a glimpse of that student in the showers today at the west end of the gym. That is where that student will be taking a shower from now on. And since we do not have private showers, everyone just might get a chance to see this person and make up their own judgment as to whether they should be showering in the boys showers or ours. If you have problems with it, I suggest that you go see your counselor after class today because there is nothing that can be done about it. I will be willing to talk to anyone that still has a problem after class today. Any questions?”

“Do you mean that we have to shower with a boy, today Mrs. Thermopolis” Someone asked.

“Well, SHE can not shower with the boys anymore, now can SHE. And today I will let you go to the showers earlier than usually so that you will have the extra time to get showered. I am sure that there will be some questions and discussion through out the school classes. If you have any problems, the school counselors are all waiting for people to rush to them asking for help and clarification.”

It was fun watching the girls play.

It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that the memo was about me. It was hard to miss me. I looked like a guy in drag more than a girl. (Even though there were some pretty bad looking girls, you could still tell that I was a guy in a dress.)

Ms. Thermopolis blew her whistle and motioned everyone to hit the showers. As I was walking by her she said “I expect that you will have a lot of girls wanting a look at you today. So don’t try to hide anything away. It’s better that they know now and get over the rough part for the next couple of weeks instead of dragging it out of months till the end of school.”

“Yes, Ms. Thermopolis,” I replied.

In the girls locker room I noticed that none of the girls were getting undressed (not that I blamed them) and they were watching me carefully. I went to the end and got undressed. By the time that I was down to just my knickers there were a lot of wide eye girls in the aisle. (I was later to learn that there was only four with a locker in this aisle). I went to the shower and washed off. I didn’t really need it, but I stayed in the water, making sure that I faced outward so that the steady stream of girls could have a look at what they needed to see. It was hard to wash my short hair so long. I was sure that I would be a prune if I stayed much longer. I finally had enough and started out. Someone handed me a towel. “Thank you very much.”

“Why does your stomach have so many scar’s on it,” A girl I never remember seeing asked.

“That’s where most of the damage was. They were barely able to get enough skin together to close the wound.”

“That’s going to make your bikini look so bad,” She said.

“I don’t intend on ever wearing a bikini,” I said.

A couple of girls came around the corner holding a wig. “A couple of the girls thought that this might help a little. Since you don’t have any choice in the matter, we felt that this might help hide you some from being so noticeable,” She said. It was a long blond wig that would fall just below my shoulders. It was something that my Mother would love.

“I’m sorry, I know that you mean well, but I really don’t want to wear it, thank you very much for the thought though,” I said, hoping that she would drop it.

“Hold it right there” she said as she disappeared around the corner.

I hear them before I saw them coming, around the corner came at least twenty girls.

“Well, since the memo said that you don’t have any choice in the matter. You don’t have any choice in this matter. You cannot go out and embarrass second period gym class. Since there were over ten girls that said that you should wear it, and only one of you, we win. You are going to wear the wig. Now since you are dressed, sit down while we put it on you.”

I thought about running out the door, but I didn’t think that I would make it. There were too many of them. Someone grabbed my schedule out of my hand. Two other pushed me down on the seat. I could have probably fought, but I didn’t think it would do any good against so many.

“I have her schedule. So ALICE, we will be checking on you. Between classes and making sure that you don’t pull off the wig between classes. Next she has Mrs. Jones, she’s cool, and then Mr. Diddle, he’s kind of touched in the head. Then Mrs. Kim, she’s really cool. Then Mr. Bird, I’ve got him and he is kind of spacey, so you had better have the wig on your last period.”

“Shouldn’t she have some makeup on, too,” someone said.

“There is no way I am ever going to wear makeup,” I said.

“I guess not today. We’ll just have to work on her for a few weeks,” someone else said.

There were way to many conversations going on by then that I couldn’t make out who said what, or even what they were saying. But someone did place the wig on me. Heavens knows where she got it. And then at least three of them started to brush it out. Enough seemed satisfied that they left and went back to their aisles to do whatever it was that girls do to get ready.

And only a third of the first day back to school was done.

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